Mengaktifkan MFA TOTP untuk aplikasi Anda
Dokumen ini menjelaskan cara menambahkan autentikasi multi-faktor (MFA) sandi sekali pakai (TOTP) berbasis waktu ke aplikasi Anda.
Identity Platform memungkinkan Anda menggunakan TOTP sebagai faktor tambahan untuk MFA. Jika Anda mengaktifkan fitur ini, pengguna yang mencoba login ke aplikasi Anda akan melihat permintaan TOTP. Untuk membuatnya, pengguna harus menggunakan aplikasi pengautentikasi yang mampu menghasilkan kode TOTP yang valid, seperti Google Authenticator.
Sebelum memulai
Aktifkan minimal satu penyedia yang mendukung MFA. Perhatikan bahwa semua penyedia kecuali penyedia berikut mendukung MFA:
- Auth ponsel
- Autentikasi anonim
- Token autentikasi kustom
- Apple Game Center
Pastikan aplikasi Anda memverifikasi alamat email pengguna. MFA memerlukan verifikasi email. Tindakan ini mencegah pelaku kejahatan mendaftar ke layanan dengan alamat email yang bukan miliknya, lalu mengunci pemilik alamat email yang sebenarnya dengan menambahkan faktor kedua.
Pastikan Anda memiliki versi platform yang benar. TOTP MFA hanya didukung di versi SDK berikut:
Platform Versi Web SDK v9.19.1+ SDK Android 22.1.0+ SDK iOS 10.12.0+
Mengaktifkan MFA TOTP di tingkat project
Untuk mengaktifkan TOTP sebagai faktor kedua, gunakan Admin SDK atau panggil endpoint REST konfigurasi project.
Untuk menggunakan Admin SDK, lakukan hal berikut:
Jika Anda belum melakukannya, instal Firebase Admin Node.js SDK.
TOTP MFA hanya didukung di Firebase Admin Node.js SDK versi 11.6.0 dan yang lebih baru.
Jalankan perintah berikut:
import { getAuth } from 'firebase-admin/auth'; getAuth().projectConfigManager().updateProjectConfig( { multiFactorConfig: { providerConfigs: [{ state: "ENABLED", totpProviderConfig: { adjacentIntervals: NUM_ADJ_INTERVALS } }] } })
Ganti kode berikut:
: Jumlah interval jangka waktu yang berdekatan yang digunakan untuk menerima TOTP, dari nol hingga sepuluh. Defaultnya adalah lima.TOTP bekerja dengan memastikan bahwa jika dua pihak (prover dan validator) membuat OTP dalam jangka waktu yang sama (biasanya berdurasi 30 detik), keduanya menghasilkan sandi yang sama. Namun, untuk mengakomodasi selisih waktu di antara kedua pihak dan waktu respons manusia, Anda dapat mengonfigurasi layanan TOTP agar juga menerima TOTP dari jangka waktu yang berdekatan.
Untuk mengaktifkan TOTP MFA menggunakan REST API, jalankan perintah berikut:
curl -X PATCH "" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "X-Goog-User-Project: PROJECT_ID" \
-d \
"mfa": {
"providerConfigs": [{
"state": "ENABLED",
"totpProviderConfig": {
"adjacentIntervals": NUM_ADJ_INTERVALS
Ganti kode berikut:
: Jumlah interval jangka waktu, dari nol hingga sepuluh. Jumlah defaultnya adalah lima.TOTP bekerja dengan memastikan bahwa jika dua pihak (prover dan validator) membuat OTP dalam jangka waktu yang sama (biasanya berdurasi 30 detik), keduanya menghasilkan sandi yang sama. Namun, untuk mengakomodasi selisih waktu di antara kedua pihak dan waktu respons manusia, Anda dapat mengonfigurasi layanan TOTP agar juga menerima TOTP dari jangka waktu yang berdekatan.
Mengaktifkan TOTP MFA di tingkat tenant
Untuk mengaktifkan TOTP sebagai faktor kedua untuk MFA di tingkat tenant, gunakan kode berikut:
multiFactorConfig: {
state: 'ENABLED',
providerConfigs: [{
totpProviderConfig: {
adjacentIntervals: NUM_ADJ_INTERVALS
Ganti kode berikut:
: ID tenant string.NUM_ADJ_INTERVALS
: Jumlah interval jangka waktu, dari nol hingga sepuluh. Jumlah defaultnya adalah lima.
