RootSync and RepoSync fields

This page provides a reference for the fields in RootSync, RepoSync, and ResourceGroup objects. To learn more about how these objects work, see Config Sync architecture.

RootSync and RepoSync fields

RootSync and RepoSync resource objects have the same fields with the exceptions of following RootSync-only fields:

  • spec.sourceFormat
  • spec.helm.namespace
  • spec.helm.deployNamespace
  • spec.override.roleRefs

Configuration for the source format

Key Description
spec.sourceFormat sourceFormat specifies how the repository is formatted. Optional.
The validation of this field is case-sensitive.
  • For RootSync objects, the value must be one of hierarchy or unstructured. The default value is hierarchy if not specified, but unstructured is recommended.
See unstructured and hierarchical format guides more details.

Configuration for the source type

Key Description
spec.sourceType sourceType specifies the type of the source of truth. Must be one of git, oci, or helm. Optional.
Set to git if not specified. The validation of this field is case-sensitive.

Configuration for the Git repository

Key Description
spec.git.auth The type of Secret configured for access to the Git repo. Must be ssh, cookiefile, gcenode, gcpserviceaccount, githubapp, token, or none. The validation of this field is case-sensitive. Required.
spec.git.gcpServiceAccountEmail The Google Cloud service account used to annotate the RootSync or RepoSync controller's Kubernetes Service Account. This field is only used when spec.git.auth is gcpserviceaccount.
spec.git.branch The Git branch of the repository to sync from. This field is optional and the default value is master. Starting from Config Sync version 1.17.0, it's recommended to use the spec.git.revision field to specify a branch name for simplicity. If both the spec.git.revision field and the spec.git.branch field are specified, spec.git.revision takes precedence over spec.git.branch.
spec.git.dir The absolute path in the Git repository to the root directory that contains the configuration that you want to sync. Default: the root directory (/) of the repository.
spec.git.period The time duration between consecutive syncs. Default: 15s.
spec.git.repo The Git repository URL to sync from. Required.
spec.git.revision The Git revision (branch, tag, or commit) to sync from. This field is optional and the default value is HEAD. Starting from Config Sync version 1.17.0, you can also specify a branch name in the spec.git.revision field. When using a hash in version 1.17.0 or later, it must be a full hash, and not an abbreviated form. The name of the Secret used to connect to the Git source of truth.
spec.git.noSSLVerify1 noSSLVerify specifies whether to enable or disable the SSL certificate verification. Default: false.
If noSSLVerify is set to true, it tells Git to skip the SSL certificate verification.
spec.git.caCertSecretRef.name1 The name of the Secret containing the certificate authority (CA) certificate. If this field is provided, the Git server must be using a certificate issued by this CA. The CA certificate must be stored in the Secret under a key named "cert".

Proxy configuration for the Git repository

If your organization's security policies require you to route traffic through an HTTP(S) proxy, you can use the proxy's URI to configure Config Sync to communicate with your Git host.

Key Description
spec.git.proxy The proxy URL with scheme for configuring access to the Git repo using a proxy. For example,
The Git proxy accepts https, http, and unadorned URLs, but http is not recommended for security concerns.
If using an http or an unadorned URL, make sure the communication between your proxy server and Git host is secure.
This field only has an effect when spec.git.auth is cookiefile, none, or token.

Configuration for the OCI image

Config Sync requires that the OCI layer is compressed in the tar or tar+gzip format.

Other formats (for example, tar+bz2) will not be recognized by Config Sync. Switching from a valid REPO to an OCI image with an unsupported format will cause managed resources to be pruned without an error.

Key Description
spec.oci.auth The type of authentication configured for access to the OCI image. Must be gcenode, k8sserviceaccount, gcpserviceaccount, or none. The validation of this field is case-sensitive. Required.
spec.oci.gcpServiceAccountEmail The Google Cloud service account used to annotate the RootSync or RepoSync controller's Kubernetes Service Account. This field is only used when spec.oci.auth is gcpserviceaccount.
spec.oci.dir The absolute path in the OCI image to the root directory that contains the configuration that you want to sync. Default: the root directory (/) of the image.
spec.oci.period The time duration between consecutive syncs. Default: 15s.
spec.oci.image The OCI image URL to sync from. Required.

The name of the Secret containing the certificate authority (CA) certificate. If this field is provided, the OCI server must be using a certificate issued by this CA. The CA certificate must be stored in the Secret under a key named "cert".

