Tutorial su ImageMagick (1ª generazione.)

Questo tutorial dimostra l'utilizzo di Cloud Functions, dell'API Google Cloud Vision e di ImageMagick per rilevare e sfocare le immagini offensive che vengono caricate in un bucket Cloud Storage.


  • Esegui il deployment di una funzione Cloud Functions in background attivata dall'archiviazione.
  • Utilizzare l'API Cloud Vision per rilevare contenuti violenti o per adulti.
  • Utilizzare ImageMagick per sfocare immagini offensive.
  • Testa la funzione caricando l'immagine di uno zombie che mangia carne.


In questo documento, utilizzi i seguenti componenti fatturabili di Google Cloud:

  • Cloud Functions
  • Cloud Storage
  • Cloud Vision

Per generare una stima dei costi in base all'utilizzo previsto, utilizza il Calcolatore prezzi. I nuovi utenti di Google Cloud potrebbero essere idonei per una prova gratuita.

Prima di iniziare

  1. Accedi al tuo account Google Cloud. Se non conosci Google Cloud, crea un account per valutare le prestazioni dei nostri prodotti in scenari reali. I nuovi clienti ricevono anche 300 $di crediti gratuiti per l'esecuzione, il test e il deployment dei carichi di lavoro.
  2. In the Google Cloud console, on the project selector page, select or create a Google Cloud project.

    Go to project selector

  3. Assicurati che la fatturazione sia attivata per il tuo progetto Google Cloud.

  4. Abilita le API Cloud Functions, Cloud Build, Cloud Storage, and Cloud Vision.

    Abilita le API

  5. Installa Google Cloud CLI.
  6. Per initialize gcloud CLI, esegui questo comando:

    gcloud init
  7. In the Google Cloud console, on the project selector page, select or create a Google Cloud project.

    Go to project selector

  8. Assicurati che la fatturazione sia attivata per il tuo progetto Google Cloud.

  9. Abilita le API Cloud Functions, Cloud Build, Cloud Storage, and Cloud Vision.

    Abilita le API

  10. Installa Google Cloud CLI.
  11. Per initialize gcloud CLI, esegui questo comando:

    gcloud init
  12. Se hai già installato gcloud CLI, aggiornalo eseguendo questo comando:

    gcloud components update
  13. Prepara l'ambiente di sviluppo.

Visualizzare il flusso di dati

Il flusso di dati nell'applicazione tutorial su ImageMagick prevede diversi passaggi:

  1. Un'immagine viene caricata in un bucket Cloud Storage.
  2. La funzione Cloud Functions analizza l'immagine utilizzando l'API Cloud Vision.
  3. Se vengono rilevati contenuti violenti o per adulti, la Cloud Function utilizza ImageMagick per sfocare l'immagine.
  4. L'immagine sfocata viene caricata in un altro bucket Cloud Storage e può essere utilizzata.

Preparazione dell'applicazione

  1. Crea un bucket Cloud Storage per il caricamento delle immagini, dove YOUR_INPUT_BUCKET_NAME è un nome di bucket univoco a livello globale:

    gsutil mb gs://YOUR_INPUT_BUCKET_NAME
  2. Crea un bucket Cloud Storage per ricevere immagini sfocate, dove YOUR_OUTPUT_BUCKET_NAME è un nome di bucket univoco a livello globale:

    gsutil mb gs://YOUR_OUTPUT_BUCKET_NAME
  3. Clona il repository dell'app di esempio nella tua macchina locale:


    git clone https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/nodejs-docs-samples.git

    In alternativa, puoi scaricare l'esempio come file ZIP ed estrarlo.


    git clone https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/python-docs-samples.git

    In alternativa, puoi scaricare l'esempio come file ZIP ed estrarlo.


    git clone https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/golang-samples.git

    In alternativa, puoi scaricare l'esempio come file ZIP ed estrarlo.


    git clone https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/java-docs-samples.git

    In alternativa, puoi scaricare l'esempio come file ZIP ed estrarlo.


    git clone https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/dotnet-docs-samples.git

    In alternativa, puoi scaricare l'esempio come file ZIP ed estrarlo.


    git clone https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/ruby-docs-samples.git

    In alternativa, puoi scaricare l'esempio come file ZIP ed estrarlo.


    git clone https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/php-docs-samples.git

    In alternativa, puoi scaricare l'esempio come file ZIP ed estrarlo.

