This page explains how to install GKE On-Prem in vSphere. The instructions on this page show you how to create an admin cluster and one user cluster. After you create the admin cluster and initial user cluster, you can create additional user clusters.
Before you begin
Set up your on-prem environment as described in System requirements.
Complete the procedures in Getting started.
Create an admin workstation in vSphere.
Create a private Docker registry, if you want to use one.
Learn how to enable manual load balancing, if you want to use it.
Configure static IPs, if you want to use them.
SSH into your admin workstation:
ssh -i ~/.ssh/vsphere_workstation ubuntu@
[IP_ADDRESS] Authorize
to access Google Cloud:gcloud auth login
as a Docker credential helper. (Read more about this command):gcloud auth configure-docker
Set a default project. Setting a default Google Cloud causes all gcloud CLI commands to run against the project, so that you don't need to specify your project for each command:
gcloud config set project
[PROJECT_ID] Replace
with your project ID. (You can find your project ID in Google Cloud console, or by runninggcloud config get-value project
Create service accounts' private keys in your admin workstation
In Getting started, you created four service accounts. Now, you need to create a JSON private key file for each of those service accounts. You'll provide these keys during installation.
List service accounts' email addresses
First, list the service accounts in your Google Cloud project:
gcloud iam service-accounts list
For a Google Cloud project named my-gcp-project
, this command's output
looks like this:
gcloud iam service-accounts list NAME EMAIL
Take note of each accounts' email address. For each of the following sections, you provide the relevant account's email account.
Access service account
gcloud iam service-accounts keys create access-key-file \ --iam-account[ACCESS_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL]
where [ACCESS_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL] is the access service account's email address.
Register service account
gcloud iam service-accounts keys create register-key \ --iam-account[REGISTER_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL]
where [REGISTER_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL] is the register service account's email address.
Connect service account
gcloud iam service-accounts keys create connect-key \ --iam-account[CONNECT_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL]
where [CONNECT_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL] is the connect service account's email address.
Cloud Monitoring service account
gcloud iam service-accounts keys create stackdriver-key \ --iam-account[STACKDRIVER_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL]
where [STACKDRIVER_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL] is the Cloud Monitoring service account's email address.
Activating your access service account for Google Cloud CLI
Activating your access service account for gcloud CLI causes all
commands to run as that service account. Since your
access service account is allowlisted to access the GKE On-Prem
binaries, activating the account for gcloud CLI gives you permission to
download GKE On-Prem's binaries from Cloud Storage.
To activate your access service account, run the following command. Be sure to provide the path to the account's key file, if it isn't in the current working directory:
gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file=access-key.json
Generating a configuration file
To start an installation, you run gkectl create-config
to generate a
configuration file. You modify the file with your environment's specifications
and with the cluster specifications you want.
To generate the file, run the following command, where
--config [PATH]
is optional and accepts a path and
name for the configuration file. Omitting
creates config.yaml
in the current working directory:
gkectl create-config [--config[PATH] ]
Modifying the configuration file
Now that you've generated the configuration file, you need to modify it to be suitable for your environment and to meet your expectations for your clusters. The following sections explain each field, the values it expects, and where you might find the information. Some fields are commented out by default. If any of those fields are relevant to your installation, uncomment them and provide values.
A GKE On-Prem bundle is a set of YAML files. Collectively, the YAML files describe all of the components in a particular release of GKE On-Prem.
When you create an admin workstation, it comes with a bundle at
Set the value of bundlepath
to the path of your bundle file. That is,
set bundlepath
/var/lib/gke/bundles/gke-onprem-vsphere-[VERSION] -full.tgz
where [VERSION] is the version of GKE On-Prem that you are installing.
Note that you are free to keep your bundle file in a different location or give
it a different name. Just make sure that in your configuration file, the value
of bundlepath
is the path to your bundle file, whatever that might be.
The gkeplatformversion
field holds the
Kubernetes version
of the GKE On-Prem release that you are installing. It has this format:
An example of the Kubernetes version is 1.12.7-gke.19.
When you run gkectl create-config
, this field is populated for you.
The versioning schemes for bundlepath
and gkeplatformversion
are different. However, a given bundle version has a corresponding GKE platform
version. For example, if the bundle version is 1.0.10, the GKE platform version
must be 1.12.7-gke.19.
To learn about the correspondence between a bundle version and the GKE platform
version, extract the bundle file and look at the YAML files.
