Manage the Terraform state file

For any deployment, you may want to inspect or modify the state file. For example, you may want to import or remove resources from the deployment, which you do through modifying the state file.

This page describes how to work with the Terraform state file that is created for each deployment and revision. To learn more about the state file, see State.

The instructions on this page assume that you are familiar with Terraform.

Before you begin

  1. Ensure you have the required permissions to work with the state file. The config.admin role includes the required permissions. The specific permissions needed are:

    • config.deployments.lock
    • config.revisions.getState
    • config.deployments.updateState
    • config.deployments.unlock
    • config.deployments.getLock
    • config.deployments.getState
  2. Ensure you have a local copy of the Terraform configuration. This is the configuration that corresponds to the state file you are working with.

    The local copy of the configuration allows you to run commands such as terraform refresh or terraform plan locally while you are modifying the state file.

  3. Install Terraform to use the Terraform CLI on your local machine.

Mutate or inspect the state file

To mutate (modify) or inspect the state file, you need to lock the deployment and download the state file. You can then mutate or inspect the state file.

After you mutate the state file, you then upload the file for Infra Manager to use in your deployment.

Lock the deployment

  1. Lock the deployment to prevent any changes to the deployment while you mutate the statefile. The deployment must be locked to be able to download the state file.

     gcloud infra-manager deployments lock DEPLOYMENT_ID --project PROJECT_ID --location LOCATION


    • DEPLOYMENT_ID with the deployment identifier.
    • PROJECT_ID with the project where the deployment runs.
    • LOCATION with the location where the deployment runs.

    The output of this command contains a lock ID that is used for uploading and unlocking the statefile.

  2. To retrieve the lock ID at any time, use the command:

     gcloud infra-manager deployments export-lock DEPLOYMENT_ID --project PROJECT_ID --location LOCATION

Download the state file

To download the state file, you use a signed Cloud Storage URL:

   SIGNED_STATE_DOWNLOAD_URL=$(gcloud infra-manager deployments export-statefile DEPLOYMENT_ID --project PROJECT_ID --location LOCATION --format="get(signedUri)")

   curl -s -X GET --output terraform.tfstate ${SIGNED_STATE_DOWNLOAD_URL}

Mutate the state file locally

  1. Confirm that the configuration (*.tf files) is in the same directory as the downloaded state file (terraform.tfstate).

  2. Initialize Terraform:

     terraform init
  3. If you have previously initialized Terraform, you may need to initialize with the reconfigure flag:

     terraform init -reconfigure
  4. Work with the state file as you need. For example, you can do state inspection or mutation operations. For more details about working with the state file, see Manipulating Terraform State.

  5. If you make any changes to the Terraform configuration files locally, then upload the modified configuration. Upload this configuration to the storage bucket or public git repository that you are using as the source to deploy the configuration.

Upload the state file

Use a signed Cloud Storage URL to upload the state file:

  1. Get the lock ID:

     LOCK_ID=$(gcloud infra-manager deployments export-lock DEPLOYMENT_ID --project PROJECT_ID --location LOCATION --format="get(lockId)")
  2. Get the upload URL:

     SIGNED_STATE_UPLOAD_URL=$(gcloud infra-manager deployments import-statefile DEPLOYMENT_ID --project PROJECT_ID --location LOCATION --lock-id ${LOCK_ID} --format="get(signedUri)")
     curl -s -X PUT --upload-file terraform.tfstate $SIGNED_STATE_UPLOAD_URL

Unlock the deployment

  1. Get the lock ID:

     LOCK_ID=$(gcloud infra-manager deployments export-lock DEPLOYMENT_ID --project PROJECT_ID --location LOCATION --format="get(lockId)")
  2. Unlock the deployment:

     gcloud infra-manager deployments unlock DEPLOYMENT_ID --project PROJECT_ID --location LOCATION --lock-id ${LOCK_ID}

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