Starting with AlloyDB Omni 15.5.4, you control AlloyDB Omni with common package-management tools.
If you have an existing installation of AlloyDB Omni, follow the instructions on this page to migrate to the new, single-image installation.
Before you can start upgrading to the latest version of AlloyDB Omni, complete the following prerequisites, if you haven't done so already.
Upgrade to AlloyDB Omni 15.5.2
The latest AlloyDB Omni version that supports the AlloyDB Omni CLI is 15.5.2. To check the version of AlloyDB Omni, run the following command:
sudo alloydb version
The output looks similar to the following:
AlloyDB Omni CLI version: 1.6
AlloyDB Omni database server version: 15.5.2
If the output displays a database version earlier than 15.5.2, run the following command to upgrade:
sudo alloydb database-server upgrade
Gather information about your existing installation
Run the following command:
cat /var/alloydb/config/dataplane.conf
From the output of the
command, note the values of the following variables for your reference:DATADIR_PATH
—for example,/var/alloydb/main
—for example,FALSE
—for example,5432
Perform an in-place upgrade
Stop the existing database:
sudo alloydb database-server stop
Start the new single-image AlloyDB Omni, mounting your existing data directory from before:
docker run --name
CONTAINER_NAME \ -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=PASSWORD \ -e PGDATA=/var/lib/postgresql/data \ -v /var/alloydb/main/data:/var/lib/postgresql/data \ -v /dev/shm:/dev/shm \ -pPGPORT :5432 \ --network=host \ --ulimit=nice=-20:-20 \ --ulimit=core=-1:-1 \ --log-driver=journald \ -d google/alloydbomni:15.5.4Replace the following:
: The name to assign this new AlloyDB Omni container in your host machine's container registry—for example,my-omni
: The password assigned the new container'spostgres
user after its creation.PGPORT
: The IP address of the port the AlloyDB Omni runs on. This is the value you noted down in step 2 of Gather information about your existing installation.
The arguments to
docker run
are the ones used in earlier versions of AlloyDB Omni, but you may further customize them. See Customize your AlloyDB Omni installation for details.If your database instance type is
, run the following command to create the following users. These are usernames which are unused at the moment, but reserved for future extensions.for name in alloydbagent alloydbexport alloydbiamgroupuser alloydbiamuser alloydbimportexport alloydbobservability alloydbsqllogical alloydbsuperuser; do echo docker exec -it
CONTAINER_NAME psql -h localhost -U postgres alloydbadmin \ -c "CREATE ROLE ${name} NOLOGIN;" \ -c "CREATE TABLE ${name}_table();" \ -c "ALTER TABLE ${name}_table OWNER TO ${name};" doneIf
is set toTRUE
, follow instructions in Install AlloyDB Omni with AlloyDB AI to set up AlloyDB AI.Connect to the database to verify that the data is unchanged:
docker exec -it
CONTAINER_NAME psql -h localhost -U postgresUninstall the AlloyDB Omni CLI:
sudo alloydb database-server uninstall
The AlloyDB Omni CLI uninstallation does not affect your data stored in AlloyDB Omni.