Google Distributed Cloud (software only) for VMware known issues

This page lists all known issues for Google Distributed Cloud on VMware. This page is for IT administrators and Operators who manage the lifecycle of the underlying tech infrastructure, and respond to alerts and pages when service level objectives (SLOs) aren't met or applications fail. To learn more about common roles and example tasks that we reference in Google Cloud content, see Common GKE Enterprise user roles and tasks.

To filter the known issues by a product version or category, select your desired filters from the following drop-down menus.

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Category Identified version(s) Issue and workaround
Upgrades 1.30

gkectl returns false error on netapp storageclass

The gkectl upgrade command returns an incorrect error about the netapp storageclass. The error message is similar to the following,

    detected unsupported drivers:


Run gkectl upgrade with `--skip-pre-upgrade-checks` flag.

Identity all versions

Invalid CA certificate after cluster CA rotation in ClientConfig prevents cluster authentication

After you rotate the certificate authority (CA) certificates on a user cluster, the spec.certificateAuthorityData field in the ClientConfig contains an invalid CA certificate, which prevents authentication to the cluster.


Before the next gcloud CLI authentication, manually update the spec.certificateAuthorityData field in the ClientConfig with the correct CA certificate.

  1. Copy the cluster CA certificate from the certificate-authority-data field in the admin cluster kubeconfig.
  2. Edit the ClientConfig and paste the CA certificate in the spec.certificateAuthorityData field.
        kubectl edit clientconfig default -n kube-public --kubeconfig USER_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG
Updates 1.28+

Preflight check fails when disabling bundled ingress

When you disable bundled ingress by removing the loadBalancer.vips.ingressVIP field in the cluster configuration file, a bug in the MetalLB preflight check causes the cluster update to fail with the "invalid user ingress vip: invalid IP" error message.


Ignore the error message.
Skip the preflight check using one of the following methods:

  • Add the --skip-validation-load-balancer flag to the gkectl update cluster command.
  • Annotate the onpremusercluster object with skip-validation-load-balancer
  • .
VMware, Upgrades 1.16

Cluster upgrade fails due to missing anti-affinity group rule in vCenter

During a cluster upgrade, the machine objects may get stuck in the `Creating` phase and fail to link to the node objects due to a missing anti-affinity group (AAG) rule in vCenter.

If you describe the problematic machine objects, you can see recurring messages like "Reconfigure DRS rule task "task-xxxx" complete"

    kubectl --kubeconfig KUBECONFIG describe machine MACHINE_OBJECT_NAME


Disable the anti-affinity group setting for in both the admin cluster config and the user cluster config and trigger force update command to unblock cluster upgrade:

    gkectl update admin --config ADMIN_CLUSTER_CONFIG_FILE --kubeconfig ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG --force
    gkectl update cluster --config USER_CLUSTER_CONFIG_FILE --kubeconfig USER_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG --force
Migration 1.29, 1.30

Migrating a user cluster to Controlplane V2 fails if secrets encryption has ever been enabled

When migrating a user cluster to Controlplane V2, if always-on secrets encryption has ever been enabled, the migration process fails to properly handle the secret encryption key. Because of this issue, the new Controlplane V2 cluster is unable to decrypt secrets. If the output of the following command isn't empty, then always-on secrets encryption has been enabled at some point and the cluster is affected by this issue:

    kubectl --kubeconfig ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG \
      get onpremusercluster USER_CLUSTER_NAME \
      -n USER_CLUSTER_NAME-gke-onprem-mgmt \
      -o jsonpath={.spec.secretsEncryption}

If you have already started the migration and the migration fails, contact Google for support. Otherwise, before the migration, disable always-on secrets encryption and decrypt secrets.

Migration 1.29.0-1.29.600, 1.30.0-1.30.100

Migrating an admin cluster from non-HA to HA fails if secrets encryption is enabled

If the admin cluster has enabled always-on secrets encryption at 1.14 or earlier, and upgraded all the way from old versions to the affected 1.29 and 1.30 versions, when migrating admin cluster from non-HA to HA, the migration process fails to properly handle the secret encryption key, Because of this issue, the new HA admin cluster is unable to decrypt secrets.

To check if the cluster could be using the old formatted key:

    kubectl --kubeconfig ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG get secret -n kube-system admin-master-component-options -o jsonpath='{}' | base64 -d | grep -oP '"GeneratedKeys":\[.*?\]'

If the output shows the empty key like the following, then it like means the cluster will be affected by this issue:


If you have already started the migration and the migration fails, contact Google for support.

Otherwise, before starting the migration, rotate the encryption key.

Upgrades 1.16, 1.28, 1.29, 1.30

credential.yaml regenerated incorrectly during admin workstation upgrade

When upgrading the admin workstation using the gkeadm upgrade admin-workstation command, the credential.yaml file is regenerated incorrectly. The username and password fields are empty. Additionally, the privateRegistry key contains a typo.

The same misspelling of the privateRegistry key is also in the admin-cluster.yaml file.
Since the credential.yaml file is regenerated during the admin cluster upgrade process, the typo is present even if you corrected previously.


  • Update the private registry key name in credential.yaml to match the privateRegistry.credentials.fileRef.entry in the admin-cluster.yaml.
  • Update the private registry username and password in the credential.yaml.
Upgrades 1.16, 1.28

User cluster upgrade fails due to pre-upgrade reconcile timeout

When upgrading a user cluster, the pre-upgrade reconcile operation might take longer than the defined timeout, resulting in an upgrade failure. The error message looks like the following:

Failed to reconcile the user cluster before upgrade: the pre-upgrade reconcile failed, error message:
failed to wait for reconcile to complete: error: timed out waiting for the condition,
message: Cluster reconcile hasn't finished yet, please fix that before
rerun the upgrade.

The timeout for the pre-upgrade reconcile operation is 5 minutes plus 1 minute per node pool in the user cluster.


Ensure that the gkectl diagnose cluster command passes without errors.
Skip the pre-upgrade reconcile operation by adding the --skip-reconcile-before-preflight flag to the gkectl upgrade cluster command. For example:

gkectl upgrade cluster --skip-reconcile-before-preflight --kubeconfig ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG \
Updates 1.16, 1.28.0-1.28.800, 1.29.0-1.29.400, 1.30.0

Updating DataplaneV2 ForwardMode doesn't automatically trigger anetd DaemonSet restart

When you update the user cluster dataplaneV2.forwardMode field using gkectl update cluster, the change is only updated in the ConfigMap, the anetd DaemonSet won't pick up the config change until restarted and your changes aren't applied.


When the gkectl update cluster command is done, you see output of Done updating the user cluster. After you see that message, run the following command to restart the anetd DaemonSet to pick up the config change:

kubectl --kubeconfig USER_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG rollout restart daemonset anetd

Check the DaemonSet readiness after the restart:

kubectl --kubeconfig USER_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG get daemonset anetd

In the output of the preceding command, verify that the number in the DESIRED column matches the number in the READY column.

Upgrades 1.16

etcdctl command not found during cluster upgrade at the admin cluster backup stage

During a 1.16 to 1.28 user cluster upgrade, the admin cluster is backed up. The admin cluster backup process displays the error message "etcdctl: command not found". The user cluster upgrade succeeds, and the admin cluster remains in a healthy state. The only issue is that the metadata file on the admin cluster isn't backed up.

The cause of the issue is that the etcdctl binary was added in 1.28, and isn't available on 1.16 nodes.

The admin cluster backup involve several steps, including taking an etcd snapshot and then writing the metadata file for the admin cluster. The etcd backup still succeeds because etcdctl can still be triggered after an exec into the etcd Pod. But writing the metadata file fails as it still relies on the etcdctl binary to be installed on the node. However, the metadata file backup isn't a blocker for taking a backup, so the backup process still succeeds, as does the user cluster upgrade.


If want to take a backup of the metadata file, follow Back up and restore an admin cluster with gkectl to trigger a separate admin cluster backup using the version of gkectl that matches the version of your admin cluster.

Installation 1.16-1.29

User cluster creation failure with manual load balancing

When creating a user cluster configured for manual load balancing, a gkectl check-config failure occurs indicating that the ingressHTTPNodePort value must be at least 30000, even when bundled ingress is disabled.

This issue occurs regardless of whether the ingressHTTPNodePort and ingressHTTPSNodePort fields are set or left blank.


To work around this issue, ignore the result returned by gkectl check-config. To disable bundled ingress, see Disable bundled ingress.

Updates 1.29.0

The issue with the PodDisruptionBudget (PDB) occurs when using high availability (HA) admin clusters, and there is 0 or 1 admin cluster node without a role after the migration. To check if there are node objects without a role, run the following command:

kubectl --kubeconfig ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG get nodes -o wide

If there are two or more node objects without a role after the migration, then the PDB isn't misconfigured.


The output of admin cluster diagnose includes the following information

Checking all poddisruptionbudgets...FAILURE
  Reason: 1 pod disruption budget error(s).
  Unhealthy Resources:
  PodDisruptionBudget metrics-server: gke-managed-metrics-server/metrics-server might be configured incorrectly: the total replicas(1) should be larger than spec.MinAvailable(1).


Run the following command to delete the PDB:

kubectl --kubeconfig ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG delete pdb metrics-server -n gke-managed-metrics-server
Installation, Upgrades and updates 1.28.0-1.28.600,1.29.0-1.29.100

Under rare race conditions, an incorrect installation sequence of the Binary Authorization webhook and the gke-connect pod may cause user cluster creation to stall due to a node failing to reach a ready state. In affected scenarios, user cluster creation may stall due to a node failing to reach a ready state. If this occurs, the following message will be displayed:

     Node pool is not ready: ready condition is not true: CreateOrUpdateNodePool: 2/3 replicas are ready


  1. Remove the Binary Authorization configuration from your config file. For setup instructions, please refer to the Binary Authorization day 2 installation guide for GKE on VMware.
  2. To unblock an unhealthy node during the current cluster creation process, temporarily remove the Binary Authorization webhook configuration in user cluster using the following command.
            kubectl --kubeconfig USER_KUBECONFIG delete ValidatingWebhookConfiguration binauthz-validating-webhook-configuration
    Once the bootstrap process is complete, you can re-add the following webhook configuration.
    kind: ValidatingWebhookConfiguration
      name: binauthz-validating-webhook-configuration
    - name: ""
        - key: control-plane
          operator: DoesNotExist
        - key: ""
          operator: NotIn
          values: ["true"]
      - apiGroups:
        - ""
        - v1
        - CREATE
        - UPDATE
        - pods
        - pods/ephemeralcontainers
      - "v1beta1"
          name: binauthz
          namespace: binauthz-system
          path: /binauthz
        # CA Bundle will be updated by the cert rotator.
        caBundle: Cg==
      timeoutSeconds: 10
      # Fail Open
      failurePolicy: "Ignore"
      sideEffects: None
Upgrades 1.16, 1.28, 1.29

During a user cluster upgrade, the upgrade operation might get stuck if the mirrored machine object in the user cluster contains a deletionTimestamp. The following error message is displayed if the upgrade is stuck:

    machine is still in the process of being drained and subsequently removed

This issue can occur if you previously attempted to repair the user control plane node by running gkectl delete machine against the mirrored machine in the user cluster.


  1. Get the mirrored machine object and save it to a local file for backup purposes.
  2. Run the following command to delete the finalizer from the mirrored machine and wait for it to be deleted from the user cluster.
        kubectl --kubeconfig ADMIN_KUBECONFIG patch machine/MACHINE_OBJECT_NAME -n USER_CLUSTER_NAME-gke-onprem-mgmt -p '{"metadata":{"finalizers":[]}}' --type=merge
  3. Follow the steps in Controlplane V2 user cluster control plane node to trigger node repair on the control plane nodes, so that the correct source machine spec will be re-synced into the user cluster.
  4. Rerun the gkectl upgrade cluster to resume the upgrade
Configuration, Installation 1.15, 1.16, 1.28, 1.29

For HA admin cluster or ControlPlane V2 user cluster, the control plane VIP needs to be in the same subnet as other cluster nodes. Otherwise, cluster creation fails because kubelet can't communicate with the API server using the control plane VIP.


Before cluster creation, ensure that the control plane VIP is configured in the same subnet as the other cluster nodes.

Installation, Upgrades, Updates 1.29.0 - 1.29.100

Cluster creation/upgrade fails with an error in vsphere CSI pods indicating that the vCenter username is invalid. This occurs because the username used is not a fully qualified domain name. Error message in the vsphere-csi-controller pod as below:

    GetCnsconfig failed with err: username is invalid, make sure it is a fully qualified domain username

This issue only occurs in version 1.29 and later, as a validation was added to the vSphere CSI driver to enforce the use of fully qualified domain usernames.


Use a fully qualified domain name for the vCenter username in the credentials configuration file. For example, instead of using "username1", use "".

Upgrades, Updates 1.28.0 - 1.28.500

When upgrading an admin cluster from 1.16 to 1.28, the bootstrap of the new admin master machine might fail to generate the control-plane certificate. The issue is caused by changes in how certificates are generated for the Kubernetes API server in version 1.28 and later. The issue reproduces for clusters created on versions 1.10 and earlier that have been upgraded all the way to 1.16 and the leaf certificate was not rotated before the upgrade.

To determine if the admin cluster upgrade failure is caused by this issue, do the following steps:

  1. Connect to the failed admin master machine by using SSH.
  2. Open /var/log/startup.log and search for an error like the following:
Error adding extensions from section apiserver_ext
801B3213B57F0000:error:1100007B:X509 V3 routines:v2i_AUTHORITY_KEYID:unable to get issuer keyid:../crypto/x509/v3_akid.c:177:
801B3213B57F0000:error:11000080:X509 V3 routines:X509V3_EXT_nconf_int:error in extension:../crypto/x509/v3_conf.c:48:section=apiserver_ext, name=authorityKeyIdentifier, value=keyid>


  1. Connect to the admin master machine by using SSH. For details, see Using SSH to connect to an admin cluster node.
  2. Make a copy /etc/startup/ and name it /etc/startup/
  3. Edit /etc/startup/ Find authorityKeyIdentifier=keyidset and change it to authorityKeyIdentifier=keyid,issuer in the sections for the following extensions: apiserver_ext, client_ext, etcd_server_ext, and kubelet_server_ext. For example:
          [ apiserver_ext ]
          keyUsage = critical, digitalSignature, keyEncipherment
          basicConstraints = critical,CA:false
          authorityKeyIdentifier = keyid,issuer
          subjectAltName = @apiserver_alt_names
  4. Save the changes to /etc/startup/
  5. Using a text editor, open /opt/bin/, find and replace all occurrences of /etc/startup/ with /etc/startup/, then save the changes.
  6. Run /opt/bin/ to generate the certificate and complete the machine startup.
  7. Run the gkectl upgrade admin again to upgrade the admin cluster.
  8. After the upgrade completes, rotate the leaf certificate for both admin and user clusters, as described in Start the rotation.
  9. After the certificate rotation completes, make the same edits to /etc/startup/ as you did previously, and run /opt/bin/
Configuration 1.29.0

The following incorrect warning message is output when you run gkectl to create, update, or upgrade a cluster that already has Dataplane V2 enabled:

WARNING: Your user cluster is currently running our original architecture with 
[DataPlaneV1(calico)]. To enable new and advanced features we strongly recommend
to update it to the newer architecture with [DataPlaneV2] once our migration 
tool is available.

There's a bug in gkectl which causes it to always show this warning as long as the dataplaneV2.forwardMode is not being used, even if you already have set enableDataplaneV2: true in your cluster configuration file.


You can safely ignore this warning.

Configuration 1.28.0-1.28.400, 1.29.0

When you create an HA admin cluster, the preflight check displays the following incorrect error message:

- Validation Category: Network Configuration
    - [FAILURE] CIDR, VIP and static IP (availability and overlapping): needed
    at least X+1 IP addresses for admin cluster with X nodes

The requirement is incorrect for 1.28 and higher HA admin clusters because they no longer have add-on nodes. Additionally, because the 3 admin cluster control plane node IPs are specified in the network.controlPlaneIPBlock section in the admin cluster configuration file, the IPs in IP block file are only needed for kubeception user cluster control plane nodes.


To skip the incorrect preflight check in a non-fixed release, add --skip-validation-net-config to the gkectl command.

Operation 1.29.0-1.29.100

If you migrated from a non-HA admin cluster to an HA admin cluster, the Connect Agent in the admin cluster loses the connection to with the error "Failed to verify JWT signature". This is because during the migration, the KSA signing key is changed, thus a re-registration is needed to refresh the OIDC JWKs.


To reconnect the admin cluster to Google Cloud, do the following steps to trigger a re-registration:

First get the gke-connect deployment name:

kubectl --kubeconfig KUBECONFIG get deployment -n gke-connect

Delete the gke-connect deployment:

kubectl --kubeconfig KUBECONFIG delete deployment GKE_CONNECT_DEPLOYMENT -n gke-connect

Trigger a force reconcile for the onprem-admin-cluster-controller by adding a "force-reconcile" annotation to your onpremadmincluster CR:

kubectl --kubeconfig KUBECONFIG patch onpremadmincluster ADMIN_CLUSTER_NAME -n kube-system --type merge -p '
  annotations: "true"

The idea is that the onprem-admin-cluster-controller will always redeploy the gke-connect deployment and re-register the cluster if it finds no existing gke-connect deployment available.

After the workaround (it may take a few minutes for the controller to finish the reconcile), you can verify that the "Failed to verify JWT signature" 400 error is gone from the gke-connect-agent logs:

kubectl --kubeconfig KUBECONFIG logs GKE_CONNECT_POD_NAME -n gke-connect
Installation, Operating system 1.28.0-1.28.500, 1.29.0

Google Distributed Cloud specifies a dedicated subnet, --bip=, for the Docker bridge IP in the Docker configuration to prevent reserving the default subnet. However, in version 1.28.0-1.28.500 and 1.29.0, the Docker service wasn't restarted after Google Distributed Cloud customized the Docker configuration because of a regression in the COS OS image. As a result, Docker picks the default as its bridge IP address subnet. This might cause an IP address conflict if you already have a workload running within that IP address range.


To work around this issue, you must restart the docker service:

sudo systemctl restart docker

Verify that Docker picks the correct bridge IP address:

ip a | grep docker0

This solution does not persist across VM re-creations. You must reapply this workaround whenever VMs are re-created.

update 1.28.0-1.28.400, 1.29.0-1.29.100

The standard CNI binaries bridge, ipvlan, vlan, macvlan, dhcp, tuning, host-local, ptp, portmap are not included in the OS images in the affected versions. These CNI binaries are not used by data plane v2, but can be used for additional network interfaces in the multiple network interface feature.

Multiple network interface with these CNI plugins won't work.


Upgrade to the version with the fix if you are using this feature.

update 1.15, 1.16, 1.28

Installing multipathd on cluster nodes interferes with the vSphere CSI driver resulting in user workloads being unable to start.


  • Disable multipathd
Updates 1.15, 1.16

If some required configurations are empty in the admin cluster because validations were skipped, adding them might be blocked by the admin cluster webhook. For example, if the gkeConnect field wasn't set in an existing admin cluster, adding it with the gkectl update admin command might get the following error message:

admission webhook "" denied the request: connect: Required value: GKE connect is required for user clusters


  • For 1.15 admin clusters, run gkectl update admin command with --disable-admin-cluster-webhook flag. For example:
            gkectl update admin --config ADMIN_CLUSTER_CONFIG_FILE --kubeconfig ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG --disable-admin-cluster-webhook
  • For 1.16 admin clusters, run gkectl update admin commands with --force flag. For example:
            gkectl update admin --config ADMIN_CLUSTER_CONFIG_FILE --kubeconfig ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG --force
Configuration 1.15.0-1.15.10, 1.16.0-1.16.6, 1.28.0-1.28.200

If you will be using a manual load balancer (loadBalancer.kind is set to "ManualLB"), you shouldn't need to configre the loadBalancer.manualLB section in the configuration file for a high availability (HA) admin cluster in versions 1.16 and higher. But when this section is empty, Google Distributed Cloud assigns default values to all NodePorts including manualLB.controlPlaneNodePort, which causes cluster creation to fail with the following error message:

- Validation Category: Manual LB
  - [FAILURE] NodePort configuration: manualLB.controlPlaneNodePort must
   not be set when using HA admin cluster, got: 30968


Specify manualLB.controlPlaneNodePort: 0 in you admin cluster configuration for the HA admin cluster:

  kind: ManualLB
    controlPlaneNodePort: 0
Storage 1.28.0-1.28.100

nfs-common is missing from the Ubuntu OS image which may cause issues for customers using NFS-dependent drivers such as NetApp.

If the log contains an entry like the following after upgrading to 1.28, then you are affected by this issue:
Warning FailedMount 63s (x8 over 2m28s) kubelet MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "pvc-xxx-yyy-zzz" : rpc error: code = Internal desc = error mounting NFS volume on mountpoint /var/lib/kubelet/pods/aaa-bbb-ccc/volumes/ exit status 32".


Make sure your nodes can download packages from Canonical.

Next, apply the following DaemonSet to your cluster to install nfs-common:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: DaemonSet
  name: install-nfs-common
    name: install-nfs-common
  namespace: kube-system
      name: install-nfs-common
  minReadySeconds: 0
    type: RollingUpdate
      maxUnavailable: 100%
        name: install-nfs-common
      hostPID: true
      hostIPC: true
      hostNetwork: true
      - name: install-nfs-common
        image: ubuntu
        imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
          privileged: true
        - chroot
        - /host
        - bash
        - -c
        - |
          apt install -y nfs-common
        - name: host
          mountPath: /host
      - name: pause
        imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
      - name: host
          path: /
Storage 1.28.0-1.28.100

SPBM in admin clusters is supported in 1.28.0 and later versions. But the field vCenter.storagePolicyName is missing in the configuration file template.


