Integration version: 31.0

Configure MISP Integration to work with Google Security Operations SOAR

Configure MISP integration with a CA certificate

You can verify your connection with a CA certificate file if needed.

Before you start, ensure you have the following:

  • The CA certificate file
  • The latest MISP integration version

To configure the integration with a CA certificate, complete the following steps:

  1. Parse your CA certificate file into a Base64 String.
  2. Open the integration configuration parameters page.
  3. Insert the string in the CA Certificate File field.
  4. To test that the integration is successfully configured, select the Verify SSL checkbox and click Test.

Automation Key

The authentication is performed via a secure key available in the MISP UI. The API key is available in the event actions menu under automation.

Configure MISP integration in Google Security Operations SOAR

For detailed instructions on how to configure an integration in Google Security Operations SOAR, see Configure integrations.

Integration parameters

Use the following parameters to configure the integration:

Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Instance Name String N/A No Name of the Instance you intend to configure integration for.
Description String N/A No Description of the Instance.
API Root https://<IP> Yes Address of the MISP instance.
API Key String N/A Yes Generated in MISP's console.
Use SSL Checkbox Unchecked No Use this checkbox, if your MISP connection requires an SSL verification (unchecked by default).
Run Remotely Checkbox Unchecked No Check the field in order to run the configured integration remotely. Once checked, the option appears to select the remote user (agent).


Add Attribute


Add an entity as an attribute to a MISP event.


Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Event ID String N/A Yes The ID of the event.
Category String External analysis No The category of the attribute. Default: External analysis.
Distribution String 1 No The distribution of the attribute. Default: 1.
For Intrusion Detection System Checkbox Unchecked No Whether the attribute is used for Intrusion Detection System. Default: false.
Comment String N/A No The comment to add to the attribute.

Use cases


Run On

This action runs on the following entities:

  • URL
  • Hostname
  • IP Address
  • Filehash

Action Results

Entity Enrichment




Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
success True/False success:False
JSON Result

Create Event


Create a new MISP event.

Known Limitation

Currently, MISP API doesn't allow event to be immediately published upon creation. You need to first create an event and then use action "Publish Event".


Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Event Name String N/A Yes The name of the event.
Threat Level String 0 No The threat level of the event. Default: 0.
Distribution String 1 No The distribution of the attribute. Default: 1.
Analysis String 0 No The analysis level of the event [0-2]: Default: 0.
Publish Checkbox Checked No Whether to publish the event or not.
Comment String N/A No The comment of the event.

Run On

This action runs on all entities.

Action Results

Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
event_id N/A N/A

Add Tag to an Event


Add a tag to an event action allows a user to add a tag to a specific event in MISP. This adds a classification to the event based on the category of the security threat posed by the IOC associated with the event.


Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Event ID String N/A Yes The unique identifier specifying the event to add tag to.
Tag Name String N/A Yes The name of the tag to add to an event.

Use cases

Classify an event: Update the event through adding a tag.

Run On

This action runs on all entities.

Action Results

Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON Result
        "saved": true,
        "success": "Tag(s) added.",
        "check_publish": true

Download File


Download files related to event in MISP.


Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Event ID String N/A No Specify the ID or UUID of the event from which you want to download files
Download Folder Path String N/A

Specify the absolute path to the folder, which should store files. If nothing is specified, action will create an attachment instead.
Note: JSON result is only available, when you provide proper value for this parameter.

Overwrite Checkbox Unchecked If enabled, action will overwrite existing files.

Run On

This action runs on the Filehash entity.

Action Results
Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
success True/False success:False
JSON Result

"absolute_paths": ["/etc/file1.txt", "/etc/file2.txt"]

Case Wall
Result Type Value Description Type
Output message*

If success: "Successfully downloaded the following files from the event with {0} {1} in MISP:\n{2}".format(ID/UUID, event_id, result/filename from the response)

if no files were found: "No files were found for the event with {0} {1} in MISP:\n{2}".format(ID/UUID, event_id)

if "Download Folder Path" is not specified and some of the files exceeded platform limit for attachments: "Action wasn't able to download the following files, because they exceeded the limit of 3 MB: \n {0}. \n Please specify a folder path in the parameter "Download Folder Path" in order to download them.".(result/filename)

Critical Error (fail action) "Error executing action "Download File". Reason: {0}".format(stacktrace)

Event ID is not found (fail action) "Error executing action "Download File". Reason: Event with {0} {1} was not found in MISP".format(ID/UUID, event_id)

If overwrite is false and one of the files already exists: "Error executing action "Download File". Reason: The following files already exist: {0}. Please remove them or set parameter "Overwrite" to true.".format(absolute path to the file)


Enrich Entities


Enrich entities based on the attributes in MISP.


Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Description
Number of attributes to return String N/A Specify how many attributes to return for entities.
Filtering condition Specify the filtering condition for the action. If "Last" is selected, action will use the oldest attribute for enrichment, if "First" is selected, action will use the newest attribute for enrichment.
Threat Level Threshold DDL


Possible Values:





Specify what should be the threshold for the threat level of the event, where the entity was found. If related event exceeds or matches threshold, entity will be marked as suspicious.
Attribute Search Limit Integer 50 Specify how many attributes to search for per entity. This parameter has an impact on which attribute will be selected for enrichment. Default: 50.

Run On

This action runs on the following entities:

  • URL
  • Hostname
  • IP Address
  • Filehash
Action Results
Entity Enrichment

Entities are marked as suspicious if the threat level of the event exceeds 0. Otherwise: False

Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
success True/False success:False
JSON Result
        "EntityResult": [
                    "orgc_id": "1",
                    "ShadowAttribute": [],
                    "id": "3",
                    "threat_level_id": "3",
                    "event_creator_email": "john_doe@example.com",
                    "uuid": "5c5bff1b-a414-4a83-8755-035f0a000016",
                    "Object": [],
                    "Orgc": {
                        "uuid": "5c5ac66e-3884-4031-afd7-46f5bb9ebcaa",
                        "name": "ORGNAME",
                        "id": "1"
                    "Org": {
                        "uuid": "5c5ac66e-3884-4031-afd7-46f5bb9ebcaa",
                        "name": "ORGNAME",
                        "id": "1"
                    "RelatedEvent": [],
                    "sharing_group_id": "0",
                    "timestamp": "1549533154",
                    "date": "2019-02-07",
                    "disable_correlation": "False",
                    "info": "Test event",
                    "locked": "False",
                    "publish_timestamp": "1549533214",
                    "Attribute": [
                            "category": "Network activity",
                            "comment": " ",
                            "uuid": "5c5bffe2-9298-4098-ae31-035d0a000016",
                            "deleted": "False",
                            "timestamp": "1549533154",
                            "to_ids": "False",
                            "distribution": "3",
                            "object_id": "0",
                            "event_id": "3",
                            "ShadowAttribute": [],
                            "sharing_group_id": "0",
                            "value": "",
                            "disable_correlation": "False",
                            "object_relation": "None",
                            "type": "ip-src",
                            "id": "1",
                            "Galaxy": []
                    "attribute_count": "1",
                    "org_id": "1",
                    "analysis": "2",
                    "extends_uuid": " ",
                    "published": "True",
                    "distribution": "3",
                    "proposal_email_lock": "False",
                    "Galaxy": []
        "Entity": ""
Case Wall
Result Type Value Description Type
Output message*

