Update certificate authorities

This page explains how you can update the configuration for a certificate authority (CA).

Update labels on a CA


  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Certificate Authority Service page.

    Go to Certificate Authority Service

  2. Under CAs, pick your target CA.

  3. In the Summary section, click Edit.

  4. Click Add labels.

  5. In the panel on the right side, click Add Item.

  6. Add the Key and Value for your label.

  7. Click Save.


gcloud privateca roots update CA_NAME --pool POOL_NAME --update-labels foo=bar


  • CA_NAME is the unique identifier of the CA.
  • POOL_NAME is the unique identifier of the CA pool.
  • --update-labels flag mentions the key-value pairs to update.

For more information about the gcloud privateca roots update command, see gcloud privateca roots update.

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