Identity Toolkit API

The Google Identity Toolkit API lets you use open standards to verify a user's identity.


The Service name is needed to create RPC client stubs.

CreateDefaultSupportedIdpConfig Create a default supported Idp configuration for an Identity Toolkit project.
CreateInboundSamlConfig Create an inbound SAML configuration for an Identity Toolkit project.
CreateOAuthIdpConfig Create an Oidc Idp configuration for an Identity Toolkit project.
DeleteDefaultSupportedIdpConfig Delete a default supported Idp configuration for an Identity Toolkit project.
DeleteInboundSamlConfig Delete an inbound SAML configuration for an Identity Toolkit project.
DeleteOAuthIdpConfig Delete an Oidc Idp configuration for an Identity Toolkit project.
GetConfig Retrieve an Identity Toolkit project configuration.
GetDefaultSupportedIdpConfig Retrieve a default supported Idp configuration for an Identity Toolkit project.
GetIamPolicy Gets the access control policy for a resource.
GetInboundSamlConfig Retrieve an inbound SAML configuration for an Identity Toolkit project.
GetOAuthIdpConfig Retrieve an Oidc Idp configuration for an Identity Toolkit project.
InitializeIdentityPlatform Initialize Identity Platform for a Cloud project.
ListDefaultSupportedIdpConfigs List all default supported Idp configurations for an Identity Toolkit project.
ListDefaultSupportedIdps List all default supported Idps.
ListInboundSamlConfigs List all inbound SAML configurations for an Identity Toolkit project.
ListOAuthIdpConfigs List all Oidc Idp configurations for an Identity Toolkit project.
SetIamPolicy Sets the access control policy for a resource.
TestIamPermissions Returns the caller's permissions on a resource.
UpdateConfig Update an Identity Toolkit project configuration.
UpdateDefaultSupportedIdpConfig Update a default supported Idp configuration for an Identity Toolkit project.
UpdateInboundSamlConfig Update an inbound SAML configuration for an Identity Toolkit project.
UpdateOAuthIdpConfig Update an Oidc Idp configuration for an Identity Toolkit project.
VerifyDomain Verify the requested custom domain has required DNS records.

CreateTenant Create a tenant.
DeleteTenant Delete a tenant.
GetTenant Get a tenant.
ListTenants List tenants under the given agent project.
UpdateTenant Update a tenant.

BatchDeleteAccounts Batch deletes multiple accounts.
DeleteAccount Deletes a user's account.
DownloadAccount Download account information for all accounts on the project in a paginated manner.
GetAccountInfo Gets account information for all matched accounts.
GetOobCode Sends an out-of-band confirmation code for an account.
QueryUserInfo Looks up user accounts within a project or a tenant based on conditions in the request.
ResetPassword Resets the password of an account either using an out-of-band code generated by [sendOobCode][v1.accounts.sendOobCode] or by specifying the email and password of the account to be modified.
SetAccountInfo Updates account-related information for the specified user by setting specific fields or applying action codes.
UploadAccount Uploads multiple accounts into the Google Cloud project.

CreateAuthUri If an email identifier is specified, checks and returns if any user account is registered with the email.
GetPublicKeys Retrieves public keys of the legacy Identity Toolkit token signer to enable third parties to verify the legacy ID token.
GetRecaptchaParam Gets parameters needed for generating a reCAPTCHA challenge.
IssueSamlResponse Experimental
SendVerificationCode Sends a SMS verification code for phone number sign-in.
SignInWithCustomToken Signs in or signs up a user by exchanging a custom Auth token.
SignInWithEmailLink Signs in or signs up a user with a out-of-band code from an email link.
SignInWithGameCenter Signs in or signs up a user with iOS Game Center credentials.
SignInWithIdp Signs in or signs up a user using credentials from an Identity Provider (IdP).
SignInWithPassword Signs in a user with email and password.
SignInWithPhoneNumber Completes a phone number authentication attempt.
SignUp Signs up a new email and password user or anonymous user, or upgrades an anonymous user to email and password.
VerifyIosClient Verifies an iOS client is a real iOS device.

GetProjectConfig Gets a project's public Identity Toolkit configuration.

CreateSessionCookie Creates a session cookie for the given Identity Platform ID token.
GetSessionCookiePublicKeys Retrieves the set of public keys of the session cookie JSON Web Token (JWT) signer that can be used to validate the session cookie created through [createSessionCookie][v1.projects.createSessionCookie].

FinalizeMfaEnrollment Finishes enrolling a second factor for the user.
StartMfaEnrollment Step one of the MFA enrollment process.
WithdrawMfa Revokes one second factor from the enrolled second factors for an account.

FinalizeMfaSignIn Verifies the MFA challenge and performs sign-in
GetPasswordPolicy Gets password policy config set on the project or tenant.
GetRecaptchaConfig Gets parameters needed for reCAPTCHA analysis.
RevokeToken Revokes a user's token from an Identity Provider (IdP).
StartMfaSignIn Sends the MFA challenge

FinalizeMfaEnrollment Finishes enrolling a phone number as a MFA factor for the user.
StartMfaEnrollment Sends MFA enrollment verification SMS for a user.
WithdrawMfa Revokes one MFA for user

FinalizeMfaSignIn Verifies the MultiFactorAuth challenge and performs MultiFactorAuth sign-in
StartMfaSignIn Sends the MultiFactorAuth challenge

CreateDefaultSupportedIdpConfig Create a default supported Idp configuration for an Identity Toolkit project.
CreateInboundSamlConfig Create an inbound SAML configuration for an Identity Toolkit project.
CreateOAuthIdpConfig Create an Oidc Idp configuration for an Identity Toolkit project.
DeleteDefaultSupportedIdpConfig Delete a default supported Idp configuration for an Identity Toolkit project.
DeleteInboundSamlConfig Delete an inbound SAML configuration for an Identity Toolkit project.
DeleteOAuthIdpConfig Delete an Oidc Idp configuration for an Identity Toolkit project.
EnableCicp Enable CICP for a Cloud project.
GetConfig Retrieve an Identity Toolkit project configuration.
GetDefaultSupportedIdpConfig Retrieve a default supported Idp configuration for an Identity Toolkit project.
GetInboundSamlConfig Retrieve an inbound SAML configuration for an Identity Toolkit project.
GetOAuthIdpConfig Retrieve an Oidc Idp configuration for an Identity Toolkit project.
ListDefaultSupportedIdpConfigs List all default supported Idp configurations for an Identity Toolkit project.
ListDefaultSupportedIdps List all default supported Idps.
ListInboundSamlConfigs List all inbound SAML configurations for an Identity Toolkit project.
ListOAuthIdpConfigs List all Oidc Idp configurations for an Identity Toolkit project.
UpdateConfig Update an Identity Toolkit project configuration.
UpdateDefaultSupportedIdpConfig Update a default supported Idp configuration for an Identity Toolkit project.
UpdateInboundSamlConfig Update an inbound SAML configuration for an Identity Toolkit project.
UpdateOAuthIdpConfig Update an Oidc Idp configuration for an Identity Toolkit project.
VerifyDomain Verify the requested custom domain has required DNS records.

CreateTenant Create a tenant.
DeleteTenant Delete a tenant.
GetTenant Get a tenant.
ListTenants List tenants under the given agent project.
UpdateTenant Update a tenant.