Differences between Identity Platform and Firebase Authentication

Identity Platform serves as the backend for Firebase Authentication with Identity Platform and offers identical features. As an upgrade from Firebase Authentication, Identity Platform includes the following additional capabilities:

You do not need to change your apps when upgrading from Firebase Authentication to Identity Platform (or Firebase Authentication with Identity Platform) and your app continues to work with existing Firebase services.

Firebase Authentication with Identity Platform is available without a billing instrument up to daily limits.

Feature comparison

The following tables list differences between Identity Platform, Firebase Authentication with Identity Platform, and Firebase Authentication.


Feature Identity Platform Firebase Authentication
Sign in with email Yes Yes
Sign in with OAuth Yes Yes
Sign in with phone Yes Yes
Custom authentication Yes Yes
Multi-factor authentication Yes No
Blocking Functions Yes No
Sign in with OIDC Yes No
Sign in with SAML Yes No
Multi-tenancy Yes No
IAP integration Yes No


Identity Platform and Firebase Authentication both support a collection of Client and Admin SDKs. To preserve backwards-compatibility, the SDKs occasionally use Firebase branding and naming conventions.

Feature Identity Platform Firebase Authentication
Web SDK Yes Yes
iOS SDK Yes Yes
Android SDK Yes Yes
Admin SDK Yes Yes

Compliance and uptime

Feature Identity Platform Firebase Authentication
ISO 27001 Yes Yes
SSAE 18 SOC1 Yes Yes
SSAE 18 SOC2 Yes Yes
SSAE 18 SOC3 Yes Yes
BAA coverage Yes No
PCI-DSS in scope Yes No
Enterprise SLA 99.95% uptime No

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