Access metadata using the Artifact Analysis API

Assured OSS provides security metadata for every package available. Each version of the package has its own metadata. This page explains what information is provided as part of the metadata and how you can access this metadata.

You can access the security metadata using one of the following options:

  • Artifact Analysis API
  • Cloud Storage

This page applies to the free tier only.

Security metadata

Artifact Analysis provides metadata storage according to the open source Grafeas model. The following information is provided for each version of the package:

  • A PackageNote for each version released of the package by Assured OSS. The package note contains the following:

    • distribution where each distribution corresponds to one artifact being provided by Assured OSS. It includes the location and digest url (from where the signature and hash can be downloaded) for binary and reproducible sources.
    • relatedURL that contains links to metadata like build provenance, test attestation, and vulnerabilities.
  • A BuildOccurrence. The link to this build occurrence is given in the package note's relatedURL section against the label BUILD_OCCURRENCE. The intotoStatement in the build occurrence contains the SLSA v0.2 provenance.

  • A second BuildOccurrenance. The link to this build occurrence is given in the package note's relatedURL section against the label ORIGINAL_SOURCE_PROVENANCE. This file contains the original source (GitHub) details in the form of Source.

  • An AttestationOccurrence. The link to this attestation occurrence is given in the package note's relatedURL section against the label TEST_OCCURRENCE. The serialized payload in the attestation contains JSON representing all security testing done on the package version.

  • A second AttestationOccurrence. The link to this attestation occurrence is given in the package note's relatedURL section against the label PACKAGE_ATTESTATION_OCCURRENCE. The JSON serialized payload in the attestation is the payload of the package note and the signature for it. This attestation is used to verify the integrity of the package note's content.

  • A VulnerabilityNote and VulnerabilityOccurrence for every vulnerability associated with the package. The note and occurrence combined provide information about vulnerabilities such as the vulnerability summary or description, severity, CVSSV3 score, affected and fixed version information, and remediation.

Access security metadata from Artifact Analysis

You can access the security metadata from Artifact Analysis using the Artifact Analysis API clients which are available in different languages. To get started with the Cloud Client Libraries for the Artifact Analysis API, see Install the required Artifact Analysis client libraries.

To access the security metadata, follow these steps:

Step 1 - Set up authentication

Set up authentication using Application Default Credentials (ADC).

Step 2 - Fetch security metadata

To fetch security metadata, create a note_name package using the following information:

  • Project_ID: The alpha-numeric identifier for your Google Cloud project.
  • Package Language: Java or Python. This must be in uppercase.
  • Package_ID: for Java, it's groupId_artifactId and for Python it's packageName. This value is case sensitive. The valid casing for the release name of the package can be found in Listing all Packages in Assured OSS.
  • Version: The version of the package.

The note_name should have the following structure: projects/<project_id>/notes/<language>-<package_id>-<version>.

For example: projects/cloud-aoss/notes/JAVA-org.apache.commons_commons-compress-1.21

Option 1:

If you're using the Container Analysis Client Libraries, use getNotes with the note_name to query the PackageNote. The PackageNote has links to other notes and occurrences.

Option 2:

If you're using the curl command, use the following command:

curl  -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H   "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" $URL
  • For Java, use URL:
  • For Python, use URL:

Sample Metadata

  "name": "projects/cloud-aoss/notes/JAVA-org.jsoup_jsoup-1.15.2",
  "kind": "PACKAGE",
  "relatedUrl": [
      "url": "projects/cloud-aoss/occurrences/621d7e7b-8e6c-4313-b24b-eae3a1d1b884",
      "url": "",
      "label": "BUILD_OCCURRENCE"
      "url": "projects/cloud-aoss/occurrences/6005db73-7310-44f9-9a36-6ca0174732a1",
      "label": "TEST_OCCURRENCE"
      "url": "projects/cloud-aoss/notes/GHSA-gp7f-rwcx-9369",
      "label": "VULNERABILITY_GHSA-gp7f-rwcx-9369"
  "createTime": "2022-10-12T06:48:19.162016Z",
  "updateTime": "2022-10-18T05:31:15.081736Z",
  "package": {
    "distribution": [
        "cpeUri": "cpe:2.3:a:JAVA::org.jsoup:jsoup:1.15.2:*:*:*:*:*:*:*",
        "url": "…/org/jsoup/jsoup/1.15.2/jsoup-1.15.2.jar",
        "description": "..."
        "cpeUri": "cpe:2.3:a:JAVA::org.jsoup:jsoup:1.15.2:*:*:*:*:*:*:*",
        "url": "…/org/jsoup/jsoup/1.15.2/jsoup-1.15.2-sources.jar",
        "description": "..."

Use the note and occurrence names provided in the relatedURL map to fetch additional data related to source, build, test, and vulnerability. To do this, use the GetNote and GetOccurrence APIs or curl commands. For BUILD_OCCURRENCE, remove the initial prefix of when you use the API. For other entities, use the URLs directly as note_name or occurrence_name in API parameter.

Sample Python script

A sample Python script that prints the entire downloaded metadata is available at the following Cloud Storage location along with its README file:


Follow these steps to download the script using the Google Cloud CLI:

  1. Set up authentication using Application Default Credentials (ADC).

  2. Install the container-analysis client library. Specifically this command should install:

    pip install google-cloud-containeranalysis
  3. Install the cloud-kms and cryptography packages using the following commands:

    pip install --upgrade google-cloud-kms
    pip install --upgrade cryptography
  4. Download the to your system using the following command:

    gcloud storage cp gs://cloud-aoss/utils/python-download-metadata/v1.1/
    PATH_TO_LOCAL_STORE --recursive

    Replace PATH_TO_LOCAL_STORE with the local path where you want to save the file.

  5. Download the that contains the instructions to use the script using the following command:

    gcloud storage cp gs://cloud-aoss/utils/python-download-metadata/v1.1/ PATH_TO_LOCAL_STORE --recursive

    Replace PATH_TO_LOCAL_STORE with the local path where you want to save the file.

Sample Command

python ./ -l 'JAVA' -p 'org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-core' -v '2.17.1'

To verify the signatures in the container analysis metadata, add the following command to the script:

python ./ -l 'JAVA' -p 'org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-core' -v '2.17.1' -s`

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