Create and use data profile scans

This page shows you how to create a data profile scan using the Google Cloud console, Google Cloud CLI, or REST API.

For more information about Dataplex data profile scans, see About data profiling.

Before you begin

In the Google Cloud console, enable the Dataplex API.

Enable the API


To profile BigQuery tables, you need the following permissions:

  • To run a data profile scan on a BigQuery table, you need permission to read the BigQuery table and permission to create a BigQuery job in the project used to scan the table.

  • If the BigQuery table and the data profile scan are in different projects, then you need to give the Dataplex service account read permission on the corresponding BigQuery table.

  • If the BigQuery data is organized in a Dataplex lake, then to create a data profile scan, you need the Dataplex roles roles/dataplex.metadataReader and roles/dataplex.viewer. This grants the following permissions:

    • dataplex.lakes.list
    • dataplex.lakes.get
    • dataplex.zones.list
    • dataplex.zones.get
    • dataplex.entities.list
    • dataplex.entities.get
    • dataplex.operations.get
  • If you're scanning a BigQuery external table from Cloud Storage, then assign the Dataplex service account either the Cloud Storage Object Viewer (roles/storage.objectViewer) role or the following permissions for the bucket:

    • storage.buckets.get
    • storage.objects.get
  • If you want to publish the data profile scan results in the BigQuery and Dataplex Catalog pages in the Google Cloud console for the source tables, you must be granted the BigQuery Data Editor (roles/bigquery.dataEditor) IAM role on the table. Alternatively, you need all of the following permissions:

    • bigquery.tables.get
    • bigquery.tables.update
    • bigquery.tables.updateData
    • bigquery.tables.delete
  • To export the scan results to a BigQuery table, your Dataplex service account needs the BigQuery Data Editor (roles/bigquery.dataEditor) role. This grants the following permissions:

    • bigquery.datasets.get
    • bigquery.tables.create
    • bigquery.tables.get
    • bigquery.tables.getData
    • bigquery.tables.update
    • bigquery.tables.updateData
  • If you need to access columns protected by BigQuery column-level access policies, then assign the Dataplex service account permissions for those columns. The user creating or updating a data scan also needs permissions for the columns.

  • If a table has BigQuery row-level access policies enabled, then you can only scan rows visible to the Dataplex service account. Note that the individual user's access privileges are not evaluated for row-level policies.

Data scan roles and permissions

To use data profiling, a project administrator either assigns a predefined role with permissions already granted, or grants individual permissions. The roles are as follows:

  • roles/dataplex.dataScanAdmin: Full access to DataScan resources.
  • roles/dataplex.dataScanEditor: Write access to DataScan resources.
  • roles/dataplex.dataScanViewer: Read access to DataScan resources, excluding the results.
  • roles/dataplex.dataScanDataViewer: Read access to DataScan resources, including the results.

The following table lists the data scan permissions:

Permission name Grants permission to do the following:
dataplex.datascans.create Create a DataScan
dataplex.datascans.delete Delete a DataScan
dataplex.datascans.get View DataScan details excluding results
dataplex.datascans.getData View DataScan details including results
dataplex.datascans.list List DataScans Execute a DataScan
dataplex.datascans.update Update the description of a DataScan
dataplex.datascans.getIamPolicy View the current IAM permissions on the scan
dataplex.datascans.setIamPolicy Set IAM permissions on the scan

Create a data profile scan


  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Profile page.

    Go to Dataplex Profile

  2. Click Create data profile scan.

  3. Enter a Display name.

  4. To change the automatically generated scan ID, provide your own. See Resource naming convention.

  5. Optional: Enter a Description.

  6. In the Table field, click Browse.

  7. Select a table and click Select.

  8. In the Scope field, choose Incremental or Entire data.

    • If you choose Incremental data, in the Timestamp column field, select a column of type DATE or TIMESTAMP from your BigQuery table that increases monotonically and can be used to identify new records. For tables partitioned on a column of type DATE or TIMESTAMP, we recommend using the partition column as the timestamp field.
  9. To apply sampling to your data profile scan, in the Sampling size list, select a sampling percentage.

