Class ProductServiceClient (1.4.0)

public abstract class ProductServiceClient

ProductService client wrapper, for convenient use.


Object > ProductServiceClient

Derived Types






Service for ingesting [Product][] information of the customer's website.



public virtual OperationsClient AddFulfillmentPlacesOperationsClient { get; }

The long-running operations client for AddFulfillmentPlaces.

Property Value


public static string DefaultEndpoint { get; }

The default endpoint for the ProductService service, which is a host of "" and a port of 443.

Property Value


public static IReadOnlyList<string> DefaultScopes { get; }

The default ProductService scopes.

Property Value

The default ProductService scopes are:


public virtual ProductService.ProductServiceClient GrpcClient { get; }

The underlying gRPC ProductService client

Property Value


public virtual OperationsClient ImportProductsOperationsClient { get; }

The long-running operations client for ImportProducts.

Property Value


public virtual OperationsClient RemoveFulfillmentPlacesOperationsClient { get; }

The long-running operations client for RemoveFulfillmentPlaces.

Property Value


public virtual OperationsClient SetInventoryOperationsClient { get; }

The long-running operations client for SetInventory.

Property Value


AddFulfillmentPlaces(AddFulfillmentPlacesRequest, CallSettings)

public virtual Operation<AddFulfillmentPlacesResponse, AddFulfillmentPlacesMetadata> AddFulfillmentPlaces(AddFulfillmentPlacesRequest request, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Incrementally adds place IDs to [Product.fulfillment_info.place_ids][].

This process is asynchronous and does not require the [Product][] to exist before updating fulfillment information. If the request is valid, the update will be enqueued and processed downstream. As a consequence, when a response is returned, the added place IDs are not immediately manifested in the [Product][] queried by [GetProduct][] or [ListProducts][].

This feature is only available for users who have Retail Search enabled. Please submit a form here to contact cloud sales if you are interested in using Retail Search.


The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.


If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Operation<AddFulfillmentPlacesResponse, AddFulfillmentPlacesMetadata>

The RPC response.

// Create client
ProductServiceClient productServiceClient = ProductServiceClient.Create();
// Initialize request argument(s)
AddFulfillmentPlacesRequest request = new AddFulfillmentPlacesRequest
    ProductAsProductName = ProductName.FromProjectLocationCatalogBranchProduct("[PROJECT]", "[LOCATION]", "[CATALOG]", "[BRANCH]", "[PRODUCT]"),
    Type = "",
    PlaceIds = { "", },
    AddTime = new Timestamp(),
    AllowMissing = false,
// Make the request
Operation<AddFulfillmentPlacesResponse, AddFulfillmentPlacesMetadata> response = productServiceClient.AddFulfillmentPlaces(request);

// Poll until the returned long-running operation is complete
Operation<AddFulfillmentPlacesResponse, AddFulfillmentPlacesMetadata> completedResponse = response.PollUntilCompleted();
// Retrieve the operation result
AddFulfillmentPlacesResponse result = completedResponse.Result;

// Or get the name of the operation
string operationName = response.Name;
// This name can be stored, then the long-running operation retrieved later by name
Operation<AddFulfillmentPlacesResponse, AddFulfillmentPlacesMetadata> retrievedResponse = productServiceClient.PollOnceAddFulfillmentPlaces(operationName);
// Check if the retrieved long-running operation has completed
if (retrievedResponse.IsCompleted)
    // If it has completed, then access the result
    AddFulfillmentPlacesResponse retrievedResult = retrievedResponse.Result;

AddFulfillmentPlaces(ProductName, CallSettings)

public virtual Operation<AddFulfillmentPlacesResponse, AddFulfillmentPlacesMetadata> AddFulfillmentPlaces(ProductName product, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Incrementally adds place IDs to [Product.fulfillment_info.place_ids][].

This process is asynchronous and does not require the [Product][] to exist before updating fulfillment information. If the request is valid, the update will be enqueued and processed downstream. As a consequence, when a response is returned, the added place IDs are not immediately manifested in the [Product][] queried by [GetProduct][] or [ListProducts][].

This feature is only available for users who have Retail Search enabled. Please submit a form here to contact cloud sales if you are interested in using Retail Search.


Required. Full resource name of [Product][], such as projects/*/locations/global/catalogs/default_catalog/branches/default_branch/products/some_product_id.

If the caller does not have permission to access the [Product][], regardless of whether or not it exists, a PERMISSION_DENIED error is returned.


If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Operation<AddFulfillmentPlacesResponse, AddFulfillmentPlacesMetadata>

The RPC response.

// Create client
ProductServiceClient productServiceClient = ProductServiceClient.Create();
// Initialize request argument(s)
ProductName product = ProductName.FromProjectLocationCatalogBranchProduct("[PROJECT]", "[LOCATION]", "[CATALOG]", "[BRANCH]", "[PRODUCT]");
// Make the request
Operation<AddFulfillmentPlacesResponse, AddFulfillmentPlacesMetadata> response = productServiceClient.AddFulfillmentPlaces(product);

// Poll until the returned long-running operation is complete
Operation<AddFulfillmentPlacesResponse, AddFulfillmentPlacesMetadata> completedResponse = response.PollUntilCompleted();
// Retrieve the operation result
AddFulfillmentPlacesResponse result = completedResponse.Result;

// Or get the name of the operation
string operationName = response.Name;
// This name can be stored, then the long-running operation retrieved later by name
Operation<AddFulfillmentPlacesResponse, AddFulfillmentPlacesMetadata> retrievedResponse = productServiceClient.PollOnceAddFulfillmentPlaces(operationName);
// Check if the retrieved long-running operation has completed
if (retrievedResponse.IsCompleted)
    // If it has completed, then access the result
    AddFulfillmentPlacesResponse retrievedResult = retrievedResponse.Result;

AddFulfillmentPlaces(String, CallSettings)

public virtual Operation<AddFulfillmentPlacesResponse, AddFulfillmentPlacesMetadata> AddFulfillmentPlaces(string product, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Incrementally adds place IDs to [Product.fulfillment_info.place_ids][].

This process is asynchronous and does not require the [Product][] to exist before updating fulfillment information. If the request is valid, the update will be enqueued and processed downstream. As a consequence, when a response is returned, the added place IDs are not immediately manifested in the [Product][] queried by [GetProduct][] or [ListProducts][].

This feature is only available for users who have Retail Search enabled. Please submit a form here to contact cloud sales if you are interested in using Retail Search.


Required. Full resource name of [Product][], such as projects/*/locations/global/catalogs/default_catalog/branches/default_branch/products/some_product_id.

If the caller does not have permission to access the [Product][], regardless of whether or not it exists, a PERMISSION_DENIED error is returned.


If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Operation<AddFulfillmentPlacesResponse, AddFulfillmentPlacesMetadata>

The RPC response.

// Create client
ProductServiceClient productServiceClient = ProductServiceClient.Create();
// Initialize request argument(s)
string product = "projects/[PROJECT]/locations/[LOCATION]/catalogs/[CATALOG]/branches/[BRANCH]/products/[PRODUCT]";
// Make the request
Operation<AddFulfillmentPlacesResponse, AddFulfillmentPlacesMetadata> response = productServiceClient.AddFulfillmentPlaces(product);

// Poll until the returned long-running operation is complete
Operation<AddFulfillmentPlacesResponse, AddFulfillmentPlacesMetadata> completedResponse = response.PollUntilCompleted();
// Retrieve the operation result
AddFulfillmentPlacesResponse result = completedResponse.Result;

// Or get the name of the operation
string operationName = response.Name;
// This name can be stored, then the long-running operation retrieved later by name
Operation<AddFulfillmentPlacesResponse, AddFulfillmentPlacesMetadata> retrievedResponse = productServiceClient.PollOnceAddFulfillmentPlaces(operationName);
// Check if the retrieved long-running operation has completed
if (retrievedResponse.IsCompleted)
    // If it has completed, then access the result
    AddFulfillmentPlacesResponse retrievedResult = retrievedResponse.Result;

AddFulfillmentPlacesAsync(AddFulfillmentPlacesRequest, CallSettings)

public virtual Task<Operation<AddFulfillmentPlacesResponse, AddFulfillmentPlacesMetadata>> AddFulfillmentPlacesAsync(AddFulfillmentPlacesRequest request, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Incrementally adds place IDs to [Product.fulfillment_info.place_ids][].

This process is asynchronous and does not require the [Product][] to exist before updating fulfillment information. If the request is valid, the update will be enqueued and processed downstream. As a consequence, when a response is returned, the added place IDs are not immediately manifested in the [Product][] queried by [GetProduct][] or [ListProducts][].

This feature is only available for users who have Retail Search enabled. Please submit a form here to contact cloud sales if you are interested in using Retail Search.


The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.


If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Task<Operation<AddFulfillmentPlacesResponse, AddFulfillmentPlacesMetadata>>

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
ProductServiceClient productServiceClient = await ProductServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
AddFulfillmentPlacesRequest request = new AddFulfillmentPlacesRequest
    ProductAsProductName = ProductName.FromProjectLocationCatalogBranchProduct("[PROJECT]", "[LOCATION]", "[CATALOG]", "[BRANCH]", "[PRODUCT]"),
    Type = "",
    PlaceIds = { "", },
    AddTime = new Timestamp(),
    AllowMissing = false,
// Make the request
Operation<AddFulfillmentPlacesResponse, AddFulfillmentPlacesMetadata> response = await productServiceClient.AddFulfillmentPlacesAsync(request);

// Poll until the returned long-running operation is complete
Operation<AddFulfillmentPlacesResponse, AddFulfillmentPlacesMetadata> completedResponse = await response.PollUntilCompletedAsync();
// Retrieve the operation result
AddFulfillmentPlacesResponse result = completedResponse.Result;

// Or get the name of the operation
string operationName = response.Name;
// This name can be stored, then the long-running operation retrieved later by name
Operation<AddFulfillmentPlacesResponse, AddFulfillmentPlacesMetadata> retrievedResponse = await productServiceClient.PollOnceAddFulfillmentPlacesAsync(operationName);
// Check if the retrieved long-running operation has completed
if (retrievedResponse.IsCompleted)
    // If it has completed, then access the result
    AddFulfillmentPlacesResponse retrievedResult = retrievedResponse.Result;

AddFulfillmentPlacesAsync(AddFulfillmentPlacesRequest, CancellationToken)

public virtual Task<Operation<AddFulfillmentPlacesResponse, AddFulfillmentPlacesMetadata>> AddFulfillmentPlacesAsync(AddFulfillmentPlacesRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

Incrementally adds place IDs to [Product.fulfillment_info.place_ids][].

This process is asynchronous and does not require the [Product][] to exist before updating fulfillment information. If the request is valid, the update will be enqueued and processed downstream. As a consequence, when a response is returned, the added place IDs are not immediately manifested in the [Product][] queried by [GetProduct][] or [ListProducts][].

This feature is only available for users who have Retail Search enabled. Please submit a form here to contact cloud sales if you are interested in using Retail Search.


The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.


A CancellationToken to use for this RPC.

Task<Operation<AddFulfillmentPlacesResponse, AddFulfillmentPlacesMetadata>>

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
ProductServiceClient productServiceClient = await ProductServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
AddFulfillmentPlacesRequest request = new AddFulfillmentPlacesRequest
    ProductAsProductName = ProductName.FromProjectLocationCatalogBranchProduct("[PROJECT]", "[LOCATION]", "[CATALOG]", "[BRANCH]", "[PRODUCT]"),
    Type = "",
    PlaceIds = { "", },
    AddTime = new Timestamp(),
    AllowMissing = false,
// Make the request
Operation<AddFulfillmentPlacesResponse, AddFulfillmentPlacesMetadata> response = await productServiceClient.AddFulfillmentPlacesAsync(request);

// Poll until the returned long-running operation is complete
Operation<AddFulfillmentPlacesResponse, AddFulfillmentPlacesMetadata> completedResponse = await response.PollUntilCompletedAsync();
// Retrieve the operation result
AddFulfillmentPlacesResponse result = completedResponse.Result;

// Or get the name of the operation
string operationName = response.Name;
// This name can be stored, then the long-running operation retrieved later by name
Operation<AddFulfillmentPlacesResponse, AddFulfillmentPlacesMetadata> retrievedResponse = await productServiceClient.PollOnceAddFulfillmentPlacesAsync(operationName);
// Check if the retrieved long-running operation has completed
if (retrievedResponse.IsCompleted)
    // If it has completed, then access the result
    AddFulfillmentPlacesResponse retrievedResult = retrievedResponse.Result;

AddFulfillmentPlacesAsync(ProductName, CallSettings)

public virtual Task<Operation<AddFulfillmentPlacesResponse, AddFulfillmentPlacesMetadata>> AddFulfillmentPlacesAsync(ProductName product, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Incrementally adds place IDs to [Product.fulfillment_info.place_ids][].

This process is asynchronous and does not require the [Product][] to exist before updating fulfillment information. If the request is valid, the update will be enqueued and processed downstream. As a consequence, when a response is returned, the added place IDs are not immediately manifested in the [Product][] queried by [GetProduct][] or [ListProducts][].

This feature is only available for users who have Retail Search enabled. Please submit a form here to contact cloud sales if you are interested in using Retail Search.


Required. Full resource name of [Product][], such as projects/*/locations/global/catalogs/default_catalog/branches/default_branch/products/some_product_id.

If the caller does not have permission to access the [Product][], regardless of whether or not it exists, a PERMISSION_DENIED error is returned.