In particular, open gke-onprem-vsphere-[VERSION]-images.yaml
, and look at the
field. You can see the GKE platform version in the name of the OS
image file. For example, in the following OS image, you can see that the GKE
platform version is 1.12.7-gke.19.
osImages: admin: "gs://gke-on-prem-os-ubuntu-release/gke-on-prem-osimage-1.12.7-gke.19-20190516-905ef43658.ova"
You use this field to declare global settings for your
vCenter Server.
GKE On-Prem needs to know the IP address, username, and password of
your vCenter Server instance. Set the values under vcenter
to provide this
information. For example:
vcenter: credentials: address: "" username: "my-name" password: "my-password"
GKE On-Prem needs some information about the structure of your
vSphere environment. Set the values under vcenter
to provide this information.
For example:
vcenter: ... datacenter: "MY-DATACENTER" datastore: "MY-DATASTORE" cluster: "MY-VSPHERE-CLUSTER" network: "MY-VIRTUAL-NETWORK" resourcepool: "my-pool"
GKE On-Prem creates a virtual machine disk (VMDK) to hold the
Kubernetes object data for the admin cluster. The installer creates the VMDK for
you, but you must provide a name for the VMDK in the vcenter.datadisk
For example:
vcenter: ... datadisk: "my-disk.vmdk"
If you want GKE On-Prem to put the VMDK in a directory, you must
manually create the directory ahead of time. For example, you could use govc
to create a directory:
govc datastore.mkdir my-gke-on-prem-directory
Then you could include the directory in the vcenter.datadisk
vcenter: ... datadisk: "my-gke-on-prem-directory/my-disk.vmdk"
When a client, like GKE On-Prem, sends a request to vCenter Server, the server must prove its identity to the client by presenting a certificate. The certificate is signed by a certificate authority (CA). The client verifies the server's certificate by using the CA's certificate.
Set vcenter.cacertpath
to the path of the CA's certificate. For example:
vcenter: ... cacertpath: "/my-cert-directory/altostrat.crt"
For information about downloading the CA's certificate, see How to download and install vCenter Server root certificates.
If your vCenter server is using a self-signed certificate, you can extract
the certificate by connecting to vCenter with openssl
from the admin
true | openssl s_client -connect [VCENTER_IP]:443 -showcerts 2>/dev/null | sed -ne '/-BEGIN/,/-END/p' > vcenter.pem
Set the value of gcrkeypath
to the path of the JSON key file for your
access service account.
For example:
gcrkeypath: "/my-key-directory/access-key.json"
You can use integrated load balancing or manual load balancing. Your choice of load balancing mode applies to your admin cluster and your initial user cluster. It also applies to any additional user clusters that you create in the future.
Specify your load balancing choice by setting the value of lbmode
or Manual
. For example:
lbmode: Integrated
The gkeconnect
field holds information that GKE On-Prem needs to
set up management of your on-prem clusters from Google Cloud console.
Set gkeconnect.projectid
to the project ID of the Google Cloud project
where you want to manage your on-prem clusters.
Set the value of gkeconnect.registerserviceaccountkeypath
to the path of the
JSON key file for your
register service account.
Set the value of gkeconnect.agentserviceaccountkeypath
to the path of the
JSON key file for your
connect service account.
If you want the Connect agent to use a proxy to communicate with
Google Cloud, set the value of gkeconnect.proxy
to the URL of the proxy.
Use the format http(s)://[PROXY_ADDRESS]
gkeconnect: projectid: "my-project" registerserviceaccountkeypath: "/my-key-directory/register-key.json" agentserviceaccountkeypath: "/my-key-directory/connect-key.json" proxy:
The stackdriver
field holds information that GKE On-Prem needs to
store log entries generated by your on-prem clusters.
Set stackdriver.projectid
to the project ID of the Google Cloud project
where you want to view Stackdriver logs that pertain to your on-prem clusters.
Set stackdriver.clusterlocation
to a Google Cloud region where you want
to store Stackdriver logs. It is a good idea to choose a region that is near
your on-prem data center.
Set stackdriver.serviceaccountkeypath
to the path of the JSON key file for
Stackdriver Logging service account.
stackdriver: projectid: "my-project" clusterlocation: "us-west1" proxyconfigsecretname: "" enablevpc: false serviceaccountkeypath: "/my-key-directory/logging-key.json
If you have a
private Docker registry,
the privateregistryconfig
field holds information that GKE On-Prem
uses to push images to your private registry. If you don't specify a private
registry, gkectl
pulls GKE On-Prem's container images from its
Container Registry repository,
, during installation.
