Class InstanceAdmin (2.13.0)

Implements the APIs to administer Cloud Bigtable instances.


Instances of this class created via copy-construction or copy-assignment share the underlying pool of connections. Access to these copies via multiple threads is guaranteed to work. Two threads operating concurrently on the same instance of this class is not guaranteed to work.


Creating a new object of type InstanceAdmin is comparable to creating a few objects of type std::string or a few objects of type std::shared_ptr<int>. The class represents a shallow handle to a remote object.

Error Handling

This class uses StatusOr<T> to report errors. When an operation fails to perform its work the returned StatusOr<T> contains the error details. If the ok() member function in the StatusOr<T> returns true then it contains the expected result. Operations that do not return a value simply return a google::cloud::Status indicating success or the details of the error Please consult the StatusOr<T> documentation for more details.```cpp namespace cbt = google:☁️:bigtable; namespace btadmin = google::bigtable::admin::v2; cbt::InstanceAdmin admin = ...; google:☁️:StatusOr<btadmin::Instance> instance = admin.GetInstance(...);

if (!instance) { std::cerr << "Error fetching instance\n"; return; }

// Use instance as a smart pointer here, e.g.: std::cout << "The full instance name is " << instance->name() << "\n";

In addition, the [main page](xref:index) contains examples using [`StatusOr`](xref:classgoogle_1_1cloud_1_1StatusOr)`<T>` to handle errors.

###### Retry, Backoff, and Idempotency Policies

The library automatically retries requests that fail with transient errors, and uses [truncated exponential backoff]( to backoff between retries. The default policies are to continue retrying for up to 10 minutes. On each transient failure the backoff period is doubled, starting with an initial backoff of 100 milliseconds. The backoff period growth is truncated at 60 seconds. The default idempotency policy is to only retry idempotent operations. Note that most operations that change state are **not** idempotent.
The application can override these policies when constructing objects of this class. The documentation for the constructors show examples of this in action.

###### See Also

[]( for an overview of Cloud Bigtable.

###### See Also

[]( for an overview of the Cloud Bigtable data model.

###### See Also

[]( for an introduction of the main APIs into Cloud Bigtable.

###### See Also

[]( for an overview of the underlying Cloud Bigtable API.

###### See Also

[`google::cloud::StatusOr`](xref:classgoogle_1_1cloud_1_1StatusOr) for a description of the error reporting class used by this library.

###### See Also

[`LimitedTimeRetryPolicy`](xref:classgoogle_1_1cloud_1_1bigtable_1_1LimitedTimeRetryPolicy) and [`LimitedErrorCountRetryPolicy`](xref:classgoogle_1_1cloud_1_1bigtable_1_1LimitedErrorCountRetryPolicy) for alternative retry policies.

###### See Also

[`ExponentialBackoffPolicy`](xref:classgoogle_1_1cloud_1_1bigtable_1_1ExponentialBackoffPolicy) to configure different parameters for the exponential backoff policy.

###### See Also

[`SafeIdempotentMutationPolicy`](xref:classgoogle_1_1cloud_1_1bigtable_1_1SafeIdempotentMutationPolicy) and [`AlwaysRetryMutationPolicy`](xref:classgoogle_1_1cloud_1_1bigtable_1_1AlwaysRetryMutationPolicy) for alternative idempotency policies. 


InstanceAdmin(std::shared_ptr< bigtable_admin::BigtableInstanceAdminConnection >, std::string)

connection std::shared_ptr< bigtable_admin::BigtableInstanceAdminConnection >
project std::string

InstanceAdmin(std::shared_ptr< InstanceAdminClient >)

client std::shared_ptr< InstanceAdminClient >

the interface to create grpc stubs, report errors, etc.

InstanceAdmin(std::shared_ptr< InstanceAdminClient >, Policies &&...)

Create a new InstanceAdmin using explicit policies to handle RPC errors.

client std::shared_ptr< InstanceAdminClient >

the interface to create grpc stubs, report errors, etc.

policies Policies &&...

the set of policy overrides for this object.