Add the `vCenter.storagePolicyName` field in you admin cluster configuration file if you want to configure the storage policy for the admin cluster. Please refer to the instructions.

Logging and monitoring 1.28.0-1.28.100

The recently added API does not support VPC-SC. This will cause metadata collecting agent to fail to reach this API under VPC-SC. Subsequently, metric metadata labels will be missing.


Set in `kube-system` namespace the CR `stackdriver` set `featureGates.disableExperimentalMetadataAgent` field to `true` by running the command

`kubectl -n kube-system patch stackdriver stackdriver -p '{"spec":{"featureGates":{"disableExperimentalMetadataAgent":true}}}'`

then run

`kubectl -n kube-system patch deployment stackdriver-operator -p '{"spec":{"template":{"spec":{"containers":[{"name":"stackdriver-operator","env":[{"name":"ENABLE_LEGACY_METADATA_AGENT","value":"true"}]}]}}}}'`

Upgrades, Updates 1.15.0-1.15.7, 1.16.0-1.16.4, 1.28.0

When an admin cluster and any user cluster with ControlPlane V2 enabled use different vSphere credentials, e.g., after updating vSphere credentials for the admin cluster, the clusterapi-controller may fail to connect to the vCenter after restart. View the log of the clusterapi-controller running in the admin cluster's `kube-system` namespace,

kubectl logs -f -l component=clusterapi-controllers -c vsphere-controller-manager \
    -n kube-system --kubeconfig KUBECONFIG
If the log contains an entry like the following, then you are affected by this issue:
E1214 00:02:54.095668       1 machine_controller.go:165] Error checking existence of machine instance for machine object gke-admin-node-77f48c4f7f-s8wj2: Failed to check if machine gke-admin-node-77f48c4f7f-s8wj2 exists: failed to find datacenter "VSPHERE_DATACENTER": datacenter 'VSPHERE_DATACENTER' not found


Update vSphere credentials so that the admin cluster and all the user clusters with Controlplane V2 enabled are using the same vSphere credentials.

Logging and monitoring 1.14

Prometheus might report alerts similar to the following example:

Alert Name: cluster:gke-admin-test1: Etcd cluster kube-system/kube-etcd: 100% of requests for Watch failed on etcd instance etcd-test-xx-n001.

To check if this alert is a false positive that can be ignored, complete the following steps:

  1. Check the raw grpc_server_handled_total metric against the grpc_method given in the alert message. In this example, check the grpc_code label for Watch.

    You can check this metric using Cloud Monitoring with the following MQL query:
        k8s_container | metric '' | align rate(1m) | every 1m
  2. An alert on all codes other than OK can be safely ignored if the code is not one of the following:


To configure Prometheus to ignore these false positive alerts, review the following options:

  1. Silence the alert from the Alert Manager UI.
  2. If silencing the alert isn't an option, review the following steps to suppress the false positives:
    1. Scale down the monitoring operator to 0 replicas so that the modifications can persist.
    2. Modify the prometheus-config configmap, and add grpc_method!="Watch" to the etcdHighNumberOfFailedGRPCRequests alert config as shown in the following example:
      • Original:
      • Modified:
        Replace the following CLUSTER_NAME with the name of your cluster.
    3. Restart the Prometheus and Alertmanager Statefulset to pick up the new configuration.
  3. If the code falls into one of the problematic cases, then check etcd log and kube-apiserver log to debug more.
Networking 1.16.0-1.16.2, 1.28.0

Egress NAT connections might be dropped after 5 to 10 minutes of a connection being established if there's no traffic.

As the conntrack only matters in the inbound direction (external connections to the cluster), this issue only happens if the connection doesn't transmit any information for a while and then the destination side transmits something. If the egress NAT'd Pod always instantiates the messaging, then this issue won't be seen.

This issue occurs because the anetd garbage collection inadvertently removes conntrack entries that the daemon thinks are unused. An upstream fix was recently integrated into anetd to correct the behavior.


There is no easy workaround, and we haven't seen issues in version 1.16 from this behavior. If you notice long lived connections dropped due to this issue, workarounds would be to use a workload on the same node as the egress IP address, or to consistently send messages on the TCP connection.

Operation 1.14, 1.15, 1.16

If you create a CertificateSigningRequest (CSR) with expirationSeconds set, the expirationSeconds is ignored.


If you're affected by this issue, you can update your user cluster by adding disableNodeIDVerificationCSRSigning: true in the user cluster configuration file and run the gkectl update cluster command to update the cluster with this configuration.

Networking, Upgrades, Updates 1.16.0-1.16.3

If you try to disable bundled ingress for an existing cluster, the gkectl update cluster command fails with an error similar to the following example:

[FAILURE] Config: ingress IP is required in user cluster spec

This error happens because gkectl checks for a load balancer ingress IP address during preflight checks. Although this check isn't required when disabling bundled ingress, the gkectl preflight check fails when disableBundledIngress is set to true.


Use the --skip-validation-load-balancer parameter when you update the cluster, as shown in the following example:

gkectl update cluster \

For more information, see how to disable bundled ingress for an existing cluster.

Upgrades, Updates 1.13, 1.14, 1.15.0-1.15.6

If you rotate admin cluster certificate authority (CA) certificates, subsequent attempts to run the gkectl update admin command fail. The error returned is similar to the following:

failed to get last CARotationStage: configmaps "ca-rotation-stage" not found


If you're affected by this issue, you can update your admin cluster by using the --disable-update-from-checkpoint flag with the gkectl update admin command:

gkectl update admin --config ADMIN_CONFIG_file \

When you use the --disable-update-from-checkpoint flag, the update command doesn't use the checkpoint file as the source of truth during the cluster update. The checkpoint file is still updated for future use.

Storage 1.15.0-1.15.6, 1.16.0-1.16.2

During preflight checks, the CSI Workload validation check installs a Pod in the default namespace. The CSI Workload Pod validates that the vSphere CSI Driver is installed and can do dynamic volume provisioning. If this Pod doesn't start, the CSI Workload validation check fails.

There are a few known issues that can prevent this Pod from starting:

  • If the Pod doesn't have resources limits specified, which is the case for some clusters with admissions webhooks installed, the Pod doesn't start.
  • If Cloud Service Mesh is installed in the cluster with automatic Istio sidecar injection enabled in the default namespace, the CSI Workload Pod doesn't start.

If the CSI Workload Pod doesn't start, you see a timeout error like the following during preflight validations:

- [FAILURE] CSI Workload: failure in CSIWorkload validation: failed to create writer Job to verify the write functionality using CSI: Job default/anthos-csi-workload-writer-<run-id> replicas are not in Succeeded phase: timed out waiting for the condition

To see if the failure is caused by lack of Pod resources set, run the following command to check the anthos-csi-workload-writer-<run-id> job status:

kubectl describe job anthos-csi-workload-writer-<run-id>

If the resources limits aren't set properly for the CSI Workload Pod, the job status contains an error message like the following:

CPU and memory resource limits is invalid, as it are not defined for container: volume-tester

If the CSI Workload Pod doesn't start because of Istio sidecar injection, you can temporarily disable the automatic Istio sidecar injection in the default namespace. Check the labels of the namespace and use the following command to delete the label that starts with

kubectl label namespace default

If the Pod is misconfigured, manually verify that dynamic volume provisioning with the vSphere CSI Driver works:

  1. Create a PVC that uses the standard-rwo StorageClass.
  2. Create a Pod that uses the PVC.
  3. Verify that the Pod can read/write data to the volume.
  4. Remove the Pod and the PVC after you've verified proper operation.

If dynamic volume provisioning with the vSphere CSI Driver works, run gkectl diagnose or gkectl upgrade with the --skip-validation-csi-workload flag to skip the CSI Workload check.

Operation 1.16.0-1.16.2

When you are logged on to a user-managed admin workstation, the gkectl update cluster command might timeout and fail to update the user cluster. This happens if the admin cluster version is 1.15 and you run gkectl update admin before you run the gkectl update cluster. When this failure happens, you see the following error when trying to update the cluster:

      Preflight check failed with failed to run server-side preflight checks: server-side preflight checks failed: timed out waiting for the condition
Preflight check failed with failed to run server-side preflight checks: server-side preflight checks failed: timed out waiting for the condition

During the update of a 1.15 admin cluster, the validation-controller that triggers the preflight checks is removed from the cluster. If you then try to update the user cluster, the preflight check hangs until the timeout is reached.


  1. Run the following command to redeploy the validation-controller:
          gkectl prepare --kubeconfig ADMIN_KUBECONFIG --bundle-path BUNDLE_PATH --upgrade-platform
  2. After the prepare completes, run the gkectl update cluster again to update the user cluster
Operation 1.16.0-1.16.2

When you are logged on to a user-managed admin workstation, the gkectl create cluster command might timeout and fail to create the user cluster. This happens if the admin cluster version is 1.15. When this failure happens, you see the following error when trying to create the cluster:

      Preflight check failed with failed to run server-side preflight checks: server-side preflight checks failed: timed out waiting for the condition
Preflight check failed with failed to run server-side preflight checks: server-side preflight checks failed: timed out waiting for the condition

Since the validation-controller was added in 1.16 then when using 1.15 admin cluster the validation-controller that is responsible to trigger the preflight checks is missing. Therefore, when trying to create user cluster the preflight checks hang till timeout is reached.


  1. Run the following command to deploy the validation-controller:
          gkectl prepare --kubeconfig ADMIN_KUBECONFIG --bundle-path BUNDLE_PATH --upgrade-platform
  2. After the prepare completes, run the gkectl create cluster again to create the user cluster
Upgrades, Updates 1.16.0-1.16.2

When you upgrade an admin cluster from version 1.15.x to 1.16.x, or add a connect, stackdriver, cloudAuditLogging, or gkeOnPremAPI configuration when you update an admin cluster, the operation might be rejected by admin cluster webhook. One of the following error messages might be displayed:

  • "projects for connect, stackdriver and cloudAuditLogging must be the same when specified during cluster creation."
  • "locations for connect, gkeOnPremAPI, stackdriver and cloudAuditLogging must be in the same region when specified during cluster creation."
  • "locations for stackdriver and cloudAuditLogging must be the same when specified during cluster creation."

An admin cluster update or upgrade requires the onprem-admin-cluster-controller to reconcile the admin cluster in a kind cluster. When the admin cluster state is restored in the kind cluster, the admin cluster webhook can't distinguish if the OnPremAdminCluster object is for an admin cluster creation, or to resume operations for an update or upgrade. Some create-only validations are invoked on updating and upgrading unexpectedly.


Add the true annotation to the OnPremAdminCluster object:

  1. Edit the onpremadminclusters cluster resource:
    kubectl edit onpremadminclusters ADMIN_CLUSTER_NAME -n kube-system –kubeconfig ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG
    Replace the following:
    • ADMIN_CLUSTER_NAME: the name of the admin cluster.
    • ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG: the path of the admin cluster kubeconfig file.
  2. Add the true annotation and save the custom resource.
  3. Depending on the type of admin clusters, complete one of the following steps:
    • For non-HA admin clusters with a checkpoint file: add the parameter disable-update-from-checkpoint in the update command, or add the parameter `disable-upgrade-from-checkpoint` in the upgrade command. These parameters are only needed for the next time that you run the update or upgrade command:
      • gkectl update admin --config ADMIN_CONFIG_file --kubeconfig ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG \
      • gkectl upgrade admin --config ADMIN_CONFIG_file --kubeconfig ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG \
    • For HA admin clusters or checkpoint file is disabled: update or upgrade admin cluster as normal. No additional parameters are needed on the update or upgrade commands.
Operation 1.16.0-1.16.2

When you are logged on to a user-managed admin workstation, the gkectl delete cluster command might timeout and fail to delete the user cluster. This happens if you have first run gkectl on the user-managed workstation to create, update, or upgrade the user cluster. When this failure happens, you see the following error when trying to delete the cluster:

      failed to wait for user cluster management namespace "USER_CLUSTER_NAME-gke-onprem-mgmt"
      to be deleted: timed out waiting for the condition

During deletion, a cluster first deletes all of its objects. The deletion of the Validation objects (that were created during the create, update, or upgrade) are stuck at the deleting phase. This happens because a finalizer blocks the object's deletion, which causes cluster deletion to fail.


  1. Get the names of all the Validation objects:
             kubectl  --kubeconfig ADMIN_KUBECONFIG get validations \
               -n USER_CLUSTER_NAME-gke-onprem-mgmt 
  2. For each Validation object, run the following command to remove the finalizer from the Validation object:
          kubectl --kubeconfig ADMIN_KUBECONFIG patch validation/VALIDATION_OBJECT_NAME \
            -n USER_CLUSTER_NAME-gke-onprem-mgmt -p '{"metadata":{"finalizers":[]}}' --type=merge

    After removing the finalizer from all Validation objects, the objects are removed and the user cluster delete operation completes automatically. You don't need to take additional action.

Networking 1.15, 1.16

If the source Pod and egress NAT gateway Pod are on two different worker nodes, traffic from the source Pod can't reach any external services. If the Pods are located on the same host, the connection to external service or application is successful.

This issue is caused by vSphere dropping VXLAN packets when tunnel aggregation is enabled. There's a known issue with NSX and VMware that only sends aggregated traffic on known VXLAN ports (4789).


Change the VXLAN port used by Cilium to 4789:

  1. Edit the cilium-config ConfigMap:
    kubectl edit cm -n kube-system cilium-config --kubeconfig USER_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG
  2. Add the following to the cilium-config ConfigMap:
    tunnel-port: 4789
  3. Restart the anetd DaemonSet:
    kubectl rollout restart ds anetd -n kube-system --kubeconfig USER_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG

This workaround reverts every time the cluster is upgraded. You must reconfigure after each upgrade. VMware must resolve their issue in vSphere for a permanent fix.

Upgrades 1.15.0-1.15.4

The admin cluster upgrade from 1.14.x to 1.15.x with always-on secrets encryption enabled fails due to a mismatch between the controller-generated encryption key with the key that persists on the admin master data disk. The output of gkectl upgrade admin contains the following error message:

      E0926 14:42:21.796444   40110 console.go:93] Exit with error:
      E0926 14:42:21.796491   40110 console.go:93] Failed to upgrade the admin cluster: failed to create admin cluster: failed to wait for OnPremAdminCluster "admin-cluster-name" to become ready: failed to wait for OnPremAdminCluster "admin-cluster-name" to be ready: error: timed out waiting for the condition, message: failed to wait for OnPremAdminCluster "admin-cluster-name" to stay in ready status for duration "2m0s": OnPremAdminCluster "non-prod-admin" is not ready: ready condition is not true: CreateOrUpdateControlPlane: Creating or updating credentials for cluster control plane

Running kubectl get secrets -A --kubeconfig KUBECONFIG` fails with the following error:

      Internal error occurred: unable to transform key "/registry/secrets/anthos-identity-service/ais-secret": rpc error: code = Internal desc = failed to decrypt: unknown jwk


If you have a backup of the admin cluster, do the following steps to workaround the upgrade failure:

  1. Disable secretsEncryption in the admin cluster configuration file, and update the cluster using the following command:
    gkectl update admin --config ADMIN_CLUSTER_CONFIG_FILE --kubeconfig KUBECONFIG
  2. When the new admin master VM is created, SSH to the admin master VM, replace the new key on the data disk with the old one from the backup. The key is located at /opt/data/gke-k8s-kms-plugin/generatedkeys on the admin master.
  3. Update the kms-plugin.yaml static Pod manifest in /etc/kubernetes/manifests to update the --kek-id to match the kid field in the original encryption key.
  4. Restart the kms-plugin static Pod by moving the /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kms-plugin.yaml to another directory then move it back.
  5. Resume the admin upgrade by running gkectl upgrade admin again.

Preventing the upgrade failure

If you haven't already upgraded, we recommend that you don't upgrade to 1.15.0-1.15.4. If you must upgrade to an affected version, do the following steps before upgrading the admin cluster:

  1. Backup the admin cluster.
  2. Disable secretsEncryption in the admin cluster configuration file, and update the cluster using the following command:
    gkectl update admin --config ADMIN_CLUSTER_CONFIG_FILE --kubeconfig KUBECONFIG
  3. Upgrade the admin cluster.
  4. Renable always-on secrets encryption.
Storage 1.11-1.16

Google Distributed Cloud does not support Changed Block Tracking (CBT) on disks. Some backup software uses the CBT feature to track disk state and perform backups, which causes the disk to be unable to connect to a VM that runs Google Distributed Cloud. For more information, see the VMware KB article.


Don't back up the Google Distributed Cloud VMs, as 3rd party backup software might cause CBT to be enabled on their disks. It's not necessary to back up these VMs.

Don't enable CBT on the node, as this change won't persist across updates or upgrades.

If you already have disks with CBT enabled, follow the Resolution steps in the VMware KB articleto disable CBT on the First Class Disk.

Storage 1.14, 1.15, 1.16

If you use Nutanix storage arrays to provide NFSv3 shares to your hosts, you might experience data corruption or the inability for Pods to run successfully. This issue is caused by a known compatibility issue between certain versions of VMware and Nutanix versions. For more information, see the associated VMware KB article.


The VMware KB article is out of date in noting that there is no current resolution. To resolve this issue, update to the latest version of ESXi on your hosts and to the latest Nutanix version on your storage arrays.

Operating system 1.13.10, 1.14.6, 1.15.3

For certain Google Distributed Cloud releases, the kubelet running on the nodes uses a different version than the Kubernetes control plane. There is a mismatch because the kubelet binary preloaded on the OS image is using a different version.

The following table lists the identified version mismatches:

Google Distributed Cloud version kubelet version Kubernetes version
1.13.10 v1.24.11-gke.1200 v1.24.14-gke.2100
1.14.6 v1.25.8-gke.1500 v1.25.10-gke.1200
1.15.3 v1.26.2-gke.1001 v1.26.5-gke.2100


No action is needed. The inconsistency is only between Kubernetes patch versions and no problems have been caused by this version skew.

Upgrades, Updates 1.15.0-1.15.4

When an admin cluster has a certificate authority (CA) version greater than 1, an update or upgrade fails due to the CA version validation in the webhook. The output of gkectl upgrade/update contains the following error message:

    CAVersion must start from 1


  • Scale down the auto-resize-controller deployment in the admin cluster to disable node auto-resizing. This is necessary because a new field introduced to the admin cluster Custom Resource in 1.15 can cause a nil pointer error in the auto-resize-controller.
     kubectl scale deployment auto-resize-controller -n kube-system --replicas=0 --kubeconfig KUBECONFIG
  • Run gkectl commands with --disable-admin-cluster-webhook flag.For example:
            gkectl upgrade admin --config ADMIN_CLUSTER_CONFIG_FILE --kubeconfig KUBECONFIG --disable-admin-cluster-webhook
Operation 1.13, 1.14.0-1.14.8, 1.15.0-1.15.4, 1.16.0-1.16.1

When a non-HA Controlplane V2 cluster is deleted, it is stuck at node deletion until it timesout.


If the cluster contains a StatefulSet with critical data, contact contact Cloud Customer Care to resolve this issue.

Otherwise, do the following steps:

  • Delete all cluster VMs from vSphere. You can delete the VMs through the vSphere UI, or run the following command:
          govc vm.destroy
  • Force delete the cluster again:
         gkectl delete cluster --cluster USER_CLUSTER_NAME --kubeconfig ADMIN_KUBECONFIG --force

Storage 1.15.0+, 1.16.0+

When a cluster contains in-tree vSphere persistent volumes (for example, PVCs created with the standard StorageClass), you will observe com.vmware.cns.tasks.attachvolume tasks triggered every minute from vCenter.


Edit the vSphere CSI feature configMap and set list-volumes to false:

     kubectl edit configmap -n kube-system --kubeconfig KUBECONFIG

Restart the vSphere CSI controller pods:

     kubectl rollout restart deployment vsphere-csi-controller -n kube-system --kubeconfig KUBECONFIG
Storage 1.16.0

When a cluster contains intree vSphere persistent volumes, the commands gkectl diagnose and gkectl upgrade might raise false warnings against their persistent volume claims (PVCs) when validating the cluster storage settings. The warning message looks like the following

    CSIPrerequisites pvc/pvc-name: PersistentVolumeClaim pvc-name bounds to an in-tree vSphere volume created before CSI migration enabled, but it doesn't have the annotation set to after CSI migration is enabled


Run the following command to check the annotations of a PVC with the above warning:

    kubectl get pvc PVC_NAME -n PVC_NAMESPACE -oyaml --kubeconfig KUBECONFIG

If the annotations field in the output contains the following, you can safely ignore the warning: "yes" "yes"
Upgrades, Updates 1.15.0+, 1.16.0+

If your cluster is not using a private registry, and your component access service account key and Logging-monitoring (or Connect-register) service account keys are expired, when you rotate the service account keys, gkectl update credentials fails with an error similar to the following:

Error: reconciliation failed: failed to update platform: ...


First, rotate the component access service account key. Although the same error message is displayed, you should be able to rotate the other keys after the component access service account key rotation.

If the update is still not successful, contact Cloud Customer Care to resolve this issue.

Upgrades 1.16.0-1.16.5

During a user cluster upgrade, after the user cluster controller is upgraded to 1.16, if you have other 1.15 user clusters managed by the same admin cluster, their user master machine might be unexpectedly recreated.

