Class AsyncClient (2.23.0)

A client for Google Cloud Storage offering asynchronous operations.

Optional Request Options

Most of the member functions in this class can receive optional request options. For example, the default when deleting an object is to delete the latest version:

auto pending = client.DeleteObject("my-bucket", "my-object");

Some applications may want to delete a specific version. In this case just provide the Generation request option:

auto pending = gcs.DeleteObject(
    "my-bucket", "my-object", gcs::Generation(generation));

Each function documents the types accepted as optional request options. These parameters can be specified in any order. Specifying a request option that is not applicable to a member function results in a compile-time error.

All operations support the following common request options:

  • Fields: return a partial response, which includes only the desired fields.
  • QuotaUser: attribute the request to this specific label for quota purposes.
  • UserProject: change the request costs (if applicable) to this GCP project.
  • CustomHeader: include a custom header with the request. These are typically used for testing, though they are sometimes helpful if environments where HTTPS traffic is mediated by a proxy.
  • UserIp: attribute the request to this specific IP address for quota purpose. Not recommended, prefer QuotaUser instead.
Per-operation Overrides

In addition to the request options, which are passed on to the service to modify the request, you can specify options that override the local behavior of the library. For example, you can override the local retry policy:

auto pending = client.DeleteObject(
    "my-bucket", "my-object",
Retry, Backoff, and Idempotency Policies

The library automatically retries requests that fail with transient errors, and follows the recommended practice to backoff between retries.

The default policies are to continue retrying for up to 15 minutes, and to use truncated (at 5 minutes) exponential backoff, doubling the maximum backoff period between retries. Likewise, the idempotency policy is configured to retry all operations.

The application can override these policies when constructing objects of this class. The documentation for the constructors shows examples of this in action.



Create a new client configured with options.

Name Description
options Options

AsyncClient(std::shared_ptr< AsyncConnection >)

Create a new client using connection. This is often used for mocking.

Name Description
connection std::shared_ptr< AsyncConnection >


InsertObject(std::string, std::string, Collection &&, Args &&...)

Creates an object given its name and contents.

Selecting an upload function

When choosing an upload method consider the following tradeoffs:

We recommend using InsertObject() for relatively small objects that fit in memory.

  • Pro: Easy to use, a single function call uploads the object.
  • Pro: Lowest latency for small objects. Use <= 4MiB as a rule of thumb. The precise threshold depends on your environment.
  • Con: Recovery from transient errors requires resending all the data.
  • Con: Multiple concurrent calls to InsertObject() will consume as much memory as is needed to hold all the data.

We recommend using StartBufferedUpload() to upload data of unknown or arbitrary size.

  • Pro: Relatively easy to use, the library can automatically resend data under most transient errors.
  • Pro: The application can limit the amount of memory used by each upload, even if the full object is arbitrarily large.
  • Pro: Can be used to upload "streaming" data sources where it is inefficient or impossible to go back and re-read data from an arbitrary point.
  • Con: Throughput is limited as it needs to periodically wait for the service to flush the buffer to persistent storage.
  • Con: Cannot automatically resume uploads after the application restarts.

We recommend using StartUnbufferedUpload() to upload data where the upload can efficiently resume from arbitrary points.

  • Pro: Can achieve the maximum theoretical throughput for a single stream upload. It is possible to use Parallel Composite Uploads to achieve even higher throughput.
  • Pro: It can resume uploads even after the application restarts.
  • Con: Requires manually handling transient errors during the upload.

This operation is only idempotent if restricted by pre-conditions, in this case, IfGenerationMatch.

  namespace gcs_ex = google::cloud::storage_experimental;
  [](gcs_ex::AsyncClient& client, std::string bucket_name,
     std::string object_name) {
    auto object =
        client.InsertObject(std::move(bucket_name), std::move(object_name),
                            std::string("Hello World!\n"));
    // Attach a callback, this is called when the upload completes.
    auto done = object.then([](auto f) {
      auto metadata = f.get();
      if (!metadata) throw std::move(metadata).status();
      std::cerr << "Object successfully inserted " << *metadata << "\n";
    // To simplify example, block until the operation completes.
Name Description
bucket_name std::string

the name of the bucket that will contain the object.

object_name std::string

the name of the object to be created.

