Collect Duo Activity logs

Supported in:

This document describes how to export Duo Activity logs and ingest them into Google Security Operations by deploying the ingestion script written in Python as a Cloud Run function and how log fields map to Google SecOps Unified Data Model (UDM) fields.

For more information, see Data ingestion to Google SecOps overview.

A typical deployment consists of Duo Activity and the ingestion script deployed as Cloud Run functions to send logs to Google SecOps. Each customer deployment can differ and might be more complex.

The deployment contains the following components:

  • Duo Activity: The platform from which you collect logs.

  • Cloud Run functions: The ingestion script deployed as Cloud Run functions to fetch logs from Duo Activity and ingest them into Google SecOps.

  • Google SecOps: Retains and analyzes the logs.

Note: An ingestion label identifies the parser which normalizes raw log data to structured UDM format. The information in this document applies to the parser with the DUO_ACTIVITY ingestion label.

Before you begin

  • Ensure that you have access to the Duo Admin panel.
  • Ensure that you're using Duo Admin API version 2 or later.

Configure Duo Activity

  1. Sign in to the Duo Admin panel as an administrator. For more information, see Duo Administration Admin Panel Overview.
  2. Click Applications > Protect an Application.
  3. In the Applications list, click Admin API > Protect to get your integration key, secret key, and API hostname.
  4. Select the required permissions you want to grant to the Admin API application. For more information regarding required permissions for the respective operations, see Duo Admin API.

Configure log ingestion for Google SecOps

  1. Create a deployment directory to store the files for the Cloud Run functions. This directory will contain all files needed for the deployment.
  2. Copy all files from the GitHub subdirectory of Duo Activity located in the Google SecOps GitHub repository to this deployment directory.
  3. Copy the common folder and all its contents to the deployment directory.
  4. Edit the .env.yml file to add all the required environment variables.
  5. Configure the environment variables marked as Secret in Secret Manager. For more information on how to create secrets, see Creating and accessing secrets.
  6. Use the secret's resource name as the value for the environment variables.
  7. Enter the value DUO_ACTIVITY in the CHRONICLE_NAMESPACE environment variable.
  8. In the Source code field, select ZIP Upload.
  9. In the Destination bucket field, click Browse to select a Cloud Storage bucket to upload your source code to as part of your deployment.
  10. In the ZIP file field, click Browse to select a zip file to upload from your local file system. Your function source files must be located at the root of the zip file.
  11. Click Deploy.

For more information, see Use ingestion scripts deployed as Cloud Run functions.

