
Integration version: 14.0

Configure Cylance integration in Google Security Operations SOAR

For detailed instructions on how to configure an integration in Google Security Operations SOAR, see Configure integrations.


Add to Global List


Add a hash to one of the two global lists: GlobalSafe or GlobalQuarantine.


Parameter Name Type Default Value Description
List Type String N/A

The list to add the hash to.

Example: GlobalSafe

Category String N/A The category of the hash.
Reason String N/A The reason for adding the hash to the list.

Run On

This action runs on the Filehash entity.

Action Results

Entity Enrichment




Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON Result

Change Policy


Change the policy of an endpoint to an existing policy.


Parameter Name Type Default Value Description
Policy Name String N/A The new policy name.

Run On

This action runs on the following entities:

  • IP Address
  • Hostname

Action Results

Entity Enrichment




Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON Result

Change Zone


Change the zone for an endpoint (group of endpoints).


Parameter Name Type Default Value Description
Zones to Add String N/A The new Zone to Add. Comma separated.
Zones to Remove String N/A The Zone to be removed. Comma separated.

Run On

This action runs on the following entities:

  • IP Address
  • Hostname

Action Results

Entity Enrichment




Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON Result

Delete From Global List


Remove a hash for the specified global list (GlobalSafe or GlobalQuarantine).


Parameter Name Type Default Value Description
Parameter Type Default Value Description
List Type String N/A

The list to delete the hash from.

Example: GlobalSafe

Run On

This action runs on the Filehash entity.

Action Results

Entity Enrichment




Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON Result

Enrich Entities


Enrich the hostname and IP addresses with extra Cylance data.



Run On

This action runs on the following entities:

  • IP Address
  • Hostname

Action Results

Entity Enrichment
Enrichment Field Name Logic - When to apply
update_available Returns if it exists in JSON result
date_last_modified Returns if it exists in JSON result
distinguished_name Returns if it exists in JSON result
policy Returns if it exists in JSON result
date_offline Returns if it exists in JSON result
ip_addresses Returns if it exists in JSON result
mac_addresses Returns if it exists in JSON result
last_logged_in_user Returns if it exists in JSON result
agent_version Returns if it exists in JSON result
os_version Returns if it exists in JSON result
state Returns if it exists in JSON result
update_type Returns if it exists in JSON result
date_first_registered Returns if it exists in JSON result
host_name Returns if it exists in JSON result
is_safe Returns if it exists in JSON result
background_detection Returns if it exists in JSON result
id Returns if it exists in JSON result
name Returns if it exists in JSON result


Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON Result
       "update_available": false,
       "date_last_modified": "2012-01-16T10:04:27",
       "distinguished_name": "CN=PC-01,CN=Computers,DC=DOMAIN,DC=COM",
           "id": "1413b00e-50bc-4438-base-04935713aabf",
           "name": "A_policy"
      "date_offline": null,
      "ip_addresses": [""],
      "mac_addresses": ["AB-CD-C4-12-A2-73"],
      "last_logged_in_user": "DOMAIN\\\\user",
      "agent_version": "2.0.1510",
      "os_version": "Microsoft Windows 10 Pro",
      "state": "Online",
      "update_type": null,
      "date_first_registered": "2012-03-27T11:35:12",
      "host_name": "PC-01.DOMAIN.COM",
      "is_safe": true,
      "background_detection": false,
      "id": "8e501f3b-d3c3-4549-94af-5b3335af247d",
      "name": "PC-01"
   "Entity": "PC-01"

Get Global List


Retrieve a list of all the hashes in the specified global list (GlobalSafe or GlobalQuarantine).


Parameter Name Type Default Value Description
List Type String N/A

Name of the global list.

Example: GlobalSafe

Run On

This action runs on all entities.

Action Results

Entity Enrichment




Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON Result
        "category": "Drivers",
        "added": "2018-04-01T16:14:01",
        "name": "MaliciousFile.exe",
        "classification": "",
        "sub_classification": "",
        "av_industry": null,
        "reason": "Testing actions",
        "list_type": "GlobalSafe",
        "sha256": "9890B2F415D096B3E5B259C414166C7E0C7C2BE7AB7FBE0C30ACC67AA78D7BC6",
        "cylance_score": -0.999,
        "added_by": "a4366b76-669e-46ac-acb8-67d1d8e2c5ed",
        "md5": "F0D291E88A11CCCF31BC358DCB83ACC2"
        "category": "Drivers",
        "added": "2018-04-01T13:13:03",
        "classification": "",
        "sub_classification": "",
        "av_industry": null,
        "reason": "Testing actions",
        "list_type": "GlobalSafe",
        "sha256": "EB83B77112874E1082BBD529182DD22C5C0BFD2390E4C1584CBE1C50CBB3FD03",
        "cylance_score": -0.999,
        "added_by": "a4366b76-669e-46ac-acb8-67d1d8e2c5ed",
        "md5": "8A1B7AF7A850493D3683C6EC660CA454"

Get Threat


Enrich a hash with data from Cylance.


Parameter Name Type Default Value Description
Threshold String 0

Mark entity as suspicious if the threat Cylance score pass the given threshold.

Example: 3

Run On

This action runs on the Filehash entity.

Action Results

Entity Enrichment

Entities are marked as Suspicious (True) if they exceed the threshold. Else: False.

