收集 Zscaler ZPA 日志
本文档介绍了如何通过设置 Bindplane 代理导出 Zscaler ZPA 日志,以及日志字段如何映射到 Google SecOps 统一数据模型 (UDM) 字段。
如需了解详情,请参阅将数据提取到 Google SecOps 概览。
典型的部署包括 Zscaler ZPA 和配置为将日志发送到 Google SecOps 的 Bindplane 代理。每个客户部署都可能不同,并且可能更复杂。
Zscaler ZPA:您收集日志的平台。
Bindplane 代理:Bindplane 代理会从 Zscaler ZPA 提取日志,并将日志发送到 Google SecOps。
Google SecOps:保留和分析日志。
注入标签标识将原始日志数据标准化为结构化 UDM 格式的解析器。本文档中的信息适用于具有 ZSCALER_ZPA
- 确保您有权访问 Zscaler 专用访问控制台。如需了解详情,请参阅安全专用访问 (ZPA) 帮助
- 确保您使用的是 Zscaler ZPA 2024 或更高版本。
- 确保部署架构中的所有系统都使用世界协调时间 (UTC) 时区进行配置。
在 Zscaler Private Access 中配置日志接收器
如需在 Zscaler Private Access 中配置和管理 Log Receiver,请按以下步骤操作:
- 依次选择配置和控制 > 专用基础架构 > 日志流式传输服务 > 日志接收器。
- 点击添加日志接收器。
- 在日志接收器标签页中,执行以下操作:
- 在名称字段中,输入日志接收器的名称。
- 在说明字段中,输入说明。
- 在 Domain or IP Address(网域或 IP 地址)字段中,输入日志接收器的完全限定域名 (FQDN) 或 IP 地址。
- 在 TCP 端口字段中,输入日志接收器使用的 TCP 端口号。
- 在 TLS 加密中选择加密类型,以启用或停用应用连接器和日志接收器之间的流量加密。默认情况下,此设置处于停用状态。
- 在应用连接器组列表中,选择可以将日志转发到接收器的组。
- 点击下一步。
- 从菜单中选择日志类型。
- 从菜单中选择日志模板。
- 复制并粘贴日志流内容,然后添加新字段。确保键名称与实际字段名称一致。 以下是每种日志类型的默认日志流内容设置:
{"LogTimestamp": %j{LogTimestamp:time},"Customer": %j{Customer},"SessionID": %j{SessionID},"ConnectionID": %j{ConnectionID},"InternalReason": %j{InternalReason},"ConnectionStatus": %j{ConnectionStatus},"IPProtocol": %d{IPProtocol},"DoubleEncryption": %d{DoubleEncryption},"Username": %j{Username},"ServicePort": %d{ServicePort},"ClientPublicIP": %j{ClientPublicIP},"ClientPrivateIP": %j{ClientPrivateIP},"ClientLatitude": %f{ClientLatitude},"ClientLongitude": %f{ClientLongitude},"ClientCountryCode": %j{ClientCountryCode},"ClientZEN": %j{ClientZEN},"Policy": %j{Policy},"Connector": %j{Connector},"ConnectorZEN": %j{ConnectorZEN},"ConnectorIP": %j{ConnectorIP},"ConnectorPort": %d{ConnectorPort},"Host": %j{Host},"Application": %j{Application},"AppGroup": %j{AppGroup},"Server": %j{Server},"ServerIP": %j{ServerIP},"ServerPort": %d{ServerPort},"PolicyProcessingTime": %d{PolicyProcessingTime},"ServerSetupTime": %d{ServerSetupTime},"TimestampConnectionStart": %j{TimestampConnectionStart:iso8601},"TimestampConnectionEnd": %j{TimestampConnectionEnd:iso8601},"TimestampCATx": %j{TimestampCATx:iso8601},"TimestampCARx": %j{TimestampCARx:iso8601},"TimestampAppLearnStart": %j{TimestampAppLearnStart:iso8601},"TimestampZENFirstRxClient": %j{TimestampZENFirstRxClient:iso8601},"TimestampZENFirstTxClient": %j{TimestampZENFirstTxClient:iso8601},"TimestampZENLastRxClient": %j{TimestampZENLastRxClient:iso8601},"TimestampZENLastTxClient": %j{TimestampZENLastTxClient:iso8601},"TimestampConnectorZENSetupComplete": %j{TimestampConnectorZENSetupComplete:iso8601},"TimestampZENFirstRxConnector": %j{TimestampZENFirstRxConnector:iso8601},"TimestampZENFirstTxConnector": %j{TimestampZENFirstTxConnector:iso8601},"TimestampZENLastRxConnector": %j{TimestampZENLastRxConnector:iso8601},"TimestampZENLastTxConnector": %j{TimestampZENLastTxConnector:iso8601},"ZENTotalBytesRxClient": %d{ZENTotalBytesRxClient},"ZENBytesRxClient": %d{ZENBytesRxClient},"ZENTotalBytesTxClient": %d{ZENTotalBytesTxClient},"ZENBytesTxClient": %d{ZENBytesTxClient},"ZENTotalBytesRxConnector": %d{ZENTotalBytesRxConnector},"ZENBytesRxConnector": %d{ZENBytesRxConnector},"ZENTotalBytesTxConnector": %d{ZENTotalBytesTxConnector},"ZENBytesTxConnector": %d{ZENBytesTxConnector},"Idp": %j{Idp},"ClientToClient": %j{c2c},"ClientCity": %j{ClientCity},"MicroTenantID": %j{MicroTenantID},"AppMicroTenantID": %j{AppMicroTenantID}}\n
{"LogTimestamp": %j{LogTimestamp:time},"Customer": %j{Customer},"Username": %j{Username},"SessionID": %j{SessionID},"SessionStatus": %j{SessionStatus},"Version": %j{Version},"ZEN": %j{ZEN},"CertificateCN": %j{CertificateCN},"PrivateIP": %j{PrivateIP},"PublicIP": %j{PublicIP},"Latitude": %f{Latitude},"Longitude": %f{Longitude},"CountryCode": %j{CountryCode},"TimestampAuthentication": %j{TimestampAuthentication:iso8601},"TimestampUnAuthentication": %j{TimestampUnAuthentication:iso8601},"TotalBytesRx": %d{TotalBytesRx},"TotalBytesTx": %d{TotalBytesTx},"Idp": %j{Idp},"Hostname": %j{Hostname},"Platform": %j{Platform},"ClientType": %j{ClientType},"TrustedNetworks": [%j(,){TrustedNetworks}],"TrustedNetworksNames": [%j(,){TrustedNetworksNames}],"SAMLAttributes": %j{SAMLAttributes},"PosturesHit": [%j(,){PosturesHit}],"PosturesMiss": [%j(,){PosturesMiss}],"ZENLatitude": %f{ZENLatitude},"ZENLongitude": %f{ZENLongitude},"ZENCountryCode": %j{ZENCountryCode},"FQDNRegistered": %j{fqdn_registered},"FQDNRegisteredError": %j{fqdn_register_error},"City": %j{City},"MicroTenantID": %j{MicroTenantID}}\n
Private Service Edge 状态:
{"LogTimestamp": %j{LogTimestamp:time},"Customer": %j{Customer},"SessionID": %j{SessionID},"SessionType": %j{SessionType},"SessionStatus": %j{SessionStatus},"Version": %j{Version},"PackageVersion": %j{PackageVersion},"Platform": %j{Platform},"ZEN": %j{ZEN},"ServiceEdge": %j{ServiceEdge},"ServiceEdgeGroup": %j{ServiceEdgeGroup},"PrivateIP": %j{PrivateIP},"PublicIP": %j{PublicIP},"Latitude": %f{Latitude},"Longitude": %f{Longitude},"CountryCode": %j{CountryCode},"TimestampAuthentication": %j{TimestampAuthentication:iso8601},"TimestampUnAuthentication": %j{TimestampUnAuthentication:iso8601},"CPUUtilization": %d{CPUUtilization},"MemUtilization": %d{MemUtilization},"InterfaceDefRoute": %j{InterfaceDefRoute},"DefRouteGW": %j{DefRouteGW},"PrimaryDNSResolver": %j{PrimaryDNSResolver},"HostUpTime": %j{HostUpTime},"ServiceEdgeStartTime": %j{ServiceEdgeStartTime},"NumOfInterfaces": %d{NumOfInterfaces},"BytesRxInterface": %d{BytesRxInterface},"PacketsRxInterface": %d{PacketsRxInterface},"ErrorsRxInterface": %d{ErrorsRxInterface},"DiscardsRxInterface": %d{DiscardsRxInterface},"BytesTxInterface": %d{BytesTxInterface},"PacketsTxInterface": %d{PacketsTxInterface},"ErrorsTxInterface": %d{ErrorsTxInterface},"DiscardsTxInterface": %d{DiscardsTxInterface},"TotalBytesRx": %d{TotalBytesRx},"TotalBytesTx": %d{TotalBytesTx},"MicroTenantID": %j{MicroTenantID}}\n
{"LogTimestamp": %j{LogTimestamp:time},"Customer": %j{Customer},"SessionID": %j{SessionID},"SessionType": %j{SessionType},"SessionStatus": %j{SessionStatus},"Version": %j{Version},"Platform": %j{Platform},"ZEN": %j{ZEN},"Connector": %j{Connector},"ConnectorGroup": %j{ConnectorGroup},"PrivateIP": %j{PrivateIP},"PublicIP": %j{PublicIP},"Latitude": %f{Latitude},"Longitude": %f{Longitude},"CountryCode": %j{CountryCode},"TimestampAuthentication": %j{TimestampAuthentication:iso8601},"TimestampUnAuthentication": %j{TimestampUnAuthentication:iso8601},"CPUUtilization": %d{CPUUtilization},"MemUtilization": %d{MemUtilization},"ServiceCount": %d{ServiceCount},"InterfaceDefRoute": %j{InterfaceDefRoute},"DefRouteGW": %j{DefRouteGW},"PrimaryDNSResolver": %j{PrimaryDNSResolver},"HostStartTime": %j{HostStartTime},"ConnectorStartTime": %j{ConnectorStartTime},"NumOfInterfaces": %d{NumOfInterfaces},"BytesRxInterface": %d{BytesRxInterface},"PacketsRxInterface": %d{PacketsRxInterface},"ErrorsRxInterface": %d{ErrorsRxInterface},"DiscardsRxInterface": %d{DiscardsRxInterface},"BytesTxInterface": %d{BytesTxInterface},"PacketsTxInterface": %d{PacketsTxInterface},"ErrorsTxInterface": %d{ErrorsTxInterface},"DiscardsTxInterface": %d{DiscardsTxInterface},"TotalBytesRx": %d{TotalBytesRx},"TotalBytesTx": %d{TotalBytesTx},"MicroTenantID": %j{MicroTenantID}}\n
{"LogTimestamp":%j{LogTimestamp:time},"Connector":%j{Connector},"CPUUtilization":%j{CPUUtilization},"SystemMemoryUtilization":%j{SystemMemoryUtilization},"ProcessMemoryUtilization":%j{ProcessMemoryUtilization},"AppCount":%j{AppCount},"ServiceCount":%j{ServiceCount},"TargetCount":%j{TargetCount},"AliveTargetCount":%j{AliveTargetCount},"ActiveConnectionsToPublicSE":%j{ActiveConnectionsToPublicSE},"DisconnectedConnectionsToPublicSE":%j{DisconnectedConnectionsToPublicSE},"ActiveConnectionsToPrivateSE":%j{ActiveConnectionsToPrivateSE},"DisconnectedConnectionsToPrivateSE":%j{DisconnectedConnectionsToPrivateSE},"TransmittedBytesToPublicSE":%j{TransmittedBytesToPublicSE},"ReceivedBytesFromPublicSE":%j{ReceivedBytesFromPublicSE},"TransmittedBytesToPrivateSE":%j{TransmittedBytesToPrivateSE},"ReceivedBytesFromPrivateSE":%j{ReceivedBytesFromPrivateSE},"AppConnectionsCreated":%j{AppConnectionsCreated},"AppConnectionsCleared":%j{AppConnectionsCleared},"AppConnectionsActive":%j{AppConnectionsActive},"UsedTCPPortsIPv4":%j{UsedTCPPortsIPv4},"UsedUDPPortsIPv4":%j{UsedUDPPortsIPv4},"UsedTCPPortsIPv6":%j{UsedTCPPortsIPv6},"UsedUDPPortsIPv6":%j{UsedUDPPortsIPv6},"AvailablePorts":%j{AvailablePorts},"SystemMaximumFileDescriptors":%j{SystemMaximumFileDescriptors},"SystemUsedFileDescriptors":%j{SystemUsedFileDescriptors},"ProcessMaximumFileDescriptors":%j{ProcessMaximumFileDescriptors},"ProcessUsedFileDescriptors":%j{ProcessUsedFileDescriptors},"AvailableDiskBytes":%j{AvailableDiskBytes},"MicroTenantID": %j{MicroTenantID}}\n
{"LogTimestamp": %j{LogTimestamp:time},"Customer": %j{Customer},"ConnectionID": %j{ConnectionID},"UserID": %j{UserID},"AssistantID": %j{AssistantID},"ExchangeSequenceIndex": %d{ExchangeSequenceIndex},"TimestampRequestReceiveStart": %d{TimestampRequestReceiveStart},"TimestampRequestReceiveHeaderFinish": %d{TimestampRequestReceiveHeaderFinish},"TimestampRequestReceiveFinish": %d{TimestampRequestReceiveFinish},"TimestampRequestTransmitStart": %d{TimestampRequestTransmitStart},"TimestampRequestTransmitFinish": %d{TimestampRequestTransmitFinish},"TimestampResponseReceiveFinish": %d{TimestampResponseReceiveFinish},"TimestampResponseTransmitStart": %d{TimestampResponseTransmitStart},"TimestampResponseTransmitFinish": %d{TimestampResponseTransmitFinish},"TotalTimeRequestReceive": %d{TotalTimeRequestReceive},"TotalTimeRequestTransmit": %d{TotalTimeRequestTransmit},"TotalTimeResponseReceive": %d{TotalTimeResponseReceive},"TotalTimeResponseTransmit": %d{TotalTimeResponseTransmit},"Domain": %j{Domain},"Method": %j{Method},"Protocol": %j{Protocol},"ProtocolVersion": %j{ProtocolVersion},"ContentType": %j{ContentType},"ContentEncoding": %j{ContentEncoding},"TransferEncoding": %j{TransferEncoding},"Host": %j{Host},"Destination": %j{Destination},"OriginDomain": %j{OriginDomain},"URL": %j{URL},"UserAgent": %j{UserAgent},"HTTPError": %j{HTTPError},"ClientPublicIp": %j{ClientPublicIp},"ClientPort": %d{ClientPort},"UpgradeHeaderPresent": %d{UpgradeHeaderPresent},"StatusCode": %d{StatusCode},"RequestHdrSize": %d{RequestHdrSize},"ResponseHdrSize": %d{ResponseHdrSize},"RequestBodySize": %d{RequestBodySize},"ResponseBodySize": %d{ResponseBodySize},"Application": %d{Application},"ApplicationGroup": %d{ApplicationGroup},"InspectionPolicy": %d{InspectionPolicy},"InspectionProfile": %d{InspectionProfile},"ParanoiaLevel": %d{ParanoiaLevel},"InspectionControlsHitCount": %d{InspectionControlsHitCount},"InspectionRuleProcessingTime": %d{InspectionRuleProcessingTime},"InspectionReqHeadersProcessingTime": %d{InspectionReqHeadersProcessingTime},"InspectionReqBodyProcessingTime": %d{InspectionReqBodyProcessingTime},"InspectionRespHeadersProcessingTime": %d{InspectionRespHeadersProcessingTime},"InspectionRespBodyProcessingTime": %d{InspectionRespBodyProcessingTime},"CertificateId": %d{CertificateId},"DoubleEncryption": %d{DoubleEncryption},"SSLInspection": %d{SSLInspection},"TotalBytesProcessed": %d{TotalBytesProcessed},"InspectionControls": [%j(,){InspectionControlArray}],"InspectionControlTypes": [%j(,){ControlTypeArray}],"InspectionControlCategories": [%j(,){InspectionControlCategories}],"Actions": [%j(,){Actions}],"Severities": [%j(,){SeveritiesArray}],"Descriptions": [%j(,){DescriptiveExplanationsArray}]}\n
Private Service Edge 指标:
- 在日志流内容中修改日志流内容,以创建自定义日志模板。
- 在 SAML 属性中,点击选择 IdP,然后选择要添加到政策中的 IdP 配置。
- 在应用细分受众群菜单中,选择要添加的应用细分受众群,然后点击完成。
- 在细分组菜单中,选择要添加的细分组,然后点击完成。
- 在客户端类型菜单中,选择要包含的客户端类型,然后点击完成。
- 在会话状态菜单中,选择要排除的会话状态代码,然后点击完成。
- 点击下一步。
Gold 解析器仅支持 JSON 日志格式,因此在配置日志流时,请务必从菜单中选择 JSON 作为日志模板。
- 依次选择控制 > 专用基础架构 > 日志流式传输服务 > 日志接收器。
- 在表格中,找到要修改的日志接收器,然后点击复制。
- 在添加日志接收器窗口中,根据需要修改字段。如需详细了解每个字段,请参阅添加日志接收器部分中的相应步骤。
- 点击保存。
- 依次选择控制 > 专用基础架构 > 日志流式传输服务 > 日志接收器。
- 在表格中,找到要修改的日志接收器,然后点击修改。
- 在修改日志接收器窗口中,根据需要修改字段。如需详细了解每个字段,请参阅添加日志接收器部分中的相应步骤。
- 点击保存。
- 依次选择控制 > 专用基础架构 > 日志流式传输服务 > 日志接收器。
- 在表格中,找到要修改的日志接收器,然后点击删除。
- 在确认窗口中,点击删除。
使用 Bindplane 代理将日志转发到 Google SecOps
- 安装并设置 Linux 虚拟机。
- 在 Linux 上安装并配置 Bindplane 代理,以将日志转发到 Google SecOps。如需详细了解如何安装和配置 Bindplane 代理,请参阅 Bindplane 代理安装和配置说明。
如果您在创建 Feed 时遇到问题,请与 Google SecOps 支持团队联系。
UDM 映射表
日志类型的日志字段及其对应的 UDM 字段。
Log field | UDM mapping | Logic |
metadata.vendor_name |
The metadata.vendor_name UDM field is set to Zscaler . |
metadata.product_name |
The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Private Access . |
metadata.event_type |
If the InternalReason log field value contain one of the following values, then the metadata.event_type UDM field is set to NETWORK_CONNECTION .
target log field value is not empty and the SessionStatus log field value is equal to ZPN_STATUS_AUTHENTICATED , then the metadata.event_type UDM field is set to USER_LOGIN .Else, if the target log field value is not empty and the SessionStatus log field value is equal to ZPN_STATUS_DISCONNECTED , then the metadata.event_type UDM field is set to USER_LOGOUT .Else, if the principal.ip log field value is not empty or the principal.mac log field value is not empty or the principal.hostname log field value is not empty or the principal.asset_id log field value is not empty, then the metadata.event_type UDM field is set to STATUS_UPDATE . |
UserID |
principal.user.email_addresses |
If the UserID log field value matches the regular expression pattern (^.*@.*$) , then the UserID log field is mapped to the principal.user.email_addresses UDM field. |
UserID |
principal.user.userid |
If the UserID log field value matches the regular expression pattern (^.*@.*$) , then the UserID log field is mapped to the principal.user.userid UDM field. |
UserID |
principal.user.user_display_name |
If the UserID log field value does not match the regular expression pattern (^.*@.*$) , then the UserID log field is mapped to the principal.user.user_display_name UDM field. |
UserID |
target.user.email_addresses |
If the InternalReason log field value contain one of the following values, then if the UserID log field value matches the regular expression pattern (^.*@.*$) , then the UserID log field is mapped to the target.user.email_addresses UDM field.
UserID |
target.user.userid |
If the InternalReason log field value contain one of the following values, then if the UserID log field value matches the regular expression pattern (^.*@.*$) , then the UserID log field is mapped to the target.user.userid UDM field.
UserID |
target.user.user_display_name |
If the InternalReason log field value contain one of the following values, then if the UserID log field value does not match the regular expression pattern (^.*@.*$) , then the UserID log field is mapped to the target.user.user_display_name UDM field.