contents Collection &&

the contents (media) for the new object.

args Args &&...

a list of optional query parameters and/or request headers. Valid types for this operation include ContentEncoding, ContentType, Crc32cChecksumValue, DisableCrc32cChecksum, DisableMD5Hash, EncryptionKey, IfGenerationMatch, IfGenerationNotMatch, IfMetagenerationMatch, IfMetagenerationNotMatch, KmsKeyName, MD5HashValue, PredefinedAcl, Projection, UserProject, and WithObjectMetadata.

typename Collection

the type for the payload. This must be convertible to std::string, std::vector<CharType>, std::vector<std::string>, or std::vector<std::vector<ChartType>>. Where ChartType is a char, signed char, unsigned char, or std::uint8_t.

Type Description
future< StatusOr< storage::ObjectMetadata > >

ReadObject(std::string, std::string, Args &&...)

Reads the contents of an object.

When satisfied, the returned future has a reader to asynchronously download the contents of the given object.


This is a read-only operation and is always idempotent.

  namespace gcs_ex = google::cloud::storage_experimental;
  auto coro =
      [](gcs_ex::AsyncClient& client, std::string bucket_name,
         std::string object_name) -> google::cloud::future<std::uint64_t> {
    auto [reader, token] = (co_await client.ReadObject(std::move(bucket_name),
    std::uint64_t count = 0;
    while (token.valid()) {
      auto [payload, t] = (co_await reader.Read(std::move(token))).value();
      token = std::move(t);
      for (auto const& buffer : payload.contents()) {
        count += std::count(buffer.begin(), buffer.end(), '\n');
    co_return count;
Name Description
bucket_name std::string

the name of the bucket that contains the object.

object_name std::string

the name of the object to be read.

args Args &&...

a list of optional query parameters and/or request headers. Valid types for this operation include DisableCrc32cChecksum, DisableMD5Hash, EncryptionKey, Generation, IfGenerationMatch, IfGenerationNotMatch, IfMetagenerationMatch, IfMetagenerationNotMatch, UserProject, and AcceptEncoding.

Type Description
future< StatusOr< std::pair< AsyncReader, AsyncToken > > >

ReadObjectRange(std::string, std::string, std::int64_t, std::int64_t, Args &&...)

Reads the contents of an object.

When satisfied, the returned future has the contents of the given object between offset and offset + limit (exclusive).

Be aware that this will accumulate all the bytes in memory, you need to consider whether limit is too large for your deployment environment.


This is a read-only operation and is always idempotent.

Name Description
bucket_name std::string

the name of the bucket that contains the object.

object_name std::string

the name of the object to be read.

offset std::int64_t

where to begin reading from the object, results in an error if the offset is larger than the object

limit std::int64_t

how much data to read starting at offset

args Args &&...

a list of optional query parameters and/or request headers. Valid types for this operation include DisableCrc32cChecksum, DisableMD5Hash, EncryptionKey, Generation, IfGenerationMatch, IfGenerationNotMatch, IfMetagenerationMatch, IfMetagenerationNotMatch, UserProject, and AcceptEncoding.

Type Description
future< StatusOr< ReadPayload > >

StartUnbufferedUpload(std::string, std::string, Args &&...)

Uploads a new object without buffering.

We recommend using InsertObject() for relatively small objects that fit in memory.

  • Pro: Easy to use, a single function call uploads the object.
  • Pro: Lowest latency for small objects. Use <= 4MiB as a rule of thumb. The precise threshold depends on your environment.
  • Con: Recovery from transient errors requires resending all the data.
  • Con: Multiple concurrent calls to InsertObject() will consume as much memory as is needed to hold all the data.We recommend using StartBufferedUpload() to upload data of unknown or arbitrary size.
  • Pro: Relatively easy to use, the library can automatically resend data under most transient errors.
  • Pro: The application can limit the amount of memory used by each upload, even if the full object is arbitrarily large.
  • Pro: Can be used to upload "streaming" data sources where it is inefficient or impossible to go back and re-read data from an arbitrary point.
  • Con: Throughput is limited as it needs to periodically wait for the service to flush the buffer to persistent storage.
  • Con: Cannot automatically resume uploads after the application restarts.We recommend using StartUnbufferedUpload() to upload data where the upload can efficiently resume from arbitrary points.
  • Pro: Can achieve the maximum theoretical throughput for a single stream upload. It is possible to use Parallel Composite Uploads to achieve even higher throughput.
  • Pro: It can resume uploads even after the application restarts.
  • Con: Requires manually handling transient errors during the upload.

