Regional and multi-regional support

You must specify either a regional or multi-regional location for data storage and document processing.

Document AI supports the following multi-region locations:

  • us (United States)
  • eu (European Union)

Document AI provides limited support for the following single-region locations:

  • asia-south1 (Mumbai)
  • asia-southeast1 (Singapore)
  • australia-southeast1 (Sydney)
  • europe-west2 (London)
  • europe-west3 (Frankfurt)
  • northamerica-northeast1 (Montréal)

You can follow instructions for setup the regions API.

Document AI is offered with varying capabilities by region. (Full list of processors):

Capability us eu asia-south1 asia-southeast1 australia-southeast1 europe-west2 europe-west3 northamerica-northeast1
OCR 1.0
OCR 1.1
OCR 1.2
OCR 2.0
Custom extractor (CDE1)
Custom extractor (CDE2)
Custom extractor (CDE2 with fine tuning)
Custom classifier
Custom splitter
Form Parser
Layout Parser