Manage interconnects

This page describes how to manage Google Distributed Cloud Edge interconnect resources in a Distributed Cloud Edge zone.

For more information about Distributed Cloud Edge interconnects, see How Distributed Cloud Edge works.

List interconnects

To list the Distributed Cloud Edge interconnects in a Distributed Cloud Edge zone, complete the steps in this section.

To complete this task, you must have the Edge Network Viewer role (roles/edgenetwork.viewer) in your Google Cloud project.

Use the gcloud edge-cloud networking interconnects list command:

gcloud edge-cloud networking interconnects list \
    --location=REGION \

Replace the following:

  • REGION: the Google Cloud region to which the target Distributed Cloud Edge zone belongs.
  • ZONE_NAME: the name of the target Distributed Cloud Edge zone.

Make a GET request to the projects.locations.zones.interconnects.list method:

GET /v1/projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/REGION/zones/ZONE_NAME/interconnects?filter=FILTER&pageSize=PAGE_SIZE&orderBy=SORT_BY&pageToken=PAGE_TOKEN

Replace the following:

  • PROJECT_ID: the ID of the target Google Cloud project.
  • REGION: the Google Cloud region to which the target Distributed Cloud Edge zone belongs.
  • ZONE_NAME: the name of the target Distributed Cloud Edge zone.
  • FILTER: an expression that constrains the returned results to specific values.
  • PAGE_SIZE: the number of results to return per page.
  • SORT_BY: a comma-delimited list of field names by which the returned results are sorted. The default sort order is ascending; for descending sort order, prefix the desired field with ~.
  • PAGE_TOKEN: a token received in the response to the last list request in the nextPageToken field in the response. Send this token to receive a page of results.

Get information about an interconnect

To get information about a Distributed Cloud Edge interconnect in a Distributed Cloud Edge zone, complete the steps in this section.

To complete this task, you must have the Edge Network Viewer role (roles/edgenetwork.viewer) in your Google Cloud project.

Use the gcloud edge-cloud networking interconnects describe command:

gcloud edge-cloud networking interconnects describe INTERCONNECT_NAME \
    --location=REGION \

Replace the following:

  • INTERCONNECT_NAME: the name of the target interconnect.
  • REGION: the Google Cloud region to which the target Distributed Cloud Edge zone belongs.
  • ZONE_NAME: the name of the target Distributed Cloud Edge zone.

Make a GET request to the projects.locations.zones.interconnects.get method:

GET /v1/projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/REGION/zones/ZONE_NAME/interconnects/INTERCONNECT_ID

Replace the following:

  • PROJECT_ID: the ID of the target Google Cloud project.
  • REGION: the Google Cloud region to which the target Distributed Cloud Edge zone belongs.
  • ZONE_NAME: the name of the target Distributed Cloud Edge zone.
  • INTERCONNECT_ID: the ID of the target interconnect.

Get the operational status of an interconnect

To get the operational status of a Distributed Cloud Edge interconnect in a Distributed Cloud Edge zone, complete the steps in this section.

To complete this task, you must have the Edge Network Viewer role (roles/edgenetwork.viewer) in your Google Cloud project.

Use the gcloud edge-cloud networking interconnects get-diagnostics command:

gcloud edge-cloud networking interconnects get-diagnostics INTERCONNECT_NAME \
    --location=REGION \

Replace the following:

  • INTERCONNECT_NAME: the name of the target interconnect.
  • REGION: the Google Cloud region to which the target Distributed Cloud Edge zone belongs.
  • ZONE_NAME: the name of the target Distributed Cloud Edge zone.

Make a GET request to the projects.locations.zones.interconnects.diagnose method:

 GET /v1/projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/REGION/zones/ZONE_NAME/interconnects/INTERCONNECT_ID:diagnose

Replace the following:

  • PROJECT_ID: the ID of the target Google Cloud project.
  • REGION: the Google Cloud region to which the target Distributed Cloud Edge zone belongs.
  • ZONE_NAME: the name of the target Distributed Cloud Edge zone.
  • INTERCONNECT_ID: the ID of the target interconnect.

What's next