收集 Microsoft Defender for Endpoint 日志
本文档介绍了如何通过设置 Google 安全运营 Feed 来收集 Microsoft Defender for Endpoint 日志,以及日志字段如何映射到 Google SecOps 统一数据模型 (UDM) 字段。
如需了解详情,请参阅将数据提取到 Google SecOps。
典型的部署包括 Microsoft Defender for Endpoint 和配置为将日志发送到 Google SecOps 的 Google SecOps Feed。您的部署可能与本文档中所述的典型部署不同。该部署包含以下组件:
Microsoft Defender for Endpoint:用于收集日志的平台。
Azure Storage:用于存储日志的平台。
Google SecOps Feed:Google SecOps Feed 会从 Microsoft Defender for Endpoint 提取日志,并将日志写入 Google SecOps。
Google SecOps:用于保留和分析 Microsoft Defender for Endpoint 日志的平台。
提取标签用于标识将原始日志数据标准化为结构化 UDM 格式的解析器。本文档中的信息适用于具有 MICROSOFT_DEFENDER_ENDPOINT
- 将部署架构中的所有系统的时区设置为世界协调时间 (UTC)。
- 确保您符合使用 Microsoft Defender for Endpoint 的前提条件。如需了解详情,请参阅 Microsoft Defender XDR 前提条件。
- 确保您已设置 Microsoft Defender for Endpoint。
- 在租户中配置存储账号。
设置 Microsoft Defender for Endpoint
- 以全局管理员或安全管理员身份登录 security.microsoft.com。
- 在左侧窗格中,点击设置。
- 选择 Microsoft Defender XDR 标签页。
- 从“General”(常规)部分中选择 Streaming API,然后点击 Add(添加)。
- 选择将事件转发到 Azure Storage。
- 前往您选择的存储账号。
- 依次选择概览 > JSON 视图,然后输入资源 ID。
- 输入资源 ID 后,选择所有所需的数据类型。
- 点击保存。
在 Google SecOps 中配置 Feed 以提取 Microsoft Defender for Endpoint 日志
- 依次前往 SIEM 设置 > Feed。
- 点击新增。
- 在Feed 名称字段中,输入 Feed 的名称(例如 MS Defender 日志)。
- 选择 Microsoft Azure Blob Storage 作为来源类型。
- 选择 Microsoft Defender for Endpoint 作为日志类型。
- 点击下一步。
- 配置以下输入参数:
- Azure URI:指向 Azure Blob Storage 中某个 Blob 或容器的 URI。
- URI 是:URI 指示的对象类型。
- 源文件删除选项:确定是否要在转移后删除文件或目录。
- 选择共享密钥或 SAS 令牌。
- 密钥/令牌:用于访问 Azure 资源的共享密钥或 SAS 令牌。
- 点击下一步,然后点击提交。
如果您在提取 Microsoft Defender for Endpoint 日志时遇到问题,请与 Google SecOps 支持团队联系。
支持的 Microsoft Defender for Endpoint 日志类型
Microsoft Defender for Endpoint 解析器支持以下表格:
- AlertEvidence
- AlertInfo
- DeviceAlertEvents
- DeviceEvents
- DeviceFileCertificateInfo
- DeviceFileEvents
- DeviceIdentityLogonEvents
- DeviceImageLoadEvents
- DeviceInfo
- DeviceLogonEvents
- DeviceNetworkEvents
- DeviceNetworkInfo
- DeviceProcessEvents
- DeviceRegistryEvents
- DeviceTvmInfoGathering
- DeviceTvmInfoGatheringKB
- DeviceTvmSecureConfigurationAssessment
- DeviceTvmSecureConfigurationAssessmentKB
- DeviceTvmSoftwareEvidenceBeta
- DeviceTvmSoftwareInventory
- DeviceTvmSoftwareVulnerabilities
- DeviceTvmSoftwareVulnerabilitiesKB
- EmailAttachmentInfo
- EmailEvents
- EmailPostDeliveryEvents
- EmailUrlInfo
- IdentityInfo
本部分介绍 Google Security Operations 解析器如何将 Microsoft Defender for Endpoint 字段映射到 Google Security Operations UDM 字段。
日志类型的常见日志字段及其对应的 UDM 字段:
Common log field | UDM mapping | Logic |
time |
metadata.collected_timestamp |
category |
metadata.product_event_type |
metadata.product_name |
The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Microsoft Defender for Endpoint . |
metadata.vendor_name |
The metadata.vendor_name UDM field is set to Microsoft . |
Tenant |
observer.resource_ancestors.name |
tenantId |
observer.resource_ancestors.product_object_id |
operationName |
additional.fields[operation_name] |
日志类型的常见日志字段及其对应的 UDM 字段:
Common log field | UDM mapping | Logic |
metadata.vendor_name |
The metadata.vendor_name UDM field is set to Microsoft . |
metadata.product_name |
The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Microsoft Defender for Endpoint . |
time |
metadata.collected_timestamp |
tenantId |
relations.entity.resource.product_object_id |
operationName |
additional.fields[operation_name] |
category |
metadata.description |
Tenant |
relations.entity.resource.name |
relations.entity_type |
The relations.entity_type UDM field is set to RESOURCE . |
relations.relationship |
The relations.relationship UDM field is set to MEMBER . |
relations.direction |
The relations.direction UDM field is set to UNIDIRECTIONAL . |
字段映射参考信息:DeviceEvents 事件标识符到事件类型
日志操作类型及其对应的 UDM 事件类型。
Event Identifier | Event Type |
UsbDriveDriveLetterChanged |
AppControlAppInstallationAudited |
AsrExecutableOfficeContentAudited |
ShellLinkCreateFileEvent |
FileTimestampModificationEvent |
PlistPropertyModified |
SensitiveFileRead |
AsrUntrustedExecutableAudited |
AsrUntrustedExecutableBlocked |
DlpPocPrintJob |
RemovableStorageFileEvent |
DpapiAccessed |
ScreenshotTaken |
SecurityGroupCreated |
SecurityGroupDeleted |
UserAccountAddedToLocalGroup |
UserAccountRemovedFromLocalGroup |
ExploitGuardNetworkProtectionAudited |
ExploitGuardNetworkProtectionBlocked |
FirewallInboundConnectionBlocked |
FirewallInboundConnectionToAppBlocked |
FirewallOutboundConnectionBlocked |
RemoteDesktopConnection |
RemoteWmiOperation |
UntrustedWifiConnection |
DnsQueryRequest |
DnsQueryResponse |
NetworkShareObjectAdded |
AppGuardBrowseToUrl |
BrowserLaunchedToOpenUrl |
NetworkProtectionUserBypassEvent |
NetworkShareObjectAccessChecked |
NetworkShareObjectDeleted |
NetworkShareObjectModified |
AsrOfficeProcessInjectionAudited |
AppGuardCreateContainer |
AppGuardLaunchedWithUrl |
AsrAdobeReaderChildProcessAudited |
AsrAdobeReaderChildProcessBlocked |
AsrExecutableEmailContentAudited |
AsrOfficeChildProcessAudited |
AsrOfficeCommAppChildProcessAudited |
AsrPsexecWmiChildProcessAudited |
AsrScriptExecutableDownloadAudited |
AsrUntrustedUsbProcessAudited |
ExploitGuardChildProcessAudited |
ExploitGuardLowIntegrityImageAudited |
PowerShellCommand |
ProcessCreatedUsingWmiQuery |
QueueUserApcRemoteApiCall |
GetClipboardData |
OpenProcessApiCall |
ScriptContent |
AppControlAppInstallationBlocked |
AppGuardSuspendContainer |
AppGuardStopContainer |
AppLockerBlockExecutable |
AsrObfuscatedScriptAudited |
AsrObfuscatedScriptBlocked |
AsrOfficeChildProcessBlocked |
AsrOfficeProcessInjectionBlocked |
AsrPsexecWmiChildProcessBlocked |
AsrScriptExecutableDownloadBlocked |
AsrUntrustedUsbProcessBlocked |
ExploitGuardChildProcessBlocked |
ExploitGuardLowIntegrityImageBlocked |
ExploitGuardSharedBinaryAudited |
ExploitGuardSharedBinaryBlocked |
MemoryRemoteProtect |
NamedPipeEvent |
NtAllocateVirtualMemoryApiCall |
NtAllocateVirtualMemoryRemoteApiCall |
NtMapViewOfSectionRemoteApiCall |
NtProtectVirtualMemoryApiCall |
ProcessPrimaryTokenModified |
PTraceDetected |
ReadProcessMemoryApiCall |
SetThreadContextRemoteApiCall |
WriteProcessMemoryApiCall |
WriteToLsassProcessMemory |
AsrOfficeCommAppChildProcessBlocked |
AppControlCIScriptAudited |
AppControlCIScriptBlocked |
AppControlCodeIntegrityImageAudited |
AppControlCodeIntegrityImageRevoked |
AppControlCodeIntegrityOriginAllowed |
AppControlCodeIntegrityOriginAudited |
AppControlCodeIntegrityOriginBlocked |
AppControlScriptAudited |
AppControlScriptBlocked |
AsrExecutableEmailContentBlocked |
SafeDocFileScan |
AntivirusDefinitionsUpdated |
AntivirusDefinitionsUpdateFailed |
AntivirusDetection |
AntivirusDetectionActionType |
AntivirusEmergencyUpdatesInstalled |
AntivirusError |
AntivirusMalwareActionFailed |
AntivirusMalwareBlocked |
AntivirusReport |
AntivirusScanCancelled |
AntivirusScanCompleted |
AntivirusScanFailed |
AntivirusTroubleshootModeEvent |
AppControlCodeIntegrityDriverRevoked |
AppControlCodeIntegrityPolicyAudited |
AppControlCodeIntegrityPolicyBlocked |
AppControlCodeIntegrityPolicyLoaded |
AppControlCodeIntegritySigningInformation |
AppControlExecutableAudited |
AppControlExecutableBlocked |
AppControlPackagedAppAudited |
AppControlPackagedAppBlocked |
AccountCheckedForBlankPassword |
SmartScreenAppWarning |
SmartScreenExploitWarning |
SmartScreenUrlWarning |
SmartScreenUserOverride |
ScheduledTaskCreated |
ScheduledTaskDeleted |
ScheduledTaskDisabled |
ScheduledTaskEnabled |
ScheduledTaskUpdated |
ServiceInstalled |
DirectoryServiceObjectCreated |
DirectoryServiceObjectModified |
AuditPolicyModification |
CreateRemoteThreadApiCall |
CredentialsBackup |
FirewallServiceStopped |
BitLockerAuditCompleted |
AppControlPolicyApplied |
AppGuardResumeContainer |
AppLockerBlockPackagedApp |
AppLockerBlockPackagedAppInstallation |
AppLockerBlockScript |
AsrExecutableOfficeContentBlocked |
AsrLsassCredentialTheftAudited |
AsrLsassCredentialTheftBlocked |
AsrOfficeMacroWin32ApiCallsAudited |
AsrOfficeMacroWin32ApiCallsBlocked |
AsrPersistenceThroughWmiAudited |
AsrPersistenceThroughWmiBlocked |
AsrRansomwareAudited |
AsrRansomwareBlocked |
AsrVulnerableSignedDriverAudited |
AsrVulnerableSignedDriverBlocked |
BluetoothPolicyTriggered |
ClrUnbackedModuleLoaded |
ControlFlowGuardViolation |
DeviceBootAttestationInfo |
DriverLoad |
ExploitGuardEafViolationAudited |
ExploitGuardEafViolationBlocked |
ExploitGuardIafViolationAudited |
ExploitGuardIafViolationBlocked |
ExploitGuardNonMicrosoftSignedAudited |
ExploitGuardNonMicrosoftSignedBlocked |
ExploitGuardRopExploitAudited |
ExploitGuardRopExploitBlocked |
ExploitGuardWin32SystemCallAudited |
ExploitGuardWin32SystemCallBlocked |
GetAsyncKeyStateApiCall |
OtherAlertRelatedActivity |
PnpDeviceAllowed |
PnpDeviceBlocked |
PnpDeviceConnected |
PrintJobBlocked |
RemovableStoragePolicyTriggered |
SecurityLogCleared |
TvmAxonTelemetryEvent |
UsbDriveMount |
UsbDriveMounted |
UsbDriveUnmount |
UsbDriveUnmounted |
WmiBindEventFilterToConsumer |
TamperingAttempt |
PasswordChangeAttempt |
LogonRightsSettingEnabled |
UserAccountCreated |
UserAccountDeleted |
LdapSearch |
ControlledFolderAccessViolationAudited |
ControlledFolderAccessViolationBlocked |
ExploitGuardAcgAudited |
ExploitGuardAcgEnforced |
UserAccountModified |
日志类型的日志字段及其对应的 UDM 字段:
Log field | UDM mapping | Logic |
properties.Timestamp |
metadata.event_timestamp |
properties.ActionType |
metadata.event_type |
properties.ReportId |
metadata.product_log_id |
properties.LogonId |
network.session_id |
properties.DeviceId |
principal.asset_id |
The principal.asset_id is set to DeviceID:%{properties.DeviceId} . |
properties.InitiatingProcessAccountDomain |
principal.administrative_domain |
If the properties.ActionType log field contains one of the following values, and the properties.InitiatingProcessAccountDomain log field value is not empty, then the properties.InitiatingProcessAccountDomain log field is mapped to the target.administrative_domain UDM field.