There is a bug in the 1.16 user cluster controller which can trigger the 1.15 user master machine recreation.

The workaround that you do depends on how you encounter this issue.

Workaround when upgrading the user cluster using the Google Cloud console:

Option 1: Use a 1.16.6+ version of GKE on VMware with the fix.

Option 2: Do the following steps:

  1. Manually add the rerun annotation by the following command:
    kubectl edit onpremuserclusters USER_CLUSTER_NAME -n USER_CLUSTER_NAME-gke-onprem-mgmt --kubeconfig ADMIN_KUBECONFIG

    The rerun annotation is: true
  2. Monitor the upgrade progress by checking the status field of the OnPremUserCluster.

Workaround when upgrading the user cluster using your own admin workstation:

Option 1: Use a 1.16.6+ version of GKE on VMware with the fix.

Option 2: Do the following steps:

  1. Add the build info file /etc/cloud/ with the following content. This causes the preflight checks to run locally on your admin workstation rather than on the server.
    gke_on_prem_version: GKE_ON_PREM_VERSION
    For example:
    gke_on_prem_version: 1.16.0-gke.669
  2. Rerun the upgrade command.
  3. After the upgrade completes, delete the file.
Create 1.16.0-1.16.5, 1.28.0-1.28.100

During cluster creation, if you don't specify a hostname for every IP address in the IP block file, the preflight check fails with the following error message:

multiple VMs found by DNS name  in xxx datacenter. Anthos Onprem doesn't support duplicate hostname in the same vCenter and you may want to rename/delete the existing VM.`

There is a bug in the preflight check which assumes empty hostname as duplicate.


Option 1: Use a version with the fix.

Option 2: Bypass this preflight check by adding --skip-validation-net-config flag.

Option 3: Specify a unique hostname for each IP address in IP block file.

Upgrades, Updates 1.16

For a non-HA admin cluster and a control plane v1 user cluster, when you upgrade or update the admin cluster, the admin cluster master machine recreation might happen at the same time as the user cluster master machine reboot, which can surface a race condition. This causes the user cluster control plane Pods to be unable to communicate to the admin cluster control plane, which causes volume attach issues for kube-etcd and kube-apiserver on the user cluster control plane.

To verify the issue, run the following commands for the impacted pod:

kubectl --kubeconfig ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG --namespace USER_CLUSTER_NAME describe pod IMPACTED_POD_NAME
And you will see the events like:
  Type     Reason       Age                  From               Message
  ----     ------       ----                 ----               -------
  Warning  FailedMount  101s                 kubelet            Unable to attach or mount volumes: unmounted volumes=[kube-audit], unattached volumes=[], failed to process volumes=[]: timed out waiting for the condition
  Warning  FailedMount  86s (x2 over 3m28s)  kubelet            MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "pvc-77cd0635-57c2-4392-b191-463a45c503cb" : rpc error: code = FailedPrecondition desc = volume ID: "bd313c62-d29b-4ecd-aeda-216648b0f7dc" does not appear staged to "/var/lib/kubelet/plugins/"


  1. SSH into user control plane node, since it is control plane v1 user cluster, the user control plane node is in admin cluster.
  2. Restart the kubelet using the following command:
        sudo systemctl restart kubelet
    After restart, the kubelet can reconstruct stage global mount properly.
Upgrades, Updates 1.16.0

During an upgrade or update of an admin cluster, a race condition might cause the vSphere cloud controller manager to unexpectedly delete a new control plane node. This causes the clusterapi-controller to be stuck waiting for the node to be created, and evenutally the upgrade/update times out. In this case, the output of the gkectl upgrade/update command is similar to the following:

    controlplane 'default/gke-admin-hfzdg' is not ready: condition "Ready": condition is not ready with reason "MachineInitializing", message "Wait for the control plane machine "gke-admin-hfzdg-6598459f9zb647c8-0\" to be rebooted"...

To identify the symptom, run the command below to get log in vSphere cloud controller manager in the admin cluster:

    kubectl get pods --kubeconfig ADMIN_KUBECONFIG -n kube-system | grep vsphere-cloud-controller-manager
    kubectl logs -f vsphere-cloud-controller-manager-POD_NAME_SUFFIX --kubeconfig ADMIN_KUBECONFIG -n kube-system

Here is a sample error message from the above command:

    node name: 81ff17e25ec6-qual-335-1500f723 has a different uuid. Skip deleting this node from cache.


  1. Reboot the failed machine to recreate the deleted node object.
  2. SSH into each control plane node and restart the vSphere cloud controller manager static pod:
          sudo crictl ps | grep vsphere-cloud-controller-manager | awk '{print $1}'
          sudo crictl stop PREVIOUS_COMMAND_OUTPUT
  3. Rerun upgrade/update command.
Operation 1.16

Upgrading a 1.15 cluster or creating a 1.16 cluster with static IPs fails if there are duplicate hostnames in the same data center. This failure happens because the vSphere cloud controller manager fails to add an external IP and provider ID in the node object. This causes the cluster upgrade/create to timeout.

To identify the issue, get the vSphere cloud controller manager pod logs for the cluster. The command that you use depends on the cluster type, as follows:

  • Admin cluster:
          kubectl get pods --kubeconfig ADMIN_KUBECONFIG -n kube-system | grep vsphere-cloud-controller-manager
          kubectl logs -f vsphere-cloud-controller-manager-POD_NAME_SUFFIX --kubeconfig ADMIN_KUBECONFIG -n kube-system
  • User cluster (kubeception):
          kubectl get pods --kubeconfig ADMIN_KUBECONFIG -n USER_CLUSTER_NAME | grep vsphere-cloud-controller-manager
          kubectl logs -f vsphere-cloud-controller-manager-POD_NAME_SUFFIX --kubeconfig ADMIN_KUBECONFIG -n USER_CLUSTER_NAME
  • User cluster: (Controlplane V2):
          kubectl get pods --kubeconfig USER_KUBECONFIG -n kube-system | grep vsphere-cloud-controller-manager
          kubectl logs -f vsphere-cloud-controller-manager-POD_NAME_SUFFIX --kubeconfig USER_KUBECONFIG -n kube-system

Here is a sample error message:

    I1003 17:17:46.769676       1 search.go:152] Finding node admin-vm-2 in and datacenter=Datacenter
    E1003 17:17:46.771717       1 datacenter.go:111] Multiple vms found VM by DNS Name. DNS Name: admin-vm-2

Check if the hostname is duplicated in the data center:

You can use the following approach to check if the hostname is duplicated, and do a workaround if needed.
          export GOVC_URL=GOVC_URL
          export GOVC_INSECURE=true
          govc find . -type m -guest.hostName HOSTNAME
Example commands and output:
          export GOVC_DATACENTER=mtv-lifecycle-vc01
          export GOVC_URL=https://mtv-lifecycle-vc01.anthos/sdk
          export GOVC_USERNAME=xxx
          export GOVC_PASSWORD=yyy
          export GOVC_INSECURE=true
          govc find . -type m -guest.hostName f8c3cd333432-lifecycle-337-xxxxxxxz

The workaround that you do depends on the operation that failed.

Workaround for upgrades:

Do the workaround for the applicable cluster type.

  • User cluster:
    1. Update the hostname of the affected machine in user-ip-block.yaml to a unique name and trigger a forced update:
                gkectl update cluster --kubeconfig ADMIN_KUBECONFIG --config NEW_USER_CLUSTER_CONFIG --force
    2. Rerun gkectl upgrade cluster
  • Admin cluster:
    1. Update the hostname of the affected machine in admin-ip-block.yaml to a unique name and trigger a forced update:
                gkectl update admin --kubeconfig ADMIN_KUBECONFIG --config NEW_ADMIN_CLUSTER_CONFIG --force --skip-cluster-ready-check
    2. If it is a non-HA admin cluster, and you find admin master vm is using duplicate hostname, you also need to:
      Get admin master machine name
                kubectl get machine --kubeconfig ADMIN_KUBECONFIG -owide -A
      Update admin master machine object
      Note: The NEW_ADMIN_MASTER_HOSTNAME should be same to what you set in admin-ip-block.yaml in step 1.
                kubectl patch machine ADMIN_MASTER_MACHINE_NAME --kubeconfig ADMIN_KUBECONFIG --type='json' -p '[{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/providerSpec/value/networkSpec/address/hostname", "value":"NEW_ADMIN_MASTER_HOSTNAME"}]'
      Verify hostname is updated in admin master machine object:
                kubectl get machine ADMIN_MASTER_MACHINE_NAME --kubeconfig ADMIN_KUBECONFIG -oyaml
                kubectl get machine ADMIN_MASTER_MACHINE_NAME --kubeconfig ADMIN_KUBECONFIG -o jsonpath='{.spec.providerSpec.value.networkSpec.address.hostname}'
    3. Rerun admin cluster upgrade with checkpoint disabled:
                gkectl upgrade admin --kubeconfig ADMIN_KUBECONFIG --config ADMIN_CLUSTER_CONFIG --disable-upgrade-from-checkpoint

Workaround for installations:

Do the workaround for the applicable cluster type.

Operation 1.16.0, 1.16.1, 1.16.2, 1.16.3

The following operations fail when the vSphere username or password contains $ or `:

  • Upgrading a 1.15 user cluster with Controlplane V2 enabled to 1.16
  • Upgrading a 1.15 high-availability (HA) admin cluster to 1.16
  • Creating a 1.16 user cluster with Controlplane V2 enabled
  • Creating a 1.16 HA admin cluster

Use a 1.16.4+ version of Google Distributed Cloud with the fix or perform the below workaround. The workaround that you do depends on the operation that failed.

Workaround for upgrades:

  1. Change the vCenter username or password on the vCenter side to remove the $ and `.
  2. Update the vCenter username or password in your credentials configuration file.
  3. Trigger a forced update of the cluster.
    • User cluster:
              gkectl update cluster --kubeconfig ADMIN_KUBECONFIG --config USER_CLUSTER_CONFIG --force
    • Admin cluster:
              gkectl update admin --kubeconfig ADMIN_KUBECONFIG --config ADMIN_CLUSTER_CONFIG --force --skip-cluster-ready-check

Workaround for installations:

  1. Change the vCenter username or password on the vCenter side to remove the $ and `.
  2. Update the vCenter username or password in your credentials configuration file.
  3. Do the workaround for the applicable cluster type.
Storage 1.11+, 1.12+, 1.13+, 1.14+, 1.15+, 1.16

After a node is deleted and then recreated with the same node name, there is a slight chance that a subsequent PersistentVolumeClaim (PVC) creation fails with an error like the following:

    The object 'vim.VirtualMachine:vm-988369' has already been deleted or has not been completely created

This is caused by race condition where vSphere CSI controller does not delete a removed machine from its cache.


Restart the vSphere CSI controller pods:

    kubectl rollout restart deployment vsphere-csi-controller -n kube-system --kubeconfig KUBECONFIG
Operation 1.16.0

When you run the gkectl repair admin-master command on an HA admin cluster, gkectl returns the following error message:

  Exit with error: Failed to repair: failed to select the template: failed to get cluster name from kubeconfig, please contact Google support. failed to decode kubeconfig data: yaml: unmarshal errors:
    line 3: cannot unmarshal !!seq into map[string]*api.Cluster
    line 8: cannot unmarshal !!seq into map[string]*api.Context


Add the --admin-master-vm-template= flag to the command and provide the VM template of the machine to repair:

  gkectl repair admin-master --kubeconfig=ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG \

To find the VM template of the machine:

  1. Go to the Hosts and Clusters page in the vSphere client.
  2. Click VM Templates and filter by the admin cluster name.

    You should see the three VM templates for the admin cluster.

  3. Copy the name VM template that matches the name of the machine you're repairing and use the template name in the repair command.
  gkectl repair admin-master \
      --config=/home/ubuntu/admin-cluster.yaml \
      --kubeconfig=/home/ubuntu/kubeconfig \
Networking 1.10.0+, 1.11.0+, 1.12.0+, 1.13.0+, 1.14.0-1.14.7, 1.15.0-1.15.3, 1.16.0

If you use Seesaw as the load balancer type for your cluster and you see that a Seesaw VM is down or keeps failing to boot, you might see the following error message in the vSphere console:

    GRUB_FORCE_PARTUUID set, initrdless boot failed. Attempting with initrd

This error indicates that the disk space is low on the VM because the fluent-bit running on the Seesaw VM is not configured with correct log rotation.


Locate the log files that consume most of the disk space using du -sh -- /var/lib/docker/containers/* | sort -rh. Clean up the log file with largest size and reboot the VM.

Note: If the VM is completely inaccessible, attach the disk to a working VM (e.g. admin workstation), remove the file from the attached disk, then reattach the disk back to the original Seesaw VM.

To prevent the issue from happening again, connect to the VM and modify the /etc/systemd/system/docker.fluent-bit.service file. Add --log-opt max-size=10m --log-opt max-file=5 in the Docker command, then run systemctl restart docker.fluent-bit.service

Operation 1.13, 1.14.0-1.14.6, 1.15

When you try to upgrade (gkectl upgrade admin) or update (gkectl update admin) a non-High-Availability admin cluster with checkpoint enabled, the upgrade or update may fail with errors like the following:

Checking admin cluster certificates...FAILURE
    Reason: 20 admin cluster certificates error(s).
Unhealthy Resources:
    AdminMaster clusterCA bundle: failed to get clusterCA bundle on admin master, command [ssh -o IdentitiesOnly=yes -i admin-ssh-key -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o ConnectTimeout=30 ubuntu@AdminMasterIP -- sudo cat /etc/kubernetes/pki/ca-bundle.crt] failed with error: exit status 255, stderr: Authorized uses only. All activity may be monitored and reported.
    ubuntu@AdminMasterIP: Permission denied (publickey).
failed to ssh AdminMasterIP, failed with error: exit status 255, stderr: Authorized uses only. All activity may be monitored and reported.
    ubuntu@AdminMasterIP: Permission denied (publickey)
error dialing ubuntu@AdminMasterIP: failed to establish an authenticated SSH connection: ssh: handshake failed: ssh: unable to authenticate, attempted methods [none publickey]...


If you're unable to upgrade to a patch version of Google Distributed Cloud with the fix, contact Google Support for assistance.

Upgrades 1.13.0-1.13.9, 1.14.0-1.14.6, 1.15.1-1.15.2

When an admin cluster is enrolled in the GKE On-Prem API, upgrading the admin cluster to the affected versions could fail because the fleet membership couldn't be updated. When this failure happens, you see the following error when trying to upgrade the cluster:

    failed to register cluster: failed to apply Hub Membership: Membership API request failed: rpc error: code = InvalidArgument desc = InvalidFieldError for field endpoint.on_prem_cluster.resource_link: field cannot be updated

An admin cluster is enrolled in the API when you explicitly enroll the cluster, or when you upgrade a user cluster using a GKE On-Prem API client.


Unenroll the admin cluster:
    gcloud alpha container vmware admin-clusters unenroll ADMIN_CLUSTER_NAME --project CLUSTER_PROJECT --location=CLUSTER_LOCATION --allow-missing
and resume upgrading the admin cluster. You might see the stale `failed to register cluster` error temporarily. After a while, it should be updated automatically.

Upgrades, Updates 1.13.0-1.13.9, 1.14.0-1.14.4, 1.15.0

When an admin cluster is enrolled in the GKE On-Prem API, its resource link annotation is applied to the OnPremAdminCluster custom resource, which is not preserved during later admin cluster updates due to the wrong annotation key being used. This can cause the admin cluster to be enrolled in the GKE On-Prem API again by mistake.

An admin cluster is enrolled in the API when you explicitly enroll the cluster, or when you upgrade a user cluster using a GKE On-Prem API client.


Unenroll the admin cluster:
    gcloud alpha container vmware admin-clusters unenroll ADMIN_CLUSTER_NAME --project CLUSTER_PROJECT --location=CLUSTER_LOCATION --allow-missing
and re-enroll the admin cluster again.

Networking 1.15.0-1.15.2

OrderPolicy doesn't get recognized as a parameter and isn't used. Instead, Google Distributed Cloud always uses Random.

This issue occurs because the CoreDNS template was not updated, which causes orderPolicy to be ignored.


Update the CoreDNS template and apply the fix. This fix persists until an upgrade.

  1. Edit the existing template:
    kubectl edit cm -n kube-system coredns-template
    Replace the contents of the template with the following:
    coredns-template: |-
      .:53 {
        health {
          lameduck 5s
        kubernetes cluster.local {
          pods insecure
    {{- if .PrivateGoogleAccess }}
        import zones/private.Corefile
    {{- end }}
    {{- if .RestrictedGoogleAccess }}
        import zones/restricted.Corefile
    {{- end }}
        prometheus :9153
        forward . {{ .UpstreamNameservers }} {
          max_concurrent 1000
          {{- if ne .OrderPolicy "" }}
          policy {{ .OrderPolicy }}
          {{- end }}
        cache 30
    {{- if .DefaultDomainQueryLogging }}
    {{- end }}
    }{{ range $i, $stubdomain := .StubDomains }}
    {{ $stubdomain.Domain }}:53 {
    {{- if $stubdomain.QueryLogging }}
    {{- end }}
      cache 30
      forward . {{ $stubdomain.Nameservers }} {
        max_concurrent 1000
        {{- if ne $.OrderPolicy "" }}
        policy {{ $.OrderPolicy }}
        {{- end }}
    {{- end }}
Upgrades, Updates 1.10, 1.11, 1.12, 1.13.0-1.13.7, 1.14.0-1.14.3

Certain race conditions could cause the OnPremAdminCluster status to be inconsistent between checkpoint and actual CR. When the issue happens, you could encounter the following error when update the admin cluster after you upgraded it:

Exit with error:
E0321 10:20:53.515562  961695 console.go:93] Failed to update the admin cluster: OnPremAdminCluster "gke-admin-rj8jr" is in the middle of a create/upgrade ("" -> "1.15.0-gke.123"), which must be completed before it can be updated
Failed to update the admin cluster: OnPremAdminCluster "gke-admin-rj8jr" is in the middle of a create/upgrade ("" -> "1.15.0-gke.123"), which must be completed before it can be updated
To workaround this issue, you will need to either edit the checkpoint or disable the checkpoint for upgrade/update, please reach out to our support team to proceed with the workaround.
Operation 1.13.0-1.13.9, 1.14.0-1.14.5, 1.15.0-1.15.1

Google Distributed Cloud changes the admin certificates on admin cluster control planes with every reconciliation process, such as during a cluster upgrade. This behavior increases the possibility of getting invalid certificates for your admin cluster, especially for version 1.15 clusters.

If you're affected by this issue, you may encounter problems like the following:

  • Invalid certificates may cause the following commands to time out and return errors:
    • gkectl create admin
    • gkectl upgrade amdin
    • gkectl update admin

    These commands may return authorization errors like the following:

    Failed to reconcile admin cluster: unable to populate admin clients: failed to get admin controller runtime client: Unauthorized
  • The kube-apiserver logs for your admin cluster may contain errors like the following:
    Unable to authenticate the request" err="[x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid...


Upgrade to a version of Google Distributed Cloud with the fix: 1.13.10+, 1.14.6+, 1.15.2+. If upgrading isn't feasible for you, contact Cloud Customer Care to resolve this issue.

Networking, Operation 1.10, 1.11, 1.12, 1.13, 1.14

Network gateway Pods in kube-system might show a status of Pending or Evicted, as shown in the following condensed example output:

$ kubectl -n kube-system get pods | grep ang-node
ang-node-bjkkc     2/2     Running     0     5d2h
ang-node-mw8cq     0/2     Evicted     0     6m5s
ang-node-zsmq7     0/2     Pending     0     7h

These errors indicate eviction events or an inability to schedule Pods due to node resources. As Anthos Network Gateway Pods have no PriorityClass, they have the same default priority as other workloads. When nodes are resource-constrained, the network gateway Pods might be evicted. This behavior is particularly bad for the ang-node DaemonSet, as those Pods must be scheduled on a specific node and can't migrate.


Upgrade to 1.15 or later.

As a short-term fix, you can manually assign a PriorityClass to the Anthos Network Gateway components. The Google Distributed Cloud controller overwrites these manual changes during a reconciliation process, such as during a cluster upgrade.

  • Assign the system-cluster-critical PriorityClass to the ang-controller-manager and autoscaler cluster controller Deployments.
  • Assign the system-node-critical PriorityClass to the ang-daemon node DaemonSet.
Upgrades, Updates 1.12, 1.13, 1.14, 1.15.0-1.15.2

After you use gcloud to register an admin cluster with non-empty gkeConnect section, you might see the following error when trying to upgrade the cluster:

failed to register cluster: failed to apply Hub Mem\
bership: Membership API request failed: rpc error: code = InvalidArgument desc = InvalidFieldError for field endpoint.o\
n_prem_cluster.admin_cluster: field cannot be updated

Delete the gke-connect namespace:

kubectl delete ns gke-connect --kubeconfig=ADMIN_KUBECONFIG
Get the admin cluster name:
kubectl get onpremadmincluster -n kube-system --kubeconfig=ADMIN_KUBECONFIG
Delete the fleet membership:
gcloud container fleet memberships delete ADMIN_CLUSTER_NAME
and resume upgrading the admin cluster.

Operation 1.13.0-1.13.8, 1.14.0-1.14.5, 1.15.0-1.15.1

This does not affect the functionality of taking a snapshot of the cluster, as the snapshot still includes all logs that are collected by default by running journalctl on the cluster nodes. Therefore, no debugging information is missed.