  4. Passa alla directory che contiene il codice campione di Cloud Functions:


    cd nodejs-docs-samples/functions/imagemagick/


    cd python-docs-samples/functions/imagemagick/


    cd golang-samples/functions/imagemagick/


    cd java-docs-samples/functions/imagemagick/


    cd dotnet-docs-samples/functions/imagemagick/


    cd ruby-docs-samples/functions/imagemagick/


    cd php-docs-samples/functions/imagemagick/

Nozioni di base sul codice

Importazione delle dipendenze

L'applicazione deve importare diverse dipendenze per poter interagire con i servizi Google Cloud Platform, ImageMagick e il file system:


const gm = require('gm').subClass({imageMagick: true});
const fs = require('fs').promises;
const path = require('path');
const vision = require('@google-cloud/vision');

const {Storage} = require('@google-cloud/storage');
const storage = new Storage();
const client = new vision.ImageAnnotatorClient();

const {BLURRED_BUCKET_NAME} = process.env;


import os
import tempfile

from google.cloud import storage, vision
from wand.image import Image

storage_client = storage.Client()
vision_client = vision.ImageAnnotatorClient()


// Package imagemagick contains an example of using ImageMagick to process a
// file uploaded to Cloud Storage.
package imagemagick

import (

	vision "cloud.google.com/go/vision/apiv1"

// Global API clients used across function invocations.
var (
	storageClient *storage.Client
	visionClient  *vision.ImageAnnotatorClient

func init() {
	// Declare a separate err variable to avoid shadowing the client variables.
	var err error

	storageClient, err = storage.NewClient(context.Background())
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("storage.NewClient: %v", err)

	visionClient, err = vision.NewImageAnnotatorClient(context.Background())
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("vision.NewAnnotatorClient: %v", err)


import com.google.cloud.functions.BackgroundFunction;
import com.google.cloud.functions.Context;
import com.google.cloud.storage.Blob;
import com.google.cloud.storage.BlobId;
import com.google.cloud.storage.BlobInfo;
import com.google.cloud.storage.Storage;
import com.google.cloud.storage.StorageOptions;
import com.google.cloud.vision.v1.AnnotateImageRequest;
import com.google.cloud.vision.v1.AnnotateImageResponse;
import com.google.cloud.vision.v1.BatchAnnotateImagesResponse;
import com.google.cloud.vision.v1.Feature;
import com.google.cloud.vision.v1.Feature.Type;
import com.google.cloud.vision.v1.Image;
import com.google.cloud.vision.v1.ImageAnnotatorClient;
import com.google.cloud.vision.v1.ImageSource;
import com.google.cloud.vision.v1.SafeSearchAnnotation;
import functions.eventpojos.GcsEvent;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

public class ImageMagick implements BackgroundFunction<GcsEvent> {

  private static Storage storage = StorageOptions.getDefaultInstance().getService();
  private static final String BLURRED_BUCKET_NAME = System.getenv("BLURRED_BUCKET_NAME");
  private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ImageMagick.class.getName());


using CloudNative.CloudEvents;
using Google.Cloud.Functions.Framework;
using Google.Cloud.Functions.Hosting;
using Google.Cloud.Storage.V1;
using Google.Cloud.Vision.V1;
using Google.Events.Protobuf.Cloud.Storage.V1;
using Grpc.Core;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace ImageMagick;

// Dependency injection configuration, executed during server startup.
public class Startup : FunctionsStartup
    public override void ConfigureServices(WebHostBuilderContext context, IServiceCollection services) =>

public class Function : ICloudEventFunction<StorageObjectData>
    /// <summary>
    /// The bucket to store blurred images in. An alternative to using environment variables here would be to
    /// fetch it from IConfiguration.
    /// </summary>
    private static readonly string s_blurredBucketName = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("BLURRED_BUCKET_NAME");

    private readonly ImageAnnotatorClient _visionClient;
    private readonly StorageClient _storageClient;
    private readonly ILogger _logger;

    public Function(ImageAnnotatorClient visionClient, StorageClient storageClient, ILogger<Function> logger) =>
        (_visionClient, _storageClient, _logger) = (visionClient, storageClient, logger);



require "functions_framework"

FunctionsFramework.on_startup do
  set_global :storage_client do
    require "google/cloud/storage"

  set_global :vision_client do
    require "google/cloud/vision"


use Google\CloudFunctions\CloudEvent;
use Google\Cloud\Storage\StorageClient;
use Google\Cloud\Vision\V1\ImageAnnotatorClient;
use Google\Cloud\Vision\V1\Likelihood;
use Google\Rpc\Code;

Analisi delle immagini in corso...