properties.InitiatingProcessAccountDomain log field value is not empty, then the properties.InitiatingProcessAccountDomain log field is mapped to the principal.administrative_domain UDM field. |
properties.AccountDomain |
principal.administrative_domain |
If the properties.ActionType log field contains one of the following values, and the properties.InitiatingProcessAccountDomain log field value is empty, then the properties.AccountDomain log field is mapped to the target.administrative_domain UDM field.
properties.InitiatingProcessAccountDomain log field value is empty, then the properties.AccountDomain log field is mapped to the principal.administrative_domain UDM field. |
properties.DeviceName |
principal.hostname |
properties.LocalIP |
principal.ip |
properties.FileOriginIP |
principal.ip |
properties.LocalPort |
principal.port |
properties.InitiatingProcessCommandLine |
principal.process.command_line |
properties.InitiatingProcessFolderPath |
principal.process.file.full_path |
If the properties.InitiatingProcessFolderPath log field value matches the regular expression pattern the properties.InitiatingProcessFileName log field value, then the properties.InitiatingProcessFolderPath log field is mapped to the principal.process.file.full_path UDM field.Else, the principal.process.file.full_path is set to %{properties.InitiatingProcessFolderPath}/%{properties.InitiatingProcessFileName} . |
properties.InitiatingProcessMD5 |
principal.process.file.md5 |
If the properties.InitiatingProcessMD5 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[0-9a-f]+$ , then the properties.InitiatingProcessMD5 log field is mapped to the principal.process.file.md5 UDM field. |
properties.InitiatingProcessFileName |
principal.process.file.names |
properties.InitiatingProcessSHA1 |
principal.process.file.sha1 |
If the properties.InitiatingProcessSHA1 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[0-9a-f]+$ , then the properties.InitiatingProcessSHA1 log field is mapped to the principal.process.file.sha1 UDM field. |
properties.InitiatingProcessSHA256 |
principal.process.file.sha256 |
If the properties.InitiatingProcessSHA256 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[a-f0-9]{64}$ , then the properties.InitiatingProcessSHA256 log field is mapped to the principal.process.file.sha256 UDM field. |
properties.InitiatingProcessFileSize |
principal.process.file.size |
properties.InitiatingProcessParentFileName |
principal.process.parent_process.file.names |
properties.InitiatingProcessParentId |
principal.process.parent_process.pid |
properties.InitiatingProcessId |
principal.process.pid |
properties.FileOriginUrl |
principal.url |
properties.InitiatingProcessAccountObjectId |
principal.user.product_object_id |
properties.InitiatingProcessAccountUpn |
principal.user.user_display_name |
properties.InitiatingProcessAccountName |
principal.user.userid |
If the properties.ActionType log field contains one of the following values, and the properties.InitiatingProcessAccountName log field value is not empty, then the properties.InitiatingProcessAccountName log field is mapped to the target.user.userid UDM field.
properties.InitiatingProcessAccountName log field value is not empty, then the properties.InitiatingProcessAccountName log field is mapped to the principal.user.userid UDM field. |
properties.AccountName |
principal.user.userid |
If the properties.ActionType log field contains one of the following values, and the properties.InitiatingProcessAccountName log field value is empty, then the properties.AccountName log field is mapped to the target.user.userid UDM field.
properties.InitiatingProcessAccountName log field value is empty, then the properties.AccountName log field is mapped to the principal.user.userid UDM field. |
properties.InitiatingProcessAccountSid |
principal.user.windows_sid |
If the properties.ActionType log field contains one of the following values, and the properties.InitiatingProcessAccountSid log field value is not empty, then the properties.InitiatingProcessAccountSid log field is mapped to the target.user.windows_sid UDM field.
properties.InitiatingProcessAccountSid log field value is not empty, then the properties.InitiatingProcessAccountSid log field is mapped to the principal.user.windows_sid UDM field. |
properties.AccountSid |
principal.user.windows_sid |
If the properties.ActionType log field contains one of the following values, and the properties.InitiatingProcessAccountSid log field value is empty, then the properties.AccountSid log field is mapped to the target.user.windows_sid UDM field.
properties.InitiatingProcessAccountSid log field value is empty, then the properties.AccountSid log field is mapped to the principal.user.windows_sid UDM field. |
properties.ActionType |
security_result.action |
If the properties.ActionType log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)Allow , then the security_result.action UDM field is set to ALLOW .Else if the properties.ActionType log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)Block , then the security_result.action UDM field is set to BLOCK .Else if the properties.ActionType log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)Fail , then the security_result.action UDM field is set to FAIL . |
properties.FolderPath |
target.file.full_path |
If the properties.RemoteDeviceName log field value contain one of the following values
properties.FolderPath log field value matches the regular expression pattern the then, properties.FolderPath log field is mapped to the target.process.file.full_path UDM field. Else, %{properties.FolderPath}\%{properties.FileName} log field is mapped to the target.process.file.full_path UDM field. Else, if the properties.FolderPath log field value matches the regular expression pattern the then, properties.FolderPath log field is mapped to the target.file.full_path UDM field. Else, %{properties.FolderPath}\%{properties.FileName} log field is mapped to the target.file.full_path UDM field. |
properties.MD5 |
target.file.md5 |
If the properties.RemoteDeviceName log field value contain one of the following values
properties.MD5 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[0-9a-f]+$ then, properties.MD5 log field is mapped to the target.process.file.md5 UDM field. Else, if the properties.MD5 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[0-9a-f]+$ then, properties.MD5 log field is mapped to the target.file.md5 UDM field. |
properties.FileName |
target.file.names |
If the properties.RemoteDeviceName log field value contain one of the following values
properties.MD5 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[0-9a-f]+$ then, properties.FileName log field is mapped to the target.process.file.names UDM field. Else, if the properties.MD5 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[0-9a-f]+$ then, properties.FileName log field is mapped to the target.file.names UDM field. |
properties.SHA1 |
target.file.sha1 |
If the properties.RemoteDeviceName log field value contain one of the following values
properties.SHA1 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[0-9a-f]+$ then, properties.SHA1 log field is mapped to the target.process.file.sha1 UDM field. Else, if the properties.SHA1 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[0-9a-f]+$ then, properties.SHA1 log field is mapped to the target.file.sha1 UDM field. |
properties.SHA256 |
target.file.sha256 |
If the properties.RemoteDeviceName log field value contain one of the following values
properties.SHA256 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[a-f0-9]{64}$ then, properties.SHA256 log field is mapped to the target.process.file.sha256 UDM field. Else, if the properties.SHA256 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[a-f0-9]{64}$ then, properties.SHA256 log field is mapped to the target.file.sha256 UDM field. |
properties.FileSize |
target.file.size |
If the properties.RemoteDeviceName log field value contain one of the following values
properties.MD5 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[0-9a-f]+$ then, properties.FileSize log field is mapped to the target.process.file.size UDM field. Else, if the properties.MD5 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[0-9a-f]+$ then, properties.FileSize log field is mapped to the target.file.size UDM field. |
properties.RemoteDeviceName |
target.hostname |
properties.RemoteIP |
target.ip |
properties.RemotePort |
target.port |
properties.ProcessCommandLine |
target.process.command_line |
properties.ProcessId |
target.process.pid |
properties.ProcessTokenElevation |
target.process.token_elevation_type |
If the properties.ProcessTokenElevation log field value is equal to TokenElevationTypeFull , then the target.process.token_elevation_type UDM field is set to TYPE_1 .Else, if the properties.ProcessTokenElevation log field value is equal to TokenElevationTypeDefault , then the target.process.token_elevation_type UDM field is set to TYPE_2 .Else, if the properties.ProcessTokenElevation log field value is equal to TokenElevationTypeLimited , then the target.process.token_elevation_type UDM field is set to TYPE_3 . |
properties.RegistryKey |
target.registry.registry_key |
properties.RegistryValueData |
target.registry.registry_value_data |
properties.RegistryValueName |
target.registry.registry_value_name |
properties.RemoteUrl |
target.url |
properties.AdditionalFields |
additional.fields[additional_fields] |
properties.AppGuardContainerId |
additional.fields[app_guard_container_id] |
properties.InitiatingProcessCreationTime |
additional.fields[initiating_process_creation_time] |
properties.InitiatingProcessLogonId |
additional.fields[initiating_process_logon_id] |
properties.InitiatingProcessParentCreationTime |
additional.fields[initiating_process_parent_creation_time] |
properties.ProcessCreationTime |
additional.fields[process_creation_time] |
properties.InitiatingProcessVersionInfoCompanyName |
principal.process.file.exif_info.company |
properties.InitiatingProcessVersionInfoFileDescription |
principal.process.file.exif_info.file_description |
properties.InitiatingProcessVersionInfoInternalFileName |
additional.fields[process_version_info_internal_file_name] |
properties.InitiatingProcessVersionInfoOriginalFileName |
principal.process.file.exif_info.original_file |
properties.InitiatingProcessVersionInfoProductName |
principal.process.file.exif_info.product |
properties.InitiatingProcessVersionInfoProductVersion |
additional.fields[process_version_info_product_version] |
日志类型的日志字段及其对应的 UDM 字段:
Log field | UDM mapping | Logic |
properties.Application |
additional.fields[application] |
metadata.event_type |
The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to SCAN_HOST . |
properties.DeviceId |
principal.asset_id |
If the properties.DeviceId log field value is not empty, then the DeviceID:properties.DeviceId log field is mapped to the principal.asset_id UDM field. |
properties.DeviceName |
principal.hostname |
If the properties.DeviceName log field value is not empty then, properties.DeviceName log field is mapped to the principal.hostname UDM field. Else, if the properties.AdditionalFields.HostName log field value is not empty then, properties.AdditionalFields.HostName log field is mapped to the principal.hostname UDM field. Else, if the properties.AdditionalFields.Host.HostName log field value is not empty then, properties.AdditionalFields.Host.HostName log field is mapped to the principal.hostname UDM field. Else, if the properties.AdditionalFields.ImageFile.Host.HostName log field value is not empty then, AdditionalFields.ImageFile.Host.HostName log field is mapped to the principal.hostname UDM field. |
properties.LocalIP |
principal.asset.ip |
If the properties.LocalIP log field value is not empty, then the properties.LocalIP log field is mapped to the principal.asset.ip UDM field. |
properties.FolderPath |
target.file.full_path |
If the properties.FileName log field value matches the regular expression pattern the properties.FolderPath , then the properties.FolderPath log field is mapped to the target.file.full_path UDM field.Else, the properties.FolderPath/properties.FileName log field is mapped to the target.file.full_path UDM field. |
properties.FileName |
target.file.names |
properties.SHA1 |
target.file.sha1 |
If the properties.SHA1 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^the , then the properties.SHA1 log field is mapped to the target.file.sha1 UDM field. |
properties.SHA256 |
target.file.sha256 |
If the properties.SHA256 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^the , then the properties.SHA256 log field is mapped to the target.file.sha256 UDM field. |
properties.FileSize |
target.file.size |
properties.AccountDomain |
principal.administrative_domain |
properties.RemoteIP |
target.ip |
properties.AdditionalFields |
additional.fields[additionalfields] |
properties.ProcessCommandLine |
target.process.command_line |
properties.RegistryKey |
target.registry.registry_key |
properties.RegistryValueData |
target.registry.registry_value_data |
properties.RegistryValueName |
target.registry.registry_value_name |
properties.CloudPlatform |
principal.resource.attribute.cloud.environment |