Installation, Upgrades, Updates 1.9+, 1.10+, 1.11+, 1.12+

gkectl prepare windows fails to install Docker on Google Distributed Cloud versions earlier than 1.13 because MicrosoftDockerProvider is deprecated.


The general idea to workaround this issue is to upgrade to Google Distributed Cloud 1.13 and use the 1.13 gkectl to create a Windows VM template and then create Windows node pools. There are two options to get to Google Distributed Cloud 1.13 from your current version as shown below.

Note: We do have options to workaround this issue in your current version without needing to upgrade all the way to 1.13, but it will need more manual steps, please reach out to our support team if you would like to consider this option.

Option 1: Blue/Green upgrade

You can create a new cluster using Google Distributed Cloud 1.13+ version with windows node pools, and migrate your workloads to the new cluster, then tear down the current cluster. It's recommended to use the latest Google Distributed Cloud minor version.

Note: This will require extra resources to provision the new cluster, but less downtime and disruption for existing workloads.

Option 2: Delete Windows node pools and add them back when upgrading to Google Distributed Cloud 1.13

Note: For this option, the Windows workloads will not be able to run until the cluster is upgraded to 1.13 and Windows node pools are added back.

  1. Delete existing Windows node pools by removing the windows node pools config from user-cluster.yaml file, then run the command:
    gkectl update cluster --kubeconfig=ADMIN_KUBECONFIG --config USER_CLUSTER_CONFIG_FILE
  2. Upgrade the Linux-only admin+user clusters to 1.12 following the upgrade user guide for the corresponding target minor version.
  3. (Make sure to perform this step before upgrading to 1.13) Ensure the enableWindowsDataplaneV2: true is configured in OnPremUserCluster CR, otherwise the cluster will keep using Docker for Windows node pools, which will not be compatible with the newly created 1.13 Windows VM template that not have Docker installed. If not configured or setting to false, update your cluster to set it to true in user-cluster.yaml, then run:
    gkectl update cluster --kubeconfig=ADMIN_KUBECONFIG --config USER_CLUSTER_CONFIG_FILE
  4. Upgrade the Linux-only admin+user clusters to 1.13 following the upgrade user guide.
  5. Prepare Windows VM template using 1.13 gkectl:
    gkectl prepare windows --base-vm-template BASE_WINDOWS_VM_TEMPLATE_NAME --bundle-path 1.13_BUNDLE_PATH --kubeconfig=ADMIN_KUBECONFIG
  6. Add back the Windows node pool configuration to user-cluster.yaml with the OSImage field set to the newly created Windows VM template.
  7. Update the cluster to add Windows node pools
    gkectl update cluster --kubeconfig=ADMIN_KUBECONFIG --config USER_CLUSTER_CONFIG_FILE
Installation, Upgrades, Updates 1.13.0-1.13.9, 1.14.0-1.14.5, 1.15.0-1.15.1

The 5 seconds default value for RootDistanceMaxSec will be used on the nodes, instead of 20 seconds which should be the expected configuration. If you check the node startup log by SSH'ing into the VM, which is located at `/var/log/startup.log`, you can find the following error:

+ has_systemd_unit systemd-timesyncd
/opt/bin/ line 635: has_systemd_unit: command not found

Using a 5 seconds RootDistanceMaxSec might cause the system clock to be out of sync with NTP server when the clock drift is larger than 5 seconds.


Apply the following DaemonSet to your cluster to configure RootDistanceMaxSec:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: DaemonSet
  name: change-root-distance
  namespace: kube-system
      app: change-root-distance
        app: change-root-distance
      hostIPC: true
      hostPID: true
      # Make sure pods gets scheduled on all nodes.
      - effect: NoSchedule
        operator: Exists
      - effect: NoExecute
        operator: Exists
      - name: change-root-distance
        image: ubuntu
        command: ["chroot", "/host", "bash", "-c"]
        - |
          while true; do
            if [ -f $conf_file ] && $(grep -q "RootDistanceMaxSec=20" $conf_file); then
              echo "timesyncd has the expected RootDistanceMaxSec, skip update"
              echo "updating timesyncd config to RootDistanceMaxSec=20"
              mkdir -p /etc/systemd/timesyncd.conf.d
              cat > $conf_file << EOF
              systemctl restart systemd-timesyncd
            sleep 600
        - name: host
          mountPath: /host
          privileged: true
      - name: host
          path: /
Upgrades, Updates 1.12.0-1.12.6, 1.13.0-1.13.6, 1.14.0-1.14.2

When you use version 1.13 gkectl to update a version 1.12 admin cluster, you might see the following error:

Failed to update the admin cluster: updating OS image type in admin cluster
is not supported in "1.12.x-gke.x"

When you use gkectl update admin for version 1.13 or 1.14 clusters, you might see the following message in the response:

Exit with error:
Failed to update the cluster: the update contains multiple changes. Please
update only one feature at a time

If you check the gkectl log, you might see that the multiple changes include setting osImageType from an empty string to ubuntu_containerd.

These update errors are due to improper backfilling of the osImageType field in the admin cluster config since it was introduced in version 1.9.


Upgrade to a version of Google Distributed Cloud with the fix. If upgrading isn't feasible for you, contact Cloud Customer Care to resolve this issue.

Installation, Security 1.13, 1.14, 1.15, 1.16

The ability to provide an additional serving certificate for the Kubernetes API server of a user cluster with authentication.sni doesn't work when the Controlplane V2 is enabled ( enableControlplaneV2: true).


Until a Google Distributed Cloud patch is available with the fix, if you need to use SNI, disable Controlplane V2 (enableControlplaneV2: false).

Installation 1.0-1.11, 1.12, 1.13.0-1.13.9, 1.14.0-1.14.5, 1.15.0-1.15.1

The admin control plane machine fails to start up when the private registry username contains $. When checking the /var/log/startup.log on the admin control plane machine, you see the following error:

/etc/startup/startup.conf: line 7: anthos: unbound variable


Use a private registry username without $, or use a version of Google Distributed Cloud with the fix.

Upgrades, Updates 1.12.0-1.12.4

When you update admin clusters, you will see the following false-positive warnings in the log, and you can ignore them.

    console.go:47] detected unsupported changes: &v1alpha1.OnPremAdminCluster{
      -         CARotation:        &v1alpha1.CARotationConfig{Generated: &v1alpha1.CARotationGenerated{CAVersion: 1}},
      +         CARotation:        nil,
Upgrades, Updates 1.13.0-1.13.9, 1.14.0-1.14.5, 1.15.0-1.15.1

After you rotate KSA signing keys and subsequently update a user cluster, gkectl update might fail with the following error message:

Failed to apply OnPremUserCluster 'USER_CLUSTER_NAME-gke-onprem-mgmt/USER_CLUSTER_NAME':
admission webhook "" denied the request:
requests must not decrement *v1alpha1.KSASigningKeyRotationConfig Version, old version: 2, new version: 1"


Change the version of your KSA signing key version back to 1, but retain the latest key data:
  1. Check the secret in admin cluster under USER_CLUSTER_NAME namespace, and get the name of ksa-signing-key secret:
    kubectl --kubeconfig=ADMIN_KUBECONFIG -n=USER_CLUSTER_NAME get secrets | grep ksa-signing-key
  2. Copy the ksa-signing-key secret, and name the copied secret as service-account-cert:
    kubectl --kubeconfig=ADMIN_KUBECONFIG -n=USER_CLUSTER_NAME get secret KSA-KEY-SECRET-NAME -oyaml | \
    sed 's/ name: .*/ name: service-account-cert/' | \
    kubectl --kubeconfig=ADMIN_KUBECONFIG -n=USER_CLUSTER_NAME apply -f -
  3. Delete the previous ksa-signing-key secret:
    kubectl --kubeconfig=ADMIN_KUBECONFIG -n=USER_CLUSTER_NAME delete secret KSA-KEY-SECRET-NAME
  4. Update the field in ksa-signing-key-rotation-stage configmap to '{"tokenVersion":1,"privateKeyVersion":1,"publicKeyVersions":[1]}':
    kubectl --kubeconfig=ADMIN_KUBECONFIG -n=USER_CLUSTER_NAME \
    edit configmap ksa-signing-key-rotation-stage
  5. Disable the validation webhook to edit the version information in the OnPremUserCluster custom resource:
    kubectl --kubeconfig=ADMIN_KUBECONFIG patch validatingwebhookconfiguration onprem-user-cluster-controller -p '
    - name:
      - apiGroups:
        - v1alpha1
        - CREATE
        - onpremnodepools
    - name:
      - apiGroups:
        - v1alpha1
        - CREATE
        - onpremuserclusters
  6. Update the spec.ksaSigningKeyRotation.generated.ksaSigningKeyRotation field to 1 in your OnPremUserCluster custom resource:
    kubectl --kubeconfig=ADMIN_KUBECONFIG -n=USER_CLUSTER_NAME-gke-onprem-mgmt \
    edit onpremusercluster USER_CLUSTER_NAME
  7. Wait until the target user cluster to be ready, you can check the status by:
    kubectl --kubeconfig=ADMIN_KUBECONFIG -n=USER_CLUSTER_NAME-gke-onprem-mgmt \
    get onpremusercluster
  8. Restore the validation webhook for the user cluster:
    kubectl --kubeconfig=ADMIN_KUBECONFIG patch validatingwebhookconfiguration onprem-user-cluster-controller -p '
    - name:
      - apiGroups:
        - v1alpha1
        - CREATE
        - UPDATE
        - onpremnodepools
    - name:
      - apiGroups:
        - v1alpha1
        - CREATE
        - UPDATE
        - onpremuserclusters
  9. Avoid another KSA signing key rotation until the cluster is upgraded to the version with the fix.
Operation 1.13.1+, 1.14, 1., 1.16

When you use Terraform to delete a user cluster with a F5 BIG-IP load balancer, the F5 BIG-IP virtual servers aren't removed after the cluster deletion.


To remove the F5 resources, follow the steps to clean up a user cluster F5 partition

Installation, Upgrades, Updates 1.13.8, 1.14.4

If you create a version 1.13.8 or version 1.14.4 admin cluster, or upgrade an admin cluster to version 1.13.8 or 1.14.4, the kind cluster pulls the following container images from

  • If isn't accessible from your admin workstation, the admin cluster creation or upgrade fails to bring up the kind cluster. Running the following command on the admin workstation shows the corresponding containers pending with ErrImagePull:

    docker exec gkectl-control-plane kubectl get pods -A

    The response contains entries like the following:

    kube-system         kindnet-xlhmr                             0/1
        ErrImagePull  0    3m12s
    local-path-storage  local-path-provisioner-86666ffff6-zzqtp   0/1
        Pending       0    3m12s

    These container images should be preloaded in the kind cluster container image. However, kind v0.18.0 has an issue with the preloaded container images, which causes them to be pulled from the internet by mistake.


    Run the following commands on the admin workstation, while your admin cluster is pending on creation or upgrade:

    docker exec gkectl-control-plane ctr -n images tag
    docker exec gkectl-control-plane ctr -n images tag
    docker exec gkectl-control-plane ctr -n images tag
    docker exec gkectl-control-plane ctr -n images tag
    docker exec gkectl-control-plane ctr -n images tag
    docker exec gkectl-control-plane ctr -n images tag
    Operation 1.13.0-1.13.7, 1.14.0-1.14.4, 1.15.0

    If your cluster VMs are connected with a switch that filters out duplicate GARP (gratuitous ARP) requests, the keepalived leader election might encounter a race condition, which causes some nodes to have incorrect ARP table entries.

    The affected nodes can ping the control plane VIP, but a TCP connection to the control plane VIP will time out.


    Run the following command on each control plane node of the affected cluster:
        iptables -I FORWARD -i ens192 --destination CONTROL_PLANE_VIP -j DROP
    Upgrades, Updates 1.13.0-1.13.7, 1.14.0-1.14.4, 1.15.0

    vsphere-csi-controller should refresh its vCenter secret after vCenter certificate rotation. However, the current system does not properly restart the pods of vsphere-csi-controller, causing vsphere-csi-controller to crash after the rotation.


    For clusters created at 1.13 and later versions, follow the instructions below to restart vsphere-csi-controller

    kubectl --kubeconfig=ADMIN_KUBECONFIG rollout restart deployment vsphere-csi-controller -n kube-system
    Installation 1.10.3-1.10.7, 1.11, 1.12, 1.13.0-1.13.1

    Even when cluster registration fails during admin cluster creation, the command gkectl create admin does not fail on the error and might succeed. In other words, the admin cluster creation could "succeed" without being registered to a fleet.

    To identify the symptom, you can look for the following error messages in the log of `gkectl create admin`,
    Failed to register admin cluster

    You can also check whether you can find the cluster among registered clusters on cloud console.


    For clusters created at 1.12 and later versions, follow the instructions for re-attempting the admin cluster registration after cluster creation. For clusters created at earlier versions,

    1. Append a fake key-value pair like "foo: bar" to your connect-register SA key file
    2. Run gkectl update admin to re-register the admin cluster.

    Upgrades, Updates 1.10, 1.11, 1.12, 1.13.0-1.13.1

    During admin cluster upgrade, if upgrading user control plane nodes times out, the admin cluster will not be re-registered with the updated connect agent version.


    Check whether the cluster shows among registered clusters. As an optional step, Log in to the cluster after setting up authentication. If the cluster is still registered, you might skip the following instructions for re-attempting the registration. For clusters upgraded to 1.12 and later versions, follow the instructions for re-attempting the admin cluster registration after cluster creation. For clusters upgraded to earlier versions,
    1. Append a fake key-value pair like "foo: bar" to your connect-register SA key file
    2. Run gkectl update admin to re-register the admin cluster.

    Configuration 1.15.0

    For a high-availability admin cluster, gkectl prepare shows this false error message:

    vCenter.dataDisk must be present in the AdminCluster spec


    You can safely ignore this error message.

    VMware 1.15.0

    During creation of a node pool that uses VM-Host affinity, a race condition might result in multiple VM-Host affinity rules being created with the same name. This can cause node pool creation to fail.


    Remove the old redundant rules so that node pool creation can proceed. These rules are named [USER_CLUSTER_NAME]-[HASH].

    Operation 1.15.0

    The gkectl repair admin-master command may fail due to a race condition with the following error.

    Failed to repair: failed to delete the admin master node object and reboot the admin master VM


    This command is idempotent. It can rerun safely until the command succeeds.

    Upgrades, Updates 1.15.0

    After you re-create or update a control-plane node, certain Pods might be left in the Failed state due to NodeAffinity predicate failure. These failed Pods don't affect normal cluster operations or health.


    You can safely ignore the failed Pods or manually delete them.

    Security, Configuration 1.15.0-1.15.1

    If you use prepared credentials and a private registry, but you haven't configured prepared credentials for your private registry, the OnPremUserCluster might not become ready, and you might see the following error message:

    failed to check secret reference for private registry …


    Prepare the private registry credentials for the user cluster according to the instructions in Configure prepared credentials.

    Upgrades, Updates 1.15.0

    During gkectl upgrade admin, the storage preflight check for CSI Migration verifies that the StorageClasses don't have parameters that are ignored after CSI Migration. For example, if there's a StorageClass with the parameter diskformat then gkectl upgrade admin flags the StorageClass and reports a failure in the preflight validation. Admin clusters created in Google Distributed Cloud 1.10 and before have a StorageClass with diskformat: thin which will fail this validation however this StorageClass still works fine after CSI Migration. These failures should be interpreted as warnings instead.

    For more information, check the StorageClass parameter section in Migrating In-Tree vSphere Volumes to vSphere Container Storage Plug-in.


    After confirming that your cluster has a StorageClass with parameters ignored after CSI Migration run gkectl upgrade admin with the flag --skip-validation-cluster-health.

    Storage 1.15, 1.16

    Under certain conditions disks can be attached as readonly to Windows nodes. This results in the corresponding volume being readonly inside a Pod. This problem is more likely to occur when a new set of nodes replaces an old set of nodes (for example, cluster upgrade or node pool update). Stateful workloads that previously worked fine might be unable to write to their volumes on the new set of nodes.


    1. Get the UID of the Pod that is unable to write to its volume:
      kubectl --kubeconfig USER_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG get pod \
          POD_NAME --namespace POD_NAMESPACE \
    2. Use the PersistentVolumeClaim to get the name of the PersistentVolume:
      kubectl --kubeconfig USER_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG get pvc \
          PVC_NAME --namespace POD_NAMESPACE \
          -o jsonpath='{.spec.volumeName}{"\n"}'
    3. Determine the name of the node where the Pod is running:
      kubectl --kubeconfig USER_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIGget pods \
          --namespace POD_NAMESPACE \
          -o jsonpath='{.spec.nodeName}{"\n"}'
    4. Obtain powershell access to the node, either through SSH or the vSphere web interface.
    5. Set environment variables:
      PS C:\Users\administrator> pvname=PV_NAME
      PS C:\Users\administrator> podid=POD_UID
    6. Identify the disk number for the disk associated with the PersistentVolume:
      PS C:\Users\administrator> disknum=(Get-Partition -Volume (Get-Volume -UniqueId ("\\?\"+(Get-Item (Get-Item
    7. Verify that the disk is readonly:
      PS C:\Users\administrator> (Get-Disk -Number $disknum).IsReadonly
      The result should be True.
    8. Set readonly to false.
      PS C:\Users\administrator> Set-Disk -Number $disknum -IsReadonly $false
      PS C:\Users\administrator> (Get-Disk -Number $disknum).IsReadonly
    9. Delete the Pod so that it will get restarted:
      kubectl --kubeconfig USER_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG delete pod POD_NAME \
          --namespace POD_NAMESPACE
    10. The Pod should get scheduled to the same node. But in case the Pod gets scheduled to a new node, you might need to repeat the preceding steps on the new node.

    Upgrades, Updates 1.12, 1.13.0-1.13.7, 1.14.0-1.14.4

    If you update the vSphere credentials for an admin cluster following updating cluster credentials, you might find vsphere-csi-secret under kube-system namespace in the admin cluster still uses the old credential.


    1. Get the vsphere-csi-secret secret name:
      kubectl --kubeconfig=ADMIN_KUBECONFIG -n=kube-system get secrets | grep vsphere-csi-secret
    2. Update the data of the vsphere-csi-secret secret you got from the above step:
      kubectl --kubeconfig=ADMIN_KUBECONFIG -n=kube-system patch secret CSI_SECRET_NAME -p \
        "{\"data\":{\"config\":\"$( \
          kubectl --kubeconfig=ADMIN_KUBECONFIG -n=kube-system get secrets CSI_SECRET_NAME -ojsonpath='{.data.config}' \
            | base64 -d \
            | sed -e '/user/c user = \"VSPHERE_USERNAME_TO_BE_UPDATED\"' \
            | sed -e '/password/c password = \"VSPHERE_PASSWORD_TO_BE_UPDATED\"' \
            | base64 -w 0 \
    3. Restart vsphere-csi-controller:
      kubectl --kubeconfig=ADMIN_KUBECONFIG -n=kube-system rollout restart deployment vsphere-csi-controller
    4. You can track the rollout status with:
      kubectl --kubeconfig=ADMIN_KUBECONFIG -n=kube-system rollout status deployment vsphere-csi-controller
      After the deployment is successfully rolled out, the updated vsphere-csi-secret should be used by the controller.
    Upgrades, Updates 1.10, 1.11, 1.12.0-1.12.6, 1.13.0-1.13.6, 1.14.0-1.14.2

    audit-proxy might crashloop because of empty --cluster-name. This behavior is caused by a bug in the update logic, where the cluster name is not propagated to the audit-proxy pod / container manifest.


    For a control plane v2 user cluster with enableControlplaneV2: true, connect to the user control plane machine using SSH, and update /etc/kubernetes/manifests/audit-proxy.yaml with --cluster_name=USER_CLUSTER_NAME.

    For a control plane v1 user cluster, edit the audit-proxy container in the kube-apiserver statefulset to add --cluster_name=USER_CLUSTER_NAME:

    kubectl edit statefulset kube-apiserver -n USER_CLUSTER_NAME --kubeconfig=ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG
    Upgrades, Updates 1.11, 1.12, 1.13.0-1.13.5, 1.14.0-1.14.1

    Right after gkectl upgrade cluster, the control plane pods might be re-deployed again. The cluster state from gkectl list clusters change from RUNNING TO RECONCILING. Requests to the user cluster might timeout.

    This behavior is because of the control plane certificate rotation happens automatically after gkectl upgrade cluster.

    This issue only happens to user clusters that do NOT use control plane v2.


    Wait for the cluster state to change back to RUNNING again in gkectl list clusters, or upgrade to versions with the fix: 1.13.6+, 1.14.2+ or 1.15+.

    Upgrades, Updates 1.12.7

    Google Distributed Cloud 1.12.7-gke.19 is a bad release and you should not use it. The artifacts have been removed from the Cloud Storage bucket.


    Use the 1.12.7-gke.20 release instead.

    Upgrades, Updates 1.12.0+, 1.13.0-1.13.7, 1.14.0-1.14.3

    If you update the registry credential using one of the following methods:

    • gkectl update credentials componentaccess if not using private registry
    • gkectl update credentials privateregistry if using private registry

    you might find gke-connect-agent continues to use the older image or the gke-connect-agent pods cannot be pulled up due to ImagePullBackOff.

    This issue will be fixed in Google Distributed Cloud releases 1.13.8, 1.14.4, and subsequent releases.