AssistantID |
additional.fields[assistant_id] |
ExchangeSequenceIndex |
additional.fields[exchange_sequence_index] |
TimestampRequestReceiveStart |
additional.fields[timestamp_request_receive_start] |
TimestampRequestReceiveHeaderFinish |
additional.fields[timestamp_request_receive_header_finish] |
TimestampRequestReceiveFinish |
additional.fields[timestamp_request_receive_finish] |
TimestampRequestTransmitStart |
additional.fields[timestamp_request_transmit_start] |
TimestampRequestTransmitFinish |
additional.fields[timestamp_request_transmit_finish] |
TimestampResponseReceiveStart |
additional.fields[timestamp_response_receive_start] |
TimestampResponseReceiveFinish |
additional.fields[timestamp_response_receive_finish] |
TimestampResponseTransmitStart |
additional.fields[timestamp_response_transmit_start] |
TimestampResponseTransmitFinish |
additional.fields[timestamp_response_transmit_finish] |
TotalTimeRequestReceive |
additional.fields[total_time_request_receive] |
TotalTimeRequestTransmit |
additional.fields[total_time_request_transmit] |
TotalTimeResponseReceive |
additional.fields[total_time_response_receive] |
TotalTimeResponseTransmit |
additional.fields[total_time_response_transmit] |
Method |
principal.network.http.method |
Domain |
principal.network.dns_domain |
Protocol |
additional.fields[protocol] |
If the Protocol log field value does not contain one of the following values, then the Protocol log field is mapped to the principal.network.application_protocol UDM field.
Protocol |
principal.network.application_protocol |
If the Protocol log field value contain one of the following values, then the Protocol log field is mapped to the principal.network.application_protocol UDM field.
ProtocolVersion |
additional.fields[protocol_version] |
ContentType |
additional.fields[content_type] |
ContentEncoding |
additional.fields[content_encoding] |
TransferEncoding |
additional.fields[transfer_encoding] |
OriginDomain |
target.network.dns_domain |
principal.network.http.referral_url |
UserAgent |
principal.network.http.user_agent |
HTTPError |
additional.fields[http_status] |
ClientPort |
principal.port |
UpgradeHeaderPresent |
additional.fields[upgrade_header_present] |
RequestHdrSize |
additional.fields[request_hdr_size] |
ResponseHdrSize |
additional.fields[response_hdr_size] |
RequestBodySize |
additional.fields[request_body_size] |
ResponseBodySize |
additional.fields[response_body_size] |
ApplicationGroup |
target.group.group_display_name |
InspectionPolicy |
additional.fields[inspection_policy] |
InspectionProfile |
additional.fields[inspection_profile] |
ParanoiaLevel |
additional.fields[paranoia_level] |
InspectionControlsHitCount |
additional.fields[inspection_controls_hit_count] |
InspectionRuleProcessingTime |
additional.fields[inspection_rule_processing_time] |
InspectionReqHeadersProcessingTime |
additional.fields[inspection_req_headers_processing_time] |
InspectionReqBodyProcessingTime |
additional.fields[inspection_req_body_processing_time] |
InspectionRespHeadersProcessingTime |
additional.fields[inspection_resp_headers_processing_time] |
InspectionRespBodyProcessingTime |
additional.fields[inspection_resp_body_processing_time] |
CertificateId |
additional.fields[certificate_id] |
SSLInspection |
additional.fields[ssl_inspection] |
TotalBytesProcessed |
additional.fields[total_bytes_processed] |
AppLearnTime |
additional.fields[app_learn_time] |
CAProcessingTime |
additional.fields[ca_processing_time] |
ConnectionSetupTime |
additional.fields[connection_setup_time] |
ConnectorZENSetupTime |
additional.fields[connector_zen_setup_time] |
PRAApprovalID |
additional.fields[pra_approval_id] |
PRACapabilityPolicyID |
additional.fields[pra_capability_policy_id] |
PRAConnectionID |
additional.fields[pra_connection_id] |
PRAConsoleType |
additional.fields[pra_console_type] |
PRACredentialLoginType |
additional.fields[pra_credential_login_type] |
PRACredentialPolicyID |
additional.fields[pra_credential_policy_id] |
PRACredentialUserName |
additional.fields[pra_credential_user_name] |
PRAErrorStatus |
additional.fields[pra_error_status] |
PRAFileTransferList |
additional.fields[pra_file_transfer_list] |
PRARecordingStatus |
additional.fields[pra_recording_status] |
PRASessionType |
additional.fields[pra_session_type] |
PRASharedMode |
additional.fields[pra_shared_mode] |
PRASharedUserList |
additional.fields[pra_shared_user_list] |
ZENBytesRxClient |
intermediary.resource.attribute.labels[zen_bytes_rx_client] |
ZENBytesRxConnector |
intermediary.resource.attribute.labels[zen_bytes_rx_connector] |
ZENBytesTxClient |
intermediary.resource.attribute.labels[zen_bytes_tx_client] |
ZENTotalBytesRxConnector |
intermediary.resource.attribute.labels[zen_total_bytes_rx_connector] |
ZENBytesTxConnector |
target.network.sent_bytes |
ZENTotalBytesTxConnector |
intermediary.resource.attribute.labels[zen_total_bytes_tx_connector] |
LogTimestamp |
metadata.event_timestamp |
If the LogTimestamp log field value is not empty, then the LogTimestamp log field is mapped to the metadata.event_timestamp UDM field. |
TimestampConnectionStart |
metadata.event_timestamp |
If the LogTimestamp log field value is not empty, then else, if the TimestampAuthentication log field value is not empty, then else, if the TimestampUnAuthentication log field value is not empty, then else, if the TimestampConnectionStart log field value is not empty, then the TimestampConnectionStart log field is mapped to the metadata.event_timestamp UDM field. |
Customer |
additional.fields[customer] |
SessionID |
network.session_id |
ConnectionID |
additional.fields[connection_id] |
InternalReason |
metadata.product_event_type |
The InternalReason log field is mapped to the metadata.product_event_type UDM field. |
SessionStatus |
metadata.product_event_type |
If the InternalReason log field value is empty, then the SessionStatus log field is mapped to the metadata.product_event_type UDM field. |
ConnectionStatus |
security_result.about.labels[connection_status] |
network.ip_protocol |
If the IPProtocol log field value contain one of the following values, then if the IPProtocol log field value is equal to 88 , then the network.ip_protocol UDM field is set to EIGRP . Else, if the IPProtocol log field value is equal to 50 , then the network.ip_protocol UDM field is set to ESP .Else, if the IPProtocol log field value is equal to 97 , then the network.ip_protocol UDM field is set to ETHERIP .Else, if the IPProtocol log field value is equal to 47 , then the network.ip_protocol UDM field is set to GRE .Else, if the IPProtocol log field value is equal to 1 , then the network.ip_protocol UDM field is set to ICMP .Else, if the IPProtocol log field value is equal to 58 , then the network.ip_protocol UDM field is set to ICMP6 .Else, if the IPProtocol log field value is equal to 2 , then the network.ip_protocol UDM field is set to IGMP .Else, if the IPProtocol log field value is equal to 41 , then the network.ip_protocol UDM field is set to IP6IN4 .Else, if the IPProtocol log field value is equal to 103 , then the network.ip_protocol UDM field is set to PIM .Else, if the IPProtocol log field value is equal to 132 , then the network.ip_protocol UDM field is set to SCTP .Else, if the IPProtocol log field value is equal to 6 , then the network.ip_protocol UDM field is set to TCP .Else, if the IPProtocol log field value is equal to 17 , then the network.ip_protocol UDM field is set to UDP .Else, if the IPProtocol log field value is equal to 0 , then the network.ip_protocol UDM field is set to UNKNOWN_IP_IPPROTOCOL .Else, if the IPProtocol log field value is equal to 112 , then the network.ip_protocol UDM field is set to VRRP .