If the properties.CloudPlatform log field value matches the regular expression pattern /(?i)Amazon Web Services/ , then the principal.resource.attribute.cloud.environment UDM field is set to AMAZON_WEB_SERVICES .Else, if the properties.CloudPlatform log field value matches the regular expression pattern /(?i)Google Cloud Platform/ , then the principal.resource.attribute.cloud.environment UDM field is set to GOOGLE_CLOUD_PLATFORM .Else, if the properties.CloudPlatform log field value matches the regular expression pattern /(?i)Azure/ , then the principal.resource.attribute.cloud.environment UDM field is set to MICROSOFT_AZURE .Else, the principal.resource.attribute.cloud.environment UDM field is set to UNSPECIFIED_CLOUD_ENVIRONMENT . |
properties.SubscriptionId |
principal.resource.attribute.labels[subscription_id] |
properties.CloudResource |
principal.resource.name |
properties.ResourceID |
principal.resource.product_object_id |
principal.resource.resource_type |
The principal.resource.resource_type UDM field is set to CLOUD_PROJECT . |
properties.Categories |
security_result.category_details |
properties.Severity |
security_result.severity |
properties.Title |
security_result.summary |
properties.Title |
security_result.threat_name |
properties.Title |
security_result.rule_name |
properties.ThreatFamily |
security_result.detection_fields[threat_family] |
properties.RemoteUrl |
target.url |
properties.EvidenceDirection |
principal.user.attribute.labels[evidence_direction] |
properties.EvidenceRole |
principal.user.attribute.labels[evidence_role] |
properties.AccountObjectId |
additional.fields[account_object_id] |
properties.AccountUpn |
principal.user.user_display_name |
properties.AccountName |
principal.user.userid |
properties.AccountSid |
principal.user.windows_sid |
properties.Timestamp |
metadata.event_timestamp |
properties.EntityType |
principal.resource.resource_subtype |
properties.AlertId |
metadata.product_log_id |
properties.DetectionSource |
security_result.about.resource.attribute.labels[detection_source] |
properties.ServiceSource |
security_result.about.resource.attribute.labels[service_source] |
properties.AttackTechniques |
security_result.attack_details.techniques.name |
properties.ApplicationId |
additional.fields[application_id] |
properties.EmailSubject |
network.email.subject |
properties.NetworkMessageId |
network.email.mail_id |
properties.OAuthApplicationId |
additional.fields[oauth_application_id] |
日志类型的日志字段及其对应的 UDM 字段:
Log field | UDM mapping | Logic |
is_alert |
The is_alert UDM field is set to true . |
is_significant |
The is_significant UDM field is set to true . |
properties.Timestamp |
metadata.event_timestamp |
metadata.event_type |
The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to GENERIC_EVENT . |
properties.AlertId |
metadata.product_log_id |
properties.AttackTechniques |
security_result.attack_details.techniques.name |
properties.DetectionSource |
security_result.detection_fields[detection_source] |
properties.ServiceSource |
security_result.detection_fields[service_source] |
properties.Severity |
security_result.severity |
If the properties.Severity log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)(informational) , then the security_result.severity UDM field is set to INFORMATIONAL .Else, if the properties.Severity log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)(low) , then the security_result.severity UDM field is set to LOW .Else, if the properties.Severity log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)(medium) , then the security_result.severity UDM field is set to MEDIUM .Else, if the properties.Severity log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)(high) , then the security_result.severity UDM field is set to HIGH . |
properties.Category |
security_result.category_details |
properties.Title |
security_result.threat_name |
properties.Title |
security_result.rule_name |
字段映射参考信息:MICROSOFT DEFENDER ENDPOINT - DeviceAlertEvents
日志类型的日志字段及其对应的 UDM 字段:
Log field | UDM mapping | Logic |
is_alert |
The is_alert UDM field is set to true . |
is_significant |
The is_significant UDM field is set to true . |
properties.Timestamp |
metadata.event_timestamp |
metadata.event_type |
The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to SCAN_HOST . |
properties.ReportId |
security_result.detection_fields[report_id] |
properties.DeviceId |
principal.asset_id |
The principal.asset_id is set to DeviceID:%{properties.DeviceId} . |
properties.MachineGroup |
principal.group.group_display_name |
properties.DeviceName |
principal.hostname |
properties.AttackTechniques |
security_result.attack_details.techniques.name |
properties.Category |
security_result.category_details |
properties.AlertId |
metadata.product_log_id |
properties.MitreTechniques |
security_result.detection_fields[mitre_techniques] |
properties.Severity |
security_result.severity |
If the properties.Severity log field value is equal to High , then the security_result.severity UDM field is set to HIGH .Else, if the properties.Severity log field value is equal to Medium , then the security_result.severity UDM field is set to MEDIUM .Else, if the properties.Severity log field value is equal to Low , then the security_result.severity UDM field is set to LOW .Else, if the properties.Severity log field value is equal to Informational , then the security_result.severity UDM field is set to INFORMATIONAL . |
properties.Title |
security_result.threat_name |
properties.Title |
security_result.rule_name |
properties.RemoteIp |
target.ip |
properties.FileName |
target.file.names |
properties.SHA1 |
target.file.sha1 |
If the properties.SHA1 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[0-9a-f]+$ , then the properties.SHA1 log field is mapped to the target.file.sha1 UDM field. |
properties.RemoteUrl |
target.url |
properties.Table |
additional.fields[table] |
字段映射参考信息:MICROSOFT DEFENDER ENDPOINT - DeviceFileCertificateInfo
日志类型的日志字段及其对应的 UDM 字段:
Log field | UDM mapping | Logic |
properties.Timestamp |
metadata.event_timestamp |
metadata.event_type |
The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to STATUS_UPDATE . |
properties.ReportId |
metadata.product_log_id |
properties.DeviceId |
principal.asset_id |
The principal.asset_id is set to DeviceID:%{properties.DeviceId} . |
properties.SHA1 |
principal.file.sha1 |
If the properties.SHA1 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[0-9a-f]+$ , then the properties.SHA1 log field is mapped to the target.file.sha1 UDM field. |
properties.Issuer |
principal.file.signature_info.sigcheck.signers.cert_issuer |
properties.Signer |
principal.file.signature_info.sigcheck.signers.name |
properties.IsSigned |
principal.file.signature_info.sigcheck.verified |
If the properties.IsSigned log field value is equal to true , then the principal.file.signature_info.sigcheck.verified UDM field is set to TRUE .Else, the principal.file.signature_info.sigcheck.verified UDM field is set to FALSE . |
properties.DeviceName |
principal.hostname |
properties.CertificateCountersignatureTime |
additional.fields[certificate_countersignature_time] |
properties.CertificateSerialNumber |
additional.fields[certificate_serial_number] |
properties.CertificateCreationTime |
additional.fields[certification_creation_time] |
properties.CertificateExpirationTime |
additional.fields[certification_expiration_time] |
properties.CrlDistributionPointUrls |
additional.fields[crl_distribution_point_urls] |
properties.IsRootSignerMicrosoft |
additional.fields[is_root_signer_microsoft] |
properties.IsTrusted |
additional.fields[is_trusted] |
properties.IssuerHash |
additional.fields[issuer_hash] |
properties.SignatureType |
additional.fields[signature_type] |
properties.SignerHash |
additional.fields[signer_hash] |
字段映射参考信息:MICROSOFT DEFENDER ENDPOINT - DeviceImageLoadEvents
日志类型的日志字段及其对应的 UDM 字段:
Log field | UDM mapping | Logic |
properties.Timestamp |
metadata.event_timestamp |
metadata.event_type |
The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to PROCESS_MODULE_LOAD . |
properties.ReportId |
metadata.product_log_id |
properties.InitiatingProcessAccountDomain |
principal.administrative_domain |
principal.DeviceId |
principal.asset_id |
The principal.asset_id is set to DeviceID:%{principal.DeviceId} . |
properties.DeviceName |
principal.hostname |
properties.InitiatingProcessCommandLine |
principal.process.command_line |
properties.InitiatingProcessFolderPath |
principal.process.file.full_path |
If the properties.InitiatingProcessFolderPath log field value matches the regular expression pattern the properties.InitiatingProcessFileName log field value, then the properties.InitiatingProcessFolderPath log field is mapped to the principal.process.file.full_path UDM field.Else, the principal.process.file.full_path is set to %{properties.InitiatingProcessFolderPath}/%{properties.InitiatingProcessFileName} . |
properties.InitiatingProcessMD5 |
principal.process.file.md5 |
If the properties.InitiatingProcessMD5 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[0-9a-f]+$ , then the properties.InitiatingProcessMD5 log field is mapped to the principal.process.file.md5 UDM field. |
properties.InitiatingProcessFileName |
principal.process.file.names |
properties.InitiatingProcessSHA1 |
principal.process.file.sha1 |
If the properties.InitiatingProcessSHA1 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[0-9a-f]+$ , then the properties.InitiatingProcessSHA1 log field is mapped to the principal.process.file.sha1 UDM field. |
properties.InitiatingProcessSHA256 |
principal.process.file.sha256 |
If the properties.InitiatingProcessSHA256 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[a-f0-9]{64}$ , then the properties.InitiatingProcessSHA256 log field is mapped to the principal.process.file.sha256 UDM field. |
properties.InitiatingProcessFileSize |
principal.process.file.size |
properties.InitiatingProcessParentFileName |
principal.process.parent_process.file.names |
properties.InitiatingProcessParentId |
principal.process.parent_process.pid |
properties.InitiatingProcessId |
principal.process.pid |
properties.InitiatingProcessTokenElevation |
principal.process.token_elevation_type |
If the properties.InitiatingProcessTokenElevation log field value is equal to TokenElevationTypeFull , then the principal.process.token_elevation_type UDM field is set to TYPE_1 .Else, if the properties.InitiatingProcessTokenElevation log field value is equal to TokenElevationTypeDefault , then the principal.process.token_elevation_type UDM field is set to TYPE_2 .Else, if the properties.InitiatingProcessTokenElevation log field value is equal to TokenElevationTypeLimited , then the principal.process.token_elevation_type UDM field is set to TYPE_3 . |
properties.InitiatingProcessAccountObjectId |
principal.user.product_object_id |
properties.InitiatingProcessAccountUpn |
principal.user.user_display_name |
properties.InitiatingProcessAccountName |
principal.user.userid |
properties.InitiatingProcessAccountSid |
principal.user.windows_sid |
properties.FolderPath |
target.process.file.full_path |
If the properties.FolderPath log field value matches the regular expression pattern the properties.FileName , then the properties.FolderPath log field is mapped to the target.process.file.full_path UDM field.Else, the target.process.file.full_path is set to %{properties.FolderPath}/%{properties.FileName} . |
properties.MD5 |
target.process.file.md5 |
If the properties.MD5 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[0-9a-f]+$ , then the properties.MD5 log field is mapped to the target.process.file.md5 UDM field. |
properties.FileName |
target.process.file.names |
properties.SHA1 |
target.process.file.sha1 |
If the properties.SHA1 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[0-9a-f]+$ , then the properties.SHA1 log field is mapped to the target.process.file.sha1 UDM field. |
properties.SHA256 |
target.process.file.sha256 |
If the properties.SHA256 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[a-f0-9]{64}$ , then the properties.SHA256 log field is mapped to the target.process.file.sha256 UDM field. |
properties.FileSize |
target.process.file.size |
properties.FolderPath |
target.file.full_path |
If the properties.FolderPath log field value matches the regular expression pattern the properties.FileName , then the properties.FolderPath log field is mapped to the target.file.full_path UDM field.Else, the target.file.full_path is set to %{properties.FolderPath}/%{properties.FileName} . |
properties.MD5 |
target.file.md5 |
If the properties.MD5 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[0-9a-f]+$ , then the properties.MD5 log field is mapped to the target.process.file.md5 UDM field. |
properties.FileName |
target.file.names |
properties.SHA1 |
target.file.sha1 |
If the properties.SHA1 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[0-9a-f]+$ , then the properties.SHA1 log field is mapped to the target.file.sha1 UDM field. |
properties.SHA256 |
target.file.sha256 |
If the properties.SHA256 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[a-f0-9]{64}$ , then the properties.SHA256 log field is mapped to the target.file.sha256 UDM field. |
properties.FileSize |
target.file.size |
properties.AppGuardContainerId |
additional.fields[app_guard_container_id] |
properties.InitiatingProcessCreationTime |
additional.fields[initiating_process_creation_time] |
properties.InitiatingProcessIntegrityLevel |
additional.fields[initiating_process_integrity_level] |
properties.InitiatingProcessParentCreationTime |
additional.fields[initiating_process_parent_creation_time] |
properties.InitiatingProcessVersionInfoCompanyName |
principal.process.file.exif_info.company |
properties.InitiatingProcessVersionInfoFileDescription |
principal.process.file.exif_info.file_description |
properties.InitiatingProcessVersionInfoInternalFileName |