    Option 1: Redeploy gke-connect-agent manually:

    1. Delete the gke-connect namespace:
      kubectl --kubeconfig=KUBECONFIG delete namespace gke-connect
    2. Redeploy gke-connect-agent with the original register service account key (no need to update the key):

      For admin cluster:
      gkectl update credentials register --kubeconfig=ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG --config ADMIN_CLUSTER_CONFIG_FILE --admin-cluster
      For user cluster:
      gkectl update credentials register --kubeconfig=ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG --config USER_CLUSTER_CONFIG_FILE

    Option 2: You can manually change the data of the image pull secret regcred which is used by gke-connect-agent deployment:

    kubectl --kubeconfig=KUBECONFIG -n=gke-connect patch secrets regcred -p "{\"data\":{\".dockerconfigjson\":\"$(kubectl --kubeconfig=KUBECONFIG -n=kube-system get secrets private-registry-creds -ojsonpath='{.data.\.dockerconfigjson}')\"}}"

    Option 3: You can add the default image pull secret for your cluster in the gke-connect-agent deployment by:

    1. Copy the default secret to gke-connect namespace:
      kubectl --kubeconfig=KUBECONFIG -n=kube-system get secret private-registry-creds -oyaml | sed 's/ namespace: .*/ namespace: gke-connect/' | kubectl --kubeconfig=KUBECONFIG -n=gke-connect apply -f -
    2. Get the gke-connect-agent deployment name:
      kubectl --kubeconfig=KUBECONFIG -n=gke-connect get deployment | grep gke-connect-agent
    3. Add the default secret to gke-connect-agent deployment:
      kubectl --kubeconfig=KUBECONFIG -n=gke-connect patch deployment DEPLOYMENT_NAME -p '{"spec":{"template":{"spec":{"imagePullSecrets": [{"name": "private-registry-creds"}, {"name": "regcred"}]}}}}'
    Installation 1.13, 1.14

    When you validate the configuration before creating a cluster with Manual load balancer by running gkectl check-config, then the command will fail with the following error messages.

     - Validation Category: Manual LB    Running validation check for "Network 
    configuration"...panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer 


    Option 1: You can use the patch version 1.13.7 and 1.14.4 that will include the fix.

    Option 2: You can also run the same command to validate the configuration but skip the load balancer validation.

    gkectl check-config --skip-validation-load-balancer
    Operation 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, 1.10, 1.11, 1.12, 1.13, and 1.14

    Clusters running etcd version 3.4.13 or earlier may experience watch starvation and non-operational resource watches, which can lead to the following problems:

    • Pod scheduling is disrupted
    • Nodes are unable to register
    • kubelet doesn't observe pod changes

    These problems can make the cluster non-functional.

    This issue is fixed in Google Distributed Cloud releases 1.12.7, 1.13.6, 1.14.3, and subsequent releases. These newer releases use etcd version 3.4.21. All prior versions of Google Distributed Cloud are affected by this issue.


    If you can't upgrade immediately, you can mitigate the risk of cluster failure by reducing the number of nodes in your cluster. Remove nodes until the etcd_network_client_grpc_sent_bytes_total metric is less than 300 MBps.

    To view this metric in Metrics Explorer:

    1. Go to the Metrics Explorer in the Google Cloud console:

      Go to Metrics Explorer

    2. Select the Configuration tab.
    3. Expand the Select a metric, enter Kubernetes Container in the filter bar, and then use the submenus to select the metric:
      1. In the Active resources menu, select Kubernetes Container.
      2. In the Active metric categories menu, select Anthos.
      3. In the Active metrics menu, select etcd_network_client_grpc_sent_bytes_total.
      4. Click Apply.
    Upgrades, Updates 1.10, 1.11, 1.12, 1.13, and 1.14

    At cluster restarts or upgrades, GKE Identity Service can get overwhelmed with traffic consisting of expired JWT tokens forwarded from the kube-apiserver to GKE Identity Service over the authentication webhook. Although GKE Identity Service doesn't crashloop, it becomes unresponsive and ceases to serve further requests. This problem ultimately leads to higher control plane latencies.

    This issue is fixed in the following Google Distributed Cloud releases:

    • 1.12.6+
    • 1.13.6+
    • 1.14.2+

    To determine if you're affected by this issue, perform the following steps:

    1. Check whether the GKE Identity Service endpoint can be reached externally:
      curl -s -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}" \
          -X POST https://CLUSTER_ENDPOINT/api/v1/namespaces/anthos-identity-service/services/https:ais:https/proxy/authenticate -d '{}'

      Replace CLUSTER_ENDPOINT with the control plane VIP and control plane load balancer port for your cluster (for example,

      If you're affected by this issue, the command returns a 400 status code. If the request times out, restart the ais Pod and rerun the curl command to see if that resolves the problem. If you get a status code of 000, the problem has been resolved and you are done. If you still get a 400 status code, the GKE Identity Service HTTP server isn't starting. In this case, continue.

    2. Check the GKE Identity Service and kube-apiserver logs:
      1. Check the GKE Identity Service log:
        kubectl logs -f -l k8s-app=ais -n anthos-identity-service \
            --kubeconfig KUBECONFIG

        If the log contains an entry like the following, then you are affected by this issue:

        I0811 22:32:03.583448      32] Stopping OIDC authentication for ???. Unable to verify the OIDC ID token: JWT verification failed: The JWT does not appear to be from this identity provider. To match this provider, the 'aud' claim must contain one of the following audiences:
      2. Check the kube-apiserver logs for your clusters:

        In the following commands, KUBE_APISERVER_POD is the name of the kube-apiserver Pod on the given cluster.

        Admin cluster:

        kubectl --kubeconfig ADMIN_KUBECONFIG logs \
            -n kube-system KUBE_APISERVER_POD kube-apiserver

        User cluster:

        kubectl --kubeconfig ADMIN_KUBECONFIG logs \
            -n USER_CLUSTER_NAME KUBE_APISERVER_POD kube-apiserver

        If the kube-apiserver logs contain entries like the following, then you are affected by this issue:

        E0811 22:30:22.656085       1 webhook.go:127] Failed to make webhook authenticator request: error trying to reach service: net/http: TLS handshake timeout
        E0811 22:30:22.656266       1 authentication.go:63] "Unable to authenticate the request" err="[invalid bearer token, error trying to reach service: net/http: TLS handshake timeout]"


    If you can't upgrade your clusters immediately to get the fix, you can identify and restart the offending pods as a workaround:

    1. Increase the GKE Identity Service verbosity level to 9:
      kubectl patch deployment ais -n anthos-identity-service --type=json \
          -p='[{"op": "add", "path": "/spec/template/spec/containers/0/args/-", \
          "value":"--vmodule=cloud/identity/hybrid/charon/*=9"}]' \
          --kubeconfig KUBECONFIG
    2. Check the GKE Identity Service log for the invalid token context:
      kubectl logs -f -l k8s-app=ais -n anthos-identity-service \
          --kubeconfig KUBECONFIG
    3. To get the token payload associated with each invalid token context, parse each related service account secret with the following command:
      kubectl -n kube-system get secret SA_SECRET \
          --kubeconfig KUBECONFIG \
          -o jsonpath='{.data.token}' | base64 --decode
    4. To decode the token and see the source pod name and namespace, copy the token to the debugger at
    5. Restart the pods identified from the tokens.
    Operation 1.8, 1.9, 1.10

    The etcd maintenance pods that use etcddefrag:gke_master_etcddefrag_20210211.00_p0 image are affected. The `etcddefrag` container opens a new connection to etcd server during each defrag cycle and the old connections are not cleaned up.


    Option 1: Upgrade to the latest patch version from 1.8 to 1.11 which contain the fix.

    Option 2: If you are using patch version earlier than 1.9.6 and 1.10.3, you need to scale down the etcd-maintenance pod for admin and user cluster:

    kubectl scale --replicas 0 deployment/gke-master-etcd-maintenance -n USER_CLUSTER_NAME --kubeconfig ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG
    kubectl scale --replicas 0 deployment/gke-master-etcd-maintenance -n kube-system --kubeconfig ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG
    Operation 1.9, 1.10, 1.11, 1.12, 1.13

    Both the cluster health controller and the gkectl diagnose cluster command perform a set of health checks including the pods health checks across namespaces. However, they start to skip the user control plane pods by mistake. If you use the control plane v2 mode, this won't affect your cluster.


    This won't affect any workload or cluster management. If you want to check the control plane pods healthiness, you can run the following commands:

    kubectl get pods -owide -n USER_CLUSTER_NAME --kubeconfig ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG
    Upgrades, Updates 1.6+, 1.7+

    Kubernetes redirected the traffic from to on 3/20/2023. In Google Distributed Cloud 1.6.x and 1.7.x, the admin cluster upgrades use the container image If you use a proxy for your admin workstation and the proxy doesn't allow and the container image is not cached locally, the admin cluster upgrades will fail when pulling the container image.


    Add to the allowlist of the proxy for your admin workstation.

    Networking 1.10, 1.11, 1.12.0-1.12.6, 1.13.0-1.13.6, 1.14.0-1.14.2

    gkectl create loadbalancer fails with the following error message:

    - Validation Category: Seesaw LB - [FAILURE] Seesaw validation: xxx cluster lb health check failed: LB"" is not healthy: Get "": dial connect: no route to host

    This is due to the seesaw group file already existing. And the preflight check tries to validate a non-existent seesaw load balancer.


    Remove the existing seesaw group file for this cluster. The file name is seesaw-for-gke-admin.yaml for the admin cluster, and seesaw-for-{CLUSTER_NAME}.yaml for a user cluster.

    Networking 1.14

    Google Distributed Cloud version 1.14 is susceptible to netfilter connection tracking (conntrack) table insertion failures when using Ubuntu or COS operating system images. Insertion failures lead to random application timeouts and can occur even when the conntrack table has room for new entries. The failures are caused by changes in kernel 5.15 and higher that restrict table insertions based on chain length.

    To see if you are affected by this issue, you can check the in-kernel connection tracking system statistics on each node with the following command:

    sudo conntrack -S

    The response looks like this:

    cpu=0       found=0 invalid=4 insert=0 insert_failed=0 drop=0 early_drop=0 error=0 search_restart=0 clash_resolve=0 chaintoolong=0 
    cpu=1       found=0 invalid=0 insert=0 insert_failed=0 drop=0 early_drop=0 error=0 search_restart=0 clash_resolve=0 chaintoolong=0 
    cpu=2       found=0 invalid=16 insert=0 insert_failed=0 drop=0 early_drop=0 error=0 search_restart=0 clash_resolve=0 chaintoolong=0 
    cpu=3       found=0 invalid=13 insert=0 insert_failed=0 drop=0 early_drop=0 error=0 search_restart=0 clash_resolve=0 chaintoolong=0 
    cpu=4       found=0 invalid=9 insert=0 insert_failed=0 drop=0 early_drop=0 error=0 search_restart=0 clash_resolve=0 chaintoolong=0 
    cpu=5       found=0 invalid=1 insert=0 insert_failed=0 drop=0 early_drop=0 error=519 search_restart=0 clash_resolve=126 chaintoolong=0 

    If a chaintoolong value in the response is a non-zero number, you're affected by this issue.


    The short term mitigation is to increase the size of both the netfiler hash table (nf_conntrack_buckets) and the netfilter connection tracking table (nf_conntrack_max). Use the following commands on each cluster node to increase the size of the tables:

    sysctl -w net.netfilter.nf_conntrack_buckets=TABLE_SIZE
    sysctl -w net.netfilter.nf_conntrack_max=TABLE_SIZE

    Replace TABLE_SIZE with new size in bytes. The default table size value is 262144. We suggest that you set a value equal to 65,536 times the number of cores on the node. For example, if your node has eight cores, set the table size to 524288.

    Networking 1.13.0-1.13.2

    With Controlplane v2 or a new installation model, calico-typha or anetd-operator might be scheduled to Windows nodes and get into crash loop.

    The reason is that the two deployments tolerate all taints including Windows node taint.


    Either upgrade to 1.13.3+, or run the following commands to edit the `calico-typha` or `anetd-operator` deployment:

        # If dataplane v2 is not used.
        kubectl edit deployment -n kube-system calico-typha --kubeconfig USER_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG
        # If dataplane v2 is used.
        kubectl edit deployment -n kube-system anetd-operator --kubeconfig USER_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG

    Remove the following spec.template.spec.tolerations:

        - effect: NoSchedule
          operator: Exists
        - effect: NoExecute
          operator: Exists

    And add the following toleration:

        - key:
          operator: Exists
    Configuration 1.14.0-1.14.2

    You might not be able to create a user cluster if you specify the privateRegistry section with credential fileRef. Preflight might fail with the following message:

    [FAILURE] Docker registry access: Failed to login.


    • If you did not intend to specify the field or you want to use the same private registry credential as admin cluster, you can simply remove or comment the privateRegistry section in your user cluster config file.
    • If you want to use a specific private registry credential for your user cluster, you may temporarily specify the privateRegistry section this way:
      (NOTE: This is only a temporarily fix and these fields are already deprecated, consider using the credential file when upgrading to 1.14.3+.)

    Operations 1.10+

    Dataplane V2 takes over load balancing and creates a kernel socket instead of a packet based DNAT. This means that Cloud Service Mesh cannot do packet inspection as the pod is bypassed and never uses IPTables.

    This manifests in kube-proxy free mode by loss of connectivity or incorrect traffic routing for services with Cloud Service Mesh as the sidecar cannot do packet inspection.

    This issue is present on all versions of Google Distributed Cloud 1.10, however some newer versions of 1.10 (1.10.2+) have a workaround.


    Either upgrade to 1.11 for full compatibility or if running 1.10.2 or later, run:

        kubectl edit cm -n kube-system cilium-config --kubeconfig USER_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG

    Add bpf-lb-sock-hostns-only: true to the configmap and then restart the anetd daemonset:

          kubectl rollout restart ds anetd -n kube-system --kubeconfig USER_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG

    Storage 1.12+, 1.13.3

    kube-controller-manager might timeout when detaching PV/PVCs after 6 minutes, and forcefully detach the PV/PVCs. Detailed logs from kube-controller-manager show events similar to the following:

    $ cat kubectl_logs_kube-controller-manager-xxxx | grep "DetachVolume started" | grep expired
    kubectl_logs_kube-controller-manager-gke-admin-master-4mgvr_--container_kube-controller-manager_--kubeconfig_kubeconfig_--request-timeout_30s_--namespace_kube-system_--timestamps:2023-01-05T16:29:25.883577880Z W0105 16:29:25.883446       1 reconciler.go:224] attacherDetacher.DetachVolume started for volume "pvc-8bb4780b-ba8e-45f4-a95b-19397a66ce16" (UniqueName: "^126f913b-4029-4055-91f7-beee75d5d34a") on node "sandbox-corp-ant-antho-0223092-03-u-tm04-ml5m8-7d66645cf-t5q8f"
    This volume is not safe to detach, but maxWaitForUnmountDuration 6m0s expired, force detaching

    To verify the issue, log into the node and run the following commands:

    # See all the mounting points with disks
    lsblk -f
    # See some ext4 errors
    sudo dmesg -T

    In the kubelet log, errors like the following are displayed:

    Error: GetDeviceMountRefs check failed for volume "pvc-8bb4780b-ba8e-45f4-a95b-19397a66ce16" (UniqueName: "^126f913b-4029-4055-91f7-beee75d5d34a") on node "sandbox-corp-ant-antho-0223092-03-u-tm04-ml5m8-7d66645cf-t5q8f" :
    the device mount path "/var/lib/kubelet/plugins/" is still mounted by other references [/var/lib/kubelet/plugins/


    Connect to the affected node using SSH and reboot the node.

    Upgrades, Updates 1.12+, 1.13+, 1.14+

    You might not be able to upgrade a cluster if you use a 3rd party CSI driver. The gkectl cluster diagnose command might return the following error:

    "virtual disk "^pvc-27a1625f-29e3-4e4f-9cd1-a45237cc472c" IS NOT attached to machine "cluster-pool-855f694cc-cjk5c" but IS listed in the Node.Status"


    Perform the upgrade using the --skip-validation-all option.

    Operation 1.10+, 1.11+, 1.12+, 1.13+, 1.14+

    The admin master node created via gkectl repair admin-master may use a lower VM hardware version than expected. When the issue happens, you will see the error from the gkectl diagnose cluster report.

    CSIPrerequisites [VM Hardware]: The current VM hardware versions are lower than vmx-15 which is unexpected. Please contact Anthos support to resolve this issue.


    Shutdown the admin master node, follow to upgrade the node to the expected version described in the error message, and then start the node.

    Operating system 1.10+, 1.11+, 1.12+, 1.13+, 1.14+, 1.15+, 1.16+

    In systemd v244, systemd-networkd has a default behavior change on the KeepConfiguration configuration. Before this change, VMs did not send a DHCP lease release message to the DHCP server on shutdown or reboot. After this change, VMs send such a message and return the IPs to the DHCP server. As a result, the released IP may be reallocated to a different VM and/or a different IP may be assigned to the VM, resulting in IP conflict (at Kubernetes level, not vSphere level) and/or IP change on the VMs, which can break the clusters in various ways.

    For example, you may see the following symptoms.

    • vCenter UI shows that no VMs use the same IP, but kubectl get nodes -o wide returns nodes with duplicate IPs.
      node1  Ready     28h  v1.22.8-gke.204  Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS  5.4.0-1049-gkeop  containerd://1.5.13
      node2  NotReady  71d  v1.22.8-gke.204  Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS  5.4.0-1049-gkeop  containerd://1.5.13
    • New nodes fail to start due to calico-node error
      2023-01-19T22:07:08.817410035Z 2023-01-19 22:07:08.817 [WARNING][9] startup/startup.go 1135: Calico node 'node1' is already using the IPv4 address
      2023-01-19T22:07:08.817514332Z 2023-01-19 22:07:08.817 [INFO][9] startup/startup.go 354: Clearing out-of-date IPv4 address from this node IP=""
      2023-01-19T22:07:08.825614667Z 2023-01-19 22:07:08.825 [WARNING][9] startup/startup.go 1347: Terminating
      2023-01-19T22:07:08.828218856Z Calico node failed to start


    Deploy the following DaemonSet on the cluster to revert the systemd-networkd default behavior change. The VMs that run this DaemonSet will not release the IPs to the DHCP server on shutdown/reboot. The IPs will be freed automatically by the DHCP server when the leases expire.

          apiVersion: apps/v1
          kind: DaemonSet
            name: set-dhcp-on-stop
                name: set-dhcp-on-stop
                  name: set-dhcp-on-stop
                hostIPC: true
                hostPID: true
                hostNetwork: true
                - name: set-dhcp-on-stop
                  image: ubuntu
                  tty: true
                  - /bin/bash
                  - -c
                  - |
                    set -x
                    while true; do
                      export CONFIG=/host/run/systemd/network/;
                      grep KeepConfiguration=dhcp-on-stop "${CONFIG}" > /dev/null
                      if (( $? != 0 )) ; then
                        echo "Setting KeepConfiguration=dhcp-on-stop"
                        sed -i '/\[Network\]/a KeepConfiguration=dhcp-on-stop' "${CONFIG}"
                        cat "${CONFIG}"
                        chroot /host systemctl restart systemd-networkd
                        echo "KeepConfiguration=dhcp-on-stop has already been set"
                      sleep 3600
                  - name: host
                    mountPath: /host
                      memory: "10Mi"
                      cpu: "5m"
                    privileged: true
                - name: host
                    path: /
                - operator: Exists
                  effect: NoExecute
                - operator: Exists
                  effect: NoSchedule

    Operation, Upgrades, Updates 1.12.0-1.12.5, 1.13.0-1.13.5, 1.14.0-1.14.1

    This issue will only affect admin clusters which are upgraded from 1.11.x, and won't affect admin clusters which are newly created after 1.12.

    After upgrading a 1.11.x cluster to 1.12.x, the component-access-sa-key field in admin-cluster-creds secret will be wiped out to empty. This can be checked by running the following command:

    kubectl --kubeconfig ADMIN_KUBECONFIG -n kube-system get secret admin-cluster-creds -o yaml | grep 'component-access-sa-key'
    If you find the output is empty that means the key is wiped out.

    After the component access service account key been deleted, installing new user clusters or upgrading existing user clusters will fail. The following lists some error messages you might encounter:

    • Slow validation preflight failure with error message: "Failed to create the test VMs: failed to get service account key: service account is not configured."
    • Prepare by gkectl prepare failed with error message: "Failed to prepare OS images: dialing: unexpected end of JSON input"
    • If you are upgrading a 1.13 user cluster using the Google Cloud Console or the gcloud CLI, when you run gkectl update admin --enable-preview-user-cluster-central-upgrade to deploy the upgrade platform controller, the command fails with the message: "failed to download bundle to disk: dialing: unexpected end of JSON input" (You can see this message in the status field in the output of kubectl --kubeconfig ADMIN_KUBECONFIG -n kube-system get onprembundle -oyaml).


    Add the component access service account key back into the secret manually by running the following command:

    kubectl --kubeconfig ADMIN_KUBECONFIG -n kube-system get secret admin-cluster-creds -ojson | jq --arg casa "$(cat COMPONENT_ACESS_SERVICE_ACOOUNT_KEY_PATH | base64 -w 0)" '.data["component-access-sa-key"]=$casa' | kubectl --kubeconfig ADMIN_KUBECONFIG apply -f -

    Operation 1.13.0+, 1.14.0+

    For user clusters created with Controlplane V2 or a new installation model, node pools with autoscaling enabled always use their autoscaling.minReplicas in the user-cluster.yaml. The log of the cluster-autoscaler pod also shows that their are unhealthy.