    • Choose a percentage value that ranges between 0.0% and 100.0% with up to 3 decimal digits.
    • For larger datasets, choose a lower sampling percentage. For example, for a ~1 PB table, if you enter a value between 0.1% and 1.0%, Dataplex samples between 1-10 TB of data.
    • You need at least 100 records in the sampled data to return a result.
    • For incremental data scans, Dataplex applies sampling to the latest increment.
  10. To filter by row, click Filters, and select Filter rows.

    • Enter a valid SQL expression that can be used in a WHERE clause in GoogleSQL syntax. For example: col1 >= 0.

    • The filter can be a combination of SQL conditions over multiple columns. For example: col1 >= 0 AND col2 < 10.

  11. Optional: Click Filters. Select the checkbox Filter columns.

    a. In the Include columns field, click Browse.

    • Specify any columns to include in the profile scan. Select the columns of your choice by checking the boxes and clicking Select.

    b. In the Exclude columns field, click Browse.

    • Specify any columns to exclude from the profile scan. Select the columns of your choice by checking the boxes and clicking Select.
  12. Optional: Publish the data profile scan results in the BigQuery and Dataplex Catalog pages in the Google Cloud console for the source table. Click the Publish results to the BigQuery and Dataplex Catalog UI checkbox.

    You can view the latest scan results in the Data Profile tab in the BigQuery and Dataplex Catalog pages for the source table. To enable users to access the published scan results, see Share the published results.

    The publishing option might not be available in the following cases:

    • You don't have the required permissions on the table.
    • Another data quality scan is set to publish results.

    For more information about the permissions required to view the published results, see Permissions.

  13. Optional: Export the scan results to a BigQuery standard table. Click Browse to select an existing BigQuery dataset to store the data profile scan results.

    If the specified table doesn't exist, Dataplex creates it for you. If you are using an existing table, make sure that it is compatible with the table schema described later in this section.

  14. Optional: Add labels. Labels are key:value pairs that allow you to group related objects together or with other Google Cloud resources.

  15. Under Schedule options, choose one of the following options:

    • Repeat: Run your data profile scan job on a schedule: daily, weekly, monthly, or custom. Specify how often the scan should run and at what time. If you choose custom, use cron format to specify the schedule.

    • On-demand: Create your data profile scan and run it at any time using the run now action.

  16. Click Create.


To create a data profile scan, run the following command:

gcloud dataplex datascans create data-profile DATASCAN \
--location=LOCATION \
| --data-source-resource=DATA_SOURCE_RESOURCE

Replace the following variables:

  • DATASCAN: The name of the data profile scan.
  • LOCATION: The Google Cloud region in which to create the data profile scan.
  • DATA_SOURCE_ENTITY: The Dataplex entity that contains the data for the data profile scan. For example, projects/test-project/locations/test-location/lakes/test-lake/zones/test-zone/entities/test-entity.
  • DATA_SOURCE_RESOURCE: The name of the resource that contains the data for the data profile scan. For example, //

For optional arguments, see the gcloud CLI reference.


Use the APIs Explorer to create a data profile scan.

Create multiple data profile scans


  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Profile page.

    Go to Dataplex Profile

  2. Click Create multiple profile scans.

  3. Enter an ID prefix. Dataplex automatically generates scan IDs by using the provided prefix and unique suffixes.

  4. Enter a Description for all of the data profile scans.

  5. In the Dataset field, click Browse. Select a dataset to pick tables from. Click Select.

  6. If the dataset is multi-regional, select a Region in which to create the data profile scans.

  7. Select Common configuration options:

    1. In the Scope field, choose Incremental or Entire data.

    2. To apply sampling to your data profile scans, in the Sampling size list, select a sampling percentage.

      Choose a percentage value between 0.0% and 100.0% with up to 3 decimal digits.

    3. To display the results of all the scans, select Publishing. You can view the results in Profile tab of the BigQuery or Dataplex Catalog table details. Make sure you have the bigquery.tables.update permissions on the source tables.

    4. Under Schedule options, choose one of the following options:

      1. Repeat: Run your data profile scan jobs on a schedule. Specify how often to run the scan (daily, weekly, monthly, or custom) and at what time. If you choose custom, use cron format to specify the schedule.

      2. On-demand: Create your data profile scan jobs and run them at any time by clicking Run.

  8. In the Choose tables option, click Browse. Choose one or more of the tables to be scanned. Click Select.

  9. Select Additional settings:

    1. To save the results of your data profile scans to a BigQuery table of your choice, choose a table in Export scan results to BigQuery table. Dataplex automatically copies and saves the results to this table for every scan job.

