Assured Open Source Software provides you with packages, package metadata, and utility scripts. Each Assured OSS package is signed using a separate Google-issued certificate which uses ECDSA P256 algorithm for key generation. Each package metadata and utility script is also signed using a single Google-issued certificate which uses ECDSA P256 algorithm for key generation. These certificates are issued using Certificate Authority Service and the corresponding public root certificate can be found in a Cloud Storage bucket.
This document applies to the free tier. For information about signatures in the premium tier, see Access security metadata and verify packages.
Overview of signatures
Signatures are stored in a
file. The
contains the following files:
: This file stores the hashing algorithm along with the package digest in a hex-encoded format. See the following example:SHA-256:c5feab6f4de0878e94cf2a3074039b4f16a0c93a03501f047ee6eea29a8e33e0`.
: This file stores the signature algorithm along with the hex-encoded signature. See the following example:ECDSAP256_DER:30450220585d2a01f20de98dfe6cfab2c01a8f11787dbafbc6541304d23cc582e61be016022100f05a19f5ce473144579dfefc47905fd650584a1c7a31bd9d5bf93ecce739a7cb`
: This file stores the public certificate.certChain.pem
: This file stores the certificate chain for the public certificate.
Verification of signatures
You can verify signatures using either of the following:
- aoss-verifier tool
- manually
- verification script
Verify signatures using aoss-verifier
To verify the authenticity and integrity of open source software packages, install the aoss-verifier tool.
To verify a package, pass the LANGUAGE, PACKAGE_ID, and VERSION values and the PATH_TO_DATA_FILE that you want to verify using the
, and--artifact_path
flags.aoss-verifier verify-package \ --language
LANGUAGE \ --package_idPACKAGE_ID \ --versionVERSION \ --artifact_pathARTIFACT_PATH Replace the following:
- LANGUAGE: The package language. The value must be in lowercase.
- PACKAGE_ID: For Java, the format is groupId:artifactId. For Python, the format is packageName. The value must be in lowercase.
- VERSION: The version of the package.
- ARTIFACT_PATH: The path to the data file in your
local directory that you want to verify. Use the following filename
file extension for a Java packagewhl
file extension for a Python package
Verify signatures manually
To verify the signatures manually, do the following:
Install Google Cloud CLI and the OpenSSL software, version 3.0.1 or higher.
Verify the digest.
Identify the hashing algorithm. The
file contains the hashing algorithm used to calculate the digest. Identify the hashing algorithm using the following command:cut -d ':' -f1 digest.txt
Make sure that the output is
.Calculate digest of the data file. You can calculate digest of the data file by using various command line tools depending on the hash algorithm used. For Assured OSS data files and scripts, use the SHA-256 hash algorithm to generate the digest.
On Linux, use the following command to calculate the hash:
PATH_TO_DATA_FILE | cut -d ' ' -f1 > datadigest.txtFor package verification, replace PATH_TO_DATA_FILE with the path to the package in your local directory for package verification.
For metadata verification, replace PATH_TO_DATA_FILE with the metadata filename. For example,
.On macOS, use the following command:
shasum -a 256
PATH_TO_DATA_FILE | cut -d ' ' -f1 > datadigest.txtExtract hash from the
file using the following command:cut -d ':' -f2 digest.txt > signaturedigest.txt
Compare the two digests using the following command:
diff datadigest.txt signaturedigest.txt
If there is no difference, then there will be no output.
Verify the signature
Obtain a public key from
using the following command:openssl x509 -pubkey -noout -in cert.pem > pubkey.pem
Extract the signature in binary format using the following command (install
command if it isn't present):cut -d ':' -f2 signature.txt | xxd -r -p > sig.sig
Extract the digest in binary format using the following command:
cut -d ':' -f2 digest.txt | xxd -r -p > digest.bin
Verify the signature using one of the following commands:
Option 1
openssl pkeyutl -in digest.bin -inkey pubkey.pem -pubin -verify -sigfile sig.sig
The command returns the following output:
Signature Verified Successfully
Option 2
openssl dgst -sha256 -verify pubkey.pem -signature sig.sig
PATH_TO_DATA_FILE Replace PATH_TO_DATA_FILE with the path to the data file in your local directory.
The command returns the following output:
Verified OK
Verify the certificate
To verify the certificate, run the following command:
openssl verify -verbose -CAfile ca.crt -untrusted certChain.pem cert.pem
is the root certificate that can be download using this command:curl -o PATH_TO_LOCAL_STORE
The following output is returned upon success:
cert.pem: OK
Verify signatures using a script
To use a verification script to verify signatures, follow these steps:
Download the verification script.
Set up authentication using Application Default Credentials (ADC).
Download the
for the verification script using the following command:gcloud storage cp "gs://cloud-aoss/utils/signature-verification/v1.0"
PATH_TO_LOCAL_STORE --recursiveReplace PATH_TO_LOCAL_STORE with the local path where you want to download the file.
You can also perform utility script verification using the verification script.
Execute the script using the following steps:
Install Google Cloud CLI and the OpenSSL software, version 3.0.1 or higher.
Authenticate with the service account that has permission to access Assured OSS.
Grant the required permissions to execute the script using the following command:
chmod +x
Execute the script using the following command if you haven't downloaded the
file:./ --data_file_path
PATH_TO_DATA_FILE \ --signature_urlSIGNATURE_ZIP_URL \ --root_cert_urlROOT_CERT_URL Replace the following:
- PATH_TO_DATA_FILE: the path to the data file in your local directory that you want to verify
- SIGNATURE_ZIP_URL: the URL of the signature zip file
- ROOT_CERT_URL: the public root certificate URL
Sample output
The following output indicates that the verification script has run successfully.
Signature verification successful
Certificate verification successful