This function always uses resumable uploads. The application can provide a #RestoreResumableUploadSession() option to resume a previously created upload. The returned object has accessors to query the session ID and the amount of data persisted by the service.

When resuming uploads it is the application's responsibility to save the session ID to restart the upload later. Likewise, it is the application's responsibility to query the amount of data already persisted and to send the remaining data without gaps or duplications.

If the application does not provide a #RestoreResumableUploadSession() option, or it provides the #NewResumableUploadSession() option, then this function will create a new resumable upload session.


The client library always retries (a) any RPCs to create a resumable upload session, and (b) any RPCs to query the status of a resumable upload session. The client library never retries functions to upload more data or to finalize the upload. The caller can retry these functions if it is safe to do so.

  namespace gcs = google::cloud::storage;
  namespace gcs_ex = google::cloud::storage_experimental;
  auto coro = [](gcs_ex::AsyncClient& client, std::string bucket_name,
                 std::string object_name, std::string const& filename)
      -> google::cloud::future<gcs::ObjectMetadata> {
    std::ifstream is(filename);
    if (is.bad()) throw std::runtime_error("Cannot read " + filename);
    auto [writer, token] = (co_await client.StartUnbufferedUpload(
                                std::move(bucket_name), std::move(object_name)))
    is.seekg(0);  // clear EOF bit
    while (token.valid() && !is.eof()) {
      std::vector<char> buffer(1024 * 1024);, buffer.size());
      token = (co_await writer.Write(std::move(token),
    co_return (co_await writer.Finalize(std::move(token))).value();
  namespace gcs = google::cloud::storage;
  namespace gcs_ex = google::cloud::storage_experimental;
  // Make one attempt to upload `is` using `writer`:
  auto attempt =
      [](gcs_ex::AsyncWriter& writer, gcs_ex::AsyncToken& token,
         std::istream& is) -> google::cloud::future<google::cloud::Status> {
    while (token.valid() && !is.eof()) {
      std::vector<char> buffer(1024 * 1024);, buffer.size());
      auto w = co_await writer.Write(std::move(token),
      if (!w) co_return std::move(w).status();
      token = *std::move(w);
    co_return google::cloud::Status{};
  // Make multiple attempts to upload the file contents, restarting from the
  // last checkpoint on (partial) failures.
  auto coro = [&attempt](
                  gcs_ex::AsyncClient& client, std::string const& bucket_name,
                  std::string const& object_name, std::string const& filename)
      -> google::cloud::future<gcs::ObjectMetadata> {
    std::ifstream is(filename);
    if (is.bad()) throw std::runtime_error("Cannot read " + filename);
    // The first attempt will create a resumable upload session.
    auto upload_id = gcs::UseResumableUploadSession();
    for (int i = 0; i != 3; ++i) {
      // Start or resume the upload.
      auto [writer, token] = (co_await client.StartUnbufferedUpload(
                                  bucket_name, object_name, upload_id))
      // If the upload already completed, there is nothing left to do.
      auto state = writer.PersistedState();
      if (absl::holds_alternative<gcs::ObjectMetadata>(state)) {
        co_return absl::get<gcs::ObjectMetadata>(std::move(state));
      // Refresh the upload id and reset the input source to the right offset.
      upload_id = gcs::UseResumableUploadSession(writer.UploadId());
      auto status = co_await attempt(writer, token, is);
      if (!status.ok()) continue;  // Error in upload, try again.
      auto f = co_await writer.Finalize(std::move(token));
      if (f) co_return *std::move(f);  // Return immediately on success.
    throw std::runtime_error("Too many upload attempts");
See Also

Resumable Uploads for more information about resumable uploads.

Name Description
bucket_name std::string

the name of the bucket that contains the object.

object_name std::string

the name of the object to be read.

args Args &&...

a list of optional query parameters and/or request headers. Valid types for this operation include ContentEncoding, ContentType, Crc32cChecksumValue, DisableCrc32cChecksum, DisableMD5Hash, EncryptionKey, IfGenerationMatch, IfGenerationNotMatch, IfMetagenerationMatch, IfMetagenerationNotMatch, KmsKeyName, MD5HashValue, PredefinedAcl, Projection, UseResumableUploadSession, UserProject, and WithObjectMetadata.