This field is supported in version 1.18.0 and later.

Configuration for the Helm repository

Key Description
spec.helm.auth The type of authentication configured for access to the Helm repository. Must be token, gcenode, k8sserviceaccount, gcpserviceaccount, or none. The validation of this field is case-sensitive. Required.
spec.helm.gcpServiceAccountEmail The Google Cloud service account used to annotate the RootSync or RepoSync controller's Kubernetes Service Account. This field is only used when spec.helm.auth is gcpserviceaccount. The name of the Secret used to access the Helm repository. This field is used only when spec.helm.auth is token.
spec.helm.repo The Helm repository URL to sync from. Required.
spec.helm.chart The Helm chart name. Required.

The Helm chart version number. Default: the latest version.

The version field can be specified as a static value, as a range of versions from which Config Sync pulls the latest, or left blank to indicate that Config Sync should pull the latest chart. Config Sync determines the "latest" version based on semantic versioning. If specified as a range or left blank, Config Sync re-pulls the chart every 1 hour by default. You can configure the re-pull period with the spec.helm.period field. If the version is specified as the literal string "latest", the chart is re-pulled according to spec.helm.period, just like with version ranges or blank versions.

The version range syntax is identical to the version range syntax supported by the Helm CLI.

Specifying the version as a range or leaving the value empty can cause high CPU use for large charts with many versions. You can use spec.override to increase the CPU request for the helm-sync container, such as in the following example:

        - containerName: helm-sync
          cpuRequest: "200m"

The time duration that Config Sync waits before re-pulling the chart.

The default value is 1 hour. The field accepts string values, for example "30s" or "5m". See the Go documentation on valid inputs for more information.

If the chart version is a range, uses the literal tag "latest", or is left empty to indicate that Config Sync should pull the latest version, the chart is re-pulled according to spec.helm.period. If the chart version is specified as a single static version, the chart is not re-pulled.

spec.helm.releaseName The name of the Helm release.
spec.helm.namespace This is mutually exclusive with spec.helm.deployNamespace.
namespace sets the target namespace for a release. This field is used with RootSync objects only. It only sets namespace for resources that contain namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }} in their templates. The value specified in spec.helm.namespace is only used as the value of Release.Namespace declared in your Helm templates. For the resources that do not have namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }} in their templates, namespace default will be used. Default: default
spec.helm.deployNamespace This is mutually exclusive with spec.helm.namespace.
deployNamespace specifies which namespace to deploy the chart. Setting this field leverages the kpt set-namespace function, which causes Config Sync to replace the namespace fields of resources in the chart, including metadata.namespace of namespace-scoped resources, of Namespace objects, and namespace references in some special resource types.
If deployNamespace is not set, resources where metadata.namespace is not set are deployed to the default namespace.

Values to use instead of default values that accompany the chart. Format the values in the same way with the default values.yaml. For example:

    bar: val1
  - val2
  - val3

If valuesFileRefs is also specified, fields from values override fields from valuesFileRefs.

For more information, see the Helm example manifest.

spec.helm.includeCRDs Specifies if the Helm template should generate CustomResourceDefinitions. Default: false.

A list of references to objects in the cluster that represent values to use instead of the default values that accompany the chart. Only ConfigMaps are supported. The ConfigMap must be immutable and in the same namespace as the RootSync or RepoSync.

ConfigMaps are immutable. To change the valuesFile after syncing, you must create a ConfigMap with a different name and update the RootSync or RepoSync

When multiple values files are specified, duplicated keys in later files override the value from earlier files. This is equivalent to passing in multiple values files to the Helm CLI. If spec.helm.values is also specified, fields from values override fields from valuesFileRefs.

Each item in the list must contain the following:

  • name (required): the name of the ConfigMap object
  • dataKey (optional): the data key in the object to read the values from. Default: values.yaml

For an example of how to change values, see Sync Helm charts.


The name of the Secret containing the certificate authority (CA) certificate. If this field is provided, the Helm server must be using a certificate issued by this CA. The CA certificate must be stored in the Secret under a key named "cert".

This field is supported in version 1.18.0 and later.

Configuration for overriding the resource requests and limits of a root or namespace reconciler

You can override the git-sync, oci-sync, helm-sync, hydration-controller, and reconciler containers. Partial overriding is allowed: when an override value for a resource request or limit isn't provided, the default resource value for the request or limit is used.