      1. Click Browse to select a dataset.

      2. Enter a BigQuery table to save results to. This can be an existing table, used by other Dataplex data profile scans to save results. If there is no such table with the specified name, Dataplex creates the table.

    2. Add Labels to annotate your data profile scan.

  10. Click Run scan to create and run all the scans. This option is only available for on-demand scans.

  11. Click Create to create all the scans.


Not supported.


Not supported.

Export table schema

If you want to export the data profile scan results to an existing BigQuery table, make sure that it is compatible with the following table schema:

Column name Column data type Sub field name
(if applicable)
Sub field data type Mode Example
data_profile_scan struct/record resource_name string nullable //
project_id string nullable test-project
location string nullable us-central1
data_scan_id string nullable test-datascan
data_source struct/record resource_name string nullable Entity case:

Table case: //
dataplex_entity_project_id string nullable test-project
dataplex_entity_project_number integer nullable 123456789012
dataplex_lake_id string nullable (Valid only if source is entity)
dataplex_zone_id string nullable (Valid only if source is entity)
dataplex_entity_id string nullable (Valid only if source is entity)
table_project_id string nullable dataplex-table
table_project_number int64 nullable 345678901234
dataset_id string nullable (Valid only if source is table)
table_id string nullable (Valid only if source is table)
data_profile_job_id string nullable caeba234-cfde-4fca-9e5b-fe02a9812e38
data_profile_job_configuration json trigger string nullable ondemand/schedule
incremental boolean nullable true/false
sampling_percent float nullable (0-100)
20.0 (indicates 20%)
row_filter string nullable col1 >= 0 AND col2 < 10
column_filter json nullable {"include_fields":["col1","col2"], "exclude_fields":["col3"]}
job_labels json nullable {"key1":value1}
job_start_time timestamp nullable 2023-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
job_end_time timestamp nullable 2023-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
job_rows_scanned integer nullable 7500
column_name string nullable column-1
column_type string nullable string
column_mode string nullable repeated
percent_null float nullable (0.0-100.0)
20.0 (indicates 20%)
percent_unique float nullable (0.0-100.0)
min_string_length integer nullable (Valid only if column type is string)
max_string_length integer nullable (Valid only if column type is string)
average_string_length float nullable (Valid only if column type is string)
min_value float nullable (Valid only if column type is numeric - integer/float)
max_value float nullable (Valid only if column type is numeric - integer/float)
average_value float nullable (Valid only if column type is numeric - integer/float)
standard_deviation float nullable (Valid only if column type is numeric - integer/float)
quartile_lower integer nullable (Valid only if column type is numeric - integer/float)
quartile_median integer nullable (Valid only if column type is numeric - integer/float)
quartile_upper integer nullable (Valid only if column type is numeric - integer/float)
top_n struct/record - repeated value string nullable "4009"
count integer nullable 20
percent float nullable 10 (indicates 10%)

Export table setup

When you export to BigQueryExport tables, follow these guidelines:

  • For the field resultsTable, use the format: //{project-id}/datasets/{dataset-id}/tables/{table-id}.
  • Use a BigQuery standard table.
  • If the table doesn't exist when the scan is created or updated, Dataplex creates the table for you.
  • By default, the table is partitioned on the job_start_time column daily.
  • If you want the table to be partitioned in other configurations or if you don't want the partition, then recreate the table with the required schema and configurations and then provide the pre-created table as the results table.
  • Make sure the results table is in the same location as the source table.
  • If VPC-SC is configured on the project, then the results table must be in the same VPC-SC perimeter as the source table.
  • If the table is modified during the scan execution stage, then the current running job exports to the previous results table and the table change takes effect from the next scan job.
  • Don't modify the table schema. If you need customized columns, create a view upon the table.
  • To reduce costs, set an expiration on the partition based on your use case. For more information, see how to set the partition expiration.

Run a data profile scan


  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Dataplex Profile page. Go to Profile
  2. Click the data profile scan to run.
  3. Click Run now.


To run a data profile scan, run the following command:

gcloud dataplex datascans run DATASCAN \

Replace the following variables:

  • DATASCAN: The name of the data profile scan.
  • LOCATION: The Google Cloud region in which the data profile scan was created.

