Gemini in Looker

Gemini in Looker, which is a product in the Gemini for Google Cloud portfolio, provides generative AI-powered assistance to help you work with your data. To provide an integrated assistance experience, Gemini in Looker is embedded in Looker Studio and is accessible from Google Slides.

Access to the Gemini in Looker features that appear in Looker Studio requires a subscription to Looker Studio Pro.

For more information about Gemini in Looker features, see Gemini in Looker overview.

AI assistance with Gemini in Looker

Gemini in Looker provides AI assistance to help you in the following ways:

  • Create calculated fields using natural language. Gemini in Looker lets you create calculated fields in Looker Studio by prompting you to describe the kinds of fields that you'd like to create. Based on your input, Looker Studio suggests a formula for a calculated field using fields from your data source and Looker Studio functions and operators.

  • Add Looker Studio content to your Slides presentation. Gemini in Looker lets you import components from your Looker Studio Pro reports into your Slides presentations. Looker Studio inserts report charts as images, then generates a textual summary of each image and inserts the summary as a text element. You can generate a new Slides presentation using all visualizations in a Looker Studio report or selected visualizations only, or add or update Looker Studio content to an existing Slides presentation. You can also update the Looker Studio data that has been imported in a Slides presentation.

Learn how and when Gemini for Google Cloud uses your data. As an early-stage technology, Gemini for Google Cloud products can generate output that seems plausible but is factually incorrect. We recommend that you validate all output from Gemini for Google Cloud products before you use it. For more information, see Gemini for Google Cloud and responsible AI.

Where to interact with Gemini in Looker

After you enable Gemini in Looker for the assistants that appear in Looker Studio, you can seek assistance in the following places:

  • Looker Studio: Calculated field editor
  • Looker Studio: Gemini panel
  • Slides: Looker Studio Pro panel

Looker Studio: Calculated field editor

You can access some Gemini in Looker features from the calculated field editor in Looker Studio.

To use Gemini assistance to write formulas for calculated fields, follow these steps:

  1. Edit the data source.
  2. Click Add a field.
  3. Select Add calculated field.
  4. Click the Help me write icon.

For more information, see Create calculated fields with Gemini assistance in the Looker Studio Help Center.

Looker Studio: Gemini panel

You can access some Gemini in Looker features from the Gemini panel in Looker Studio.

To use Gemini assistance to create a Slides presentation that includes all or selected visualizations in a Looker Studio report, follow these steps:

  1. Open a Looker Studio Pro report in either view or edit mode.
  2. Select the Gemini panel in the panel manager.
  3. Select Generate Slides.

For more information, see Adding Looker Studio content to your Slides presentation with Gemini assistance in the Looker Studio Help Center.

Slides: Looker Studio Pro panel

You can access some Gemini in Looker features from Slides.

To use Gemini assistance to add Looker Studio content to an existing Slides presentation, follow these steps:

  1. In a Slides presentation, click the Looker Studio icon on the right-hand toolbar to open the Looker Studio Pro panel.

For more information, see Adding Looker Studio content to your Slides presentation with Gemini assistance in the Looker Studio Help Center.

Enable Gemini in Looker

For detailed enablement steps for the Gemini in Looker features that appear in Looker Studio, see Enable Gemini in Looker for Looker Studio.

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