This page lists Blockchain Analytics known issues and workarounds. For a list of bugs, new features, and other release information, see Release notes.
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Category | Subject | Description |
Avalanche Ethereum Fantom Optimism Tron |
Addresses |
Because Blockchain Analytics indexes addresses as returned by the upstream node's JSON-RPC API, addresses in Blockchain Analytics datasets are indexed in all lowercase.
For example: SELECT * FROM bigquery-public-data.blockchain_analytics_ethereum_mainnet_us.transactions WHERE to_address = LOWER("0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48") AND block_number = 17641663; |
Avalanche Ethereum Fantom Optimism Tron |
UINT256 | To perform lossless UINT256 computation, usage of UDFs is required. UDFs are subject to quote limit, rate limit and time-outs as described in User-defined functions, Limitations. |
Avalanche Ethereum Fantom Optimism Tron |
Schema consistency across chains |
Datasets for all chains have the following tables:
Tables in the Avalanche, Fantom, Optimism, and Tron datasets share the same table schemas. The Ethereum dataset includes additional tables and slight schema differences from Avalanche, Fantom, Optimism, and Tron. All tables in the Ethereum dataset include the block timestamp column. Refer to the schemas page for more information. |
Avalanche Fantom Optimism Tron |
Missing transaction receipts | Affected chains may be missing rows from the transaction receipts table. This currently affects < 0.1% of all transactions per chain. |
Avalanche Fantom Optimism Tron |
Table partitioning and clustering |
Tables for affected chains are not partitioned. Tables are clustered
by columns used to form the primary key for the table. Refer to
Ethereum | Accounts data |
Ethereum | Data freshness | Blockchain Analytics indexes Ethereum upon finalized commitment. The indexer waits for majority two-thirds validation from Ethereum validators before indexing data. Because of this, data is typically two epochs (or 64 slots) behind the latest block. This is roughly 12 - 15 minutes behind latest. |
Ethereum | Traces | Blockchain Analytics indexes and normalizes Ethereum traces to Parity-style traces. |
Polygon | Data freshness | The Polygon data will remain approximately 24 hours behind the tip-of-chain. |