Type Description
future< StatusOr< std::pair< AsyncWriter, AsyncToken > > >

StartBufferedUpload(std::string, std::string, Args &&...)

Uploads a new object with buffering and automatic recovery from transient failures.

We recommend using InsertObject() for relatively small objects that fit in memory.

  • Pro: Easy to use, a single function call uploads the object.
  • Pro: Lowest latency for small objects. Use <= 4MiB as a rule of thumb. The precise threshold depends on your environment.
  • Con: Recovery from transient errors requires resending all the data.
  • Con: Multiple concurrent calls to InsertObject() will consume as much memory as is needed to hold all the data.We recommend using StartBufferedUpload() to upload data of unknown or arbitrary size.
  • Pro: Relatively easy to use, the library can automatically resend data under most transient errors.
  • Pro: The application can limit the amount of memory used by each upload, even if the full object is arbitrarily large.
  • Pro: Can be used to upload "streaming" data sources where it is inefficient or impossible to go back and re-read data from an arbitrary point.
  • Con: Throughput is limited as it needs to periodically wait for the service to flush the buffer to persistent storage.
  • Con: Cannot automatically resume uploads after the application restarts.We recommend using StartUnbufferedUpload() to upload data where the upload can efficiently resume from arbitrary points.
  • Pro: Can achieve the maximum theoretical throughput for a single stream upload. It is possible to use Parallel Composite Uploads to achieve even higher throughput.
  • Pro: It can resume uploads even after the application restarts.
  • Con: Requires manually handling transient errors during the upload.

This function always uses resumable uploads. The application can provide a #RestoreResumableUploadSession() option to resume a previously created upload. The returned object has accessors to query the session ID and the amount of data persisted by the service.

When resuming uploads it is the application's responsibility to save the session ID to restart the upload later. Likewise, it is the application's responsibility to query the amount of data already persisted and to send the remaining data without gaps or duplications.

If the application does not provide a #RestoreResumableUploadSession() option, or it provides the #NewResumableUploadSession() option, then this function will create a new resumable upload session.


The client library always retries (a) any RPCs to create a resumable upload session, and (b) any RPCs to query the status of a resumable upload session.

See Also

Resumable Uploads for more information about resumable uploads.

Name Description
bucket_name std::string

the name of the bucket that contains the object.

object_name std::string

the name of the object to be read.

args Args &&...

a list of optional query parameters and/or request headers. Valid types for this operation include ContentEncoding, ContentType, Crc32cChecksumValue, DisableCrc32cChecksum, DisableMD5Hash, EncryptionKey, IfGenerationMatch, IfGenerationNotMatch, IfMetagenerationMatch, IfMetagenerationNotMatch, KmsKeyName, MD5HashValue, PredefinedAcl, Projection, UseResumableUploadSession, UserProject, and WithObjectMetadata.

Type Description
future< StatusOr< std::pair< AsyncWriter, AsyncToken > > >

ComposeObject(std::string, std::vector< storage::ComposeSourceObject >, std::string, Args &&...)

Composes existing objects into a new object in the same bucket.


This operation is only idempotent if restricted by pre-conditions, in this case, IfGenerationMatch.

Name Description
bucket_name std::string

the name of the bucket used for source object and destination object.

source_objects std::vector< storage::ComposeSourceObject >

objects used to compose destination_object_name.

destination_object_name std::string

the composed object name.

args Args &&...

a list of optional query parameters and/or request headers. Valid types for this operation include DestinationPredefinedAcl, EncryptionKey, IfGenerationMatch, IfMetagenerationMatch, KmsKeyName, UserProject, and WithObjectMetadata.