additional.fields[initiating_process_version_info_internal_file_name] |
properties.InitiatingProcessVersionInfoOriginalFileName |
principal.process.file.exif_info.original_file |
properties.InitiatingProcessVersionInfoProductName |
principal.process.file.exif_info.product |
properties.InitiatingProcessVersionInfoProductVersion |
additional.fields[initiating_process_version_info_product_version] |
日志类型的日志字段及其对应的 UDM 字段:
Log field | UDM mapping | Logic |
properties.Timestamp |
metadata.event_timestamp |
properties.ActionType |
metadata.event_type |
If the properties.ActionType log field value is equal to FileCreated , then the metadata.event_type UDM field is set to FILE_CREATION .Else, if the properties.ActionType log field value is equal to FileDeleted , then the metadata.event_type UDM field is set to FILE_DELETION .Else, if the properties.ActionType log field value is equal to FileModified , then the metadata.event_type UDM field is set to FILE_MODIFICATION .Else, if the properties.ActionType log field value is equal to FileRenamed , then the metadata.event_type UDM field is set to FILE_MOVE . |
properties.ReportId |
metadata.product_log_id |
properties.RequestProtocol |
network.application_protocol |
If the properties.RequestProtocol log field value is equal to SMB , then the network.application_protocol UDM field is set to SMB .Else, if the properties.RequestProtocol log field value is equal to NFS , then the network.application_protocol UDM field is set to NFS .Else, if the properties.RequestProtocol log field value is equal to Local , then the network.application_protocol UDM field is set to UNKNOWN_APPLICATION_PROTOCOL . |
properties.FileOriginReferrerUrl |
network.http.referral_url |
properties.InitiatingProcessAccountDomain |
principal.administrative_domain |
If the properties.InitiatingProcessAccountDomain log field value is not empty, then the properties.InitiatingProcessAccountDomain log field is mapped to the principal.administrative_domain UDM field. |
properties.RequestAccountDomain |
principal.administrative_domain |
If the properties.InitiatingProcessAccountDomain log field value is empty, then the properties.RequestAccountDomain log field is mapped to the principal.administrative_domain UDM field. |
properties.DeviceId |
principal.asset_id |
The principal.asset_id is set to DeviceID:%{properties.DeviceId} . |
properties.DeviceName |
principal.hostname |
properties.FileOriginIP |
principal.ip |
properties.RequestSourceIP |
principal.ip |
properties.RequestSourcePort |
principal.port |
properties.InitiatingProcessCommandLine |
principal.process.command_line |
properties.InitiatingProcessFolderPath |
principal.process.file.full_path |
If the properties.InitiatingProcessFolderPath log field value matches the regular expression pattern the properties.InitiatingProcessFileName log field value, then the properties.InitiatingProcessFolderPath log field is mapped to the principal.process.file.full_path UDM field.Else, the principal.process.file.full_path is set to %{properties.InitiatingProcessFolderPath}/%{properties.InitiatingProcessFileName} . |
properties.InitiatingProcessMD5 |
principal.process.file.md5 |
If the properties.InitiatingProcessMD5 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[0-9a-f]+$ , then the properties.InitiatingProcessMD5 log field is mapped to the principal.process.file.md5 UDM field. |
properties.InitiatingProcessFileName |
principal.process.file.names |
properties.InitiatingProcessSHA1 |
principal.process.file.sha1 |
If the properties.InitiatingProcessSHA1 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[0-9a-f]+$ , then the properties.InitiatingProcessSHA1 log field is mapped to the principal.process.file.sha1 UDM field. |
properties.InitiatingProcessSHA256 |
principal.process.file.sha256 |
If the properties.InitiatingProcessSHA256 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[a-f0-9]{64}$ , then the properties.InitiatingProcessSHA256 log field is mapped to the principal.process.file.sha256 UDM field. |
properties.InitiatingProcessFileSize |
principal.process.file.size |
properties.InitiatingProcessParentId |
principal.process.parent_process.pid |
properties.InitiatingProcessParentFileName |
principal.process.parent_process.file.names |
properties.InitiatingProcessId |
principal.process.pid |
properties.InitiatingProcessTokenElevation |
principal.process.token_elevation_type |
If the properties.InitiatingProcessTokenElevation log field value is equal to TokenElevationTypeFull , then the principal.process.token_elevation_type UDM field is set to TYPE_1 .Else, if the properties.InitiatingProcessTokenElevation log field value is equal to TokenElevationTypeDefault , then the principal.process.token_elevation_type UDM field is set to TYPE_2 .Else, if the properties.InitiatingProcessTokenElevation log field value is equal to TokenElevationTypeLimited , then the principal.process.token_elevation_type UDM field is set to TYPE_3 . |
properties.FileOriginUrl |
principal.url |
properties.InitiatingProcessAccountObjectId |
principal.user.product_object_id |
properties.InitiatingProcessAccountUpn |
principal.user.user_display_name |
properties.InitiatingProcessAccountName |
principal.user.userid |
If the properties.InitiatingProcessAccountName log field value is not empty, then the properties.InitiatingProcessAccountName log field is mapped to the principal.user.userid UDM field. |
properties.RequestAccountName |
principal.user.userid |
If the properties.InitiatingProcessAccountName log field value is empty, then the properties.RequestAccountName log field is mapped to the principal.user.userid UDM field. |
properties.InitiatingProcessAccountSid |
principal.user.windows_sid |
If the properties.InitiatingProcessAccountSid log field value is not empty, then the properties.InitiatingProcessAccountSid log field is mapped to the principal.user.windows_sid UDM field. |
properties.RequestAccountSid |
principal.user.windows_sid |
If the properties.InitiatingProcessAccountSid log field value is empty, then the properties.RequestAccountSid log field is mapped to the principal.user.windows_sid UDM field. |
properties.PreviousFolderPath |
src.file.full_path |
If the properties.PreviousFolderPath log field value matches the regular expression pattern the properties.PreviousFileName log field value, then the properties.PreviousFolderPath log field is mapped to the src.file.full_path UDM field.Else, src.file.full_path set to the %{properties.PreviousFolderPath}/%{properties.PreviousFileName} . |
properties.PreviousFileName |
src.file.names |
properties.FolderPath |
target.file.full_path |
If the properties.FolderPath log field value matches the regular expression pattern the properties.FileName log field value, then the properties.FolderPath log field is mapped to the target.file.full_path UDM field.Else, the target.file.full_path set to %{properties.FolderPath}/%{properties.FileName} . |
properties.MD5 |
target.file.md5 |
If the properties.MD5 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[0-9a-f]+$ , then the properties.MD5 log field is mapped to the target.file.md5 UDM field. |
properties.FileName |
target.file.names |
properties.SHA1 |
target.file.sha1 |
If the properties.SHA1 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[0-9a-f]+$ , then the properties.SHA1 log field is mapped to the target.file.sha1 UDM field. |
properties.SHA256 |
target.file.sha256 |
If the properties.SHA256 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[a-f0-9]{64}$ , then the properties.SHA256 log field is mapped to the target.file.sha256 UDM field. |
properties.FileSize |
target.file.size |
properties.SensitivityLabel |
target.file.tags |
properties.SensitivitySubLabel |
target.file.tags |
properties.AdditionalFields |
additional.fields[additional_fields] |
properties.AppGuardContainerId |
additional.fields[app_guard_container_id] |
properties.InitiatingProcessCreationTime |
additional.fields[initiating_process_creation_time] |
properties.InitiatingProcessIntegrityLevel |
additional.fields[initiating_process_integrity_level] |
properties.InitiatingProcessVersionInfoCompanyName |
principal.process.file.exif_info.company |
properties.InitiatingProcessVersionInfoFileDescription |
principal.process.file.exif_info.file_description |
properties.InitiatingProcessVersionInfoInternalFileName |
additional.fields[initiating_process_version_info_internal_file_name] |
properties.InitiatingProcessVersionInfoOriginalFileName |
principal.process.file.exif_info.original_file |
properties.InitiatingProcessVersionInfoProductName |
principal.process.file.exif_info.product |
properties.InitiatingProcessVersionInfoProductVersion |
additional.fields[initiating_process_version_info_product_version] |
properties.InitiatingProcessParentCreationTime |
additional.fields[initiating_process_parent_creation_time] |
properties.IsAzureInfoProtectionApplied |
additional.fields[is_azure_info_protection_applied] |
properties.ShareName |
additional.fields[share_name] |
日志类型的日志字段及其对应的 UDM 字段:
Log field | UDM mapping | Logic |
properties.DeviceId |
entity.asset_id |
The entity.asset_id is set to DeviceID:%{properties.DeviceId} . |
properties.DeviceId |
entity.asset.asset_id |
The entity.asset.asset_id is set to DeviceID:%{properties.DeviceId} . |
properties.AadDeviceId |
entity.asset.attribute.labels[aad_device_id] |
properties.AdditionalFields |
entity.asset.attribute.labels[additional_fields] |
properties.ConnectivityType |
entity.asset.attribute.labels[connectivity_type] |
properties.DeviceDynamicTags |
entity.asset.attribute.labels[device_dynamic_tags] |
properties.DeviceManualTags |
entity.asset.attribute.labels[device_manual_tags] |
properties.DeviceSubtype |
entity.asset.attribute.labels[device_subtype] |
properties.HostDeviceId |
entity.asset.attribute.labels[host_device_id] |
properties.IsAzureADJoined |
entity.asset.attribute.labels[is_azure_ad_joined] |
properties.IsInternetFacing |
entity.asset.attribute.labels[is_internet_facing] |
properties.JoinType |
entity.asset.attribute.labels[join_type] |
properties.MergedDeviceIds |
entity.asset.attribute.labels[merged_device_ids] |
properties.MergedToDeviceId |
entity.asset.attribute.labels[merged_to_device_id] |
properties.OnboardingStatus |
entity.asset.attribute.labels[onboarding_status] |
properties.OSArchitecture |
entity.asset.attribute.labels[os_architecture] |
properties.OSDistribution |
entity.asset.attribute.labels[os_distribution] |
properties.OSVersionInfo |
entity.asset.attribute.labels[os_version_info] |
properties.RegistryDeviceTag |
entity.asset.attribute.labels[registry_divice_tag] |
properties.ReportId |
entity.asset.attribute.labels[report_id] |
properties.SensorHealthState |
entity.asset.attribute.labels[sensor_health_state] |
properties.DeviceCategory |
entity.asset.category |
properties.Vendor |
entity.asset.hardware.manufacturer |
properties.Model |
entity.asset.hardware.model |
properties.DeviceName |
entity.asset.hostname |
properties.PublicIP |
entity.asset.nat_ip |
properties.OSBuild |
entity.asset.platform_software.plateform_patch_level |
properties.OSPlatform |
entity.asset.platform_software.platform |
If the properties.OSPlatform log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)macos , then the entity.asset.platform_software.platform UDM field is set to MAC .Else, if the properties.OSPlatform log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)windows , then the entity.asset.platform_software.platform UDM field is set to WINDOWS .Else, if the properties.OSPlatform log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)linux , then the entity.asset.platform_software.platform UDM field is set to LINUX . |
properties.OSVersion |
entity.asset.platform_software.platform_version |
properties.ClientVersion |
entity.asset.software.version |
properties.DeviceType |
entity.asset.type |
If the properties.DeviceType log field value is equal to NetworkDevice , then the entity.asset.type UDM field is set to NETWORK_ATTACHED_STORAGE .Else, if the properties.DeviceType log field value is equal to Workstation , then the entity.asset.type UDM field is set to WORKSTATION .Else, if the properties.DeviceType log field value is equal to Server , then the entity.asset.type UDM field is set to SERVER .Else, if the properties.DeviceType log field value is equal to Mobile , then the entity.asset.type UDM field is set to MOBILE .Else if the properties.DeviceType log field value is equal to Printer , then the entity.asset.type UDM field is set to PRINTER . |
properties.DeviceType |
entity.asset.attribute.labels |
if the properties.DeviceType log field value is equal to GamingConsole , then the properties.DeviceType log field is mapped to the entity.asset.attribute.labels UDM field. |
properties.MachineGroup |
entity.group.group_display_name |
properties.ExclusionReason |
entity.security_result.detection_fields[exclusion_reason] |
properties.ExposureLevel |
entity.security_result.detection_fields[exposure_level] |
properties.IsExcluded |
entity.security_result.detection_fields[is_excluded] |
properties.AssetValue |
entity.security_result.priority |
If the properties.AssetValue log field value is equal to High , then the entity.security_result.priority UDM field is set to HIGH_PRIORITY .Else, if the properties.AssetValue log field value is equal to Medium , then the entity.security_result.priority UDM field is set to MEDIUM_PRIORITY .Else, if the properties.AssetValue log field value is equal to Low , then the entity.security_result.priority UDM field is set to LOW_PRIORITY .Else, the properties.AssetValue log field is mapped to the entity.security_result.detection_fields.asset_value UDM field. |