For Autopilot clusters, Config Sync ignores resource limit overrides. Resource request overrides are applied only when there exists one or more resource requests higher than the corresponding adjusted output declared in the annotation, or there exists one or more resource requests lower than the corresponding input declared in the annotation. For more information, see Cluster requirements for Config Sync.

Key Description
spec.override.resources1 The list of container resource request and limit overrides. Optional.
Each item in the list contains three fields:
  • containerName: this field can be either git-sync, oci-sync, helm-sync, hydration-controller, or reconciler.
  • cpuRequest (optional)
  • cpuLimit (optional)
  • memoryRequest (optional)
  • memoryLimit (optional)

When an override value for a resource request or limit isn't provided, the default resource value for the request or limit is used.

Configuration for overriding the log level of a container in root or namespace reconciler

When log level override value is not set, log level is configured to be the default value. The default log level for all containers in a RootSync or RepoSync reconciler is 0, with the exception of the git-sync container where the default is 5. Accepted log level override value is between 0 to 10 inclusive.

Key Description
spec.override.logLevels The list of container log level override values. Optional.
Each item in the list contains two fields:
  • containerName: this field can be either git-sync, oci-sync, helm-sync, hydration-controller, or reconciler.
  • logLevel

When an override value for a container's log level isn't provided, the default log level value is used.

Configuration for the number of Git commits to fetch

Key Description
spec.override.gitSyncDepth1 gitSyncDepth lets you override the number of Git commits to fetch.
Must be no less than 0.
Config Sync does a full clone if this field is 0, and a shallow clone if this field is greater than 0.
If this field is not provided, Config Sync configures it automatically.

Configuration for capturing the resource level status

Key Description
spec.override.statusMode1 statusMode lets you enable or disable capturing the resource level status.
The default is enabled.
To disable capturing the resource level status, set this field to disabled.

Configuration for overriding the reconcile timeout

Key Description
spec.override.reconcileTimeout1 reconcileTimeout lets you override the threshold for how long to wait for resources in an apply group to reconcile before giving up. All the resources in a commit can be in multiple apply groups based on the dependencies.
The default timeout is 5m.
Use string to specify this field value, like 30s, 5m.

Configuration for overriding the timeout for requests to the API server

Key Description
spec.override.apiServerTimeout1 apiServerTimeout lets you override the timeout for requests to the API server. The default timeout is 15 seconds, specified as 15s
. Use string to specify this field value, like 30s, 5m.

Configuration for shell access in rendering process

Key Description
spec.override.enableShellInRendering1 enableShellInRendering specifies whether to enable or disable the shell access in the rendering process. Kustomize remote bases require shell access. Setting this field to true enables shell access in the rendering process and supports pulling remote bases from public repositories.
The default is false.

Configuration for namespace strategy (RootSync only)

Key Description
spec.override.namespaceStrategy1 namespaceStrategy controls how the reconciler handles missing Namespace configs of the namespace-scoped objects declared in the source. Only applies when using the unstructured sourceFormat.
  • implicit: the reconciler will implicitly create Namespaces if they do not exist, even if they are not declared in the source. Implicit Namespaces are created with the prevent deletion annotation and managed by Config Sync.
  • explicit: the reconciler will only create Namespaces that are declared explicitly in the source.

The default is implicit.

Configuration for RBAC bindings (RootSync only)

Key Description
spec.override.roleRefs1 roleRefs is a list of Roles or ClusterRoles to create bindings. Each item in the list contains the following fields:
  • kind (required): refers to the Kind of the RBAC resource. Accepted values are Role and ClusterRole.
  • name (required): the name of the Role or ClusterRole resource.
  • namespace (optional): indicates the Namespace in which a RoleBinding should be created. For ClusterRole objects, will determine whether a RoleBinding or ClusterRoleBinding is created. For Role objects, must be set to the same namespace as the Role.

If unset, a ClusterRoleBinding to cluster-admin will be created.

