Retail v2 API - Class SearchRequest.Types.FacetSpec.Types.FacetKey (2.8.0)

public sealed class SearchRequest.Types.FacetSpec.Types.FacetKey : IMessage<SearchRequest.Types.FacetSpec.Types.FacetKey>, IEquatable<SearchRequest.Types.FacetSpec.Types.FacetKey>, IDeepCloneable<SearchRequest.Types.FacetSpec.Types.FacetKey>, IBufferMessage, IMessage

Reference documentation and code samples for the Retail v2 API class SearchRequest.Types.FacetSpec.Types.FacetKey.

Specifies how a facet is computed.


object > SearchRequest.Types.FacetSpec.Types.FacetKey







public FacetKey()


public FacetKey(SearchRequest.Types.FacetSpec.Types.FacetKey other)
Name Description
other SearchRequestTypesFacetSpecTypesFacetKey



public bool CaseInsensitive { get; set; }

True to make facet keys case insensitive when getting faceting values with prefixes or contains; false otherwise.

Property Value
Type Description


public RepeatedField<string> Contains { get; }

Only get facet values that contains the given strings. For example, suppose "categories" has three values "Women > Shoe", "Women > Dress" and "Men > Shoe". If set "contains" to "Shoe", the "categories" facet will give only "Women > Shoe" and "Men > Shoe". Only supported on textual fields. Maximum is 10.

Property Value
Type Description


public RepeatedField<Interval> Intervals { get; }

Set only if values should be bucketized into intervals. Must be set for facets with numerical values. Must not be set for facet with text values. Maximum number of intervals is 40.

For all numerical facet keys that appear in the list of products from the catalog, the percentiles 0, 10, 30, 50, 70, 90 and 100 are computed from their distribution weekly. If the model assigns a high score to a numerical facet key and its intervals are not specified in the search request, these percentiles will become the bounds for its intervals and will be returned in the response. If the facet key intervals are specified in the request, then the specified intervals will be returned instead.

Property Value
Type Description


public string Key { get; set; }

Required. Supported textual and numerical facet keys in [Product][] object, over which the facet values are computed. Facet key is case-sensitive.

Allowed facet keys when [FacetKey.query][] is not specified:

  • textual_field =

    • "brands"
    • "categories"
    • "genders"
    • "ageGroups"
    • "availability"
    • "colorFamilies"
    • "colors"
    • "sizes"
    • "materials"
    • "patterns"
    • "conditions"
    • "attributes.key"
    • "pickupInStore"
    • "shipToStore"
    • "sameDayDelivery"
    • "nextDayDelivery"
    • "customFulfillment1"
    • "customFulfillment2"
    • "customFulfillment3"
    • "customFulfillment4"
    • "customFulfillment5"
    • "inventory(place_id,attributes.key)"
  • numerical_field =

    • "price"
    • "discount"
    • "rating"
    • "ratingCount"
    • "attributes.key"
    • "inventory(place_id,price)"
    • "inventory(place_id,original_price)"
    • "inventory(place_id,attributes.key)"
Property Value
Type Description


public string OrderBy { get; set; }

The order in which [SearchResponse.Facet.values][] are returned.

Allowed values are:

  • "count desc", which means order by [SearchResponse.Facet.values.count][] descending.

  • "value desc", which means order by [SearchResponse.Facet.values.value][] descending. Only applies to textual facets.

If not set, textual values are sorted in natural order; numerical intervals are sorted in the order given by [FacetSpec.FacetKey.intervals][]; [FulfillmentInfo.place_ids][] are sorted in the order given by [FacetSpec.FacetKey.restricted_values][].

Property Value
Type Description


public RepeatedField<string> Prefixes { get; }

Only get facet values that start with the given string prefix. For example, suppose "categories" has three values "Women > Shoe", "Women > Dress" and "Men > Shoe". If set "prefixes" to "Women", the "categories" facet will give only "Women > Shoe" and "Women > Dress". Only supported on textual fields. Maximum is 10.

Property Value
Type Description


public string Query { get; set; }

The query that is used to compute facet for the given facet key. When provided, it will override the default behavior of facet computation. The query syntax is the same as a filter expression. See [SearchRequest.filter][] for detail syntax and limitations. Notice that there is no limitation on [FacetKey.key][] when query is specified.

In the response, [SearchResponse.Facet.values.value][] will be always "1" and [SearchResponse.Facet.values.count][] will be the number of results that match the query.

For example, you can set a customized facet for "shipToStore", where [FacetKey.key][] is "customizedShipToStore", and [FacetKey.query][] is "availability: ANY("IN_STOCK") AND shipToStore: ANY("123")". Then the facet will count the products that are both in stock and ship to store "123".

Property Value
Type Description


public RepeatedField<string> RestrictedValues { get; }

Only get facet for the given restricted values. For example, when using "pickupInStore" as key and set restricted values to ["store123", "store456"], only facets for "store123" and "store456" are returned. Only supported on predefined textual fields, custom textual attributes and fulfillments. Maximum is 20.

Must be set for the fulfillment facet keys:

  • pickupInStore

  • shipToStore

  • sameDayDelivery

  • nextDayDelivery

  • customFulfillment1

  • customFulfillment2

  • customFulfillment3

  • customFulfillment4

  • customFulfillment5

Property Value
Type Description


public bool ReturnMinMax { get; set; }

Returns the min and max value for each numerical facet intervals. Ignored for textual facets.

Property Value
Type Description