properties.Timestamp |
metadata.creation_timestamp |
metadata.entity_type |
The metadata.entity_type UDM field is set to ASSET . |
properties.DeviceId |
metadata.product_entity_id |
The metadata.product_entity_id is set to DeviceID:%{properties.DeviceId} . |
relations.direction |
The relations.direction UDM field is set to UNIDIRECTIONAL . |
relations.entity_type |
The relations.entity_type UDM field is set to USER . |
relations.relationship |
The relations.relationship UDM field is set to MEMBER . |
properties.LoggedOnUsers.DomainName |
relations.entity.domain.name |
properties.LoggedOnUsers.UserName |
relations.entity.user.userid |
properties.LoggedOnUsers.Sid |
relations.entity.user.windows_sid |
properties.LoggedOnUsers |
字段映射参考信息:MICROSOFT DEFENDER ENDPOINT - DeviceIdentityLogonEvents
日志类型的日志字段及其对应的 UDM 字段:
Log field | UDM mapping | Logic |
properties.Application |
additional.fields[application] |
metadata.event_type |
The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to SCAN_HOST . |
properties.DeviceId |
principal.asset_id |
If the properties.DeviceId log field value is not empty, then the AssetID:properties.DeviceId log field is mapped to the principal.asset_id UDM field. else, then the AssetID:properties.AdditionalFields.MachineId log field is mapped to the principal.asset_id UDM field. |
properties.DeviceName |
principal.hostname |
If the properties.DeviceName log field value is not empty, then the properties.DeviceName log field is mapped to the principal.hostname UDM field. |
properties.LocalIP |
principal.asset.ip |
If the properties.LocalIP log field value is not empty, then the properties.LocalIP log field is mapped to the principal.asset.ip UDM field. |
properties.FolderPath |
target.file.full_path |
If the properties.FileName log field value matches the regular expression pattern the properties.FolderPath , then the properties.FolderPath log field is mapped to the target.file.full_path UDM field.Else, the properties.FolderPath/properties.FileName log field is mapped to the target.file.full_path UDM field. |
properties.FileName |
target.file.names |
properties.SHA1 |
target.file.sha1 |
If the properties.SHA1 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^the , then the properties.SHA1 log field is mapped to the target.file.sha1 UDM field. |
properties.SHA256 |
target.file.sha256 |
If the properties.SHA256 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^the , then the properties.SHA256 log field is mapped to the target.file.sha256 UDM field. |
properties.FileSize |
target.file.size |
properties.AccountDomain |
principal.administrative_domain |
properties.RemoteIP |
target.ip |
properties.AdditionalFields |
additional.fields[additionalfields] |
properties.ProcessCommandLine |
target.process.command_line |
properties.RegistryKey |
target.registry.registry_key |
properties.RegistryValueData |
target.registry.registry_value_data |
properties.RegistryValueName |
target.registry.registry_value_name |
properties.CloudPlatform |
principal.resource.attribute.cloud.environment |
If the properties.CloudPlatform log field value matches the regular expression pattern /(?i)Amazon Web Services/ , then the principal.resource.attribute.cloud.environment UDM field is set to AMAZON_WEB_SERVICES .Else, if the properties.CloudPlatform log field value matches the regular expression pattern /(?i)Google Cloud Platform/ , then the principal.resource.attribute.cloud.environment UDM field is set to GOOGLE_CLOUD_PLATFORM .Else, if the properties.CloudPlatform log field value matches the regular expression pattern /(?i)Azure/ , then the principal.resource.attribute.cloud.environment UDM field is set to MICROSOFT_AZURE .Else, the principal.resource.attribute.cloud.environment UDM field is set to UNSPECIFIED_CLOUD_ENVIRONMENT . |
properties.SubscriptionId |
principal.resource.attribute.labels[subscription_id] |
properties.CloudResource |
principal.resource.name |
properties.ResourceID |
principal.resource.product_object_id |
principal.resource.resource_type |
The principal.resource.resource_type UDM field is set to CLOUD_PROJECT . |
properties.Categories |
security_result.category_details |
properties.Severity |
security_result.severity |
properties.Title |
security_result.summary |
properties.ThreatFamily |
security_result.threat_name |
properties.RemoteUrl |
target.url |
properties.EvidenceDirection |
principal.user.attribute.labels[evidence_direction] |
properties.EvidenceRole |
principal.user.attribute.labels[evidence_role] |
properties.AccountObjectId |
additional.fields[account_object_id] |
properties.AccountUpn |
principal.user.user_display_name |
properties.AccountName |
principal.user.userid |
properties.AccountSid |
principal.user.windows_sid |
properties.Timestamp |
metadata.event_timestamp |
properties.EntityType |
principal.resource.resource_subtype |
properties.AlertId |
metadata.product_log_id |
properties.DetectionSource |
security_result.about.resource.attribute.labels[detection_source] |
properties.ServiceSource |
security_result.about.resource.attribute.labels[service_source] |
properties.AttackTechniques |
security_result.attack_details.techniques.name |
properties.ApplicationId |
additional.fields[application_id] |
properties.EmailSubject |
network.email.subject |
properties.NetworkMessageId |
network.email.mail_id |
properties.OAuthApplicationId |
additional.fields[oauth_application_id] |
字段映射参考信息:MICROSOFT DEFENDER ENDPOINT - DeviceLogonEvents
日志类型的日志字段及其对应的 UDM 字段:
Log field | UDM mapping | Logic |
properties.LogonType |
extensions.auth.mechanism |
If the properties.LogonType log field value is equal to Interactive , then the extensions.auth.mechanism UDM field is set to INTERACTIVE .Else, if the properties.LogonType log field value is equal to Network , then the extensions.auth.mechanism UDM field is set to NETWORK .Else, if the properties.LogonType log field value is equal to Batch , then the extensions.auth.mechanism UDM field is set to BATCH .Else, if the properties.LogonType log field value is equal to Service , then the extensions.auth.mechanism UDM field is set to SERVICE .Else, if the properties.LogonType log field value is equal to RemoteInteractive , then the extensions.auth.mechanism UDM field is set to REMOTE_INTERACTIVE . |
properties.Timestamp |
metadata.event_timestamp |
metadata.event_type |
The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to USER_LOGIN . |
properties.ReportId |
metadata.product_log_id |
properties.Protocol |
network.ip_protocol |
If the properties.Protocol log field value is equal to Tcp , then the network.ip_protocol UDM field is set to TCP .If the properties.Protocol log field value is equal to Udp , then the network.ip_protocol UDM field is set to UDP .If the properties.Protocol log field value is equal to Icmp , then the network.ip_protocol UDM field is set to ICMP . |
properties.LogonId |
network.session_id |
properties.InitiatingProcessAccountDomain |
principal.administrative_domain |
properties.DeviceId |
principal.asset_id |
The principal.asset_id is set to DeviceID:%{properties.DeviceId} . |
properties.DeviceName |
principal.hostname |
properties.InitiatingProcessCommandLine |
principal.process.command_line |
properties.InitiatingProcessFolderPath |
principal.process.file.full_path |
If the properties.InitiatingProcessFolderPath log field value matches the regular expression pattern the properties.InitiatingProcessFileName log field value, then the properties.InitiatingProcessFolderPath log field is mapped to the principal.process.file.full_path UDM field.Else, the principal.process.file.full_path is set to %{properties.InitiatingProcessFolderPath}/%{properties.InitiatingProcessFileName} . |
properties.InitiatingProcessMD5 |
principal.process.file.md5 |
If the properties.InitiatingProcessMD5 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[0-9a-f]+$ , then the properties.InitiatingProcessMD5 log field is mapped to the principal.process.file.md5 UDM field. |
properties.InitiatingProcessFileName |
principal.process.file.names |
properties.InitiatingProcessSHA1 |
principal.process.file.sha1 |
If the properties.InitiatingProcessSHA1 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[0-9a-f]+$ , then the properties.InitiatingProcessSHA1 log field is mapped to the principal.process.file.sha1 UDM field. |
properties.InitiatingProcessSHA256 |
principal.process.file.sha256 |
If the properties.InitiatingProcessSHA256 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[a-f0-9]{64}$ , then the properties.InitiatingProcessSHA256 log field is mapped to the principal.process.file.sha256 UDM field. |
properties.InitiatingProcessFileSize |
principal.process.file.size |
properties.InitiatingProcessParentFileName |
principal.process.parent_process.file.names |
properties.InitiatingProcessParentId |
principal.process.parent_process.pid |
properties.InitiatingProcessId |
principal.process.pid |
properties.InitiatingProcessTokenElevation |
principal.process.token_elevation_type |
If the properties.InitiatingProcessTokenElevation log field value is equal to TokenElevationTypeFull , then the principal.process.token_elevation_type UDM field is set to TYPE_1 .Else, if the properties.InitiatingProcessTokenElevation log field value is equal to TokenElevationTypeDefault , then the principal.process.token_elevation_type UDM field is set to TYPE_2 .Else, if the properties.InitiatingProcessTokenElevation log field value is equal to TokenElevationTypeLimited , then the principal.process.token_elevation_type UDM field is set to TYPE_3 . |
properties.InitiatingProcessAccountObjectId |
principal.user.product_object_id |
properties.InitiatingProcessAccountUpn |
principal.user.user_display_name |
properties.InitiatingProcessAccountName |
principal.user.userid |
properties.InitiatingProcessAccountSid |
principal.user.windows_sid |
properties.FailureReason |
security_result.description |
properties.AccountDomain |
target.administrative_domain |
properties.RemoteDeviceName |
target.hostname |
properties.RemoteIP |
target.ip |
properties.RemotePort |
target.port |
properties.IsLocalAdmin |
target.resource.attribute.labels[is_local_admin] |
properties.AccountName |
target.user.userid |
properties.AccountSid |
target.user.windows_sid |
properties.RemoteIPType |
additional.fields[remote_ip_type] |
properties.AdditionalFields |
additional.fields[additional_fields] |
properties.AppGuardContainerId |
additional.fields[app_guard_container_id] |
properties.InitiatingProcessCreationTime |
additional.fields[initiating_process_creation_time] |
properties.InitiatingProcessIntegrityLevel |
additional.fields[initiating_process_integrity_level] |
properties.InitiatingProcessVersionInfoCompanyName |
principal.process.file.exif_info.company |
properties.InitiatingProcessVersionInfoFileDescription |
principal.process.file.exif_info.file_description |
properties.InitiatingProcessVersionInfoInternalFileName |
additional.fields[initiating_process_version_info_internal_file_name] |
properties.InitiatingProcessVersionInfoOriginalFileName |
principal.process.file.exif_info.original_file |
properties.InitiatingProcessVersionInfoProductName |
principal.process.file.exif_info.product |
properties.InitiatingProcessVersionInfoProductVersion |
additional.fields[initiating_process_version_info_product_version] |
properties.InitiatingProcessParentCreationTime |
additional.fields[initiating_process_parent_creation_time] |
字段映射参考信息:MICROSOFT DEFENDER ENDPOINT - DeviceNetworkEvents
日志类型的日志字段及其对应的 UDM 字段:
Log field | UDM mapping | Logic |
properties.Timestamp |
metadata.event_timestamp |
metadata.event_type |
The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to NETWORK_CONNECTION . |
properties.ReportId |
metadata.product_log_id |
properties.Protocol |
network.ip_protocol |
If the properties.Protocol log field value is equal to Tcp , then the network.ip_protocol UDM field is set to TCP .Else, if the properties.Protocol log field value is equal to Udp , then the network.ip_protocol UDM field is set to UDP .Else, if the properties.Protocol log field value is equal to Icmp , then the network.ip_protocol UDM field is set to ICMP . |
properties.InitiatingProcessAccountDomain |
principal.administrative_domain |
properties.DeviceId |
principal.asset_id |
The principal.asset_id is set to DeviceID:%{properties.DeviceId} . |
properties.DeviceName |
principal.hostname |
properties.LocalIP |
principal.ip |
properties.LocalPort |
principal.port |
properties.InitiatingProcessCommandLine |
principal.process.command_line |
properties.InitiatingProcessFolderPath |
principal.process.file.full_path |
If the properties.InitiatingProcessFolderPath log field value matches the regular expression pattern the properties.InitiatingProcessFileName log field value, then the properties.InitiatingProcessFolderPath log field is mapped to the principal.process.file.full_path UDM field.Else, the principal.process.file.full_path is set to %{properties.InitiatingProcessFolderPath}/%{properties.InitiatingProcessFileName} . |
properties.InitiatingProcessMD5 |
principal.process.file.md5 |
If the properties.InitiatingProcessMD5 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[0-9a-f]+$ , then the properties.InitiatingProcessMD5 log field is mapped to the principal.process.file.md5 UDM field. |
properties.InitiatingProcessFileName |
principal.process.file.names |
properties.InitiatingProcessSHA1 |
principal.process.file.sha1 |