If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Task<Operation<AddFulfillmentPlacesResponse, AddFulfillmentPlacesMetadata>>

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
ProductServiceClient productServiceClient = await ProductServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
ProductName product = ProductName.FromProjectLocationCatalogBranchProduct("[PROJECT]", "[LOCATION]", "[CATALOG]", "[BRANCH]", "[PRODUCT]");
// Make the request
Operation<AddFulfillmentPlacesResponse, AddFulfillmentPlacesMetadata> response = await productServiceClient.AddFulfillmentPlacesAsync(product);

// Poll until the returned long-running operation is complete
Operation<AddFulfillmentPlacesResponse, AddFulfillmentPlacesMetadata> completedResponse = await response.PollUntilCompletedAsync();
// Retrieve the operation result
AddFulfillmentPlacesResponse result = completedResponse.Result;

// Or get the name of the operation
string operationName = response.Name;
// This name can be stored, then the long-running operation retrieved later by name
Operation<AddFulfillmentPlacesResponse, AddFulfillmentPlacesMetadata> retrievedResponse = await productServiceClient.PollOnceAddFulfillmentPlacesAsync(operationName);
// Check if the retrieved long-running operation has completed
if (retrievedResponse.IsCompleted)
    // If it has completed, then access the result
    AddFulfillmentPlacesResponse retrievedResult = retrievedResponse.Result;

AddFulfillmentPlacesAsync(ProductName, CancellationToken)

public virtual Task<Operation<AddFulfillmentPlacesResponse, AddFulfillmentPlacesMetadata>> AddFulfillmentPlacesAsync(ProductName product, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

Incrementally adds place IDs to [Product.fulfillment_info.place_ids][].

This process is asynchronous and does not require the [Product][] to exist before updating fulfillment information. If the request is valid, the update will be enqueued and processed downstream. As a consequence, when a response is returned, the added place IDs are not immediately manifested in the [Product][] queried by [GetProduct][] or [ListProducts][].

This feature is only available for users who have Retail Search enabled. Please submit a form here to contact cloud sales if you are interested in using Retail Search.


Required. Full resource name of [Product][], such as projects/*/locations/global/catalogs/default_catalog/branches/default_branch/products/some_product_id.

If the caller does not have permission to access the [Product][], regardless of whether or not it exists, a PERMISSION_DENIED error is returned.


A CancellationToken to use for this RPC.

Task<Operation<AddFulfillmentPlacesResponse, AddFulfillmentPlacesMetadata>>

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
ProductServiceClient productServiceClient = await ProductServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
ProductName product = ProductName.FromProjectLocationCatalogBranchProduct("[PROJECT]", "[LOCATION]", "[CATALOG]", "[BRANCH]", "[PRODUCT]");
// Make the request
Operation<AddFulfillmentPlacesResponse, AddFulfillmentPlacesMetadata> response = await productServiceClient.AddFulfillmentPlacesAsync(product);

// Poll until the returned long-running operation is complete
Operation<AddFulfillmentPlacesResponse, AddFulfillmentPlacesMetadata> completedResponse = await response.PollUntilCompletedAsync();
// Retrieve the operation result
AddFulfillmentPlacesResponse result = completedResponse.Result;

// Or get the name of the operation
string operationName = response.Name;
// This name can be stored, then the long-running operation retrieved later by name
Operation<AddFulfillmentPlacesResponse, AddFulfillmentPlacesMetadata> retrievedResponse = await productServiceClient.PollOnceAddFulfillmentPlacesAsync(operationName);
// Check if the retrieved long-running operation has completed
if (retrievedResponse.IsCompleted)
    // If it has completed, then access the result
    AddFulfillmentPlacesResponse retrievedResult = retrievedResponse.Result;

AddFulfillmentPlacesAsync(String, CallSettings)

public virtual Task<Operation<AddFulfillmentPlacesResponse, AddFulfillmentPlacesMetadata>> AddFulfillmentPlacesAsync(string product, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Incrementally adds place IDs to [Product.fulfillment_info.place_ids][].

This process is asynchronous and does not require the [Product][] to exist before updating fulfillment information. If the request is valid, the update will be enqueued and processed downstream. As a consequence, when a response is returned, the added place IDs are not immediately manifested in the [Product][] queried by [GetProduct][] or [ListProducts][].

This feature is only available for users who have Retail Search enabled. Please submit a form here to contact cloud sales if you are interested in using Retail Search.


Required. Full resource name of [Product][], such as projects/*/locations/global/catalogs/default_catalog/branches/default_branch/products/some_product_id.

If the caller does not have permission to access the [Product][], regardless of whether or not it exists, a PERMISSION_DENIED error is returned.


If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Task<Operation<AddFulfillmentPlacesResponse, AddFulfillmentPlacesMetadata>>

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
ProductServiceClient productServiceClient = await ProductServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
string product = "projects/[PROJECT]/locations/[LOCATION]/catalogs/[CATALOG]/branches/[BRANCH]/products/[PRODUCT]";
// Make the request
Operation<AddFulfillmentPlacesResponse, AddFulfillmentPlacesMetadata> response = await productServiceClient.AddFulfillmentPlacesAsync(product);

// Poll until the returned long-running operation is complete
Operation<AddFulfillmentPlacesResponse, AddFulfillmentPlacesMetadata> completedResponse = await response.PollUntilCompletedAsync();
// Retrieve the operation result
AddFulfillmentPlacesResponse result = completedResponse.Result;

// Or get the name of the operation
string operationName = response.Name;
// This name can be stored, then the long-running operation retrieved later by name
Operation<AddFulfillmentPlacesResponse, AddFulfillmentPlacesMetadata> retrievedResponse = await productServiceClient.PollOnceAddFulfillmentPlacesAsync(operationName);
// Check if the retrieved long-running operation has completed
if (retrievedResponse.IsCompleted)
    // If it has completed, then access the result
    AddFulfillmentPlacesResponse retrievedResult = retrievedResponse.Result;

AddFulfillmentPlacesAsync(String, CancellationToken)

public virtual Task<Operation<AddFulfillmentPlacesResponse, AddFulfillmentPlacesMetadata>> AddFulfillmentPlacesAsync(string product, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

Incrementally adds place IDs to [Product.fulfillment_info.place_ids][].

This process is asynchronous and does not require the [Product][] to exist before updating fulfillment information. If the request is valid, the update will be enqueued and processed downstream. As a consequence, when a response is returned, the added place IDs are not immediately manifested in the [Product][] queried by [GetProduct][] or [ListProducts][].

This feature is only available for users who have Retail Search enabled. Please submit a form here to contact cloud sales if you are interested in using Retail Search.


Required. Full resource name of [Product][], such as projects/*/locations/global/catalogs/default_catalog/branches/default_branch/products/some_product_id.

If the caller does not have permission to access the [Product][], regardless of whether or not it exists, a PERMISSION_DENIED error is returned.


A CancellationToken to use for this RPC.

Task<Operation<AddFulfillmentPlacesResponse, AddFulfillmentPlacesMetadata>>

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
ProductServiceClient productServiceClient = await ProductServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
string product = "projects/[PROJECT]/locations/[LOCATION]/catalogs/[CATALOG]/branches/[BRANCH]/products/[PRODUCT]";
// Make the request
Operation<AddFulfillmentPlacesResponse, AddFulfillmentPlacesMetadata> response = await productServiceClient.AddFulfillmentPlacesAsync(product);

// Poll until the returned long-running operation is complete
Operation<AddFulfillmentPlacesResponse, AddFulfillmentPlacesMetadata> completedResponse = await response.PollUntilCompletedAsync();
// Retrieve the operation result
AddFulfillmentPlacesResponse result = completedResponse.Result;

// Or get the name of the operation
string operationName = response.Name;
// This name can be stored, then the long-running operation retrieved later by name
Operation<AddFulfillmentPlacesResponse, AddFulfillmentPlacesMetadata> retrievedResponse = await productServiceClient.PollOnceAddFulfillmentPlacesAsync(operationName);
// Check if the retrieved long-running operation has completed
if (retrievedResponse.IsCompleted)
    // If it has completed, then access the result
    AddFulfillmentPlacesResponse retrievedResult = retrievedResponse.Result;


public static ProductServiceClient Create()

Synchronously creates a ProductServiceClient using the default credentials, endpoint and settings. To specify custom credentials or other settings, use ProductServiceClientBuilder.


The created ProductServiceClient.


public static Task<ProductServiceClient> CreateAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))

Asynchronously creates a ProductServiceClient using the default credentials, endpoint and settings. To specify custom credentials or other settings, use ProductServiceClientBuilder.


The CancellationToken to use while creating the client.


The task representing the created ProductServiceClient.

CreateProduct(BranchName, Product, String, CallSettings)

public virtual Product CreateProduct(BranchName parent, Product product, string productId, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Creates a [Product][].


Required. The parent catalog resource name, such as projects/*/locations/global/catalogs/default_catalog/branches/default_branch.


Required. The [Product][] to create.


Required. The ID to use for the [Product][], which will become the final component of the [][].

If the caller does not have permission to create the [Product][], regardless of whether or not it exists, a PERMISSION_DENIED error is returned.

This field must be unique among all [Product][]s with the same [parent][]. Otherwise, an ALREADY_EXISTS error is returned.

This field must be a UTF-8 encoded string with a length limit of 128 characters. Otherwise, an INVALID_ARGUMENT error is returned.


If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.


The RPC response.

// Create client
ProductServiceClient productServiceClient = ProductServiceClient.Create();
// Initialize request argument(s)
BranchName parent = BranchName.FromProjectLocationCatalogBranch("[PROJECT]", "[LOCATION]", "[CATALOG]", "[BRANCH]");
Product product = new Product();
string productId = "";
// Make the request
Product response = productServiceClient.CreateProduct(parent, product, productId);

CreateProduct(CreateProductRequest, CallSettings)

public virtual Product CreateProduct(CreateProductRequest request, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Creates a [Product][].


The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.


If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.


The RPC response.

// Create client
ProductServiceClient productServiceClient = ProductServiceClient.Create();
// Initialize request argument(s)
CreateProductRequest request = new CreateProductRequest
    ParentAsBranchName = BranchName.FromProjectLocationCatalogBranch("[PROJECT]", "[LOCATION]", "[CATALOG]", "[BRANCH]"),
    Product = new Product(),
    ProductId = "",
// Make the request
Product response = productServiceClient.CreateProduct(request);

CreateProduct(String, Product, String, CallSettings)

public virtual Product CreateProduct(string parent, Product product, string productId, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Creates a [Product][].


Required. The parent catalog resource name, such as projects/*/locations/global/catalogs/default_catalog/branches/default_branch.


Required. The [Product][] to create.


Required. The ID to use for the [Product][], which will become the final component of the [][].

If the caller does not have permission to create the [Product][], regardless of whether or not it exists, a PERMISSION_DENIED error is returned.

This field must be unique among all [Product][]s with the same [parent][]. Otherwise, an ALREADY_EXISTS error is returned.

This field must be a UTF-8 encoded string with a length limit of 128 characters. Otherwise, an INVALID_ARGUMENT error is returned.


If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.


The RPC response.

// Create client
ProductServiceClient productServiceClient = ProductServiceClient.Create();
// Initialize request argument(s)
string parent = "projects/[PROJECT]/locations/[LOCATION]/catalogs/[CATALOG]/branches/[BRANCH]";
Product product = new Product();
string productId = "";
// Make the request
Product response = productServiceClient.CreateProduct(parent, product, productId);

CreateProductAsync(BranchName, Product, String, CallSettings)

public virtual Task<Product> CreateProductAsync(BranchName parent, Product product, string productId, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Creates a [Product][].


Required. The parent catalog resource name, such as projects/*/locations/global/catalogs/default_catalog/branches/default_branch.


Required. The [Product][] to create.


Required. The ID to use for the [Product][], which will become the final component of the [][].

If the caller does not have permission to create the [Product][], regardless of whether or not it exists, a PERMISSION_DENIED error is returned.

This field must be unique among all [Product][]s with the same [parent][]. Otherwise, an ALREADY_EXISTS error is returned.

This field must be a UTF-8 encoded string with a length limit of 128 characters. Otherwise, an INVALID_ARGUMENT error is returned.


If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.


A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
ProductServiceClient productServiceClient = await ProductServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
BranchName parent = BranchName.FromProjectLocationCatalogBranch("[PROJECT]", "[LOCATION]", "[CATALOG]", "[BRANCH]");
Product product = new Product();
string productId = "";
// Make the request
Product response = await productServiceClient.CreateProductAsync(parent, product, productId);

CreateProductAsync(BranchName, Product, String, CancellationToken)

public virtual Task<Product> CreateProductAsync(BranchName parent, Product product, string productId, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

Creates a [Product][].


Required. The parent catalog resource name, such as projects/*/locations/global/catalogs/default_catalog/branches/default_branch.


Required. The [Product][] to create.


Required. The ID to use for the [Product][], which will become the final component of the [][].

If the caller does not have permission to create the [Product][], regardless of whether or not it exists, a PERMISSION_DENIED error is returned.

This field must be unique among all [Product][]s with the same [parent][]. Otherwise, an ALREADY_EXISTS error is returned.

This field must be a UTF-8 encoded string with a length limit of 128 characters. Otherwise, an INVALID_ARGUMENT error is returned.


A CancellationToken to use for this RPC.


A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
ProductServiceClient productServiceClient = await ProductServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
BranchName parent = BranchName.FromProjectLocationCatalogBranch("[PROJECT]", "[LOCATION]", "[CATALOG]", "[BRANCH]");
Product product = new Product();
string productId = "";
// Make the request
Product response = await productServiceClient.CreateProductAsync(parent, product, productId);

CreateProductAsync(CreateProductRequest, CallSettings)

public virtual Task<Product> CreateProductAsync(CreateProductRequest request, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Creates a [Product][].