La seguente funzione viene richiamata quando un'immagine viene caricata nel bucket Cloud Storage creato per l'archiviazione delle immagini. La funzione utilizza l'API Cloud Vision per rilevare contenuti violenti o per adulti nelle immagini caricate.


// Blurs uploaded images that are flagged as Adult or Violence.
exports.blurOffensiveImages = async event => {
  // This event represents the triggering Cloud Storage object.
  const object = event;

  const file = storage.bucket(object.bucket).file(object.name);
  const filePath = `gs://${object.bucket}/${object.name}`;

  console.log(`Analyzing ${file.name}.`);

  try {
    const [result] = await client.safeSearchDetection(filePath);
    const detections = result.safeSearchAnnotation || {};

    if (
      // Levels are defined in https://cloud.google.com/vision/docs/reference/rest/v1/AnnotateImageResponse#likelihood
      detections.adult === 'VERY_LIKELY' ||
      detections.violence === 'VERY_LIKELY'
    ) {
      console.log(`Detected ${file.name} as inappropriate.`);
      return await blurImage(file, BLURRED_BUCKET_NAME);
    } else {
      console.log(`Detected ${file.name} as OK.`);
  } catch (err) {
    console.error(`Failed to analyze ${file.name}.`, err);
    throw err;


# Blurs uploaded images that are flagged as Adult or Violence.
def blur_offensive_images(data, context):
    file_data = data

    file_name = file_data["name"]
    bucket_name = file_data["bucket"]

    blob = storage_client.bucket(bucket_name).get_blob(file_name)
    blob_uri = f"gs://{bucket_name}/{file_name}"
    blob_source = vision.Image(source=vision.ImageSource(gcs_image_uri=blob_uri))

    # Ignore already-blurred files
    if file_name.startswith("blurred-"):
        print(f"The image {file_name} is already blurred.")

    print(f"Analyzing {file_name}.")

    result = vision_client.safe_search_detection(image=blob_source)
    detected = result.safe_search_annotation

    # Process image
    if detected.adult == 5 or detected.violence == 5:
        print(f"The image {file_name} was detected as inappropriate.")
        return __blur_image(blob)
        print(f"The image {file_name} was detected as OK.")


// GCSEvent is the payload of a GCS event.
type GCSEvent struct {
	Bucket string `json:"bucket"`
	Name   string `json:"name"`

// BlurOffensiveImages blurs offensive images uploaded to GCS.
func BlurOffensiveImages(ctx context.Context, e GCSEvent) error {
	outputBucket := os.Getenv("BLURRED_BUCKET_NAME")
	if outputBucket == "" {
		return errors.New("BLURRED_BUCKET_NAME must be set")

	img := vision.NewImageFromURI(fmt.Sprintf("gs://%s/%s", e.Bucket, e.Name))

	resp, err := visionClient.DetectSafeSearch(ctx, img, nil)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("AnnotateImage: %w", err)

	if resp.GetAdult() == visionpb.Likelihood_VERY_LIKELY ||
		resp.GetViolence() == visionpb.Likelihood_VERY_LIKELY {
		return blur(ctx, e.Bucket, outputBucket, e.Name)
	log.Printf("The image %q was detected as OK.", e.Name)
	return nil


// Blurs uploaded images that are flagged as Adult or Violence.
public void accept(GcsEvent event, Context context) {
  // Validate parameters
  if (event.getBucket() == null || event.getName() == null) {
    logger.severe("Error: Malformed GCS event.");

  BlobInfo blobInfo = BlobInfo.newBuilder(event.getBucket(), event.getName()).build();

  // Construct URI to GCS bucket and file.
  String gcsPath = String.format("gs://%s/%s", event.getBucket(), event.getName());
  logger.info(String.format("Analyzing %s", event.getName()));

  // Construct request.
  ImageSource imgSource = ImageSource.newBuilder().setImageUri(gcsPath).build();
  Image img = Image.newBuilder().setSource(imgSource).build();
  Feature feature = Feature.newBuilder().setType(Type.SAFE_SEARCH_DETECTION).build();
  AnnotateImageRequest request =
  List<AnnotateImageRequest> requests = List.of(request);