Untuk mengaktifkan TOTP MFA menggunakan REST API di tingkat tenant, jalankan perintah berikut:
curl -X PATCH "" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "X-Goog-User-Project: PROJECT_ID" \
-d \
"mfaConfig": {
"providerConfigs": [{
"totpProviderConfig": {
"adjacentIntervals": NUM_ADJ_INTERVALS
Ganti kode berikut:
: Project ID.TENANT_ID
: Jumlah interval jangka waktu, dari nol hingga sepuluh. Jumlah defaultnya adalah lima.
Memilih pola pendaftaran
Anda dapat memilih apakah aplikasi memerlukan autentikasi multi-faktor atau tidak, serta cara dan waktu untuk mendaftarkan pengguna. Beberapa pola yang umum antara lain:
Mendaftarkan faktor kedua pengguna sebagai bagian dari pendaftaran. Gunakan metode ini jika aplikasi Anda memerlukan autentikasi multi-faktor untuk semua pengguna.
Menawarkan opsi yang dapat dilewati untuk mendaftarkan faktor kedua selama pendaftaran. Jika Anda ingin mendukung, tetapi tidak memerlukan autentikasi multi-faktor di aplikasi, Anda dapat menggunakan pendekatan ini.
Memungkinkan untuk menambahkan faktor kedua dari halaman pengelolaan akun atau profil pengguna, bukan dari layar pendaftaran. Hal ini akan meminimalkan hambatan selama proses pendaftaran, sekaligus tetap menyediakan autentikasi multi-faktor untuk pengguna yang rentan terhadap ancaman keamanan.
Memerlukan penambahan faktor kedua secara inkremental saat pengguna ingin mengakses fitur dengan persyaratan keamanan yang ditingkatkan.
Mendaftarkan pengguna di TOTP MFA
Setelah Anda mengaktifkan TOTP MFA sebagai faktor kedua untuk aplikasi Anda, terapkan logika sisi klien untuk mendaftarkan pengguna di TOTP MFA:
import {
} from "firebase/auth";
multiFactorSession = await multiFactor(activeUser()).getSession();
totpSecret = await TotpMultiFactorGenerator.generateSecret(
// Display this URL as a QR code.
const url = totpSecret.generateQrCodeUrl( <user account id> , <app name> );
// Ask the user for the verification code from the OTP app by scanning the QR
// code.
const multiFactorAssertion = TotpMultiFactorGenerator.assertionForEnrollment(
// Finalize the enrollment.
return multiFactor(user).enroll(multiFactorAssertion, mfaDisplayName);
new OnCompleteListener<MultiFactorSession>() {
public void onComplete(@NonNull Task<MultiFactorSession> task) {
if (task.isSuccessful()) {
// Get a multi-factor session for the user.
MultiFactorSession multiFactorSession = task.getResult();
new OnCompleteListener<TotpSecret>() {
public void onComplete(@NonNull Task<TotpSecret> task){
if (task.isSuccessful()) {
TotpSecret secret = task.getResult();
// Display this URL as a QR code for the user to scan.
String qrCodeUrl = secret.generateQrCodeUrl();
// Display the QR code
// ...
// Alternatively, you can automatically load the QR code
// into a TOTP authenticator app with either default or
// specified fallback URL and activity.
// Default fallback URL and activity.
// Specified fallback URL and activity.
// secret.openInOtpApp(qrCodeUrl, fallbackUrl, activity);
// Ask the user for the one-time password (otp) from the TOTP authenticator app.
MultiFactorAssertion multiFactorAssertion =
secret, otp);
// Complete the enrollment.