Status of the objects

Key Description
status.observedGeneration The generation (metadata.generation) of the spec of a RootSync or RepoSync resource that was last observed and acted on by Config Sync. This value can be compared with metadata.generation, which is an integer and is updated on spec mutation by the API server.
status.reconciler The name of the reconciler process which corresponds to the sync resource.
status.source.gitStatus.repo The Git repository URL being fetched.
status.source.gitStatus.revision The Git revision (tag, commit, or hash) being fetched.
status.source.gitStatus.branch The Git branch of the repository being fetched.
status.source.gitStatus.dir The absolute path in the Git repository to the root directory that contains the configuration that you are syncing to.
status.source.ociStatus.image The OCI image URL being fetched.
status.source.ociStatus.dir The absolute path in the OCI image to the root directory that contains the configuration that you are syncing to.
status.source.helmStatus.repo The helm repository URL being fetched.
status.source.helmStatus.version The helm chart version being fetched.
status.source.helmStatus.chart The name of the helm chart being fetched.
status.source.commit The hash of the most recent commit or digest fetched from the source URL.
status.source.errors The errors encountered while reading and parsing the configs from the source of truth. This might not include all the encountered errors, because Config Sync truncates errors if there are too many errors.
status.source.errorSummary.totalCount An integer tracking the total number of errors encountered while reading and parsing the configs from the source of truth.
status.source.errorSummary.truncated A boolean indicating whether the status.source.errors field includes all the errors encountered while reading and parsing the configs from the source of truth.
status.source.errorSummary.errorCountAfterTruncation An integer tracking the number of errors in the status.source.errors field.
status.rendering.gitStatus.repo The Git repository URL being rendered.
status.rendering.gitStatus.revision The Git revision (tag, commit, or hash) being rendered.
status.rendering.gitStatus.branch The Git branch of the repository being rendered.
status.rendering.gitStatus.dir The absolute path in the Git repository to the root directory that contains the configuration that you are rendering.
status.rendering.ociStatus.image The OCI image URL being rendered.
status.rendering.ociStatus.dir The absolute path in the OCI image to the root directory that contains the configuration that you are rendering.
status.rendering.helmStatus.repo The helm repository URL being rendered.
status.rendering.helmStatus.version The helm chart version being rendered.
status.rendering.helmStatus.chart The name of the helm chart being rendered.
status.rendering.commit The hash of the most recent commit or digest that was rendered. This value is updated even when a commit or digest is only partially synced due to an error.
status.rendering.errors A list of any errors encountered during the process of rendering the resources from the change indicated by status.rendering.commit. This might not include all the encountered errors, since Config Sync truncates errors if there are too many errors.
status.rendering.errorSummary.totalCount An integer tracking the total number of errors encountered during the process of rendering the configs from the source of truth.
status.rendering.errorSummary.truncated A boolean indicating whether the status.rendering.errors field includes all the errors encountered during the process of rendering the configs from the source of truth.
status.rendering.errorSummary.errorCountAfterTruncation An integer tracking the number of errors in the status.rendering.errors field.
status.sync.gitStatus.repo The Git repository URL being synced.
status.sync.gitStatus.revision The Git revision (tag, commit, or hash) being synced.
status.sync.gitStatus.branch The Git branch of the repository being synced.
status.sync.gitStatus.dir The absolute path in the Git repository to the root directory that contains the configuration that you are syncing to.
status.sync.ociStatus.image The OCI image URL being synced.
status.sync.ociStatus.dir The absolute path in the OCI image to the root directory that contains the configuration that you are syncing to.
status.sync.helmStatus.repo The helm repository URL being synced.
status.sync.helmStatus.version The helm chart version being synced.
status.sync.helmStatus.chart The name of the helm chart being synced.
status.sync.commit The hash of the most recent commit or digest that was synced to the cluster. This value is updated even when a commit or digest is only partially synced due to an error.
status.sync.errors A list of any errors that occurred while applying the resources from the change indicated by status.sync.commit. This might not include all the encountered errors, because Config Sync truncates errors if there are too many errors.
status.sync.errorSummary.totalCount An integer tracking the total number of errors encountered while applying the configs from the source of truth.
status.sync.errorSummary.truncated A boolean indicating whether the status.sync.errors field includes all the errors encountered while applying the configs from the source of truth.
status.sync.errorSummary.errorCountAfterTruncation An integer tracking the number of errors in the status.sync.errors field.
status.conditions A list of conditions tracking the current state of a RootSync or RepoSync object.
When the type field of a condition is Reconciling or Stalled:
  • The errors field of the condition tracks the errors encountered while reconciling the RootSync or RepoSync object
  • The errorSummary field of the condition summarizes the errors in the errors field of the condition
  • The errorsSourceRefs field of the condition is empty
When the type of a condition is Syncing:
  • The errors field of the condition is empty
  • The errorsSourceRefs field of the condition track the origination(s) of errors. The origination of errors can be status.rendering.errors, status.source.errors, or status.sync.errors.
  • The errorSummary field of the condition summarizes the errors referred in the errorsSourceRefs field.