For attributes that were found: (is_success=true) "Successfully enriched the following entities using MISP: \n{0}".format(entity.identifier)

For attributes that were not found (is_success=true) "Action wasn't able to enrich the following entities using MISP: \n{0}".format(entity.identifier)

If all attributes were not found (is_success=false) "No entities were enriched using MISP"

If attributes are suspicious (is_success=true) "The following attributes were marked as suspicious using MISP: \n {0}".format(entity.identifier)

CSV Table

Table Columns:

  • ID
  • Event ID
  • Category
  • Type
  • UUID
  • Timestamp
  • Distribution
  • IDS


Retrieve information about events that are related to entities in MISP.


Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Description
Mark As Suspicious Checkbox Checked If enabled, action will mark entity as suspicious, if there is at least one related event to it.

Run On

This action runs on the following entities:

  • URL
  • Hostname
  • IP Address
  • Filehash

Action Results

Entity Enrichment

If records of related events are available, then entities are marked as suspicious. otherwise: False.

Enrichment Field Name Logic - When to apply
Event Returns if it exists in JSON result
Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
success True/False success:False
JSON Result
        "EntityResult": [
                    "orgc_id": "1",
                    "ShadowAttribute": [],
                    "id": "3",
                    "threat_level_id": "3",
                    "event_creator_email": "john_doe@example.com",
                    "uuid": "5c5bff1b-a414-4a83-8755-035f0a000016",
                    "Object": [],
                    "Orgc": {
                        "uuid": "5c5ac66e-3884-4031-afd7-46f5bb9ebcaa",
                        "name": "ORGNAME",
                        "id": "1"
                    "Org": {
                        "uuid": "5c5ac66e-3884-4031-afd7-46f5bb9ebcaa",
                        "name": "ORGNAME",
                        "id": "1"
                    "RelatedEvent": [],
                    "sharing_group_id": "0",
                    "timestamp": "1549533154",
                    "date": "2019-02-07",
                    "disable_correlation": "False",
                    "info": "Test event",
                    "locked": "False",
                    "publish_timestamp": "1549533214",
                    "Attribute": [
                            "category": "Network activity",
                            "comment": " ",
                            "uuid": "5c5bffe2-9298-4098-ae31-035d0a000016",
                            "deleted": "False",
                            "timestamp": "1549533154",
                            "to_ids": "False",
                            "distribution": "3",
                            "object_id": "0",
                            "event_id": "3",
                            "ShadowAttribute": [],
                            "sharing_group_id": "0",
                            "value": "",
                            "disable_correlation": "False",
                            "object_relation": "None",
                            "type": "ip-src",
                            "id": "1",
                            "Galaxy": []
                    "attribute_count": "1",
                    "org_id": "1",
                    "analysis": "2",
                    "extends_uuid": " ",
                    "published": "True",
                    "distribution": "3",
                    "proposal_email_lock": "False",
                    "Galaxy": []
        "Entity": ""
Case Wall
Result Type Value Description Type
Output message*

If one event found for at least one entity: "Successfully retrieved information about the related events for the following entities: \n{0}".format(entity.identifier)

If no event found for at least one entity: "Action wasn't able to retrieve information about the related events for the following entities: \n{0}".format(entity.identifier

If no events for all: "No related events were found for the provided entities."


Upload File


Upload a file to a MISP event.


Name Type Default Description
Event ID String N/A Specify the ID or UUID of the event to which you want to upload this file.
File Path String N/A Specify a comma-separated list of absolute filepaths of the files that you want to upload to MISP.
Category Specify the category for the uploaded file. Possible values: External Analysis, Payload Delivery, Artifacts Dropped, Payload Installation.
Distribution String Community

Specify the distribution for the uploaded file.
Possible values: 0 - Organisation, 1 - Community, 2 - Connected, 3 - All. You can either provide a number or a string.

Threat Level String High

Specify the threat level for the uploaded file.
Possible values: 1 - High, 2 - Medium, 3 - Low, 4 - Undefined. You can either provide a number or a string.

Analysis String Initial

Specify the analysis of the event.
Possible values: 0 - Initial, 1 - Ongoing, 2 - Completed. You can either provide a number or a string.

