Package (v1.12.0)

Package cloudsqlconn provides functions for authorizing and encrypting connections. These functions can be used with a database driver to connect to a Cloud SQL instance.

The instance connection name for a Cloud SQL instance is always in the format "project:region:instance".

Creating a Dialer

To start working with this package, create a Dialer. There are two ways of creating a Dialer, which one you use depends on your database driver.


Postgres users have the option of using the database/sql interface or using pgx directly.

To use a dialer with pgx, we recommend using connection pooling with pgxpool. To create the dialer use the NewDialer func.

import (


func connect() {
    // Configure the driver to connect to the database
    dsn := "user=myuser password=mypass dbname=mydb sslmode=disable"
    config, err := pgxpool.ParseConfig(dsn)
    if err != nil {
        // handle error

    // Create a new dialer with any options
    d, err := cloudsqlconn.NewDialer(context.Background())
    if err != nil {
        // handle error

    // Tell the driver to use the Cloud SQL Go Connector to create connections
    config.ConnConfig.DialFunc = func(ctx context.Context, _ string, instance string) (net.Conn, error) {
        return d.Dial(ctx, "project:region:instance")

    // Interact with the driver directly as you normally would
    conn, err := pgxpool.ConnectConfig(context.Background(), config)
    if err != nil {
        // handle error

    // call cleanup when you're done with the database connection
    cleanup := func() error { return d.Close() }
    // ... etc

To use database/sql, call pgxv4.RegisterDriver with any necessary Dialer configuration.

Note: the connection string must use the keyword/value format with host set to the instance connection name. The returned cleanup func will stop the dialer's background refresh goroutine and so should only be called when you're done with the Dialer.

import (


func connect() {
    // adjust options as needed
    cleanup, err := pgxv4.RegisterDriver("cloudsql-postgres", cloudsqlconn.WithIAMAuthN())
    if err != nil {
        // ... handle error
    // call cleanup when you're done with the database connection
    defer cleanup()

    db, err := sql.Open(
        "host=project:region:instance user=myuser password=mypass dbname=mydb sslmode=disable",
    // ... etc


MySQL users should use database/sql. Use mysql.RegisterDriver with any necessary Dialer configuration.

Note: The returned cleanup func will stop the dialer's background refresh goroutine and should only be called when you're done with the Dialer.

import (


func connect() {
    // adjust options as needed
    cleanup, err := mysql.RegisterDriver("cloudsql-mysql", cloudsqlconn.WithIAMAuthN())
    if err != nil {
        // ... handle error
    // call cleanup when you're done with the database connection
    defer cleanup()

    db, err := sql.Open(
    // ... etc

SQL Server

SQL Server users should use database/sql. Use mssql.RegisterDriver with any necessary Dialer configuration.

Note: The returned cleanup func will stop the dialer's background refresh goroutine and should only be called when you're done with the Dialer.

import (


func connect() {
    cleanup, err := mssql.RegisterDriver("cloudsql-sqlserver")
    if err != nil {
        // ... handle error
    // call cleanup when you're done with the database connection
    defer cleanup()

    db, err := sql.Open(
    // ... etc



var (
	// ErrDialerClosed is used when a caller invokes Dial after closing the
	// Dialer.
	ErrDialerClosed = errors.New("cloudsqlconn: dialer is closed")


type DialOption func(d *dialConfig)

A DialOption is an option for configuring how a Dialer's Dial call is executed.

func DialOptions

func DialOptions(opts ...DialOption) DialOption

DialOptions turns a list of DialOption instances into an DialOption.

func WithAutoIP

func WithAutoIP() DialOption

WithAutoIP returns a DialOption that selects the public IP if available and otherwise falls back to private IP. This option is present for backwards compatibility only and is not recommended for use in production.

func WithDialIAMAuthN

func WithDialIAMAuthN(b bool) DialOption

WithDialIAMAuthN allows you to enable or disable IAM Authentication for this instance as described in the documentation for WithIAMAuthN. This value will override the Dialer-level configuration set with WithIAMAuthN.