For optional arguments, see the gcloud CLI reference.


Use the APIs Explorer to run your data profile scan.

View the data profile scan job results


All of the data profile scans you create appear in the Profile page.

To see the detailed results of a scan, click the name of the scan.

  • The Overview section displays the scan runs, the time of each run, the number of table records scanned, and the job status.

  • The Profile scan configuration section contains details about the scan.


To view the results of a data profile scan job, run the following command:

gcloud dataplex datascans jobs describe JOB \
--location=LOCATION \
--datascan=DATASCAN \

Replace the following variables:

  • JOB: The job ID of the data profile scan job.
  • LOCATION: The Google Cloud region in which the data profile scan was created.
  • DATASCAN: The name of the data profile scan the job belongs to.
  • --view=FULL: To see the scan job result, specify FULL.

For optional arguments, see the gcloud CLI reference.


Use the APIs Explorer to view the results of a data profile scan.

View the most recent data profile scan job


The Latest job results tab, when there is at least one successfully completed run, provides information about the latest job. It lists the scanned table's columns and statistics about the columns that were found in the scan.


To view the most recent successful data profile scan, run the following command:

gcloud dataplex datascans describe DATASCAN \
--location=LOCATION \

Replace the following variables:

  • DATASCAN: The name of the data profile scan to view the most recent job for.
  • LOCATION: The Google Cloud region in which the data profile scan was created.
  • --view=FULL: To see the scan job result, specify FULL.

For optional arguments, see the gcloud CLI reference.


Use the APIs Explorer to view the most recent scan job.

View all data profile scan jobs

Dataplex saves the data profile scan history of the last 300 jobs or for the past year, whichever occurs first.


The Jobs history tab provides information about past jobs. It lists all of the jobs, the number of records scanned in each job, the job status, job execution time, and more.

To view the detailed information about a job, click any of the jobs under Job ID.


To view all jobs of a data profile scan, run the following command:

gcloud dataplex datascans jobs list \
--location=LOCATION \

Replace the following variables:

  • LOCATION: The Google Cloud region in which the data profile scan was created.
  • DATASCAN: The name of the data profile scan to view all jobs for.

For optional arguments, see the gcloud CLI reference.


Use the APIs Explorer to view all scan jobs.

Share the published results

When creating a data profile scan, if you chose to publish the scan results in the BigQuery and Dataplex Catalog pages in the Google Cloud console, then the latest scan results will be available in the Data profile tab in those pages.

You can enable the users in your organization to access the published scan results. To grant access to the scan results, follow these steps:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Profile page.

    Go to Dataplex Profile

  2. Click the data profile scan you want to share the results of.

  3. Go to the Permissions tab.

  4. Click Grant access.

  5. In the New principals field, add the principal to which you want to grant access.

  6. In the Select a role field, select Dataplex DataScan DataViewer.

  7. Click Save.

To remove access to the published scan results for a principal, follow these steps:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Profile page.

    Go to Dataplex Profile

  2. Click the data profile scan you want to share the results of.

  3. Go to the Permissions tab.

  4. Select the principal for which you want to remove the Dataplex DataScan DataViewer role.

  5. Click Remove access.

  6. Click Confirm.

Update a data profile scan


  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Profile page.

    Go to Dataplex Profile

  2. In the row with the scan you'd like to edit, click > Edit.

  3. Edit the values.

  4. Click Save.


To update a data profile scan, run the following command:

gcloud dataplex datascans update data-profile DATASCAN \
--location=LOCATION \

Replace the following variables:

  • DATASCAN: The name of the data profile scan to update.
  • LOCATION: The Google Cloud region in which the data profile scan was created.
  • DESCRIPTION: The new description for the data profile scan.

For specification fields to update, see the gcloud CLI reference.


Use the APIs Explorer to edit a data profile scan.

Delete a data profile scan


  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Profile page. Go to Dataplex Profile

  2. Click the scan you want to delete.

  3. Click Delete.


To delete a data profile scan, run the following command:

gcloud dataplex datascans delete \

Replace the following variables:

  • DATASCAN: The name of the data profile scan to delete.
  • LOCATION: The Google Cloud region in which the data profile scan was created.

For optional arguments, see the gcloud CLI reference.


Use the APIs Explorer to delete your data profile scan.

What's next?