Retail v2 API - Class SetInventoryRequest (2.12.0)

public sealed class SetInventoryRequest : IMessage<SetInventoryRequest>, IEquatable<SetInventoryRequest>, IDeepCloneable<SetInventoryRequest>, IBufferMessage, IMessage

Reference documentation and code samples for the Retail v2 API class SetInventoryRequest.

Request message for [ProductService.SetInventory][] method.


object > SetInventoryRequest







public SetInventoryRequest()


public SetInventoryRequest(SetInventoryRequest other)
Name Description
other SetInventoryRequest



public bool AllowMissing { get; set; }

If set to true, and the [Product][] with name [][] is not found, the inventory update will still be processed and retained for at most 1 day until the [Product][] is created. If set to false, a NOT_FOUND error is returned if the [Product][] is not found.

Property Value
Type Description


public Product Inventory { get; set; }

Required. The inventory information to update. The allowable fields to update are:

  • [Product.price_info][]
  • [Product.availability][]
  • [Product.available_quantity][]
  • [Product.fulfillment_info][] The updated inventory fields must be specified in [SetInventoryRequest.set_mask][].

If [][] is empty or invalid, an INVALID_ARGUMENT error is returned.

If the caller does not have permission to update the [Product][] named in [][], regardless of whether or not it exists, a PERMISSION_DENIED error is returned.

If the [Product][] to update does not have existing inventory information, the provided inventory information will be inserted.

If the [Product][] to update has existing inventory information, the provided inventory information will be merged while respecting the last update time for each inventory field, using the provided or default value for [SetInventoryRequest.set_time][].

The caller can replace place IDs for a subset of fulfillment types in the following ways:

  • Adds "fulfillment_info" in [SetInventoryRequest.set_mask][]
  • Specifies only the desired fulfillment types and corresponding place IDs to update in [SetInventoryRequest.inventory.fulfillment_info][]

The caller can clear all place IDs from a subset of fulfillment types in the following ways:

  • Adds "fulfillment_info" in [SetInventoryRequest.set_mask][]
  • Specifies only the desired fulfillment types to clear in [SetInventoryRequest.inventory.fulfillment_info][]
  • Checks that only the desired fulfillment info types have empty [SetInventoryRequest.inventory.fulfillment_info.place_ids][]

The last update time is recorded for the following inventory fields:

  • [Product.price_info][]
  • [Product.availability][]
  • [Product.available_quantity][]
  • [Product.fulfillment_info][]

If a full overwrite of inventory information while ignoring timestamps is needed, [ProductService.UpdateProduct][] should be invoked instead.

Property Value
Type Description


public FieldMask SetMask { get; set; }

Indicates which inventory fields in the provided [Product][] to update.

At least one field must be provided.

If an unsupported or unknown field is provided, an INVALID_ARGUMENT error is returned and the entire update will be ignored.

Property Value
Type Description


public Timestamp SetTime { get; set; }

The time when the request is issued, used to prevent out-of-order updates on inventory fields with the last update time recorded. If not provided, the internal system time will be used.

Property Value
Type Description