Run an entity reconciliation job from the Google Cloud console

This quickstart introduces you to the Entity Reconciliation API. In this quickstart, you use the Google Cloud console to set up your Google Cloud project and authorization, create schema mapping files, and then make a request for Enterprise Knowledge Graph to run an entity reconciliation job.

To follow step-by-step guidance for this task directly in the Google Cloud console, click Guide me:

Guide me

Identify your data source

Entity Reconciliation API supports BigQuery tables only as input. If your data isn't stored in BigQuery, we recommend that you transfer your data to BigQuery before more connectors become available. Also make sure the service account or OAuth client you've configured has read access to the tables you're planning to use, and also write permission to the destination dataset.

Create a schema mapping file

For each one of your data sources, you need to create a schema mapping file to inform Enterprise Knowledge Graph how to ingest the data.

Enterprise Knowledge Graph uses a human-readable simple format language called YARRRML to define the mappings between source schema and target common graph ontologies,

Enterprise Knowledge Graph only supports 1:1 simple mappings.

The following entity types that correspond to types in are supported:

Example schema mapping files


      - [example_project:example_dataset.example_table~bigquery]
    s: ekg:company_$(record_id)
      - [a, schema:Organization]
      - [schema:name, $(company_name_in_source)]
      - [schema:streetAddress, $(street)]
      - [schema:postalCode, $(postal_code)]
      - [schema:addressCountry, $(country)]
      - [schema:addressLocality, $(city)]
      - [schema:addressRegion, $(state)]
      - [ekg:recon.source_name, $(source_system)]
      - [ekg:recon.source_key, $(source_key)]
      - [example_project:example_dataset.example_table~bigquery]
    s: ekg:local_business_$(record_id)
      - [a, schema:LocalBusiness]
      - [schema:name, $(company_name_in_source)]
      - [schema:streetAddress, $(street)]
      - [schema:postalCode, $(postal_code)]
      - [schema:addressCountry, $(country)]
      - [schema:addressLocality, $(city)]
      - [schema:addressRegion, $(state)]
      - [schema:url, $(url)]
      - [schema:telephone, $(telephone)]
      - [schema:latitude, $(latitude)]
      - [schema:longitude, $(longitude)]
      - [ekg:recon.source_name, $(source_system)]
      - [ekg:recon.source_key, $(source_key)]
      - [example_project:example_dataset.example_table~bigquery]
    s: ekg:person_$(record_id)
      - [a, schema:Person]
      - [schema:postalCode, $(ZIP)]
      - [schema:birthDate, $(BIRTHDATE)]
      - [schema:name, $(NAME)]
      - [schema:gender, $(GENDER)]
      - [schema:streetAddress, $(ADDRESS)]
      - [ekg:recon.source_name, (Patients)]
      - [ekg:recon.source_key, $(source_key)]

For the source string example_project:example_dataset.example_table~bigquery, ~bigquery is the fixed string indicating the datasource comes from BigQuery.

In the predicate list (po), ekg:recon.source_name and ekg:recon.source_key are reserved predicate names used by the system and always need to be mentioned in the mapping file. Normally, the predicate ekg:recon.source_name takes a constant value for the source (in this example, (Patients)). The predicate ekg:recon.source_key takes the unique key from the source table (in this example, $(source_key)), which represents the variable value from the source column ID).

If you have multiple tables or sources to be defined in the mapping files or different mapping files within one API call, you need to make sure the subject value is unique across different sources. You can use prefix plus source column key to make it unique. For example, if you have two person tables with the same schema, you can assign different formats to the subject (s) value: ekg:person1_$(record_id) and ekg:person2_$(record_id).

Example of table schema

Here is an example of the mapping file:

      - [ekg-api-test:demo.organization~bigquery]
    s: ekg:company_$(source_key)
      - [a, schema:Organization]
      - [schema:name, $(source_name)]
      - [schema:streetAddress, $(street)]
      - [schema:postalCode, $(postal_code)]
      - [schema:addressCountry, $(country)]
      - [schema:addressLocality, $(city)]
      - [schema:addressRegion, $(state)]
      - [ekg:recon.source_name, (org)]
      - [ekg:recon.source_key, $(primary_key)]

In this example, the table schema itself does not contain the name of this data source, which is typically the table name or the database name. Hence, we use a static string "org" without the dollar sign $.

Create an entity reconciliation job

Use the Google Cloud console to create a reconciliation job.

  1. Open the Enterprise Knowledge Graph dashboard.

    Go to the Enterprise Knowledge Graph dashboard

  2. Click Schema Mapping to create mapping files from our template for each of your data sources, and then save the mapping file in Cloud Storage.

    From the Schema Mapping option in UI

  3. Click Job and Run A Job to configure job parameters before starting the job.

    Value Model name Description
    Organization google_brasil Reconcile entities at the Organization level. For example, the name of a corporation as a company. This is different from LocalBusiness, which focuses on a particular branch, point of interest, or physical presence, for example, one of many company campuses.
    LocalBusiness google_cyprus Reconcile entity based on a particular branch, point of interest, or physical presence. It could also take in geo coordinates as model input.
    Person google_atlantis Reconcile the person entity based on a set of predefined attributes in

    Only BigQuery tables are supported.

    The output path should be a BigQuery dataset, where Enterprise Knowledge Graph has permission to write.

    For each job executed, Enterprise Knowledge Graph creates a new BigQuery table with timestamp to store the results.

    If you use the Entity Reconciliation API, the job response contains the full output table name and location.

  4. Configure Advanced Options if needed.

  5. To start the job, click Done.

Monitor the job status

You can monitor the job status from both the Google Cloud console and the API. The job might take up to 24 hours to complete depending on the number of records in your datasets. Click each individual job to see the detailed configuration of the job.

Job History UI

You can also inspect the job status to see where the current step is.

Job display state Code state Description
Running JOB_STATE_RUNNING The job is in progress.
Knowledge extraction JOB_STATE_KNOWLEDGE_EXTRACTION Enterprise Knowledge Graph is pulling data out from BigQuery and creating features.
Reconciliation preprocessing JOB_STATE_RECON_PREPROCESSING The job is at the reconciliation preprocessing step.
Clustering JOB_STATE_CLUSTERING The job is at the clustering step.
Exporting clusters JOB_STATE_EXPORTING_CLUSTERS The job is writing output into the BigQuery destination dataset.

The run time for each job varies depending on many factors, such as complexity of the data, size of the dataset, and how many other parallel jobs are running at the same time. Here is a rough estimation of job execution time vs. dataset size for your reference. Your actual job completion time will be different.

Number of total records Execution time
100k ~2 hours
100M ~16 hours
300M ~24 hours

Cancel a reconciliation job

You can cancel a running job from both the Google Cloud console (on the job details page) and the API; Enterprise Knowledge Graph stops the job at the earliest opportunity on a best-efforts basis. The success of the cancel command isn't guaranteed.

Advanced options

Configuration Description
Previous result BigQuery table Specifying a previous result table keeps the cluster ID stable across different jobs. Then you could use the cluster ID as your permanent ID.
Affinity clustering Recommended option for most cases. It is a parallel version of hierarchical agglomerative clustering and scales very well. The number of clustering rounds (iterations) can be specified in the range [1, 5]. The higher the number, the more the algorithm tends to overmerge the cluster.
Connected component clustering Default option. This is an alternative and legacy option; try this option only if affinity clustering doesn't work well on your dataset. The weight threshold can be a number in the range [0.6, 1].
Geocoding separation This option ensures entities from different geographical regions are not clustered together.