1 If you created a RootSync configuration file after installing with the Google Cloud console or Google Cloud CLI , you can overwrite this field.

ResourceGroup fields

Spec and status fields

Key Description
spec.resources The list of identifiers (Group, Kind, Namespace, Name) for resources that are applied to the cluster from the Git repository that is specified in a RepoSync CR or a RootSync CR. Optional.
Each item in the list contains four fields: group, kind, namespace, and name.

Status fields

Key Description
status.observedGeneration The generation (metadata.generation) of the spec of a RootSync or RepoSync resource that was last observed and acted on by ResourceGroup controller. This value can be compared with metadata.generation, which is an integer and is updated on spec mutation by the API server.
status.conditions The latest observed conditions for the current ResourceGroup. The conditions have two different types: Reconciling and Stalled. When the Reconciling type condition is true, it means the current ResourceGroup is in reconciliation. When the Stalled type condition is true, it means that the reconciliation is stalled. When both are false, it means the current ResourceGroup is reconciled and the status is up to date.
status.resourceStatuses The list of statuses for resources that are included in .spec.resources. Each item contains the identifier (Group, Kind, Namespace, or Name) and status of a resource. The status is one of: InProgress, Current, Failed, Terminating, NotFound, or Unknown.

Unmanaged root-sync fields

The following fields of the RootSync named root-sync are not managed by the Fleet (Hub) service and can be edited with any Kubernetes client:

Key Description
spec.git.noSSLVerify noSSLVerify specifies whether to enable or disable the SSL certificate verification. Default: false.
If noSSLVerify is set to true, it tells Git to skip the SSL certificate verification. The name of the Secret containing the certificate authority (CA) certificate. If this field is provided, the Git server must be using a certificate issued by this CA. The CA certificate must be stored in the Secret under a key named `cert`.
spec.override.resources The list of container resource requests and limit overrides. Optional.
Each item in the list contains three fields:
  • containerName: this field can be either git-sync, oci-sync, hydration-controller, or reconciler.
  • cpuRequest (optional)
  • cpuLimit (optional)
  • memoryRequest (optional)
  • memoryLimit (optional)

When an override value for a resource request or limit isn't provided, the default resource value for the request or limit is used.
spec.override.gitSyncDepth gitSyncDepth lets you override the number of Git commits to fetch.
Must be no less than 0.
Config Sync does a full clone if this field is 0, and a shallow clone if this field is greater than 0.
If this field is not provided, Config Sync configures it automatically.
spec.override.statusMode statusMode lets you enable or disable capturing the resource level status.
The default is enabled.
To disable capturing the resource level status, set this field to disabled.
spec.override.reconcileTimeout reconcileTimeout lets you override the threshold for how long to wait for resources in an apply group to reconcile before giving up. All the resources in a commit can be in multiple apply groups based on the dependencies.
The default timeout is 5m.
Use string to specify this field value, for example 30s, 5m.
spec.override.enableShellInRendering enableShellInRendering specifies whether to enable or disable the shell access in the rendering process. Kustomize remote bases require shell access. Setting this field to true enables shell access in the rendering process and supports pulling remote bases from public repositories.
The default is false.

To learn more about managed and unmanaged fields in RootSync objects, see How the Fleet service manages RootSync objects.

Example CRs

The following sections show you examples of RootSync and RepoSync CRs.

RootSync CR

The following example shows a RootSync object.

# root-sync.yaml
kind: RootSync
  name: root-sync
  namespace: config-management-system
  sourceType: git
  sourceFormat: unstructured
    branch: init
    dir: config-sync-quickstart/multirepo/root
    auth: none
    period: 30s

RepoSync CR

The following example shows a RepoSync object.

# repo-sync.yaml
kind: RepoSync
  name: repo-sync
  namespace: gamestore
  sourceType: git
  sourceFormat: unstructured
    branch: init
    dir: config-sync-quickstart/multirepo/root
    auth: none
    period: 30s

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