Info String N/A Specify additional info for the uploaded file.
For Intrusion Detection System Checkbox Unchecked If enabled, uploaded file will be used for intrusion detection systems.
Comment String N/A Specify additional comments related to the uploaded file.
Action Results
Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON Result
    "Event": {
        "id": "106",
        "orgc_id": "1",
        "org_id": "1",
        "date": "2021-01-15",
        "threat_level_id": "1",
        "info": "vanuhi 1015",
        "published": false,
        "uuid": "1cd22aa2-57e8-4fc8-bac6-721c1be2c27d",
        "attribute_count": "10",
        "analysis": "0",
        "timestamp": "1610893968",
        "distribution": "1",
        "proposal_email_lock": false,
        "locked": false,
        "publish_timestamp": "0",
        "sharing_group_id": "0",
        "disable_correlation": false,
        "extends_uuid": "",
        "event_creator_email": "admin@admin.test",
        "Org": {
            "id": "1",
            "name": "ORGNAME",
            "uuid": "09b0dde1-2934-4310-a107-74b6f534f041",
            "local": true
        "Orgc": {
            "id": "1",
            "name": "ORGNAME",
            "uuid": "09b0dde1-2934-4310-a107-74b6f534f041",
            "local": true
        "Attribute": [],
        "ShadowAttribute": [],
"Object": [
                "id": "446",
                "name": "file",
                "meta-category": "file",
                "description": "File object describing a file with meta-information",
                "template_uuid": "688c46fb-5edb-40a3-8273-1af7923e2215",
                "template_version": "20",
                "event_id": "106",
                "uuid": "0188ba5d-68eb-4b5c-8e05-6fd49f8eee9a",
                "timestamp": "1610691647",
                "distribution": "1",
                "sharing_group_id": "0",
                "comment": "",
                "deleted": false,
                "first_seen": null,
                "last_seen": null,
                "ObjectReference": [],
                "Attribute": [
                        "id": "1859",
                        "type": "malware-sample",
                        "category": "External analysis",
                        "to_ids": true,
                        "uuid": "7920cd28-5082-47ce-9c3e-3ccbd5dae138",
                        "event_id": "106",
                        "distribution": "1",
                        "timestamp": "1610703650",
                        "comment": "",
                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
                        "deleted": false,
                        "disable_correlation": false,
                        "object_id": "446",
                        "object_relation": "malware-sample",
                        "first_seen": null,
                        "last_seen": null,
                        "value": "vanuhi.txt|7bd55b0a276e076cbaf470e64359adb8",
                        "Galaxy": [],
                        "ShadowAttribute": [],
                        "Sighting": [
                                "id": "1733",
                                "attribute_id": "1859",
                                "event_id": "106",
                                "org_id": "1",
                                "date_sighting": "1611207638",
                                "uuid": "feb085f1-1923-4327-a73d-b60a948377e4",
                                "source": "",
                                "type": "0",
                                "Organisation": {
                                    "id": "1",
                                    "uuid": "09b0dde1-2934-4310-a107-74b6f534f041",
                                    "name": "ORGNAME"
                                "attribute_uuid": "7920cd28-5082-47ce-9c3e-3ccbd5dae138"
Case Wall
Result type Value/Description Type
Output message*

If successful for one entity:"Succesfully uploaded the provided files to the event {0} in MISP".format(event_id)

Critical Error (fail action) "Error executing action "Upload File". Reason: {0}".format(stacktrace)

If invalid parameter is specified in "Distribution" (fail action):

"Error executing action "Upload File". Reason: Invalid value was provided for the parameter "Distribution". Acceptable numbers: 0,1,2,3. Acceptable strings: Organisation, Community, Connected, All".

If invalid parameter is specified in "Threat Level" (fail action): "Error executing action "Upload File". Reason: Invalid value was provided for the parameter "Threat Level". Acceptable numbers: 1,2,3,4. Acceptable strings: High, Medium, Low, Undefined".

If invalid parameter is specified in "Category" (fail action): "Error executing action "Upload File". Reason: Invalid value was provided for the parameter "Category". Acceptable values: External Analysis, Payload Delivery, Artifacts Dropped, Payload Installation".

If invalid parameter is specified in "Analysis" (fail action): "Error executing action "Upload File". Reason: Invalid value was provided for the parameter "Analysis". Acceptable numbers: 0,1,2. Acceptable strings: Initial, Ongoing, Completed".

if at least one of the files is not available "Error executing action "Upload File". Reason: the following files were not accessible: \n {0}".format(file paths, that were not accessible.)

Event ID is not found (fail action) "Error executing action "Upload File". Reason: Event with {0} {1} was not found in MISP".format(ID/UUID, event_id)




Test Connectivity.



Use cases


Run On

This action runs on all entities.

Action Results

Entity Enrichment




Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
success True/False success:False
JSON Result

Remove Tag From an Event


Remove tags from event in MISP.


Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Event ID String N/A Yes Specify the ID or UUID of the event, from which you want to remove tags.
Tag Name CSV N/A Yes Specify a comma-separated list of tags that you want to remove from events.

Use cases

Re-classify event: Remove tag for reclassification.

Action Results

Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON Result
        "saved": true,
        "success": "Tag removed.",
        "check_publish": true
Case Wall
Result type Value/Description Type
Output message*

If successfully removed all tag from an event: "Successfully removed the following tags from the event with {0} {1} in MISP: {2}.".format(ID/UUID, event_id, tags)

If not successfully removed some tags from an event: "Action wasn't able to remove the following tags from the event with {0} {1} in MISP: {2}.".format(ID/UUID, event_id, tags)

If not successful for all: "No tags were removed from the event with {0} {1} in MISP".format(ID/UUID, event_id)

If at least one tag was not found: "The following tags were not found in MISP: \n{0}".format(list of tags that were not found in MISP)

If all tags were not found: "None of the provided tags were found in MISP."

Critical Error (fail action) "Error executing action "Remove Tag from an Event". Reason: {0}".format(stacktrace)

Event ID is not found (fail action) "Error executing action "Remove Tag from an Event". Reason: Event with {0} {1} was not found in MISP".format(ID/UUID, event_id)


Add Tag to an Attribute


This action allows a user to add a tag to a specific attribute in MISP. This adds a classification to the attribute based on the category of a security threat posed by the IOC in the attribute.


Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Event ID Integer N/A Yes The identifier of the event that the attribute is associated with. Example: 1.
Tag Name String N/A Yes The name of the tag to add to an attribute.
Attribute Name String N/A Yes The name identifier of the attribute to tag.
Category String N/A Yes The category which the attribute belongs to. e.g. Payload Delivery.
Type String N/A Yes The type of the attribute. e.g. filename.
Object UUID String N/A No The unique identifier for an object in the event.

Use cases

Classify attribute based on IOC type: Add tag to attribute.

Run On

This action runs on all entities.

Action Results

Entity Enrichment




Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON Result
        "name": "Global tag unique___test(7) successfully attached to Attribute(9).",
        "message": "Global tag unique___test(7) successfully attached to Attribute(9).",
        "url": "/tags/attachTagToObject"

Remove Tag From an Attribute


Remove tags from attributes in MISP.


Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Event ID String N/A No Specify the ID or UUID of the event, where to search for attributes. This parameter is required, if "Attribute Search" is set to "Provided Event".
Tag Name CSV N/A Yes Specify a comma-separated list of tags that you want to remove from attributes.
Attribute Name CSV N/A No

Specify a comma-separated list of attribute identifiers from which you want to remove tags.
Note: If both "Attribute Name" and "Attribute UUID" are specified, action will work with "Attribute UUID" values.

Category CSV N/A No

Specify a comma-separated list of categories. If specified, action will only remove tags from attributes that have matching category. If nothing is specified, action will ignore categories in attributes.
Possible values: External Analysis, Payload Delivery, Artifacts Dropped, Payload Installation.

