Manage policy controls

This tutorial shows you how to implement policy controls on Certificate Authority Service resources.


This tutorial provides information on configuring a shared certificate authority (CA) pool for DNS certificate issuance with the following policy controls:

  • User prod-dns-requester can request end-entity server TLS certificates for the * domain.
  • User test-dns-requester can request end-entity server TLS certificates for the * domain.
  • User blank-check-requester can request any kind of certificate from the CA pool.

This tutorial uses the certificate issuance policy of a CA pool, certificate templates, and conditional IAM bindings to achieve this scenario.

Before you begin

Creating a CA pool

To create a CA pool, use the following instructions:

  1. To create a CA pool that uses the issuance-policy.yaml file, use the following gcloud command:


    gcloud privateca pools create POOL_NAME --location=LOCATION --tier=ENTERPRISE


    • LOCATION is the location where you want to create the CA pool. For the complete list of locations, see Locations.
    • --tier flag is used to specify the tier of the CA pool. For more information about tiers, see Select the operation tiers.
  2. To create a CA with Google-managed resources in the newly created CA pool, use the following gcloud command:


    gcloud privateca roots create CA_NAME \
        --pool=POOL_NAME \
        --location=LOCATION \
        --subject="CN=Example DNS Root, O=Example LLC, C=US" \
        --validity="10Y" \
        --max-chain-length=1 \


    • POOL_NAME is the unique identifier of the CA pool.
    • LOCATION is the location where you want to create the CA pool. For the complete list of locations, see Locations.
    • --subject flag is used to pass the name of the certificate subject.
    • --validity flag determines the validity period of the CA. The default validity period is 10 years.
    • --max-chain-length flag determines the maximum depth of subordinate CAs allowed under a CA.
    • --auto-enable flag creates the CA in ENABLED state, rather than in the STAGED state. For more information about CA states, see CA states.

Configuring policy controls for test certificates

The issuance policy changes are effective immediately. We recommend that you configure test policy controls before using them for production. This section describes how you can configure test policy controls.

For both the test and production DNS templates, you must use the same predefined values for server TLS certificates. Create a YAML file leaf_server_tls_predefined_values.yaml, and copy the following end-entity server TLS configuration into the file.

        digitalSignature: true
        keyEncipherment: true
        serverAuth: true
      isCa: false

Configure policy controls for test DNS certificates

This section describes how you can set policy controls to allow the user test-dns-requester to request end-entity server TLS certificates for DNS in the * domain.

Create DNS certificate template for test certificates

This section describes how you can create a certificate template that contains the end-entity server TLS configuration. This certificate template restricts certificates to using only DNS SANs on the * domain. These restrictions are implemented using a Common Expression Language (CEL) expression. The certificate template also drops any subject specified in the certificate request.

  1. Use the following gcloud command to create the certificate template that contains the end-entity server TLS extensions, drops any subject specified in the certificate request, and limits allowed SANs.


    gcloud privateca templates create test-server-tls-template \
    --predefined-values-file  ./leaf_server_tls_predefined_values.yaml \
    --no-copy-subject \
    --copy-sans \
    --identity-cel-expression "subject_alt_names.all(san, san.type == DNS && san.value.endsWith(''))"


    • --predefined-values-file flag is used to pass a YAML file that describes any predefined X.509 values set by the certificate template.
    • --no-copy-subject flag drops all caller-specified subjects from the certificate request.
    • --copy sans flag ensures that the SAN extension from the certificate request is copied into the signed certificate.
    • --identity-cel-expression flag is used to pass a CEL expression that is evaluated against the identity in the certificate before it is issued. For more information about using CEL expressions to implement various policy controls, see Using CEL.

    For more information about creating certificate templates, see Create a certificate template.

Create IAM bindings for DNS test certificates

To allow user test-dns-requester@ in the DNS CA pool to request test server TLS certificates, create a conditional IAM binding on the CA pool. Grant the privateca.certificateRequester role to user test-dns-requester@ only if the certificate request contains a reference to the test-server-tls-template template. For more information about IAM roles and permissions for CA Service, see Access control with IAM.

  1. Create a policy YAML file test_dns_condition.yaml, and copy the following TLS configuration into the file.

      title: test DNS binding
      description: allows user to only create DNS test certificates
      expression: api.getAttribute("", "") == "PROJECT_ID/-/test-server-tls-template"

    The template name provided in the IAM condition must match the template name in the certificate request. So, if you're providing a project ID in the attribute of the CEL expression, you must also provide a project ID when requesting the certificate. If you provide a project number in the CEL expression, you must provide a project number in the certificate request as well.

