Source code for google.appengine.ext.ndb.utils

# Copyright 2008 The ndb Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

"""Low-level utilities used internally by NDB.

These are not meant for use by code outside NDB.

import functools
import logging
import os
import sys
import threading

__all__ = []

DEBUG = True  # Set to False for some speedups

# pylint: disable=invalid-name

def logging_debug(*args):
  # NOTE: If you want to see debug messages, set the logging level
  # manually to logging.DEBUG - 1; or for tests use -v -v -v (see below).
  if DEBUG and logging.getLogger().level < logging.DEBUG:

def wrapping(wrapped):
  # A decorator to decorate a decorator's wrapper.  Following the lead
  # of Twisted and Monocle, this is supposed to make debugging heavily
  # decorated code easier.  We'll see...
  # TODO(user): This copies the functionality of functools.wraps
  # following the patch in We can replace
  # this once upgrading to python 3.3.
  def wrapping_wrapper(wrapper):
      wrapper.__wrapped__ = wrapped
      wrapper.__name__ = wrapped.__name__
      wrapper.__doc__ = wrapped.__doc__
      # Local functions won't have __module__ attribute.
      if hasattr(wrapped, '__module__'):
        wrapper.__module__ = wrapped.__module__
    except Exception:
    return wrapper
  return wrapping_wrapper

# Define a base class for classes that need to be thread-local.
# This is pretty subtle; we want to use threading.local if threading
# is supported, but object if it is not.
if threading.local.__module__ == 'thread':
  logging_debug('Using threading.local')
  threading_local = threading.local
  logging_debug('Not using threading.local')
  threading_local = object

def get_stack(limit=10):
  # Return a list of strings showing where the current frame was called.
  if not DEBUG:
    return ()
  frame = sys._getframe(1)  # Always skip get_stack() itself.
  lines = []
  while len(lines) < limit and frame is not None:
    f_locals = frame.f_locals
    ndb_debug = f_locals.get('__ndb_debug__')
    if ndb_debug != 'SKIP':
      line = frame_info(frame)
      if ndb_debug is not None:
        line += ' # ' + str(ndb_debug)
    frame = frame.f_back
  return lines

def func_info(func, lineno=None):
  if not DEBUG:
    return None
  func = getattr(func, '__wrapped__', func)
  code = getattr(func, 'func_code', None)
  return code_info(code, lineno)

def gen_info(gen):
  if not DEBUG:
    return None
  frame = gen.gi_frame
  if gen.gi_running:
    prefix = 'running generator '
  elif frame:
    if frame.f_lasti < 0:
      prefix = 'initial generator '
      prefix = 'suspended generator '
    prefix = 'terminated generator '
  if frame:
    return prefix + frame_info(frame)
  code = getattr(gen, 'gi_code', None)
  if code:
    return prefix + code_info(code)
  return prefix + hex(id(gen))

def frame_info(frame):
  if not DEBUG:
    return None
  return code_info(frame.f_code, frame.f_lineno)

def code_info(code, lineno=None):
  if not DEBUG or not code:
    return ''
  funcname = code.co_name
  # TODO: Be cleverer about stripping filename,
  # e.g. strip based on sys.path.
  filename = os.path.basename(code.co_filename)
  if lineno is None:
    lineno = code.co_firstlineno
  return '%s(%s:%s)' % (funcname, filename, lineno)

def positional(max_pos_args):
  """A decorator to declare that only the first N arguments may be positional.

  Note that for methods, n includes 'self'.
  __ndb_debug__ = 'SKIP'

  def positional_decorator(wrapped):
    if not DEBUG:
      return wrapped
    __ndb_debug__ = 'SKIP'

    def positional_wrapper(*args, **kwds):
      __ndb_debug__ = 'SKIP'
      if len(args) > max_pos_args:
        plural_s = ''
        if max_pos_args != 1:
          plural_s = 's'
        raise TypeError(
            '%s() takes at most %d positional argument%s (%d given)' %
            (wrapped.__name__, max_pos_args, plural_s, len(args)))
      return wrapped(*args, **kwds)
    return positional_wrapper
  return positional_decorator

def decorator(wrapped_decorator):
  """Converts a function into a decorator that optionally accepts keyword
  arguments in its declaration.

  Example usage:
    def decorator(func, args, kwds, op1=None):
      ... apply op1 ...
      return func(*args, **kwds)

    # Form (1), vanilla

    # Form (2), with options

    wrapped_decorator: A function that accepts positional args (func, args,
      kwds) and any additional supported keyword arguments.

    A decorator with an additional 'wrapped_decorator' property that is set to
  the original function.
  def helper(_func=None, **options):
    def outer_wrapper(func):
      def inner_wrapper(*args, **kwds):
        return wrapped_decorator(func, args, kwds, **options)
      return inner_wrapper

    if _func is None:
      # Form (2), with options.
      return outer_wrapper

    # Form (1), vanilla.
    if options:
      # Don't allow @decorator(foo, op1=5).
      raise TypeError('positional arguments not supported')
    return outer_wrapper(_func)
  helper.wrapped_decorator = wrapped_decorator
  return helper

def tweak_logging():
  # Hack for running tests with verbose logging.  If there are two or
  # more -v flags, turn on INFO logging; if there are 3 or more, DEBUG.
  # (A single -v just tells unittest.main() to print the name of each
  # test; we don't want to interfere with that.)
  # Also, if there is a -q flag, set DEBUG to False, suppressing more
  # debug info even from warnings.
  q = 0
  v = 0
  for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
    if arg.startswith('-v'):
      v += arg.count('v')
    if arg.startswith('-q'):
      q += arg.count('q')
  if v >= 2:
    level = logging.INFO
    if v >= 3:
      level = logging.DEBUG - 1
  if q > 0:
    global DEBUG
    DEBUG = False

if 'test' in os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]):