Under privatedockerregistry.credentials
, set address
to the IP address of
the machine that runs your private Docker registry. Set username
to the username and password of your private Docker registry.
When Docker pulls an image from your private registry, the registry must prove its identity by presenting a certificate. The registry's certificate is signed by a certificate authority (CA). Docker uses the CA's certificate to validate the registry's certificate.
Set privateregistryconfig.cacertpath
to the path of the CA's certificate.
privateregistryconfig ... cacertpath: /my-cert-directory/registry-ca.crt
The admincluster
field holds information that GKE On-Prem needs to
create the admin cluster.
vCenter network - admin cluster
, you can choose a different vCenter network for your
admin cluster. Note that this overwrites the global setting you provided in
. For example:
admincluster: vcenter: network: MY-ADMIN-CLUSTER-NETWORK
DHCP or static IP addresses - admin cluster
Decide whether you want to use Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) to assign IP addresses to your admin cluster nodes. The alternative is to use static IP addresses for your cluster nodes. Note that if you have chosen to use manual load balancing mode, you must use static IP addresses for your cluster nodes.
If you choose to use DHCP, leave the admincluster.ipblockfilepath
commented out.
If you choose to use static IP addresses, you must have a host configuration
file as described in Configuring static IPs.
Provide the path to your host configuration file in the
field. For example:
admincluster: ipblockfilepath: "/my-config-directory/my-admin-hostconfig.yaml"
Integrated load balancing - admin cluster
If you are using
integrated load balancing mode,
GKE On-Prem needs to know the IP address, username, and password of
your BIG-IP load balancer. Set the values under admincluster.bigip
to provide
this information. For example:
admincluster: ... bigip: credentials: address: "" username: "my-admin-f5-name" password: "rJDlm^%7aOzw"
If you are using integrated load balancing mode, you must
create a BIG-IP partition
for your admin cluster. Set admincluster.bigip.partition
to the name of your
partition. For example:
admincluster: ... bigip: partition: "my-admin-f5-partition"
Manual load balancing - admin cluster
If you are using
manual load balancing mode,
you must use static IP addresses for your cluster nodes. Verify that you have
set a value for admincluster.ipblockfilepath
. For example:
admincluster: ipblockfilepath: "/my-config-directory/my-admin-hostconfig.yaml"
The ingress controller in the admin cluster is implemented as a
Service of type NodePort.
The Service has one
for HTTP and another ServicePort for HTTPS. If you are using manual load
balancing mode, you must choose nodePort
values for these ServicePorts.
Specify the nodePort
values in ingresshttpnodeport
. For example:
admincluster: ... manuallbspec: ingresshttpnodeport: 32527 ingresshttpsnodeport: 30139
The Kubernetes API server in the admin cluster is implemented as a Service of
type NodePort
. If you are using manual load balancing, you must choose a
value for the Service. Specify the nodePort
value in
For example:
admincluster: ... manuallbspec: ... controlplanenodeport: 30968
The addons server in the admin cluster is implemented as a Service of
type NodePort
. If you are using manual load balancing, you must choose a
value for the Service. Specify the nodePort
value in
For example:
admincluster: manuallbspec: ... addonsnodeport: 30562
vips - admin cluster
Regardless of whether you are using integrated or manual load balancing for
the admin cluster, you need to fill in the admincluster.vips
Set the value of admincluster.vips.controlplanevip
to the
IP address that you have chosen to configure on the load balancer
for the Kubernetes API server of the admin cluster. Set the value of
to the IP address you have chosen to configure on the load balancer
for the admin cluster's ingress controller. For example:
admincluster: ... vips: controlplanevip: ingressvip:
serviceiprange and podiprange - admin cluster
The admin cluster must have a
range of IP addresses
to use for Services and a range of IP addresses to use for Pods. These ranges
are specified by the admincluster.serviceiprange
and admincluster.podiprange
fields. These fields are populated when you run gkectl create-config
. If you
like, you can change the populated values to values of your choice. For
information about choosing Service and Pod IP ranges, see
Optimizing IP address allocation.