DoubleEncryption |
additional.fields[double_encryption] |
If the DoubleEncryption log field value is equal to 0 or the DoubleEncryption log field value is equal to "0" , then else, if the DoubleEncryption log field value is equal to 1 or the DoubleEncryption log field value is equal to "1" , then else, the DoubleEncryption log field is mapped to the additional.fields.double_encryption UDM field. |
Username |
principal.user.email_addresses |
If the InternalReason log field value does not contain one of the following values, then if the Username log field value matches the regular expression pattern (^.*@.*$) , then the Username log field is mapped to the principal.user.email_addresses UDM field.
Username |
principal.user.userid |
If the InternalReason log field value does not contain one of the following values, then if the Username log field value matches the regular expression pattern (^.*@.*$) , then the Username log field is mapped to the principal.user.userid UDM field.
Username |
principal.user.user_display_name |
If the InternalReason log field value does not contain one of the following values, then if the Username log field value does not match the regular expression pattern (^.*@.*$) , then the Username log field is mapped to the principal.user.user_display_name UDM field.
Username |
target.user.email_addresses |
If the InternalReason log field value contain one of the following values, then if the Username log field value matches the regular expression pattern (^.*@.*$) , then the Username log field is mapped to the target.user.email_addresses UDM field.
Username |
target.user.userid |
If the InternalReason log field value contain one of the following values, then if the Username log field value matches the regular expression pattern (^.*@.*$) , then the Username log field is mapped to the target.user.userid UDM field.
Username |
target.user.user_display_name |
If the InternalReason log field value contain one of the following values, then if the Username log field value does not match the regular expression pattern (^.*@.*$) , then the Username log field is mapped to the target.user.user_display_name UDM field.
ServicePort |
principal.port |
ClientPublicIp |
principal.nat_ip |
PublicIP |
principal.nat_ip |
ClientPublicIP |
principal.nat_ip |
ClientPrivateIp |
principal.ip |
PrivateIP |
principal.ip |
ClientPrivateIP |
principal.ip |
ClientLatitude |
principal.location.region_coordinates.latitude |
Latitude |
principal.location.region_coordinates.latitude |
ClientLongitude |
principal.location.region_coordinates.longitude |
Longitude |
principal.location.region_coordinates.longitude |
ClientCountryCode |
principal.location.country_or_region |
CountryCode |
principal.location.country_or_region |
ClientZEN |
additional.fields[client_zen] |
Policy |
security_result.rule_name |
Policy |
metadata.description |
Connector |
intermediary.application |
ConnectorZEN |
additional.fields[connector_zen] |
ConnectorIP |
intermediary.ip |
ConnectorPort |
intermediary.port |
Host |
target.hostname |
Application |
target.application |
If the Application log field value is not empty, then the Application log field is mapped to the target.application UDM field. |
AppGroup |
target.user.group_identifiers |
If the AppGroup log field value is not empty, then the AppGroup log field is mapped to the target.user.group_identifiers UDM field. |
Server |
security_result.detection_fields[server] |
ServerIP |
target.ip |
PolicyProcessingTime |
additional.fields[policy_processing_time] |
ServerSetupTime |
additional.fields[server_setup_time] |
TimestampConnectionEnd |
additional.fields[timestamp_connection_end] |
TimestampCATx |
additional.fields[timestamp_ca_tx] |
TimestampCARx |
additional.fields[timestamp_ca_rx] |
TimestampAppLearnStart |
additional.fields[timestamp_app_learn_start] |
TimestampZENFirstRxClient |
additional.fields[timestamp_zen_first_rx_client] |
TimestampZENFirstTxClient |
additional.fields[timestamp_zen_first_tx_client] |
TimestampZENLastRxClient |
additional.fields[timestamp_zen_last_rx_client] |
TimestampZENLastTxClient |
additional.fields[timestamp_zen_last_tx_client] |
TimestampConnectorZENSetupComplete |
additional.fields[timestamp_connector_zen_setup_complete] |
TimestampZENFirstRxConnector |
additional.fields[timestamp_zen_first_rx_connector] |
TimestampZENFirstTxConnector |
additional.fields[timestamp_zen_first_tx_connector] |
TimestampZENLastRxConnector |
additional.fields[timestamp_zen_last_rx_connector] |
TimestampZENLastTxConnector |
additional.fields[timestamp_zen_last_tx_connector] |
Idp |
additional.fields[idp] |
ClientToClient |
additional.fields[client_to_client] |
ClientCity |
principal.location.city |
City |
principal.location.city |
AppMicroTenantID |
additional.fields[app_micro_tenant_id] |
MicroTenantID |
additional.fields[micro_tenant_id] |
Version |
additional.fields[version] |
additional.fields[zen] |
CertificateCN |
security_result.detection_fields[certificate_cn] |
TotalBytesRx |
principal.network.received_bytes |
TotalBytesTx |
principal.network.sent_bytes |
Hostname |
principal.hostname |
principal.platform |
If the Platform log field value matches the regular expression pattern .(Windows|windows|WINDOWS|Win|win) , then the principal.platform UDM field is set to WINDOWS .Else, if the Platform log field value matches the regular expression pattern . (MAC|mac|Mac) , then the principal.platform UDM field is set to MAC .Else, if the Platform log field value matches the regular expression pattern .*(Linux|linux|LINUX) , then the principal.platform UDM field is set to LINUX . |
ClientType |
principal.application |
TrustedNetworks |
principal.security_result.detection_fields[trusted_networks] |
TrustedNetworksNames |
principal.security_result.detection_fields[trusted_networks_names] |
SAMLAttributes |
additional.fields[saml_attributes] |
PosturesHit |
principal.security_result.detection_fields[postures_hit] |
PosturesMiss |
principal.security_result.detection_fields[postures_miss] |
ZENLatitude |
intermediary.location.region_coordinates.latitude |
ZENLongitude |
intermediary.location.region_coordinates.longitude |
ZENCountryCode |
intermediary.location.country_or_region |
FQDNRegistered |
principal.security_result.about.labels[fqdn_registered] |
FQDNRegisteredError |
principal.security_result.about.labels[fqdn_registered_error] |
StatusCode |
principal.network.http.response_code |
additional.fields[xff] |
Exporter |
additional.fields[exporter] |
TotalTimeConnectionSetup |
additional.fields[total_time_connection_setup] |
TotalTimeServerResponse |
additional.fields[total_time_server_response] |
SessionType |
additional.fields[session_type] |
ConnectorGroup |
additional.fields[connector_group] |
MemUtilization |
additional.fields[mem_utilization] |
InterfaceDefRoute |
additional.fields[interface_def_route] |
HostStartTime |
additional.fields[host_start_time] |
ConnectorStartTime |
additional.fields[connector_start_time] |
NumOfInterfaces |
additional.fields[num_of_interfaces] |
ServiceEdge |
additional.fields[service_edge] |
ServiceEdgeStartTime |
additional.fields[service_edge_start_time] |
ServiceEdgeGroup |
additional.fields[service_edge_group] |
PackageVersion |
additional.fields[package_version] |
DefRouteGW |
additional.fields[def_route_gw] |
BytesRxInterface |
additional.fields[bytes_rx_interface] |
BytesTxInterface |
additional.fields[bytes_tx_interface] |
PacketsRxInterface |
additional.fields[packets_rx_interface] |
PacketsTxInterface |
additional.fields[packets_tx_interface] |
ErrorsRxInterface |
additional.fields[errors_rx_interface] |
ErrorsTxInterface |
additional.fields[errors_tx_interface] |
DiscardsRxInterface |
additional.fields[discards_rx_interface] |
DiscardsTxInterface |
additional.fields[discards_tx_interface] |
PrimaryDNSResolver |
additional.fields[primary_dns_resolver] |
CorsToken |
security_result.detection_fields[cors_token] |
Origin |
additional.fields[origin] |
ConnectionReason |
additional.fields[connection_reason] |
ApplicationPort |
principal.port |
ClientPublicPort |
principal.nat_port |
NameID |
principal.user.email_addresses |
RequestSize |
additional.fields[request_size] |
ResponseSize |
additional.fields[response_size] |
ProcessMemoryUtilization |
additional.fields[process_memory_utilization] |
SystemMemoryUtilization |
additional.fields[system_memory_utilization] |
CPUUtilization |
additional.fields[cpu_utilization] |
AppCount |
additional.fields[app_count] |
ServiceCount |
additional.fields[service_count] |
TargetCount |
additional.fields[target_count] |
AliveTargetCount |
additional.fields[alive_target_count] |
ActiveConnectionsToPublicSE |
additional.fields[active_connections_to_public_se] |
DisconnectedConnectionsToPublicSE |
additional.fields[disconnected_connections_to_public_se] |
ActiveConnectionsToPrivateSE |
additional.fields[active_connections_to_private_se] |
DisconnectedConnectionsToPrivateSE |
additional.fields[disconnected_connections_to_private_se] |
TransmittedBytesToPublicSE |
additional.fields[transmitted_bytes_to_public_se] |
ReceivedBytesFromPublicSE |
additional.fields[received_bytes_from_public_se] |
TransmittedBytesToPrivateSE |
additional.fields[transmitted_bytes_to_private_se] |
ReceivedBytesFromPrivateSE |
additional.fields[received_bytes_from_private_se] |
AppConnectionsCreated |
additional.fields[app_connections_created] |
