Package impersonate is used to impersonate Google Credentials. If you need to impersonate some credentials to use with a client library see NewCredentialTokenProvider. If instead you would like to create an Open Connect ID token using impersonation see NewIDTokenProvider.
Required IAM roles
In order to impersonate a service account the base service account must have the Service Account Token Creator role, roles/iam.serviceAccountTokenCreator, on the service account being impersonated. See
Optionally, delegates can be used during impersonation if the base service account lacks the token creator role on the target. When using delegates, each service account must be granted roles/iam.serviceAccountTokenCreator on the next service account in the delgation chain.
For example, if a base service account of SA1 is trying to impersonate target service account SA2 while using delegate service accounts DSA1 and DSA2, the following must be true:
- Base service account SA1 has roles/iam.serviceAccountTokenCreator on DSA1.
- DSA1 has roles/iam.serviceAccountTokenCreator on DSA2.
- DSA2 has roles/iam.serviceAccountTokenCreator on target SA2.
If the base credential is an authorized user and not a service account, or if the option WithQuotaProject is set, the target service account must have a role that grants the permission such as roles/serviceusage.serviceUsageConsumer.
func NewCredentialTokenProvider
func NewCredentialTokenProvider(opts *CredentialOptions) (auth.TokenProvider, error)
NewCredentialTokenProvider returns an impersonated [] configured with the provided options and using credentials loaded from Application Default Credentials as the base credentials if not provided with the opts.
package main
import (
func main() {
// Base credentials sourced from ADC or provided client options
tp, err := impersonate.NewCredentialTokenProvider(&impersonate.CredentialOptions{
TargetPrincipal: "",
Scopes: []string{""},
// Optionally supply delegates
Delegates: []string{""},
// Specify user to impersonate
Subject: "",
if err != nil {
// Use this TokenProvider with a client library like
// ""
_ = tp
package main
import (
func main() {
// Base credentials sourced from ADC or provided client options
tp, err := impersonate.NewCredentialTokenProvider(&impersonate.CredentialOptions{
TargetPrincipal: "",
Scopes: []string{""},
// Optionally supply delegates
Delegates: []string{""},
if err != nil {
// TODO(codyoss): link to option once it exists.
// Use this TokenProvider with a client library
_ = tp
func NewIDTokenProvider
func NewIDTokenProvider(opts *IDTokenOptions) (auth.TokenProvider, error)
NewIDTokenProvider creates an impersonated [] that returns ID tokens configured with the provided config and using credentials loaded from Application Default Credentials as the base credentials if not provided with the opts. The tokens produced are valid for one hour and are automatically refreshed.
package main
import (
func main() {
// Base credentials sourced from ADC or provided client options.
tp, err := impersonate.NewIDTokenProvider(&impersonate.IDTokenOptions{
Audience: "",
TargetPrincipal: "",
IncludeEmail: true,
// Optionally supply delegates.
Delegates: []string{""},
if err != nil {
// Create an authenticated client
client, err := httptransport.NewClient(&httptransport.Options{
TokenProvider: tp,
if err != nil {
// Use your client that is authenticated with impersonated credentials to
// make requests.
type CredentialOptions struct {
// TargetPrincipal is the email address of the service account to
// impersonate. Required.
TargetPrincipal string
// Scopes that the impersonated credential should have. Required.
Scopes []string
// Delegates are the service account email addresses in a delegation chain.
// Each service account must be granted roles/iam.serviceAccountTokenCreator
// on the next service account in the chain. Optional.
Delegates []string
// Lifetime is the amount of time until the impersonated token expires. If
// unset the token's lifetime will be one hour and be automatically
// refreshed. If set the token may have a max lifetime of one hour and will
// not be refreshed. Service accounts that have been added to an org policy
// with constraints/iam.allowServiceAccountCredentialLifetimeExtension may
// request a token lifetime of up to 12 hours. Optional.
Lifetime time.Duration
// Subject is the sub field of a JWT. This field should only be set if you
// wish to impersonate as a user. This feature is useful when using domain
// wide delegation. Optional.
Subject string
// TokenProvider is the provider of the credentials used to fetch the ID
// token. If not provided, and a Client is also not provided, credentials
// will try to be detected from the environment. Optional.
TokenProvider auth.TokenProvider
// Client configures the underlying client used to make network requests
// when fetching tokens. If provided the client should provide it's own
// credentials at call time. Optional.
Client *http.Client
CredentialOptions for generating an impersonated credential token.
type IDTokenOptions struct {
// Audience is the `aud` field for the token, such as an API endpoint the
// token will grant access to. Required.
Audience string
// TargetPrincipal is the email address of the service account to
// impersonate. Required.
TargetPrincipal string
// IncludeEmail includes the target service account's email in the token.
// The resulting token will include both an `email` and `email_verified`
// claim. Optional.
IncludeEmail bool
// Delegates are the ordered service account email addresses in a delegation
// chain. Each service account must be granted
// roles/iam.serviceAccountTokenCreator on the next service account in the
// chain. Optional.
Delegates []string
// TokenProvider is the provider of the credentials used to fetch the ID
// token. If not provided, and a Client is also not provided, base
// credentials will try to be detected from the environment. Optional.
TokenProvider auth.TokenProvider
// Client configures the underlying client used to make network requests
// when fetching tokens. If provided the client should provide it's own
// base credentials at call time. Optional.
Client *http.Client
IDTokenOptions for generating an impersonated ID token.