  // Send request to the Vision API.
  try (ImageAnnotatorClient client = ImageAnnotatorClient.create()) {
    BatchAnnotateImagesResponse response = client.batchAnnotateImages(requests);
    List<AnnotateImageResponse> responses = response.getResponsesList();
    for (AnnotateImageResponse res : responses) {
      if (res.hasError()) {
        logger.info(String.format("Error: %s", res.getError().getMessage()));
      // Get Safe Search Annotations
      SafeSearchAnnotation annotation = res.getSafeSearchAnnotation();
      if (annotation.getAdultValue() == 5 || annotation.getViolenceValue() == 5) {
        logger.info(String.format("Detected %s as inappropriate.", event.getName()));
      } else {
        logger.info(String.format("Detected %s as OK.", event.getName()));
  } catch (IOException e) {
    logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error with Vision API: " + e.getMessage(), e);


public async Task HandleAsync(CloudEvent cloudEvent, StorageObjectData data, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
    // Validate parameters
    if (data.Bucket is null || data.Name is null)
        _logger.LogError("Malformed GCS event.");

    // Construct URI to GCS bucket and file.
    string gcsUri = $"gs://{data.Bucket}/{data.Name}";
    _logger.LogInformation("Analyzing {uri}", gcsUri);

    // Perform safe search detection using the Vision API.
    Image image = Image.FromUri(gcsUri);
    SafeSearchAnnotation annotation;
        annotation = await _visionClient.DetectSafeSearchAsync(image);
    // If the call to the Vision API fails, log the error but let the function complete normally.
    // If the exceptions weren't caught (and just propagated) the event would be retried.
    // See the "Best Practices" section in the documentation for more details about retry.
    catch (AnnotateImageException e)
        _logger.LogError(e, "Vision API reported an error while performing safe search detection");
    catch (RpcException e)
        _logger.LogError(e, "Error communicating with the Vision API");

    if (annotation.Adult == Likelihood.VeryLikely || annotation.Violence == Likelihood.VeryLikely)
        _logger.LogInformation("Detected {uri} as inappropriate.", gcsUri);
        await BlurImageAsync(data, cancellationToken);
        _logger.LogInformation("Detected {uri} as OK.", gcsUri);


# Blurs uploaded images that are flagged as Adult or Violence.
FunctionsFramework.cloud_event "blur_offensive_images" do |event|
  # Event-triggered Ruby functions receive a CloudEvents::Event::V1 object.
  # See https://cloudevents.github.io/sdk-ruby/latest/CloudEvents/Event/V1.html
  # The storage event payload can be obtained from the event data.
  payload = event.data
  file_name = payload["name"]
  bucket_name = payload["bucket"]

  # Ignore already-blurred files
  if file_name.start_with? "blurred-"
    logger.info "The image #{file_name} is already blurred."

  # Get image annotations from the Vision service
  logger.info "Analyzing #{file_name}."
  gs_uri = "gs://#{bucket_name}/#{file_name}"
  result = global(:vision_client).safe_search_detection image: gs_uri
  annotation = result.responses.first.safe_search_annotation

  # Respond to annotations by possibly blurring the image
  if annotation.adult == :VERY_LIKELY || annotation.violence == :VERY_LIKELY
    logger.info "The image #{file_name} was detected as inappropriate."
    blur_image bucket_name, file_name
    logger.info "The image #{file_name} was detected as OK."


function blurOffensiveImages(CloudEvent $cloudevent): void
    $log = fopen(getenv('LOGGER_OUTPUT') ?: 'php://stderr', 'wb');

    $storage = new StorageClient();
    $data = $cloudevent->getData();

    $file = $storage->bucket($data['bucket'])->object($data['name']);
    $filePath = 'gs://' . $data['bucket'] . '/' . $data['name'];
    fwrite($log, 'Analyzing ' . $filePath . PHP_EOL);

    $annotator = new ImageAnnotatorClient();
    $storage = new StorageClient();

    try {
        $response = $annotator->safeSearchDetection($filePath);

        // Handle error
        if ($response->hasError()) {
            $code = Code::name($response->getError()->getCode());
            $message = $response->getError()->getMessage();
            fwrite($log, sprintf('%s: %s' . PHP_EOL, $code, $message));