If the properties.InitiatingProcessSHA1 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[0-9a-f]+$ , then the properties.InitiatingProcessSHA1 log field is mapped to the principal.process.file.sha1 UDM field. |
properties.InitiatingProcessSHA256 |
principal.process.file.sha256 |
If the properties.InitiatingProcessSHA256 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[a-f0-9]{64}$ , then the properties.InitiatingProcessSHA256 log field is mapped to the principal.process.file.sha256 UDM field. |
properties.InitiatingProcessFileSize |
principal.process.file.size |
properties.InitiatingProcessParentFileName |
principal.process.parent_process.file.names |
properties.InitiatingProcessParentId |
principal.process.parent_process.pid |
properties.InitiatingProcessId |
principal.process.pid |
properties.InitiatingProcessTokenElevation |
principal.process.token_elevation_type |
If the properties.InitiatingProcessTokenElevation log field value is equal to TokenElevationTypeFull , then the principal.process.token_elevation_type UDM field is set to TYPE_1 .Else, if the properties.InitiatingProcessTokenElevation log field value is equal to TokenElevationTypeDefault , then the principal.process.token_elevation_type UDM field is set to TYPE_2 .Else, if the properties.InitiatingProcessTokenElevation log field value is equal to TokenElevationTypeLimited , then the principal.process.token_elevation_type UDM field is set to TYPE_3 . |
properties.InitiatingProcessAccountObjectId |
principal.user.product_object_id |
properties.InitiatingProcessAccountUpn |
principal.user.user_display_name |
properties.InitiatingProcessAccountName |
principal.user.userid |
properties.InitiatingProcessAccountSid |
principal.user.windows_sid |
properties.RemoteIP |
target.ip |
properties.RemotePort |
target.port |
properties.RemoteUrl |
target.url |
properties.LocalIPType |
additional_fields[LocalIPType] |
properties.RemoteIPType |
additional_fields[RemoteIPType] |
properties.AdditionalFields |
additional.fields[additional_fields] |
properties.AppGuardContainerId |
additional.fields[app_guard_container_id] |
properties.InitiatingProcessCreationTime |
additional.fields[initiating_process_creation_time] |
properties.InitiatingProcessIntegrityLevel |
additional.fields[initiating_process_integrity_level] |
properties.InitiatingProcessParentCreationTime |
additional.fields[initiating_process_parent_creation_time] |
properties.InitiatingProcessVersionInfoCompanyName |
principal.process.file.exif_info.company |
properties.InitiatingProcessVersionInfoFileDescription |
principal.process.file.exif_info.file_description |
properties.InitiatingProcessVersionInfoInternalFileName |
additional.fields[initiating_process_version_info_internal_file_name] |
properties.InitiatingProcessVersionInfoOriginalFileName |
principal.process.file.exif_info.original_file |
properties.InitiatingProcessVersionInfoProductName |
principal.process.file.exif_info.product |
properties.InitiatingProcessVersionInfoProductVersion |
additional.fields[initiating_process_version_info_product_version] |
字段映射参考信息:MICROSOFT DEFENDER ENDPOINT - DeviceNetworkInfo
日志类型的日志字段及其对应的 UDM 字段:
Log field | UDM mapping | Logic |
DeviceNetworkInfo |
properties.DeviceId |
entity.asset_id |
The entity.asset_id is set to DeviceID:%{properties.DeviceId} . |
properties.DeviceId |
entity.asset.asset_id |
The entity.asset.asset_id is set to DeviceID:%{properties.DeviceId} . |
properties.ReportId |
entity.asset.attribute.labels[report_id] |
properties.ConnectedNetworks |
entity.asset.attribute.labels[connected_networks] |
properties.MacAddress |
entity.asset.mac |
properties.NetworkAdapterName |
entity.asset.attribute.labels[network_adapter_name] |
properties.NetworkAdapterStatus |
entity.asset.attribute.labels[network_adapter_status] |
properties.NetworkAdapterType |
entity.asset.attribute.labels[network_adapter_type] |
properties.NetworkAdapterVendor |
entity.asset.attribute.labels[network_adapter_vendor] |
properties.TunnelType |
entity.asset.attribute.labels[tunnel_type] |
properties.DefaultGateways |
entity.asset.attribute.labels[default_gateways] |
properties.DeviceName |
entity.asset.hostname |
properties.IPAddresses |
entity.asset.ip |
entity.asset.type |
The entity.asset.type UDM field is set to WORKSTATION . |
properties.DnsAddresses |
entity.domain.last_dns_records.type |
The entity.domain.last_dns_records.type UDM field is set to ip_address . |
properties.DnsAddresses |
entity.domain.last_dns_records.value |
The properties.DnsAddresses log field is mapped to the entity.domain.last_dns_records.value UDM field. |
properties.IPv4Dhcp |
entity.network.dhcp.ciaddr |
If the properties.IPv4Dhcp log field value is not empty, then the properties.IPv4Dhcp log field is mapped to the entity.network.dhcp.ciaddr UDM field. Else, the properties.IPv6Dhcp log field is mapped to the entity.network.dhcp.ciaddr UDM field. |
properties.Timestamp |
metadata.creation_time |
metadata.entity_type |
The metadata.entity_type UDM field is set to ASSET . |
properties.DeviceId |
metadata.product_entity_id |
The metadata.product_entity_id is set to DeviceID:%{properties.DeviceId} . |
字段映射参考信息:MICROSOFT DEFENDER ENDPOINT - DeviceProcessEvents
日志类型的日志字段及其对应的 UDM 字段:
Log field | UDM mapping | Logic |
properties.Timestamp |
metadata.event_timestamp |
properties.ActionType |
metadata.event_type |
If the properties.ActionType log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)ProcessCreated , then the metadata.event_type UDM field is set to PROCESS_LAUNCH .Else, if the properties.ActionType log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)OpenProcess , then the metadata.event_type UDM field is set to PROCESS_OPEN . |
properties.ReportId |
metadata.product_log_id |
properties.LogonId |
network.session_id |
properties.InitiatingProcessAccountDomain |
principal.administrative_domain |
properties.DeviceId |
principal.asset_id |
The principal.asset_id is set to DeviceID:%{properties.DeviceId} . |
properties.DeviceName |
principal.hostname |
properties.InitiatingProcessCommandLine |
principal.process.command_line |
properties.InitiatingProcessFolderPath |
principal.process.file.full_path |
If the properties.InitiatingProcessFolderPath log field value matches the regular expression pattern the properties.InitiatingProcessFileName log field value, then the properties.InitiatingProcessFolderPath log field is mapped to the principal.process.file.full_path UDM field.Else, the principal.process.file.full_path is set to %{properties.InitiatingProcessFolderPath}/%{properties.InitiatingProcessFileName} . |
properties.InitiatingProcessMD5 |
principal.process.file.md5 |
If the properties.InitiatingProcessMD5 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[0-9a-f]+$ , then the properties.InitiatingProcessMD5 log field is mapped to the principal.process.file.md5 UDM field. |
properties.InitiatingProcessFileName |
principal.process.file.names |
properties.InitiatingProcessSHA1 |
principal.process.file.sha1 |
If the properties.InitiatingProcessSHA1 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[0-9a-f]+$ , then the properties.InitiatingProcessSHA1 log field is mapped to the principal.process.file.sha1 UDM field. |
properties.InitiatingProcessSHA256 |
principal.process.file.sha256 |
If the properties.InitiatingProcessSHA256 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[a-f0-9]{64}$ , then the properties.InitiatingProcessSHA256 log field is mapped to the principal.process.file.sha256 UDM field. |
properties.InitiatingProcessSignatureStatus |
principal.process.file.signature_info.sigcheck.signers.status |
properties.InitiatingProcessFileSize |
principal.process.file.size |
properties.InitiatingProcessParentId |
principal.process.parent_process.pid |
properties.InitiatingProcessParentFileName |
principal.process.parent_process.file.names |
properties.InitiatingProcessId |
principal.process.pid |
properties.InitiatingProcessTokenElevation |
principal.process.token_elevation_type |
If the properties.InitiatingProcessTokenElevation log field value is equal to TokenElevationTypeFull , then the principal.process.token_elevation_type UDM field is set to TYPE_1 .Else, if the properties.InitiatingProcessTokenElevation log field value is equal to TokenElevationTypeDefault , then the principal.process.token_elevation_type UDM field is set to TYPE_2 .Else, if the properties.InitiatingProcessTokenElevation log field value is equal to TokenElevationTypeLimited , then the principal.process.token_elevation_type UDM field is set to TYPE_3 |
properties.InitiatingProcessAccountObjectId |
principal.user.product_object_id |
properties.InitiatingProcessAccountUpn |
principal.user.user_display_name |
properties.InitiatingProcessAccountName |
principal.user.userid |
properties.InitiatingProcessAccountSid |
principal.user.windows_sid |
properties.AccountDomain |
target.administrative_domain |
properties.FolderPath |
target.file.full_path |
If the properties.FolderPath log field value matches the regular expression pattern the properties.FileName log field value, then the properties.FolderPath log field is mapped to the target.file.full_path UDM field.Else, the target.file.full_path set to %{properties.FolderPath}/%{properties.FileName} . |
properties.MD5 |
target.process.file.md5 |
If the properties.MD5 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[0-9a-f]+$ , then the properties.MD5 log field is mapped to the target.file.md5 UDM field. |
properties.FileName |
target.process.file.names |
properties.SHA1 |
target.process.file.sha1 |
If the properties.SHA1 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[0-9a-f]+$ , then the properties.SHA1 log field is mapped to the target.file.sha1 UDM field. |
properties.SHA256 |
target.process.file.sha256 |
If the properties.SHA256 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[a-f0-9]{64}$ , then the properties.SHA256 log field is mapped to the target.file.sha256 UDM field. |
properties.FileSize |
target.process.file.size |
properties.ProcessCommandLine |
target.process.command_line |
properties.ProcessId |
target.process.pid |
properties.ProcessTokenElevation |
target.process.token_elevation_type |
If the properties.ProcessTokenElevation log field value is equal to TokenElevationTypeFull , then the target.process.token_elevation_type UDM field is set to TYPE_1 .Else, if the properties.ProcessTokenElevation log field value is equal to TokenElevationTypeDefault , then the target.process.token_elevation_type UDM field is set to TYPE_2 .Else, if the properties.ProcessTokenElevation log field value is equal to TokenElevationTypeLimited , then the target.process.token_elevation_type UDM field is set to TYPE_3 . |
properties.ProcessIntegrityLevel |
target.resource.attribute.labels[process_integrity_level] |
properties.AccountUpn |
target.user.user_display_name |
properties.AccountName |
target.user.userid |
properties.AccountSid |
target.user.windows_sid |
properties.InitiatingProcessCreationTime |
additional.fields[initiating_process_creation_time] |
properties.InitiatingProcessParentCreationTime |
additional.fields[initiating_process_parent_creation_time] |
properties.AccountObjectId |
additional.fields[account_object_id] |
properties.AdditionalFields |
additional.fields[additional_fields] |
properties.AppGuardContainerId |
additional.fields[app_guard_container_id] |
properties.InitiatingProcessIntegrityLevel |
additional.fields[initiating_process_integrity_level] |
properties.InitiatingProcessLogonId |
additional.fields[initiating_process_logon_id] |
properties.InitiatingProcessSignerType |
additional.fields[initiating_process_signer_type] |
properties.InitiatingProcessVersionInfoCompanyName |
principal.process.file.exif_info.company |
properties.InitiatingProcessVersionInfoFileDescription |
principal.process.file.exif_info.file_description |
properties.InitiatingProcessVersionInfoInternalFileName |
additional.fields[initiating_process_version_info_internal_file_name] |
properties.InitiatingProcessVersionInfoOriginalFileName |
principal.process.file.exif_info.original_file |
properties.InitiatingProcessVersionInfoProductName |
principal.process.file.exif_info.product |
properties.InitiatingProcessVersionInfoProductVersion |
additional.fields[initiating_process_version_info_product_version] |
properties.ProcessCreationTime |
additional.fields[process_creation_time] |
properties.ProcessVersionInfoCompanyName |
target.process.file.exif_info.company |
properties.ProcessVersionInfoFileDescription |
target.process.file.exif_info.file_description |
properties.ProcessVersionInfoInternalFileName |
additional.fields[process_version_info_internal_file_name] |
properties.ProcessVersionInfoOriginalFileName |
target.process.file.exif_info.original_file |
properties.ProcessVersionInfoProductName |
target.process.file.exif_info.product |
properties.ProcessVersionInfoProductVersion |
additional.fields[process_version_info_product_version] |
字段映射参考信息:MICROSOFT DEFENDER ENDPOINT - DeviceTvmInfoGathering
日志类型的日志字段及其对应的 UDM 字段:
Log field | UDM mapping | Logic |
properties.Timestamp |
metadata.event_timestamp |
metadata.event_type |
The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to SCAN_HOST . |
properties.DeviceId |
principal.asset_id |
The principal.asset_id is set to DeviceID:%{properties.DeviceId} . |
properties.OSPlatform |
principal.asset.platform_software.platform |
