- Resource: Agent
- SpeechToTextSettings
- GitIntegrationSettings
- GithubSettings
- GitConnectionSettings
- BigQueryExportSettings
- TextToSpeechSettings
- GenAppBuilderSettings
- AnswerFeedbackSettings
- PersonalizationSettings
- ClientCertificateSettings
- Methods
Resource: Agent
Agents are best described as Natural Language Understanding (NLU) modules that transform user requests into actionable data. You can include agents in your app, product, or service to determine user intent and respond to the user in a natural way.
After you create an agent, you can add Intents
, Entity Types
, Flows
, Fulfillments
, Webhooks
, TransitionRouteGroups
and so on to manage the conversation flows.
JSON representation |
{ "name": string, "displayName": string, "defaultLanguageCode": string, "supportedLanguageCodes": [ string ], "timeZone": string, "description": string, "avatarUri": string, "speechToTextSettings": { object ( |
Fields | |
name |
The unique identifier of the agent. Required for the |
displayName |
Required. The human-readable name of the agent, unique within the location. |
defaultLanguageCode |
Required. Immutable. The default language of the agent as a language tag. See Language Support for a list of the currently supported language codes. This field cannot be set by the |
supportedLanguageCodes[] |
The list of all languages supported by the agent (except for the |
timeZone |
Required. The time zone of the agent from the time zone database, e.g., America/New_York, Europe/Paris. |
description |
The description of the agent. The maximum length is 500 characters. If exceeded, the request is rejected. |
avatarUri |
The URI of the agent's avatar. Avatars are used throughout the Dialogflow console and in the self-hosted Web Demo integration. |
speechToTextSettings |
Speech recognition related settings. |
securitySettings |
Name of the |
enableStackdriverLogging |
Indicates if stackdriver logging is enabled for the agent. Please use |
enableSpellCorrection |
Indicates if automatic spell correction is enabled in detect intent requests. |
enableMultiLanguageTraining |
Optional. Enable training multi-lingual models for this agent. These models will be trained on all the languages supported by the agent. |
locked |
Indicates whether the agent is locked for changes. If the agent is locked, modifications to the agent will be rejected except for [agents.restore][]. |
advancedSettings |
Hierarchical advanced settings for this agent. The settings exposed at the lower level overrides the settings exposed at the higher level. |
gitIntegrationSettings |
Git integration settings for this agent. |
bigqueryExportSettings |
Optional. The BigQuery export settings for this agent. The conversation data will be exported to BigQuery tables if it is enabled. By default, BigQuery export settings will not be exported with agent. You need to set |
textToSpeechSettings |
Settings on instructing the speech synthesizer on how to generate the output audio content. |
answerFeedbackSettings |
Optional. Answer feedback collection settings. |
personalizationSettings |
Optional. Settings for end user personalization. |
clientCertificateSettings |
Optional. Settings for custom client certificates. |
Union field session_entry_resource . The resource to start the conversations with for the agent. session_entry_resource can be only one of the following: |
startFlow |
Name of the start flow in this agent. A start flow will be automatically created when the agent is created, and can only be deleted by deleting the agent. Format: |
startPlaybook |
Name of the start playbook in this agent. A start playbook will be automatically created when the agent is created, and can only be deleted by deleting the agent. Format: |
genAppBuilderSettings |
Gen App Builder-related agent-level settings. |
satisfiesPzs |
Optional. Output only. A read only boolean field reflecting Zone Separation status of the agent. |
satisfiesPzi |
Optional. Output only. A read only boolean field reflecting Zone Isolation status of the agent. |
Settings related to speech recognition.
JSON representation |
{ "enableSpeechAdaptation": boolean } |
Fields | |
enableSpeechAdaptation |
Whether to use speech adaptation for speech recognition. |
Settings for connecting to Git repository for an agent.
JSON representation |
{ // Union field |
Fields | |
Union field git_settings . The git settings to specific systems. git_settings can be only one of the following: |
githubSettings |
GitHub settings. |
gitConnectionSettings |
Git connection settings. |
Settings of integration with GitHub.
JSON representation |
{ "displayName": string, "repositoryUri": string, "trackingBranch": string, "accessToken": string, "branches": [ string ] } |
Fields | |
displayName |
The unique repository display name for the GitHub repository. |
repositoryUri |
The GitHub repository URI related to the agent. |
trackingBranch |
The branch of the GitHub repository tracked for this agent. |
accessToken |
The access token used to authenticate the access to the GitHub repository. |
branches[] |
A list of branches configured to be used from Dialogflow. |
Integration settings for a Git service hosted on Cloud Run.
JSON representation |
{ "displayName": string, "repositoryUri": string, "trackingBranch": string, "branches": [ string ], // Union field |
Fields | |
displayName |
Required. Display name for the repository |
repositoryUri |
Required. Git server reporitory URI. |
trackingBranch |
Required. Default branch of the repository. |
branches[] |
Optional. List of branches configured for the repository. |
Union field git_authentication . Support auth types. git_authentication can be only one of the following: |
accessTokenSecret |
The name of the SecretManager secret version resource storing the git access token. Format: |
The settings of BigQuery export.
JSON representation |
{ "enabled": boolean, "bigqueryTable": string } |
Fields | |
enabled |
The field to indicate whether the BigQuery export is enabled. |
bigqueryTable |
The BigQuery table to export. Format: |
Settings related to speech synthesizing.
JSON representation |
"synthesizeSpeechConfigs": {
string: {
object ( |
Fields | |
synthesizeSpeechConfigs |
Configuration of how speech should be synthesized, mapping from language (https://cloud.google.com/dialogflow/cx/docs/reference/language) to SynthesizeSpeechConfig. These settings affect:
An object containing a list of |
Settings for Gen App Builder.
JSON representation |
{ "engine": string } |
Fields | |
engine |
Required. The full name of the Gen App Builder engine related to this agent if there is one. Format: |
Settings for answer feedback collection.
JSON representation |
{ "enableAnswerFeedback": boolean } |
Fields | |
enableAnswerFeedback |
Optional. If enabled, end users will be able to provide |
Settings for end user personalization.
JSON representation |
{ "defaultEndUserMetadata": { object } } |
Fields | |
defaultEndUserMetadata |
Optional. Default end user metadata, used when processing DetectIntent requests. Recommended to be filled as a template instead of hard-coded value, for example { "age": "$session.params.age" }. The data will be merged with the |
Settings for custom client certificates.
JSON representation |
{ "sslCertificate": string, "privateKey": string, "passphrase": string } |
Fields | |
sslCertificate |
Required. The ssl certificate encoded in PEM format. This string must include the begin header and end footer lines. |
privateKey |
Required. The name of the SecretManager secret version resource storing the private key encoded in PEM format. Format: |
passphrase |
Optional. The name of the SecretManager secret version resource storing the passphrase. 'passphrase' should be left unset if the private key is not encrypted. Format: |
Methods |
Creates an agent in the specified location. |
Deletes the specified agent. |
Exports the specified agent to a binary file. |
Retrieves the specified agent. |
Gets the generative settings for the agent. |
Gets the latest agent validation result. |
Returns the list of all agents in the specified location. |
Updates the specified agent. |
Restores the specified agent from a binary file. |
Updates the generative settings for the agent. |
Validates the specified agent and creates or updates validation results. |