Cortex Looker Block for Meta

This page describes the insights you can get from the Cortex Looker Block for Meta across platforms (Facebook, Instagram, and Facebook Audience Network). With this Cortex Looker Block for Meta, you can gain faster insights into your key audience targeting and engagement metrics for campaigns by platform and placement, based on the data from Cortex Framework Data Foundation.

Available insights

The Looker block for Meta in Cortex Framework offers a predefined high-level dashboard featuring these key insights:

Overall campaign performance

Overview of high-level campaign performance and engagement metrics including:

  • Total impressions
  • Clicks
  • Video views
  • Click through rate (CTR)
  • View through rate (VTR)
  • Total cost and cost per mille (CPM)
  • Total reach and engagement rate
  • Frequency and post engagement actions

Campaigns carried out

  • Campaign timeline: See a chronological view of all the active campaigns based on date range showing campaign start and end dates.

Cumulative campaign spend

  • Monthly campaign spend: Understand how your campaign spend totalled over a specific time period.

Bought impressions

  • Impressions by campaign: Understand impression volume by campaign, associated cost (CPM) and CTR.
  • Campaign impressions by platform and placement: Understand impressions by placement across Facebook, Instagram, and FAN with cost (CPM) and CTR.

Video ads performance

  • Campaign video views by platform and placement: Understand video views, VTR by platform and placement and cost per completed view (CPCV).

  • Video views by campaign: Understand video views by campaign, VTR, and cost per completed view (CPCV).

Engagement performance for my campaigns

  • Actions by campaign: Understand engagement volume by engagement type and campaign.
  • Engagement by campaign: Understand engagement volume and rate by engagement type and campaign with associated cost.

Target audience engagement

  • Impressions by ad set audience targeting: Understand the breakdown of Custom, Lookalike and Interests audience impression exposure and associated cost (CPM).
  • Ad set audience engagement by platform: Understand the breakdown of Custom, Lookalike, and Interests audience engagement by platform and associated cost (CPE - Cost per Engagement).
  • Completed videos by ad set audience targeting and platform: Understand Custom, Lookalike and Interests Adset video VTR by platform with CPCV (Cost Per Completed View).


To access the Cortex Looker a, visit its official GitHub repository: block-cortex-meta. This repository contains essential views, Explores and dashboards that enable you to seamlessly integrate data into your Looker environment. These resources provide a solid foundation for creating custom reports, visualizations, and dashboards tailored to your specific needs.


For instructions about how to deploy the Cortex Looker Block for Meta, see Deploy Looker blocks for Cortex Framework.