  2. Use the following gcloud command to add policy controls that allow test-dns-requester@ to only request production test TLS certificates from the CA pool.


    gcloud privateca pools add-iam-policy-binding POOL_NAME \
        --location=LOCATION \
        --role='roles/privateca.certificateRequester' \
        --member='user:test-dns-requester@' \


    • --role flag is used to pass the role name that is to be assigned to a member. For more information about IAM roles and permissions for CA Service, see Access control with IAM.
    • --member flag is used to pass the member to add the binding for.
    • condition-from-file flag is used to pass the name of the file with the CEL condition.
  3. Use the following gcloud to add policy controls that allow test-dns-requester@ to use the 'test-server-tls-template' certificate template.


    gcloud privateca templates add-iam-policy-binding test-server-tls-template \
        --role='roles/privateca.templateUser' \


    • --role flag is used to pass the role name that is to be assigned to a member. For more information about IAM roles and permissions for CA Service, see Access control with IAM.
    • --member flag is used to pass the member to add the binding for.

    For more information about configuring IAM policies, see Configure IAM policies.

Configuring policy controls for production certificates

Once you have tested your policy controls, you can use those policy controls in your production environment.

Configure policy controls for production DNS certificates

This section describes how you can set policy controls to allow the user prod-dns-requester to request end-entity TLS certificates for the DNS domain.

Create certificate template for production DNS certificates

Use the following instructions to create a certificate template that contains end-entity server TLS configuration. This certificate template restricts certificates to using only DNS SANs on the * domain. These restrictions are implemented using a Common Expression Language (CEL) expression. The certificate template also drops any subject specified in the certificate request.

Create a certificate template prod-server-tls-template using the following gcloud command.


gcloud privateca templates create prod-server-tls-template \
  --predefined-values-file ./leaf_server_tls_predefined_values.yaml \
  --no-copy-subject \
  --copy-sans \
  --identity-cel-expression "subject_alt_names.all(san, san.type == DNS && san.value.endsWith(''))"


  • --predefined-values-file flag is used to pass a YAML file that describes any predefined X.509 values set by the certificate template.
  • --no-copy-subject flag drops all caller-specified subjects from the certificate request.
  • --copy sans flag ensures that the SAN extension from the certificate request is copied into the signed certificate.
  • --identity-cel-expression flag is used to pass a CEL expression that is evaluated against the identity in the certificate before it is issued. For more information about CEL expressions, see Using CEL expressions.

For more information about creating certificate templates, see Create a certificate template.

For more information about the gcloud privateca templates create command, see gcloud privateca templates create.

Create production DNS IAM binding

To allow user prod-dns-requester@ in the DNS CA pool to request production server TLS certificates, create a conditional IAM binding on the CA pool. Give the user prod-dns-requester@ the privateca.certificateRequester role only if the certificate request contains a reference to the prod-server-tls-template template. For more information about IAM roles and permissions, see: Access control with IAM.

  1. Create a policy YAML file prod_dns_condition.yaml and copy the following TLS configuration into the file.

    title: Production DNS binding
    description: allows user to only create DNS production certificates
    expression: api.getAttribute("", "") == "PROJECT_ID/-/prod-server-tls-template"
  2. Use the following gcloud command to add policy controls that allow prod-dns-requester@ to only request production server TLS certificates from the CA pool.


    gcloud privateca pools add-iam-policy-binding POOL_NAME \
        --location=LOCATION \
        --role='roles/privateca.certificateRequester' \
        --member='user:prod-dns-requester@' \


    • --role flag is used to pass the role name that is to be assigned to a member. For more information about IAM roles and permissions for CA Service, see Access control with IAM.
    • --member flag is used to pass the member to add the binding for.
    • condition-from-file flag is used to pass the name of the file with the CEL condition.

    For more information about the gcloud privateca pools add-iam-policy-binding command, see gcloud privateca pools add-iam-policy-binding.

  3. To add policy controls that allow prod-dns-requester@ to use the 'prod-server-tls-template' certificate template, use the following gcloud command:


    gcloud privateca templates add-iam-policy-binding prod-server-tls-template \
        --role='roles/privateca.templateUser' \


    • --role flag is used to pass the role name that is to be assigned to a member. For more information about IAM roles and permissions for CA Service, see Access control with IAM.
    • --member flag is used to pass the member to add the binding for.

Unrestricted user policy controls

To allow the user blank-check-requester@ to request any certificate without any limitations, create an IAM binding without any conditionals giving the user the role privateca.certificateRequester.


gcloud privateca pools add-iam-policy-binding POOL_NAME \
    --location=LOCATION \
    --role='roles/privateca.certificateRequester' \


  • The value of the --role flag determines the role that is assigned to the user. For more information about IAM roles and permissions for CA Service, see Access control with IAM.
  • The value of the --member flag determines the user who is assigned the role.

Replace the following:

  • POOL_NAME: the unique identifier of the CA pool.
  • LOCATION: the location of the CA pool. For the complete list of locations, see Locations.

Testing the policy controls

Once you have implemented your certificate issuance and IAM policies, it is important to review and test these policies to ensure that they work as expected.