The Service and Pod ranges must not overlap. Also, the Service and Pod ranges you choose for the admin cluster must not overlap with the Service and Pod ranges you choose for the user cluster.
admincluster: ... serviceiprange: podiprange:
The usercluster
field holds information that GKE On-Prem needs
to create the initial user cluster.
vCenter network - admin cluster
, you can choose a different vCenter network
for your user clusters. Note that this overwrites the global setting you
provided in vcenter
. For example:
usercluster: vcenter: network: MY-USER-CLUSTER-NETWORK
DHCP or static IP addresses - user cluster
Decide whether you want to use DHCP to assign IP addresses to your user cluster nodes. The alternative is to use static IP addresses for your cluster nodes. Note that if you have chosen the manual load balancing mode, you must use static IP addresses for your cluster nodes.
If you choose to use DHCP, leave the usercluster.ipblockfilepath
commented out.
If you choose to use static IP addresses, you must have a host configuration
file as described in Configuring static IPs.
Provide the path to your host configuration file in the
field. For example:
usercluster: ipblockfilepath: "/my-config-directory/my-user-hostconfig.yaml"
Integrated load balancing - user cluster
If you are using
integrated load balancing mode,
GKE On-Prem needs to know the IP address, username, and password of
the BIG-IP load balancer that you intend to use for the user cluster. Set the
values under usercluster.bigip
to provide this information. For example:
usercluster: ... bigip: credentials: address: "" username: "my-user-f5-name" password: "8%jfQATKO$#z" ...
If you are using integrated load balancing mode, you must
create a BIG-IP partition
for your user cluster. Set usercluster.bigip.partition
to the name of your
partition. For example:
usercluster: ... bigip: partition: "my-user-f5-partition" ...
Manual load balancing - user cluster
If you are using
manual load balancing mode,
you must use static IP addresses for your cluster nodes. Verify that you have
set a value for usercluster.ipblockfilepath
. For example:
usercluster: ipblockfilepath: "/my-config-directory/my-user-hostconfig.yaml" ...
The ingress controller in the user cluster is implemented as a
Service of type NodePort.
The Service has one
for HTTP and another ServicePort for HTTPS. If you are using manual load
balancing mode, you must choose nodePort
values for these ServicePorts.
Specify the nodePort
values in ingresshttpnodeport
. For example:
usercluster: manuallbspec: ingresshttpnodeport: 30243 ingresshttpsnodeport: 30879
The Kubernetes API server in the user cluster is implemented as a Service of
type NodePort
. If you are using manual load balancing, you must choose a
value for the Service. Specify the nodePort
value in
. For example:
usercluster: ... manuallbspec: ... controlplanenodeport: 30562
vips - user cluster
Regardless of whether you are using integrated or manual load balancing for
the user cluster, you need to fill in the usercluster.vips
Set the value of usercluster.vips.controlplanevip
to the
IP address that you have chosen to configure on the load balancer
for the Kubernetes API server of the user cluster. Set the value of
to the IP address you have chosen to configure on the load balancer
for the user cluster's ingress controller. For example:
usercluster: ... vips: controlplanevip: ingressvip:
serviceiprange and podiprange - user cluster
The user cluster must have a
range of IP addresses
to use for Services and a range of IP addresses to use for Pods. These ranges
are specified by the usercluster.serviceiprange
and usercluster.podiprange
fields. These fields are populated when you run gkectl create-config
. If you
like, you can change the populated values to values of your choice. For
information about choosing Service and Pod IP ranges, see
Optimizing IP address allocation.
The Service and Pod ranges must not overlap. Also, the Service and Pod ranges you choose for the user cluster must not overlap with the Service and Pod ranges you choose for the admin cluster.
usercluster: ... serviceiprange: podiprange:
Set the value of usercluster.clustername
a name of your choice. For example:
usercluster: ... clustername: "my-user-cluster-1"
The usercluster.masternode.replicas
field specifies how many control plane nodes you
want the user cluster to have. The control plane nodes for the user cluster run the
control plane components for the user cluster. This value must be 1
or 3
- Set this field to
to run one user control plane. - Set this field to
if you want to have a highly available user control plane. Three control user control planes will be created.
The usercluster.masternode.cpus
and usercluster.masternode.memorymb
specify how many CPUs and how much memory, in megabytes, is allocated to each
control plane node of the user cluster. For example:
usercluster: ... masternode: cpus: 4 memorymb: 8192
If you intend for clients of the user cluster to use OIDC authentication, set
values for the fields under usercluster.oidc
. Configuring OIDC is optional.
