
This page describes some of the tools you use to install and use Google Distributed Cloud.

  • govc
  • terraform
  • gkectl
  • kubectl (included in the Google Cloud CLI)
  • gcloud


govc is the CLI to vSphere. You use govc when you create the admin workstation, and you can use it to administer your vSphere cluster.


terraform is the CLI to HashiCorp Terraform. You use terraform to create and upgrade the admin workstation.


gkectl is the CLI to Google Distributed Cloud. See its reference guide.

You use gkectl for many cluster administration tasks, including:

  • Cluster creation and management.
  • Diagnosing and troubleshooting issues.
  • Capturing and exporting cluster logs.


kubectl is the CLI to Kubernetes. You use kubectl to interact with Kubernetes and Kubernetes clusters, and for tasks including:

  • Deploying, managing, and deleting containerized workloads running in clusters.
  • Managing, editing, and deleting Kubernetes resources.


gcloud CLI is the CLI to Google Cloud. You use the gcloud CLI for several purposes, including:

  • Authenticating against your Google Cloud project.
  • Creating service accounts and their private keys.
  • Binding Identity and Access Management roles to accounts.