- JSON representation
- SignInConfig
- PhoneNumber
- Anonymous
- NotificationConfig
- SendEmail
- Method
- Smtp
- SecurityMode
- EmailTemplate
- BodyFormat
- DnsInfo
- SendSms
- SmsTemplate
- QuotaConfig
- TemporaryQuota
- MultiTenantConfig
- Subtype
- ClientConfig
- Permissions
- BlockingFunctionsConfig
- Trigger
- ForwardInboundCredentials
Represents an Identity Toolkit project.
JSON representation |
{ "name": string, "signIn": { object ( |
Fields | |
name |
Output only. The name of the Config resource. Example: "projects/my-awesome-project/config" |
sign |
Configuration related to local sign in methods. |
notification |
Configuration related to sending notifications to users. |
quota |
Configuration related to quotas. |
monitoring |
Configuration related to monitoring project activity. |
multi |
Configuration related to multi-tenant functionality. |
authorized |
List of domains authorized for OAuth redirects |
subtype |
Output only. The subtype of this config. |
client |
Options related to how clients making requests on behalf of a project should be configured. |
mfa |
Configuration for this project's multi-factor authentication, including whether it is active and what factors can be used for the second factor |
blocking |
Configuration related to blocking functions. |
recaptcha |
The project-level reCAPTCHA config. |
sms |
Configures which regions are enabled for SMS verification code sending. |
autodelete |
Whether anonymous users will be auto-deleted after a period of 30 days. |
password |
The project level password policy configuration. |
email |
Configuration for settings related to email privacy and public visibility. |
Configuration related to local sign in methods.
JSON representation |
{ "email": { object ( |
Fields | |
email |
Configuration options related to authenticating a user by their email address. |
phone |
Configuration options related to authenticated a user by their phone number. |
anonymous |
Configuration options related to authenticating an anonymous user. |
allow |
Whether to allow more than one account to have the same email. |
hash |
Output only. Hash config information. |
Configuration options related to authenticating a user by their email address.
JSON representation |
{ "enabled": boolean, "passwordRequired": boolean } |
Fields | |
enabled |
Whether email auth is enabled for the project or not. |
password |
Whether a password is required for email auth or not. If true, both an email and password must be provided to sign in. If false, a user may sign in via either email/password or email link. |
Configuration options related to authenticated a user by their phone number.
JSON representation |
{ "enabled": boolean, "testPhoneNumbers": { string: string, ... } } |
Fields | |
enabled |
Whether phone number auth is enabled for the project or not. |
test |
A map of <test phone number, fake code> that can be used for phone auth testing. An object containing a list of |
Configuration options related to authenticating an anonymous user.
JSON representation |
{ "enabled": boolean } |
Fields | |
enabled |
Whether anonymous user auth is enabled for the project or not. |
Configuration related to sending notifications to users.
Options for email sending.
JSON representation |
{ "method": enum ( |
Fields | |
method |
The method used for sending an email. |
reset |
Email template for reset password |
verify |
Email template for verify email |
change |
Email template for change email |
legacy |
Reset password email template for legacy Firebase V1 app. |
callback |
action url in email template. |
dns |
Information of custom domain DNS verification. |
revert |
Email template for reverting second factor addition emails |
Union field email_provider_config . Email provider configuration used to send emails email_provider_config can be only one of the following: |
smtp |
Use a custom SMTP relay |
The method used for sending an email.
Enums | |
Email method unspecified. |
Sending email on behalf of developer. |
Sending email using SMTP configuration provided by developers. |
Configuration for SMTP relay
JSON representation |
"senderEmail": string,
"host": string,
"port": integer,
"username": string,
"password": string,
"securityMode": enum ( |
Fields | |
sender |
Sender email for the SMTP relay |
host |
SMTP relay host |
port |
SMTP relay port |
username |
SMTP relay username |
password |
SMTP relay password |
security |
SMTP security mode. |
SMTP security mode.
Enums | |
Default value. Do not use. |
SSL mode |
START_TLS mode |
Email template. The subject and body fields can contain the following placeholders which will be replaced with the appropriate values: %LINK% - The link to use to redeem the send OOB code. %EMAIL% - The email where the email is being sent. %NEW_EMAIL% - The new email being set for the account (when applicable). %APP_NAME% - The Google Cloud project's display name. %DISPLAY_NAME% - The user's display name.
