Standard library overview

The Workflows standard library modules allow you to easily construct arguments for services and process responses. There is no need to import or load libraries in a workflow—library functions work out of the box.

All functions can be called using call steps, but only non-blocking functions can be used inside an expression. For example, HTTP calls, sys.sleep, and sys.log cannot be used inside an expression. For more information, see Blocking calls.

Workflows also includes frequently used functions, such as for data type and format conversions. See Expression helpers.

Generate random identifiers or numbers

You can use uuid.generate to return a random 128‑bit universally unique identifier (UUID) in string form.

You can use to generate multiple random numbers. (The function returns a floating point number with nanosecond precision.)

  • If you need only one number, use sys.get_env to retrieve the workflow's execution identifier.

  • If a unique ID is needed, you can use string() to convert the number returned from to a string and combine it with the execution ID; for example, some_execution_id1635892223.4459958.

Optionally, you can use a Cloud Run function to generate a number and call the Cloud Run function from your workflow.

Expression helpers

Built-in expression helper functions.

Conversion functions

Convert values from one data type to another.

double() Accepts an attribute of type string or integer and returns a double.
int() Accepts an attribute of type string or double and returns an integer.
string() Accepts an attribute of type integer, double, or boolean and returns a string.

Data type functions

Operate on lists, maps, and strings.

in() Checks whether a given key is present in a list or map.
keys() Accepts an attribute of type map and returns a list of key elements in the map.
len() Computes the length of value according to its type.

Conditional functions

Support conditions within expressions.

default(val, defaultVal) Returns a value if it is not null; otherwise returns a default value.
if(condition, ifTrue, ifFalse) Evaluates a condition and returns one of two arguments depending on what the condition evaluates to.

Type functions

Return data type.

get_type(arg) Returns a string indicating the data type of the argument.

Module: base64

Base64 encoding/decoding.

decode Decodes given Base64-encoded string to bytes.
encode Encodes given bytes to Base64 text.

Module: events

Events support.

await_callback Waits for a callback to be received at the given endpoint.
create_callback_endpoint Creates a callback endpoint expecting the specified HTTP method.

Module: experimental.executions

Execution management.

Instead of using to support parallel work, we recommend you execute workflow steps in parallel. If you are already using, you can migrate your workflow to use parallel steps.

execution_error Raised when a workflow execution finishes with an error or is cancelled.
map Starts workflow executions and waits for all of them to finish.
run Starts a workflow execution and waits for it to finish.

Module: hash

Common hashing algorithms.

compute_checksum Computes checksum using a given hashing algorithm.
compute_hmac Computes the hash-based message authentication code (HMAC) for data given a secret key and hashing algorithm.

Module: http

HTTP/S request support.

default_retry_predicate Simple default retry predicate for idempotent targets.
default_retry_predicate_non_idempotent Simple default retry predicate for non-idempotent targets.
delete Sends an HTTP DELETE request to the specified URL.
get Sends an HTTP GET request to the specified URL.
patch Sends an HTTP PATCH request to the specified URL.
post Sends an HTTP POST request to the specified URL.
put Sends an HTTP PUT request to the specified URL.
request Sends an HTTP request.
default_retry Simple default retry policy for idempotent targets.
default_retry_non_idempotent Simple default retry policy for non-idempotent targets.

Module: json

JSON encoding/decoding.

decode Decodes given JSON bytes (assuming UTF-8), or a string, into an object.
encode Encodes given input object to JSON bytes, using UTF-8 charset.
encode_to_string Encodes given object to a JSON string.

Module: list

List utility.

concat Creates a copy of a list with a new element concatenated at the end.
prepend Creates a copy of a list with a new element added to the beginning.

Module: map

Map utility.

delete Takes a map, creates a copy of the map, and removes the item with the specified key.
get Performs a safe lookup on a map, returning null if the key is not found.
merge Takes two maps, creates a copy of the first map, and adds the items from the second map to the copy.
merge_nested Takes two maps, creates a copy of the first map, and recursively adds items from the second map to the copy.

Module: math

Math utility.

abs Returns the absolute value of a number.
floor Returns the floor of a number.
max Returns the maximum of two numbers.
min Returns the minimum of two numbers.

Module: retry

Support for retries.

always Convenience retry condition that retries on any error.
never Convenience retry condition that retries on no error at all.
default_backoff Simple default truncated exponential backoff policy.

Module: sys

Common system interface, with platform-dependent implementation.

get_env Retrieves the value of the specified environment variable.
log Writes one of data, text, or json to the log at specified severity.
now Returns Unix time, as a floating-point number.
sleep Suspends execution for the given number of seconds.
sleep_until Suspends execution until the given time.

Module: text

Text processing.

To concatenate a string, see Strings.

decode Decodes given data to string, assuming the specified character set.
encode Encodes given text to bytes, using the specified character set.
find_all Finds the index of all instances of a substring in a string.
find_all_regex Finds all matches of a regular expression in a string.
match_regex Reports whether a string contains a match of a regular expression.
replace_all Replaces all instances of a substring with a new string.
replace_all_regex Replaces all matches of a regular expression with a new string.
split Splits the source string into a list of all substrings between each instance of the separator.
substring Extracts the substring between two zero-based indexes of a source string.
to_lower Returns a string with all Unicode letters mapped to their lowercase.
to_upper Returns a string with all Unicode letters mapped to their uppercase.
url_decode Returns a string with pluses and percent-escaped characters converted to UTF-8.
url_encode Returns a string with percent-encoded reserved characters, including spaces.
url_encode_plus Returns a string with percent-encoded reserved characters, and spaces replaced by pluses (+).

Module: time

Time-related utility functions.

format Formats the given timestamp as a human-readable string.
parse Parses the given RFC 3339-compatible string into a timestamp.

Module: uuid

UUID utility.

generate Returns a random universally unique identifier (UUID).