AppConnectionsCleared |
additional.fields[app_connections_cleared] |
AppConnectionsActive |
additional.fields[app_connections_active] |
UsedTCPPortsIPv4 |
additional.fields[used_tcp_ports_ip_v4] |
UsedUDPPortsIPv4 |
additional.fields[used_udp_ports_ip_v4] |
UsedTCPPortsIPv6 |
additional.fields[used_tcp_ports_ip_v6] |
UsedUDPPortsIPv6 |
additional.fields[used_udp_ports_ip_v6] |
AvailablePorts |
additional.fields[available_ports] |
SystemMaximumFileDescriptors |
additional.fields[system_maximum_file_descriptors] |
SystemUsedFileDescriptors |
additional.fields[system_used_file_descriptors] |
ProcessMaximumFileDescriptors |
additional.fields[process_maximum_file_descriptors] |
ProcessUsedFileDescriptors |
additional.fields[process_used_file_descriptors] |
AvailableDiskBytes |
additional.fields[available_disk_bytes] |
PrivateSE |
additional.fields[private_se] |
ServerPort |
target.port |
If the ServerPort log field value is not empty, then the ServerPort log field is mapped to the target.port UDM field. |
Connector |
additional.fields[connector] |
ZENTotalBytesTxClient |
intermediary.network.sent_bytes |
If the ZENTotalBytesTxClient log field value is not empty, then the ZENTotalBytesTxClient log field is mapped to the intermediary.network.sent_bytes UDM field. |
ZENTotalBytesRxClient |
intermediary.network.received_bytes |
If the ZENTotalBytesRxClient log field value is not empty, then the ZENTotalBytesRxClient log field is mapped to the intermediary.network.received_bytes UDM field. |
security_result.description |
If the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to ZPN_STATUS_AUTH_FAILED , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to User failed to authenticate in ZPA . Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to BRK_MT_SETUP_FAIL_SAML_EXPIRED , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to The ZPA service blocked the application request because the timeout policy requires the user to authenticate. . Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to BRK_MT_SETUP_FAIL_SCIM_INACTIVE , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to The ZPA Public Service Edge or ZPA Private Service Edge has failed to set up the data connection due to the user being deactivated or not synced in SCIM. . Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to BRK_MT_SETUP_FAIL_TOO_MANY_FAILED_ATTEMPTS , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to The ZPA Public Service Edge or ZPA Private Service Edge has received the exceeded limit of errors to accept any additional connection requests for this domain. New requests are not received until the preset waiting period has elapsed. .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to BRK_MT_SETUP_TIMEOUT , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to The ZPA Public Service Edge or ZPA Private Service Edge was waiting for a data connection request from an App Connector that could provide access to the application, but the request timed out while waiting. The request from an App Connector is triggered in response to the initial application request from the Zscaler Client Connector. .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to BRK_MT_TERMINATED_APPROVAL_TIMEOUT , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to The ZPA Public Service Edge or ZPA Private Service Edge terminated the session and caused a timeout due to approval time window expiration. .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to BRK_MT_TERMINATED_BRK_SWITCHED , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to The Zscaler Client Connector connection to a ZPA Public Service Edge was terminated due to a ZPA Public Service Edge initiated switch. .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to BRK_MT_TERMINATED_IDLE_TIMEOUT , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to If an idle timeout is configured, ZPA will keep the user's application session alive for the interval specified by the Idle Connection Timeout prior to terminating the session. This is not an error scenario, only a function of the service. .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to BRK_MT_TERMINATED , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to The ZPA Public Service Edge or ZPA Private Service Edge closed the application tunnel connection. This is part of the Service Edge's regular process at the end of an application request. .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to BROKER_NOT_ENABLED , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to Remote assistance communication is disabled for the ZPA Public Service Edge. .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to C2C_CLIENT_CONN_EXPIRED , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to The client connection expired during the initiation of a remote assistance session. .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to C2C_CLIENT_NOT_FOUND , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to The client connection is closed during the initiation of a remote assistance session. Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to C2C_MTUNNEL_BAD_STATE , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to The remote assistance connection expired due to inconsistencies in the connection. .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to C2C_MTUNNEL_FAILED_FORWARD , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to The remote assistance connection failed to initiate the connection to the destination client and expired. .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to C2C_MTUNNEL_NOT_FOUND , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to The remote assistance connection is not found. .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to C2C_NOT_AVAILABLE , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to The remote assistance connection is not available. .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to CLT_CONN_FAILED , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to The incoming TCP connection failed. .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to CLT_DOUBLEENCRYPT_NOT_SUPPORTED , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to The double encryption of the incoming Microtunnel request is not supported by the Zscaler Client Connector. .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to CLT_DUPLICATE_TAG , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to The tag ID is used in the Zscaler Client Connector. .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to CLT_INVALID_CLIENT , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to The receiving Zscaler Client Connector device doesn't match with the request. .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to CLT_INVALID_DOMAIN , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to The FQDN destination host doesn't match the receiving Zscaler Client Connector detected. .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to CLT_INVALID_TAG , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to The tag ID is not designed for the incoming Microtunnel flow. .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to CLT_PORT_UNREACHABLE , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to The port is not listening. .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to CLT_PROBE_FAILED , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to The port probe failed. .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to CLT_PROTOCOL_NOT_SUPPORTED , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to The IP protocol of the incoming Microtunnel request is not supported by the Zscaler Client Connector. .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to CLT_READ_FAILED , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to The Zscaler Client Connector local socket read failed. .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to CLT_WRONG_PORT , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to The incoming Microtunnel request asks for the listening ports of the Zscaler Client Connector itself. .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to CUSTOMER_NOT_ENABLED , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to Remote assistance communication is disabled for the current customer. .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to DSP_MT_SETUP_FAIL_CANNOT_SEND_TO_BROKER , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to The path selection service is unable to communicate with the ZPA Public Service Edge or ZPA Private Service Edge. .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to DSP_MT_SETUP_FAIL_DISCOVERY_TIMEOUT , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to The health information request timed out when attempting to reach the App Connector. .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to DSP_MT_SETUP_FAIL_MISSING_HEALTH , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to The App Connector was unable to process the continuous health report due to missing health information. .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to EXPTR_FCONN_GONE , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to User access fails due to a network error that caused the Browser Access service to remove the user's application sessions. .