JSON representation |
"senderLocalPart": string,
"subject": string,
"senderDisplayName": string,
"body": string,
"bodyFormat": enum ( |
Fields | |
sender |
Local part of From address |
subject |
Subject of the email |
sender |
Sender display name |
body |
Email body |
body |
Email body format |
reply |
Reply-to address |
customized |
Output only. Whether the body or subject of the email is customized. |
Email body format
Enums | |
Default value. Do not use. |
Plain text |
Information of custom domain DNS verification. By default, default_domain will be used. A custom domain can be configured using VerifyCustomDomain.
JSON representation |
"customDomain": string,
"useCustomDomain": boolean,
"pendingCustomDomain": string,
"customDomainState": enum ( |
Fields | |
custom |
Output only. The applied verified custom domain. |
use |
Whether to use custom domain. |
pending |
Output only. The custom domain that's to be verified. |
custom |
Output only. The current verification state of the custom domain. The custom domain will only be used once the domain verification is successful. |
domain |
Output only. The timestamp of initial request for the current domain verification. A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits. Examples: |
Options for SMS sending.
JSON representation |
"useDeviceLocale": boolean,
"smsTemplate": {
object ( |
Fields | |
use |
Whether to use the accept_language header for SMS. |
sms |
Output only. The template to use when sending an SMS. |
The template to use when sending an SMS.
JSON representation |
{ "content": string } |
Fields | |
content |
Output only. The SMS's content. Can contain the following placeholders which will be replaced with the appropriate values: %APP_NAME% - For Android or iOS apps, the app's display name. For web apps, the domain hosting the application. %LOGIN_CODE% - The OOB code being sent in the SMS. |
Configuration related to quotas.
JSON representation |
"signUpQuotaConfig": {
object ( |
Fields | |
sign |
Quota for the Signup endpoint, if overwritten. Signup quota is measured in sign ups per project per hour per IP. |
Temporary quota increase / decrease
JSON representation |
{ "quota": string, "startTime": string, "quotaDuration": string } |
Fields | |
quota |
Corresponds to the 'refill_token_count' field in QuotaServer config |
start |
When this quota will take effect A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits. Examples: |
quota |
How long this quota will be active for A duration in seconds with up to nine fractional digits, ending with ' |
Configuration related to multi-tenant functionality.
JSON representation |
{ "allowTenants": boolean, "defaultTenantLocation": string } |
Fields | |
allow |
Whether this project can have tenants or not. |
default |
The default cloud parent org or folder that the tenant project should be created under. The parent resource name should be in the format of " |
The subtype of this config.
Enums | |
Default value. Do not use. |
An Identity Platform project. |
A Firebase Authentication project. |
Options related to how clients making requests on behalf of a project should be configured.
JSON representation |
"apiKey": string,
"permissions": {
object ( |
Fields | |
api |
Output only. API key that can be used when making requests for this project. |
permissions |
Configuration related to restricting a user's ability to affect their account. |
firebase |
Output only. Firebase subdomain. |
Configuration related to restricting a user's ability to affect their account.
JSON representation |
{ "disabledUserSignup": boolean, "disabledUserDeletion": boolean } |
Fields | |
disabled |
When true, end users cannot sign up for a new account on the associated project through any of our API methods |
disabled |
When true, end users cannot delete their account on the associated project through any of our API methods |
Configuration related to Blocking Functions.
JSON representation |
{ "triggers": { string: { object ( |
Fields | |
triggers |
Map of Trigger to event type. Key should be one of the supported event types: "beforeCreate", "beforeSignIn" An object containing a list of |
forward |
The user credentials to include in the JWT payload that is sent to the registered Blocking Functions. |
Synchronous Cloud Function with HTTP Trigger
JSON representation |
{ "functionUri": string, "updateTime": string } |
Fields | |
function |
HTTP URI trigger for the Cloud Function. |
update |
When the trigger was changed. A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits. Examples: |
Indicates which credentials to pass to the registered Blocking Functions.
JSON representation |
{ "idToken": boolean, "accessToken": boolean, "refreshToken": boolean } |
Fields | |
id |
Whether to pass the user's OIDC identity provider's ID token. |
access |
Whether to pass the user's OAuth identity provider's access token. |
refresh |
Whether to pass the user's OAuth identity provider's refresh token. |