.enroll(multiFactorAssertion, /* displayName= */ "My TOTP second factor")
new OnCompleteListener<Void>() {
public void onComplete(@NonNull Task<Void> task) {
if (task.isSuccessful()) {
showToast("Successfully enrolled TOTP second factor!");
user.multiFactor.session.addOnCompleteListener { task ->
if (task.isSuccessful) {
// Get a multi-factor session for the user.
val session: MultiFactorSession = task.result
val secret: TotpSecret = TotpMultiFactorGenerator.generateSecret(session)
// Display this URL as a QR code for the user to scan.
val qrCodeUrl = secret.generateQrCodeUrl()
// Display the QR code
// ...
// Alternatively, you can automatically load the QR code
// into a TOTP authenticator app with either default or
// specified fallback URL and activity.
// Default fallback URL and activity.
// Specify a fallback URL and activity.
// secret.openInOtpApp(qrCodeUrl, fallbackUrl, activity);
// Ask the user for the one-time password (otp) from the TOTP authenticator app.
val multiFactorAssertion =
TotpMultiFactorGenerator.getAssertionForEnrollment(secret, otp)
// Complete enrollment.
user.multiFactor.enroll(multiFactorAssertion, /* displayName= */ "My TOTP second factor")
.addOnCompleteListener {
// ...
let user = Auth.auth().currentUser
// Get a multi-factor session for the user
user?.multiFactor.getSessionWithCompletion({ (session, error) in
TOTPMultiFactorGenerator.generateSecret(with: session!) {
(secret, error) in
let accountName = user?.email;
let issuer = Auth.auth().app?.name;
// Generate a QR code
let qrCodeUrl = secret?.generateQRCodeURL(withAccountName: accountName!, issuer: issuer!)
// Display the QR code
// ...
// Alternatively, you can automatically load the QR code
// into a TOTP authenticator app with default fallback UR
// and activity.
// Ask the user for the verification code after scanning
let assertion = TOTPMultiFactorGenerator.assertionForEnrollment(with: secret, oneTimePassword: onetimePassword)
// Complete the enrollment
user?.multiFactor.enroll(with: assertion, displayName: accountName) { (error) in
// ...
FIRUser *user = FIRAuth.auth.currentUser;
// Get a multi-factor session for the user
[user.multiFactor getSessionWithCompletion:^(FIRMultiFactorSession *_Nullable session, NSError *_Nullable error) {
// ...
[FIRTOTPMultiFactorGenerator generateSecretWithMultiFactorSession:session completion:^(FIRTOTPSecret *_Nullable secret, NSError *_Nullable error) {
NSString *accountName =;
NSString *issuer =;
// Generate a QR code
NSString *qrCodeUrl = [secret generateQRCodeURLWithAccountName:accountName issuer:issuer];
// Display the QR code
// ...
// Alternatively, you can automatically load the QR code
// into a TOTP authenticator app with default fallback URL
// and activity.
[secret openInOTPAppWithQRCodeURL:qrCodeUrl];
// Ask the user for the verification code after scanning
FIRTOTPMultiFactorAssertion *assertion = [FIRTOTPMultiFactorGenerator assertionForEnrollmentWithSecret:secret oneTimePassword:oneTimePassword];
// Complete the enrollment
[user.multiFactor enrollWithAssertion:assertion
completion:^(NSError *_Nullable error) {
// ...
Memproses login pengguna dengan faktor kedua
Untuk memproses login pengguna dengan TOTP MFA, gunakan kode berikut:
import {
} from "firebase/auth";
const auth = getAuth();
signInWithEmailAndPassword(auth, email, password)
.then(function(userCredential) {
// The user is not enrolled with a second factor and is successfully
// signed in.
// ...
.catch(function(error) {
if (error.code === 'auth/multi-factor-auth-required') {
const resolver = getMultiFactorResolver(auth, error);
// Ask the user which second factor to use.
if (resolver.hints[selectedIndex].factorId ===
TotpMultiFactorGenerator.FACTOR_ID) {
// Ask the user for the OTP code from the TOTP app.
const multiFactorAssertion = TotpMultiFactorGenerator.assertionForSignIn(resolver.hints[selectedIndex].uid, otp);
// Finalize the sign-in.
return resolver.resolveSignIn(multiFactorAssertion).then(function(userCredential) {
// The user successfully signed in with the TOTP second factor.
} else if (resolver.hints[selectedIndex].factorId ===
PhoneMultiFactorGenerator.FACTOR_ID) {
// Handle the phone MFA.