The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.


If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.


A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
ProductServiceClient productServiceClient = await ProductServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
CreateProductRequest request = new CreateProductRequest
    ParentAsBranchName = BranchName.FromProjectLocationCatalogBranch("[PROJECT]", "[LOCATION]", "[CATALOG]", "[BRANCH]"),
    Product = new Product(),
    ProductId = "",
// Make the request
Product response = await productServiceClient.CreateProductAsync(request);

CreateProductAsync(CreateProductRequest, CancellationToken)

public virtual Task<Product> CreateProductAsync(CreateProductRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

Creates a [Product][].


The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.


A CancellationToken to use for this RPC.


A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
ProductServiceClient productServiceClient = await ProductServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
CreateProductRequest request = new CreateProductRequest
    ParentAsBranchName = BranchName.FromProjectLocationCatalogBranch("[PROJECT]", "[LOCATION]", "[CATALOG]", "[BRANCH]"),
    Product = new Product(),
    ProductId = "",
// Make the request
Product response = await productServiceClient.CreateProductAsync(request);

CreateProductAsync(String, Product, String, CallSettings)

public virtual Task<Product> CreateProductAsync(string parent, Product product, string productId, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Creates a [Product][].


Required. The parent catalog resource name, such as projects/*/locations/global/catalogs/default_catalog/branches/default_branch.


Required. The [Product][] to create.


Required. The ID to use for the [Product][], which will become the final component of the [][].

If the caller does not have permission to create the [Product][], regardless of whether or not it exists, a PERMISSION_DENIED error is returned.

This field must be unique among all [Product][]s with the same [parent][]. Otherwise, an ALREADY_EXISTS error is returned.

This field must be a UTF-8 encoded string with a length limit of 128 characters. Otherwise, an INVALID_ARGUMENT error is returned.


If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.


A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
ProductServiceClient productServiceClient = await ProductServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
string parent = "projects/[PROJECT]/locations/[LOCATION]/catalogs/[CATALOG]/branches/[BRANCH]";
Product product = new Product();
string productId = "";
// Make the request
Product response = await productServiceClient.CreateProductAsync(parent, product, productId);

CreateProductAsync(String, Product, String, CancellationToken)

public virtual Task<Product> CreateProductAsync(string parent, Product product, string productId, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

Creates a [Product][].


Required. The parent catalog resource name, such as projects/*/locations/global/catalogs/default_catalog/branches/default_branch.


Required. The [Product][] to create.


Required. The ID to use for the [Product][], which will become the final component of the [][].

If the caller does not have permission to create the [Product][], regardless of whether or not it exists, a PERMISSION_DENIED error is returned.

This field must be unique among all [Product][]s with the same [parent][]. Otherwise, an ALREADY_EXISTS error is returned.

This field must be a UTF-8 encoded string with a length limit of 128 characters. Otherwise, an INVALID_ARGUMENT error is returned.


A CancellationToken to use for this RPC.


A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
ProductServiceClient productServiceClient = await ProductServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
string parent = "projects/[PROJECT]/locations/[LOCATION]/catalogs/[CATALOG]/branches/[BRANCH]";
Product product = new Product();
string productId = "";
// Make the request
Product response = await productServiceClient.CreateProductAsync(parent, product, productId);

DeleteProduct(DeleteProductRequest, CallSettings)

public virtual void DeleteProduct(DeleteProductRequest request, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Deletes a [Product][].


The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.


If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

// Create client
ProductServiceClient productServiceClient = ProductServiceClient.Create();
// Initialize request argument(s)
DeleteProductRequest request = new DeleteProductRequest
    ProductName = ProductName.FromProjectLocationCatalogBranchProduct("[PROJECT]", "[LOCATION]", "[CATALOG]", "[BRANCH]", "[PRODUCT]"),
// Make the request

DeleteProduct(ProductName, CallSettings)

public virtual void DeleteProduct(ProductName name, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Deletes a [Product][].


Required. Full resource name of [Product][], such as projects/*/locations/global/catalogs/default_catalog/branches/default_branch/products/some_product_id.

If the caller does not have permission to delete the [Product][], regardless of whether or not it exists, a PERMISSION_DENIED error is returned.

If the [Product][] to delete does not exist, a NOT_FOUND error is returned.

The [Product][] to delete can neither be a [Product.Type.COLLECTION][] [Product][] member nor a [Product.Type.PRIMARY][] [Product][] with more than one [variants][]. Otherwise, an INVALID_ARGUMENT error is returned.

All inventory information for the named [Product][] will be deleted.


If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

// Create client
ProductServiceClient productServiceClient = ProductServiceClient.Create();
// Initialize request argument(s)
ProductName name = ProductName.FromProjectLocationCatalogBranchProduct("[PROJECT]", "[LOCATION]", "[CATALOG]", "[BRANCH]", "[PRODUCT]");
// Make the request

DeleteProduct(String, CallSettings)

public virtual void DeleteProduct(string name, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Deletes a [Product][].


Required. Full resource name of [Product][], such as projects/*/locations/global/catalogs/default_catalog/branches/default_branch/products/some_product_id.

If the caller does not have permission to delete the [Product][], regardless of whether or not it exists, a PERMISSION_DENIED error is returned.

If the [Product][] to delete does not exist, a NOT_FOUND error is returned.

The [Product][] to delete can neither be a [Product.Type.COLLECTION][] [Product][] member nor a [Product.Type.PRIMARY][] [Product][] with more than one [variants][]. Otherwise, an INVALID_ARGUMENT error is returned.

All inventory information for the named [Product][] will be deleted.


If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

// Create client
ProductServiceClient productServiceClient = ProductServiceClient.Create();
// Initialize request argument(s)
string name = "projects/[PROJECT]/locations/[LOCATION]/catalogs/[CATALOG]/branches/[BRANCH]/products/[PRODUCT]";
// Make the request

DeleteProductAsync(DeleteProductRequest, CallSettings)

public virtual Task DeleteProductAsync(DeleteProductRequest request, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Deletes a [Product][].


The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.


If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.


A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
ProductServiceClient productServiceClient = await ProductServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
DeleteProductRequest request = new DeleteProductRequest
    ProductName = ProductName.FromProjectLocationCatalogBranchProduct("[PROJECT]", "[LOCATION]", "[CATALOG]", "[BRANCH]", "[PRODUCT]"),
// Make the request
await productServiceClient.DeleteProductAsync(request);

DeleteProductAsync(DeleteProductRequest, CancellationToken)

public virtual Task DeleteProductAsync(DeleteProductRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

Deletes a [Product][].


The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.


A CancellationToken to use for this RPC.


A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
ProductServiceClient productServiceClient = await ProductServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
DeleteProductRequest request = new DeleteProductRequest
    ProductName = ProductName.FromProjectLocationCatalogBranchProduct("[PROJECT]", "[LOCATION]", "[CATALOG]", "[BRANCH]", "[PRODUCT]"),
// Make the request
await productServiceClient.DeleteProductAsync(request);

DeleteProductAsync(ProductName, CallSettings)

public virtual Task DeleteProductAsync(ProductName name, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Deletes a [Product][].


Required. Full resource name of [Product][], such as projects/*/locations/global/catalogs/default_catalog/branches/default_branch/products/some_product_id.

If the caller does not have permission to delete the [Product][], regardless of whether or not it exists, a PERMISSION_DENIED error is returned.

If the [Product][] to delete does not exist, a NOT_FOUND error is returned.

The [Product][] to delete can neither be a [Product.Type.COLLECTION][] [Product][] member nor a [Product.Type.PRIMARY][] [Product][] with more than one [variants][]. Otherwise, an INVALID_ARGUMENT error is returned.

All inventory information for the named [Product][] will be deleted.


If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.


A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
ProductServiceClient productServiceClient = await ProductServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
ProductName name = ProductName.FromProjectLocationCatalogBranchProduct("[PROJECT]", "[LOCATION]", "[CATALOG]", "[BRANCH]", "[PRODUCT]");
// Make the request
await productServiceClient.DeleteProductAsync(name);

DeleteProductAsync(ProductName, CancellationToken)

public virtual Task DeleteProductAsync(ProductName name, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

Deletes a [Product][].


Required. Full resource name of [Product][], such as projects/*/locations/global/catalogs/default_catalog/branches/default_branch/products/some_product_id.

If the caller does not have permission to delete the [Product][], regardless of whether or not it exists, a PERMISSION_DENIED error is returned.

If the [Product][] to delete does not exist, a NOT_FOUND error is returned.

The [Product][] to delete can neither be a [Product.Type.COLLECTION][] [Product][] member nor a [Product.Type.PRIMARY][] [Product][] with more than one [variants][]. Otherwise, an INVALID_ARGUMENT error is returned.

All inventory information for the named [Product][] will be deleted.


A CancellationToken to use for this RPC.


A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
ProductServiceClient productServiceClient = await ProductServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
ProductName name = ProductName.FromProjectLocationCatalogBranchProduct("[PROJECT]", "[LOCATION]", "[CATALOG]", "[BRANCH]", "[PRODUCT]");
// Make the request
await productServiceClient.DeleteProductAsync(name);

DeleteProductAsync(String, CallSettings)

public virtual Task DeleteProductAsync(string name, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Deletes a [Product][].


Required. Full resource name of [Product][], such as projects/*/locations/global/catalogs/default_catalog/branches/default_branch/products/some_product_id.

If the caller does not have permission to delete the [Product][], regardless of whether or not it exists, a PERMISSION_DENIED error is returned.

If the [Product][] to delete does not exist, a NOT_FOUND error is returned.

The [Product][] to delete can neither be a [Product.Type.COLLECTION][] [Product][] member nor a [Product.Type.PRIMARY][] [Product][] with more than one [variants][]. Otherwise, an INVALID_ARGUMENT error is returned.

All inventory information for the named [Product][] will be deleted.


If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.


A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
ProductServiceClient productServiceClient = await ProductServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
string name = "projects/[PROJECT]/locations/[LOCATION]/catalogs/[CATALOG]/branches/[BRANCH]/products/[PRODUCT]";
// Make the request
await productServiceClient.DeleteProductAsync(name);

DeleteProductAsync(String, CancellationToken)

public virtual Task DeleteProductAsync(string name, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

Deletes a [Product][].


Required. Full resource name of [Product][], such as projects/*/locations/global/catalogs/default_catalog/branches/default_branch/products/some_product_id.

If the caller does not have permission to delete the [Product][], regardless of whether or not it exists, a PERMISSION_DENIED error is returned.

If the [Product][] to delete does not exist, a NOT_FOUND error is returned.

The [Product][] to delete can neither be a [Product.Type.COLLECTION][] [Product][] member nor a [Product.Type.PRIMARY][] [Product][] with more than one [variants][]. Otherwise, an INVALID_ARGUMENT error is returned.

All inventory information for the named [Product][] will be deleted.


A CancellationToken to use for this RPC.


A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
ProductServiceClient productServiceClient = await ProductServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
string name = "projects/[PROJECT]/locations/[LOCATION]/catalogs/[CATALOG]/branches/[BRANCH]/products/[PRODUCT]";
// Make the request
await productServiceClient.DeleteProductAsync(name);

GetProduct(GetProductRequest, CallSettings)

public virtual Product GetProduct(GetProductRequest request, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Gets a [Product][].


The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.


If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.


The RPC response.

// Create client
ProductServiceClient productServiceClient = ProductServiceClient.Create();
// Initialize request argument(s)
GetProductRequest request = new GetProductRequest
    ProductName = ProductName.FromProjectLocationCatalogBranchProduct("[PROJECT]", "[LOCATION]", "[CATALOG]", "[BRANCH]", "[PRODUCT]"),
// Make the request
Product response = productServiceClient.GetProduct(request);

GetProduct(ProductName, CallSettings)

public virtual Product GetProduct(ProductName name, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Gets a [Product][].


Required. Full resource name of [Product][], such as projects/*/locations/global/catalogs/default_catalog/branches/default_branch/products/some_product_id.

If the caller does not have permission to access the [Product][], regardless of whether or not it exists, a PERMISSION_DENIED error is returned.

If the requested [Product][] does not exist, a NOT_FOUND error is returned.


If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.


The RPC response.

// Create client
ProductServiceClient productServiceClient = ProductServiceClient.Create();
// Initialize request argument(s)
ProductName name = ProductName.FromProjectLocationCatalogBranchProduct("[PROJECT]", "[LOCATION]", "[CATALOG]", "[BRANCH]", "[PRODUCT]");
// Make the request
Product response = productServiceClient.GetProduct(name);

GetProduct(String, CallSettings)

public virtual Product GetProduct(string name, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Gets a [Product][].


Required. Full resource name of [Product][], such as projects/*/locations/global/catalogs/default_catalog/branches/default_branch/products/some_product_id.

If the caller does not have permission to access the [Product][], regardless of whether or not it exists, a PERMISSION_DENIED error is returned.

If the requested [Product][] does not exist, a NOT_FOUND error is returned.


If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.


The RPC response.

// Create client
ProductServiceClient productServiceClient = ProductServiceClient.Create();
// Initialize request argument(s)
string name = "projects/[PROJECT]/locations/[LOCATION]/catalogs/[CATALOG]/branches/[BRANCH]/products/[PRODUCT]";
// Make the request
Product response = productServiceClient.GetProduct(name);

GetProductAsync(GetProductRequest, CallSettings)

public virtual Task<Product> GetProductAsync(GetProductRequest request, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Gets a [Product][].


The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.


If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.