Type CSV N/A No

Specify a comma-separated list of attribute types. If specified, action will only remove tags from attributes that have matching attribute type. If nothing is specified, action will ignore types in attributes.
Example values: md5, sha1, ip-src, ip-dst

Object UUID CSV N/A Specify the UUID of the object that contains the desired attribute.
Attribute Search DDL

Provided Event

Possible values:

All Events

Provided Event

Yes Specify, where action should search for attributes. If "Provided Event" is selected, action will only search for attributes or attribute UUIDs in event with ID/UUID provided in "Event ID" parameter. If "All Events", action will search for attributes among all events and remove tags from all attributes that match our criteria.
Attribute UUID CSV Specify a comma-separated list of attribute UUIDs from which you want to remove new tags. Note: If both "Attribute Name" and "Attribute UUID" are specified, action will work with "Attribute UUID" values.

Use cases

Re-classify attribute: Remove tag for reclassification

Run On

This action runs on all entities.

Action Results

Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON Result
        "name": "Tag unique___test(7) successfully removed from Attribute(9).",
        "message": "Tag unique___test(7) successfully removed from Attribute(9).",
        "url": "/tags/removeTagFromObject"
Case Wall
Result type Value/Description Type>
Output message*

If successfully removed tags from at least one attribute: "Successfully removed tags from the following attributes in MISP:\n{0}".format(attribute name/object UUID)

if not successfully removed tags from at least one attribute: "Action didn't removed tags from the following attributes in MISP:\n{0}".format(attribute name/object UUID)

If not successful for all: "No tags were removed from the provided attributes in MISP"

If at least one tag was not found: "The following tags were not found in MISP: \n{0}".format(list of tags that were not found in MISP)

If all tags were not found: "None of the provided tags were found in MISP."

Critical Error (fail action) "Error executing action "Remove Tag from an Attribute". Reason: {0}".format(stacktrace)

If invalid parameter is specified in "Category" (fail action): "Error executing action "Remove Tag from an Attribute". Reason: Invalid value was provided for the parameter "Category". Acceptable values: External Analysis, Payload Delivery, Artifacts Dropped, Payload Installation".

If "Provided Event" is selected, but Event ID is not selected: "Error executing action "Remove Tag from an Attribute". Reason: Event ID needs to be provided, if "Provided Event" is selected for the parameter "Attribute Search"".

Event ID is not found (fail action) "Error executing action "Remove Tag from an Attribute". Reason: Event with {0} {1} was not found in MISP".format(ID/UUID, event_id)


Publish Event


The action allows the user to publish an event. Publishing an event shares it to the sharing group selected, making it visible to all members.


Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Event ID String N/A Yes Specify the ID or UUID of the event that you want to publish.

Use cases

Publish an event:

  1. Create even
  2. Add event attributes
  3. Publish event

Action Results

Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON Result
        "Event": {
            "id": "3",
            "orgc_id": "1",
            "org_id": "1",
            "date": "2019-12-27",
            "threat_level_id": "1",
            "info": "Connection to .ch",
            "published": true,
            "uuid": "5e05dd29-7b90-474d-b5f6-51ae0a00024b",
            "attribute_count": "0",
            "analysis": "1",
            "timestamp": "1577774920",
            "distribution": "3",
            "proposal_email_lock": false,
            "locked": false,
            "publish_timestamp": "1577774846",
            "sharing_group_id": "0",
            "disable_correlation": false,
            "extends_uuid": "5e05db24-1e98-4bb9-bd56-51fd0a00024b",
            "event_creator_email": "admin@admin.test",
            "Org": {
                "id": "1",
                "name": "ORGNAME",
                "uuid": "5dfc9b8f-c320-4b6d-ac1c-4f4e8bdc3fef",
                "local": true
            "Orgc": {
                "id": "1",
                "name": "ORGNAME",
                "uuid": "5dfc9b8f-c320-4b6d-ac1c-4f4e8bdc3fef",
                "local": true
            "Attribute": [],
            "ShadowAttribute": [],
            "RelatedEvent": [],
            "Galaxy": [],
            "Object": [],
            "Tag": [
                    "id": "7",
                    "name": "unique___test",
                    "colour": "#9648c4",
                    "exportable": true,
                    "user_id": "0",
                    "hide_tag": false,
                    "numerical_value": null,
                    "local": 0
Case Wall
Result type Value/Description Type
Output message*

If successful: "Successfully published event with {0} {1} in MISP.".format(ID/UUID, event_id)

If not successful: "Event with {0} {1} was not published in MISP".format(ID/UUID, event_id)

Critical Error (fail action) "Error executing action "Publish Event". Reason: {0}".format(stacktrace)

Event ID is not found (fail action) "Error executing action "Publish Event". Reason: Event with {0} {1} was not found in MISP".format(ID/UUID, event_id)


Unpublish Event


The action allows the user to unpublish an event. Unpublishing an event prevents it from being visible to the shared groups.


Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Event ID String N/A Yes Specify the ID or UUID of the event that you want to unpublish.
Action Results
Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON Result
        "Event": {
            "id": "3",
            "orgc_id": "1",
            "org_id": "1",
            "date": "2019-12-27",
            "threat_level_id": "1",
            "info": "Connection to .ch",
            "published": false,
            "uuid": "5e05dd29-7b90-474d-b5f6-51ae0a00024b",
            "attribute_count": "0",
            "analysis": "1",
            "timestamp": "1577774920",
            "distribution": "3",
            "proposal_email_lock": false,
            "locked": false,
            "publish_timestamp": "1577774846",
            "sharing_group_id": "0",
            "disable_correlation": false,
            "extends_uuid": "5e05db24-1e98-4bb9-bd56-51fd0a00024b",
            "event_creator_email": "admin@admin.test",
            "Org": {
                "id": "1",
                "name": "ORGNAME",
                "uuid": "5dfc9b8f-c320-4b6d-ac1c-4f4e8bdc3fef",
                "local": true
            "Orgc": {
                "id": "1",
                "name": "ORGNAME",
                "uuid": "5dfc9b8f-c320-4b6d-ac1c-4f4e8bdc3fef",
                "local": true
            "Attribute": [],
            "ShadowAttribute": [],
            "RelatedEvent": [],
            "Galaxy": [],
            "Object": [],
            "Tag": [
                    "id": "7",
                    "name": "unique___test",
                    "colour": "#9648c4",
                    "exportable": true,
                    "user_id": "0",
                    "hide_tag": false,
                    "numerical_value": null,
                    "local": 0
Case Wall
Result type Value/Description Type
Output message*

If successful: "Successfully unpublished event with {0} {1} in MISP.".format(ID/UUID, event_id)

If not successful: "Event with {0} {1} was not unpublished in MISP".format(ID/UUID, event_id)

Critical Error (fail action) "Error executing action "Unpublish Event". Reason: {0}".format(stacktrace)

Event ID is not found (fail action) "Error executing action "Unpublish Event". Reason: Event with {0} {1} was not found in MISP".format(ID/UUID, event_id)


Delete an Attribute


Delete attributes in MISP. Supported hashes: MD5, SHA1, SHA224, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512, SSDeep.


Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Event ID String N/A No Specify the ID or UUID of the event, where to search for attributes. This parameter is required, if "Attribute Search" is set to "Provided Event".
Attribute Name CSV N/A No

Specify a comma-separated list of attribute identifiers that you want to delete.
Note: If both "Attribute Name" and "Attribute UUID" are specified, action will work with "Attribute UUID" values.

Category CSV N/A No

Specify a comma-separated list of categories. If specified, action will only delete attributes that have matching category. If nothing is specified, action will ignore categories in attributes.
Possible values: External Analysis, Payload Delivery, Artifacts Dropped, Payload Installation.

Type CSV N/A No

Specify a comma-separated list of attribute types. If specified, action will only delete attributes that have matching attribute type. If nothing is specified, action will ignore types in attributes.
Example values: md5, sha1, ip-src, ip-dst

Object UUID String N/A No The unique identifier for an object in the event.
Attribute Search DDL

Provided Event

Possible values:

All Events

Provided Event

Yes Specify, where action should search for attributes. If "Provided Event" is selected, action will only search for attributes or attribute UUIDs in event with ID/UUID provided in "Event ID" parameter. If "All Events", action will search for attributes among all events and delete all attributes that match our criteria.
Attribute UUID CSV

Specify a comma-separated list of attribute UUIDs that you want to delete.
Note: If both "Attribute Name" and "Attribute UUID" are specified, action will work with "Attribute UUID" values.

Use cases

Remove an attribute from an event.

Run On

This action runs on all entities.

Action Results

Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON Result
        "message": "Attribute deleted."
Case Wall
Result Type Value Description Type
Output message*

If successfully added Sighting to at least one attribute: "Successfully deleted the following attributes in MISP:\n{0}".format(attribute name/object UUID)

if not successfully added Sighting to at least one attribute: "Action didn't delete the following attributes in MISP:\n{0}".format(attribute name/object UUID)

If not successful for all: "No attributes were deleted in MISP"

Critical Error (fail action) "Error executing action "Delete an Attribute". Reason: {0}".format(stacktrace)

If invalid parameter is specified in "Category" (fail action): "Error executing action "Delete an Attribute". Reason: Invalid value was provided for the parameter "Category". Acceptable values: External Analysis, Payload Delivery, Artifacts Dropped, Payload Installation".

If "Provided Event" is selected, but Event ID is not selected: "Error executing action "Delete an Attribute". Reason: Event ID needs to be provided, if "Provided Event" is selected for the parameter "Attribute Search"".

Event ID is not found (fail action) "Error executing action "Delete an Attribute". Reason: Event with {0} {1} was not found in MISP".format(ID/UUID, event_id)


Delete an Event


Delete event in MISP.


Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Event ID String N/A Yes Specify the ID or UUID of the event that you want to delete.

Use cases

Delete an event permanently.

Run On

This action runs on the User entity.

Action Results

Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON Result
        "name": "Event deleted.",
        "message": "Event deleted.",
        "url": "/events/delete/4"
Case Wall
Result Type Value Description Type
Output message*

If successful: "Successfully deleted event with {0} {1} in MISP".format(ID/UUID, event_id)

Critical Error (fail action) "Error executing action "Delete an Event". Reason: {0}".format(traceback)

Event ID is not found (fail action) "Error executing action "Delete an Event". Reason: Event with {0} {1} was not found in MISP".format(ID/UUID, event_id)


Create File Misp Object


The action allows the user to organize file attributes related to an event in a single object which describes a file with its meta-information. The object with the attributes is then attached to a specified event.


Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Event ID String N/A Yes The unique identifier of the event to add the object. Example: 1
Filename String N/A No The filename of the file.
MD5 String N/A No The md5 hash value of the file.
SHA1 String N/A No The sha1 hash value of the file.
SHA256 String N/A No The sha256 hash value of the file.
SSDEEP String N/A No The ssdeep value of the file Example: 96:p5aAS1tN0M3t9AnTNuG6TNOt5PR1TNZdkljOXTNSnKTF3X7KsTFW+kLtW6K8i7bI:p5mb4rgQhRp7GljCbF3LKqFjkwxtU
Imphash String N/A No The MD5 hash value calculated from the imported table.

Use cases


Run On

This action runs on all entities.

Action Results

Entity Enrichment




Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON Result

Create IP-Port Misp Object


The action allows the user to organize IP-port attributes related to an event in a single object which describes an IP address (or domain or hostname) and a port seen as a tuple (or as a triple) in a specific time frame . The object with the attributes is then attached to a specified event.


Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Event ID String N/A Yes The unique identifier of the event to add the object. Example: 1
Dst-port String N/A No Destination port.
Src-port String N/A No Source port.
Domain String N/A No Domain.
Hostname String N/A No Hostname.
IP-Src String N/A No Source IP Address.
IP-Dst String N/A No Destination IP Address.

Use cases


Run On

This action runs on all entities.

Action Results

Entity Enrichment




Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON Result

Create network-connection Misp Object


Create a network-connection Object in MISP. Requires one of the following: Dst-port, Src-port, IP-Src, IP-Dst to be provided or "Use Entities" parameter set to true.


Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Event ID String N/A Yes Specify the ID or UUID of the event to which you want to add network-connection objects.
Dst-port String N/A No Specify the destination port, which you want to add to the event.
Src-port String N/A No Specify the source port, which you want to add to the event.
Hostname-dst String N/A No Specify the source destination, which you want to add to the event.
Hostname-src String N/A No Specify the source hostname, which you want to add to the event.
IP-Src String N/A No Specify the source IP, which you want to add to the event.
IP-Dst String N/A No Specify the destination IP, which you want to add to the event.
Layer3-protocol String N/A No Specify the related layer 3 protocol, which you want to add to the event.
Layer4-protocol String N/A No Specify the related layer 4 protocol, which you want to add to the event.
Layer7-protocol String N/A No Specify the related layer 7 protocol, which you want to add to the event.
Use Entities Checkbox Unchecked No If enabled, action will use entities in order to create objects. Supported entities: IP Address. "Use Entities" has priority over other parameters.

