Property query

Use a property query

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Code sample

To learn how to install and use the client library for Datastore mode, see Datastore mode client libraries. For more information, see the Datastore mode C# API reference documentation.

To authenticate to Datastore mode, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

Query query = new Query("__property__");
var properties = new List<string>();
foreach (Entity entity in _db.RunQuery(query).Entities)
    string kind = entity.Key.Path[0].Name;
    string property = entity.Key.Path[1].Name;
    if (kind == "Task")

To learn how to install and use the client library for Datastore mode, see Datastore mode client libraries. For more information, see the Datastore mode Go API reference documentation.

To authenticate to Datastore mode, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

query := datastore.NewQuery("__property__").KeysOnly()
keys, err := client.GetAll(ctx, query, nil)
if err != nil {
	log.Fatalf("client.GetAll: %v", err)

props := make(map[string][]string) // Map from kind to slice of properties.
for _, k := range keys {
	prop := k.Name
	kind := k.Parent.Name
	props[kind] = append(props[kind], prop)

To learn how to install and use the client library for Datastore mode, see Datastore mode client libraries. For more information, see the Datastore mode Java API reference documentation.

To authenticate to Datastore mode, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

Query<Key> query = Query.newKeyQueryBuilder().setKind("__property__").build();
QueryResults<Key> keys =;
Map<String, Collection<String>> propertiesByKind = new HashMap<>();
while (keys.hasNext()) {
  Key key =;
  String kind = key.getParent().getName();
  String propertyName = key.getName();
  Collection<String> properties = propertiesByKind.get(kind);
  if (properties == null) {
    properties = new HashSet<>();
    propertiesByKind.put(kind, properties);

To learn how to install and use the client library for Datastore mode, see Datastore mode client libraries. For more information, see the Datastore mode Node.js API reference documentation.

To authenticate to Datastore mode, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

async function runPropertyQuery() {
  const query = datastore.createQuery('__property__').select('__key__');
  const [entities] = await datastore.runQuery(query);
  // @TODO convert below object to map
  const propertiesByKind = {};

  entities.forEach(entity => {
    const key = entity[datastore.KEY];
    const kind = key.path[1];
    const property = key.path[3];

    propertiesByKind[kind] = propertiesByKind[kind] || [];

  console.log('Properties by Kind:');
  for (const key in propertiesByKind) {
    console.log(key, propertiesByKind[key]);

  return propertiesByKind;

To learn how to install and use the client library for Datastore mode, see Datastore mode client libraries. For more information, see the Datastore mode PHP API reference documentation.

To authenticate to Datastore mode, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

$query = $datastore->query()
$result = $datastore->runQuery($query);
/* @var array<string> $properties */
$properties = [];
/* @var Entity $entity */
foreach ($result as $entity) {
    $kind = $entity->key()->path()[0]['name'];
    $propertyName = $entity->key()->path()[1]['name'];
    $properties[] = "$kind.$propertyName";

To learn how to install and use the client library for Datastore mode, see Datastore mode client libraries. For more information, see the Datastore mode Python API reference documentation.

To authenticate to Datastore mode, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

from import datastore

# For help authenticating your client, visit
client = datastore.Client()

from collections import defaultdict

query = client.query(kind="__property__")

properties_by_kind = defaultdict(list)

for entity in query.fetch():
    kind =
    property_ =


To learn how to install and use the client library for Datastore mode, see Datastore mode client libraries. For more information, see the Datastore mode Ruby API reference documentation.

To authenticate to Datastore mode, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

query = datastore.query("__property__")

entities = query
properties_by_kind = entities.each_with_object({}) do |entity, memo|
  kind =
  prop =
  memo[kind] ||= []
  memo[kind] << prop

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