A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
ProductServiceClient productServiceClient = await ProductServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
GetProductRequest request = new GetProductRequest
    ProductName = ProductName.FromProjectLocationCatalogBranchProduct("[PROJECT]", "[LOCATION]", "[CATALOG]", "[BRANCH]", "[PRODUCT]"),
// Make the request
Product response = await productServiceClient.GetProductAsync(request);

GetProductAsync(GetProductRequest, CancellationToken)

public virtual Task<Product> GetProductAsync(GetProductRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

Gets a [Product][].


The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.


A CancellationToken to use for this RPC.


A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
ProductServiceClient productServiceClient = await ProductServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
GetProductRequest request = new GetProductRequest
    ProductName = ProductName.FromProjectLocationCatalogBranchProduct("[PROJECT]", "[LOCATION]", "[CATALOG]", "[BRANCH]", "[PRODUCT]"),
// Make the request
Product response = await productServiceClient.GetProductAsync(request);

GetProductAsync(ProductName, CallSettings)

public virtual Task<Product> GetProductAsync(ProductName name, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Gets a [Product][].


Required. Full resource name of [Product][], such as projects/*/locations/global/catalogs/default_catalog/branches/default_branch/products/some_product_id.

If the caller does not have permission to access the [Product][], regardless of whether or not it exists, a PERMISSION_DENIED error is returned.

If the requested [Product][] does not exist, a NOT_FOUND error is returned.


If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.


A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
ProductServiceClient productServiceClient = await ProductServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
ProductName name = ProductName.FromProjectLocationCatalogBranchProduct("[PROJECT]", "[LOCATION]", "[CATALOG]", "[BRANCH]", "[PRODUCT]");
// Make the request
Product response = await productServiceClient.GetProductAsync(name);

GetProductAsync(ProductName, CancellationToken)

public virtual Task<Product> GetProductAsync(ProductName name, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

Gets a [Product][].


Required. Full resource name of [Product][], such as projects/*/locations/global/catalogs/default_catalog/branches/default_branch/products/some_product_id.

If the caller does not have permission to access the [Product][], regardless of whether or not it exists, a PERMISSION_DENIED error is returned.

If the requested [Product][] does not exist, a NOT_FOUND error is returned.


A CancellationToken to use for this RPC.


A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
ProductServiceClient productServiceClient = await ProductServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
ProductName name = ProductName.FromProjectLocationCatalogBranchProduct("[PROJECT]", "[LOCATION]", "[CATALOG]", "[BRANCH]", "[PRODUCT]");
// Make the request
Product response = await productServiceClient.GetProductAsync(name);

GetProductAsync(String, CallSettings)

public virtual Task<Product> GetProductAsync(string name, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Gets a [Product][].


Required. Full resource name of [Product][], such as projects/*/locations/global/catalogs/default_catalog/branches/default_branch/products/some_product_id.

If the caller does not have permission to access the [Product][], regardless of whether or not it exists, a PERMISSION_DENIED error is returned.

If the requested [Product][] does not exist, a NOT_FOUND error is returned.


If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.


A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
ProductServiceClient productServiceClient = await ProductServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
string name = "projects/[PROJECT]/locations/[LOCATION]/catalogs/[CATALOG]/branches/[BRANCH]/products/[PRODUCT]";
// Make the request
Product response = await productServiceClient.GetProductAsync(name);

GetProductAsync(String, CancellationToken)

public virtual Task<Product> GetProductAsync(string name, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

Gets a [Product][].


Required. Full resource name of [Product][], such as projects/*/locations/global/catalogs/default_catalog/branches/default_branch/products/some_product_id.

If the caller does not have permission to access the [Product][], regardless of whether or not it exists, a PERMISSION_DENIED error is returned.

If the requested [Product][] does not exist, a NOT_FOUND error is returned.


A CancellationToken to use for this RPC.


A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
ProductServiceClient productServiceClient = await ProductServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
string name = "projects/[PROJECT]/locations/[LOCATION]/catalogs/[CATALOG]/branches/[BRANCH]/products/[PRODUCT]";
// Make the request
Product response = await productServiceClient.GetProductAsync(name);

ImportProducts(ImportProductsRequest, CallSettings)

public virtual Operation<ImportProductsResponse, ImportMetadata> ImportProducts(ImportProductsRequest request, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Bulk import of multiple [Product][]s.

Request processing may be synchronous. No partial updating is supported. Non-existing items are created.

Note that it is possible for a subset of the [Product][]s to be successfully updated.


The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.


If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Operation<ImportProductsResponse, ImportMetadata>

The RPC response.

// Create client
ProductServiceClient productServiceClient = ProductServiceClient.Create();
// Initialize request argument(s)
ImportProductsRequest request = new ImportProductsRequest
    ParentAsBranchName = BranchName.FromProjectLocationCatalogBranch("[PROJECT]", "[LOCATION]", "[CATALOG]", "[BRANCH]"),
    InputConfig = new ProductInputConfig(),
    ErrorsConfig = new ImportErrorsConfig(),
    UpdateMask = new FieldMask(),
    ReconciliationMode = ImportProductsRequest.Types.ReconciliationMode.Unspecified,
    RequestId = "",
    NotificationPubsubTopic = "",
// Make the request
Operation<ImportProductsResponse, ImportMetadata> response = productServiceClient.ImportProducts(request);

// Poll until the returned long-running operation is complete
Operation<ImportProductsResponse, ImportMetadata> completedResponse = response.PollUntilCompleted();
// Retrieve the operation result
ImportProductsResponse result = completedResponse.Result;

// Or get the name of the operation
string operationName = response.Name;
// This name can be stored, then the long-running operation retrieved later by name
Operation<ImportProductsResponse, ImportMetadata> retrievedResponse = productServiceClient.PollOnceImportProducts(operationName);
// Check if the retrieved long-running operation has completed
if (retrievedResponse.IsCompleted)
    // If it has completed, then access the result
    ImportProductsResponse retrievedResult = retrievedResponse.Result;

ImportProductsAsync(ImportProductsRequest, CallSettings)

public virtual Task<Operation<ImportProductsResponse, ImportMetadata>> ImportProductsAsync(ImportProductsRequest request, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Bulk import of multiple [Product][]s.

Request processing may be synchronous. No partial updating is supported. Non-existing items are created.

Note that it is possible for a subset of the [Product][]s to be successfully updated.


The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.


If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Task<Operation<ImportProductsResponse, ImportMetadata>>

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
ProductServiceClient productServiceClient = await ProductServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
ImportProductsRequest request = new ImportProductsRequest
    ParentAsBranchName = BranchName.FromProjectLocationCatalogBranch("[PROJECT]", "[LOCATION]", "[CATALOG]", "[BRANCH]"),
    InputConfig = new ProductInputConfig(),
    ErrorsConfig = new ImportErrorsConfig(),
    UpdateMask = new FieldMask(),
    ReconciliationMode = ImportProductsRequest.Types.ReconciliationMode.Unspecified,
    RequestId = "",
    NotificationPubsubTopic = "",
// Make the request
Operation<ImportProductsResponse, ImportMetadata> response = await productServiceClient.ImportProductsAsync(request);

// Poll until the returned long-running operation is complete
Operation<ImportProductsResponse, ImportMetadata> completedResponse = await response.PollUntilCompletedAsync();
// Retrieve the operation result
ImportProductsResponse result = completedResponse.Result;

// Or get the name of the operation
string operationName = response.Name;
// This name can be stored, then the long-running operation retrieved later by name
Operation<ImportProductsResponse, ImportMetadata> retrievedResponse = await productServiceClient.PollOnceImportProductsAsync(operationName);
// Check if the retrieved long-running operation has completed
if (retrievedResponse.IsCompleted)
    // If it has completed, then access the result
    ImportProductsResponse retrievedResult = retrievedResponse.Result;

ImportProductsAsync(ImportProductsRequest, CancellationToken)

public virtual Task<Operation<ImportProductsResponse, ImportMetadata>> ImportProductsAsync(ImportProductsRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

Bulk import of multiple [Product][]s.

Request processing may be synchronous. No partial updating is supported. Non-existing items are created.

Note that it is possible for a subset of the [Product][]s to be successfully updated.


The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.


A CancellationToken to use for this RPC.

Task<Operation<ImportProductsResponse, ImportMetadata>>

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
ProductServiceClient productServiceClient = await ProductServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
ImportProductsRequest request = new ImportProductsRequest
    ParentAsBranchName = BranchName.FromProjectLocationCatalogBranch("[PROJECT]", "[LOCATION]", "[CATALOG]", "[BRANCH]"),
    InputConfig = new ProductInputConfig(),
    ErrorsConfig = new ImportErrorsConfig(),
    UpdateMask = new FieldMask(),
    ReconciliationMode = ImportProductsRequest.Types.ReconciliationMode.Unspecified,
    RequestId = "",
    NotificationPubsubTopic = "",
// Make the request
Operation<ImportProductsResponse, ImportMetadata> response = await productServiceClient.ImportProductsAsync(request);

// Poll until the returned long-running operation is complete
Operation<ImportProductsResponse, ImportMetadata> completedResponse = await response.PollUntilCompletedAsync();
// Retrieve the operation result
ImportProductsResponse result = completedResponse.Result;

// Or get the name of the operation
string operationName = response.Name;
// This name can be stored, then the long-running operation retrieved later by name
Operation<ImportProductsResponse, ImportMetadata> retrievedResponse = await productServiceClient.PollOnceImportProductsAsync(operationName);
// Check if the retrieved long-running operation has completed
if (retrievedResponse.IsCompleted)
    // If it has completed, then access the result
    ImportProductsResponse retrievedResult = retrievedResponse.Result;

ListProducts(BranchName, String, Nullable<Int32>, CallSettings)

public virtual PagedEnumerable<ListProductsResponse, Product> ListProducts(BranchName parent, string pageToken = null, int? pageSize = default(int? ), CallSettings callSettings = null)

Gets a list of [Product][]s.


Required. The parent branch resource name, such as projects/*/locations/global/catalogs/default_catalog/branches/0. Use default_branch as the branch ID, to list products under the default branch.

If the caller does not have permission to list [Product][]s under this branch, regardless of whether or not this branch exists, a PERMISSION_DENIED error is returned.


The token returned from the previous request. A value of null or an empty string retrieves the first page.


The size of page to request. The response will not be larger than this, but may be smaller. A value of null or 0 uses a server-defined page size.


If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

PagedEnumerable<ListProductsResponse, Product>

A pageable sequence of Product resources.

// Create client
ProductServiceClient productServiceClient = ProductServiceClient.Create();
// Initialize request argument(s)
BranchName parent = BranchName.FromProjectLocationCatalogBranch("[PROJECT]", "[LOCATION]", "[CATALOG]", "[BRANCH]");
// Make the request
PagedEnumerable<ListProductsResponse, Product> response = productServiceClient.ListProducts(parent);

// Iterate over all response items, lazily performing RPCs as required
foreach (Product item in response)
    // Do something with each item

// Or iterate over pages (of server-defined size), performing one RPC per page
foreach (ListProductsResponse page in response.AsRawResponses())
    // Do something with each page of items
    Console.WriteLine("A page of results:");
    foreach (Product item in page)
        // Do something with each item

// Or retrieve a single page of known size (unless it's the final page), performing as many RPCs as required
int pageSize = 10;
Page<Product> singlePage = response.ReadPage(pageSize);
// Do something with the page of items
Console.WriteLine($"A page of {pageSize} results (unless it's the final page):");
foreach (Product item in singlePage)
    // Do something with each item
// Store the pageToken, for when the next page is required.
string nextPageToken = singlePage.NextPageToken;

ListProducts(ListProductsRequest, CallSettings)

public virtual PagedEnumerable<ListProductsResponse, Product> ListProducts(ListProductsRequest request, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Gets a list of [Product][]s.


The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.


If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

PagedEnumerable<ListProductsResponse, Product>

A pageable sequence of Product resources.

// Create client
ProductServiceClient productServiceClient = ProductServiceClient.Create();
// Initialize request argument(s)
ListProductsRequest request = new ListProductsRequest
    ParentAsBranchName = BranchName.FromProjectLocationCatalogBranch("[PROJECT]", "[LOCATION]", "[CATALOG]", "[BRANCH]"),
    Filter = "",
    ReadMask = new FieldMask(),
// Make the request
PagedEnumerable<ListProductsResponse, Product> response = productServiceClient.ListProducts(request);

// Iterate over all response items, lazily performing RPCs as required
foreach (Product item in response)
    // Do something with each item

// Or iterate over pages (of server-defined size), performing one RPC per page
foreach (ListProductsResponse page in response.AsRawResponses())
    // Do something with each page of items
    Console.WriteLine("A page of results:");
    foreach (Product item in page)
        // Do something with each item

// Or retrieve a single page of known size (unless it's the final page), performing as many RPCs as required
int pageSize = 10;
Page<Product> singlePage = response.ReadPage(pageSize);
// Do something with the page of items
Console.WriteLine($"A page of {pageSize} results (unless it's the final page):");
foreach (Product item in singlePage)
    // Do something with each item
// Store the pageToken, for when the next page is required.
string nextPageToken = singlePage.NextPageToken;

ListProducts(String, String, Nullable<Int32>, CallSettings)

public virtual PagedEnumerable<ListProductsResponse, Product> ListProducts(string parent, string pageToken = null, int? pageSize = default(int? ), CallSettings callSettings = null)

Gets a list of [Product][]s.


Required. The parent branch resource name, such as projects/*/locations/global/catalogs/default_catalog/branches/0. Use default_branch as the branch ID, to list products under the default branch.

If the caller does not have permission to list [Product][]s under this branch, regardless of whether or not this branch exists, a PERMISSION_DENIED error is returned.


The token returned from the previous request. A value of null or an empty string retrieves the first page.


The size of page to request. The response will not be larger than this, but may be smaller. A value of null or 0 uses a server-defined page size.