} else {
// The second factor is unsupported.
// Handle other errors, such as a wrong password.
else if (error.code == 'auth/wrong-password') {
.signInWithEmailAndPassword(email, password)
new OnCompleteListener<AuthResult>() {
public void onComplete(@NonNull Task<AuthResult> task) {
if (task.isSuccessful()) {
// The user is not enrolled with a second factor and is
// successfully signed in.
// ...
if (task.getException() instanceof FirebaseAuthMultiFactorException) {
// The user is a multi-factor user. Second factor challenge is required.
FirebaseAuthMultiFactorException error =
(FirebaseAuthMultiFactorException) task.getException();
MultiFactorResolver multiFactorResolver = error.getResolver();
// Display the list of enrolled second factors, user picks one (selectedIndex) from the list.
MultiFactorInfo selectedHint = multiFactorResolver.getHints().get(selectedIndex);
if (selectedHint.getFactorId().equals(TotpMultiFactorGenerator.FACTOR_ID)) {
// Ask the user for the one-time password (otp) from the TOTP app.
// Initialize a MultiFactorAssertion object with the one-time password and enrollment id.
MultiFactorAssertion multiFactorAssertion =
TotpMultiFactorGenerator.getAssertionForSignIn(selectedHint.getUid(), otp);
// Complete sign-in.
new OnCompleteListener<AuthResult>() {
public void onComplete(@NonNull Task<AuthResult> task) {
if (task.isSuccessful()) {
// User successfully signed in with the
// TOTP second factor.
} else if (selectedHint.getFactorId().equals(PhoneMultiFactorGenerator.FACTOR_ID)) {
// Handle Phone MFA.
} else {
// Unsupported second factor.
} else {
// Handle other errors such as wrong password.
.signInWithEmailAndPassword(email, password)
.addOnCompleteListener{ task ->
if (task.isSuccessful) {
// User is not enrolled with a second factor and is successfully
// signed in.
// ...
if (task.exception is FirebaseAuthMultiFactorException) {
// The user is a multi-factor user. Second factor challenge is
// required.
val multiFactorResolver:MultiFactorResolver =
(task.exception as FirebaseAuthMultiFactorException).resolver
// Display the list of enrolled second factors, user picks one (selectedIndex) from the list.
val selectedHint: MultiFactorInfo = multiFactorResolver.hints[selectedIndex]
if (selectedHint.factorId == TotpMultiFactorGenerator.FACTOR_ID) {
val multiFactorAssertion =
TotpMultiFactorGenerator.getAssertionForSignIn(selectedHint.uid, otp)
.addOnCompleteListener { task ->
if (task.isSuccessful) {
// User successfully signed in with the
// TOTP second factor.
// ...
} else if (selectedHint.factor == PhoneMultiFactorGenerator.FACTOR_ID) {
// Handle Phone MFA.
} else {
// Invalid MFA option.
} else {
// Handle other errors, such as wrong password.
Auth.auth().signIn(withEmail: email, password: password) {
(result, error) in
if (error != nil) {
let authError = error! as NSError
if authError.code == AuthErrorCode.secondFactorRequired.rawValue {
let resolver = authError.userInfo[AuthErrorUserInfoMultiFactorResolverKey] as! MultiFactorResolver
if resolver.hints[selectedIndex].factorID == TOTPMultiFactorID {
let assertion = TOTPMultiFactorGenerator.assertionForSignIn(withEnrollmentID: resolver.hints[selectedIndex].uid, oneTimePassword: oneTimePassword)
resolver.resolveSignIn(with: assertion) {
(authResult, error) in
if (error != nil) {
// User successfully signed in with second factor TOTP.
} else if (resolver.hints[selectedIndex].factorID == PhoneMultiFactorID) {
// User selected a phone second factor.
// ...
} else {
// Unsupported second factor.
// Note that only phone and TOTP second factors are currently supported.
// ...
else {
// The user is not enrolled with a second factor and is
// successfully signed in.
// ...
