Enable App Check for a project

This guide shows you how to enable Firebase App Check for your Identity Platform project.

App Check uses attestation services to check that requests made to your project originate from your app or from an authentic, untampered device.

App Check provides protection for the following operations used by the Client SDK:

Authentication operations

Method Description
CreateAuthUri Obtains the possible sign in methods for the provided email address when signing in with an identity provider such as Google, Facebook, or Apple.
SendVerificationCode Sends an SMS verification code for phone number sign-in.
SignInWithCustomToken Signs in or signs up a user by exchanging a custom Auth token.
SignInWithEmailLink Signs in or signs up a user with an out-of-band code from an email link.
SignInWithIdp Signs in or signs up a user using credentials from an Identity Provider (IdP).
SignInWithPassword Signs in with an email and password.
SignInWithPhoneNumber Completes a phone number authentication attempt.
SignUp Signs up a new email and password user or anonymous user, or upgrades an anonymous user to email and password.

Account management operations

Method Description
DeleteAccount Deletes a user account.
GetAccountInfo Retrieves user info after signing in.
GetOobCode Requests an out-of-band code to be sent to a user's email.
ResetPassword Completes an out-of-band password reset or checks a verification code sent to a user by email or a different out-of-band mechanism.
SetAccountInfo Updates user account information, for example, email address, password, or display name.

Enable App Check

To enable App Check for your project, do the following:

  1. In the Firebase console, go to Build > App Check.

  2. Click Get started.

  3. Follow the getting starting guide to register and implement App Check in your project.

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