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#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# limitations under the License.

"""Wrapper for QueryParser."""

from google.appengine._internal import antlr3
from google.appengine._internal.antlr3 import tree
from import QueryLexer
from import QueryParser
from import unicode_util


[docs]class QueryException(Exception): """An error occurred while parsing the query input string."""
[docs]class QueryTreeException(Exception): """An error occurred while analyzing the parse tree.""" def __init__(self, msg, position): Exception.__init__(self, msg) self.position = position
[docs]class QueryLexerWithErrors(QueryLexer.QueryLexer): """An overridden Lexer that raises exceptions."""
[docs] def displayRecognitionError(self, tokenNames, e): msg = "WARNING: query error at line %d:%d" % (e.line, e.charPositionInLine); self.emitErrorMessage(msg)
[docs] def emitErrorMessage(self, msg): """Raise an exception if the input fails to parse correctly. Overriding the default, which normally just prints a message to stderr. Arguments: msg: the error message Raises: QueryException: always. """ raise QueryException(msg)
[docs]class QueryParserWithErrors(QueryParser.QueryParser): """An overridden Parser that raises exceptions."""
[docs] def displayRecognitionError(self, tokenNames, e): msg = "WARNING: query error at line %d:%d" % (e.line, e.charPositionInLine); self.emitErrorMessage(msg)
[docs] def emitErrorMessage(self, msg): """Raise an exception if the input fails to parse correctly. Overriding the default, which normally just prints a message to stderr. Arguments: msg: the error message Raises: QueryException: always. """ raise QueryException(msg)
[docs]def CreateParser(query): """Creates a Query Parser.""" input_string = antlr3.ANTLRStringStream(unicode_util.LimitUnicode(query)) lexer = QueryLexerWithErrors(input_string) tokens = antlr3.CommonTokenStream(lexer) parser = QueryParserWithErrors(tokens) return parser
[docs]def ParseAndSimplify(query): """Parses a query and performs all necessary transformations on the tree.""" node = Parse(query).tree try: node = SimplifyNode(node) ValidateNode(node) except QueryTreeException, e: msg = "%s in query '%s'" % (e.message, query) raise QueryException(msg) return node
[docs]def Parse(query): """Parses a query and returns an ANTLR tree.""" parser = CreateParser(query) try: return parser.query() except Exception, e: msg = "%s in query '%s'" % (e.message, query) raise QueryException(msg)
[docs]def ConvertNodes(node, from_type, to_type, to_text): """Converts nodes of type from_type to nodes of type to_type.""" if node.getType() == from_type: new_node = CreateQueryNode(to_text, to_type) else: new_node = node convert_children = lambda c: ConvertNodes(c, from_type, to_type, to_text) new_node.children = map(convert_children, node.children) return new_node
def _ColonToEquals(node): """Transform all HAS nodes into EQ nodes. Equals and colon have the same semantic meaning in the query language, so to simplify matching code we translate all HAS nodes into EQ nodes. Arguments: node: Root of the tree to transform. Returns: A tree with all HAS nodes replaced with EQ nodes. """ return ConvertNodes(node, QueryParser.HAS, QueryParser.EQ, '=')
[docs]def SequenceToConjunction(node): """Transform all SEQUENCE nodes into CONJUNCTION nodes. Sequences have the same semantic meaning as conjunctions, so we transform them to conjunctions to make query matching code simpler. Arguments: node: Root of the tree to transform. Returns: A tree with all SEQUENCE nodes replaced with CONJUNCTION nodes. """ return ConvertNodes( node, QueryParser.SEQUENCE, QueryParser.CONJUNCTION, 'CONJUNCTION')
[docs]def Simplify(parser_return): """Simplifies the output of the parser.""" if parser_return.tree: node = SimplifyNode(parser_return.tree) ValidateNode(node) return node return parser_return
QUERY_FUNCTION_NAMES = frozenset(["distance", "geopoint"])
[docs]def ValidateNode(node): for i in range(node.getChildCount()): ValidateNode(node.getChild(i)) if node.getType() == QueryLexer.FUNCTION: name = node.getChild(0) if name.getText() not in QUERY_FUNCTION_NAMES: raise QueryTreeException("unknown function '%s'" % name.getText(), name.getCharPositionInLine())
[docs]def SimplifyNode(node, restriction=None): if node.getType() == QueryLexer.VALUE: return node elif node.getType() == QueryParser.SEQUENCE and node.getChildCount() == 1: return SimplifyNode(node.children[0], restriction) elif node.getType() == QueryParser.CONJUNCTION and node.getChildCount() == 1: return SimplifyNode(node.children[0], restriction) elif node.getType() == QueryParser.DISJUNCTION and node.getChildCount() == 1: return SimplifyNode(node.children[0], restriction) elif node.getType() == QueryLexer.HAS or node.getType() == QueryLexer.EQ: lhs = node.getChild(0); if lhs.getType() == QueryLexer.VALUE: myField = lhs.getChild(1).getText() if restriction is None: restriction = lhs else: otherField = restriction.getChild(1).getText(); if myField != otherField: raise QueryTreeException( "Restriction on %s and %s" % (otherField, myField), lhs.getChild(1).getCharPositionInLine()); rhs = node.getChild(1); flattened = SimplifyNode(rhs, restriction); if (flattened.getType() == QueryLexer.HAS or flattened.getType() == QueryLexer.EQ or flattened.getType() == QueryLexer.CONJUNCTION or flattened.getType() == QueryLexer.DISJUNCTION or flattened.getType() == QueryLexer.SEQUENCE): return flattened; if flattened != rhs: node.setChild(1, flattened); if restriction != lhs: node.setChild(0, restriction); return node; for i in range(node.getChildCount()): original = node.getChild(i); flattened = SimplifyNode(node.getChild(i), restriction); if original != flattened: node.setChild(i, flattened) return node;
[docs]def CreateQueryNode(text, type): token = tree.CommonTreeAdaptor().createToken(tokenType=type, text=text) return tree.CommonTree(token)
[docs]def GetQueryNodeText(node): """Returns the text from the node, handling that it could be unicode.""" return GetQueryNodeTextUnicode(node).encode('utf-8')
[docs]def GetQueryNodeTextUnicode(node): """Returns the unicode text from node.""" if node.getType() == QueryParser.VALUE and len(node.children) >= 2: return u''.join(c.getText() for c in node.children[1:]) elif node.getType() == QueryParser.VALUE: return None return node.getText()
[docs]def RemoveSurroundingQuotes(text): """Removes outer quotation marks, if present.""" if text: if text[0] == '"' and text[-1] == '"': text = text[1:-1] return text
[docs]def GetPhraseQueryNodeText(node): """Returns the text from a query node.""" text = GetQueryNodeText(node) text = RemoveSurroundingQuotes(text) return text
[docs]def IsPhrase(node): """Return true if node is the root of a text phrase.""" text = GetQueryNodeText(node) return (node.getType() == QueryParser.VALUE and text.startswith('"') and text.endswith('"'))