Cross Media & Product Connected Insights

This page describes the required configurations to utilize Cross Media & Product Connected Insights (Cross Media) accelerator of Cortex Framework Data Foundation.

With this Cross Media accelerator, Cortex Framework Data Foundation is enriched with an initial set of KPIs to understand the effectiveness of marketing campaigns running across media platforms such as Google Ads, YouTube (with DV360), Meta, and TikTok for product and product category sales performance.

The following diagram describes how Cross Media insights are available through the marketing workloads of Cortex Framework Data Foundation:

CM360 data source

Figure 1. Cross media architecture.

Configuration file

The config.json file configures the settings required to connect to data sources for transferring data from various workloads. This file contains the following parameters for Cross Media:

  "k9": {
    "datasets": {... },
    "crossMedia": {
      "productHierarchyType": "",
      "maxProductHierarchyMatchLevel": 9,
      "targetCurrencies": ["USD"],
      "additionalPrompt": "",
      "lookbackWindowDays": 7
  "VertexAI": {
    "region": "us-central1",
    "processingDataset": "CORTEX_VERTEX_AI_PROCESSING"

The following table describes the value for each parameter:

Parameter Meaning Default Value
k9.deployCrossMedia Whether Cross Media will be deployed. Note that it requires at least one of Google Ads, YouTube (with DV360), Meta or TikTok to be deployed alongside, or the deployment will fail. False
k9.CrossMedia.productHierarchyType Which of the product hierarchies to use within the product dim. Dependent on the actual data. Set this value to the same value as your productHierarchyType value for the Product Hierarchy Dimension. SAP
k9.CrossMedia.maxProductHierarchyMatchLevel Limits the level of the product hierarchy for matching. Companies with a lot of SKUs may have hierarchies going too deep with specifics of packaging (for example, Coca Cola in glass or cans, packaged individually or in batches). Some systems, such as SAP, have their own limit of how deep you can go. 9
k9.CrossMedia.targetCurrencies Target currencies used for Reporting and BI purposes. All source currencies will be converted to these currencies. ["USD"]
k9.CrossMedia.additionalPrompt Optional: Pass additional prompts to the LLM model.
k9.CrossMedia.lookbackWindowDays Amount of days to lookback when doing incremental refresh 7
VertexAI.region Vertex AI region (assuming source project for Vertex AI API). It must be co-located with BigQuery and must not be a multi-region. If BigQuery is in a multi-region, any region from the same multi-region is acceptable us-central1 (which matches default BigQuery location us)
VertexAI.processingDataset BigQuery dataset for Vertex AI jobs, must be in VertexAI.region location and not a multi-region. CORTEX_VERTEX_AI_PROCESSING

Data Model

This section describes the Cross Media & Product Connected Insights Data Model using the Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD).

Entity Relationship Diagram for Cross Media

Figure 2. Cross Media & Product Connected Insights: Entity Relationship Diagram.

Deploying Cross Media

  1. Create a BigQuery dataset in the source project for Vertex AI processing.

  2. Configure one or more of the following Marketing data sources for deployment, following their own guides:

    1. Google Ads
    2. Meta
    3. Youtube (with DV360)
    4. TikTok
  3. Enable and configure required Common Dimensions:

    1. Country Dimension
    2. Product Dimension
    3. Currency Conversion
  4. Configure Cross Media settings:

    1. Set k9.deployCrossMedia to True.
    2. Set k9.CrossMedia.productHierarchyType to the same value as dataSourceType in the previous step.
    3. In VertexAI section, set the dataset to the one you created in step 1, and region should match where the Vertex AI processing dataset is.
  5. Adjust any other settings as necessary. Then you are ready to start the deployment.

Running the DAGs

  1. Set up Cloud Composer Airflow environment as required. Make sure the k9_reporting connection is configured correctly.
  2. Load data into Currency Conversion and Product Hierarchy tables.
  3. Run the cross_media DAGs. There are two flavors: "Full refresh" or " Incremental refresh". Use whichever that fits your use case.

Known issues

If the Currency Conversion table is not populated, TotalCostInTargetCurrency column of the final output table will be empty for all rows. In this case you can still use TotalCostInSourceCurrency column to report on costs in source currency.

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