
gkectl is the command line interface to Google Distributed Cloud, used for various tasks:

  • Generating and validating Google Distributed Cloud configuration files.
  • Preparing a vSphere environment for clusters.
  • Creating admin and user clusters.
  • Resizing and upgrading clusters.
  • Troubleshooting cluster issues.

To list all available commands, run

gkectl help

To get help for a specific command:

gkectl help [COMMAND]

Downloading gkectl

You can download gkectl from the Google Distributed Cloud downloads resource page.


Simple kubernetes cluster management

  gkectl [flags]
  gkectl [command]

Available Commands:
  check-config        Validate the seed config file and the environment.
  create              Create a GKE On-Prem cluster
  create-config       Create a new GKE On-Prem config template
  create-login-config Create a new login config for GKE On-Prem Cluster
  delete              Delete a GKE On-Prem cluster
  diagnose            Diagnose, validate and debug the cluster and its environment.
  help                Help about any command
  prepare             Prepare your environment
  upgrade             Upgrade Admin and User Clusters
  version             Print the gkectl version

      --add_dir_header                  If true, adds the file directory to the header
      --alsologtostderr                 log to standard error as well as files
  -h, --help                            help for gkectl
      --log_file string                 If non-empty, use this log file
      --log_file_max_size uint          Defines the maximum size a log file can grow to. Unit is megabytes. If the value is 0, the maximum file size is unlimited. (default 1800)
      --skip-validation-all             Skip all validations.
      --skip-validation-config          Skip lightweight config validations.
      --skip-validation-dns             Skip DNS validations.
      --skip-validation-docker          Skip Docker-related validations.
      --skip-validation-gcp             Skip gcp validations.
      --skip-validation-infra           Skip provider-related validations.
      --skip-validation-internet        Skip internet validations.
      --skip-validation-load-balancer   Skip load balancer-related validations.
      --skip-validation-net-config      Skip network configuration validations.
      --skip-validation-node-ips        Skip node IPs-related validations.
      --skip-validation-proxy           Skip proxy validations.
      --skip-validation-tod             Skip TOD validations.
      --skip-validation-vips            Skip VIPs-related validations.
      --skip_headers                    If true, avoid header prefixes in the log messages
      --skip_log_headers                If true, avoid headers when opening log files
      --stderrthreshold severity        logs at or above this threshold go to stderr (default 2)
  -v, --v Level                         number for the log level verbosity (default 0, maximum verbosity 5)

Use "gkectl [command] --help" for more information about a command.