        $annotation = $response->getSafeSearchAnnotation();

        $isInappropriate =
            $annotation->getAdult() === Likelihood::VERY_LIKELY ||
            $annotation->getViolence() === Likelihood::VERY_LIKELY;

        if ($isInappropriate) {
            fwrite($log, 'Detected ' . $data['name'] . ' as inappropriate.' . PHP_EOL);
            $blurredBucketName = getenv('BLURRED_BUCKET_NAME');

            blurImage($log, $file, $blurredBucketName);
        } else {
            fwrite($log, 'Detected ' . $data['name'] . ' as OK.' . PHP_EOL);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        fwrite($log, 'Failed to analyze ' . $data['name'] . PHP_EOL);
        fwrite($log, $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL);

Sfocare le immagini

La seguente funzione viene chiamata quando vengono rilevati contenuti violenti o per adulti in un'immagine caricata. La funzione scarica l'immagine offensiva, utilizza ImageMagick per sfocare l'immagine, quindi carica l'immagine sfocata sopra l'immagine originale.


// Blurs the given file using ImageMagick, and uploads it to another bucket.
const blurImage = async (file, blurredBucketName) => {
  const tempLocalPath = `/tmp/${path.parse(file.name).base}`;

  // Download file from bucket.
  try {
    await file.download({destination: tempLocalPath});

    console.log(`Downloaded ${file.name} to ${tempLocalPath}.`);
  } catch (err) {
    throw new Error(`File download failed: ${err}`);

  await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      .blur(0, 16)
      .write(tempLocalPath, (err, stdout) => {
        if (err) {
          console.error('Failed to blur image.', err);
        } else {
          console.log(`Blurred image: ${file.name}`);

  // Upload result to a different bucket, to avoid re-triggering this function.
  const blurredBucket = storage.bucket(blurredBucketName);

  // Upload the Blurred image back into the bucket.
  const gcsPath = `gs://${blurredBucketName}/${file.name}`;
  try {
    await blurredBucket.upload(tempLocalPath, {destination: file.name});
    console.log(`Uploaded blurred image to: ${gcsPath}`);
  } catch (err) {
    throw new Error(`Unable to upload blurred image to ${gcsPath}: ${err}`);

  // Delete the temporary file.
  return fs.unlink(tempLocalPath);


# Blurs the given file using ImageMagick.
def __blur_image(current_blob):
    file_name = current_blob.name
    _, temp_local_filename = tempfile.mkstemp()

    # Download file from bucket.
    print(f"Image {file_name} was downloaded to {temp_local_filename}.")

    # Blur the image using ImageMagick.
    with Image(filename=temp_local_filename) as image:
        image.resize(*image.size, blur=16, filter="hamming")

    print(f"Image {file_name} was blurred.")

    # Upload result to a second bucket, to avoid re-triggering the function.
    # You could instead re-upload it to the same bucket + tell your function
    # to ignore files marked as blurred (e.g. those with a "blurred" prefix)
    blur_bucket_name = os.getenv("BLURRED_BUCKET_NAME")
    blur_bucket = storage_client.bucket(blur_bucket_name)
    new_blob = blur_bucket.blob(file_name)
    print(f"Blurred image uploaded to: gs://{blur_bucket_name}/{file_name}")

    # Delete the temporary file.


// blur blurs the image stored at gs://inputBucket/name and stores the result in
// gs://outputBucket/name.
func blur(ctx context.Context, inputBucket, outputBucket, name string) error {
	inputBlob := storageClient.Bucket(inputBucket).Object(name)
	r, err := inputBlob.NewReader(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("NewReader: %w", err)

	outputBlob := storageClient.Bucket(outputBucket).Object(name)
	w := outputBlob.NewWriter(ctx)
	defer w.Close()

	// Use - as input and output to use stdin and stdout.
	cmd := exec.Command("convert", "-", "-blur", "0x8", "-")
	cmd.Stdin = r
	cmd.Stdout = w

	if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("cmd.Run: %w", err)

	log.Printf("Blurred image uploaded to gs://%s/%s", outputBlob.BucketName(), outputBlob.ObjectName())

	return nil


// Blurs the file described by blobInfo using ImageMagick,
// and uploads it to the blurred bucket.
private static void blur(BlobInfo blobInfo) throws IOException {
  String bucketName = blobInfo.getBucket();
  String fileName = blobInfo.getName();