WARNING: This DialOption can cause a new Refresh operation to be triggered. Toggling this option on or off between Dials may cause increased API usage and/or delayed connection attempts.

func WithOneOffDialFunc

func WithOneOffDialFunc(dial func(ctx context.Context, network, addr string) (net.Conn, error)) DialOption

WithOneOffDialFunc configures the dial function on a one-off basis for an individual call to Dial. To configure a dial function across all invocations of Dial, use WithDialFunc.

func WithPSC

func WithPSC() DialOption

WithPSC returns a DialOption that specifies a PSC endpoint will be used to connect.

func WithPrivateIP

func WithPrivateIP() DialOption

WithPrivateIP returns a DialOption that specifies a private IP (VPC) will be used to connect.

func WithPublicIP

func WithPublicIP() DialOption

WithPublicIP returns a DialOption that specifies a public IP will be used to connect.

func WithTCPKeepAlive

func WithTCPKeepAlive(d time.Duration) DialOption

WithTCPKeepAlive returns a DialOption that specifies the tcp keep alive period for the connection returned by Dial.


type Dialer struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

A Dialer is used to create connections to Cloud SQL instances.

Use NewDialer to initialize a Dialer.

func NewDialer

func NewDialer(ctx context.Context, opts ...Option) (*Dialer, error)

NewDialer creates a new Dialer.

Initial calls to NewDialer make take longer than normal because generation of an RSA keypair is performed. Calls with a WithRSAKeyPair DialOption or after a default RSA keypair is generated will be faster.

func (*Dialer) Close

func (d *Dialer) Close() error

Close closes the Dialer; it prevents the Dialer from refreshing the information needed to connect.

func (*Dialer) Dial

func (d *Dialer) Dial(ctx context.Context, icn string, opts ...DialOption) (conn net.Conn, err error)

Dial returns a net.Conn connected to the specified Cloud SQL instance. The icn argument must be the instance's connection name, which is in the format "project-name:region:instance-name".

func (*Dialer) EngineVersion

func (d *Dialer) EngineVersion(ctx context.Context, icn string) (string, error)

EngineVersion returns the engine type and version for the instance connection name. The value will correspond to one of the following types for the instance:

func (*Dialer) Warmup

func (d *Dialer) Warmup(ctx context.Context, icn string, opts ...DialOption) error

Warmup starts the background refresh necessary to connect to the instance. Use Warmup to start the refresh process early if you don't know when you'll need to call "Dial".


type Option func(d *dialerConfig)

An Option is an option for configuring a Dialer.

func WithAdminAPIEndpoint

func WithAdminAPIEndpoint(url string) Option

WithAdminAPIEndpoint configures the underlying SQL Admin API client to use the provided URL.

func WithContextDebugLogger

func WithContextDebugLogger(l debug.ContextLogger) Option

WithContextDebugLogger configures a debug logger for reporting on internal operations. By default the debug logger is disabled.

func WithCredentialsFile

func WithCredentialsFile(filename string) Option

WithCredentialsFile returns an Option that specifies a service account or refresh token JSON credentials file to be used as the basis for authentication.

func WithCredentialsJSON

func WithCredentialsJSON(b []byte) Option

WithCredentialsJSON returns an Option that specifies a service account or refresh token JSON credentials to be used as the basis for authentication.

func WithDNSResolver

func WithDNSResolver() Option

WithDNSResolver replaces the default resolver (which only resolves instance names) with the DNSResolver, which will attempt to first parse the instance name, and then will attempt to resolve the DNS TXT record to determine the instance name.

First, add a record for your Cloud SQL instance to a private DNS server or a private Google Cloud DNS Zone used by your application.

Note: You are strongly discouraged from adding DNS records for your Cloud SQL instances to a public DNS server. This would allow anyone on the internet to discover the Cloud SQL instance name.