Source IP

Possible values:

Source IP

Destination IP

Specify what attribute type should be used with IP entities.

Run On

This action runs on all entities.

Action Results

Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON Result
Case Wall
Result Type Value Description Type
Output message*

If success and "Use Entities" is not true: "Successfully created new network-connection object for event with {0} {1} in MISP.".format(ID/UUID, event_id)

If not success and "Use Entities" is not true: "Action wasn't able to created new network-connection object for event with {0} {1} in MISP. Reason: {2}".format(ID/UUID)

If success for one and "Use Entities" is true: "Successfully created new network-connection objects for event with {0} {1} in MISP based on the following entities: \n{0}".format(ID/UUID, event_id, entity.identifiers)

If not success for one and "Use Entities" is true: "Action wasn't able to create new network-connection objects for event with {0} {1} in MISP based on the following entities: \n{0}".format(ID/UUID, event_id, entity.identifiers)

If not success for all and "Use Entities" is true: "Action wasn't able to create new network-connection objects for event with {0} {1} in MISP based on the provided entities.".format(ID/UUID, event_id)

Critical Error (fail action) "Error executing action "Create network-connection Misp Object". Reason: {0}".format(stacktrace)

Event ID is not found (fail action) "Error executing action "Create network-connection Misp Object". Reason: Event with {0} {1} was not found in MISP".format(ID/UUID, event_id)

If none of the Dst-port, Src-port, IP-Src, IP-Dst are provided and "Use Entities" == false: "Error executing action "Create network-connection Misp Object". Reason: One of the: "Dst-port", "Src-port", "IP-Src", "IP-Dst" should be provided or "Use Entities" parameter set to true".


Create Url Misp Object


Create a URL Object in MISP. Requires "URL" to be provided or "Use Entities" parameter set to true.


Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Event ID String N/A Yes Specify the ID or UUID of the event to which you want to add URL objects.
URL String N/A No Specify the URL, which you want to add to the event.
Port String N/A No Specify the port, which you want to add to the event.
First seen String N/A No

Specify, when the URL was first seen.
Format: 2020-12-22T13:07:32Z

Last seen String N/A No

Specify, when the URL was last seen.
Format: 2020-12-22T13:07:32Z

Domain String N/A No Specify the domain, which you want to add to the event.
Text String N/A No Specify the additional text, which you want to add to the event.
IP String N/A No Specify the IP, which you want to add to the event.
Host String N/A No Specify the Host, which you want to add to the event.
Use Entities Checkbox Unchecked If enabled, action will use entities in order to create objects. Supported entities: URL. "Use Entities" has priority over other parameters.

Run On

This action runs on all entities.

Action Results

Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON Result
Case Wall
Result Type Value Description Type
Output message*

If success and "Use Entities" is not true: "Successfully created new URL object for event with {0} {1} in MISP.".format(ID/UUID, event_id)

If not success and "Use Entities" is not true: "Action wasn't able to created URL object for event with {0} {1} in MISP. Reason: {2}".format(ID/UUID)

If success for one and "Use Entities" is true: "Successfully created new URL objects for event with {0} {1} in MISP based on the following entities: \n{0}".format(ID/UUID, event_id, entity.identifiers)

If not success for one and "Use Entities" is true: "Action wasn't able to create new URL objects for event with {0} {1} in MISP based on the following entities: \n{0}".format(ID/UUID, event_id, entity.identifiers)

If not success for all and "Use Entities" is true: "Action wasn't able to create new URL objects for event with {0} {1} in MISP based on the provided entities.".format(ID/UUID, event_id)

Critical Error (fail action) "Error executing action "Create Url Misp Object". Reason: {0}".format(stacktrace)

Event ID is not found (fail action) "Error executing action "Create Url Misp Object". Reason: Event with {0} {1} was not found in MISP".format(ID/UUID, event_id)

If none of the URL are provided and "Use Entities" == false: "Error executing action "Create Url Misp Object". Reason: Either "URL" should be provided or "Use Entities" parameter set to true".


Create Virustotal-Report Object


Create a Virustotal-Report Object in MISP.


Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Event ID String N/A Yes Specify the ID or UUID of the event to which you want to add URL objects.
Permalink String N/A Yes Specify the link to the VirusTotal report, which you want to add to the event.
Comment String N/A No Specify the comment, which you want to add to the event.
Detection Ratio String N/A No Specify the detection ration, which you want to add to the event.
Community Score String N/A No Specify the community score, which you want to add to the event.
First Submission String N/A No

Specify first submission of the event.
Format: 2020-12-22T13:07:32Z

Last Submission String N/A No

Specify last submission of the event.
Format: 2020-12-22T13:07:32Z

Run On

This action runs on all entities.

Action Results

Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
Case Wall
Result Type Value Description Type
Output message*

If success : "Successfully created new Virustotal-Report object for event with {0} {1} in MISP.".format(ID/UUID, event_id)

If not success : "Action wasn't able to created Virustotal-Report object for event with {0} {1} in MISP. Reason: {2}".format(ID/UUID)

Critical Error (fail action) "Error executing action "Create Virustotal-Report Misp Object". Reason: {0}".format(stacktrace)

Event ID is not found (fail action) "Error executing action "Create Virustotal-Report Misp Object". Reason: Event with {0} {1} was not found in MISP".format(ID/UUID, event_id)


List Event Objects


Retrieve information about available objects in MISP event.


Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is mandatory Description
Event ID String N/A Yes Specify a comma-separated list of IDs and UUIDs of the events, for which you want to retrieve details.
Max Objects to Return Integer 50 No Specify how many objects to return.

Run On

This action doesn't run on entities.

