Create and use credentials to import images from Cloud Storage for VM Runtime on GDC

This document shows you how to create and use credentials to access Cloud Storage using VM Runtime on GDC. A Cloud Storage plugin lets you use Containerized Data Importer (CDI) to import VM images from Cloud Storage buckets. You can then create virtual disks from these images in Cloud Storage and attach them to VMs that run in your cluster. CDI is automatically enabled in a cluster that runs VM Runtime on GDC.

Before you begin

To complete this document, you need access to the following resources:

Credentials overview

To access Cloud Storage, you use a service account that provides credentials to the storage bucket. The service account requires different privileges to successfully access a storage bucket:

  • Public storage bucket: You use a service account for self-identification, but no specific permissions are required.
  • Private storage bucket: The storage account requires the viewer or admin privilege to the storage bucket.

There are two ways to provide the service account credentials to CDI:

  • Configure the Google Application Default Credentials (ADC) on the nodes in your cluster. For more information, see Set up ADC for on-premises or another cloud provider.
  • Provide a Secret that contains the key of the service account to access Cloud Storage. The rest of this document shows you how to create a service account key and Secret.

Create a Secret

You pass the service account key to Kubernetes using a Secret created in the namespace of the Data Volume. The data section of the Secret contains an entry for creds-gcp.json. The value is the base64 encoded data of the service account key file. The CLI creates this base64 encoded data for you. If you use a YAML manifest to create the Secret, first create a base64 hash of the contents of your service account key file.


  • Create the Secret using kubectl:

    kubectl create secret generic SECRET_NAME \
      --from-file=creds-gcp.json=SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY_PATH \
      --namespace NAMESPACE_NAME

    Replace the following values:

    • SECRET_NAME: the name for your Secret.
    • SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY_PATH: the path to your service account key file.
    • NAMESPACE_NAME: the namespace for your Secret.
      • Create your Secret in the cluster where CDI runs and in the same namespace as the Data Volume. CDI is automatically enabled in a cluster that runs VM Runtime on GDC.


  1. Create a Secret manifest, such as my-secret.yaml, in the editor of your choice:

    nano my-secret.yaml
  2. Copy and paste the following YAML manifest:

    apiVersion: v1
      creds-gcp.json: BASE64_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_FILE
    kind: Secret
      name: SECRET_NAME
      namespace: NAMESPACE_NAME
    type: Opaque

    Replace the following values:

    • BASE64_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_FILE: the base64 hash of the contents of your service account key file.
    • SECRET_NAME: the name for your Secret.
    • NAMESPACE_NAME: the namespace for your Secret.
      • Create your Secret in the cluster where CDI runs and in the same namespace as the Data Volume. CDI is automatically enabled in a cluster that runs VM Runtime on GDC.
  3. Save and close the Secret manifest in your editor.

  4. Apply the Secret manifest using kubectl:

    kubectl apply -f my-secret.yaml

Forward an existing Secret

Instead of creating a Secret, you can create a SecretForwarder to forward an existing Secret for use. The SecretForwarder supports forwarding Secrets within the same cluster, or across clusters, such as from the admin cluster to a user cluster.

To use the target Secret to access Cloud Storage, the source Secret must have a creds-gcp.json key in its data section.

Same cluster

The following example SecretForwarder manifest forwards a secret in the same cluster:

kind: SecretForwarder
  name: cdi-gcs
  namespace: default
    name: gcs-sa
    - default
    name: gke-connect
    namespace: anthos-creds

This example does the following:

  • Creates a SecretForwarder named cdi-gcs in the default namespace.
  • Forwards the secret named gke-connect in the anthos-creds namespace to a new secret named gcs-sa in the default namespace.
  • Creates the new secret in the same cluster.