For example: suppose you wanted to use the domain name to connect to your database instance my-project:region:my-instance. You would create the following DNS record:

  • Record type: TXT
  • Name: – This is the domain name used by the application
  • Value: my-project:region:my-instance – This is the instance name

func WithDebugLogger

func WithDebugLogger(l debug.Logger) Option

WithDebugLogger configures a debug lgoger for reporting on internal operations. By default the debug logger is disabled.

Prefer WithContextDebugLogger instead

func WithDefaultDialOptions

func WithDefaultDialOptions(opts ...DialOption) Option

WithDefaultDialOptions returns an Option that specifies the default DialOptions used.

func WithDialFunc

func WithDialFunc(dial func(ctx context.Context, network, addr string) (net.Conn, error)) Option

WithDialFunc configures the function used to connect to the address on the named network. This option is generally unnecessary except for advanced use-cases. The function is used for all invocations of Dial. To configure a dial function per individual calls to dial, use WithOneOffDialFunc.

func WithHTTPClient

func WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) Option

WithHTTPClient configures the underlying SQL Admin API client with the provided HTTP client. This option is generally unnecessary except for advanced use-cases.

func WithIAMAuthN

func WithIAMAuthN() Option

WithIAMAuthN enables automatic IAM Authentication. If no token source has been configured (such as with WithTokenSource, WithCredentialsFile, etc), the dialer will use the default token source as defined by

For documentation on automatic IAM Authentication, see

func WithIAMAuthNTokenSources

func WithIAMAuthNTokenSources(apiTS, iamLoginTS oauth2.TokenSource) Option

WithIAMAuthNTokenSources sets the oauth2.TokenSource for the API client and a second token source for IAM AuthN login tokens. The API client token source should have the following scopes:

  1., and

The IAM AuthN token source on the other hand should only have:


Prefer this option over WithTokenSource when using IAM AuthN which does not distinguish between the two token sources. WithIAMAuthNTokenSources should not be used with WithTokenSource.

func WithLazyRefresh

func WithLazyRefresh() Option

WithLazyRefresh configures the dialer to refresh certificates on an as-needed basis. If a certificate is expired when a connection request occurs, the Go Connector will block the attempt and refresh the certificate immediately. This option is useful when running the Go Connector in environments where the CPU may be throttled, thus preventing a background goroutine from running consistently (e.g., in Cloud Run the CPU is throttled outside of a request context causing the background refresh to fail).

func WithOptions

func WithOptions(opts ...Option) Option

WithOptions turns a list of Option's into a single Option.

func WithQuotaProject

func WithQuotaProject(p string) Option

WithQuotaProject returns an Option that specifies the project used for quota and billing purposes.

func WithRSAKey

func WithRSAKey(k *rsa.PrivateKey) Option

WithRSAKey returns an Option that specifies a rsa.PrivateKey used to represent the client.

func WithRefreshTimeout

func WithRefreshTimeout(t time.Duration) Option

WithRefreshTimeout returns an Option that sets a timeout on refresh operations. Defaults to 60s.

func WithResolver

func WithResolver(r instance.ConnectionNameResolver) Option

WithResolver replaces the default resolver with an alternate implementation to resolve the name in the database DSN to a Cloud SQL instance.

func WithTokenSource

func WithTokenSource(s oauth2.TokenSource) Option

WithTokenSource returns an Option that specifies an OAuth2 token source to be used as the basis for authentication.

When Auth IAM AuthN is enabled, use WithIAMAuthNTokenSources to set the token source for login tokens separately from the API client token source. WithTokenSource should not be used with WithIAMAuthNTokenSources.

func WithUniverseDomain

func WithUniverseDomain(ud string) Option

WithUniverseDomain configures the underlying SQL Admin API client to use the provided universe domain. Enables Trusted Partner Cloud (TPC).

func WithUserAgent

func WithUserAgent(ua string) Option

WithUserAgent returns an Option that sets the User-Agent.