  // Download image
  Blob blob = storage.get(BlobId.of(bucketName, fileName));
  Path download = Paths.get("/tmp/", fileName);

  // Construct the command.
  Path upload = Paths.get("/tmp/", "blurred-" + fileName);
  List<String> args = List.of("convert", download.toString(), "-blur", "0x8", upload.toString());
  try {
    ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(args);
    Process process = pb.start();
  } catch (Exception e) {
    logger.info(String.format("Error: %s", e.getMessage()));

  // Upload image to blurred bucket.
  BlobId blurredBlobId = BlobId.of(BLURRED_BUCKET_NAME, fileName);
  BlobInfo blurredBlobInfo =

  byte[] blurredFile = Files.readAllBytes(upload);
  storage.create(blurredBlobInfo, blurredFile);
      String.format("Blurred image uploaded to: gs://%s/%s", BLURRED_BUCKET_NAME, fileName));

  // Remove images from fileSystem


/// <summary>
/// Downloads the Storage object specified by <paramref name="data"/>,
/// blurs it using ImageMagick, and uploads it to the "blurred" bucket.
/// </summary>
private async Task BlurImageAsync(StorageObjectData data, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
    // Download image
    string originalImageFile = Path.GetTempFileName();
    using (Stream output = File.Create(originalImageFile))
        await _storageClient.DownloadObjectAsync(data.Bucket, data.Name, output, cancellationToken: cancellationToken);

    // Construct the ImageMagick command
    string blurredImageFile = Path.GetTempFileName();
    // Command-line arguments for ImageMagick.
    // Paths are wrapped in quotes in case they contain spaces.
    string arguments = $"\"{originalImageFile}\" -blur 0x8, \"{blurredImageFile}\"";

    // Run the ImageMagick command line tool ("convert").
    Process process = Process.Start("convert", arguments);
    // Process doesn't expose a way of asynchronously waiting for completion.
    // See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/470256 for examples of how
    // this can be achieved using events, but for the sake of brevity,
    // this sample just waits synchronously.

    // If ImageMagick failed, log the error but complete normally to avoid retrying.
    if (process.ExitCode != 0)
        _logger.LogError("ImageMagick exited with code {exitCode}", process.ExitCode);

    // Upload image to blurred bucket.
    using (Stream input = File.OpenRead(blurredImageFile))
        await _storageClient.UploadObjectAsync(
            s_blurredBucketName, data.Name, data.ContentType, input, cancellationToken: cancellationToken);

    string uri = $"gs://{s_blurredBucketName}/{data.Name}";
    _logger.LogInformation("Blurred image uploaded to: {uri}", uri);

    // Remove images from the file system.


require "tempfile"
require "mini_magick"

# Blurs the given file using ImageMagick.
def blur_image bucket_name, file_name
  tempfile = Tempfile.new
    # Download the image file
    bucket = global(:storage_client).bucket bucket_name
    file = bucket.file file_name
    file.download tempfile

    # Blur the image using ImageMagick
    MiniMagick::Image.new tempfile.path do |image|
      image.blur "0x16"
    logger.info "Image #{file_name} was blurred"

    # Upload result to a second bucket, to avoid re-triggering the function.
    # You could instead re-upload it to the same bucket and tell your function
    # to ignore files marked as blurred (e.g. those with a "blurred" prefix.)
    blur_bucket_name = ENV["BLURRED_BUCKET_NAME"]
    blur_bucket = global(:storage_client).bucket blur_bucket_name
    blur_bucket.create_file tempfile.path, file_name
    logger.info "Blurred image uploaded to gs://#{blur_bucket_name}/#{file_name}"
    # Ruby will remove the temp file when garbage collecting the object,
    # but it is good practice to remove it explicitly.