If the properties.OSPlatform log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)macos , then the principal.asset.platform_software.platform UDM field is set to MAC .Else, if the properties.OSPlatform log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)windows , then the principal.asset.platform_software.platform UDM field is set to WINDOWS .Else, if the properties.OSPlatform log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)linux , then the principal.asset.platform_software.platform UDM field is set to LINUX . |
properties.OSPlatform |
principal.asset.platform_software.platform_version |
properties.DeviceName |
principal.hostname |
properties.LastSeenTime |
security.result.last_discovered_time |
properties.AdditionalFields |
additional.fields[additional_fields] |
字段映射参考信息:MICROSOFT DEFENDER ENDPOINT - DeviceRegistryEvents
日志类型的日志字段及其对应的 UDM 字段:
Log field | UDM mapping | Logic |
properties.Timestamp |
metadata.event_timestamp |
properties.ActionType |
metadata.event_type |
If the properties.ActionType log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)RegistryKeyCreated , then the metadata.event_type UDM field is set to REGISTRY_CREATION .Else, if the properties.ActionType log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)RegistryKeyDeleted , then the metadata.event_type UDM field is set to REGISTRY_DELETION .Else, if the properties.ActionType log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)RegistryKeyRenamed , then the metadata.event_type UDM field is set to REGISTRY_MODIFICATION .Else, if the properties.ActionType log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)RegistryValueDeleted , then the metadata.event_type UDM field is set to REGISTRY_DELETION .Else, if the properties.ActionType log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)RegistryValueSet , then the metadata.event_type UDM field is set to REGISTRY_MODIFICATION .Else, the metadata.event_type UDM field is set to REGISTRY_UNCATEGORIZED . |
properties.ReportId |
metadata.product_log_id |
properties.InitiatingProcessAccountDomain |
principal.administrative_domain |
properties.DeviceId |
principal.asset_id |
The principal.asset_id is set to DeviceID:%{properties.DeviceId} . |
properties.DeviceName |
principal.hostname |
properties.InitiatingProcessCommandLine |
principal.process.command_line |
properties.InitiatingProcessFolderPath |
principal.process.file.full_path |
If the properties.InitiatingProcessFolderPath log field value matches the regular expression pattern the properties.InitiatingProcessFileName log field value, then the properties.InitiatingProcessFolderPath log field is mapped to the principal.process.file.full_path UDM field.Else, the principal.process.file.full_path is set to %{properties.InitiatingProcessFolderPath}/%{properties.InitiatingProcessFileName} . |
properties.InitiatingProcessMD5 |
principal.process.file.md5 |
If the properties.InitiatingProcessMD5 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[0-9a-f]+$ , then the properties.InitiatingProcessMD5 log field is mapped to the principal.process.file.md5 UDM field. |
properties.InitiatingProcessFileName |
principal.process.file.names |
properties.InitiatingProcessSHA1 |
principal.process.file.sha1 |
If the properties.InitiatingProcessSHA1 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[0-9a-f]+$ , then the properties.InitiatingProcessSHA1 log field is mapped to the principal.process.file.sha1 UDM field. |
properties.InitiatingProcessSHA256 |
principal.process.file.sha256 |
If the properties.InitiatingProcessSHA256 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[a-f0-9]{64}$ , then the properties.InitiatingProcessSHA256 log field is mapped to the principal.process.file.sha256 UDM field. |
properties.InitiatingProcessFileSize |
principal.process.file.size |
properties.InitiatingProcessParentFileName |
principal.process.parent_process.file.names |
properties.InitiatingProcessParentId |
principal.process.parent_process.pid |
properties.InitiatingProcessId |
principal.process.pid |
properties.PreviousRegistryValueData |
principal.registry.registry_value_data |
properties.PreviousRegistryKey |
principal.registry.registry_key |
properties.PreviousRegistryValueName |
principal.registry.registry_value_name |
properties.InitiatingProcessAccountObjectId |
principal.user.attribute.labels[initiating_process_account_object_id] |
properties.InitiatingProcessAccountUpn |
principal.user.attribute.labels[initiating_process_account_upn] |
properties.InitiatingProcessAccountName |
principal.user.userid |
properties.InitiatingProcessAccountSid |
principal.user.windows_sid |
properties.InitiatingProcessTokenElevation |
principal.process.token_elevation_type |
If the properties.InitiatingProcessTokenElevation log field value is equal to TokenElevationTypeFull , then the principal.process.token_elevation_type UDM field is set to TYPE_1 .Else, if the properties.InitiatingProcessTokenElevation log field value is equal to TokenElevationTypeDefault , then the principal.process.token_elevation_type UDM field is set to TYPE_2 .Else, if the properties.InitiatingProcessTokenElevation log field value is equal to TokenElevationTypeLimited , then the principal.process.token_elevation_type UDM field is set to TYPE_3 . |
properties.RegistryValueData |
target.registry.registry_value_data |
properties.RegistryKey |
target.registry.registry_key |
properties.RegistryValueName |
target.registry.registry_value_name |
properties.InitiatingProcessCreationTime |
additional.fields[initiating_process_creation_time] |
properties.InitiatingProcessIntegrityLevel |
additional.fields[initiating_process_integrity_level] |
properties.InitiatingProcessParentCreationTime |
additional.fields[initiating_process_parent_creation_time] |
properties.AppGuardContainerId |
additional.fields[app_guard_container_id] |
properties.InitiatingProcessVersionInfoCompanyName |
principal.process.file.exif_info.company |
properties.InitiatingProcessVersionInfoFileDescription |
principal.process.file.exif_info.file_description |
properties.InitiatingProcessVersionInfoInternalFileName |
additional.fields[initiating_process_version_info_internal_file_name] |
properties.InitiatingProcessVersionInfoOriginalFileName |
principal.process.file.exif_info.original_file |
properties.InitiatingProcessVersionInfoProductName |
principal.process.file.exif_info.product |
properties.InitiatingProcessVersionInfoProductVersion |
additional.fields[initiating_process_version_info_product_version] |
properties.RegistryValueType |
additional.fields[registry_value_type] |
字段映射参考信息:MICROSOFT DEFENDER ENDPOINT - DeviceTvmInfoGatheringKB
日志类型的日志字段及其对应的 UDM 字段:
Log field | UDM mapping | Logic |
properties.Description |
metadata.description |
metadata.event_type |
The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to GENERIC_EVENT . |
properties.IgId |
metadata.product_log_id |
properties.Categories |
principal.resource.attribute.labels[categories] |
properties.DataStructure |
principal.resource.attribute.labels[data_structure] |
properties.FieldName |
principal.resource.name |
字段映射参考信息:MICROSOFT DEFENDER ENDPOINT - DeviceTvmSecureConfigurationAssessment
日志类型的日志字段及其对应的 UDM 字段:
Log field | UDM mapping | Logic |
properties.Timestamp |
metadata.event_timestamp |
metadata.event_type |
The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to SCAN_UNCATEGORIZED . |
properties.DeviceId |
principal.asset_id |
The principal.asset_id is set to DeviceID:%{properties.DeviceId} . |
properties.OSPlatform |
principal.asset.platform_software.platform |
If the properties.OSPlatform log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)macos , then the prinipal.asset.platform_software.platform UDM field is set to MAC .Else, if the properties.OSPlatform log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)windows , then the principal.asset.platform_software.platform UDM field is set to WINDOWS .Else, if the properties.OSPlatform log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)linux , then the principal.asset.platform_software.platform UDM field is set to LINUX . |
properties.DeviceName |
principal.hostname |
properties.ConfigurationCategory |
principal.resource.attribute.labels[configuration_category] |
properties.ConfigurationImpact |
principal.resource.attribute.labels[configuration_impact] |
properties.Context |
principal.resource.attribute.labels[contex] |
properties.IsApplicable |
principal.resource.attribute.labels[is_applicable] |
properties.IsCompliant |
principal.resource.attribute.labels[is_compliant] |
properties.IsExpectedUserImpact |
principal.resource.attribute.labels[is_expected_user_impact] |
properties.ConfigurationId |
principal.resource.product_object_id |
properties.ConfigurationSubcategory |
principal.resource.resource_subtype |
principal.resource.resource_type |
The principal.resource.resource_type UDM field is set to ACCESS_POLICY . |
字段映射参考信息:MICROSOFT DEFENDER ENDPOINT - DeviceTvmSecureConfigurationAssessmentKB
日志类型的日志字段及其对应的 UDM 字段:
Log field | UDM mapping | Logic |
metadata.event_type |
The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to GENERIC_EVENT . |
properties.ConfigurationBenchmarks |
principal.resource.attribute.labels[configuration_benchmarks] |
properties.ConfigurationCategory |
principal.resource.attribute.labels[configuration_category] |
properties.ConfigurationDescription |
principal.resource.attribute.labels[configuration_description] |
properties.ConfigurationImpact |
principal.resource.attribute.labels[configuration_impact] |
properties.RemediationOptions |
principal.resource.attribute.labels[remediation_options] |
properties.RiskDescription |
principal.resource.attribute.labels[risk_description] |
properties.Tags |
principal.resource.attribute.labels[tags] |
properties.ConfigurationName |
principal.resource.name |
properties.ConfigurationId |
principal.resource.product_object_id |
properties.ConfigurationSubcategory |
principal.resource.resource_subtype |
principal.resource.resource_type |
The principal.resource.resource_type UDM field is set to ACCESS_POLICY . |
字段映射参考信息:MICROSOFT DEFENDER ENDPOINT - DeviceTvmSoftwareEvidenceBeta
日志类型的日志字段及其对应的 UDM 字段:
Log field | UDM mapping | Logic |
metadata.event_type |
The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to GENERIC_EVENT . |
properties.DeviceId |
principal.asset_id |
The principal.asset_id is set to DeviceID:%{properties.DeviceId} . |
properties.DiskPaths |
principal.asset.attribute.labels[disk_paths] |
The properties.DiskPaths log field is mapped to the principal.asset.attribute.labels.disk_paths UDM field. |
properties.RegistryPaths |
principal.asset.attribute.labels[registry_paths] |
The properties.RegistryPaths log field is mapped to the principal.asset.attribute.labels.registry_paths UDM field. |
properties.LastSeenTime |
principal.asset.last_discover_time |
properties.SoftwareName |
principal.asset.software.name |
properties.SoftwareVendor |
principal.asset.software.vendor_name |
properties.SoftwareVersion |
principal.asset.software.version |
字段映射参考信息:MICROSOFT DEFENDER ENDPOINT - DeviceTvmSoftwareInventory
日志类型的日志字段及其对应的 UDM 字段:
Log field | UDM mapping | Logic |
metadata.event_type |
The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to GENERIC_EVENT . |
properties.DeviceId |
principal.asset_id |
The principal.asset_id is set to DeviceID:%{properties.DeviceId} . |
properties.EndOfSupportDate |
principal.asset.attribute.labels[end_of_support_date] |
properties.EndOfSupportStatus |
principal.asset.attribute.labels[end_of_support_status] |
properties.OSArchitecture |
principal.asset.attribute.labels[os_architecture] |
properties.ProductCodeCpe |
principal.asset.attribute.labels[product_code_cpe] |
properties.OSPlatform |
principal.asset.platform_software.platform |
If the properties.OSPlatform log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)macos , then the prinipal.asset.platform_software.platform UDM field is set to MAC .Else, if the properties.OSPlatform log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)windows , then the principal.asset.platform_software.platform UDM field is set to WINDOWS .Else, if the properties.OSPlatform log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)linux , then the principal.asset.platform_software.platform UDM field is set to LINUX . |
properties.OSVersion |
principal.asset.platform_software.platform_version |
properties.SoftwareName |
principal.asset.software.name |
properties.SoftwareVendor |
principal.asset.software.vendor_name |
properties.SoftwareVersion |
principal.asset.software.version |
properties.DeviceName |
principal.hostname |
字段映射参考信息:MICROSOFT DEFENDER ENDPOINT - DeviceTvmSoftwareVulnerabilities
日志类型的日志字段及其对应的 UDM 字段:
Log field | UDM mapping | Logic |
properties.CveId |
extensions.vulns.vulnerabilities.cve_id |
properties.VulnerabilityLevel |
extensions.vulns.vulnerabilities.severity |
If the properties.VulnerabilityLevel log field value is equal to High , then the extensions.vulns.vulnerabilities.severity UDM field is set to HIGH .Else, if the properties.VulnerabilityLevel log field value is equal to Medium , then the extensions.vulns.vulnerabilities.severity UDM field is set to MEDIUM .Else, if the properties.VulnerabilityLevel log field value is equal to Low , then the extensions.vulns.vulnerabilities.severity UDM field is set to LOW .Else, if the properties.VulnerabilityLevel log field value is equal to Informational , then the extensions.vulns.vulnerabilities.severity UDM field is set to INFORMATIONAL . |
properties.SeverityLevel |
extensions.vulns.vulnerablitities.severity_details |
metadata.event_type |
The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to SCAN_VULN_HOST . |
properties.DeviceId |
principal.asset_id |
The principal.asset_id is set to DeviceID:%{properties.DeviceId} . |
properties.OSPlatform |