In version 1.0.2-gke.3, the following required fields have been added. These fields enable logging in to a cluster from Google Cloud console:
- usercluster.oidc.kubectlredirecturl
- usercluster.oidc.clientsecret
- usercluster.oidc.usehttpproxy
If you don't want to log in to a cluster from Google Cloud console, but you want to use OIDC, you can pass in placeholder values for these fields:
oidc: kubectlredirecturl: "redirect.invalid" clientsecret: "secret" usehttpproxy: "false"
For more information, see Authenticating with OIDC.
If you want to provide an additional serving certificate for the Kubernetes API
server of the user cluster, provide values for usercluster.sni.certpath
. For example:
usercluster: ... sni: certpath: "/my-cert-directory/my-second-cert.crt" keypath: "/my-cert-directory/my-second-cert.key"
The usercluster.workernode.replicas
field specifies how many worker nodes you
want the user cluster to have. The worker nodes run the cluster workloads.
The usercluster.masternode.cpus
and usercluster.masternode.memorymb
specify how many CPUs and how much memory, in megabytes, is allocated to each
worker node of the user cluster. For example:
usercluster: ... workernode: cpus: 4 memorymb: 8192 replicas: 3
Validating the configuration file
After you've modified the configuration file, run gkectl check-config
verify that the file is valid and can be used for installation:
gkectl check-config --config[PATH_TO_CONFIG]
If the command returns any FAILURE
messages, fix the issues and validate the
file again.
Skipping validations
The following gkectl
commands automatically run validations against your
config file:
gkectl prepare
gkectl create cluster
gkectl upgrade
To skip a command's validations, pass in --skip-validation-all
. For example,
to skip all validations for gkectl prepare
gkectl prepare --config[PATH_TO_CONFIG] --skip-validation-all
To see all available flags for skipping specific validations:
gkectl check-config --help
Running gkectl prepare
Before you install, you need to run gkectl prepare
on your admin workstation
to initialize your vSphere environment. The gkectl prepare
performs the
following tasks:
Import the node OS image to vSphere and mark it as a template.
If you are using a private Docker registry, push GKE On-Prem images to your registry.
Optionally, validate the container images' build attestations, thereby verifying the images were built and signed by Google and are ready for deployment.
Run gkectl prepare
with the GKE On-Prem configuration file, where
is optional:
gkectl prepare --config[CONFIG_FILE] --validate-attestations
Positive output from --validate-attestations
is Image [IMAGE_NAME] validated
Installing GKE On-Prem
You've created a configuration file that specifies how your environment looks
and how you'd like your clusters to look, and you've validated the file. You ran
gkectl prepare
to initialize your environment with the GKE On-Prem
software. Now you're ready to initiate a fresh installation of
GKE On-Prem.
To install GKE On-Prem, run the following command:
gkectl create cluster --config[CONFIG_FILE]
where [CONFIG_FILE] is the configuration file you generated and modified.
You can reuse the configuration file to create additional user clusters.
Connecting clusters to Google
When you create a user cluster, it is automatically registered with Google Cloud. You can view a registered GKE On-Prem cluster in Google Cloud console's Kubernetes clusters menu. From there, you can sign into the cluster to view its workloads.
If you don't see your cluster in Google Cloud console within one hour of creating it, refer to Connect troubleshooting.
Enabling ingress
After your user cluster is running, you must enable ingress by creating a Gateway object. The first part of the Gateway manifest is always this:
apiVersion: kind: Gateway metadata: name: istio-autogenerated-k8s-ingress namespace: gke-system spec: selector: istio: ingress-gke-system
You can tailor the rest of the manifest according to your needs. For example, this manifest says that clients can send requests on port 80 using the HTTP/2 protocol and any hostname:
apiVersion: kind: Gateway metadata: name: istio-autogenerated-k8s-ingress namespace: gke-system spec: selector: istio: ingress-gke-system servers: - port: number: 80 protocol: HTTP2 name: http hosts: - "*"
If you want to accept HTTPS requests, then you must provide one or more certificates that your ingress controller can present to clients.
To provide a certificate:
- Create a Secret that holds your certificate and key.
