Private VMware Engine-Cloud erstellen

Erstellt eine neue Private Cloud mit der VMWare Engine. Das Erstellen einer neuen privaten Cloud ist ein langwieriger Vorgang, der mehr als eine Stunde dauern kann.

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Richten Sie die Standardanmeldedaten für Anwendungen ein, um sich bei der VMware Engine zu authentifizieren. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Authentifizierung für eine lokale Entwicklungsumgebung einrichten.

from google.api_core import operation
from import vmwareengine_v1


def create_private_cloud(
    project_id: str, zone: str, network_name: str, cloud_name: str, cluster_name: str
) -> operation.Operation:
    Creates a new Private Cloud using VMware Engine.

    Creating a new Private Cloud is a long-running operation and it may take over an hour.

        project_id: name of the project you want to use.
        zone: the zone you want to use, i.e. "us-central1-a"
        network_name: name of the VMWareNetwork to use for the new Private Cloud
        cloud_name: name of the new Private Cloud
        cluster_name: name for the new cluster in this Private Cloud

        An operation object representing the started operation. You can call its .result() method to wait for it to finish.
    request = vmwareengine_v1.CreatePrivateCloudRequest()
    request.parent = f"projects/{project_id}/locations/{zone}"
    request.private_cloud_id = cloud_name

    request.private_cloud = vmwareengine_v1.PrivateCloud()
    request.private_cloud.management_cluster = (
    request.private_cloud.management_cluster.cluster_id = cluster_name

    node_config = vmwareengine_v1.NodeTypeConfig()
    node_config.node_count = DEFAULT_NODE_COUNT

    # Currently standard-72 is the only supported node type.
    request.private_cloud.management_cluster.node_type_configs = {
        "standard-72": node_config

    request.private_cloud.network_config = vmwareengine_v1.NetworkConfig()
    request.private_cloud.network_config.vmware_engine_network = network_name
    request.private_cloud.network_config.management_cidr = DEFAULT_MANAGEMENT_CIDR

    client = vmwareengine_v1.VmwareEngineClient()
    return client.create_private_cloud(request)

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