Type Description
future< StatusOr< storage::ObjectMetadata > >

DeleteObject(BucketName const &, std::string, Options)

Deletes an object.

  namespace g = google::cloud;
  namespace gcs_ex = google::cloud::storage_experimental;
  [](gcs_ex::AsyncClient& client, std::string bucket_name,
     std::string object_name) {
        .then([](auto f) {
          auto status = f.get();
          if (!status.ok()) throw g::Status(std::move(status));
          std::cout << "Object successfully deleted\n";

This operation is only idempotent if:

  • restricted by pre-conditions, in this case, IfGenerationMatch
  • or, if it applies to only one object version via Generation.
Name Description
bucket_name BucketName const &

the name of the bucket that contains the object.

object_name std::string

the name of the object to delete.

opts Options

options controlling the behavior of this RPC, for example the application may change the retry policy.

Type Description
future< Status >

DeleteObject(BucketName const &, std::string, std::int64_t, Options)

Deletes an object.

  namespace g = google::cloud;
  namespace gcs_ex = google::cloud::storage_experimental;
  [](gcs_ex::AsyncClient& client, std::string bucket_name,
     std::string object_name) {
        .then([](auto f) {
          auto status = f.get();
          if (!status.ok()) throw g::Status(std::move(status));
          std::cout << "Object successfully deleted\n";

This operation is only idempotent if:

  • restricted by pre-conditions, in this case, IfGenerationMatch
  • or, if it applies to only one object version via Generation.
Name Description
bucket_name BucketName const &

the name of the bucket that contains the object.

object_name std::string

the name of the object to delete.

generation std::int64_t

the object generation to delete.

opts Options

options controlling the behavior of this RPC, for example the application may change the retry policy.

Type Description
future< Status >

DeleteObject(google::storage::v2::DeleteObjectRequest, Options)

Deletes an object.

  namespace g = google::cloud;
  namespace gcs_ex = google::cloud::storage_experimental;
  [](gcs_ex::AsyncClient& client, std::string bucket_name,
     std::string object_name) {
        .then([](auto f) {
          auto status = f.get();
          if (!status.ok()) throw g::Status(std::move(status));
          std::cout << "Object successfully deleted\n";

This operation is only idempotent if:

  • restricted by pre-conditions, in this case, IfGenerationMatch
  • or, if it applies to only one object version via Generation.
Name Description
request google::storage::v2::DeleteObjectRequest

the full request describing what object to delete. It may also include any preconditions the object must satisfy, and other parameters that are necessary to complete the RPC.

opts Options

options controlling the behavior of this RPC, for example the application may change the retry policy.

Type Description
future< Status >

StartRewrite(BucketName const &, std::string, BucketName const &, std::string, Options)

Creates an AsyncRewriter to copy the source object.

Applications use this function to reliably copy objects across location boundaries, and to rewrite objects with different encryption keys. The operation returns an AsyncRewriter, which the application can use to initiate the copy and to iterate if the copy requires more than one call to complete.

  namespace g = google::cloud;
  namespace gcs = g::storage;
  namespace gcs_ex = g::storage_experimental;
  auto coro = [](gcs_ex::AsyncClient& client, std::string bucket_name,
                 std::string object_name, std::string destination_name)
      -> g::future<google::storage::v2::Object> {
    auto [rewriter, token] =
        client.StartRewrite(gcs_ex::BucketName(bucket_name), object_name,
                            gcs_ex::BucketName(bucket_name), destination_name);
    while (token.valid()) {
      auto [progress, t] =
          (co_await rewriter.Iterate(std::move(token))).value();
      token = std::move(t);
      std::cout << progress.total_bytes_rewritten() << " of "
                << progress.object_size() << " bytes rewritten\n";
      if (progress.has_resource()) co_return std::move(progress.resource());
    throw std::runtime_error("rewrite failed before completion");

This operation is purely local, and always succeeds. The Iterate() calls are always treated as idempotent. Their only observable side effect is the creation of the object, and this can only succeed once.

Name Description
source_bucket BucketName const &

the name of the bucket containing the source object.

source_object_name std::string

the name of the source object.

destination_bucket BucketName const &

the name of the bucket for the new object.

destination_object_name std::string

what to name the destination object.

opts Options

options controlling the behavior of this RPC, for example the application may change the retry policy.

Type Description
std::pair< AsyncRewriter, AsyncToken >

StartRewrite(google::storage::v2::RewriteObjectRequest, Options)

Creates an AsyncRewriter to copy the source object.