      > kubectl --kubeconfig $USER_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG -n kube-system \
      logs $CLUSTER_AUTOSCALER_POD --container_cluster-autoscaler
     TIMESTAMP  1 gkeonprem_provider.go:73] error getting onpremusercluster ready status: Expected to get a onpremusercluster with id foo-user-cluster-gke-onprem-mgmt/foo-user-cluster
     TIMESTAMP 1 static_autoscaler.go:298] Failed to get node infos for groups: Expected to get a onpremusercluster with id foo-user-cluster-gke-onprem-mgmt/foo-user-cluster
    The cluster autoscaler pod can be found by running the following commands.
      > kubectl --kubeconfig $USER_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG -n kube-system \
       get pods | grep cluster-autoscaler
    cluster-autoscaler-5857c74586-txx2c                          4648017n    48076Ki    30s


    Disable autoscaling in all the node pools with `gkectl update cluster` until upgrading to a version with the fix

    Installation 1.12.0-1.12.4, 1.13.0-1.13.3, 1.14.0

    When users use CIDR in the IP block file, the config validation will fail with the following error:

    - Validation Category: Config Check
        - [FAILURE] Config: AddressBlock for admin cluster spec is invalid: invalid IP:


    Include individual IPs in the IP block file until upgrading to a version with the fix: 1.12.5, 1.13.4, 1.14.1+.

    Upgrades, Updates 1.14.0-1.14.1

    When Updating control plane OS image type in the admin-cluster.yaml, and if its corresponding user cluster was created via Controlplane V2, the user control plane machines may not finish their re-creation when the gkectl command finishes.


    After the update is finished, keep waiting for the user control plane machines to also finish their re-creation by monitoring their node os image types using kubectl --kubeconfig USER_KUBECONFIG get nodes -owide. e.g. If updating from Ubuntu to COS, we should wait for all the control plane machines to completely change from Ubuntu to COS even after the update command is complete.

    Operation 1.10, 1.11, 1.12, 1.13, 1.14.0

    An issue with Calico in Google Distributed Cloud 1.14.0 causes Pod creation and deletion to fail with the following error message in the output of kubectl describe pods:

      error getting ClusterInformation: connection is unauthorized: Unauthorized

    This issue is only observed 24 hours after the cluster is created or upgraded to 1.14 using Calico.

    Admin clusters are always using Calico, while for user cluster there is a config field `enableDataPlaneV2` in user-cluster.yaml, if that field is set to `false`, or not specified, that means you are using Calico in user cluster.

    The nodes' install-cni container creates a kubeconfig with a token that is valid for 24 hours. This token needs to be periodically renewed by the calico-node Pod. The calico-node Pod is unable to renew the token as it doesn't have access to the directory that contains the kubeconfig file on the node.


    This issue was fixed in Google Distributed Cloud version 1.14.1. Upgrade to this or a later version.

    If you can't upgrade right away, apply the following patch on the calico-node DaemonSet in your admin and user cluster:

      kubectl -n kube-system get daemonset calico-node \
        --kubeconfig ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG -o json \
        | jq '.spec.template.spec.containers[0].volumeMounts += [{"name":"cni-net-dir","mountPath":"/host/etc/cni/net.d"}]' \
        | kubectl apply --kubeconfig ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG -f -
      kubectl -n kube-system get daemonset calico-node \
        --kubeconfig USER_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG -o json \
        | jq '.spec.template.spec.containers[0].volumeMounts += [{"name":"cni-net-dir","mountPath":"/host/etc/cni/net.d"}]' \
        | kubectl apply --kubeconfig USER_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG -f -
    Replace the following:
    • ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG: the path of the admin cluster kubeconfig file.
    • USER_CLUSTER_CONFIG_FILE: the path of your user cluster configuration file.
    Installation 1.12.0-1.12.4, 1.13.0-1.13.3, 1.14.0

    Cluster creation fails despite the user having the proper configuration. User sees creation failing due to the cluster not having enough IPs.


    Split CIDR's into several smaller CIDR blocks, such as becomes, As long as there are N+1 CIDR's, where N is the number of nodes in the cluster, this should suffice.

    Operation, Upgrades, Updates 1.11.0 - 1.11.1, 1.10.0 - 1.10.4, 1.9.0 - 1.9.6

    When the always-on secrets encryption feature is enabled along with cluster backup, the admin cluster backup fails to include the encryption keys and configuration required by always-on secrets encryption feature. As a result, repairing the admin master with this backup using gkectl repair admin-master --restore-from-backup causes the following error:

    Validating admin master VM xxx ...
    Waiting for kube-apiserver to be accessible via LB VIP (timeout "8m0s")...  ERROR
    Failed to access kube-apiserver via LB VIP. Trying to fix the problem by rebooting the admin master
    Waiting for kube-apiserver to be accessible via LB VIP (timeout "13m0s")...  ERROR
    Failed to access kube-apiserver via LB VIP. Trying to fix the problem by rebooting the admin master
    Waiting for kube-apiserver to be accessible via LB VIP (timeout "18m0s")...  ERROR
    Failed to access kube-apiserver via LB VIP. Trying to fix the problem by rebooting the admin master

    Operation, Upgrades, Updates 1.10+

    If the always-on secrets encryption feature is not enabled at cluster creation, but enabled later using gkectl update operation then the gkectl repair admin-master fails to repair the admin cluster control plane node. It is recommend that always-on secrets encryption feature is enabled at cluster creation. There is no current mitigation.

    Upgrades, Updates 1.10

    Upgrading the first user cluster from 1.9 to 1.10 could recreate nodes in other user clusters under the same admin cluster. The recreation is performed in a rolling fashion.

    The disk_label was removed from MachineTemplate.spec.template.spec.providerSpec.machineVariables, which triggered an update on all MachineDeployments unexpectedly.


    Upgrades, Updates 1.10.0

    Upgrade user cluster to 1.10.0 might cause docker restart frequently.

    You can detect this issue by running kubectl describe node NODE_NAME --kubeconfig USER_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG

    A node condition will show whether the docker restart frequently. Here is an example output:

    Normal   FrequentDockerRestart    41m (x2 over 141m)     systemd-monitor  Node condition FrequentDockerRestart is now: True, reason: FrequentDockerRestart

    To understand the root cause, you need to ssh to the node that has the symptom and run commands like sudo journalctl --utc -u docker or sudo journalctl -x


    Upgrades, Updates 1.11, 1.12

    If you are using a Google Distributed Cloud version below 1.12, and have manually set up Google-managed Prometheus (GMP) components in the gmp-system namespace for your cluster, the components are not preserved when you upgrade to version 1.12.x.

    From version 1.12, GMP components in the gmp-system namespace and CRDs are managed by stackdriver object, with the enableGMPForApplications flag set to false by default. If you manually deploy GMP components in the namespace prior to upgrading to 1.12, the resources will be deleted by stackdriver.


    Operation 1.11, 1.12, 1.13.0 - 1.13.1

    In the system scenario, the cluster snapshot doesn't include any resources under the default namespace.

    However, some Kubernetes resources like Cluster API objects that are under this namespace contain useful debugging information. The cluster snapshot should include them.


    You can manually run the following commands to collect the debugging information.

    kubectl get -o yaml
    kubectl get -o yaml
    kubectl get -o yaml
    kubectl get -o yaml
    kubectl get -o yaml
    kubectl get -o yaml
    kubectl get services -o yaml
    kubectl describe
    kubectl describe
    kubectl describe
    kubectl describe
    kubectl describe
    kubectl describe
    kubectl describe services

    USER_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG is the user cluster's kubeconfig file.

    Upgrades, Updates 1.11.0-1.11.4, 1.12.0-1.12.3, 1.13.0-1.13.1

    When deleting, updating or upgrading a user cluster, node drain may be stuck in the following scenarios:

    • The admin cluster has been using vSphere CSI driver on vSAN since version 1.12.x, and
    • There are no PVC/PV objects created by in-tree vSphere plugins in the admin and user cluster.

    To identify the symptom, run the command below:

    kubectl logs clusterapi-controllers-POD_NAME_SUFFIX  --kubeconfig ADMIN_KUBECONFIG -n USER_CLUSTER_NAMESPACE

    Here is a sample error message from the above command:

    E0920 20:27:43.086567 1 machine_controller.go:250] Error deleting machine object [MACHINE]; Failed to delete machine [MACHINE]: failed to detach disks from VM "[MACHINE]": failed to convert disk path "kubevols" to UUID path: failed to convert full path "ds:///vmfs/volumes/vsan:[UUID]/kubevols": ServerFaultCode: A general system error occurred: Invalid fault

    kubevols is the default directory for vSphere in-tree driver. When there are no PVC/PV objects created, you may hit a bug that node drain will be stuck at finding kubevols, since the current implementation assumes that kubevols always exists.


    Create the directory kubevols in the datastore where the node is created. This is defined in the vCenter.datastore field in the user-cluster.yaml or admin-cluster.yaml files.

    Configuration 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, 1.10, 1.11, 1.12, 1.13, 1.14

    On user cluster deletion, the corresponding clusterrole and clusterrolebinding for cluster-autoscaler are also deleted. This affects all other user clusters on the same admin cluster with cluster autoscaler enabled. This is because the same clusterrole and clusterrolebinding are used for all cluster autoscaler pods within the same admin cluster.

    The symptoms are the following:

    • cluster-autoscaler logs
    • kubectl logs --kubeconfig ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG -n kube-system \
      where ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG is the admin cluster's kubeconfig file. Here is an example of error messages you might see:
      2023-03-26T10:45:44.866600973Z W0326 10:45:44.866463       1 reflector.go:424] failed to list *unstructured.Unstructured: is forbidden: User "..." cannot list resource "onpremuserclusters" in API group "" at the cluster scope
      2023-03-26T10:45:44.866646815Z E0326 10:45:44.866494       1 reflector.go:140] Failed to watch *unstructured.Unstructured: failed to list *unstructured.Unstructured: is forbidden: User "..." cannot list resource "onpremuserclusters" in API group "" at the cluster scope


    Configuration 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, 1.10, 1.11, 1.12, 1.13

    On user cluster deletion, the corresponding clusterrole is also deleted, which results in auto repair and vsphere metrics exporter not working

    The symptoms are the following:

    • cluster-health-controller logs
    • kubectl logs --kubeconfig ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG -n kube-system \
      where ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG is the admin cluster's kubeconfig file. Here is an example of error messages you might see:
      error retrieving resource lock default/onprem-cluster-health-leader-election: configmaps "onprem-cluster-health-leader-election" is forbidden: User "system:serviceaccount:kube-system:cluster-health-controller" cannot get resource "configmaps" in API group "" in the namespace "default": RBAC: "cluster-health-controller-role" not found
    • vsphere-metrics-exporter logs
    • kubectl logs --kubeconfig ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG -n kube-system \
      where ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG is the admin cluster's kubeconfig file. Here is an example of error messages you might see:
      vsphere-metrics-exporter/cmd/vsphere-metrics-exporter/main.go:68: Failed to watch *v1alpha1.Cluster: failed to list *v1alpha1.Cluster: is forbidden: User "system:serviceaccount:kube-system:vsphere-metrics-exporter" cannot list resource "clusters" in API group "" in the namespace "default"


    Configuration 1.12.1-1.12.3, 1.13.0-1.13.2

    A known issue that could fail the gkectl check-config without running gkectl prepare. This is confusing because we suggest running the command before running gkectl prepare

    The symptom is that the gkectl check-config command will fail with the following error message:

    Validator result: {Status:FAILURE Reason:os images [OS_IMAGE_NAME] don't exist, please run `gkectl prepare` to upload os images. UnhealthyResources:[]}


    Option 1: run gkectl prepare to upload the missing OS images.

    Option 2: use gkectl check-config --skip-validation-os-images to skip the OS images validation.

    Upgrades, Updates 1.11, 1.12, 1.13

    A known issue that could fail the gkectl update admin/cluster when updating anti affinity groups.

    The symptom is that the gkectl update command will fail with the following error message:

    Waiting for machines to be re-deployed...  ERROR
    Exit with error:
    Failed to update the cluster: timed out waiting for the condition


    Installation, Upgrades, Updates 1.13.0-1.13.8, 1.14.0-1.14.4, 1.15.0

    Node registration fails during cluster creation, upgrade, update and node auto repair, when ipMode.type is static and the configured hostname in the IP block file contains one or more periods. In this case, Certificate Signing Requests (CSR) for a node are not automatically approved.

    To see pending CSRs for a node, run the following command:

    kubectl get csr -A -o wide

    Check the following logs for error messages:

    • View the logs in the admin cluster for the clusterapi-controller-manager container in the clusterapi-controllers Pod:
      kubectl logs clusterapi-controllers-POD_NAME \
          -c clusterapi-controller-manager -n kube-system \
          --kubeconfig ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG
    • To view the same logs in the user cluster, run the following command:
      kubectl logs clusterapi-controllers-POD_NAME \
          -c clusterapi-controller-manager -n USER_CLUSTER_NAME \
          --kubeconfig ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG
      • ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG is the admin cluster's kubeconfig file.
      • USER_CLUSTER_NAME is the name of the user cluster.
      Here is an example of error messages you might see: "msg"="failed to validate token id" "error"="failed to find machine for node node-worker-vm-1" "validate"="csr-5jpx9"
    • View the kubelet logs on the problematic node:
      journalctl --u kubelet
      Here is an example of error messages you might see: "Error getting node" err="node \"node-worker-vm-1\" not found"

    If you specify a domain name in the hostname field of an IP block file, any characters following the first period will be ignored. For example, if you specify the hostname as, the VM hostname and node name will be set to bob-vm-1.

    When node ID verification is enabled, the CSR approver compares the node name with the hostname in the Machine spec, and fails to reconcile the name. The approver rejects the CSR, and the node fails to bootstrap.


    User cluster

    Disable node ID verification by completing the following steps:

    1. Add the following fields in your user cluster configuration file:
      disableNodeIDVerification: true
      disableNodeIDVerificationCSRSigning: true
    2. Save the file, and update the user cluster by running the following command:
      gkectl update cluster --kubeconfig ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG \
          --config USER_CLUSTER_CONFIG_FILE
      Replace the following:
      • ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG: the path of the admin cluster kubeconfig file.
      • USER_CLUSTER_CONFIG_FILE: the path of your user cluster configuration file.

    Admin cluster

    1. Open the OnPremAdminCluster custom resource for editing:
      kubectl --kubeconfig ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG \
          edit onpremadmincluster -n kube-system
    2. Add the following annotation to the custom resource: enabled
    3. Edit the kube-controller-manager manifest in the admin cluster control plane:
      1. SSH into the admin cluster control plane node.
      2. Open the kube-controller-manager manifest for editing:
        sudo vi /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-controller-manager.yaml
      3. Find the list of controllers:
      4. Update this section as shown below:
    4. Open the Deployment Cluster API controller for editing:
      kubectl --kubeconfig ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG \
          edit deployment clusterapi-controllers -n kube-system
    5. Change the values of node-id-verification-enabled and node-id-verification-csr-signing-enabled to false:
    Installation, Upgrades, Updates 1.11.0-1.11.4

    The admin cluster creation/upgrade is stuck at the following log forever and eventually times out:

    Waiting for Machine gke-admin-master-xxxx to become ready...

    The Cluster API controller log in the external cluster snapshot includes the following log:

    Invalid value 'XXXX' specified for property startup-data

    Here is an example file path for the Cluster API controller log:


    VMware has a 64k vApp property size limit. In the identified versions, the data passed via vApp property is close to the limit. When the private registry certificate contains a certificate bundle, it may cause the final data to exceed the 64k limit.


    Only include the required certificates in the private registry certificate file configured in privateRegistry.caCertPath in the admin cluster config file.

    Or upgrade to a version with the fix when available.

    Networking 1.10, 1.11.0-1.11.3, 1.12.0-1.12.2, 1.13.0

    In networkgatewaygroups.status.nodes, some nodes switch between NotHealthy and Up.

    Logs for the ang-daemon Pod running on that node reveal repeated errors:

    2022-09-16T21:50:59.696Z ERROR ANGd Failed to report status {"angNode": "kube-system/my-node", "error": "updating Node CR status: sending Node CR update: Operation cannot be fulfilled on \"my-node\": the object has been modified; please apply your changes to the latest version and try again"}

    The NotHealthy status prevents the controller from assigning additional floating IPs to the node. This can result in higher burden on other nodes or a lack of redundancy for high availability.

    Dataplane activity is otherwise not affected.

    Contention on the networkgatewaygroup object causes some status updates to fail due to a fault in retry handling. If too many status updates fail, ang-controller-manager sees the node as past its heartbeat time limit and marks the node NotHealthy.

    The fault in retry handling has been fixed in later versions.


    Upgrade to a fixed version, when available.

    Upgrades, Updates 1.12.0-1.12.2, 1.13.0

    A known issue that could cause the cluster upgrade or update to be stuck at waiting for the old machine object to be deleted. This is because the finalizer cannot be removed from the machine object. This affects any rolling update operation for node pools.

    The symptom is that the gkectl command times out with the following error message:

    E0821 18:28:02.546121   61942 console.go:87] Exit with error:
    E0821 18:28:02.546184   61942 console.go:87] error: timed out waiting for the condition, message: Node pool "pool-1" is not ready: ready condition is not true: CreateOrUpdateNodePool: 1/3 replicas are updated
    Check the status of OnPremUserCluster 'cluster-1-gke-onprem-mgmt/cluster-1' and the logs of pod 'kube-system/onprem-user-cluster-controller' for more detailed debugging information.

    In clusterapi-controller Pod logs, the errors are like below:

    $ kubectl logs clusterapi-controllers-[POD_NAME_SUFFIX] -n cluster-1
        -c vsphere-controller-manager --kubeconfig [ADMIN_KUBECONFIG]
        | grep "Error removing finalizer from machine object"
    E0821 23:19:45.114993       1 machine_controller.go:269] Error removing finalizer from machine object cluster-1-pool-7cbc496597-t5d5p; Operation cannot be fulfilled on "cluster-1-pool-7cbc496597-t5d5p": the object has been modified; please apply your changes to the latest version and try again

    The error repeats for the same machine for several minutes for successful runs even without this issue, for most of the time it can go through quickly, but for some rare cases it can be stuck at this race condition for several hours.

    The issue is that the underlying VM is already deleted in vCenter, but the corresponding machine object cannot be removed, which is stuck at the finalizer removal due to very frequent updates from other controllers. This can cause the gkectl command to timeout, but the controller keeps reconciling the cluster so the upgrade or update process eventually completes.


    We have prepared several different mitigation options for this issue, which depends on your environment and requirements.

    • Option 1: Wait for the upgrade to eventually complete by itself.

      Based on the analysis and reproduction in your environment, the upgrade can eventually finish by itself without any manual intervention. The caveat of this option is that it's uncertain how long it will take for the finalizer removal to go through for each machine object. It can go through immediately if lucky enough, or it could last for several hours if the machineset controller reconcile is too fast and the machine controller never gets a chance to remove the finalizer in between the reconciliations.

      The good thing is that this option doesn't need any action from your side, and the workloads won't be disrupted. It just needs a longer time for the upgrade to finish.
    • Option 2: Apply auto repair annotation to all the old machine objects.

      The machineset controller will filter out the machines that have the auto repair annotation and deletion timestamp being non zero, and won't keep issuing delete calls on those machines, this can help avoid the race condition.

      The downside is that the pods on the machines will be deleted directly instead of evicted, which means it won't respect the PDB configuration, this might potentially cause downtime for your workloads.

      The command for getting all machine names:
      kubectl --kubeconfig CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG get machines
      The command for applying auto repair annotation for each machine:
      kubectl annotate --kubeconfig CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG \
          machine MACHINE_NAME \

    If you encounter this issue and the upgrade or update still can't complete after a long time, contact our support team for mitigations.

    Installation, Upgrades, Updates 1.10.2, 1.11, 1.12, 1.13

    gkectl prepare command failed with:

    - Validation Category: OS Images
        - [FAILURE] Admin cluster OS images exist: os images [os_image_name] don't exist, please run `gkectl prepare` to upload os images.

    The preflight checks of gkectl prepare included an incorrect validation.


    Run the same command with an additional flag --skip-validation-os-images.

    Installation 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, 1.10, 1.11, 1.12, 1.13

    Admin cluster creation failed with:

    Exit with error:
    Failed to create root cluster: unable to apply admin base bundle to external cluster: error: timed out waiting for the condition, message:
    Failed to apply external bundle components: failed to apply bundle objects from admin-vsphere-credentials-secret 1.x.y-gke.z to cluster external: Secret "vsphere-dynamic-credentials" is invalid:
    [data[]: Invalid value: "": a valid config key must consist of alphanumeric characters, '-', '_' or '.'
    (e.g. '', or 'KEY_NAME', or 'key-name', regex used for validation is '[-._a-zA-Z0-9]+'), data[]:
    Invalid value: "": a valid config key must consist of alphanumeric characters, '-', '_' or '.'
    (e.g. '', or 'KEY_NAME', or 'key-name', regex used for validation is '[-._a-zA-Z0-9]+')]

    The URL is used as part of a Secret key, which doesn't support "/" or ":".


    Remove https:// or http:// prefix from the vCenter.Address field in the admin cluster or user cluster config yaml.

    Installation, Upgrades, Updates 1.10, 1.11, 1.12, 1.13

    gkectl prepare can panic with the following stacktrace:

    panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference [signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0x18 pc=0xde0dfa]
    goroutine 1 [running]:, 0x2b, 0xc001602210, 0x2b) pkg/util/util.go:226 +0x9a, 0x10, 0xc000f06f00, 0x4b4, 0x1, 0xc00015b400)gkectl/pkg/config/util/utils.go:75 +0x85

    The issue is that gkectl prepare created the private registry certificate directory with a wrong permission.