If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

PagedEnumerable<ListProductsResponse, Product>

A pageable sequence of Product resources.

// Create client
ProductServiceClient productServiceClient = ProductServiceClient.Create();
// Initialize request argument(s)
string parent = "projects/[PROJECT]/locations/[LOCATION]/catalogs/[CATALOG]/branches/[BRANCH]";
// Make the request
PagedEnumerable<ListProductsResponse, Product> response = productServiceClient.ListProducts(parent);

// Iterate over all response items, lazily performing RPCs as required
foreach (Product item in response)
    // Do something with each item

// Or iterate over pages (of server-defined size), performing one RPC per page
foreach (ListProductsResponse page in response.AsRawResponses())
    // Do something with each page of items
    Console.WriteLine("A page of results:");
    foreach (Product item in page)
        // Do something with each item

// Or retrieve a single page of known size (unless it's the final page), performing as many RPCs as required
int pageSize = 10;
Page<Product> singlePage = response.ReadPage(pageSize);
// Do something with the page of items
Console.WriteLine($"A page of {pageSize} results (unless it's the final page):");
foreach (Product item in singlePage)
    // Do something with each item
// Store the pageToken, for when the next page is required.
string nextPageToken = singlePage.NextPageToken;

ListProductsAsync(BranchName, String, Nullable<Int32>, CallSettings)

public virtual PagedAsyncEnumerable<ListProductsResponse, Product> ListProductsAsync(BranchName parent, string pageToken = null, int? pageSize = default(int? ), CallSettings callSettings = null)

Gets a list of [Product][]s.


Required. The parent branch resource name, such as projects/*/locations/global/catalogs/default_catalog/branches/0. Use default_branch as the branch ID, to list products under the default branch.

If the caller does not have permission to list [Product][]s under this branch, regardless of whether or not this branch exists, a PERMISSION_DENIED error is returned.


The token returned from the previous request. A value of null or an empty string retrieves the first page.


The size of page to request. The response will not be larger than this, but may be smaller. A value of null or 0 uses a server-defined page size.


If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

PagedAsyncEnumerable<ListProductsResponse, Product>

A pageable asynchronous sequence of Product resources.

// Create client
ProductServiceClient productServiceClient = await ProductServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
BranchName parent = BranchName.FromProjectLocationCatalogBranch("[PROJECT]", "[LOCATION]", "[CATALOG]", "[BRANCH]");
// Make the request
PagedAsyncEnumerable<ListProductsResponse, Product> response = productServiceClient.ListProductsAsync(parent);

// Iterate over all response items, lazily performing RPCs as required
await response.ForEachAsync((Product item) =>
    // Do something with each item

// Or iterate over pages (of server-defined size), performing one RPC per page
await response.AsRawResponses().ForEachAsync((ListProductsResponse page) =>
    // Do something with each page of items
    Console.WriteLine("A page of results:");
    foreach (Product item in page)
        // Do something with each item

// Or retrieve a single page of known size (unless it's the final page), performing as many RPCs as required
int pageSize = 10;
Page<Product> singlePage = await response.ReadPageAsync(pageSize);
// Do something with the page of items
Console.WriteLine($"A page of {pageSize} results (unless it's the final page):");
foreach (Product item in singlePage)
    // Do something with each item
// Store the pageToken, for when the next page is required.
string nextPageToken = singlePage.NextPageToken;

ListProductsAsync(ListProductsRequest, CallSettings)

public virtual PagedAsyncEnumerable<ListProductsResponse, Product> ListProductsAsync(ListProductsRequest request, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Gets a list of [Product][]s.


The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.


If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

PagedAsyncEnumerable<ListProductsResponse, Product>

A pageable asynchronous sequence of Product resources.

// Create client
ProductServiceClient productServiceClient = await ProductServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
ListProductsRequest request = new ListProductsRequest
    ParentAsBranchName = BranchName.FromProjectLocationCatalogBranch("[PROJECT]", "[LOCATION]", "[CATALOG]", "[BRANCH]"),
    Filter = "",
    ReadMask = new FieldMask(),
// Make the request
PagedAsyncEnumerable<ListProductsResponse, Product> response = productServiceClient.ListProductsAsync(request);

// Iterate over all response items, lazily performing RPCs as required
await response.ForEachAsync((Product item) =>
    // Do something with each item

// Or iterate over pages (of server-defined size), performing one RPC per page
await response.AsRawResponses().ForEachAsync((ListProductsResponse page) =>
    // Do something with each page of items
    Console.WriteLine("A page of results:");
    foreach (Product item in page)
        // Do something with each item

// Or retrieve a single page of known size (unless it's the final page), performing as many RPCs as required
int pageSize = 10;
Page<Product> singlePage = await response.ReadPageAsync(pageSize);
// Do something with the page of items
Console.WriteLine($"A page of {pageSize} results (unless it's the final page):");
foreach (Product item in singlePage)
    // Do something with each item
// Store the pageToken, for when the next page is required.
string nextPageToken = singlePage.NextPageToken;

ListProductsAsync(String, String, Nullable<Int32>, CallSettings)

public virtual PagedAsyncEnumerable<ListProductsResponse, Product> ListProductsAsync(string parent, string pageToken = null, int? pageSize = default(int? ), CallSettings callSettings = null)

Gets a list of [Product][]s.


Required. The parent branch resource name, such as projects/*/locations/global/catalogs/default_catalog/branches/0. Use default_branch as the branch ID, to list products under the default branch.

If the caller does not have permission to list [Product][]s under this branch, regardless of whether or not this branch exists, a PERMISSION_DENIED error is returned.


The token returned from the previous request. A value of null or an empty string retrieves the first page.


The size of page to request. The response will not be larger than this, but may be smaller. A value of null or 0 uses a server-defined page size.


If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

PagedAsyncEnumerable<ListProductsResponse, Product>

A pageable asynchronous sequence of Product resources.

// Create client
ProductServiceClient productServiceClient = await ProductServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
string parent = "projects/[PROJECT]/locations/[LOCATION]/catalogs/[CATALOG]/branches/[BRANCH]";
// Make the request
PagedAsyncEnumerable<ListProductsResponse, Product> response = productServiceClient.ListProductsAsync(parent);

// Iterate over all response items, lazily performing RPCs as required
await response.ForEachAsync((Product item) =>
    // Do something with each item

// Or iterate over pages (of server-defined size), performing one RPC per page
await response.AsRawResponses().ForEachAsync((ListProductsResponse page) =>
    // Do something with each page of items
    Console.WriteLine("A page of results:");
    foreach (Product item in page)
        // Do something with each item

// Or retrieve a single page of known size (unless it's the final page), performing as many RPCs as required
int pageSize = 10;
Page<Product> singlePage = await response.ReadPageAsync(pageSize);
// Do something with the page of items
Console.WriteLine($"A page of {pageSize} results (unless it's the final page):");
foreach (Product item in singlePage)
    // Do something with each item
// Store the pageToken, for when the next page is required.
string nextPageToken = singlePage.NextPageToken;

PollOnceAddFulfillmentPlaces(String, CallSettings)

public virtual Operation<AddFulfillmentPlacesResponse, AddFulfillmentPlacesMetadata> PollOnceAddFulfillmentPlaces(string operationName, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Poll an operation once, using an operationName from a previous invocation of AddFulfillmentPlaces .


The name of a previously invoked operation. Must not be null or empty.


If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Operation<AddFulfillmentPlacesResponse, AddFulfillmentPlacesMetadata>

The result of polling the operation.

PollOnceAddFulfillmentPlacesAsync(String, CallSettings)

public virtual Task<Operation<AddFulfillmentPlacesResponse, AddFulfillmentPlacesMetadata>> PollOnceAddFulfillmentPlacesAsync(string operationName, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Asynchronously poll an operation once, using an operationName from a previous invocation of AddFulfillmentPlaces.


The name of a previously invoked operation. Must not be null or empty.


If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Task<Operation<AddFulfillmentPlacesResponse, AddFulfillmentPlacesMetadata>>

A task representing the result of polling the operation.

PollOnceImportProducts(String, CallSettings)

public virtual Operation<ImportProductsResponse, ImportMetadata> PollOnceImportProducts(string operationName, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Poll an operation once, using an operationName from a previous invocation of ImportProducts.


The name of a previously invoked operation. Must not be null or empty.


If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Operation<ImportProductsResponse, ImportMetadata>

The result of polling the operation.

PollOnceImportProductsAsync(String, CallSettings)

public virtual Task<Operation<ImportProductsResponse, ImportMetadata>> PollOnceImportProductsAsync(string operationName, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Asynchronously poll an operation once, using an operationName from a previous invocation of ImportProducts.


The name of a previously invoked operation. Must not be null or empty.


If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Task<Operation<ImportProductsResponse, ImportMetadata>>

A task representing the result of polling the operation.

PollOnceRemoveFulfillmentPlaces(String, CallSettings)

public virtual Operation<RemoveFulfillmentPlacesResponse, RemoveFulfillmentPlacesMetadata> PollOnceRemoveFulfillmentPlaces(string operationName, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Poll an operation once, using an operationName from a previous invocation of RemoveFulfillmentPlaces.


The name of a previously invoked operation. Must not be null or empty.


If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Operation<RemoveFulfillmentPlacesResponse, RemoveFulfillmentPlacesMetadata>

The result of polling the operation.

PollOnceRemoveFulfillmentPlacesAsync(String, CallSettings)

public virtual Task<Operation<RemoveFulfillmentPlacesResponse, RemoveFulfillmentPlacesMetadata>> PollOnceRemoveFulfillmentPlacesAsync(string operationName, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Asynchronously poll an operation once, using an operationName from a previous invocation of RemoveFulfillmentPlaces.


The name of a previously invoked operation. Must not be null or empty.


If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Task<Operation<RemoveFulfillmentPlacesResponse, RemoveFulfillmentPlacesMetadata>>

A task representing the result of polling the operation.

PollOnceSetInventory(String, CallSettings)

public virtual Operation<SetInventoryResponse, SetInventoryMetadata> PollOnceSetInventory(string operationName, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Poll an operation once, using an operationName from a previous invocation of SetInventory.


The name of a previously invoked operation. Must not be null or empty.


If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Operation<SetInventoryResponse, SetInventoryMetadata>

The result of polling the operation.

PollOnceSetInventoryAsync(String, CallSettings)

public virtual Task<Operation<SetInventoryResponse, SetInventoryMetadata>> PollOnceSetInventoryAsync(string operationName, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Asynchronously poll an operation once, using an operationName from a previous invocation of SetInventory.


The name of a previously invoked operation. Must not be null or empty.


If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Task<Operation<SetInventoryResponse, SetInventoryMetadata>>

A task representing the result of polling the operation.

RemoveFulfillmentPlaces(ProductName, CallSettings)

public virtual Operation<RemoveFulfillmentPlacesResponse, RemoveFulfillmentPlacesMetadata> RemoveFulfillmentPlaces(ProductName product, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Incrementally removes place IDs from a [Product.fulfillment_info.place_ids][].

This process is asynchronous and does not require the [Product][] to exist before updating fulfillment information. If the request is valid, the update will be enqueued and processed downstream. As a consequence, when a response is returned, the removed place IDs are not immediately manifested in the [Product][] queried by [GetProduct][] or [ListProducts][].

This feature is only available for users who have Retail Search enabled. Please submit a form here to contact cloud sales if you are interested in using Retail Search.


Required. Full resource name of [Product][], such as projects/*/locations/global/catalogs/default_catalog/branches/default_branch/products/some_product_id.

If the caller does not have permission to access the [Product][], regardless of whether or not it exists, a PERMISSION_DENIED error is returned.


If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Operation<RemoveFulfillmentPlacesResponse, RemoveFulfillmentPlacesMetadata>

The RPC response.

// Create client
ProductServiceClient productServiceClient = ProductServiceClient.Create();
// Initialize request argument(s)
ProductName product = ProductName.FromProjectLocationCatalogBranchProduct("[PROJECT]", "[LOCATION]", "[CATALOG]", "[BRANCH]", "[PRODUCT]");
// Make the request
Operation<RemoveFulfillmentPlacesResponse, RemoveFulfillmentPlacesMetadata> response = productServiceClient.RemoveFulfillmentPlaces(product);

// Poll until the returned long-running operation is complete
Operation<RemoveFulfillmentPlacesResponse, RemoveFulfillmentPlacesMetadata> completedResponse = response.PollUntilCompleted();
// Retrieve the operation result
RemoveFulfillmentPlacesResponse result = completedResponse.Result;

// Or get the name of the operation
string operationName = response.Name;
// This name can be stored, then the long-running operation retrieved later by name
Operation<RemoveFulfillmentPlacesResponse, RemoveFulfillmentPlacesMetadata> retrievedResponse = productServiceClient.PollOnceRemoveFulfillmentPlaces(operationName);
// Check if the retrieved long-running operation has completed
if (retrievedResponse.IsCompleted)
    // If it has completed, then access the result
    RemoveFulfillmentPlacesResponse retrievedResult = retrievedResponse.Result;

RemoveFulfillmentPlaces(RemoveFulfillmentPlacesRequest, CallSettings)

public virtual Operation<RemoveFulfillmentPlacesResponse, RemoveFulfillmentPlacesMetadata> RemoveFulfillmentPlaces(RemoveFulfillmentPlacesRequest request, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Incrementally removes place IDs from a [Product.fulfillment_info.place_ids][].

This process is asynchronous and does not require the [Product][] to exist before updating fulfillment information. If the request is valid, the update will be enqueued and processed downstream. As a consequence, when a response is returned, the removed place IDs are not immediately manifested in the [Product][] queried by [GetProduct][] or [ListProducts][].