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to EXPTR_MT_TLS_SETUP_FAIL_CERT_CHAIN_ISSUE , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to ZPA is not able to validate the chain of trust for the server certificate configured for this application. .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to EXPTR_MT_TLS_SETUP_FAIL_NOT_TRUSTED_CA , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to The application server certificate is not signed by a trusted CA and ZPA is configured to verify that the web server certificate is signed by a trusted CA. .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to EXPTR_MT_TLS_SETUP_FAIL_PEER , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to Browser Access service cannot set up a HTTPS connection towards the web server due to an issue occurring during TLS setup. .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to EXPTR_MT_TLS_SETUP_FAIL_VERSION_MISMATCH , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to A TLS version mismatch between ZPA and the Browser Access-enabled application occurred. This happens when the web server is running TLS 1.0/1.1 or earlier versions. .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to FOHH_CLOSE_REASON_AST_DATA_CONN_FLOW_CONTROL , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to The ZPA Public Service Edge or ZPA Private Service Edge data connection was closed by App Connector because the connection was idle or blocked for more than 5 minutes. .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to FOHH_CLOSE_REASON_AST_PBRK_CTRL_CONN_CFG_CHG , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to The ZPA Private Service Edge connection was closed due to a change in the ZPA Private Service Edge configuration. .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to FOHH_CLOSE_REASON_AST_PBRK_DATA_DOWN , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to The ZPA Private Service Edge connection to the App Connector was disconnected. .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to FOHH_CLOSE_REASON_AST_PBRK_VERIFY_FAILED , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to The ZPA Private Service Edge connection was closed because the connection was made with a ZPA Private Service Edge different than the expected ZPA Private Service Edge. .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to FOHH_CLOSE_REASON_BRK_DATA_CONN_FLOW_CONTROL , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to The data connection was closed by the ZPA Public Service Edge or ZPA Private Service Edge because the connection was idle or blocked for more than 5 minutes. .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to FOHH_CLOSE_REASON_CALLBACK_ERR , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to The ZPA Public Service Edge or ZPA Private Service Edge connection callback returned an error. .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to FOHH_CLOSE_REASON_CERT_VERIFY , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to The ZPA Public Service Edge or ZPA Private Service Edge connection was unable to verify the server certificate. .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to FOHH_CLOSE_REASON_CONNECT_TIMEOUT , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to The ZPA Public Service Edge or ZPA Private Service Edge timed out while setting up a connection. This is not an error scenario, only a function of the service. .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to FOHH_CLOSE_REASON_DATA_CONN_FLOW_CONTROL , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to The ZPA Public Service Edge or ZPA Private Service Edge connection was closed because flow control was blocked for more than 5 minutes. .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to FOHH_CLOSE_REASON_HTTP_RESPONSE , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to The ZPA Public Service Edge or ZPA Private Service Edge connection was closed because the returned code was not 200. The returned code 200 means that a connection is OK. .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to FOHH_CLOSE_REASON_LOG_RECONN , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to The ZPA Public Service Edge or ZPA Private Service Edge reconnection to the log channels timed out because the reconnection timer expired. .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to FOHH_CLOSE_REASON_MEMORY , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to The ZPA Public Service Edge or ZPA Private Service Edge connection closed because of one of the following reasons: a memory error due to the read buffer on the connection not being allocated, or the SSL state from the SSL context is unavailable. .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to FOHH_CLOSE_REASON_OPS , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to The ZPA Public Service Edge or ZPA Private Service Edge connection was closed at the user's request. .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to FOHH_CLOSE_REASON_PROXY_DNS , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to The ZPA Public Service Edge or ZPA Private Service Edge connection closed because the address resolution for this destination is no longer available. .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to FOHH_CLOSE_REASON_PROXY_FAIL , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to The ZPA Public Service Edge or ZPA Private Service Edge connection was closed due to one of the following proxy connection issues received: a failed connection, unable to send a connection request, or an error from the proxy. .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to FOHH_CLOSE_REASON_PROXY_IDLE , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to The ZPA Public Service Edge or ZPA Private Service Edge connection closed because the connection through the proxy timed out. .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to FOHH_CLOSE_REASON_PROXY_NOT_200 , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to The ZPA Public Service Edge or ZPA Private Service Edge connection through the proxy was closed because the returned code was not 200. The returned code 200 means that a connection is OK. If the code does not come back with 200, the connection is closed. .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to FOHH_CLOSE_REASON_PROXY_PARSE , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to The ZPA Public Service Edge or ZPA Private Service Edge connection through the proxy was closed because the proxy modified the HTTP fields which caused parsing issues. .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to FOHH_CLOSE_REASON_PROXY_TIMEOUT , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to The ZPA Public Service Edge or ZPA Private Service Edge connection was closed because the connection through the proxy exceeded the proxy timeout value. .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to FOHH_CLOSE_REASON_REDIRECT , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to The ZPA Public Service Edge or ZPA Private Service Edge connection was redirected to another ZPA Public Service Edge or ZPA Private Service Edge. .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to FOHH_CLOSE_REASON_REGISTRATION , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to The ZPA Public Service Edge or ZPA Private Service Edge was unable to register status callbacks. .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to FOHH_CLOSE_REASON_RX_TIMEOUT , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to The ZPA Public Service Edge or ZPA Private Service Edge connection timed out while waiting for a connection response from the server. .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to FOHH_CLOSE_REASON_SERIALIZE , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to The ZPA Public Service Edge or ZPA Private Service Edge connection was closed because the serializer was unable to serialize an internal control message. .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to FOHH_CLOSE_REASON_SETSOCKOPT , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to The ZPA Public Service Edge or ZPA Private Service Edge connection was closed because the status of the proxy connection was unavailable. .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to FOHH_CLOSE_REASON_SNI_MISSING , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to The ZPA Public Service Edge or ZPA Private Service Edge connection is closed because the Server Name Indication (SNI) is missing. .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to FOHH_CLOSE_REASON_SNI_SLOW , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to The ZPA Public Service Edge or ZPA Private Service Edge connection closed because the maximum number of Server Name Indication (SNI) callbacks was reached. .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to FOHH_CLOSE_REASON_SNI_TIMEOUT , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to The ZPA Public Service Edge or ZPA Private Service Edge connection is closed because the wait time for Server Name Indication (SNI) callbacks has expired. .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to FOHH_CLOSE_REASON_SOCKET_CLOSE , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to The ZPA Public Service Edge or ZPA Private Service Edge connection was closed because the end of file was received. This is not an error scenario, only a function of the service. .