Field mapping reference

Field mapping reference: Event Identifier to Event Type

The following table lists the DUO_ACTIVITY log types and their corresponding UDM event types.
Event Identifier Event Type Security Category
admin_activate_duo_push DEVICE_PROGRAM_DOWNLOAD
admin_factor_restrictions RESOURCE_PERMISSIONS_CHANGE
admin_rectivates_duo_push DEVICE_PROGRAM_DOWNLOAD
admin_reset_password USER_CHANGE_PASSWORD
admin_send_reset_password_email EMAIL_TRANSACTION
bypass_view RESOURCE_READ
deregister_devices USER_RESOURCE_DELETION
device_change_enrollment_summary_notification_answered USER_COMMUNICATION
device_change_enrollment_summary_notification_answered_notify_admin USER_COMMUNICATION
device_change_enrollment_summary_notification_send USER_COMMUNICATION
device_change_notification_answered USER_COMMUNICATION
device_change_notification_answered_notify_admin USER_COMMUNICATION
device_change_notification_create RESOURCE_CREATION
device_change_notification_send USER_COMMUNICATION
group_create GROUP_CREATION
group_delete GROUP_DELETION
hardtoken_create RESOURCE_CREATION
hardtoken_delete RESOURCE_DELETION
hardtoken_resync RESOURCE_WRITTEN
hardtoken_update RESOURCE_WRITTEN
integration_create RESOURCE_CREATION
integration_delete RESOURCE_DELETION
integration_group_policy_add GROUP_UNCATEGORIZED
integration_group_policy_remove GROUP_UNCATEGORIZED
integration_policy_assign USER_UNCATEGORIZED
integration_policy_unassign USER_UNCATEGORIZED
integration_skey_bulk_view RESOURCE_READ
integration_skey_view RESOURCE_READ
integration_update RESOURCE_WRITTEN
log_export_complete USER_UNCATEGORIZED
log_export_failure USER_UNCATEGORIZED
log_export_start USER_UNCATEGORIZED
management_system_activate_device_cache DEVICE_CONFIG_UPDATE
management_system_active_device_cache_add_devices RESOURCE_CREATION
management_system_active_device_cache_delete_devices RESOURCE_DELETION
management_system_active_device_cache_edit_devices RESOURCE_WRITTEN
management_system_add_devices RESOURCE_CREATION
management_system_create RESOURCE_CREATION
management_system_delete RESOURCE_DELETION
management_system_delete_devices RESOURCE_DELETION
management_system_device_cache_add_devices RESOURCE_CREATION
management_system_device_cache_create RESOURCE_CREATION
management_system_device_cache_delete RESOURCE_DELETION
management_system_device_cache_delete_devices RESOURCE_DELETION
management_system_download_device_api_script DEVICE_PROGRAM_DOWNLOAD
management_system_pkcs12_enrollment RESOURCE_CREATION
management_system_sync_failure USER_UNCATEGORIZED
management_system_sync_success USER_UNCATEGORIZED
management_system_update USER_UNCATEGORIZED
management_system_view_password RESOURCE_READ
management_system_view_token RESOURCE_READ
phone_activation_code_regenerated RESOURCE_CREATION
phone_associate RESOURCE_CREATION
phone_disassociate RESOURCE_DELETION
phone_new_sms_passcode RESOURCE_CREATION
policy_update RESOURCE_WRITTEN
u2ftoken_create RESOURCE_CREATION
u2ftoken_delete RESOURCE_DELETION
user_adminapi_lockout USER_CHANGE_PERMISSIONS
user_lockout_cleared USER_CHANGE_PERMISSIONS
user_not_enrolled_lockout USER_CHANGE_PERMISSIONS
webauthncredential_create RESOURCE_CREATION
webauthncredential_delete RESOURCE_DELETION
webauthncredential_rename RESOURCE_WRITTEN

Field mapping reference: DUO_ACTIVITY

The following table lists the log fields of the DUO_ACTIVITY log type and their corresponding UDM fields.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
principal.platform If the access_device.os log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)Win, then the principal.platform UDM field is set to WINDOWS.

Else, if the access_device.os log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)Lin, then the principal.platform UDM field is set to LINUX.

Else, if the access_device.os log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)Mac, then the principal.platform UDM field is set to MAC.

Else, if the access_device.os log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)ios, then the principal.platform UDM field is set to IOS.

Else, if the access_device.os log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)Chrome, then the principal.platform UDM field is set to CHROME_OS.

Else, if the access_device.os log field value matches the regular expression pattern (?i)Android, then the principal.platform UDM field is set to ANDROID.

Else, the principal.platform UDM field is set to UNKNOWN_PLATFORM.
access_device.browser principal.asset.attribute.labels[access_device_browser]
access_device.browser_version principal.asset.attribute.labels[access_device_browser_version]
access_device.ip.address principal.ip principal.location.country_or_region
access_device.location.state principal.location.state
access_device.os_version principal.platform_version
action.details principal.user.attribute.labels[action_details] metadata.product_event_type
activity_id metadata.product_log_id
actor.details.created principal.user.first_seen_time principal.user.email_addresses principal.user.attribute.labels[actor_details_group_key] principal.user.attribute.labels[actor_details_group_name]
actor.details.last_login principal.user.last_login_time
actor.details.status principal.user.attribute.labels[status]
actor.key principal.user.userid principal.user.user_display_name
actor.type principal.user.attribute.labels[actor_type]
akey principal.asset.product_object_id
application.key principal.resource.product_object_id principal.application
application.type principal.resource.resource_subtype
old_target.details about.user.attribute.labels[old_target_details]
old_target.key about.asset.attribute.labels[old_target_key] about.asset.hostname
old_target.type about.asset.category
outcome.result security_result.action_details
target.details target.user.attribute.labels[target_details]
target.key target.asset.attribute.labels[target_key] target.asset.hostname
target.type target.asset.category
ts metadata.event_timestamp

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