    To fix this issue, please run the following commands on the admin workstation:

    sudo mkdir -p /etc/docker/certs.d/PRIVATE_REGISTRY_ADDRESS
    sudo chmod 0755 /etc/docker/certs.d/PRIVATE_REGISTRY_ADDRESS
    Upgrades, Updates 1.10, 1.11, 1.12, 1.13

    After a failed admin cluster upgrade attempt, don't run gkectl repair admin-master. Doing so may cause subsequent admin upgrade attempts to fail with issues such as admin master power on failure or the VM being inaccessible.


    If you've already encountered this failure scenario, contact support.

    Upgrades, Updates 1.10, 1.11

    If the admin control plane machine isn't recreated after a resumed admin cluster upgrade attempt, the admin control plane VM template is deleted. The admin control plane VM template is the template of the admin master that is used to recover the control plane machine with gkectl repair admin-master.


    The admin control plane VM template will be regenerated during the next admin cluster upgrade.

    Operating system 1.12, 1.13

    In version 1.12.0, cgroup v2 (unified) is enabled by default for Container Optimized OS (COS) nodes. This could potentially cause instability for your workloads in a COS cluster.


    We switched back to cgroup v1 (hybrid) in version 1.12.1. If you are using COS nodes, we recommend that you upgrade to version 1.12.1 as soon as it is released.

    Identity 1.10, 1.11, 1.12, 1.13

    gkectl update reverts any manual changes that you have made to the ClientConfig custom resource.


    We strongly recommend that you back up the ClientConfig resource after every manual change.

    Installation 1.10, 1.11, 1.12, 1.13

    Validation fails because F5 BIG-IP partitions can't be found, even though they exist.

    An issue with the F5 BIG-IP API can cause validation to fail.


    Try running gkectl check-config again.

    Installation 1.12

    You might see an installation failure due to cert-manager-cainjector in crashloop, when the apiserver/etcd is slow:

    # These are logs from `cert-manager-cainjector`, from the command
    # `kubectl --kubeconfig USER_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG -n kube-system
    I0923 16:19:27.911174       1 leaderelection.go:278] failed to renew lease kube-system/cert-manager-cainjector-leader-election: timed out waiting for the condition
    E0923 16:19:27.911110       1 leaderelection.go:321] error retrieving resource lock kube-system/cert-manager-cainjector-leader-election-core:
      Get "": context deadline exceeded
    I0923 16:19:27.911593       1 leaderelection.go:278] failed to renew lease kube-system/cert-manager-cainjector-leader-election-core: timed out waiting for the condition
    E0923 16:19:27.911629       1 start.go:163] cert-manager/ca-injector "msg"="error running core-only manager" "error"="leader election lost"


    VMware 1.10, 1.11, 1.12, 1.13

    If the vCenter, for versions lower than 7.0U2, is restarted, after an upgrade or otherwise, the network name in vm information from vCenter is incorrect, and results in the machine being in an Unavailable state. This eventually leads to the nodes being auto-repaired to create new ones.

    Related govmomi bug.


    This workaround is provided by VMware support:

    1. The issue is fixed in vCenter versions 7.0U2 and above.
    2. For lower versions, right-click the host, and then select Connection > Disconnect. Next, reconnect, which forces an update of the VM's portgroup.
    Operating system 1.10, 1.11, 1.12, 1.13

    For Google Distributed Cloud version 1.7.2 and above, the Ubuntu OS images are hardened with CIS L1 Server Benchmark.

    To meet the CIS rule "5.2.16 Ensure SSH Idle Timeout Interval is configured", /etc/ssh/sshd_config has the following settings:

    ClientAliveInterval 300
    ClientAliveCountMax 0

    The purpose of these settings is to terminate a client session after 5 minutes of idle time. However, the ClientAliveCountMax 0 value causes unexpected behavior. When you use the ssh session on the admin workstation, or a cluster node, the SSH connection might be disconnected even your ssh client is not idle, such as when running a time-consuming command, and your command could get terminated with the following message:

    Connection to [IP] closed by remote host.
    Connection to [IP] closed.


    You can either:

    • Use nohup to prevent your command being terminated on SSH disconnection,
      nohup gkectl upgrade admin --config admin-cluster.yaml \
          --kubeconfig kubeconfig
    • Update the sshd_config to use a non-zero ClientAliveCountMax value. The CIS rule recommends to use a value less than 3:
      sudo sed -i 's/ClientAliveCountMax 0/ClientAliveCountMax 1/g' \
      sudo systemctl restart sshd

    Make sure you reconnect your SSH session.

    Installation 1.10, 1.11, 1.12, 1.13

    In 1.13 releases, monitoring-operator will install cert-manager in the cert-manager namespace. If for certain reasons, you need to install your own cert-manager, follow the following instructions to avoid conflicts:

    You only need to apply this work around once for each cluster, and the changes will be preserved across cluster upgrade.

    Note: One common symptom of installing your own cert-manager is that the cert-manager version or image (for example v1.7.2) may revert back to its older version. This is caused by monitoring-operator trying to reconcile the cert-manager, and reverting the version in the process.


    Avoid conflicts during upgrade

    1. Uninstall your version of cert-manager. If you defined your own resources, you may want to backup them.
    2. Perform the upgrade.
    3. Follow the following instructions to restore your own cert-manager.

    Restore your own cert-manager in user clusters

    • Scale the monitoring-operator Deployment to 0:
      kubectl --kubeconfig ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG \
          -n USER_CLUSTER_NAME \
          scale deployment monitoring-operator --replicas=0
    • Scale the cert-manager deployments managed by monitoring-operator to 0:
      kubectl --kubeconfig USER_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG \
          -n cert-manager scale deployment cert-manager --replicas=0
      kubectl --kubeconfig USER_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG \
          -n cert-manager scale deployment cert-manager-cainjector\
      kubectl --kubeconfig USER_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG \
          -n cert-manager scale deployment cert-manager-webhook --replicas=0
    • Reinstall your version of cert-manager. Restore your customized resources if you have.
    • You can skip this step if you are using upstream default cert-manager installation, or you are sure your cert-manager is installed in the cert-manager namespace. Otherwise, copy the metrics-ca Certificate and the metrics-pki.cluster.local Issuer resources from cert-manager to the cluster resource namespace of your installed cert-manager.
        apiVersion: .apiVersion,
        kind: .kind,
        metadata: {
        spec: .spec
      kubectl --kubeconfig USER_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG \
          get issuer -n cert-manager metrics-pki.cluster.local -o json \
          | jq "${relevant_fields}" > $f1
      kubectl --kubeconfig USER_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG \
          get certificate -n cert-manager metrics-ca -o json \
          | jq "${relevant_fields}" > $f2
      kubectl apply --kubeconfig USER_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG -f $f1
      kubectl apply --kubeconfig USER_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG -f $f2

    Restore your own cert-manager in admin clusters

    In general, you shouldn't need to re-install cert-manager in admin clusters because admin clusters only run Google Distributed Cloud control plane workloads. In the rare cases that you also need to install your own cert-manager in admin clusters, please follow the following instructions to avoid conflicts. Please note, if you are an Apigee customer and you only need cert-manager for Apigee, you do not need to run the admin cluster commands.

    • Scale the monitoring-operator deployment to 0.
      kubectl --kubeconfig ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG \
          -n kube-system scale deployment monitoring-operator --replicas=0
    • Scale the cert-manager deployments managed by monitoring-operator to 0.
      kubectl --kubeconfig ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG \
          -n cert-manager scale deployment cert-manager \
      kubectl --kubeconfig ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG \
           -n cert-manager scale deployment cert-manager-cainjector \
      kubectl --kubeconfig ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG \
          -n cert-manager scale deployment cert-manager-webhook \
    • Reinstall your version of cert-manager. Restore your customized resources if you have.
    • You can skip this step if you are using upstream default cert-manager installation, or you are sure your cert-manager is installed in the cert-manager namespace. Otherwise, copy the metrics-ca Certificate and the metrics-pki.cluster.local Issuer resources from cert-manager to the cluster resource namespace of your installed cert-manager.
        apiVersion: .apiVersion,
        kind: .kind,
        metadata: {
        spec: .spec
      kubectl --kubeconfig ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG \n
          get issuer -n cert-manager metrics-pki.cluster.local -o json \
          | jq "${relevant_fields}" > $f3
      kubectl --kubeconfig ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG \
          get certificate -n cert-manager metrics-ca -o json \
          | jq "${relevant_fields}" > $f4
      kubectl apply --kubeconfig ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG -f $f3
      kubectl apply --kubeconfig ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG -f $f4
    Operating system 1.10, 1.11, 1.12, 1.13

    The Docker, containerd, and runc in the Ubuntu OS images shipped with Google Distributed Cloud are pinned to special versions using Ubuntu PPA. This ensures that any container runtime changes will be qualified by Google Distributed Cloud before each release.

    However, the special versions are unknown to the Ubuntu CVE Tracker, which is used as the vulnerability feeds by various CVE scanning tools. Therefore, you will see false positives in Docker, containerd, and runc vulnerability scanning results.

    For example, you might see the following false positives from your CVE scanning results. These CVEs are already fixed in the latest patch versions of Google Distributed Cloud.

    Refer to the release notes] for any CVE fixes.


    Canonical is aware of this issue, and the fix is tracked at

    Upgrades, Updates 1.10, 1.11, 1.12, 1.13

    If you are upgrading non-HA clusters from 1.9 to 1.10, you might notice that the kubectl exec, kubectl log and webhook against user clusters might be unavailable for a short time. This downtime can be up to one minute. This happens because the incoming request (kubectl exec, kubectl log and webhook) is handled by kube-apiserver for the user cluster. User kube-apiserver is a Statefulset. In a non-HA cluster, there is only one replica for the Statefulset. So during upgrade, there is a chance that the old kube-apiserver is unavailable while the new kube-apiserver is not yet ready.


    This downtime only happens during upgrade process. If you want a shorter downtime during upgrade, we recommend you to switch to HA clusters.

    Installation, Upgrades, Updates 1.10, 1.11, 1.12, 1.13

    If you are creating or upgrading an HA cluster and notice konnectivity readiness check failed in cluster diagnose, in most cases it will not affect the functionality of Google Distributed Cloud (kubectl exec, kubectl log and webhook). This happens because sometimes one or two of the konnectivity replicas might be unready for a period of time due to unstable networking or other issues.


    The konnectivity will recover by itself. Wait for 30 minutes to 1 hour and rerun cluster diagnose.

    Operating system 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, 1.10, 1.11

    Starting from Google Distributed Cloud version 1.7.2, the Ubuntu OS images are hardened with CIS L1 Server Benchmark.

    As a result, the cron script /etc/cron.daily/aide has been installed so that an aide check is scheduled so as to ensure that the CIS L1 Server rule "1.4.2 Ensure filesystem integrity is regularly checked" is followed.

    The cron job runs daily at 6:25 AM UTC. Depending on the number of files on the filesystem, you may experience CPU and memory usage spikes around that time that are caused by this aide process.


    If the spikes are affecting your workload, you can disable the daily cron job:

    sudo chmod -x /etc/cron.daily/aide
    Networking 1.10, 1.11, 1.12, 1.13

    When deploying Google Distributed Cloud version 1.9 or later, when the deployment has the Seesaw bundled load balancer in an environment that uses NSX-T stateful distributed firewall rules, stackdriver-operator might fail to create gke-metrics-agent-conf ConfigMap and cause gke-connect-agent Pods to be in a crash loop.

    The underlying issue is that the stateful NSX-T distributed firewall rules terminate the connection from a client to the user cluster API server through the Seesaw load balancer because Seesaw uses asymmetric connection flows. The integration issues with NSX-T distributed firewall rules affect all Google Distributed Cloud releases that use Seesaw. You might see similar connection problems on your own applications when they create large Kubernetes objects whose sizes are bigger than 32K.


    Follow these instructions to disable NSX-T distributed firewall rules, or to use stateless distributed firewall rules for Seesaw VMs.

    If your clusters use a manual load balancer, follow these instructions to configure your load balancer to reset client connections when it detects a backend node failure. Without this configuration, clients of the Kubernetes API server might stop responding for several minutes when a server instance goes down.

    Logging and monitoring 1.10, 1.11, 1.12, 1.13, 1.14, 1.15

    For Google Distributed Cloud versions 1.10 to 1.15, some customers have found unexpectedly high billing for Metrics volume on the Billing page. This issue affects you only when all of the following circumstances apply:

    • Application logging and monitoring is enabled (enableStackdriverForApplications=true)
    • Application Pods have the annotation. (Installing Cloud Service Mesh can also add this annotation.)

    To confirm whether you are affected by this issue, list your user-defined metrics. If you see billing for unwanted metrics with name prefix and also see enableStackdriverForApplications set to true in the response of kubectl -n kube-system get stackdriver stackdriver -o yaml, then this issue applies to you.


    If you are affected by this issue, we recommend that you upgrade your clusters to version 1.12 or above, stop using the enableStackdriverForApplications flag, and switch to new application monitoring solution managed-service-for-prometheus that no longer relies on the annotation. With the new solution, you can also control logs and metrics collection separately for your applications, with the enableCloudLoggingForApplications and enableGMPForApplications flag, respectively.

    To stop using the enableStackdriverForApplications flag, open the `stackdriver` object for editing:

    kubectl --kubeconfig=USER_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG --namespace kube-system edit stackdriver stackdriver

    Remove the enableStackdriverForApplications: true line, save and close the editor.

    If you can't switch away from the annotation based metrics collection, use the following steps:

    1. Find the source Pods and Services that have the unwanted billed metrics.
      kubectl --kubeconfig KUBECONFIG \
        get pods -A -o yaml | grep ' "true"'
      kubectl --kubeconfig KUBECONFIG get \
        services -A -o yaml | grep ' "true"'
    2. Remove the annotation from the Pod or Service. If the annotation is added by Cloud Service Mesh, consider configuring Cloud Service Mesh without the Prometheus option, or turning off the Istio Metrics Merging feature.
    Installation 1.11, 1.12, 1.13

    The Google Distributed Cloud installer can fail if custom roles are bound at the wrong permissions level.

    When the role binding is incorrect, creating a vSphere datadisk with govc hangs and the disk is created with a size equal to 0. To fix the issue, you should bind the custom role at the vSphere vCenter level (root).


    If you want to bind the custom role at the DC level (or lower than root), you also need to bind the read-only role to the user at the root vCenter level.

    For more information on role creation, see vCenter user account privileges.

    Logging and monitoring 1.9.0-1.9.4, 1.10.0-1.10.1

    You might see high network traffic to, even in a new cluster that has no user workloads.

    This issue affects version 1.10.0-1.10.1 and version 1.9.0-1.9.4. This issue is fixed in version 1.10.2 and 1.9.5.


    Logging and monitoring 1.10, 1.11

    For Google Distributed Cloud version 1.10 and above, `gke-metrics-agent` DaemonSet has frequent CrashLoopBackOff errors when `enableStackdriverForApplications` is set to `true` in the `stackdriver` object.


    To mitigate this issue, disable application metrics collection by running the following commands. These commands will not disable application logs collection.

    1. To prevent the following changes from reverting, scale down stackdriver-operator:
      kubectl --kubeconfig USER_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG \
          --namespace kube-system scale deploy stackdriver-operator \
      Replace USER_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG with the path of the user cluster kubeconfig file.
    2. Open the gke-metrics-agent-conf ConfigMap for editing:
      kubectl --kubeconfig USER_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG \
          --namespace kube-system edit configmap gke-metrics-agent-conf
    3. Under services.pipelines, comment out the entire metrics/app-metrics section:
          #  exporters:
          #  - googlecloud/app-metrics
          #  processors:
          #  - resource
          #  - metric_to_resource
          #  - infer_resource
          #  - disk_buffer/app-metrics
          #  receivers:
          #  - prometheus/app-metrics
            - googlecloud/metrics
            - resource
            - metric_to_resource
            - infer_resource
            - disk_buffer/metrics
            - prometheus/metrics
    4. Close the editing session.
    5. Restart the gke-metrics-agent DaemonSet:
      kubectl --kubeconfig USER_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG \
          --namespace kube-system rollout restart daemonset gke-metrics-agent
    Logging and monitoring 1.11, 1.12, 1.13

    If deprecated metrics are used in your OOTB dashboards, you will see some empty charts. To find deprecated metrics in the Monitoring dashboards, run the following commands:

    gcloud monitoring dashboards list > all-dashboard.json
    # find deprecated metrics
    cat all-dashboard.json | grep -E \

    The following deprecated metrics should be migrated to their replacements.

    kube_daemonset_updated_number_scheduled kube_daemonset_status_updated_number_scheduled
    kube_hpa_status_current_replicas kube_horizontalpodautoscaler_status_current_replicas


    To replace the deprecated metrics

    1. Delete "GKE on-prem node status" in the Google Cloud Monitoring dashboard. Reinstall "GKE on-prem node status" following these instructions.
    2. Delete "GKE on-prem node utilization" in the Google Cloud Monitoring dashboard. Reinstall "GKE on-prem node utilization" following these instructions.
    3. Delete "GKE on-prem vSphere vm health" in the Google Cloud Monitoring dashboard. Reinstall "GKE on-prem vSphere vm health" following these instructions.
    4. This deprecation is due to the upgrade of kube-state-metrics agent from v1.9 to v2.4, which is required for Kubernetes 1.22. You can replace all deprecated kube-state-metrics metrics, which have the prefix kube_, in your custom dashboards or alerting policies.

    Logging and monitoring 1.10, 1.11, 1.12, 1.13

    For Google Distributed Cloud version 1.10 and above, the data for clusters in Cloud Monitoring may contain irrelevant summary metrics entries such as the following:

    Unknown metric:

    Other metrics types that may have irrelevant summary metrics include

    • apiserver_admission_step_admission_duration_seconds_summary
    • go_gc_duration_seconds
    • scheduler_scheduling_duration_seconds
    • gkeconnect_http_request_duration_seconds_summary
    • alertmanager_nflog_snapshot_duration_seconds_summary

    While these summary type metrics are in the metrics list, they are not supported by gke-metrics-agent at this time.

    Logging and monitoring 1.10, 1.11, 1.12, 1.13

    You might find that the following metrics are missing on some, but not all, nodes:



    To fix this issue, perform the following steps as a workaround. For [version 1.9.5+, 1.10.2+, 1.11.0]: increase cpu for gke-metrics-agent by following steps 1 - 4

    1. Open your stackdriver resource for editing:
      kubectl --kubeconfig USER_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG \
          --namespace kube-system edit stackdriver stackdriver
    2. To increase the CPU request for gke-metrics-agent from 10m to 50m, CPU limit from 100m to 200m add the following resourceAttrOverride section to the stackdriver manifest :
              cpu: 100m
              memory: 4608Mi
              cpu: 10m
              memory: 200Mi
      Your edited resource should look similar to the following:
        anthosDistribution: on-prem
        clusterLocation: us-west1-a
        clusterName: my-cluster
        enableStackdriverForApplications: true
        gcpServiceAccountSecretName: ...
        optimizedMetrics: true
        portable: true
        projectID: my-project-191923
        proxyConfigSecretName: ...
              cpu: 200m
              memory: 4608Mi
              cpu: 50m
              memory: 200Mi
    3. Save your changes and close the text editor.
    4. To verify your changes have taken effect, run the following command:
      kubectl --kubeconfig USER_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG \
          --namespace kube-system get daemonset gke-metrics-agent -o yaml \
          | grep "cpu: 50m"
      The command finds cpu: 50m if your edits have taken effect.
    Logging and monitoring 1.11.0-1.11.2, 1.12.0

    If your admin cluster is affected by this issue, scheduler and controller-manager metrics are missing. For example, these two metrics are missing

    # scheduler metric example
    # controller-manager metric example


    Upgrade to v1.11.3+, v1.12.1+, or v1.13+.

    1.11.0-1.11.2, 1.12.0

    If your user cluster is affected by this issue, scheduler and controller-manager metrics are missing. For example, these two metrics are missing:

    # scheduler metric example
    # controller-manager metric example


    This issue is fixed in Google Distributed Cloud version 1.13.0 and later. Upgrade your cluster to a version with the fix.

    Installation, Upgrades, Updates 1.10, 1.11, 1.12, 1.13

    If you create an admin cluster for version 1.9.x or 1.10.0, and if the admin cluster fails to register with the provided gkeConnect spec during its creation, you will get the following error.

    Failed to create root cluster: failed to register admin cluster: failed to register cluster: failed to apply Hub Membership: Membership API request failed: rpc error:  ode = PermissionDenied desc = Permission 'gkehub.memberships.get' denied on PROJECT_PATH

    You will still be able to use this admin cluster, but you will get the following error if you later attempt to upgrade the admin cluster to version 1.10.y.

    failed to migrate to first admin trust chain: failed to parse current version "": invalid version: "" failed to migrate to first admin trust chain: failed to parse current version "": invalid version: ""


    Identity 1.10, 1.11, 1.12, 1.13

    If you are using the GKE Identity Service feature to manage GKE Identity Service ClientConfig, the Connect Agent might restart unexpectedly.


