Apache Beam RunInference with Vertex AI

This notebook shows how to use the Apache Beam RunInference transform for image classification with Vertex AI. Apache Beam has built-in support for sending requests to a remotely deployed Vertex AI endpoint by using the VertexAIModelHandlerJSON class. The input for this class is a JSON-serializable type, like a list.

When you use remote inference with Vertex AI, consider the following factors:

  1. Public endpoints have a maximum request size of 1.5 MB. If you want to send larger requests, you must configure a private endpoint and run your pipeline within the same VPC network. You might want to send larger requests if you send batches of requests.
  2. Inputs to the Vertex AI model handler must be JSON serializable. If the inputs aren't JSON serializable, the request to the endpoint fails.
  3. Hosting a model on Vertex AI and deploying it to an endpoint incurs cost from Google Cloud.

This notebook demonstrates the following steps:

  • Configure access to a public Vertex AI endpoint.
  • Set up example data.
  • Run those examples with the built-in model handlers and get a prediction inside an Apache Beam pipeline.

For more information about using RunInference, see Get started with AI/ML pipelines in the Apache Beam documentation.

Before you begin

Set up your environment and download dependencies.


To run this notebook, first follow the steps for training a custom model in the Vertex AI "Hello Custom Training" tutorial. At minimum, you need to have a trained image classification model deployed to an endpoint within your Google Cloud project.

Install Apache Beam

To use RunInference with the built-in Vertex AI model handler, install the Apache Beam SDK version 2.50.0 or later.

!pip install protobuf --quiet
!pip install apache_beam[gcp,interactive]==2.50.0 --quiet
# Enforce shapely < 2.0.0 to avoid an issue with google.aiplatform
!pip install shapely==1.7.1 --quiet

# To use the newly installed versions, restart the runtime.

Authenticate with Google Cloud

This notebook relies on having a Vertex AI endpoint deployed to Google Cloud. To use your Google Cloud account, authenticate this notebook.

from google.colab import auth

Import dependencies and set up your bucket

Use the following code to import dependencies and to set up your Google Cloud Storage bucket.

Replace PROJECT_ID, LOCATION_NAME, and ENDPOINT_ID with the ID of your project, the GCP region where your model is deployed, and the ID of your Vertex AI endpoint.

Query your Endpoint

Verify that your model is deployed to your Vertex AI endpoint. If you encounter errors, make sure that your endpoint is live and accessible from your current account.

aiplatform.init(project=project, location=location)
endpoint = aiplatform.Endpoint(endpoint_name=endpoint_id)
# To get more metadata, remove [0].display_name

Preprocess an example image

Preprocess an input to match what your model expects. Use the following code to complete these steps:

  1. Test the model by using an image of sunflowers.
  2. Trim the image to 128x128 pixels to match the model's expectations.
  3. Output the image as a list.
IMG_URL = "https://storage.googleapis.com/apache-beam-ml/testing/inputs/vertex_images/sunflowers/1008566138_6927679c8a.jpg"

def download_image(image_url: str) -> bytes:
  return requests.get(image_url).content

def preprocess_image(data: bytes) -> List[float]:
  """Preprocess the image, resize it, and normalize it, and then
  convert it to a list.
  image = tf.io.decode_jpeg(data, channels=3)
  image = tf.image.resize_with_pad(image, IMG_WIDTH, IMG_WIDTH)
  image = image / 255
  return image.numpy().tolist()

img = download_image(IMG_URL)
image = Image.open(BytesIO(img)).convert('RGB')
fig = plt.figure()
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7e7f3463ac80>


Run the pipeline

Use the following code to run the pipeline. The pipeline gets an image classification and a probability from the Vertex AI endpoint.

# Column labels for the output probabilities.
COLUMNS = ['dandelion', 'daisy', 'tulips', 'sunflowers', 'roses']

class PostProcessor(beam.DoFn):
  def process(self, element: PredictionResult) -> Iterable[str]:
    prediction_vals = element.inference
    index = prediction_vals.index(max(prediction_vals))
    yield str(COLUMNS[index]) + " (" + str(max(prediction_vals)) + ")"

model_handler = VertexAIModelHandlerJSON(endpoint_id=endpoint_id, project=project, location=location).with_preprocess_fn(preprocess_image).with_preprocess_fn(download_image)

with beam.Pipeline() as p:
    _ = (p | beam.Create([IMG_URL])
           | RunInference(model_handler)
           | beam.ParDo(PostProcessor())
           | beam.Map(print)
sunflowers (0.993382215)

Use a keyed model handler

To use a keyed model handler, use KeyedModelHandler with Vertex AI by using VertexAIModelHandlerJSON.

By default, the ModelHandler does not expect a key.

  • If you know that keys are associated with your examples, use beam.KeyedModelHandler to wrap the model handler.
  • If you don't know whether keys are associated with your examples, use beam.MaybeKeyedModelHandler.
class PostProcessorKeyed(beam.DoFn):
  def process(self, element: Tuple[str, PredictionResult]) -> Iterable[str]:
    img_name, prediction_result = element
    prediction_vals = prediction_result.inference
    index = prediction_vals.index(max(prediction_vals))
    yield img_name + ": " + str(COLUMNS[index]) + " (" + str(
        max(prediction_vals)) + ")"

keyed_model_handler = KeyedModelHandler(VertexAIModelHandlerJSON(endpoint_id=endpoint_id, project=project, location=location))
with beam.Pipeline() as p:
    _ = (p | 'CreateExamples' >> beam.Create([IMG_URL])
           | beam.Map(lambda img_name: (img_name, download_image(img_name)))
           | beam.MapTuple(lambda img_name, img: (img_name, preprocess_image(img)))
           | RunInference(keyed_model_handler)
           | beam.ParDo(PostProcessorKeyed())
           | beam.Map(print)
https://storage.googleapis.com/apache-beam-ml/testing/inputs/vertex_images/sunflowers/1008566138_6927679c8a.jpg: sunflowers (0.993382215)