Action Results

Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON Result
"Object": [
        "id": "1",
        "name": "ftm-Associate",
        "meta-category": "followthemoney",
        "description": "Non-family association between two people",
        "template_uuid": "6119ecb3-dedd-44b6-b88f-174585b0b1bf",
        "template_version": "1",
        "event_id": "1",
        "uuid": "2a3e260f-d3b2-4164-b2b1-2f6f5b559970",
        "timestamp": "1594632232",
        "distribution": "5",
        "sharing_group_id": "0",
        "comment": "",
        "deleted": false,
        "first_seen": null,
        "last_seen": null,
        "ObjectReference": [],
        "id": "2",
        "name": "ftm-Associate",
        "meta-category": "followthemoney",
        "description": "Non-family association between two people",
        "template_uuid": "6119ecb3-dedd-44b6-b88f-174585b0b1bf",
        "template_version": "1",
        "event_id": "1",
        "uuid": "800d8634-175a-4bc2-a4d7-aca200c8c132",
        "timestamp": "1594632463",
        "distribution": "5",
        "sharing_group_id": "0",
        "comment": "",
        "deleted": false,
        "first_seen": null,
        "last_seen": null,
        "ObjectReference": [],
Case Wall
Result Type Value Description Type
Output message*

The action should not fail nor stop a playbook execution:

If at least object found for 1 event: "Successfully listed objects for the following events: \n{0}".format(event_ids)

If event with specified id was not found (is_success = false):
print "Action was not able to list objects. Reason: Event with ID {0} was not found in MISP.".format(event_id)

If no object found for 1 event:

"Action wasn't able to find objects for the following events:\n {0}".format(event_ids)

If no object found for all events: "No objects were found for the provided events."

The action should fail and stop a playbook execution:

if fatal error, like wrong credentials, no connection to server, other:

print "Error executing action "List Event Objects". Reason: {0}''.format(error.Stacktrace)

CSV Table

Table name: Event {0} Objects

Table Columns:

  • Object UUID (mapped as uuid)
  • Name (mapped as name)
  • Category (mapped as meta-category)
  • Description (mapped as description)
  • Comment (mapped as comment)

Get Event Details


Retrieve details about events in MISP.


Parameter Display Name Type Is Mandatory Description
Event ID String Yes Specify a comma-separated list of IDs or UUIDs of the events for which you want retrieve details.
Return Attributes Info Checkbox Checked If enabled, action will create a case wall table for all of the attributes that are a part of the event.

Run On

This action doesn't run on entities.

Action Results

Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
Case Wall
Result Type Value Description Type
Output message*

The action should not fail nor stop a playbook execution:

If action completed successfully for at least one of the provided ids:

Print "Successfully retrieved information for the following events: <>"

If action failed to run for at least one of the provided incident ids:

Print "Failed to retrieved information for the following events: <>

The action should fail and stop a playbook execution:
if fatal error, SDK error, like wrong credentials, no connection, other:
Print "Error executing action "Get Event Details". Reason: {0}''.format(error.Stacktrace

The action should fail and stop a playbook execution:

if fatal error, like wrong credentials, no connection to server, other:

print "Error executing action "List Event Objects". Reason: {0}''.format(error.Stacktrace)

CSV Table

Table Name: Event {0} Attributes Details".format(event_id)


  1. ID
  2. Value
  3. Comment
  4. Type
  5. Category
  6. UUID
  7. Distribution
  8. Timestamp

List Sightings of an Attribute


List available sightings for attributes in MISP.


Parameter Name Type Default Value Mandatory Description
Attribute Name CSV No Specify a comma-separated list of attribute identifiers for which you want to list sightings. Note: If both "Attribute Name" and "Attribute UUID" are specified, action will work with "Attribute UUID" values.
Event ID String No Specify the ID or UUID of the event, where to search for attributes. This parameter is required, if "Attribute Search" is set to "Provided Event".
Category CSV No Specify a comma-separated list of categories. If specified, action will only list sightings for attributes that have matching category. If nothing is specified, action will ignore categories in attributes. Possible values: External Analysis, Payload Delivery, Artifacts Dropped, Payload Installation.
Type CSV No Specify a comma-separated list of attribute types. If specified, action will only list sightings for attributes that have matching attribute type. If nothing is specified, action will ignore types in attributes. Example values: md5, sha1, ip-src, ip-dst
Attribute Search DDL

Provided Event

Possible values:

All Events

Yes Specify, where action should search for attributes. If "Provided Event" is selected, action will only search for attributes or attribute UUIDs in event with ID/UUID provided in "Event ID" parameter. If "All Events", action will search for attributes among all events and list sightings for all attributes that match our criteria.
Attribute UUID CSV No Specify a comma-separated list of attribute UUIDs for which you want to list sightings. Note: If both "Attribute Name" and "Attribute UUID" are specified, action will work with "Attribute UUID" values.
Action Results
Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
Case Wall
Result type Value/Description Type
Output message*

If successfully listed sightings to at least one attribute: "Successfully listed sightings for the following attributes in MISP:\n{0}".format(attribute name/attribute UUID)

if not successfully listed sightings for at least one attribute: "Action didn't list sightings for the following attributes in MISP:\n{0}".format(attribute name/attribute UUID)

If not successful for all or no sightings for all attributes: "No sightings were found for the provided attributes in MISP"

Critical Error (fail action) "Error executing action "List Sightings of an Attribute". Reason: {0}".format(stacktrace)

If invalid parameter is specified in "Category" (fail action): "Error executing action "List Sightings of an Attribute". Reason: Invalid value was provided for the parameter "Category". Acceptable values: External Analysis, Payload Delivery, Artifacts Dropped, Payload Installation".

If "Provided Event" is selected, but Event ID is not selected: "Error executing action "List Sightings of an Attribute". Reason: Event ID needs to be provided, if "Provided Event" is selected for the parameter "Attribute Search"".


Set IDS Flag for an Attribute


Set IDS flag for attributes in MISP.


Parameter Name Type Default Value Mandatory Description
Attribute Name CSV No Specify a comma-separated list of attribute identifiers for which you want to set an IDS flag. Note: If both "Attribute Name" and "Attribute UUID" are specified, action will work with "Attribute UUID" values.
Event ID String No Specify the ID or UUID of the event, where to search for attributes. This parameter is required, if "Attribute Search" is set to "Provided Event".
Category CSV No Specify a comma-separated list of categories. If specified, action will only set IDS flag for attributes that have matching category. If nothing is specified, action will ignore categories in attributes. Possible values: External Analysis, Payload Delivery, Artifacts Dropped, Payload Installation.
Type CSV No Specify a comma-separated list of attribute types. If specified, action will only set IDS flag for attributes that have matching attribute type. If nothing is specified, action will ignore types in attributes. Example values: md5, sha1, ip-src, ip-dst
Attribute Search DDL

Provided Event

Possible values:

All Events

Yes Specify, where action should search for attributes. If "Provided Event" is selected, action will only search for attributes or attribute UUIDs in event with ID/UUID provided in "Event ID" parameter. If "All Events", action will search for attributes among all events and set IDS flag for all attributes that match our criteria.
Attribute UUID CSV No

Specify a comma-separated list of attribute UUIDs for which you want to set an IDS flag.
Note: If both "Attribute Name" and "Attribute UUID" are specified, action will work with "Attribute UUID" values.