[FIRAuth.auth signInWithEmail:email
completion:^(FIRAuthDataResult * _Nullable authResult,
NSError * _Nullable error) {
if (error == nil || error.code != FIRAuthErrorCodeSecondFactorRequired) {
// User is not enrolled with a second factor and is successfully signed in.
// ...
} else {
// The user is a multi-factor user. Second factor challenge is required.
[self signInWithMfaWithError:error];
- (void)signInWithMfaWithError:(NSError * _Nullable)error{
FIRMultiFactorResolver *resolver = error.userInfo[FIRAuthErrorUserInfoMultiFactorResolverKey];
// Ask user which second factor to use. Then:
FIRMultiFactorInfo *hint = (FIRMultiFactorInfo *) resolver.hints[selectedIndex];
if (hint.factorID == FIRTOTPMultiFactorID) {
// User selected a totp second factor.
// Ask user for verification code.
FIRMultiFactorAssertion *assertion = [FIRTOTPMultiFactorGenerator assertionForSignInWithEnrollmentID:hint.UID oneTimePassword:oneTimePassword];
[resolver resolveSignInWithAssertion:assertion
completion:^(FIRAuthDataResult *_Nullable authResult,
NSError *_Nullable error) {
if (error != nil) {
// User successfully signed in with the second factor TOTP.
} else if (hint.factorID == FIRPhoneMultiFactorID) {
// User selected a phone second factor.
// ...
else {
// Unsupported second factor.
// Note that only phone and totp second factors are currently supported.
Contoh di atas menggunakan email dan sandi sebagai faktor pertama.
Membatalkan pendaftaran dari TOTP MFA
Bagian ini menjelaskan cara menangani pengguna yang membatalkan pendaftaran dari TOTP MFA.
Jika pengguna telah mendaftar untuk beberapa opsi MFA, dan jika mereka membatalkan pendaftaran
dari opsi yang terakhir diaktifkan, mereka akan menerima auth/user-token-expired
dan logout. Pengguna harus login lagi dan memverifikasi
kredensial yang ada—misalnya, alamat email dan sandi.
Untuk membatalkan pendaftaran pengguna, menangani error, dan memicu autentikasi ulang, gunakan kode berikut:
import {
} from "firebase/auth";
try {
// Unenroll from TOTP MFA.
await multiFactor(currentUser).unenroll(mfaEnrollmentId);
} catch (error) {
if (error.code === 'auth/user-token-expired') {
// If the user was signed out, re-authenticate them.
// For example, if they signed in with a password, prompt them to
// provide it again, then call `reauthenticateWithCredential()` as shown
// below.
const credential = EmailAuthProvider.credential(email, password);
await reauthenticateWithCredential(
List<MultiFactorInfo> multiFactorInfoList = user.getMultiFactor().getEnrolledFactors();
// Select the second factor to unenroll
new OnCompleteListener<Void>() {
public void onComplete(@NonNull Task<Void> task) {
if (task.isSuccessful()) {
// User successfully unenrolled the selected second factor.
else {
if (task.getException() instanceof FirebaseAuthInvalidUserException) {
// Handle reauthentication
val multiFactorInfoList = user.multiFactor.enrolledFactors
// Select the option to unenroll
.addOnCompleteListener { task ->
if (task.isSuccessful) {
// User successfully unenrolled the selected second factor.
else {
if (task.exception is FirebaseAuthInvalidUserException) {
// Handle reauthentication
user?.multiFactor.unenroll(with: (user?.multiFactor.enrolledFactors[selectedIndex])!,
completion: { (error) in
if (error.code == AuthErrorCode.userTokenExpired.rawValue) {
// Handle reauthentication
FIRMultiFactorInfo *unenrolledFactorInfo;
for (FIRMultiFactorInfo *enrolledFactorInfo in FIRAuth.auth.currentUser.multiFactor.enrolledFactors) {
// Pick one of the enrolled factors to delete.
[FIRAuth.auth.currentUser.multiFactor unenrollWithInfo:unenrolledFactorInfo
completion:^(NSError * _Nullable error) {
if (error.code == FIRAuthErrorCodeUserTokenExpired) {
// Handle reauthentication
Langkah selanjutnya
- Mengelola pengguna multi-faktor secara terprogram dengan Admin SDK.