- Create a Gateway object, or modify an existing Gateway object, that refers
to your Secret. The name of the Gateway object must be
For example, suppose you have already created a certificate file,
, and a key file ingress-wildcard.key
Create a Secret named ingressgateway-wildcard-certs
kubectl create secret tls \ --namespace gke-system \ ingressgateway-wildcard-certs \ --cert ./ingress-wildcard.crt \ --key ./ingress-wildcard.key
Here's a manifest for a Gateway that refers to your Secret. Clients can call on port 443 using the HTTPS protocol and any hostname that matches * Note that the hostname in the certificate must match the hostname in the manifest, * in this example:
apiVersion: kind: Gateway metadata: name: istio-autogenerated-k8s-ingress namespace: gke-system spec: selector: istio: ingress-gke-system servers: - port: number: 80 protocol: HTTP2 name: http hosts: - "*" - hosts: - "*" port: name: https-demo-wildcard number: 443 protocol: HTTPS tls: mode: SIMPLE credentialName: ingressgateway-wildcard-certs
You can create multiple TLS certs for different hosts by modifying your Gateway manifest.
Save your manifest to a file named my-gateway.yaml
, and create the Gateway:
kubectl apply -f my-gateway.yaml
Now you can use Kubernetes Ingress objects in the standard way.
For more information, refer to Troubleshooting.
Diagnosing cluster issues using gkectl
Use gkectl diagnose
commands to identify cluster issues
and share cluster information with Google. See
Diagnosing cluster issues.
Default logging behavior
For gkectl
and gkeadm
it is sufficient to use the
default logging settings:
By default, log entries are saved as follows:
, the default log file is/home/ubuntu/.config/gke-on-prem/logs/gkectl-$(date).log
, and the file is symlinked with thelogs/gkectl-$(date).log
file in the local directory where you rungkectl
. -
, the default log file islogs/gkeadm-$(date).log
in the local directory where you rungkeadm
- All log entries are saved in the log file, even if they are not printed in
the terminal (when
). - The
verbosity level (default) covers all the log entries needed by the support team. - The log file also contains the command executed and the failure message.
We recommend that you send the log file to the support team when you need help.
Specifying a non-default location for the log file
To specify a non-default location for the gkectl
log file, use
the --log_file
flag. The log file that you specify will not be
symlinked with the local directory.
To specify a non-default location for the gkeadm
log file, use
the --log_file
Locating Cluster API logs in the admin cluster
If a VM fails to start after the admin control plane has started, you can try debugging this by inspecting the Cluster API controllers' logs in the admin cluster:
Find the name of the Cluster API controllers Pod in the
namespace, where [ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG] is the path to the admin cluster's kubeconfig file:kubectl --kubeconfig
[ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG] -n kube-system get pods | grep clusterapi-controllersOpen the Pod's logs, where [POD_NAME] is the name of the Pod. Optionally, use
or a similar tool to search for errors:kubectl --kubeconfig
[ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG] -n kube-system logs[POD_NAME] vsphere-controller-manager
Debugging F5 BIG-IP issues using the admin cluster control plane node's kubeconfig
After an installation, GKE On-Prem generates a kubeconfig file in
the home directory of your admin workstation named
. This kubeconfig file is
identical to your admin cluster's kubeconfig, except that it points directly at
the admin cluster's control plane node, where the admin control plane runs. You can use
the internal-cluster-kubeconfig-debug
file to debug F5 BIG-IP
gkectl check-config
validation fails: can't find F5 BIG-IP partitions
- Symptoms
Validation fails because F5 BIG-IP partitions can't be found, even though they exist.
- Potential causes
An issue with the F5 BIG-IP API can cause validation to fail.
- Resolution
Try running
gkectl check-config
gkectl prepare --validate-attestations
fails: could not validate build attestation
- Symptoms
gkectl prepare
with the optional--validate-attestations
flag returns the following error:could not validate build attestation for VIOLATES_POLICY
- Potential causes
An attestation might not exist for the affected image(s).
- Resolution
Try downloading and deploying the admin workstation OVA again, as instructed in Creating an admin workstation. If the issue persists, reach out to Google for assistance.
Debugging using the bootstrap cluster's logs
During installation, GKE On-Prem creates a temporary bootstrap cluster. After a successful installation, GKE On-Prem deletes the bootstrap cluster, leaving you with your admin cluster and user cluster. Generally, you should have no reason to interact with this cluster.
If something goes wrong during an installation, and you did pass
to gkectl create cluster
you might find it useful to debug using the bootstrap cluster's logs. You can
find the Pod, and then get its logs:
kubectl --kubeconfig /home/ubuntu/.kube/kind-config-gkectl get pods -n kube-system
kubectl --kubeconfig /home/ubuntu/.kube/kind-config-gkectl -n kube-system get logs[POD_NAME]
What's next
- Learn how to create additional user clusters.
- View your clusters in Google Cloud console.
- Log in to your clusters.