Enrichment Field Name Logic - When to apply
cylance_score Returns if it exists in JSON result
name Returns if it exists in JSON result
classification Returns if it exists in JSON result
last_found Returns if it exists in JSON result
av_industry Returns if it exists in JSON result
unique_to_cylance Returns if it exists in JSON result
global_quarantined Returns if it exists in JSON result
file_size Returns if it exists in JSON result
safelisted Returns if it exists in JSON result
sha256 Returns if it exists in JSON result
md5 Returns if it exists in JSON result
sub_classification Returns if it exists in JSON result


Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON Result
      "cylance_score": -1.0,
      "name": "mpress.exe",
      "classification": "Trusted",
      "last_found": "2018-03-28T20:34:44",
      "av_industry": null,
      "unique_to_cylance": true,
      "global_quarantined": false,
      "file_size": 103424,
      "safelisted": false,
      "sha256": "2852680C94A9D68CDAB285012D9328A1CECA290DB60C9E35155C2BB3E46A41B4",
      "md5": "8B632BFC3FE653A510CBA277C2D699D1",
      "sub_classification": "Local"
  "Entity": "8B632BFC3FE653A510CBA277C2D699D1"

Get Threat Devices


Get threats associated to a particular hostname or an IP address.



Run On

This action runs on the Filehash entity.

Action Results

Entity Enrichment
Enrichment Field Name Logic - When to apply
name Returns if it exists in JSON result
ip_addresses Returns if it exists in JSON result
mac_addresses Returns if it exists in JSON result
id Returns if it exists in JSON result
state Returns if it exists in JSON result
date_found Returns if it exists in JSON result
file_status Returns if it exists in JSON result
agent_version Returns if it exists in JSON result
file_path Returns if it exists in JSON result


Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON Result
       "name": "DESKTOP-CL0OJIN",
       "ip_addresses": ["", ""],
       "mac_addresses": ["02-00-4C-4F-4F-50", "CC-2F-71-24-2D-59"],
       "id": "0805c701-009b-4d2a-8d52-142e3af38c33",
       "state": "OffLine",
       "date_found": "2018-03-28T20:34:44",
       "file_status": "Quarantined",
       "agent_version": "2.0.1480",
       "file_path": "C:\\\\Users\\\\Daniel\\\\Downloads\\\\mpress.219\\\\mpress.exe", "policy_id": "1429b00e-50bc-4038-bcae-04935713aabf"
   "Entity": "2852680c94a9d68cdab285012d9328a1ceca290db60c9e35155c2bb3e46a41b4"


Get the download link of a threat file for further use and sandboxing from Cylance to Google Security Operations SOAR.


Parameter Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Threat SHA256 Hash




Threat SHA256 hashes, in a comma separated list. Note: If parameter value will be left empty, action will use file hash entities as input.

Run On

This action runs on the Filehash entity.

Action Results

Entity Enrichment
Enrichment Field Name Logic - When to apply
Clyance_dl When available in JSON
Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
Case Wall
Result type Value/Description Type
Output message*

The action should not fail nor stop a playbook execution:

if successful: print "Successfully fetched download link for following hashes: {file_hash_list}"

If file hash not found: print "Action could not fetch download link for following hashes: {file_hash_list}"

If none of the file hashes was found: print "No Download links were fetched"

The action should fail and stop a playbook execution:

if not successful: (400 - bad request, 401- unauthorized, 403 forbidden, 500 internal server error): print "Error executing action "Get Threat Download Link". Reason: {0}''.format(error.Stacktrace)


Get Threats


Retrieve a list of all the available threats in the system.



Run On

This action runs on all entities.

Action Results

Entity Enrichment




Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON Result
        "cylance_score": -0.999,
        "name": "BADguyFILE.exe",
        "classification": "",
        "last_found": "2018-03-29T14:26:56",
        "av_industry": null,
        "unique_to_cylance": false,
        "global_quarantined": false,
        "sub_classification": "",
        "file_size": 31246,
        "safelisted": false,
        "sha256": "19D51872FEC52363589C46E869B9A7A7EC567CB2AED6DBF9B206FC04AE7361DA",
        "md5": "859214628259F59A1DD3ABE8C3201346"
        "cylance_score": -1.0,
        "name": "mpress.exe",
        "classification": "Trusted",
        "last_found": "2018-03-28T20:34:44",
        "av_industry": null,
        "unique_to_cylance": true,
        "global_quarantined": false,
        "sub_classification": "Local",
        "file_size": 103424,
        "safelisted": false,
        md5": "8B632BFC3FE653A510CBA277C2D699D1"


Cylance Connector



Connector Parameters

Parameter Name Type Default Value Description
DeviceProductField 2 device_product The field name used to determine the device product.
EventClassId 2 N/A The field name used to determine the event name (sub-type).
PythonProcessTimeout 2 60 The timeout limit (in seconds) for the python process running current script.
API Root 2 N/A
Application Secret 3 N/A Used to sign the Application ID.
Application ID 2 N/A Used to indicate the token requested.
Tenant Identifier 2 N/A ID number of tenant information being queried.
Proxy Server Address 2 N/A The address of the proxy server to use.
Proxy Username 2 N/A The proxy username to authenticate with.
Proxy Password 3 N/A The proxy password to authenticate with.

Connector Rules


Connector doesn't support Blacklist/Whitelist rule.

Proxy support

Connector supports Proxy.