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to FOHH_CLOSE_REASON_SOCKET_ERR , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to The ZPA Public Service Edge or ZPA Private Service Edge connection was closed due to a socket error. .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to FOHH_CLOSE_REASON_SSL_CTX_NONE , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to The ZPA Public Service Edge or ZPA Private Service Edge connection closed because it was unable to identify the SSL context. .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to FOHH_CLOSE_REASON_TIMEOUT , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to The ZPA Public Service Edge or ZPA Private Service Edge keeps the user's application session alive for the time interval specified by the Idle Connection Timeout prior to terminating the session. This is not an error scenario, only a function of the service. .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to FOHH_CLOSE_REASON_TLV_CALLBACK , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to security_result.description UDM field is set to The ZPA Public Service Edge or ZPA Private Service Edge connection was . closed due to a deserialization error.the security_result.description UDM field is set to User failed to authenticate in ZPA .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to APP_NOT_AVAILABLE , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to The Application Segment is not configured for access. .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to APP_NOT_REACHABLE , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to None of the App Connectors configured for the application can reach the server. .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to AST_MT_SETUP_ERR_APP_NOT_FOUND , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to The App Connector cannot set up a connection to the server because it cannot find the application in the configuration database. .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to AST_MT_SETUP_ERR_AST_CFG_DISABLE , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to The Microtunnel setup has failed because the App Connector has been disabled in the ZPA Admin Portal. .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to AST_MT_SETUP_ERR_AST_IN_PAUSE_STATE_FOR_UPGRADE , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to The App Connector is in a paused state for upgrade. The App Connector will return to a normal state after the upgrade completes. .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to AST_MT_SETUP_ERR_BIND_ACK , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to The connection confirmation from the ZPA Public Service Edge or ZPA Private Service Edge has an error. .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to AST_MT_SETUP_ERR_BIND_GLOBAL_OWNER , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to The App Connector processing the data connection request encountered an error. .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to AST_MT_SETUP_ERR_BIND_TO_AST_LOCAL_OWNER , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to The App Connector processing the data connection request has encountered an error. .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to AST_MT_SETUP_ERR_BRK_HASH_TBL_FULL , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to The App Connector cannot set up a connection to the ZPA Public Service Edge or ZPA Private Service Edge because the connection database is full. .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to AST_MT_SETUP_ERR_BROKER_BIND_FAIL , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to The App Connector encountered an error when setting up a data connection to the ZPA Public Service Edge or ZPA Private Service Edge. .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to AST_MT_SETUP_ERR_CONN_PEER , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to The App Connector encountered an error when connecting the ZPA Public Service Edge or ZPA Private Service Edge and server connections. .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to AST_MT_SETUP_ERR_CPU_LIMIT_REACHED , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to The App Connector CPU limit is exceeded for a Privileged Remote Access (PRA) connection. No more PRA connections are allowed. .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to AST_MT_SETUP_ERR_DUP_MT_ID , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to The App Connector cannot set up a data connection because another data connection with the same tag ID already exists. .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to AST_MT_SETUP_ERR_HASH_TBL_FULL , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to The App Connector cannot set up a connection to the server because the connection database is full. .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to AST_MT_SETUP_ERR_INIT_FOHH_MCONN , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to The App Connector encountered an error when setting up a connection to the ZPA Public Service Edge or ZPA Private Service Edge. .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to AST_MT_SETUP_ERR_MAX_SESSIONS_REACHED , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to The maximum session limit is reached for Privileged Remote Access (PRA) connections on the App Connector. .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to AST_MT_SETUP_ERR_MEM_LIMIT_REACHED , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to The App Connector memory limit is exceeded for a Privileged Remote Access (PRA) connection. No more PRA connections are allowed. .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to AST_MT_SETUP_ERR_NO_DNS_TO_SERVER , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to The end host (not a proxy or a configured server group) is not resolvable. The code only comes up in a specific use case when there is all of the following: .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to AST_MT_SETUP_ERR_NO_EPHEMERAL_PORT , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to The transaction failed as the operating system has run out of source ports .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to AST_MT_SETUP_ERR_NO_PROCESS_FD , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to The transaction failed as the App Connector processing could not secure additional file descriptors from the operating system .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to AST_MT_SETUP_ERR_NO_SYSTEM_FD , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to The transaction failed as the operating system has run out of file descriptors. .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to AST_MT_SETUP_ERR_OPEN_BROKER_CONN , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to The App Connector encountered an error when opening a connection to the ZPA Public Service Edge or ZPA Private Service Edge. .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to AST_MT_SETUP_ERR_OPEN_SERVER_CLOSE , then the security_result.description UDM field is set to During data connection setup, the connection from the server to the App Connector was closed. .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to AST_MT_SETUP_ERR_OPEN_SERVER_CONN< |
security_result.summary |
If the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to ZPN_STATUS_AUTHENTICATED , then the security_result.summary UDM field is set to User connected to a ZPA Service Edge .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to ZPN_STATUS_DISCONNECTED , then the security_result.summary UDM field is set to User disconnected from a ZPA Service Edge .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to BRK_MT_SETUP_FAIL_REJECTED_BY_POLICY , then the security_result.summary UDM field is set to The user isn't allowed to access the requested application. Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to BRK_MT_TERMINATED , then the security_result.summary UDM field is set to Client closed app TLS connection .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to INVALID_DOMAIN , then the security_result.summary UDM field is set to DNS resolution or healthcheck failed. Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to MT_CLOSED_TLS_CONN_GONE_CLIENT_CLOSED , then the security_result.summary UDM field is set to Client closed app TLS connection .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to ZPN_STATUS_AUTHENTICATED , then the security_result.summary UDM field is set to User connected to a ZPA Service Edge .Else, if the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to ZPN_STATUS_DISCONNECTED , then the security_result.summary UDM field is set to User connected to a ZPA Service Edge . |
security_result.action |
If the metadata.product_event_type log field value contain one of the following values, then the security_result.action UDM field is set to BLOCK .
security_result.category |
If the metadata.product_event_type log field value is equal to BRK_MT_SETUP_FAIL_REJECTED_BY_POLICY , then the security_result.category UDM field is set to ACL_VIOLATION . |
extensions.auth.type |
If the metadata.product_event_type log field value contain one of the following values, then the extensions.auth.type UDM field is set to VPN .
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