// Blurs the given file using ImageMagick, and uploads it to another bucket.
function blurImage(
    Object $file,
    string $blurredBucketName
): void {
    $tempLocalPath = sys_get_temp_dir() . '/' . $file->name();

    // Download file from bucket.
    $image = new Imagick();
    try {
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        throw new Exception('Streaming download failed: ' . $e);

    // Blur file using ImageMagick
    // (The Imagick class is from the PECL 'imagick' package)
    $image->blurImage(0, 16);

    // Stream blurred image result to a different bucket. // (This avoids re-triggering this function.)
    $storage = new StorageClient();
    $blurredBucket = $storage->bucket($blurredBucketName);

    // Upload the Blurred image back into the bucket.
    $gcsPath = 'gs://' . $blurredBucketName . '/' . $file->name();
    try {
        $blurredBucket->upload($image->getImageBlob(), [
            'name' => $file->name()
        fwrite($log, 'Streamed blurred image to: ' . $gcsPath . PHP_EOL);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        throw new Exception(
                'Unable to stream blurred image to %s: %s',

esegui il deployment della funzione

Per eseguire il deployment della Cloud Function con un trigger di archiviazione, esegui questo comando nella directory che contiene il codice campione (o, nel caso di Java, il file pom.xml):


gcloud functions deploy blurOffensiveImages \
--runtime=RUNTIME \
--trigger-bucket=YOUR_INPUT_BUCKET_NAME \


gcloud functions deploy blur_offensive_images \
--runtime=RUNTIME \
--trigger-bucket=YOUR_INPUT_BUCKET_NAME \


gcloud functions deploy BlurOffensiveImages \
--runtime=RUNTIME \
--trigger-bucket=YOUR_INPUT_BUCKET_NAME \


gcloud functions deploy java-blur-function \
--entry-point=functions.ImageMagick \
--runtime=RUNTIME \
--memory 512MB \
--trigger-bucket=YOUR_INPUT_BUCKET_NAME \


gcloud functions deploy csharp-blur-function \
--entry-point=ImageMagick.Function \
--runtime=RUNTIME \
--trigger-bucket=YOUR_INPUT_BUCKET_NAME \


gcloud functions deploy blur_offensive_images \
--runtime=RUNTIME \
--trigger-bucket=YOUR_INPUT_BUCKET_NAME \


gcloud functions deploy blurOffensiveImages \
--runtime=RUNTIME \
--trigger-bucket=YOUR_INPUT_BUCKET_NAME \

Sostituisci quanto segue:

  • RUNTIME: un runtime basato su Ubuntu 18.04 (i runtime successivi non includono il supporto per ImageMagick).
  • YOUR_INPUT_BUCKET_NAME: il nome del bucket Cloud Storage per il caricamento delle immagini.
  • YOUR_OUTPUT_BUCKET_NAME: il nome del bucket in cui salvare le immagini sfocate.

Per questo esempio specifico, non includere gs:// come parte dei nomi dei bucket nel comando deploy.

Caricamento di un'immagine

  1. Carica un'immagine offensiva, come questa immagine di uno zombi che mangia carne:

    gsutil cp zombie.jpg gs://YOUR_INPUT_BUCKET_NAME

    dove YOUR_INPUT_BUCKET_NAME è il bucket Cloud Storage creato in precedenza per caricare le immagini.

  2. Controlla i log per assicurarti che le esecuzioni siano state completate:

    gcloud functions logs read --limit 100
  3. Puoi visualizzare le immagini sfocate nel YOUR_OUTPUT_BUCKET_NAME bucket Cloud Storage che hai creato in precedenza.

Esegui la pulizia

Per evitare che al tuo Account Google Cloud vengano addebitati costi relativi alle risorse utilizzate in questo tutorial, elimina il progetto che contiene le risorse oppure mantieni il progetto ed elimina le singole risorse.

Elimina il progetto

Il modo più semplice per eliminare la fatturazione è quello di eliminare il progetto che hai creato per il tutorial.

Per eliminare il progetto:

  1. Nella console Google Cloud, vai alla pagina Gestisci risorse.

    Vai a Gestisci risorse

  2. Nell'elenco dei progetti, seleziona il progetto che vuoi eliminare, quindi fai clic su Elimina.
  3. Nella finestra di dialogo, digita l'ID del progetto e fai clic su Chiudi per eliminare il progetto.

Eliminazione della Cloud Function

L'eliminazione di Cloud Functions non rimuove le risorse archiviate in Cloud Storage.

Per eliminare la Cloud Function di cui hai eseguito il deployment in questo tutorial, esegui questo comando:


gcloud functions delete blurOffensiveImages 


gcloud functions delete blur_offensive_images 


gcloud functions delete BlurOffensiveImages 


gcloud functions delete java-blur-function 


gcloud functions delete csharp-blur-function 


gcloud functions delete blur_offensive_images 


gcloud functions delete blurOffensiveImages 

Puoi eliminare Cloud Functions anche dalla console Google Cloud.