To forward a Secret in the same cluster, complete the following steps:

  1. Create a SecretForwarder manifest, such as my-forwarded-secret.yaml, in the editor of your choice:

    nano my-forwarded-secret.yaml
  2. Copy and paste the following YAML manifest:

    kind: SecretForwarder
      namespace: NAMESPACE_NAME
        name: TARGET_SECRET_NAME
        name: SOURCE_SECRET_NAME
        namespace: SOURCE_NAMESPACE_NAME

    Replace the following values:

    • SECRET_FORWARDER_NAME: the name for your SecretForwarder.
    • NAMESPACE_NAME: the namespace for your SecretForwarder.
    • TARGET_SECRET_NAME: the name for your new Secret.
    • TARGET_NAMESPACE_NAME: the namespace(s) for your new Secret.
      • Create your Secret in the cluster where CDI runs and in the same namespace as the Data Volume. CDI is automatically enabled in a cluster that runs VM Runtime on GDC.
    • SOURCE_SECRET_NAME: the name of your source Secret to forward.
    • SOURCE_NAMESPACE_NAME: the namespace of your source Secret to forward.
  3. Save and close the SecretForwarder manifest in your editor.

  4. Apply the SecretForwarder manifest using kubectl:

    kubectl apply -f my-forwarded-secret.yaml

Across clusters

The following example SecretForwarder manifest forwards a secret across clusters:

kind: SecretForwarder
  name: cdi-gcs
  namespace: cluster-user1
    name: gcs-sa
    - default
    name: gke-connect
    namespace: anthos-creds

This example does the following:

  • Creates a SecretForwarder named cdi-gcs in the cluster-user1 namespace.
  • Forwards the secret named gke-connect in the anthos-creds namespace to a new secret named gcs-sa in the default namespace.
  • Creates the new secret in the cluster named user1.

To forward a Secret in the same cluster, complete the following steps:

  1. Create a SecretForwarder manifest, such as my-forwarded-secret.yaml, in the editor of your choice:

    nano my-forwarded-secret.yaml
  2. Copy and paste the following YAML manifest:

    kind: SecretForwarder
      namespace: NAMESPACE_NAME
        name: TARGET_SECRET_NAME
        name: SOURCE_SECRET_NAME
        namespace: SOURCE_NAMESPACE_NAME

    Replace the following values:

    • SECRET_FORWARDER_NAME: the name for your SecretForwarder in the remote cluster.
    • NAMESPACE_NAME: the namespace for your SecretForwarder in the remote cluster.
    • TARGET_SECRET_NAME: the name for your new Secret in the remote cluster.
    • TARGET_NAMESPACE_NAME: the namespace(s) for your new Secret in the remote cluster.
      • Create your Secret in the cluster where CDI runs and in the same namespace as the Data Volume. CDI is automatically enabled in a cluster that runs VM Runtime on GDC.
    • SOURCE_SECRET_NAME: the name of your source Secret to forward.
    • SOURCE_NAMESPACE_NAME: the namespace of your source Secret to forward.
  3. Save and close the SecretForwarder manifest in your editor.

  4. Apply the SecretForwarder manifest in the admin cluster using kubectl with the KUBECONFIG of the admin cluster:

    kubectl apply -f my-forwarded-secret.yaml

Use a Secret to import an image

To use the Secret to import an image from Cloud Storage when you create a virtual disk and VM, complete the following steps:

  1. Create a manifest that defines a VirtualMachineDisk and VirtualMachine, such as my-vm.yaml, in the editor of your choice:

    nano my-vm.yaml
  2. Copy and paste the following YAML definition:

    kind: VirtualMachineDisk
      name: VM_NAME-boot-dv
      size: 20Gi
          url: IMAGE_URL
          secretRef: SECRET_NAME
    kind: VirtualMachine
      name: VM_NAME
        - name: eth0
          networkName: pod-network
          default: true
        - boot: true
          virtualMachineDiskName: VM_NAME-boot-dv

    Replace the following values:

    • VM_NAME - the name of your VM.
    • IMAGE_URL - the URL to your disk image Cloud Storage, such as gs://my-images-bucket/disk.qcow2.
    • SECRET_NAME - the name of your secret.
  3. Save and close the manifest in your editor.

  4. Create the VM and disk using kubectl:

    kubectl apply -f my-vm.yaml

What's next