Monitor Dataplex logs

Dataplex job logs can be viewed, searched, filtered, and archived in Cloud Logging.

Access Dataplex service logs in Logging

Dataplex publishes the following service logs to Cloud Logging.

Log Type Log Name logName query Log Description
Data scan event logs logName=(projects/$PROJECT_ID/logs/ Event logs for data scan jobs indicating job state, results, and statistics
Data quality scan rule result logs logName=(projects/$PROJECT_ID/logs/ Results of data quality scan rules in a data quality job
Discovery logs logName=(projects/$PROJECT_ID/logs/ Discovery progress and updates over Assets in a Zone
Process logs logName=(projects/$PROJECT_ID/logs/ Job runs resulting from data processing Tasks

Query data scan event logs

When you use Dataplex to create and run a data scan, a data scan event log is produced in Logging for the resulting job.

You can access Logging using the Logging console, the gcloud logging command, or the Logging API.


  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to Cloud Logging > Logs (Logs Explorer):

    Go to Logs Explorer

  2. In the Logs Explorer view, find the Query tab.

  3. Click the Resource drop-down.

  4. Select Cloud Dataplex DataScan. Click Apply.

  5. Click the Log name drop-down.

  6. In the Search log names field, enter Select data_scan and click Apply.

  7. Optional: Filter the logs to a specific data scan ID or location by adding the following filters in the log query:

  8. Click Run query.


The Google Cloud SDK has a group of commands, gcloud logging, that provide a command-line interface to the Cloud Logging API. To read your log entries, run the following command.

gcloud logging read \
    'resource.type="" AND
    logName=projects/PROJECT_ID/logs/ AND
    resource.labels.location=LOCATION AND
    --limit 10


Follow the Logging API instructions to list log entries (entries.list) by using the APIs Explorer.

Query data quality scan rule result logs

When you use Dataplex to create and run a data quality scan, a data quality scan rule result log is produced in Logging for the resulting job.

You can access Logging using the Logging console, the gcloud logging command, or the Logging API.


  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to Cloud Logging > Logs (Logs Explorer):

    Go to Logs Explorer

  2. In the Logs Explorer view, find the Query tab.

  3. Click the Resource drop-down.

  4. Select Cloud Dataplex DataScan. Click Apply.

  5. Click the Log name drop-down.

  6. In the Search log names field, enter Select data_quality_scan_rule_result and click Apply.

  7. Optional: Filter the logs to a specific data scan ID or location by adding the following filters in the log query:

  8. Click Run query.


The Google Cloud SDK has a group of commands, gcloud logging, that provide a command-line interface to the Cloud Logging API. To read your log entries, run the following command.

gcloud logging read \
    'resource.type="" AND
    logName=projects/PROJECT_ID/logs/ AND
    resource.labels.location=LOCATION AND
    --limit 10


Follow the Logging API instructions to list log entries (entries.list) by using the APIs Explorer.

Query discovery logs

When you use Dataplex to discover data in assets, a discovery log is produced in Logging.

You can access Logging using the Logging console, the gcloud logging command, or the Logging API.


  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to Cloud Logging > Logs (Logs Explorer):

    Go to Logs Explorer

  2. In the Logs Explorer view, find the Query tab.

  3. Click the Resource drop-down.

  4. Select Cloud Dataplex Zone. Click Add.

  5. Click the Log name drop-down.

  6. Type Select discovery and click Add.

  7. (Optional) Filter the logs to a specific asset by adding the following filters in the log query:

  8. Click Run query.


The Google Cloud CLI has a group of commands, gcloud logging, that provide a command-line interface to the Cloud Logging API. To read your log entries, run the following command.

gcloud logging read \
    'resource.type="" AND
    logName=projects/PROJECT_ID/logs/ AND
    resource.labels.location=LOCATION AND
    resource.labels.lake_id=LAKE_ID AND
    resource.labels.zone_id=ZONE_ID AND
    --limit 10


Follow the Logging API instructions to list log entries (entries.list) by using the APIs Explorer.

Query process logs

When you use Dataplex to schedule and run Tasks, a process log is produced in Logging for the resulting job.

You can access Logging using the Logging console, the gcloud logging command, or the Logging API.


  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to Cloud Logging > Logs (Logs Explorer):

    Go to Logs Explorer

  2. In the Logs Explorer view, find the Query tab.

  3. Click the Resource drop-down.

  4. Select Cloud Dataplex Task. Click Add.

  5. Click the Log name drop-down.

  6. Type Select process and click Add.

  7. (Optional) Filter the logs to a specific task by adding the following filters in the log query:

  8. Click Run query.


The Google Cloud SDK has a group of commands, gcloud logging, that provide a command-line interface to the Cloud Logging API. To read your log entries, run the following command.

gcloud logging read \
    'resource.type="" AND
    logName=projects/PROJECT_ID/logs/ AND
    resource.labels.location=LOCATION AND
    resource.labels.lake_id=LAKE_ID AND
    --limit 10


Follow the Logging API instructions to list log entries (entries.list) by using the APIs Explorer.

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