Applications use this function to reliably copy objects across location boundaries, and to rewrite objects with different encryption keys. The operation returns an AsyncRewriter, which the application can use to initiate the copy and to iterate if the copy requires more than one call to complete.

  namespace g = google::cloud;
  namespace gcs = g::storage;
  namespace gcs_ex = g::storage_experimental;
  auto coro = [](gcs_ex::AsyncClient& client, std::string bucket_name,
                 std::string object_name, std::string destination_name)
      -> g::future<google::storage::v2::Object> {
    auto [rewriter, token] =
        client.StartRewrite(gcs_ex::BucketName(bucket_name), object_name,
                            gcs_ex::BucketName(bucket_name), destination_name);
    while (token.valid()) {
      auto [progress, t] =
          (co_await rewriter.Iterate(std::move(token))).value();
      token = std::move(t);
      std::cout << progress.total_bytes_rewritten() << " of "
                << progress.object_size() << " bytes rewritten\n";
      if (progress.has_resource()) co_return std::move(progress.resource());
    throw std::runtime_error("rewrite failed before completion");

This operation is purely local, and always succeeds. The Iterate() calls are always treated as idempotent. Their only observable side effect is the creation of the object, and this can only succeed once.

Name Description
request google::storage::v2::RewriteObjectRequest

any additional parameters modifying the request, such as pre-conditions, and overrides for the destination object metadata.

opts Options

options controlling the behavior of this RPC, for example the application may change the retry policy.

Type Description
std::pair< AsyncRewriter, AsyncToken >

ResumeRewrite(BucketName const &, std::string, BucketName const &, std::string, std::string, Options)

Creates an AsyncRewriter to resume copying the source object.

Applications use this function to reliably copy objects across location boundaries, and to rewrite objects with different encryption keys. The operation returns an AsyncRewriter, which the application can use to continue an existing copy operation until it completes.

  namespace g = google::cloud;
  namespace gcs = g::storage;
  namespace gcs_ex = g::storage_experimental;
  auto start = [](gcs_ex::AsyncClient& client, std::string bucket_name,
                  std::string object_name,
                  std::string destination_name) -> g::future<std::string> {
    // First start a rewrite. In this example we will limit the number of bytes
    // rewritten by each iteration, then capture the token, and then resume the
    // rewrite operation.
    auto bucket = gcs_ex::BucketName(std::move(bucket_name));
    auto request = google::storage::v2::RewriteObjectRequest{};
    request.set_max_bytes_rewritten_per_call(1024 * 1024);
    auto [rewriter, token] = client.StartRewrite(std::move(request));
    auto [progress, t] = (co_await rewriter.Iterate(std::move(token))).value();
    co_return progress.rewrite_token();
  auto resume =
      [](gcs_ex::AsyncClient& client, std::string bucket_name,
         std::string object_name, std::string destination_name,
         std::string rewrite_token) -> g::future<google::storage::v2::Object> {
    // Continue rewriting, this could happen on a separate process, or even
    // after the application restarts.
    auto bucket = gcs_ex::BucketName(std::move(bucket_name));
    auto request = google::storage::v2::RewriteObjectRequest();
    request.set_max_bytes_rewritten_per_call(1024 * 1024);
    auto [rewriter, token] = client.ResumeRewrite(std::move(request));
    while (token.valid()) {
      auto [progress, t] =
          (co_await rewriter.Iterate(std::move(token))).value();
      token = std::move(t);
      std::cout << progress.total_bytes_rewritten() << " of "
                << progress.object_size() << " bytes rewritten\n";
      if (progress.has_resource()) co_return progress.resource();
    throw std::runtime_error("rewrite failed before completion");

This operation is purely local, and always succeeds. The Iterate() calls are always treated as idempotent. Their only observable side effect is the creation of the object, and this can only succeed once.

