Troubleshoot your connection to Google

This document gives troubleshooting guidance for issues related to your connection to Google.

Network Connectivity Gateway

This section gives troubleshooting tips related to Network Connectivity Gateway.

If you need additional assistance, reach out to Cloud Customer Care.

Verify that the controller and gateway Pods are running

  • List the Network Connectivity Gateway Pods:

    kubectl --kubeconfig CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG get pods \
        --namespace kube-system | grep ncg

    Replace CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG with the path of your cluster kubeconfig file.

    In the output, verify that you see a controller Pod and a gateway Pod. The name of the controller Pod begins with ncg-controller, and the name of the gateway Pod begins with ncgd. For example:

    ncg-controller-5f5d489b68-r87pp     1/1     Running
    ncgd-gvl76                          1/1     Running

    Make a note of the name of the gateway Pod. You will need it for various troubleshooting commands.

Check the gateway Pod logs

  • Check to see if there are any errors in the logs from the gateway Pod:

    kubectl --kubeconfig CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG logs GATEWAY_POD \
        --namespace kube-system

    Replace GATEWAY_POD with the name of your gateway Pod.

Running ncgcli inside the gateway Pod

The gateway Pod has a command-line tool named ncgcli that you can use to get information about the gateway and traffic in the tunnels.

  • Use the following command to run ncgcli inside the gateway Pod:

    kubectl --kubeconfig CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG exec -it GATEWAY_POD \
        --namespace kube-system -- ncgCLI_COMMAND

    Replace ncgCLI_COMMAND with a ncgcli command.

    For example:

    kubectl --kubeconfig my-kubeconfig exec ncgd-6hkk2 --namespace kube-system \
        -- ncgcli --help

The following sections give more examples of ncgcli commands.

IPsec tunnel failed to come up

  • Check the status of the NetworkConnectivityGateway custom resource:

    kubectl --kubeconfig CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG get NetworkConnectivityGateway \
        --namespace kube-system --output yaml

    In the output, verify that you see Status: Healthy. For example:

    kind: NetworkConnectivityGateway
      namespace: kube-system
      name: default
      CurrNode: worker1-node
      CreatedTime: 2021-09-07T03:18:15Z
      LastReportTime: 2021-09-21T23:57:54Z
      Status:  Healthy
  • Check the status of your OverlayVPNTunnel custom resources:

    kubectl --kubeconfig CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG get OverlayVPNTunnel \
        --namespace kube-system --output yaml
  • Check the status of your tunnels from inside the gateway Pod:

    ncgcli overlay peers show

For more information, see Cloud VPN troubleshooting.

Failed to establish BGP session

Verify that you have used link-local IP addresses, such as and, for the BGP sessions between the Cloud Router and the gateway Pod in your cluster.

  • Check the status of your BGP sessions:

    kubectl --kubeconfig CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG get OverlayBGPPeer \
        --namespace kube-system --output yaml
  • Check the status of your BGP sessions from inside the gateway Pod:

    ncgcli overlay routes show

For more information about troubleshooting your BGP sessions, see the following:

Traffic forwarding issues even if the tunnel is up

If the traffic forwarding fails, run ncgcli inside the gateway Pod to check the status of tunnels, routing, and data plane programming.

  • Ensure that IPsec tunnel to the peer is established:

    ncgcli overlay peers show
  • Confirm that the overlay routes have been exchanged over BGP and resolved to the appropriate IPsec tunnel:

    ncgcli overlay routes show
  • Display routes programmed in the data plane and the output should include overlay routes:

    ncgcli fast-path routes show

Adjust maximum transmission unit

The maximum transmission unit (MTU) is the size, in bytes, of the largest packet supported by a network layer protocol, including both headers and data. If there are traffic issues caused by underlay network MTU limitations, you can configure the MTU on the OverlayVPNTunnel custom resource. The default MTU for the tunnels is 1380 bytes.

To adjust MTU for your tunnels:

  1. Check the status of the tunnels:

    kubectl --kubeconfig CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG get OverlayVPNTunnel \
        --namespace kube-system --output yaml

    The status section should look like the following example:

      IfName: ipsec2
      LastTransition: "2022-06-16T07:13:28Z"
        DiscoveredMTU: 1300
        Jitter(ms): 1
        Latency(ms): 26
        Loss(%): "0.00"

    If the status.SLA.DiscoveredMTU value is less than the default of 1380, use the following steps to change the Spec.mtu value in your OverlayVPNTunel custom resources to match.

  2. Open your OverlayVPNTunnel custom resources for editing with the kubectl edit command:

        --namespace kube-system --output yaml

    To avoid packet loss, configure the same MTU for the two OverlayVPNTunnel custom resources used by Network Connectivity Gateway.

  3. Set the mtu value to match the DiscoveredMTU value from the first step:

      kind: OverlayVPNTunnel
        name: vpc2
        namespace: kube-system
        mtu: 1300
          name: ike-key
          namespace: kube-system
  4. To apply your changes, save and close your editor.

For more information about MTU and how it affects traffic performance, see MTU considerations.

See traffic flow and application-level statistics

To see traffic flow and statistics, run ncgcli inside the gateway Pod.

  • For an instantaneous view of the flows and traffic applications:

    ncgcli forwarding flows top
  • For aggregate statistics at the flow level:

    ncgcli forwarding flows aggregates show
  • For aggregate statistics at the interface level:

    ncgcli interfaces statistics show

What's next

If you need additional assistance, reach out to Cloud Customer Care.