principal.asset.platform_software.platform |
If the properties.OSPlatform log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)macos , then the principal.asset.platform_software.platform UDM field is set to MAC .Else, if the properties.OSPlatform log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)windows , then the principal.asset.platform_software.platform UDM field is set to WINDOWS .Else, if the properties.OSPlatform log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)linux , then the principal.asset.platform_software.platform UDM field is set to LINUX . |
properties.OSVersion |
principal.asset.platform_software.platform_version |
properties.SoftwareName |
principal.asset.software.name |
properties.SoftwareVendor |
principal.asset.software.vendor_name |
properties.SoftwareVersion |
principal.asset.software.version |
properties.DeviceName |
principal.hostname |
properties.RecommendedSecurityUpdateId |
security_result.detection_fields[recommended_security_update_id] |
properties.RecommendedSecurityUpdate |
security_result.detection_fields[recommended_security_update] |
properties.CveTags |
additional.fields[cve_tags] |
字段映射参考信息:MICROSOFT DEFENDER ENDPOINT - DeviceTvmSoftwareVulnerabilitiesKB
日志类型的日志字段及其对应的 UDM 字段:
Log field | UDM mapping | Logic |
metadata.event_type |
The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to GENERIC_EVENT . |
properties.CveId |
extensions.vulns.vulnerabilities.cve_id |
properties.CvssScore |
extensions.vulns.vulnerablities.cvss_base_score |
properties.IsExploitAvailable |
extensions.vulns.vulnerablities.cvss_vector |
properties.VulnerabilitySeverityLevel |
extensions.vulns.vulnerabilities.severity |
If the properties.VulnerabilitySeverityLevel log field value is equal to High , then the extensions.vulns.vulnerabilities.severity UDM field is set to HIGH .Else, if the properties.VulnerabilitySeverityLevel log field value is equal to Medium , then the extensions.vulns.vulnerabilities.severity UDM field is set to MEDIUM .Else, if the properties.VulnerabilitySeverityLevel log field value is equal to Low , then the extensions.vulns.vulnerabilities.severity UDM field is set to LOW .Else, if the properties.VulnerabilitySeverityLevel log field value is equal to Informational , then the extensions.vulns.vulnerabilities.severity UDM field is set to INFORMATIONAL .Else, the extensions.vulns.vulnerabilities.severity UDM field is set to UNKNOWN_SEVERITY . |
properties.VulnerabilitySeverityLevel |
extensions.vulns.vulnerablitities.severity_details |
properties.LastModifiedTime |
extensions.vulns.vulnerabilities.scan_end_time |
properties.PublishedDate |
extensions.vulns.vulnerabilities.first_found |
properties.VulnerabilityDescription |
extensions.vulns.vulnerabilities.cve_description |
properties.AffectedSoftware |
extensions.vulns.vulnerabilities.description |
字段映射参考信息:MICROSOFT DEFENDER ENDPOINT - EmailAttachmentInfo
日志类型的日志字段及其对应的 UDM 字段:
Log field | UDM mapping | Logic |
properties.FileType |
target.file.mime_type |
properties.FileName |
target.file.names |
properties.SHA256 |
target.file.sha256 |
If the properties.SHA256 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[a-f0-9]{64}$ , then the properties.SHA256 log field is mapped to the target.file.sha256 UDM field. |
properties.FileSize |
target.file.size |
properties.Timestamp |
metadata.event_timestamp |
metadata.event_type |
The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to EMAIL_TRANSACTION . |
properties.ReportId |
metadata.product_log_id |
properties.SenderFromAddress |
network.email.from |
If the properties.SenderFromAddress log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^.+@.+$ , then the properties.SenderFromAddress log field is mapped to the network.email.from UDM field. |
properties.NetworkMessageId |
network.email.mail_id |
properties.RecipientEmailAddress |
network.email.to |
If the properties.RecipientEmailAddress log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^.+@.+$ , then the properties.RecipientEmailAddress log field is mapped to the network.email.to UDM field. |
properties.SenderFromAddress |
principal.user.email_addresses |
If the properties.SenderFromAddress log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^.+@.+$ , then the properties.SenderFromAddress log field is mapped to the principal.user.email_addresses UDM field. |
properties.SenderObjectId |
principal.user.product_object_id |
properties.SenderDisplayName |
principal.user.user_display_name |
properties.ThreatTypes |
security_result.category |
If the properties.ThreatTypes log field value is equal to Phish , then the security_result.category UDM field is set to MAIL_PHISHING . |
properties.DetectionMethods |
security_result.detection_fields[detection_methods] |
properties.ThreatNames |
security_result.threat_name |
properties.RecipientEmailAddress |
target.user.email_addresses |
If the properties.RecipientEmailAddress log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^.+@.+$ , then the properties.RecipientEmailAddress log field is mapped to the target.user.email_addresses UDM field. |
properties.RecipientObjectId |
target.user.product_object_id |
日志类型的日志字段及其对应的 UDM 字段:
Log field | UDM mapping | Logic |
properties.Timestamp |
metadata.event_timestamp |
metadata.event_type |
The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to EMAIL_TRANSACTION . |
properties.ReportId |
metadata.product_log_id |
properties.EmailDirection |
network.direction |
If the properties.EmailDirection log field value is equal to Inbound , then the network.direction UDM field is set to INBOUND .Else, if the properties.EmailDirection log field value is equal to Outbound , then the network.direction UDM field is set to OUTBOUND .Else, the network.direction UDM field is set to UNKNOWN_DIRECTION . |
properties.NetworkMessageId |
network.email.mail_id |
properties.Subject |
network.email.subject |
properties.RecipientEmailAddress |
network.email.to |
properties.SenderFromDomain |
principal.administrative_domain |
properties.SenderIPv4 |
principal.ip |
properties.SenderIPv6 |
principal.ip |
properties.SenderMailFromAddress |
principal.user.attribute.labels[sender_mail_from_address] |
properties.SenderFromAddress |
principal.user.email_addresses |
If the properties.SenderFromAddress log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^.+@.+$ , then the properties.SenderFromAddress log field is mapped to the principal.user.email_addresses UDM field. |
properties.SenderMailFromDomain |
principal.user.attribute.labels[sender_mail_from_domain] |
properties.SenderObjectId |
principal.user.product_object_id |
properties.SenderDisplayName |
principal.user.user_display_name |
properties.ThreatTypes |
security_result.category |
If the properties.ThreatTypes log field value is equal to Phish , then the security_result.category UDM field is set to MAIL_PHISHING . |
properties.ThreatTypes |
security_result.category_details |
properties.ConfidenceLevel |
security_result.confidence_details |
properties.EmailAction |
security_result.description |
properties.AuthenticationDetails |
security_result.detection_fields[authentication_details] |
properties.BulkComplaintLevel |
security_result.detection_fields[bulk_complaint_level] |
properties.DetectionMethods |
security_result.detection_fields[detection_methods] |
properties.EmailActionPolicyGuid |
security_result.rule_id |
properties.EmailActionPolicy |
security_result.rule_name |
properties.ThreatNames |
security_result.threat_name |
properties.OrgLevelAction |
security_result.rule_labels[org_level_action] |
properties.OrgLevelPolicy |
security_result.rule_labels[org_level_policy] |
properties.UserLevelAction |
security_result.rule_labels[user_level_action] |
properties.UserLevelPolicy |
security_result.rule_labels[user_level_policy] |
properties.RecipientEmailAddress |
target.user.email_addresses |
If the properties.RecipientEmailAddress log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^.+@.+$ , then the properties.RecipientEmailAddress log field is mapped to the target.user.email_addresses UDM field. |
properties.RecipientObjectId |
target.user.product_object_id |
properties.AdditionalFields |
additional.fields[additional_fields] |
properties.DeliveryAction |
additional.fields[delivery_action] |
properties.DeliveryLocation |
additional.fields[delivery_location] |
The properties.DeliveryLocation log field is mapped to the additional.fields.delivery_location UDM field. |
properties.EmailClusterId |
additional.fields[email_cluster_id] |
properties.EmailLanguage |
additional.fields[email_language] |
properties.InternetMessageId |
additional.fields[internet_message_id] |
properties.LatestDeliveryLocation |
additional.fields[last_delivery_location] |
properties.UrlCount |
additional.fields[connectors] |
properties.Connectors |
additional.fields[attachment_count] |
properties.AttachmentCount |
additional.fields[latest_delivery_action] |
properties.LatestDeliveryAction |
additional.fields[latest_delivery_action] |
字段映射参考信息:MICROSOFT DEFENDER ENDPOINT - EmailPostDeliveryEvents
日志类型的日志字段及其对应的 UDM 字段:
Log field | UDM mapping | Logic |
properties.Timestamp |
metadata.event_timestamp |
metadata.event_type |
The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to EMAIL_UNCATEGORIZED . |
properties.ReportId |
security_result.detection_fields[report_id] |
properties.NetworkMessageId |
network.email.mail_id |
properties.ActionResult |
security_result.summary |
properties.ThreatTypes |
security_result.category |
If the properties.ThreatTypes log field value is equal to Phish , then the security_result.category UDM field is set to MAIL_PHISHING . |
properties.ThreatTypes |
security_result.category_details |
properties.ActionTrigger |
security_result.detection_fields[action_trigger] |
properties.DeliveryLocation |
security_result.detection_fields[delivery_location] |
properties.DetectionMethods |
security_result.detection_fields[detection_methods] |
properties.Action |
security_result.action_details |
properties.ActionType |
security_result.verdict_info.verdict_type |
If the properties.ActionType log field value is equal to Manual Remediation , then the security_result.verdict_info.verdict_type UDM field is set to ANALYST_VERDICT .Else, if the properties.ActionType log field contains one of the following values, then the security_result.verdict_info.verdict_type UDM field is set to PROVIDER_ML_VERDICT .
properties.RecipientEmailAddress |
target.user.email_addresses |
If the properties.RecipientEmailAddress log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^.+@.+$ , then the properties.RecipientEmailAddress log field is mapped to the target.user.email_addresses UDM field. |
properties.InternetMessageId |
additional.fields[internet_message_id] |
日志类型的日志字段及其对应的 UDM 字段:
Log field | UDM mapping | Logic |
properties.UrlDomain |
target.hostname |
properties.Url |
target.url |
properties.Timestamp |
metadata.event_timestamp |
metadata.event_type |
The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to EMAIL_TRANSACTION . |
properties.ReportId |
metadata.product_log_id |
properties.NetworkMessageId |
network.email.mail_id |
properties.UrlLocation |
additional.fields[url_location] |
日志类型的日志字段及其对应的 UDM 字段:
Log field | UDM mapping | Logic |
properties.SourceSystem |
entity.resource.parent |
properties.AccountDomain |
entity.administrative_domain |
properties.TenantId |
entity.resource.product_object_id |
properties.CreatedDateTime |
entity.user.attribute.creation_time |
properties.AccountUpn |
entity.user.attribute.labels[account_upn] |
properties.ChangeSource |
entity.user.attribute.labels[change_source] |
properties.CloudSid |
entity.user.attribute.labels[cloud_sid] |
properties.ReportId |
entity.user.attribute.labels[report_id] |
properties.SipProxyAddress |
entity.user.attribute.labels[sip_proxy_address] |
properties.SourceProvider |
entity.user.attribute.labels[source_provider] |
properties.Tags |
entity.user.attribute.labels[tags] |
properties.Type |
entity.user.attribute.role.name |
properties.DistinguishedName |
entity.user.attributes.labels[distinguished_name] |
properties.Department |
entity.user.department |
properties.EmailAddress |
entity.user.email_addresses |
If the properties.EmailAddress log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^.+@.+$ , then the properties.EmailAddress log field is mapped to the entity.user.email_addresses UDM field. |
properties.GivenName |
entity.user.first_name |
properties.Surname |
entity.user.last_name |
properties.Manager |
entity.user.managers.user_display_name |
properties.City |
entity.user.personal_address.city |
properties.Country |
entity.user.personal_address.country_or_region |
properties.Address |
entity.user.personal_address.name |
properties.Phone |
entity.user.phone_numbers |
properties.AccountObjectId |
entity.user.product_object_id |
properties.AssignedRoles |
entity.user.role_description |
properties.JobTitle |
entity.user.title |
properties.IsAccountEnabled |
entity.user.user_authentication_status |
If the properties.IsAccountEnabled log field value is equal to 1 , then the entity.user.user_authentication_status UDM field is set to ACTIVE .Else, the entity.user.user_authentication_status UDM field is set to SUSPENDED . |
properties.AccountDisplayName |
entity.user.user_display_name |
properties.AccountName |
entity.user.userid |
properties.OnPremSid |
entity.user.attribute.labels[on_prem_sid] |
properties.Timestamp |
metadata.creation_time |
metadata.entity_type |
The metadata.entity_type UDM field is set to USER . |
properties.AccountObjectId |
metadata.product_entity_id |