This feature is only available for users who have Retail Search enabled. Please submit a form here to contact cloud sales if you are interested in using Retail Search.


The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.


If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Operation<RemoveFulfillmentPlacesResponse, RemoveFulfillmentPlacesMetadata>

The RPC response.

// Create client
ProductServiceClient productServiceClient = ProductServiceClient.Create();
// Initialize request argument(s)
RemoveFulfillmentPlacesRequest request = new RemoveFulfillmentPlacesRequest
    ProductAsProductName = ProductName.FromProjectLocationCatalogBranchProduct("[PROJECT]", "[LOCATION]", "[CATALOG]", "[BRANCH]", "[PRODUCT]"),
    Type = "",
    PlaceIds = { "", },
    RemoveTime = new Timestamp(),
    AllowMissing = false,
// Make the request
Operation<RemoveFulfillmentPlacesResponse, RemoveFulfillmentPlacesMetadata> response = productServiceClient.RemoveFulfillmentPlaces(request);

// Poll until the returned long-running operation is complete
Operation<RemoveFulfillmentPlacesResponse, RemoveFulfillmentPlacesMetadata> completedResponse = response.PollUntilCompleted();
// Retrieve the operation result
RemoveFulfillmentPlacesResponse result = completedResponse.Result;

// Or get the name of the operation
string operationName = response.Name;
// This name can be stored, then the long-running operation retrieved later by name
Operation<RemoveFulfillmentPlacesResponse, RemoveFulfillmentPlacesMetadata> retrievedResponse = productServiceClient.PollOnceRemoveFulfillmentPlaces(operationName);
// Check if the retrieved long-running operation has completed
if (retrievedResponse.IsCompleted)
    // If it has completed, then access the result
    RemoveFulfillmentPlacesResponse retrievedResult = retrievedResponse.Result;

RemoveFulfillmentPlaces(String, CallSettings)

public virtual Operation<RemoveFulfillmentPlacesResponse, RemoveFulfillmentPlacesMetadata> RemoveFulfillmentPlaces(string product, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Incrementally removes place IDs from a [Product.fulfillment_info.place_ids][].

This process is asynchronous and does not require the [Product][] to exist before updating fulfillment information. If the request is valid, the update will be enqueued and processed downstream. As a consequence, when a response is returned, the removed place IDs are not immediately manifested in the [Product][] queried by [GetProduct][] or [ListProducts][].

This feature is only available for users who have Retail Search enabled. Please submit a form here to contact cloud sales if you are interested in using Retail Search.


Required. Full resource name of [Product][], such as projects/*/locations/global/catalogs/default_catalog/branches/default_branch/products/some_product_id.

If the caller does not have permission to access the [Product][], regardless of whether or not it exists, a PERMISSION_DENIED error is returned.


If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Operation<RemoveFulfillmentPlacesResponse, RemoveFulfillmentPlacesMetadata>

The RPC response.

// Create client
ProductServiceClient productServiceClient = ProductServiceClient.Create();
// Initialize request argument(s)
string product = "projects/[PROJECT]/locations/[LOCATION]/catalogs/[CATALOG]/branches/[BRANCH]/products/[PRODUCT]";
// Make the request
Operation<RemoveFulfillmentPlacesResponse, RemoveFulfillmentPlacesMetadata> response = productServiceClient.RemoveFulfillmentPlaces(product);

// Poll until the returned long-running operation is complete
Operation<RemoveFulfillmentPlacesResponse, RemoveFulfillmentPlacesMetadata> completedResponse = response.PollUntilCompleted();
// Retrieve the operation result
RemoveFulfillmentPlacesResponse result = completedResponse.Result;

// Or get the name of the operation
string operationName = response.Name;
// This name can be stored, then the long-running operation retrieved later by name
Operation<RemoveFulfillmentPlacesResponse, RemoveFulfillmentPlacesMetadata> retrievedResponse = productServiceClient.PollOnceRemoveFulfillmentPlaces(operationName);
// Check if the retrieved long-running operation has completed
if (retrievedResponse.IsCompleted)
    // If it has completed, then access the result
    RemoveFulfillmentPlacesResponse retrievedResult = retrievedResponse.Result;

RemoveFulfillmentPlacesAsync(ProductName, CallSettings)

public virtual Task<Operation<RemoveFulfillmentPlacesResponse, RemoveFulfillmentPlacesMetadata>> RemoveFulfillmentPlacesAsync(ProductName product, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Incrementally removes place IDs from a [Product.fulfillment_info.place_ids][].

This process is asynchronous and does not require the [Product][] to exist before updating fulfillment information. If the request is valid, the update will be enqueued and processed downstream. As a consequence, when a response is returned, the removed place IDs are not immediately manifested in the [Product][] queried by [GetProduct][] or [ListProducts][].

This feature is only available for users who have Retail Search enabled. Please submit a form here to contact cloud sales if you are interested in using Retail Search.


Required. Full resource name of [Product][], such as projects/*/locations/global/catalogs/default_catalog/branches/default_branch/products/some_product_id.

If the caller does not have permission to access the [Product][], regardless of whether or not it exists, a PERMISSION_DENIED error is returned.


If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Task<Operation<RemoveFulfillmentPlacesResponse, RemoveFulfillmentPlacesMetadata>>

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
ProductServiceClient productServiceClient = await ProductServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
ProductName product = ProductName.FromProjectLocationCatalogBranchProduct("[PROJECT]", "[LOCATION]", "[CATALOG]", "[BRANCH]", "[PRODUCT]");
// Make the request
Operation<RemoveFulfillmentPlacesResponse, RemoveFulfillmentPlacesMetadata> response = await productServiceClient.RemoveFulfillmentPlacesAsync(product);

// Poll until the returned long-running operation is complete
Operation<RemoveFulfillmentPlacesResponse, RemoveFulfillmentPlacesMetadata> completedResponse = await response.PollUntilCompletedAsync();
// Retrieve the operation result
RemoveFulfillmentPlacesResponse result = completedResponse.Result;

// Or get the name of the operation
string operationName = response.Name;
// This name can be stored, then the long-running operation retrieved later by name
Operation<RemoveFulfillmentPlacesResponse, RemoveFulfillmentPlacesMetadata> retrievedResponse = await productServiceClient.PollOnceRemoveFulfillmentPlacesAsync(operationName);
// Check if the retrieved long-running operation has completed
if (retrievedResponse.IsCompleted)
    // If it has completed, then access the result
    RemoveFulfillmentPlacesResponse retrievedResult = retrievedResponse.Result;

RemoveFulfillmentPlacesAsync(ProductName, CancellationToken)

public virtual Task<Operation<RemoveFulfillmentPlacesResponse, RemoveFulfillmentPlacesMetadata>> RemoveFulfillmentPlacesAsync(ProductName product, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

Incrementally removes place IDs from a [Product.fulfillment_info.place_ids][].

This process is asynchronous and does not require the [Product][] to exist before updating fulfillment information. If the request is valid, the update will be enqueued and processed downstream. As a consequence, when a response is returned, the removed place IDs are not immediately manifested in the [Product][] queried by [GetProduct][] or [ListProducts][].

This feature is only available for users who have Retail Search enabled. Please submit a form here to contact cloud sales if you are interested in using Retail Search.


Required. Full resource name of [Product][], such as projects/*/locations/global/catalogs/default_catalog/branches/default_branch/products/some_product_id.

If the caller does not have permission to access the [Product][], regardless of whether or not it exists, a PERMISSION_DENIED error is returned.


A CancellationToken to use for this RPC.

Task<Operation<RemoveFulfillmentPlacesResponse, RemoveFulfillmentPlacesMetadata>>

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
ProductServiceClient productServiceClient = await ProductServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
ProductName product = ProductName.FromProjectLocationCatalogBranchProduct("[PROJECT]", "[LOCATION]", "[CATALOG]", "[BRANCH]", "[PRODUCT]");
// Make the request
Operation<RemoveFulfillmentPlacesResponse, RemoveFulfillmentPlacesMetadata> response = await productServiceClient.RemoveFulfillmentPlacesAsync(product);

// Poll until the returned long-running operation is complete
Operation<RemoveFulfillmentPlacesResponse, RemoveFulfillmentPlacesMetadata> completedResponse = await response.PollUntilCompletedAsync();
// Retrieve the operation result
RemoveFulfillmentPlacesResponse result = completedResponse.Result;

// Or get the name of the operation
string operationName = response.Name;
// This name can be stored, then the long-running operation retrieved later by name
Operation<RemoveFulfillmentPlacesResponse, RemoveFulfillmentPlacesMetadata> retrievedResponse = await productServiceClient.PollOnceRemoveFulfillmentPlacesAsync(operationName);
// Check if the retrieved long-running operation has completed
if (retrievedResponse.IsCompleted)
    // If it has completed, then access the result
    RemoveFulfillmentPlacesResponse retrievedResult = retrievedResponse.Result;

RemoveFulfillmentPlacesAsync(RemoveFulfillmentPlacesRequest, CallSettings)

public virtual Task<Operation<RemoveFulfillmentPlacesResponse, RemoveFulfillmentPlacesMetadata>> RemoveFulfillmentPlacesAsync(RemoveFulfillmentPlacesRequest request, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Incrementally removes place IDs from a [Product.fulfillment_info.place_ids][].

This process is asynchronous and does not require the [Product][] to exist before updating fulfillment information. If the request is valid, the update will be enqueued and processed downstream. As a consequence, when a response is returned, the removed place IDs are not immediately manifested in the [Product][] queried by [GetProduct][] or [ListProducts][].

This feature is only available for users who have Retail Search enabled. Please submit a form here to contact cloud sales if you are interested in using Retail Search.


The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.


If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Task<Operation<RemoveFulfillmentPlacesResponse, RemoveFulfillmentPlacesMetadata>>

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
ProductServiceClient productServiceClient = await ProductServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
RemoveFulfillmentPlacesRequest request = new RemoveFulfillmentPlacesRequest
    ProductAsProductName = ProductName.FromProjectLocationCatalogBranchProduct("[PROJECT]", "[LOCATION]", "[CATALOG]", "[BRANCH]", "[PRODUCT]"),
    Type = "",
    PlaceIds = { "", },
    RemoveTime = new Timestamp(),
    AllowMissing = false,
// Make the request
Operation<RemoveFulfillmentPlacesResponse, RemoveFulfillmentPlacesMetadata> response = await productServiceClient.RemoveFulfillmentPlacesAsync(request);

// Poll until the returned long-running operation is complete
Operation<RemoveFulfillmentPlacesResponse, RemoveFulfillmentPlacesMetadata> completedResponse = await response.PollUntilCompletedAsync();
// Retrieve the operation result
RemoveFulfillmentPlacesResponse result = completedResponse.Result;

// Or get the name of the operation
string operationName = response.Name;
// This name can be stored, then the long-running operation retrieved later by name
Operation<RemoveFulfillmentPlacesResponse, RemoveFulfillmentPlacesMetadata> retrievedResponse = await productServiceClient.PollOnceRemoveFulfillmentPlacesAsync(operationName);
// Check if the retrieved long-running operation has completed
if (retrievedResponse.IsCompleted)
    // If it has completed, then access the result
    RemoveFulfillmentPlacesResponse retrievedResult = retrievedResponse.Result;

RemoveFulfillmentPlacesAsync(RemoveFulfillmentPlacesRequest, CancellationToken)

public virtual Task<Operation<RemoveFulfillmentPlacesResponse, RemoveFulfillmentPlacesMetadata>> RemoveFulfillmentPlacesAsync(RemoveFulfillmentPlacesRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

Incrementally removes place IDs from a [Product.fulfillment_info.place_ids][].

This process is asynchronous and does not require the [Product][] to exist before updating fulfillment information. If the request is valid, the update will be enqueued and processed downstream. As a consequence, when a response is returned, the removed place IDs are not immediately manifested in the [Product][] queried by [GetProduct][] or [ListProducts][].

This feature is only available for users who have Retail Search enabled. Please submit a form here to contact cloud sales if you are interested in using Retail Search.


The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.


A CancellationToken to use for this RPC.

Task<Operation<RemoveFulfillmentPlacesResponse, RemoveFulfillmentPlacesMetadata>>

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
ProductServiceClient productServiceClient = await ProductServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
RemoveFulfillmentPlacesRequest request = new RemoveFulfillmentPlacesRequest
    ProductAsProductName = ProductName.FromProjectLocationCatalogBranchProduct("[PROJECT]", "[LOCATION]", "[CATALOG]", "[BRANCH]", "[PRODUCT]"),
    Type = "",
    PlaceIds = { "", },
    RemoveTime = new Timestamp(),
    AllowMissing = false,
// Make the request
Operation<RemoveFulfillmentPlacesResponse, RemoveFulfillmentPlacesMetadata> response = await productServiceClient.RemoveFulfillmentPlacesAsync(request);

// Poll until the returned long-running operation is complete
Operation<RemoveFulfillmentPlacesResponse, RemoveFulfillmentPlacesMetadata> completedResponse = await response.PollUntilCompletedAsync();
// Retrieve the operation result
RemoveFulfillmentPlacesResponse result = completedResponse.Result;

// Or get the name of the operation
string operationName = response.Name;
// This name can be stored, then the long-running operation retrieved later by name
Operation<RemoveFulfillmentPlacesResponse, RemoveFulfillmentPlacesMetadata> retrievedResponse = await productServiceClient.PollOnceRemoveFulfillmentPlacesAsync(operationName);
// Check if the retrieved long-running operation has completed
if (retrievedResponse.IsCompleted)
    // If it has completed, then access the result
    RemoveFulfillmentPlacesResponse retrievedResult = retrievedResponse.Result;

RemoveFulfillmentPlacesAsync(String, CallSettings)

public virtual Task<Operation<RemoveFulfillmentPlacesResponse, RemoveFulfillmentPlacesMetadata>> RemoveFulfillmentPlacesAsync(string product, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Incrementally removes place IDs from a [Product.fulfillment_info.place_ids][].

