Apply Advisory Notifications recommendations

Advisory Notifications provides IAM policy recommendations to ensure that the right parties within your organization have access to view critical security and privacy notifications in the Google Cloud console. These recommendations are generated automatically by analyzing your Essential Contacts configuration and your IAM policy. Use these recommendations to ensure that your security administrators can receive and quickly address security notifications.

How Advisory Notifications recommendations work

Advisory Notifications recommendations monitor your Essential Contacts and IAM policy configurations, and make recommendations based on the previous day's data.

The recommendations include the following:

  • If no user has permission to view notifications, Advisory Notifications recommends granting the appropriate parties within your organization access.

  • If a principal is listed as a Security Essential Contact but does not have permission to view Advisory Notifications in the Google Cloud console, Advisory Notifications recommends granting the principal access. Advisory Notifications recommendations don't take custom roles into account. If you are granting a principal permission to Advisory Notifications through a custom role, disregard or dismiss the recommendation.

View Advisory Notifications recommendations

Advisory Notifications makes insights and recommendations available through the Recommender using the Google Cloud CLI, the API, or the BigQuery export feature.

Before you begin

Before you can view the insights and recommendations, you must do the following:

  • You must enable the Recommender API. You only need to enable the API on a single billing project. You can then use this same billing project to examine recommendations and insights for other projects, the entire organization, or the billing account, by specifying the billing project in your gcloud commands and API requests.
  • Ensure that you have the required permissions

View recommendations


To view your recommendations, use the following gcloud recommender recommendations list command:

gcloud recommender recommendations list \ \
    --organization=ORGANIZATION_ID \
    --location=global \
    --billing-project=QUOTA_PROJECT \

Replace the following:

  • ORGANIZATION_ID: the ID of your organization.
  • FORMAT: your preferred output format. For example, yaml, text, and json. For all the possible values, see Projections. The values csv, diff, get, table, and value require non-empty projections.
  • QUOTA_PROJECT: The ID of the project to use for quota and billing.

The output of the gcloud recommender recommendations list command includes the following fields:

  • name: the name of the recommendation.
  • description: a human-readable explanation of the recommendation.
  • associatedInsights: a list of associated insights.

You can also view the insights associated to these recommendations. To view your insights, use the gcloud recommender insights list command below.

gcloud recommender insights list \ \
    --organization=ORGANIZATION_ID \
    --location=global \
    --billing-project=QUOTA_PROJECT \

Replace the following:

  • ORGANIZATION_ID: the ID of your organization.
  • FORMAT: your preferred output format. For example, yaml, text, and json. For all the possible values, see Projections. The values csv, diff, get, table, and value require non-empty projections.
  • QUOTA_PROJECT: the ID of the project to use for quota and billing.

The output of the gcloud recommender insights list command includes the following fields:

  • name: the name of the recommendation.
  • description: a human-readable explanation of the insight.
  • associatedRecommendations: a list of associated recommendations.

For more information, see the Recommender docs.


To view your recommendations, use the Recommender API with the recommender ID.

The following example bash script uses an access token returned by Application Default Credentials, for a curl request. For information about setting up Application Default Credentials, see Provide credentials for Application Default Credentials.


curl \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth application-default print-access-token)" \
-H "x-goog-user-project: $QUOTA_PROJECT" \$ORGANIZATION_ID/locations/$LOCATION/recommenders/$RECOMMENDER_ID/recommendations

Replace the following:

  • ORGANIZATION_ID: the ID of your organization.
  • QUOTA_PROJECT: the ID of the project to use for quota and billing.

The response includes the following fields:

  • name: The name of the recommendation.
  • description: A human-readable explanation of the recommendation.
  • associatedInsights: a list of associated insights.

To view your insights, use the Recommender API with the insight type.

The following example bash script uses an access token returned by Application Default Credentials, for a curl request. For information about about setting up Application Default Credentials, see Provide credentials for Application Default Credentials.


curl \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth application-default print-access-token)" \
-H "x-goog-user-project: $QUOTA_PROJECT" \$ORGANIZATION_ID/locations/$LOCATION/insightTypes/$INSIGHT_TYPE/insights

Replace the following:

  • ORGANIZATION_ID: the ID of your organization.
  • QUOTA_PROJECT: the ID of the project to use for quota and billing.

The response includes the following fields:

  • name: The name of the recommendation.
  • description: A human-readable explanation of the recommendation.
  • associatedRecommendations: a list of associated recommendations.

For more information, see Using the Recommender API.

BigQuery export

Recommendations and insights can also be exported in bulk to a BigQuery table. For details refer to the BigQuery export documentation.

Act on Advisory Notifications recommendations

The following sections provide targeted advice about acting on specific Advisory Notifications recommendations. Each section corresponds to one Advisory Notifications Recommender Subtype. The following list mentions the sections for your Recommender Subtype.

Grant Access to Advisory Notifications

This section helps you act on recommendations with the SECURITY_ESSENTIAL_CONTACTS_WITHOUT_ADVISORY_NOTIFICATIONS Recommender Subtype.

You received this recommendation because some of your Essential Contacts in the Security and All categories don't have access to Advisory Notifications. This means that these contacts receive email notifications but aren't able to view the notification in the Google Cloud console.

We recommend that each Essential Contact be granted access to Advisory Notifications rather than granting access through parent groups or domains. Granting access to each Essential Contact makes it less likely that the access is revoked accidentally in the future. Additionally, you can use the self-documenting Advisory Notifications Viewer role to clarify why the binding exists.

To apply this recommendation, do the following:

  1. Find all organization-level Security Essential Contacts in your Essential Contacts configuration. These are the contacts in the Security and All categories.

    Go to Essential Contacts

  2. Grant each contact permission to view Advisory Notifications in the Identity and Access Management Admin page by assigning them the Advisory Notifications Viewer (roles/advisorynotifications.viewer) role. See viewing Advisory Notifications if you would like to know the specific permissions required for viewing Advisory Notifications.

    Go to IAM

Configure your Advisory Notifications Viewers

This section helps you act on recommendations with the NO_VIEWERS_OF_ADVISORY_NOTIFICATIONS Recommender Subtype.

You received this recommendation because we couldn't identify any principals in your organization with access to Advisory Notifications.

We recommend that you configure Essential Contacts and Advisory Notifications so that you are prepared to receive critical security and privacy notifications.

To apply this recommendation, do the following:

  1. Configure your organization-level Security Essential Contacts in the Essential Contacts page.

    Go to Essential Contacts

  2. Grant each contact permission to view Advisory Notifications by assigning them the Advisory Notifications Viewer Role (roles/advisorynotifications.viewer) in the Identity and Access Management Admin page. See viewing Advisory Notifications if you would like to know the specific permissions required for viewing Advisory Notifications.

    Go to IAM

If you prefer not to use Essential Contacts, we still recommend granting viewing permissions for Advisory Notifications to the appropriate parties within your organization, such as a Security Administrator. Granting viewing permissions for Advisory Notifications without configuring Essential Contacts doesn't guarantee that the parties receive email notifications from Advisory Notifications.


For pricing information, see Recommender pricing.

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