  namespace g = google::cloud;
  namespace gcs = g::storage;
  namespace gcs_ex = g::storage_experimental;
  auto start = [](gcs_ex::AsyncClient& client, std::string bucket_name,
                  std::string object_name,
                  std::string destination_name) -> g::future<std::string> {
    // First start a rewrite. In this example we will limit the number of bytes
    // rewritten by each iteration, then capture the token, and then resume the
    // rewrite operation.
    auto bucket = gcs_ex::BucketName(std::move(bucket_name));
    auto request = google::storage::v2::RewriteObjectRequest{};
    request.set_max_bytes_rewritten_per_call(1024 * 1024);
    auto [rewriter, token] = client.StartRewrite(std::move(request));
    auto [progress, t] = (co_await rewriter.Iterate(std::move(token))).value();
    co_return progress.rewrite_token();
  auto resume =
      [](gcs_ex::AsyncClient& client, std::string bucket_name,
         std::string object_name, std::string destination_name,
         std::string rewrite_token) -> g::future<google::storage::v2::Object> {
    // Continue rewriting, this could happen on a separate process, or even
    // after the application restarts.
    auto bucket = gcs_ex::BucketName(std::move(bucket_name));
    auto request = google::storage::v2::RewriteObjectRequest();
    request.set_max_bytes_rewritten_per_call(1024 * 1024);
    auto [rewriter, token] = client.ResumeRewrite(std::move(request));
    while (token.valid()) {
      auto [progress, t] =
          (co_await rewriter.Iterate(std::move(token))).value();
      token = std::move(t);
      std::cout << progress.total_bytes_rewritten() << " of "
                << progress.object_size() << " bytes rewritten\n";
      if (progress.has_resource()) co_return progress.resource();
    throw std::runtime_error("rewrite failed before completion");
Name Description
source_bucket BucketName const &

the name of the bucket containing the source object.

source_object_name std::string

the name of the source object.

destination_bucket BucketName const &

the name of the bucket for the new object.

destination_object_name std::string

what to name the destination object.

rewrite_token std::string

the token from a previous successful rewrite iteration. Can be the empty string, in which case this starts a new rewrite operation.

opts Options

options controlling the behavior of this RPC, for example the application may change the retry policy.

Type Description
std::pair< AsyncRewriter, AsyncToken >

ResumeRewrite(google::storage::v2::RewriteObjectRequest, Options)

Creates an AsyncRewriter to resume copying the source object.

Applications use this function to reliably copy objects across location boundaries, and to rewrite objects with different encryption keys. The operation returns an AsyncRewriter, which the application can use to continue an existing copy operation until it completes.

  namespace g = google::cloud;
  namespace gcs = g::storage;
  namespace gcs_ex = g::storage_experimental;
  auto start = [](gcs_ex::AsyncClient& client, std::string bucket_name,
                  std::string object_name,
                  std::string destination_name) -> g::future<std::string> {
    // First start a rewrite. In this example we will limit the number of bytes
    // rewritten by each iteration, then capture the token, and then resume the
    // rewrite operation.
    auto bucket = gcs_ex::BucketName(std::move(bucket_name));
    auto request = google::storage::v2::RewriteObjectRequest{};
    request.set_max_bytes_rewritten_per_call(1024 * 1024);
    auto [rewriter, token] = client.StartRewrite(std::move(request));
    auto [progress, t] = (co_await rewriter.Iterate(std::move(token))).value();
    co_return progress.rewrite_token();
  auto resume =
      [](gcs_ex::AsyncClient& client, std::string bucket_name,
         std::string object_name, std::string destination_name,
         std::string rewrite_token) -> g::future<google::storage::v2::Object> {
    // Continue rewriting, this could happen on a separate process, or even
    // after the application restarts.
    auto bucket = gcs_ex::BucketName(std::move(bucket_name));
    auto request = google::storage::v2::RewriteObjectRequest();
    request.set_max_bytes_rewritten_per_call(1024 * 1024);
    auto [rewriter, token] = client.ResumeRewrite(std::move(request));
    while (token.valid()) {
      auto [progress, t] =
          (co_await rewriter.Iterate(std::move(token))).value();
      token = std::move(t);
      std::cout << progress.total_bytes_rewritten() << " of "
                << progress.object_size() << " bytes rewritten\n";
      if (progress.has_resource()) co_return progress.resource();
    throw std::runtime_error("rewrite failed before completion");

This operation is purely local, and always succeeds. The Iterate() calls are always treated as idempotent. Their only observable side effect is the creation of the object, and this can only succeed once.

Name Description
request google::storage::v2::RewriteObjectRequest

the full specification for the request.

opts Options

options controlling the behavior of this RPC, for example the application may change the retry policy.

Type Description
std::pair< AsyncRewriter, AsyncToken >