This process is asynchronous and does not require the [Product][] to exist before updating fulfillment information. If the request is valid, the update will be enqueued and processed downstream. As a consequence, when a response is returned, the removed place IDs are not immediately manifested in the [Product][] queried by [GetProduct][] or [ListProducts][].

This feature is only available for users who have Retail Search enabled. Please submit a form here to contact cloud sales if you are interested in using Retail Search.


Required. Full resource name of [Product][], such as projects/*/locations/global/catalogs/default_catalog/branches/default_branch/products/some_product_id.

If the caller does not have permission to access the [Product][], regardless of whether or not it exists, a PERMISSION_DENIED error is returned.


If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Task<Operation<RemoveFulfillmentPlacesResponse, RemoveFulfillmentPlacesMetadata>>

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
ProductServiceClient productServiceClient = await ProductServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
string product = "projects/[PROJECT]/locations/[LOCATION]/catalogs/[CATALOG]/branches/[BRANCH]/products/[PRODUCT]";
// Make the request
Operation<RemoveFulfillmentPlacesResponse, RemoveFulfillmentPlacesMetadata> response = await productServiceClient.RemoveFulfillmentPlacesAsync(product);

// Poll until the returned long-running operation is complete
Operation<RemoveFulfillmentPlacesResponse, RemoveFulfillmentPlacesMetadata> completedResponse = await response.PollUntilCompletedAsync();
// Retrieve the operation result
RemoveFulfillmentPlacesResponse result = completedResponse.Result;

// Or get the name of the operation
string operationName = response.Name;
// This name can be stored, then the long-running operation retrieved later by name
Operation<RemoveFulfillmentPlacesResponse, RemoveFulfillmentPlacesMetadata> retrievedResponse = await productServiceClient.PollOnceRemoveFulfillmentPlacesAsync(operationName);
// Check if the retrieved long-running operation has completed
if (retrievedResponse.IsCompleted)
    // If it has completed, then access the result
    RemoveFulfillmentPlacesResponse retrievedResult = retrievedResponse.Result;

RemoveFulfillmentPlacesAsync(String, CancellationToken)

public virtual Task<Operation<RemoveFulfillmentPlacesResponse, RemoveFulfillmentPlacesMetadata>> RemoveFulfillmentPlacesAsync(string product, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

Incrementally removes place IDs from a [Product.fulfillment_info.place_ids][].

This process is asynchronous and does not require the [Product][] to exist before updating fulfillment information. If the request is valid, the update will be enqueued and processed downstream. As a consequence, when a response is returned, the removed place IDs are not immediately manifested in the [Product][] queried by [GetProduct][] or [ListProducts][].

This feature is only available for users who have Retail Search enabled. Please submit a form here to contact cloud sales if you are interested in using Retail Search.


Required. Full resource name of [Product][], such as projects/*/locations/global/catalogs/default_catalog/branches/default_branch/products/some_product_id.

If the caller does not have permission to access the [Product][], regardless of whether or not it exists, a PERMISSION_DENIED error is returned.


A CancellationToken to use for this RPC.

Task<Operation<RemoveFulfillmentPlacesResponse, RemoveFulfillmentPlacesMetadata>>

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
ProductServiceClient productServiceClient = await ProductServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
string product = "projects/[PROJECT]/locations/[LOCATION]/catalogs/[CATALOG]/branches/[BRANCH]/products/[PRODUCT]";
// Make the request
Operation<RemoveFulfillmentPlacesResponse, RemoveFulfillmentPlacesMetadata> response = await productServiceClient.RemoveFulfillmentPlacesAsync(product);

// Poll until the returned long-running operation is complete
Operation<RemoveFulfillmentPlacesResponse, RemoveFulfillmentPlacesMetadata> completedResponse = await response.PollUntilCompletedAsync();
// Retrieve the operation result
RemoveFulfillmentPlacesResponse result = completedResponse.Result;

// Or get the name of the operation
string operationName = response.Name;
// This name can be stored, then the long-running operation retrieved later by name
Operation<RemoveFulfillmentPlacesResponse, RemoveFulfillmentPlacesMetadata> retrievedResponse = await productServiceClient.PollOnceRemoveFulfillmentPlacesAsync(operationName);
// Check if the retrieved long-running operation has completed
if (retrievedResponse.IsCompleted)
    // If it has completed, then access the result
    RemoveFulfillmentPlacesResponse retrievedResult = retrievedResponse.Result;

SetInventory(Product, FieldMask, CallSettings)

public virtual Operation<SetInventoryResponse, SetInventoryMetadata> SetInventory(Product inventory, FieldMask setMask, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Updates inventory information for a [Product][] while respecting the last update timestamps of each inventory field.

This process is asynchronous and does not require the [Product][] to exist before updating fulfillment information. If the request is valid, the update will be enqueued and processed downstream. As a consequence, when a response is returned, updates are not immediately manifested in the [Product][] queried by [GetProduct][] or [ListProducts][].

When inventory is updated with [CreateProduct][] and [UpdateProduct][], the specified inventory field value(s) will overwrite any existing value(s) while ignoring the last update time for this field. Furthermore, the last update time for the specified inventory fields will be overwritten to the time of the [CreateProduct][] or [UpdateProduct][] request.

If no inventory fields are set in [CreateProductRequest.product][], then any pre-existing inventory information for this product will be used.

If no inventory fields are set in [UpdateProductRequest.set_mask][], then any existing inventory information will be preserved.

Pre-existing inventory information can only be updated with [SetInventory][], [AddFulfillmentPlaces][], and [RemoveFulfillmentPlaces][].

This feature is only available for users who have Retail Search enabled. Please submit a form here to contact cloud sales if you are interested in using Retail Search.


Required. The inventory information to update. The allowable fields to update are:

  • [Product.price_info][]
  • [Product.availability][]
  • [Product.available_quantity][]
  • [Product.fulfillment_info][] The updated inventory fields must be specified in [SetInventoryRequest.set_mask][].

If [][] is empty or invalid, an INVALID_ARGUMENT error is returned.

If the caller does not have permission to update the [Product][] named in [][], regardless of whether or not it exists, a PERMISSION_DENIED error is returned.

If the [Product][] to update does not have existing inventory information, the provided inventory information will be inserted.

If the [Product][] to update has existing inventory information, the provided inventory information will be merged while respecting the last update time for each inventory field, using the provided or default value for [SetInventoryRequest.set_time][].

The last update time is recorded for the following inventory fields:

  • [Product.price_info][]
  • [Product.availability][]
  • [Product.available_quantity][]
  • [Product.fulfillment_info][]

If a full overwrite of inventory information while ignoring timestamps is needed, [UpdateProduct][] should be invoked instead.


Indicates which inventory fields in the provided [Product][] to update. If not set or set with empty paths, all inventory fields will be updated.

If an unsupported or unknown field is provided, an INVALID_ARGUMENT error is returned and the entire update will be ignored.


If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Operation<SetInventoryResponse, SetInventoryMetadata>

The RPC response.

// Create client
ProductServiceClient productServiceClient = ProductServiceClient.Create();
// Initialize request argument(s)
Product inventory = new Product();
FieldMask setMask = new FieldMask();
// Make the request
Operation<SetInventoryResponse, SetInventoryMetadata> response = productServiceClient.SetInventory(inventory, setMask);

// Poll until the returned long-running operation is complete
Operation<SetInventoryResponse, SetInventoryMetadata> completedResponse = response.PollUntilCompleted();
// Retrieve the operation result
SetInventoryResponse result = completedResponse.Result;

// Or get the name of the operation
string operationName = response.Name;
// This name can be stored, then the long-running operation retrieved later by name
Operation<SetInventoryResponse, SetInventoryMetadata> retrievedResponse = productServiceClient.PollOnceSetInventory(operationName);
// Check if the retrieved long-running operation has completed
if (retrievedResponse.IsCompleted)
    // If it has completed, then access the result
    SetInventoryResponse retrievedResult = retrievedResponse.Result;

SetInventory(SetInventoryRequest, CallSettings)

public virtual Operation<SetInventoryResponse, SetInventoryMetadata> SetInventory(SetInventoryRequest request, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Updates inventory information for a [Product][] while respecting the last update timestamps of each inventory field.

This process is asynchronous and does not require the [Product][] to exist before updating fulfillment information. If the request is valid, the update will be enqueued and processed downstream. As a consequence, when a response is returned, updates are not immediately manifested in the [Product][] queried by [GetProduct][] or [ListProducts][].

When inventory is updated with [CreateProduct][] and [UpdateProduct][], the specified inventory field value(s) will overwrite any existing value(s) while ignoring the last update time for this field. Furthermore, the last update time for the specified inventory fields will be overwritten to the time of the [CreateProduct][] or [UpdateProduct][] request.

If no inventory fields are set in [CreateProductRequest.product][], then any pre-existing inventory information for this product will be used.

If no inventory fields are set in [UpdateProductRequest.set_mask][], then any existing inventory information will be preserved.

Pre-existing inventory information can only be updated with [SetInventory][], [AddFulfillmentPlaces][], and [RemoveFulfillmentPlaces][].

This feature is only available for users who have Retail Search enabled. Please submit a form here to contact cloud sales if you are interested in using Retail Search.


The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.


If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Operation<SetInventoryResponse, SetInventoryMetadata>

The RPC response.

// Create client
ProductServiceClient productServiceClient = ProductServiceClient.Create();
// Initialize request argument(s)
SetInventoryRequest request = new SetInventoryRequest
    Inventory = new Product(),
    SetMask = new FieldMask(),
    SetTime = new Timestamp(),
    AllowMissing = false,
// Make the request
Operation<SetInventoryResponse, SetInventoryMetadata> response = productServiceClient.SetInventory(request);

// Poll until the returned long-running operation is complete
Operation<SetInventoryResponse, SetInventoryMetadata> completedResponse = response.PollUntilCompleted();
// Retrieve the operation result
SetInventoryResponse result = completedResponse.Result;

// Or get the name of the operation
string operationName = response.Name;
// This name can be stored, then the long-running operation retrieved later by name
Operation<SetInventoryResponse, SetInventoryMetadata> retrievedResponse = productServiceClient.PollOnceSetInventory(operationName);
// Check if the retrieved long-running operation has completed
if (retrievedResponse.IsCompleted)
    // If it has completed, then access the result
    SetInventoryResponse retrievedResult = retrievedResponse.Result;

SetInventoryAsync(Product, FieldMask, CallSettings)

public virtual Task<Operation<SetInventoryResponse, SetInventoryMetadata>> SetInventoryAsync(Product inventory, FieldMask setMask, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Updates inventory information for a [Product][] while respecting the last update timestamps of each inventory field.

This process is asynchronous and does not require the [Product][] to exist before updating fulfillment information. If the request is valid, the update will be enqueued and processed downstream. As a consequence, when a response is returned, updates are not immediately manifested in the [Product][] queried by [GetProduct][] or [ListProducts][].

When inventory is updated with [CreateProduct][] and [UpdateProduct][], the specified inventory field value(s) will overwrite any existing value(s) while ignoring the last update time for this field. Furthermore, the last update time for the specified inventory fields will be overwritten to the time of the [CreateProduct][] or [UpdateProduct][] request.

If no inventory fields are set in [CreateProductRequest.product][], then any pre-existing inventory information for this product will be used.

If no inventory fields are set in [UpdateProductRequest.set_mask][], then any existing inventory information will be preserved.

Pre-existing inventory information can only be updated with [SetInventory][], [AddFulfillmentPlaces][], and [RemoveFulfillmentPlaces][].

This feature is only available for users who have Retail Search enabled. Please submit a form here to contact cloud sales if you are interested in using Retail Search.


Required. The inventory information to update. The allowable fields to update are:

  • [Product.price_info][]
  • [Product.availability][]
  • [Product.available_quantity][]
  • [Product.fulfillment_info][] The updated inventory fields must be specified in [SetInventoryRequest.set_mask][].

If [][] is empty or invalid, an INVALID_ARGUMENT error is returned.

If the caller does not have permission to update the [Product][] named in [][], regardless of whether or not it exists, a PERMISSION_DENIED error is returned.

If the [Product][] to update does not have existing inventory information, the provided inventory information will be inserted.

If the [Product][] to update has existing inventory information, the provided inventory information will be merged while respecting the last update time for each inventory field, using the provided or default value for [SetInventoryRequest.set_time][].

The last update time is recorded for the following inventory fields:

  • [Product.price_info][]
  • [Product.availability][]
  • [Product.available_quantity][]
  • [Product.fulfillment_info][]

If a full overwrite of inventory information while ignoring timestamps is needed, [UpdateProduct][] should be invoked instead.


Indicates which inventory fields in the provided [Product][] to update. If not set or set with empty paths, all inventory fields will be updated.

If an unsupported or unknown field is provided, an INVALID_ARGUMENT error is returned and the entire update will be ignored.