Action Results

Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
success True/False success:False
Case Wall
Result Type Value Description Type
Output message*

If successfully added IDS flag to at least one attribute: "Successfully set IDS flag for the following attributes in MISP:\n{0}".format(attribute name/object UUID)

if not successfully added IDS flag to at least one attribute: "Action didn't set IDS flag for the following attributes in MISP:\n{0}".format(attribute name/object UUID)

If not successful for all: "IDS flag was not set for the provided attributes in MISP"

Critical Error (fail action) "Error executing action "Set IDS Flag for an Attribute". Reason: {0}".format(stacktrace)

If invalid parameter is specified in "Category" (fail action): "Error executing action "Set IDS Flag for an Attribute". Reason: Invalid value was provided for the parameter "Category". Acceptable values: External Analysis, Payload Delivery, Artifacts Dropped, Payload Installation".

If "Provided Event" is selected, but Event ID is not selected: "Error executing action "Set IDS Flag for an Attribute". Reason: Event ID needs to be provided, if "Provided Event" is selected for the parameter "Attribute Search"".

Event ID is not found (fail action) "Error executing action "Set IDS Flag for an Attribute". Reason: Event with {0} {1} was not found in MISP".format(ID/UUID, event_id)


Unset IDS Flag for an Attribute


Unset IDS flag for attributes in MISP.


Name Type Default Value Mandatory Description
Attribute Name CSV No

Specify a comma-separated list of attribute identifiers for which you want to unset an IDS flag.
Note: If both "Attribute Name" and "Attribute UUID" are specified, action will work with "Attribute UUID" values.

Event ID String No Specify the ID or UUID of the event, where to search for attributes. This parameter is required, if "Attribute Search" is set to "Provided Event".
Category CSV No Specify a comma-separated list of categories. If specified, action will only unset IDS flag for attributes that have matching category. If nothing is specified, action will ignore categories in attributes. Possible values: External Analysis, Payload Delivery, Artifacts Dropped, Payload Installation.
Type CSV No Specify a comma-separated list of attribute types. If specified, action will only unset IDS flag for attributes that have matching attribute type. If nothing is specified, action will ignore types in attributes. Example values: md5, sha1, ip-src, ip-dst
Attribute Search DDL

Provided Event

Possible values:

All Events

True Specify, where action should search for attributes. If "Provided Event" is selected, action will only search for attributes or attribute UUIDs in event with ID/UUID provided in "Event ID" parameter. If "All Events", action will search for attributes among all events and unset IDS flag for all attributes that match our criteria.
Attribute UUID CSV No Specify a comma-separated list of attribute UUIDs for which you want to unset an IDS flag. Note: If both "Attribute Name" and "Attribute UUID" are specified, action will work with "Attribute UUID" values.

Action Results

Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
success True/False success:False
Case Wall
Result Type Value Description Type
Output message*

If successfully removed IDS flag to at least one attribute: "Successfully unset IDS flag for the following attributes in MISP:\n{0}".format(attribute name/object UUID)

if not successfully removed IDS flag to at least one attribute: "Action didn't unset IDS flag for the following attributes in MISP:\n{0}".format(attribute name/object UUID)

If not successful for all: "IDS flag was not unset for the provided attributes in MISP"

Critical Error (fail action) "Error executing action "Unset IDS Flag for an Attribute". Reason: {0}".format(stacktrace)

If invalid parameter is specified in "Category" (fail action): "Error executing action "Unset IDS Flag for an Attribute". Reason: Invalid value was provided for the parameter "Category". Acceptable values: External Analysis, Payload Delivery, Artifacts Dropped, Payload Installation".

If "Provided Event" is selected, but Event ID is not selected: "Error executing action "Unset IDS Flag for an Attribute". Reason: Event ID needs to be provided, if "Provided Event" is selected for the parameter "Attribute Search"".

Event ID is not found (fail action) "Error executing action "Unset IDS Flag for an Attribute". Reason: Event with {0} {1} was not found in MISP".format(ID/UUID, event_id)



MISP - Attributes Connector


Pull attributes from MISP.

Configure MISP - Attributes Connector on Google Security Operations SOAR

For detailed instructions on how to configure a connector in Google Security Operations SOAR, see Configuring the connector.

Connector parameters

Use the following parameters to configure the connector:

Param Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
DeviceProductField String Product Name Yes Enter the source field name in order to retrieve the Product Field name.
EventClassId String alertType Yes Enter the source field name in order to retrieve the Event Field name.
PythonProcessTimeout Integer 180 Yes Timeout limit for the python process running the current script.
API Root String N/A Yes API Root for MISP account.
API Key Password Yes API Key of the MISP account.
Fetch Max Hours Backwards Integer 1 No Amount of hours from where to fetch attributes.
Max Attributes Per Cycle Integer 50 Yes How many attributes to process per one connector iteration.
Lowest Threat Level To Fetch Integer 1 Yes Lowest severity that will be used to fetch alerts. Possible values: 1-4.
Attribute Type Filter String No Filter attributes by their type, comma separated. If provided, only attributes with whitelisted type will be processed.
Category Filter String No Filter attributes by their category, comma separated. If provided, only attributes with whitelisted category will be processed.
Galaxy Filter String No Filter attributes by their parent event's galaxy, comma separated. If provided, only attributes that belong to an event with a whitelisted galaxy will be processed.
Verify SSL Checkbox Yes If enabled, verify the SSL certificate for the connection to the CheckPoint Cloud Guard server is valid.
Environment Field Name String No Describes the name of the field where the environment name is stored. If the environment field isn't found, the environment is the default environment.
Environment Regex Pattern String .* No A regex pattern to run on the value found in the \"Environment Field Name\" field. Default is .* to catch all and return the value unchanged. Used to allow the user to manipulate the environment field via regex logic. If the regex pattern is null or empty, or the environment value is null, the final environment result is the default environment.
Proxy Server Address String No The address of the proxy server to use.
Proxy Username String No The proxy username to authenticate with.
Proxy Password Password No The proxy password to authenticate with.