Access control with IAM

This topic describes how to use Identity and Access Management to control how Config Connector can create and manage Google Cloud resources.

To install Config Connector, you authenticate by creating an IAM service account and then using Workload Identity Federation for GKE for GKE to bind the IAM service accounts with the Kubernetes service accounts. IAM lets Config Connector take action on specific resources. By limiting the permissions assigned to your service accounts, you have greater control over what kinds of resources Config Connector can create.

You can choose to manage resources with a single service account or multiple service accounts.

Single service account

When you install Config Connector with the GKE add-on or manual installation, you can set cluster mode in your ConfigConnector CustomResource. With cluster mode, you can use a single IAM service account to create and manage resources, even if you are using Config Connector to manage multiple projects.

The following diagram shows you how this mode works, where the same service account manages two projects:

Diagram showing Config Connector managing multiple Projects using the same service account

Multiple service accounts

You can use multiple service accounts by setting namespaced mode in your ConfigConnector CustomResource. Namespaced mode lets you divide permissions based on the respective concerns of different IAM service accounts and isolate permissions among different Kubernetes namespaces since you can associate a different service account for each namespace.

Choose namespaced mode if you:

  • Want to isolate IAM permissions at Kubernetes namespace level.
  • Expect to manage a large number of Google Cloud resources from multiple Google Cloud projects on a single cluster.

As an example, you create one IAM service account for each project, organize resources from each project in the same Kubernetes namespace, and then bind the corresponding IAM service account to the Kubernetes namespace. This lets you separate IAM permissions for each project so that each project has a distinct, unrelated set of permissions.

The following diagram shows you an overview of how namespaced mode works, where each project is managed by a different service account:

Diagram showing Config Connector managing multiple Projects using the two
different service

In namespaced mode, each IAM service account is bound to a namespace by default. When you create resources within that namespace, Config Connector uses this service account to create Google Cloud resources. There is a dedicated Config Connector cnrm-controller-manager pod for each namespace which impersonates the IAM service account associated with the namespace.

To learn how to configure namespaced mode, see Installing Config Connector using a namespaced mode.

Adjust permissions after installation

During the installation of Config Connector, you might have selected a temporary basic role and assigned the role to the service account for which you configured Config Connector. If you have configured Config Connector in namespaced mode, you might have more than one IAM service account.

After completing the installation, you might need to remove or update the broad permissions to align with security considerations and best practices.

One core advantage of Config Connector is unified tooling. This means you can use Config Connector itself to fine-tune IAM roles and permissions. You can use the IAMPolicyMember or IAMPartialPolicy resources in Config Connector to configure IAM permissions. This requires an IAM service account with administrator permissions across your projects, folders, or organization. This service account must be configured to bind to the Config Connector installation through either cluster mode or namespaced mode.

The following sections list different policy examples that use Config Connector to manage IAM permissions.

Organization owner permission

To expand Config Connector's permissions so it can manage all projects and folders for a given organization, complete the following steps:

  1. Create the following YAML manifest:

    kind: IAMPolicyMember
     name: iampolicymember-orglevel-permission
     namespace: NAMESPACE
     role: roles/owner
       kind: Organization
       external: ORGANIZATION_ID

    Replace the following:

    • NAMESPACE with the name of your namespace
    • SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME with your service account name
    • HOST_PROJECT_ID with the host project ID of your service account
    • roles/owner with the appropriate role
    • ORGANIZATION_ID with your organization ID
  2. Apply the YAML manifest to your cluster using kubectl or any config management tools of your choice.

Folder owner permission

To expand Config Connector's permissions so it can manage all projects and folders in a given folder, complete the following steps:

  1. Create the following YAML manifest:

    kind: IAMPolicyMember
     name: iampolicymember-orglevel-permission
     namespace: NAMESPACE
     role: roles/owner
       kind: Folder
       external: folders/FOLDER_ID

    Replace the following:

    • NAMESPACE with the name of your namespace
    • SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME with your service account name
    • HOST_PROJECT_ID with the host project ID of your service account
    • roles/owner with the appropriate role
    • FOLDER_ID with your folder ID
  2. Apply the YAML manifest to your cluster using kubectl or any config management tools of your choice.

Project owner permissions

To allow Config Connector to manage a specific project's resources, complete the following steps:

  1. Create the following YAML manifest:

    kind: IAMPolicyMember
     name: iampolicymember-orglevel-permission
     namespace: NAMESPACE
     role: roles/owner
       kind: Project
       external: projects/PROJECT_ID

    Replace the following:

    • NAMESPACE with the name of your namespace
    • SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME with your service account name
    • HOST_PROJECT_ID with the host project ID of your service account
    • roles/owner with the appropriate role
    • PROJECT_ID with your target project ID
  2. Apply the YAML manifest to your cluster using kubectl or any config management tools of your choice.

Predefined roles

If you prefer to grant more limited permissions to Config Connector, you can assign one or more IAM roles to your Config Connector installation by creating a few IAMPolicyMember resources or a combined IAMPartialPolicy resource. The following roles are commonly assigned to the Config Connector service account:

  • Editor: Granting the editor role allows most Config Connector features except Project or Organization wide configurations such as IAM modifications.

  • IAM Service Account Admin role: Granting the roles/iam.serviceAccountAdmin permissions allows Config Connector to configure IAM service accounts.

  • Resource Manager: Granting a Resource Manager role such as roles/resourcemanager.folderCreator allows Config Connector to manage folders and organizations.

Custom roles

If predefined roles don't meet your needs, you can create custom roles with permissions that you define.

To learn how to create and assign custom roles, refer to Creating and managing custom roles.

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