If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Task<Operation<SetInventoryResponse, SetInventoryMetadata>>

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
ProductServiceClient productServiceClient = await ProductServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
Product inventory = new Product();
FieldMask setMask = new FieldMask();
// Make the request
Operation<SetInventoryResponse, SetInventoryMetadata> response = await productServiceClient.SetInventoryAsync(inventory, setMask);

// Poll until the returned long-running operation is complete
Operation<SetInventoryResponse, SetInventoryMetadata> completedResponse = await response.PollUntilCompletedAsync();
// Retrieve the operation result
SetInventoryResponse result = completedResponse.Result;

// Or get the name of the operation
string operationName = response.Name;
// This name can be stored, then the long-running operation retrieved later by name
Operation<SetInventoryResponse, SetInventoryMetadata> retrievedResponse = await productServiceClient.PollOnceSetInventoryAsync(operationName);
// Check if the retrieved long-running operation has completed
if (retrievedResponse.IsCompleted)
    // If it has completed, then access the result
    SetInventoryResponse retrievedResult = retrievedResponse.Result;

SetInventoryAsync(Product, FieldMask, CancellationToken)

public virtual Task<Operation<SetInventoryResponse, SetInventoryMetadata>> SetInventoryAsync(Product inventory, FieldMask setMask, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

Updates inventory information for a [Product][] while respecting the last update timestamps of each inventory field.

This process is asynchronous and does not require the [Product][] to exist before updating fulfillment information. If the request is valid, the update will be enqueued and processed downstream. As a consequence, when a response is returned, updates are not immediately manifested in the [Product][] queried by [GetProduct][] or [ListProducts][].

When inventory is updated with [CreateProduct][] and [UpdateProduct][], the specified inventory field value(s) will overwrite any existing value(s) while ignoring the last update time for this field. Furthermore, the last update time for the specified inventory fields will be overwritten to the time of the [CreateProduct][] or [UpdateProduct][] request.

If no inventory fields are set in [CreateProductRequest.product][], then any pre-existing inventory information for this product will be used.

If no inventory fields are set in [UpdateProductRequest.set_mask][], then any existing inventory information will be preserved.

Pre-existing inventory information can only be updated with [SetInventory][], [AddFulfillmentPlaces][], and [RemoveFulfillmentPlaces][].

This feature is only available for users who have Retail Search enabled. Please submit a form here to contact cloud sales if you are interested in using Retail Search.


Required. The inventory information to update. The allowable fields to update are:

  • [Product.price_info][]
  • [Product.availability][]
  • [Product.available_quantity][]
  • [Product.fulfillment_info][] The updated inventory fields must be specified in [SetInventoryRequest.set_mask][].

If [][] is empty or invalid, an INVALID_ARGUMENT error is returned.

If the caller does not have permission to update the [Product][] named in [][], regardless of whether or not it exists, a PERMISSION_DENIED error is returned.

If the [Product][] to update does not have existing inventory information, the provided inventory information will be inserted.

If the [Product][] to update has existing inventory information, the provided inventory information will be merged while respecting the last update time for each inventory field, using the provided or default value for [SetInventoryRequest.set_time][].

The last update time is recorded for the following inventory fields:

  • [Product.price_info][]
  • [Product.availability][]
  • [Product.available_quantity][]
  • [Product.fulfillment_info][]

If a full overwrite of inventory information while ignoring timestamps is needed, [UpdateProduct][] should be invoked instead.


Indicates which inventory fields in the provided [Product][] to update. If not set or set with empty paths, all inventory fields will be updated.

If an unsupported or unknown field is provided, an INVALID_ARGUMENT error is returned and the entire update will be ignored.


A CancellationToken to use for this RPC.

Task<Operation<SetInventoryResponse, SetInventoryMetadata>>

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
ProductServiceClient productServiceClient = await ProductServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
Product inventory = new Product();
FieldMask setMask = new FieldMask();
// Make the request
Operation<SetInventoryResponse, SetInventoryMetadata> response = await productServiceClient.SetInventoryAsync(inventory, setMask);

// Poll until the returned long-running operation is complete
Operation<SetInventoryResponse, SetInventoryMetadata> completedResponse = await response.PollUntilCompletedAsync();
// Retrieve the operation result
SetInventoryResponse result = completedResponse.Result;

// Or get the name of the operation
string operationName = response.Name;
// This name can be stored, then the long-running operation retrieved later by name
Operation<SetInventoryResponse, SetInventoryMetadata> retrievedResponse = await productServiceClient.PollOnceSetInventoryAsync(operationName);
// Check if the retrieved long-running operation has completed
if (retrievedResponse.IsCompleted)
    // If it has completed, then access the result
    SetInventoryResponse retrievedResult = retrievedResponse.Result;

SetInventoryAsync(SetInventoryRequest, CallSettings)

public virtual Task<Operation<SetInventoryResponse, SetInventoryMetadata>> SetInventoryAsync(SetInventoryRequest request, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Updates inventory information for a [Product][] while respecting the last update timestamps of each inventory field.

This process is asynchronous and does not require the [Product][] to exist before updating fulfillment information. If the request is valid, the update will be enqueued and processed downstream. As a consequence, when a response is returned, updates are not immediately manifested in the [Product][] queried by [GetProduct][] or [ListProducts][].

When inventory is updated with [CreateProduct][] and [UpdateProduct][], the specified inventory field value(s) will overwrite any existing value(s) while ignoring the last update time for this field. Furthermore, the last update time for the specified inventory fields will be overwritten to the time of the [CreateProduct][] or [UpdateProduct][] request.

If no inventory fields are set in [CreateProductRequest.product][], then any pre-existing inventory information for this product will be used.

If no inventory fields are set in [UpdateProductRequest.set_mask][], then any existing inventory information will be preserved.

Pre-existing inventory information can only be updated with [SetInventory][], [AddFulfillmentPlaces][], and [RemoveFulfillmentPlaces][].

This feature is only available for users who have Retail Search enabled. Please submit a form here to contact cloud sales if you are interested in using Retail Search.


The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.


If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Task<Operation<SetInventoryResponse, SetInventoryMetadata>>

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
ProductServiceClient productServiceClient = await ProductServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
SetInventoryRequest request = new SetInventoryRequest
    Inventory = new Product(),
    SetMask = new FieldMask(),
    SetTime = new Timestamp(),
    AllowMissing = false,
// Make the request
Operation<SetInventoryResponse, SetInventoryMetadata> response = await productServiceClient.SetInventoryAsync(request);

// Poll until the returned long-running operation is complete
Operation<SetInventoryResponse, SetInventoryMetadata> completedResponse = await response.PollUntilCompletedAsync();
// Retrieve the operation result
SetInventoryResponse result = completedResponse.Result;

// Or get the name of the operation
string operationName = response.Name;
// This name can be stored, then the long-running operation retrieved later by name
Operation<SetInventoryResponse, SetInventoryMetadata> retrievedResponse = await productServiceClient.PollOnceSetInventoryAsync(operationName);
// Check if the retrieved long-running operation has completed
if (retrievedResponse.IsCompleted)
    // If it has completed, then access the result
    SetInventoryResponse retrievedResult = retrievedResponse.Result;

SetInventoryAsync(SetInventoryRequest, CancellationToken)

public virtual Task<Operation<SetInventoryResponse, SetInventoryMetadata>> SetInventoryAsync(SetInventoryRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

Updates inventory information for a [Product][] while respecting the last update timestamps of each inventory field.

This process is asynchronous and does not require the [Product][] to exist before updating fulfillment information. If the request is valid, the update will be enqueued and processed downstream. As a consequence, when a response is returned, updates are not immediately manifested in the [Product][] queried by [GetProduct][] or [ListProducts][].

When inventory is updated with [CreateProduct][] and [UpdateProduct][], the specified inventory field value(s) will overwrite any existing value(s) while ignoring the last update time for this field. Furthermore, the last update time for the specified inventory fields will be overwritten to the time of the [CreateProduct][] or [UpdateProduct][] request.

If no inventory fields are set in [CreateProductRequest.product][], then any pre-existing inventory information for this product will be used.

If no inventory fields are set in [UpdateProductRequest.set_mask][], then any existing inventory information will be preserved.

Pre-existing inventory information can only be updated with [SetInventory][], [AddFulfillmentPlaces][], and [RemoveFulfillmentPlaces][].

This feature is only available for users who have Retail Search enabled. Please submit a form here to contact cloud sales if you are interested in using Retail Search.


The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.


A CancellationToken to use for this RPC.

Task<Operation<SetInventoryResponse, SetInventoryMetadata>>

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
ProductServiceClient productServiceClient = await ProductServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
SetInventoryRequest request = new SetInventoryRequest
    Inventory = new Product(),
    SetMask = new FieldMask(),
    SetTime = new Timestamp(),
    AllowMissing = false,
// Make the request
Operation<SetInventoryResponse, SetInventoryMetadata> response = await productServiceClient.SetInventoryAsync(request);

// Poll until the returned long-running operation is complete
Operation<SetInventoryResponse, SetInventoryMetadata> completedResponse = await response.PollUntilCompletedAsync();
// Retrieve the operation result
SetInventoryResponse result = completedResponse.Result;

// Or get the name of the operation
string operationName = response.Name;
// This name can be stored, then the long-running operation retrieved later by name
Operation<SetInventoryResponse, SetInventoryMetadata> retrievedResponse = await productServiceClient.PollOnceSetInventoryAsync(operationName);
// Check if the retrieved long-running operation has completed
if (retrievedResponse.IsCompleted)
    // If it has completed, then access the result
    SetInventoryResponse retrievedResult = retrievedResponse.Result;


public static Task ShutdownDefaultChannelsAsync()

Shuts down any channels automatically created by Create() and CreateAsync(CancellationToken). Channels which weren't automatically created are not affected.


A task representing the asynchronous shutdown operation.


After calling this method, further calls to Create() and CreateAsync(CancellationToken) will create new channels, which could in turn be shut down by another call to this method.

UpdateProduct(Product, FieldMask, CallSettings)

public virtual Product UpdateProduct(Product product, FieldMask updateMask, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Updates a [Product][].


Required. The product to update/create.

If the caller does not have permission to update the [Product][], regardless of whether or not it exists, a PERMISSION_DENIED error is returned.

If the [Product][] to update does not exist and [allow_missing][] is not set, a NOT_FOUND error is returned.


Indicates which fields in the provided [Product][] to update. The immutable and output only fields are NOT supported. If not set, all supported fields (the fields that are neither immutable nor output only) are updated.

If an unsupported or unknown field is provided, an INVALID_ARGUMENT error is returned.


If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.


The RPC response.

// Create client
ProductServiceClient productServiceClient = ProductServiceClient.Create();
// Initialize request argument(s)
Product product = new Product();
FieldMask updateMask = new FieldMask();
// Make the request
Product response = productServiceClient.UpdateProduct(product, updateMask);

UpdateProduct(UpdateProductRequest, CallSettings)

public virtual Product UpdateProduct(UpdateProductRequest request, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Updates a [Product][].


The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.


If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.


The RPC response.

// Create client
ProductServiceClient productServiceClient = ProductServiceClient.Create();
// Initialize request argument(s)
UpdateProductRequest request = new UpdateProductRequest
    Product = new Product(),
    UpdateMask = new FieldMask(),
    AllowMissing = false,
// Make the request
Product response = productServiceClient.UpdateProduct(request);

UpdateProductAsync(Product, FieldMask, CallSettings)

public virtual Task<Product> UpdateProductAsync(Product product, FieldMask updateMask, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Updates a [Product][].


Required. The product to update/create.

If the caller does not have permission to update the [Product][], regardless of whether or not it exists, a PERMISSION_DENIED error is returned.

If the [Product][] to update does not exist and [allow_missing][] is not set, a NOT_FOUND error is returned.


Indicates which fields in the provided [Product][] to update. The immutable and output only fields are NOT supported. If not set, all supported fields (the fields that are neither immutable nor output only) are updated.

If an unsupported or unknown field is provided, an INVALID_ARGUMENT error is returned.


If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.


A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
ProductServiceClient productServiceClient = await ProductServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
Product product = new Product();
FieldMask updateMask = new FieldMask();
// Make the request
Product response = await productServiceClient.UpdateProductAsync(product, updateMask);

UpdateProductAsync(Product, FieldMask, CancellationToken)

public virtual Task<Product> UpdateProductAsync(Product product, FieldMask updateMask, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

Updates a [Product][].


Required. The product to update/create.

If the caller does not have permission to update the [Product][], regardless of whether or not it exists, a PERMISSION_DENIED error is returned.

If the [Product][] to update does not exist and [allow_missing][] is not set, a NOT_FOUND error is returned.


Indicates which fields in the provided [Product][] to update. The immutable and output only fields are NOT supported. If not set, all supported fields (the fields that are neither immutable nor output only) are updated.

If an unsupported or unknown field is provided, an INVALID_ARGUMENT error is returned.


A CancellationToken to use for this RPC.


A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
ProductServiceClient productServiceClient = await ProductServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
Product product = new Product();
FieldMask updateMask = new FieldMask();
// Make the request
Product response = await productServiceClient.UpdateProductAsync(product, updateMask);

UpdateProductAsync(UpdateProductRequest, CallSettings)

public virtual Task<Product> UpdateProductAsync(UpdateProductRequest request, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Updates a [Product][].


The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.


If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.


A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
ProductServiceClient productServiceClient = await ProductServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
UpdateProductRequest request = new UpdateProductRequest
    Product = new Product(),
    UpdateMask = new FieldMask(),
    AllowMissing = false,
// Make the request
Product response = await productServiceClient.UpdateProductAsync(request);

UpdateProductAsync(UpdateProductRequest, CancellationToken)

public virtual Task<Product> UpdateProductAsync(UpdateProductRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

Updates a [Product][].


The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.


A CancellationToken to use for this RPC.


A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
ProductServiceClient productServiceClient = await ProductServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
UpdateProductRequest request = new UpdateProductRequest
    Product = new Product(),
    UpdateMask = new FieldMask(),
    AllowMissing = false,
// Make the request
Product response = await productServiceClient.UpdateProductAsync(request);