Receber detalhes da operação

Extrair informações detalhadas sobre uma operação.

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Para autenticar no VMware Engine, configure o Application Default Credentials. Para mais informações, consulte Configurar a autenticação para um ambiente de desenvolvimento local.

from import vmwareengine_v1
from google.longrunning.operations_pb2 import GetOperationRequest

def get_operation_by_name(operation_name: str) -> Operation:
    Retrieve detailed information about an operation.

        operation_name: name identifying an operation you want to check.
            Expected format: projects/{project_id}/locations/{region}/operations/{operation_id}

        Operation object with details.
    client = vmwareengine_v1.VmwareEngineClient()
    request = GetOperationRequest() = operation_name
    return client.get_operation(request)

def get_operation(project_id: str, region: str, operation_id: str) -> Operation:
    Retrieve detailed information about an operation.

        project_id: name of the project running the operation.
        region: name of the region in which the operation is running.
        operation_id: identifier of the operation.

        Operation object with details.
    return get_operation_by_name(

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