Retrieve all policy bindings

Fetch all the IAM policies that are implemented on your CA pool. To retrieve all the IAM policies for the CA pool, use the gcloud privateca pools get-iam-policy command:


gcloud privateca pools get-iam-policy POOL_NAME --location=LOCATION

Replace the following:

  • POOL_NAME: the unique identifier of the CA pool.
  • LOCATION: the location of the CA pool. For the complete list of locations, see Locations.

For more information about the gcloud privateca pools get-iam-policy command, see gcloud privateca pools get-iam-policy.

Generating certificates

This section provides information on generating general-purpose certificates, and test and production DNS certificates.

Generate test DNS certificates

To allow user test-dns-requester@ to request test DNS certificates from the CA pool, use the following gcloud command:


gcloud privateca certificates create test-dns-1 \
    --project=PROJECT_ID \
    --issuer-location=LOCATION \
    --issuer-pool=POOL_NAME \ \
    --generate-key \
    --key-output-file=KEY_FILE_NAME \
    --cert-output-file=test_dns_cert.pem \


  • --dns-san flag is used to set one or more comma-separated DNS SANs.
  • --generate-key flag triggers the generation of a new RSA-2048 private key on your machine.
  • --key-output-file flag is used to set the path where the generated private key is written (in PEM format).
  • --cert-output-file flag is used to set the path where the resulting PEM-encoded certificate chain file is written (ordered from end-entity to root).
  • --template flag is used to set the name of the certificate template that you want to use for issuing this certificate. The specified template must be in the same location as the issuing CA pool. For more information about certificate templates, see Overview of certificate templates and issuance policies.

Replace the following:

  • PROJECT_ID: the unique identifier of the project.
  • LOCATION: the location of the CA pool from which the certificate is requested. For the complete list of locations, see Locations.
  • POOL_NAME: the unique identifier of the CA pool.

Generate production certificates

The user prod-dns-requester can now request production DNS certificates from the CA pool. The adds a SAN of DNS type with the specified value to the certificate request.


gcloud privateca certificates create prod-dns-1 \
    --project=PROJECT_ID \
    --issuer-location=LOCATION \
    --issuer-pool=POOL_NAME \ \
    --generate-key \
    --key-output-file=KEY_FILE_NAME \
    --cert-output-file=prod_dns_cert.pem \


  • --issuer-location flag is used to set the location of the certificate. For the complete list of locations, see Locations.
  • --issuer-pool flag sets the CA pool from which the certificate is requested.
  • --dns-san flag is used to set one or more comma-separated DNS SANs.
  • --generate-key flag triggers the generation of a new RSA-2048 private key on your machine.
  • --key-output-file flag is used to set the path where the generated private key is written (in PEM format).
  • --cert-output-file flag is used to set the path where the resulting PEM-encoded certificate chain file is written (ordered from end-entity to root).
  • --template flag is used to set the name of the certificate template to use for issuing this certificate. The specified template must be in the same location as the issuing CA pool. For more information about certificate templates, see Overview of certificate templates and issuance policies.

Generate general-purpose certificates

The user blank-check-requester@ can request any certificate from the CA pool using the gcloud privateca certificates create command.

To request a certificate from a CA pool, you can use a public/private key created by CA Service. For more information about requesting certificates, see Request a certificate and view issued certificate.

Clean up

This section explains how you can remove IAM policies over a CA pool.

Remove a specific IAM binding

To remove the IAM conditional bindings over the CA pool for blank-check-requester user, use the following gcloud command:


gcloud privateca pools remove-iam-policy-binding POOL_NAME \
    --location=LOCATION \
    --role='roles/privateca.certificateRequester' \


  • The value of the --role flag determines the role that is assigned to the user. For more information about IAM roles and permissions for CA Service, see Access control with IAM.
  • The value of the --member flag determines the user who is assigned the role.

When removing a specific IAM binding, you must provide all the information related to the IAM binding in the gcloud privateca pools remove-iam-policy-binding command. A role and member might have multiple IAM bindings with different conditions. It is important that you provide all the details related to the IAM binding to avoid accidentally deleting a different binding.

For more information about the gcloud privateca pools remove-iam-policy-binding command, see gcloud privateca pools remove-iam-policy-binding.

Remove all IAM conditional bindings

To remove an IAM binding, you can use the gcloud privateca pools remove-iam-policy-binding command. When removing an IAM conditional binding, you must provide all the information about the binding. A user and a role can have more than one conditional binding. To remove all conditional bindings, use the --all flag in your gcloud command.

Use the following gcloud command to remove all bindings for the prod-code-signing-requester user.


gcloud privateca pools remove-iam-policy-binding POOL_NAME \
    --location=LOCATION \
    --role='roles/privateca.certificateRequester' \
    --member='user:prod-code-signing-requester@' \


  • The value of the --role flag determines the role that is assigned to the user. For more information about IAM roles and permissions for CA Service, see Access control with IAM.
  • The value of the --member flag determines the user who is assigned the role.