    If you have experienced this issue with an existing cluster, you can do one of the following:

    • Disable GKE Identity Service. If you disable GKE Identity Service, that won't remove the deployed GKE Identity Service binary or remove GKE Identity Service ClientConfig. To disable GKE Identity Service, run this command:
      gcloud container fleet identity-service disable \
          --project PROJECT_ID
      Replace PROJECT_ID with the ID of the cluster's fleet host project.
    • Update the cluster to version 1.9.3 or later, or version 1.10.1 or later, so as to upgrade the Connect Agent version.
    Networking 1.10, 1.11, 1.12, 1.13

    Seesaw runs in DSR mode, and by default it doesn't work in Cisco ACI because of data-plane IP learning.


    A possible workaround is to disable IP learning by adding the Seesaw IP address as a L4-L7 Virtual IP in the Cisco Application Policy Infrastructure Controller (APIC).

    You can configure the L4-L7 Virtual IP option by going to Tenant > Application Profiles > Application EPGs or uSeg EPGs. Failure to disable IP learning will result in IP endpoint flapping between different locations in the Cisco API fabric.

    VMware 1.10, 1.11, 1.12, 1.13

    VMWare has recently identified critical issues with the following vSphere 7.0 Update 3 releases:

    • vSphere ESXi 7.0 Update 3 (build 18644231)
    • vSphere ESXi 7.0 Update 3a (build 18825058)
    • vSphere ESXi 7.0 Update 3b (build 18905247)
    • vSphere vCenter 7.0 Update 3b (build 18901211)


    VMWare has since removed these releases. You should upgrade the ESXi and vCenter Servers to a newer version.

    Operating system 1.10, 1.11, 1.12, 1.13

    For Pods running on nodes that use Container-Optimized OS (COS) images, you cannot mount emptyDir volume as exec. It mounts as noexec and you will get the following error: exec user process caused: permission denied. For example, you will see this error message if you deploy the following test Pod:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Pod
      creationTimestamp: null
        run: test
      name: test
      - args:
        - sleep
        - "5000"
        name: test
          - name: test-volume
            mountPath: /test-volume
            cpu: 200m
            memory: 512Mi
      dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst
      restartPolicy: Always
        - emptyDir: {}
          name: test-volume

    And in the test Pod, if you run mount | grep test-volume, it would show noexec option:

    /dev/sda1 on /test-volume type ext4 (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,commit=30)


    Upgrades, Updates 1.10, 1.11, 1.12, 1.13

    Node pool replicas do not update once autoscaling has been enabled and disabled on a node pool.


    Removing the and annotations from the machine deployment of the corresponding node pool.

    Logging and monitoring 1.11, 1.12, 1.13

    From version 1.11, on the out-of-the-box monitoring dashboards, the Windows Pod status dashboard and Windows node status dashboard also show data from Linux clusters. This is because the Windows node and Pod metrics are also exposed on Linux clusters.

    Logging and monitoring 1.10, 1.11, 1.12

    For Google Distributed Cloud version 1.10, 1.11, and 1.12, stackdriver-log-forwarder DaemonSet might have CrashLoopBackOff errors when there are broken buffered logs on the disk.


    To mitigate this issue, we will need to clean up the buffered logs on the node.

    1. To prevent the unexpected behaviour, scale down stackdriver-log-forwarder:
      kubectl --kubeconfig USER_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG \
          -n kube-system patch daemonset stackdriver-log-forwarder -p '{"spec": {"template": {"spec": {"nodeSelector": {"non-existing": "true"}}}}}'
      Replace USER_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG with the path of the user cluster kubeconfig file.
    2. Deploy the clean-up DaemonSet to clean up broken chunks:
      kubectl --kubeconfig USER_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG \
          -n kube-system -f - << EOF
      apiVersion: apps/v1
      kind: DaemonSet
        name: fluent-bit-cleanup
        namespace: kube-system
            app: fluent-bit-cleanup
              app: fluent-bit-cleanup
            - name: fluent-bit-cleanup
              image: debian:10-slim
              command: ["bash", "-c"]
              - |
                rm -rf /var/log/fluent-bit-buffers/
                echo "Fluent Bit local buffer is cleaned up."
                sleep 3600
              - name: varlog
                mountPath: /var/log
                privileged: true
            - key: "CriticalAddonsOnly"
              operator: "Exists"
            - key:
              effect: NoSchedule
            - key:
              effect: NoSchedule
            - name: varlog
                path: /var/log
    3. To make sure the clean-up DaemonSet has cleaned up all the chunks, you can run the following commands. The output of the two commands should be equal to your node number in the cluster:
      kubectl --kubeconfig USER_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG \
        logs -n kube-system -l app=fluent-bit-cleanup | grep "cleaned up" | wc -l
      kubectl --kubeconfig USER_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG \
        -n kube-system get pods -l app=fluent-bit-cleanup --no-headers | wc -l
    4. Delete the clean-up DaemonSet:
      kubectl --kubeconfig USER_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG \
        -n kube-system delete ds fluent-bit-cleanup
    5. Resume stackdriver-log-forwarder:
      kubectl --kubeconfig USER_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG \
        -n kube-system patch daemonset stackdriver-log-forwarder --type json -p='[{"op": "remove", "path": "/spec/template/spec/nodeSelector/non-existing"}]'
    Logging and monitoring 1.10, 1.11, 1.12, 1.13, 1.14, 1.15, 1.16

    If you don't see logs in Cloud Logging from your clusters, and you notice the following error in your logs:

    2023-06-02T10:53:40.444017427Z [2023/06/02 10:53:40] [error] [input chunk] chunk 1-1685703077.747168499.flb would exceed total limit size in plugin stackdriver.0
    2023-06-02T10:53:40.444028047Z [2023/06/02 10:53:40] [error] [input chunk] no available chunk
    It's likely the logs input rate exceeds the limit of the logging agent, which causes stackdriver-log-forwarder to not send logs. This issue occurs in all Google Distributed Cloud versions.


    To mitigate this issue, you need to increase the resource limit on the logging agent.

    1. Open your stackdriver resource for editing:
      kubectl --kubeconfig USER_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG \
          --namespace kube-system edit stackdriver stackdriver
    2. To increase the CPU request for stackdriver-log-forwarder , add the following resourceAttrOverride section to the stackdriver manifest :
              cpu: 1200m
              memory: 600Mi
              cpu: 600m
              memory: 600Mi
      Your edited resource should look similar to the following:
        anthosDistribution: on-prem
        clusterLocation: us-west1-a
        clusterName: my-cluster
        enableStackdriverForApplications: true
        gcpServiceAccountSecretName: ...
        optimizedMetrics: true
        portable: true
        projectID: my-project-191923
        proxyConfigSecretName: ...
              cpu: 1200m
              memory: 600Mi
              cpu: 600m
              memory: 600Mi
    3. Save your changes and close the text editor.
    4. To verify your changes have taken effect, run the following command:
      kubectl --kubeconfig USER_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG \
          --namespace kube-system get daemonset stackdriver-log-forwarder -o yaml \
          | grep "cpu: 1200m"
      The command finds cpu: 1200m if your edits have taken effect.
    Security 1.13

    there is a short period where node is ready but kubelet server certificate is not ready. kubectl exec and kubectl logs are unavailable during this tens of seconds. This is because it takes time for the new server certificate approver to see the updated valid IPs of the node.

    This issue affects kubelet server certificate only, it will not affect Pod scheduling.

    Upgrades, Updates 1.12

    User cluster upgrade failed with:

    .LBKind in body is required (Check the status of OnPremUserCluster 'cl-stg-gdl-gke-onprem-mgmt/cl-stg-gdl' and the logs of pod 'kube-system/onprem-user-cluster-controller' for more detailed debugging information.

    The admin cluster is not fully upgraded, and the status version is still 1.10. User cluster upgrade to 1.12 won't be blocked by any preflight check, and fails with version skew issue.


    Complete to upgrade the admin cluster to 1.11 first, and then upgrade the user cluster to 1.12.

    Storage 1.10.0-1.10.5, 1.11.0-1.11.2, 1.12.0

    gkectl diagnose cluster command failed with:

    Checking VSphere Datastore FreeSpace...FAILURE
        Reason: vCenter datastore: [DATASTORE_NAME] insufficient FreeSpace, requires at least [NUMBER] GB

    The validation of datastore free space should not be used for existing cluster node pools, and was added in gkectl diagnose cluster by mistake.


    You can ignore the error message or skip the validation using --skip-validation-infra.

    Operation, Networking 1.11, 1.12.0-1.12.1

    You may not be able to add a new user cluster if your admin cluster is set up with a MetalLB load balancer configuration.

    The user cluster deletion process may get stuck for some reason which results in an invalidation of the MatalLB ConfigMap. It won't be possible to add a new user cluster in this state.


    You can force delete your user cluster.

    Installation, Operating system 1.10, 1.11, 1.12, 1.13

    If osImageType is using cos for admin cluster, and when gkectl check-config is executed after admin cluster creation and before user cluster creation, it would fail on:

    Failed to create the test VMs: VM failed to get IP addresses on the network.

    The test VM created for user cluster check-config by default uses the same osImageType from admin cluster, and currently test VM is not compatible with COS yet.


    To avoid the slow preflight check which creates the test VM, using gkectl check-config --kubeconfig ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG --config USER_CLUSTER_CONFIG --fast.

    Logging and monitoring 1.12.0-1.12.1

    This issue affects customers using Grafana in the admin cluster to monitor user clusters in Google Distributed Cloud versions 1.12.0 and 1.12.1. It comes from a mismatch of pushprox-client certificates in user clusters and the allowlist in the pushprox-server in the admin cluster. The symptom is pushprox-client in user clusters printing error logs like the following:

    level=error ts=2022-08-02T13:34:49.41999813Z caller=client.go:166 msg="Error reading request:" err="invalid method \"RBAC:\""


    Other 1.11.3

    gkectl repair admin-master command failed with:

    Failed to repair: failed to select the template: no VM templates is available for repairing the admin master (check if the admin cluster version >= 1.4.0 or contact support

    gkectl repair admin-master is not able to fetch the VM template to be used for repairing the admin control plane VM if the name of the admin control plane VM ends with the characters t, m, p, or l.


    Rerun the command with --skip-validation.

    Logging and monitoring 1.11, 1.12, 1.13, 1.14, 1.15, 1.16

    Cloud Audit Logs needs a special permission setup that is currently only automatically performed for user clusters through GKE Hub. It is recommended to have at least one user cluster that uses the same project ID and service account with the admin cluster for Cloud Audit Logs so the admin cluster will have the required permission.

    However in cases where the admin cluster uses a different project ID or different service account than any user cluster, audit logs from the admin cluster would fail to be injected into Google Cloud. The symptom is a series of Permission Denied errors in the audit-proxy Pod in the admin cluster.


    Operation, Security 1.11

    If your work station does not have access to user cluster worker nodes, it will get the following failures when running gkectl diagnose:

    Checking user cluster certificates...FAILURE
        Reason: 3 user cluster certificates error(s).
        Unhealthy Resources:
        Node kubelet CA and certificate on node xxx: failed to verify kubelet certificate on node xxx: dial tcp connect: connection timed out
        Node kubelet CA and certificate on node xxx: failed to verify kubelet certificate on node xxx: dial tcp connect: connection timed out
        Node kubelet CA and certificate on node xxx: failed to verify kubelet certificate on node xxx: dial tcp connect: connection timed out

    If your work station does not have access to admin cluster worker nodes or admin cluster worker nodes, it will get the following failures when running gkectl diagnose:

    Checking admin cluster certificates...FAILURE
        Reason: 3 admin cluster certificates error(s).
        Unhealthy Resources:
        Node kubelet CA and certificate on node xxx: failed to verify kubelet certificate on node xxx: dial tcp connect: connection timed out
        Node kubelet CA and certificate on node xxx: failed to verify kubelet certificate on node xxx: dial tcp connect: connection timed out
        Node kubelet CA and certificate on node xxx: failed to verify kubelet certificate on node xxx: dial tcp connect: connection timed out


    If is safe to ignore these messages.

    Operating system 1.8, 1.9, 1.10, 1.11, 1.12, 1.13

    /var/log/audit/ is filled with audit logs. You can check the disk usage by running sudo du -h -d 1 /var/log/audit.

    Certain gkectl commands on the admin workstation, for example, gkectl diagnose snapshot contribute to disk space usage.

    Since Google Distributed Cloud v1.8, the Ubuntu image is hardened with CIS Level 2 Benchmark. And one of the compliance rules, " Ensure audit logs are not automatically deleted", ensures the auditd setting max_log_file_action = keep_logs. This results in all the audit rules kept on the disk.


    Networking 1.10, 1.11.0-1.11.3, 1.12.0-1.12.2, 1.13.0

    Users are unable to create or update NetworkGatewayGroup objects because of the following validating webhook error:

    [1] admission webhook "" denied the request: "default" is invalid: [Spec.FloatingIPs: Invalid value: "": IP address conflicts with node address with name: "my-node-name"

    In affected versions, the kubelet can erroneously bind to a floating IP address assigned to the node and report it as a node address in node.status.addresses. The validating webhook checks NetworkGatewayGroup floating IP addresses against all node.status.addresses in the cluster and sees this as a conflict.


    In the same cluster where create or update of NetworkGatewayGroup objects is failing, temporarily disable the ANG validating webhook and submit your change:

    1. Save the webhook config so it can be restored at the end:
      kubectl -n kube-system get validatingwebhookconfiguration \
          ang-validating-webhook-configuration -o yaml > webhook-config.yaml
    2. Edit the webhook config:
      kubectl -n kube-system edit validatingwebhookconfiguration \
    3. Remove the item from the webhook config list and close to apply the changes.
    4. Create or edit your NetworkGatewayGroup object.
    5. Reapply the original webhook config:
      kubectl -n kube-system apply -f webhook-config.yaml
    Installation, Upgrades, Updates 1.10.0-1.10.2

    During an admin cluster upgrade attempt, the admin control plane VM might get stuck during creation. The admin control plane VM goes into an infinite waiting loop during the boot up, and you will see the following infinite loop error in the /var/log/cloud-init-output.log file:

    + echo 'waiting network configuration is applied'
    waiting network configuration is applied
    ++ get-public-ip
    +++ ip addr show dev ens192 scope global
    +++ head -n 1
    +++ grep -v
    +++ grep -Eo 'inet ([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}'
    +++ awk '{print $2}'
    ++ echo
    + '[' -n '' ']'
    + sleep 1
    + echo 'waiting network configuration is applied'
    waiting network configuration is applied
    ++ get-public-ip
    +++ ip addr show dev ens192 scope global
    +++ grep -Eo 'inet ([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}'
    +++ awk '{print $2}'
    +++ grep -v
    +++ head -n 1
    ++ echo
    + '[' -n '' ']'
    + sleep 1

    This is because when Google Distributed Cloud tries to get the node IP address in the startup script, it uses grep -v ADMIN_CONTROL_PLANE_VIP to skip the admin cluster control-plane VIP which can be assigned to the NIC too. However, the command also skips over any IP address that has a prefix of the control-plane VIP, which causes the startup script to hang.

    For example, suppose that the admin cluster control-plane VIP is If the IP address of the admin cluster control-plane VM has the same prefix, for example,, then the control-plane VM will get stuck during creation. This issue can also be triggered if the broadcast address has the same prefix as the control-plane VIP, for example,


    • If the reason for the admin cluster creation timeout is due to the broadcast IP address, run the following command on the admin cluster control-plane VM:
      ip addr add ${ADMIN_CONTROL_PLANE_NODE_IP}/32 dev ens192
      This will create a line without a broadcast address, and unblock the boot up process. After the startup script is unblocked, remove this added line by running the following command:
      ip addr del ${ADMIN_CONTROL_PLANE_NODE_IP}/32 dev ens192
    • However, if the reason for the admin cluster creation timeout is due to the IP address of the control-plane VM, you cannot unblock the startup script. Switch to a different IP address, and recreate or upgrade to version 1.10.3 or later.
    Operating system, Upgrades, Updates 1.10.0-1.10.2

    DataDisk can't be mounted correctly to admin cluster master node when using COS image and the state of the admin cluster using COS image will get lost upon admin cluster upgrade or admin master repair. (admin cluster using COS image is a preview feature)


    Re-create admin cluster with osImageType set to ubuntu_containerd

    After you create the admin cluster with osImageType set to cos, grab the admin cluster SSH key and SSH into admin master node. df -h result contains /dev/sdb1 98G 209M 93G 1% /opt/data. And lsblk result contains -sdb1 8:17 0 100G 0 part /opt/data

    Operating system 1.10

    In Google Distributed Cloud version 1.10.0, name resolutions on Ubuntu are routed to local systemd-resolved listening on by default. The reason is that on the Ubuntu 20.04 image used in version 1.10.0, /etc/resolv.conf is sym-linked to /run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf, which points to the localhost DNS stub.

    As a result, the localhost DNS name resolution refuses to check the upstream DNS servers (specified in /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf) for names with a .local suffix, unless the names are specified as search domains.

    This causes any lookups for .local names to fail. For example, during node startup, kubelet fails on pulling images from a private registry with a .local suffix. Specifying a vCenter address with a .local suffix will not work on an admin workstation.


    You can avoid this issue for cluster nodes if you specify the searchDomainsForDNS field in your admin cluster configuration file and the user cluster configuration file to include the domains.

    Currently gkectl update doesn't support updating the searchDomainsForDNS field yet.

    Therefore, if you haven't set up this field before cluster creation, you must SSH into the nodes and bypass the local systemd-resolved stub by changing the symlink of /etc/resolv.conf from /run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf (which contains the local stub) to /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf (which points to the actual upstream DNS):

    sudo ln -sf /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf

    As for the admin workstation, gkeadm doesn't support specifying search domains, so must work around this issue with this manual step.

    This solution for does not persist across VM re-creations. You must reapply this workaround whenever VMs are re-created.

    Installation, Operating system 1.10

    Google Distributed Cloud specifies a dedicated subnet for the Docker bridge IP address that uses --bip=, so that it won't reserve the default subnet. However, in version 1.10.0, there is a bug in Ubuntu OS image that caused the customized Docker config to be ignored.

    As a result, Docker picks the default as its bridge IP address subnet. This might cause an IP address conflict if you already have workload running within that IP address range.


    To work around this issue, you must rename the following systemd config file for dockerd, and then restart the service:

    sudo mv /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/50-cloudimg-settings.cfg \
    sudo systemctl daemon-reload
    sudo systemctl restart docker

    Verify that Docker picks the correct bridge IP address:

    ip a | grep docker0

    This solution does not persist across VM re-creations. You must reapply this workaround whenever VMs are re-created.

    Upgrades, Updates 1.11

    In Google Distributed Cloud version 1.11.0, there are changes in the definition of custom resources related to logging and monitoring:

    • Group name of the stackdriver custom resource changed from to;
    • Group name of the monitoring and metricsserver custom resources changed from to;
    • The specs of the above resources start to be valiidated against its schema. In particular, the resourceAttrOverride and storageSizeOverride spec in the stackdriver custom resource need to have string type in the values of the cpu, memory and storage size requests and limits.

    The group name changes are made to comply with CustomResourceDefinition updates in Kubernetes 1.22.

    There is no action required if you do not have additional logic that applies or edits the affected custom resources. The Google Distributed Cloud upgrade process will take care of the migration of the affected resources and keep their existing specs after the group name change.

    However if you run any logic that applies or edits the affected resources, special attention is needed. First, they need to be referenced with the new group name in your manifest file. For example:

    apiVersion:  ## instead of ``
    kind: Stackdriver

    Secondly, make sure the resourceAttrOverride and storageSizeOverride spec values are of string type. For example:

            cpu: 1000m # or "1"
            # cpu: 1 # integer value like this would not work 
            memory: 3000Mi

    Otherwise, the applies and edits will not take effect and may lead to unexpected status in logging and monitoring components. Potential symptoms may include:

    • Reconciliation error logs in onprem-user-cluster-controller, for example:
      potential reconciliation error: Apply bundle components failed, requeue after 10s, error: failed to apply addon components: failed to apply bundle objects from stackdriver-operator-addon 1.11.2-gke.53 to cluster my-cluster: failed to create typed live object: .spec.resourceAttrOverride.stackdriver-log-forwarder/stackdriver-log-forwarder.limits.cpu: expected string, got &value.valueUnstructured{Value:1}
    • Failure in kubectl edit stackdriver stackdriver, for example:
      Error from server (NotFound): "stackdriver" not found

    If you encounter the above errors, it means an unsupported type under stackdriver CR spec was already present before the upgrade. As a workaround, you could manually edit the stackdriver CR under the old group name kubectl edit stackdriver and do the following:

    1. Change the resource requests and limits to string type;
    2. Remove any true annotation if present.
    Then resume or restart the upgrade process.

    Operating system 1.7 and later

    Whenever there is a fault in a ESXi server and the vCenter HA function has been enabled for the server, all VMs in the faulty ESXi server trigger the vMotion mechanism and are moved to another normal ESXi server. Migrated COS VMs would lose their IPs.


    Reboot the VM

    Networking all versions prior to 1.14.7, 1.15.0-1.15.3, 1.16.0

    The periodic GARP (Gratuitous ARP) sent by Seesaw every 20s doesn't set the target IP in the ARP header. Some networks might not accept such packets (like Cisco ACI). It can cause longer service down time after a split brain (due to VRRP packet drops) is recovered.


    Trigger a Seeaw failover by running sudo seesaw -c failover on either of the Seesaw VMs. This should restore the traffic.

    Operating system 1.16, 1.28.0-1.28.200

    "staticPodPath" was mistakenly set for worker nodes


    Manually create the folder "/etc/kubernetes/manifests"

    If you need additional assistance, reach out to Cloud Customer Care.